11x10 - The Prototypes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x10 - The Prototypes

Post by bunniefuu »

NICK REDFERN: If the theory
of evolution is correct,

we should see a steady,
slow progression.

We're actually not seeing that.

What we're seeing, really,

is something like out of
The Lord of the Rings.

a group of people indigenous

to this planet,
and you really can't trace

what their ancestry was.

The planet has been
an experimental lab.

WILLIAM LEONARD: At this point,
we don't know exactly why

these other species died off.

Could this be an experiment

by extraterrestrials
where, in the end,

only h*m* sapiens survived?

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so,
might the proof be found

by investigating the prototypes?

NARRATOR: Temple University,
Philadelphia. 1992.

History professor
Dr. David Jacobs

releases his book Secret Life.

After over 30 years of
collecting research data

and interviewing
hundreds of individuals

claiming to have been abducted
by extraterrestrials,

Jacobs became convinced
that aliens were using Earth

as a genetic laboratory

to create a new species
of alien-human hybrids.

I've looked at about 1,150,

1,175 different
abduction events,

and I became convinced
that this was the real item,

that the people actually
were being abducted.

And they all say the same thing,
and it's global.

They're put on a table,

there are procedures
that are applied to them.

Men have sperm taken from them;

women have eggs taken from them.

Very often,
they're taken into other rooms

where they see babies
who look odd,

look sort of like a cross
between human and alien babies.

The question is:
are humans being manipulated

to become a hybrid species

Although critics acknowledge

that Dr. Jacobs' research
is meticulous and methodical,

they continue to dismiss the
abduction phenomenon entirely.

But could it be
that extraterrestrials

are actually using human DNA

to add a new branch
to the evolutionary tree?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and they suggest that,

while modern-day abduction
stories are compelling,

the answer might best be found

by examining mankind's
very beginnings

and the numerous other
human-like species

with whom we once
shared the Earth.

(birds chirping)

(animal growling)

Gauteng Province, South Africa.

September 13, 2013.

Recreational spelunkers
unearth a trove

of human-like fossils
deposited deep inside a cavern

known as the Rising Star Cave.

Paleoanthropologists determine
that the bones

are remarkably distinctive

from any previously found
early human remains,

and upon further examination,

decide that they are actually
not human at all,

adding a startling new piece
to the evolutionary puzzle.

They call this new species
h*m* naledi

to correspond with the Dinaledi
chamber it was discovered in,

which translates to
"chamber of stars."

What is remarkable
about these hominids

is that they are
a distinctive mix

of both primitive

and more advanced
hominid characteristics.

So there are some elements
of h*m* naledi,

like the shape of the skull,
the size of the teeth,

the feet, the ankles,
that are very human-like.

There are other characteristics,
like the brain size,

only about 500 ccs,

so about a third
of modern human brain size,

and also aspects of
the shoulder and the trunk

that are much more primitive,

much more similar to
our earlier hominin ancestors.

PETER WARD: The original thought
is this might be,

really, the first humans
of Africa,

seven to three million
years ago.

But this cave seemed newer.

The way the bodies were placed
seemed almost too regular.

It looked as if there was
at least ceremony

to what was being done.

And that, of course, suggests
this would be a fairly well-on

evolutionary advanced creature.

Finding the h*m* naledi bones

is considered
the most astonishing

human fossil discovery
of the last 50 years,

as it adds a baffling new branch
to the human family tree.

This is a tremendously
exciting time.

Both the fossil
and the genetic evidence

really underscore that there
is much more diversity

in human forms
in our evolutionary past

than we previously recognized.

The hominin, or hominid,

branch of the evolutionary tree
includes modern humans,

as well as the extinct
human predecessors

such as Neanderthal,

h*m* habilis, h*m* erectus,

and other early,
intelligent standing primates

that have long since vanished.

And despite many years
of thinking otherwise,

scientists are now discovering

that many of these species

What we're seeing, really,

is something like out of
The Lord of the Rings,

where we have all kinds
of different humanoids

who are tall and short,

who have different color skins,
different types of hair.

Even their brains
are slightly different.

Some are more animals or apes.

Others are more refined.

Some researchers suggest

that these recent discoveries
may require a retooling

of Darwin's theory of evolution,

which was first proposed
in 1859.

In his work
On the Origin of Species,

Darwin laid out the foundation
for evolutionary theory

by proposing that gradual
multigenerational changes,

occurring due to
natural selection,

would result in the modification
of existing species.

If the theory of evolution
is correct,

we should see a steady,
slow progression.

We're actually not seeing that.

We're seeing the sudden
surfacing of early humans

who are actually
very highly evolved.

The scientific community
explains everything away

by nothing else

but natural selection
and coincidence.

And the intelligent design camp

suggests everything
was done by God.

What if this external force
did in fact exist?

But it may have been
an extraterrestrial.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that the evolution of humans,

and even prehuman hominin,

might not be entirely
what Darwin proposed?

Might there be an even
more profound explanation

for the different species
of intelligent hominin

that once existed on Earth?

Perhaps clues can be found
by exploring the details

contained within some
of humanity's earliest stories

of our creation.

We have this notion
that the people

that were the earliest
examples of a civilization

were not the first attempts,

that there were failures
that came before,

and finally they would come up
with something better,

and that would be the prototype
that became the people.

Sumerian texts speak
of deformed humans

created by Enki and
the mother goddess Ninhursag

in the course of their efforts
to fashion a perfect person.

In all, six protohumans
were made

before they came up
with what they wanted.

In the Mayan text the Popol Vuh,
"the Book of the People,"

it is said that there were
three attempts to make people.

NARRATOR: Could the stories
of gods creating

multiple versions of man--

which can be found
in the Mayan Popol Vuh,

the ancient Sumerian texts
and other writings--

be accounts of what
actually happened on Earth

in the distant past?

And if so,
just who were these gods?

There's a very good chance
that early humans were possibly

genetically manipulated
by advanced extraterrestrials

trying to formulate and create
the ultimate human species.

What if at the heart of it
is the concept

that the planet itself has been
an experimental lab,

an experimental garden,

and that all of these different
models getting to h*m* sapien,

that there had been
all kinds of models,

all for different reasons,
all part of tests,

-all done by DNA manipulation
by nonhumans -(heart beating)

in the extraterrestrial

Could the widespread mythologies

about the creation
of various human prototypes

be real accounts of
an extraterrestrial experiment,

an experiment that continues
to this day?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
the fossil discovery

of real-life hobbits.

There is a new species

that's come straight
out of the incubator.

TSOUKALOS: Some people have
suggested that this island

served as some type
of a petri dish.

The Indonesian island of Flores,

just north of Australia.

September 6, 2003.

Archaeologists seeking evidence

for the first h*m* sapiens
migration to Indonesia

come upon what they believe
is the skull of a human child,

embedded in the earth

20 feet beneath the surface
of Liang Bua Cave.

After several days
of careful excavation,

enough of the cranium
and mandible are exposed

to reveal that the teeth
belong not to a child,

but to a fully grown adult.

The skull, along with
the skeletal remains

that were recovered weeks later,
belong to an ancient hominin

that stood only
three-and-a-half feet tall.

Scientists name the species
h*m* floresiensis,

but they are more commonly
referred to as "the hobbits."

The Flores hominids date
to 16,000 to 18,000 years ago,

a time period when, we thought,

only anatomically
modern humans existed.

What is remarkable about
the Flores remains

is their tiny, tiny body size.

And as well, at least one of
the specimens has a brain size

that is only about the size
of a chimpanzee, 300 to 400 ccs.

And yet you have tools
that are consistent

with anatomically modern humans.

How to reconcile that
is still an open question.

CHILDRESS: The recent
discoveries of these hobbits

on the island of Flores
in Indonesia

has really rocked
the anthropological world.

And anthropologists were
really not aware

and didn't think
that there would be

this miniature type of person,

who's a distinct species
from h*m* sapiens.

Prehistoric stone tools

found on the island of Flores

suggest that these
so-called hobbits

may have arrived there
800,000 years prior.

How did this species
get to the island?

So there are two options
how this could have happened.

One is that these hobbit people
arrived there on boats,

or they were planted there

by extraterrestrials
in the remote past.

Some people even have suggested
that this island served

as some type of a petri dish
because of its isolation.

NARRATOR: Seven years after
the initial Flores discovery,

archaeologists stumble across
yet another new species

8,000 miles away

in the remote
Altai Mountains of Siberia.

Isolated in a cave

at an elevation over
2,400 feet above sea level,

scientists discover a finger
bone fragment and tooth

of a previously unknown prehuman

that existed at least
40,000 years ago.

They name the species Denisovan,

after the name of the cave
that the bones were found in.

It's particularly fascinating
that when we look

at the geographical distribution
of the early humans,

they're in different
parts of the world.

We have the Denisovans
in Siberia and Russia.

We have h*m* floresiensis
on the island of Flores.

And the list goes on.

It begs the question:
How would that happen?

Why would it not be the case

that multiple different
types of human

would appear in multiple areas?

But they had their own
geographical location.

NARRATOR: Discoveries made
in just the last two decades

paint a picture of at least
four distinct groups

of intelligent hominins

existing in isolated pockets
of the world:

h*m* floresiensis, isolated
on the island of Flores,

Denisovans being found in
the Altai Mountains of Siberia,

Neanderthal found occupying
Western Europe,

and anatomically modern humans
evolving in Africa.

Scientists don't
entirely understand

the role of
geographic isolation,

but what we know from studies
of island populations

of both humans
and nonhuman species today

is that isolated environments
are fertile ground

for producing unique
and distinctive adaptations

and also extremes in body size.

In 1972,

renowned evolutionary theorist
Dr. Stephen Jay Gould

proposed a modification to
the standard model of evolution.

His punctuated equilibrium
theory addressed evidence

that changes
in the fossil record

came not as a steady
process of gradual evolution,

as proposed by Darwin,

but rather in fits and starts.

And these rapid changes
seemed to primarily occur

in situations of isolation.

His theory continues
to be considered controversial,

as it also suggested
that there must've been

an unknown mechanism at play.

But his research
stops short of defining

what this could have been.

CHILDRESS: We don't have
the step-by-step changes

that we were expecting to find.

So we have to ask ourselves,
is there really

this slow random evolution?

Or are there sudden leaps,

where suddenly
there is a new kind of species

that's just come straight
out of the incubator?

And so it's like we have these
different species of humans

that are being developed
in isolation

in different parts of the world.

Extraterrestrials would

use islands for one experiment,

tops of mountains
for another experiment.

But they would control
what they were doing by keeping

their different experiments
separated from each other--

oceans, mountains,

islands, peninsulas.

TSOUKALOS: If you subscribe
to the zoo hypothesis,

which suggests that this
entire planet is nothing else

but an experiment
for extraterrestrial entities,

then one has to wonder:

Could this be an experiment
by extraterrestrials

where, in the end,
only h*m* sapiens survived?

Could remote areas of the globe

have served as extraterrestrial
incubation sites

for protohuman development?

If so,
was the experiment eradicated

to make room for the growth
of h*m* sapiens?

Perhaps further clues
can be found by taking

a closer examination of our
nearest evolutionary cousin--

the Neanderthal.

LEONARD: It doesn't look like
a lack of intelligence led

to the demise of Neanderthals.

REDFERN: This was
extraterrestrial intervention

wiping out early humans
and starting over.

NARRATOR: Sima de las Palomas,
Spain. 2011.

Archaeologists unearth
a prehistoric grave

containing three individuals

buried side-by-side
with their arms folded

in a ritualistic fashion.

Because of the manner
of their burial,

the archaeologists
assume the remains are human,

but are surprised to discover
that they are actually

our evolutionary cousin,

It takes a good deal of
imagination to prepare the dead.

It suggests some kind of notion
of an afterlife.

If there is that,

there is usually a notion
of a deity of some kind.

That is fairly complicated
religious thinking,

suggesting that the Neanderthals
had a capacity

for symbolic reasoning
and the formation of culture.

This suggests
a level of civilization,

or at least the proto-culture,

that is further along
than we used to think.

Neanderthals, unfortunately,
because of early discoveries

that made them look
like a brutish caveman,

not intelligent, that they're
very, very different from us.

They were shorter and stockier,
but they had huge brains.

They clearly had clothing.

They cared
for their sick and elderly.

They were very intelligent.

In 2014,

scientists analyzed materials

from 40 different
archaeological sites

to determine
a reliable extinction date

for Neanderthals.

The date they came up with
is 40,000 years ago,

suggesting they coexisted
with h*m* sapiens

for at least 1,000 years.

But just why did they die off?

At this point,
we don't know exactly why

these other species died off.

it does broadly coincide with

the expansion
of anatomically modern humans

to all parts of the globe.

But contrary to our notions
from the past,

it doesn't look like it was
a lack of intelligence

that led to the demise
of Neanderthals.

NARRATOR: Although Neanderthals
are long extinct,

in 2013, evolutionary
geneticists discovered

select modern human populations

carry genomes from both
Neanderthal and Denisovans,

suggesting that, at some point,
interbreeding occurred.

Neanderthal genetic markers
are concentrated in populations

in Europe
and parts of the Middle East.

Denisovan markers can be found

in the mainland
Asian populations,

as well as Pacific Islander,
New Guineans

and Australian Aborigines.

According to some
ancient astronaut theorists,

this interbreeding may be
the key to understanding

the demise of the other
intelligent hominin species

that once shared the planet
with humans.

Consider the possibility that
these different hominid strains

were meant to be kept

geologically separated
from each other,

across tracts of land that were
considered to be too vast

for them to ultimately come
into contact with one another.

Is it possible that
interbreeding was frowned upon,

and that once interbreeding
with Neanderthals started

to take place,

it was damaging the very essence
of the experiment?

And because of that,
the Neanderthal strain

had to be terminated
or removed from the planet

to stop this from happening.

When we look at ancient texts,

particularly religious texts,
from millennia ago,

what we find is the idea
of the gods or a god

wanting to create a human
that was pure,

sort of physically and morally.

What we also find

are accounts where the wrath
of God or the wrath of the gods

-hammered down on us
-(thunder crashing)

for essentially going
off the rails, so to speak.

And we could make a case
that this was some example

of extraterrestrial intervention
to essentially try

and purify again the species,

and that might have involved
wiping out significant portions

of early humans
and starting over.

NOORY: It's very possible
that the aliens decided

that in order
to cleanse the planet,

they needed to do things
of huge magnitude,

like the flood
that the Bible talks about.

The flood was geared to
primarily eradicating the people

that were on the planet
at that time.

Well, God could have been
the extraterrestrials,

-could have created
that somehow. -(panting)

It's very possible
and very likely

-that in order to eradicate
a species -(people screaming)

that they may have genetically
altered themselves

and screwed up with,

that they needed to get rid of
them and start all over again.

Did extraterrestrials eradicate

various prehuman species

in an attempt to keep
the human genetic line clean?

Could the evolutionary
bottlenecks in our prehistory

support this theory?

And just as evidence
of interbreeding

exists in our genetic signature,

might there also have been
unintended survivors?

There is no connection

between these two groups.
We couldn't understand

why they're so different,
these X haplogroups.

NOORY: You have people
indigenous to this planet,

and you really can't trace
what their ancestry was.

Emory University.

Atlanta, Georgia. 1998.

Researchers analyze DNA data

collected from various
Native American populations,

in an effort to trace back
their ancestral descent

through the Bering Strait.

The lineages are categorized
into four haplogroups:

A, B, C or D.

Each line representing
a different migration

off the Asian continent

between 20,000
to 30,000 years ago.

But what they also find

is that a small portion
of the Native population

falls completely outside any
previously known genetic group.

They can trace the ancestry
back 36,000 years,

but not to the Bering Strait.

Scientists dub it the X lineage.

Among human haplogroups,
one stands out:

the X lineage, which is found

in about 2.5 percent of
some Native American groups,

and also in a small population

of northern Europeans
and the Middle East.

And there is no connection
between these groups.

We couldn't understand
why they're so different,

these X haplogroups.

NOORY: Isn't it amazing
that you have a group of people

indigenous, we think,
to this planet

and you really can't trace
what their ancestry was?

Scientists throw up their hands
and they simply say,

"I don't know how this can be,
because these people

"aren't somehow related
to these people.

How can this be?"

NARRATOR: While the source
of this X lineage

remains a mystery, some ancient
astronaut theorists believe

it might be connected
to a lost race of people

that were said to have existed
throughout the world,

including North America.

CHILDRESS: It's possible
that this X lineage gene

is related to the giants

that were reported
throughout the world.

Starting in the mid-1800s,

in America,
archaeologists began excavating

skeletons of giants who were

seven to eight feet tall
in many cases.

In the 1800s,

Smithsonian archaeologists
unearthed dozens

of oversized skeletons contained
within the burial mounds

of the ancient
Adena Indian tribe.

The highest
concentration of which

were found in the Kanawha Valley
of West Virginia,

an area known to researchers
as the valley of the giants.

Author and researcher
William Henry

is meeting up with a local
Adena Indian researcher,

Jason Jarrell, to have a look

at one of these
ancient earthworks.

This is the Criel Mound,
and this mound was excavated

by the Smithsonian Institution

in November of 1883.

The Smithsonian
sank a circular shaft

from the top of this mound

-down through the center
to the bottom. -Wow.

JARRELL: And that's where
they found an elaborate tomb.

This structure
contained 11 burials.

Ten of these burials
were arranged

in a semi-circular fashion
around a central personage.

So you have ten people
around a central figure.

What was significant
about this central figure?

According to A.R. Sines,
who assisted

in the excavation of this mound,

the central burial,
when measured in the tomb,

was six-foot-eight
and three quarters.

Now, the skull had been
pulverized by the excavation,

so a complete measurement
wasn't possible.

So, in all likelihood,
this individual

was probably around
seven feet tall.

That's a giant.

It's a gigantic humanoid.

So we're saying the Smithsonian

came here in 1883

and discovered a giant?

That's correct.
In fact, they discovered giants

in many of the mounds
here in Charleston.

There were originally
50 burial mounds

-in this valley.

And I've actually got some
documentation here to show you.

-Let's see.
-This is the manuscript

of the agent of the Smithsonian
who excavated these mounds.

And this represents
his day-to-day journal

of his excavations, including
the one that's mentioned

on this page,
which is measured as

seven foot,
six inches in length.


So wait a minute,
this is a government worker...

-Correct. Correct.
-...who's out doing a job,

excavating a mound,
and he discovers giants?

Multiple gigantic skeletons.

The ones in this valley

being between
seven and eight feet tall.

That is incredible. So why
don't we all know about it?

How come it's not
in history books?

Well, the policy of denial
of the discovery

of gigantic
human skeletons actually

wasn't enacted until about 1920.

Uh, before that time period,
the Smithsonian

acknowledged these giants
in their own reports.

Absolutely amazing.

For years,
I've been hearing stories,

Native American legends
about giants.

It appears that we've
unearthed evidence,

proof of their existence,
here in West Virginia.

But, for whatever reason,
that proof was suppressed.

It probably has to do
with the fact that

it doesn't fit with our model
of human evolution.

We have to ask:

Is there
an extraterrestrial connection?

CHILDRESS: You have these
Biblical stories of the watchers

and the sons of God

coming to Earth,
breeding with humans

to create this new race
of giants,

the Nephilim.

These giant skeletons

seem to be evidence
of-of the watchers

and the Nephilim.

We have to ask ourselves

who these seven,
eight-foot giants were.

Were they somehow the vestiges
of these giants of the Bible?

It's a mystery that
archeologists have yet to solve.

And part of the answer
may be extraterrestrial DNA

that's part of these giants.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the remains

of a giant-sized population
were discovered

on the North American continent
over 100 years ago?

If so, were these beings
a variation

of h*m* sapiens,

an ancient intelligent hominin,

or an otherworldly species

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining the rarest

and most mysterious
human blood type on Earth.

NOORY: Rh-negative people
may have been evolved

from a different kind
of species.

There is a danger

because these two blood types
can't interbreed.

NARRATOR: Located between
the border of Spain and France

is the Pyrenees Mountain Range.

The people that occupy
this isolated region are known

as the Basque,

and they have long confounded
anthropologists and historians.

The language spoken
by the enclave is not related

to any other
in that part of the world.

And the population also
has the highest concentration

of Rh-negative blood type
in the world.

Up to 35% of Basque people
have Rh-negative blood.

And Rh-negative blood is one
of the most unusual blood types.

And it's the one blood type
that is least likely

to mutate or interact
with other blood types.

Human blood types are grouped

into four distinct designations
that include O, A, B and AB.

Additionally, there is another
variance between blood types

known as the Rh-factor,
or Rhesus factor,

which is a measure

of Rhesus-based antigens
in the blood.

The name comes
from a monkey from India

and other parts of Asia,
which is the rhesus macaque.

And this monkey was used
in experiments,

looking at blood transfusions.

How blood was received
from recipients varied.

And it was discovered that

the Rhesus factor could be
positive or negative.

Most humans in the world
are Rhesus positive.

NARRATOR: 85% of humans
in the world are Rh-positive

and have no issues
receiving blood

from positive
or negative donors.

But for the Rh-negative

receiving Rh-positive blood
may be fatal,

as the body will try to destroy
the foreign antigens.

And for women
that are Rh-negative,

mating with
a Rh-positive partner

could be detrimental
to the fetus.

If a Rhesus positive and
a Rhesus negative parents

were to have an offspring,

there is a potential danger
to the offspring,

because these two blood types
can't interbreed, basically.

Medical intervention is needed.

It's why actually, in the past,
people had to have a blood test

before they were allowed
to get married.

REDFERN: The very fact
that an Rh-negative mother,

her body would actually try
to k*ll an Rh-positive baby

generates bizarre scenarios.

How on earth could this happen?

It suggests
somewhere in our lineage

that the Rh-negatives and
the Rh-positives are perceived

as being profoundly different.

And also, studies
of Rh-negatives suggest that

they have lower than normal
blood pressure,

lower than normal pulse.

In a number of cases,

they have an extra vertebra
in their back.

Rh-negative is very rare.

Most of the world didn't have it

until colonization started
in the 15th century.

Rh-negative didn't exist
in the Americas,

and it didn't exist
in southern Africa,

it didn't exist in Asia.

It was only in Europe,
so it spread out from there.

Out of Africa,
that theory has it

that all human beings
originated in Africa,

southern Africa, sub Sahara.

They're all Rh-positive.

They don't have any Rh-negative.

Where did Rh-negative
evolve, then?

NOORY: 15% of the humans
have Rh-negative blood.

Fifteen percent.

And scientists have no idea
where it came from.

What they do believe
is that if you have that,

you may have been evolved

from a different kind of species
on this planet.

Now was that species put here,
genetically altered?

Or was it just
a natural formation

of the planet
in its evolutionary stage?

Who knows? But the fact is
that Rh-negative people--

and again, there's 15% of them
on this planet--

may have come
from outside sources.

Could the Rh-negative blood type

offer evidence of a vastly
different prehuman evolution

than what we are led to believe
in our history books?

-Might it offer indisputable
proof -(heart beating)

of extraterrestrial intervention
in the remote past?

But if so,
is the experimentation

with intelligent hominin over,

or is it still taking place?

A decade and a half

after Dr. David Jacobs
wrote his book

proposing that aliens are
experimenting on humans,

anthropologist Dr. John Hawkes
publishes research suggesting

that humans have
inexplicably experienced

an accelerated evolution
in recent history.

Humanity entered into

a supercharged period
of evolution.

If you look at DNA from a human
walking around in 3,000 B.C.,

and you compare it
to what we have today,

it is seven percent different.

What is this telling us?

It could be that
extraterrestrials are involved

in that process, shepherding our
genetic change through contact,

through genetic work
that they are doing.

NOORY: Millions of people
report being abducted.

They can't all be wrong.

Something is happening
to these people.

And if you assume for a moment

that we may be the test tube
of the universe,

where they experiment

and genetically manipulate
and change things,

it's very possible
that the experiment continues.

Young children are changing.

They're smarter,
they're more mature,

they're growing up much faster

than we did
when we were children.

What will it be like
50 years from now

or a 100 years from now
is anybody's guess.

Could it be--

as ancient astronaut theorists

that evolution is not just
the result of natural selection,

but also alien manipulation?

And that humans
are quickly becoming

an entirely new species,

designed to replace
h*m* sapiens?

HENRY: What we will begin to see
in the coming decades

is the fulfillment of a plan
by extraterrestrials

to ultimately transform humans
into celestial beings.

The ultimate goal is
to make us better suited

for traveling in space
and the return to the stars.

Are we now being replaced

by a brand-new
hybridized species?

One of the things
that I think about often now:

Neanderthals never knew

they were going to be replaced
by h*m* sapiens.

Is mankind the result

of an extraterrestrial

Could isolated regions of Earth
have served as laboratories

until the time when one species
was chosen to continue?

And might
this genetic manipulation

still be ongoing
even to this day?

Perhaps it will soon be revealed

that we, too,
are experimental humans,

serving as the latest link
in the chain

of a directed evolution,

and being prepared for a future

alongside our alien ancestors.
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