11x01 - Pyramids of Antarctica

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x01 - Pyramids of Antarctica

Post by bunniefuu »

DAVID CHILDRESS: This gigantic
pyramid in Antarctica

would be the oldest
pyramid on our planet.

WILLIAM HENRY: It's possible
that underneath the ice

will be keys for us
to reclaim our ancient past.

GEORGE NOORY: The Nazis were
particularly interested

in Antarctica.

DAVID WILCOCK: Saucers were
coming up out of the water

and were sh**ting them
with some sort of beam,

literally cutting ships in half.

may hold lost remnants

of an extraterrestrial

that existed there, thousands
and thousands of years ago.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so, might
the ultimate proof be found

when we uncover the pyramids
of Antarctica?

NARRATOR: Stretching over
five million square miles,

across the southernmost
reaches of the Earth,

lies the coldest and most
isolated continent in the world,


Because of its hostile climate,

including average
daily temperatures

of minus 49 degrees Fahrenheit

and wind speeds of
over 200 miles per hour,

Antarctica remains
largely untouched

by mankind.

According to historical records,

modern man did not even
set foot on the continent

until 1853,

when ship captain
Mercator Cooper landed

on what is now known as

the Oates Coast
of Victoria Land.

Today, anywhere from
1,000 to 5,000 people

reside at the research stations
scattered across the continent,

braving the extreme conditions
in hopes of learning more

about this mysterious landscape.

The thing about Antarctica

is that as much as 98% of it

is covered in ice.

And just occasionally,

there are little areas
that stick out--

mountaintops, ridges, peaks.

Antarctica is the least explored

of the continents.

Even the North Pole,
which is just ice,

has been explored more.

It is a mystery, and it's
right here on the Earth.

It's perhaps the last big
unexplored part

of our home planet.

CHILDRESS: Antarctica
is a vast, frozen world

and we know
very little about it.

And, in fact,
the ice in Antarctica

is up to three miles thick
in certain places.

And what's beneath the ice

is still largely a mystery
to scientists.

You just have to imagine this.

The Sears Tower is a little less

under a third of a mile tall,

so you have to imagine
that you can stack

nine Sears Towers
on top of each other

and they would still
not peek out

from that ice sheet.

Most geologists believe

Antarctica has been
completely frozen

and uninhabited
for over 12 million years.

But in 2012, new photographs

revealed formations
in the landscape

that challenge this notion:

Mysterious pyramid structures

emerging from
the now-melting ice.

Recently there have been
a number of reports

of pyramids being found
on Antarctica.

There are various photographs

that show what appear to be

perfect four-sided pyramids,

very similar in design
to those at Giza, Egypt,

and perhaps other places
around the world.

NARRATOR: While the photos
were explained away

by mainstream scientists

as nothing more than natural
land formations...

satellite imagery analysts
like Joseph White

are not entirely convinced.

In March of 2013,

he uncovered
what he believes is evidence

of yet another pyramid,
located just south

of Antarctica's remote
Shackleton mountain range.

I initially found the structure

whilst looking on Google Earth.
I was in fact looking

at some of the ra-rather strange
blank spots that you get

in Antarctica, when I stumbled
on... upon this very large

square structure which seems
to be some kind of building

or perhaps even a pyramid,
but certainly,

very large and very square.

It actually lines up perfectly
with the coordinates

of the compass: north,
south, east and west.

And, uh, this dictates to me
that it's probably

an intelligent structure,
because, uh, random structures,

like mountains,
are not aligned to the compass.

And another way we know
that, uh, a structure

is not naturally occurring

is generally
to look for symmetry--

things like right angles
and equilateral triangles

and shapes that you would not
normally find in nature.

This structure is-is exactly,

uh, two kilometers square.

And, uh, this corner
to this corner

is two kilometers
and this corner to this corner

is also exactly two kilometers,

which would make this
more than double the size

of any pyramid
thus far found on Earth.

While it may seem unthinkable

that pyramids
could exist in Antarctica,

in recent years, archaeologists
have found pyramids

all over the world

that had been lost
for centuries,

mistaken as natural formations

or hidden
in the most unlikely places.

They have been discovered

in the plains of northern Peru;

buried beneath dirt
and rubble in Indonesia;

and one may even exist

in Los Angeles, California.

All the way round the world

we find evidence
of pyramid structures.

We should start
looking at the possibility

that there was habitation
on Antarctica.

Was it a lost civilization?

Could it be ancient astronauts?

And just maybe

the earliest monuments
of our own civilization

came originally from Antarctica.

CHILDRESS: If this gigantic
pyramid in Antarctica

is an artificial structure,

it would probably be the oldest
pyramid on our planet.

And, in fact, it might be
the master pyramid

that all the other pyramids

on planet Earth were designed,

uh, to-to look like.

MICHAEL SALLA: There has been
extensive research done

on pyramids
throughout the world,

in terms of their structure and
what it is that they really are.

And one of the theories is that
pyramids are power generators.

And so, if you have these
pyramids strategically placed

around the world,
generating this charge,

it's possible to create

a general standing wave
around the world

that is basically a wireless

transmission of energy.

CHILDRESS: It's been theorized
that ancient ships,

and those with high technology

could use this interconnected

wireless energy system

to navigate around the planet

and it makes sense that,

if there was
some kind of worldwide

pyramid power grid like this,

that Antarctica

would have pyramids as well.

TSOUKALOS: The whole idea
of these pyramidal structures--

where did it come from?

'Cause it's not
an arbitrary thing.

And these structures,
they exist worldwide.

So, you know, what was the

What's the origin?

And, even more fascinating,

did they originate

on the Antarctic continent?

Might the pyramid

Joseph White claims
to have discovered

near the Shackleton
Mountain Range

and other
pyramid-shaped formations

recently photographed
in Antarctica

provide evidence
of extraterrestrial visitation

to our planet
in the remote past?

And if they are actually
man-made structures,

how is such a thing
even possible

in a place that has been buried
beneath the ice

for over 12 million years?

to ancient astronaut theorists,

Antarctica may not have been
a frozen continent

for as long as mainstream
scientists suggest.

And they say proof can be found

by examining a 500-year-old map
depicting the continent...

without any ice.

Siberia, 2013.

A wooly mammoth is discovered

flash frozen
in the glacial ice,

engulfed so quickly

that its blood and muscle tissue
are perfectly preserved.

It is just one of dozens

that have been found
within the Siberian ice

since the turn
of the 20th century.

Many seemingly caught
in suspended animation,

some with food in their mouths

and vegetation
in their stomachs

that would only grow
in a much warmer climate.

MICHAEL DENNIN: The discovery
of a woolly mammoth

that was flash frozen

raises some interesting
scientific questions.

Did something happen very
locally to the woolly mammoth

that it froze very fast?

But it does also
raise the question

of how quickly can climate
really change.

And does it take some sort
of cataclysm?

One that's sudden
and unexpected?

In 1958,

Charles Hapgood,
a Harvard-educated scientist,

published the book,
Earth's Shifting Crust.

In it, he proposed that portions
of the Earth's crust

experienced violent
and sudden shifts

during Earth's
geological history.

His theory,
known as Crustal Displacement,

posited that both Siberia

and the continent
of Antarctica were located

in slightly more
temperate climates

prior to the end
of the last Ice Age,

approximately 12,000 years ago.

But then, some unknown
catastrophe plunged them

into their current positions.

COLLINS: Professor Hapgood
came up with the idea

that the previous
North Pole position had been

in the area of the Hudson Bay.

And then it shifted
to where the pole is today.

And at the southern pole,
he believes

that the area of Antarctica

had previously also experienced
a temperate climate,

and that this was
suddenly now thrust...

into this deep ice and
this harsh, freezing climate.

He believed the last time

that this had actually
taken place

was approximately
12,000 years ago.

When we think about
Earth crust displacement theory

and plate tectonics,

you want to think of the crust
basically floating on the magna

and being able to shift
and move around on top of it.

The Earth's crust
is not one solid piece.

We know it's made
of individual pieces.

So, you could look and see

how the continents probably
used to fit together

and where they've moved,
and how they move apart

over a long period of time.

But the question is, you know,
would something the size

of Antarctica shift suddenly,
or is that too big?

SALLA: These crustal shifts,
according to Hapgood,

actually could happen
over a period of even days.

And so, if you had
a thriving civilization,

this crustal displacement could
have hit it very, very quickly,

and so, it could have
actually been frozen

over a very short period
of time.

NARRATOR: Although
Hapgood's theory of sudden,

large-scale shifts
of the Earth's crust

was not widely accepted,

renowned physicist
Albert Einstein

was "electrified" by it,

and even wrote the foreword
of Hapgood's book.

Hapgood would also find
additional support

for his theory when, in 1960,

while combing through the
Library of Congress archives,

he unearthed an unusual map,
published in 1531.

The map, credited

to mathematician and
cartographer Oronteus Finaeus

appears to depict
an ice-free continent

remarkably similar
to today's maps of Antarctica.

COLLINS: It was not until
as late as 1820

that we had any real idea
of what Antarctica looked like.

Yet, here, on the Oronteus
Finaeus map from 1531,

here was Antarctica.

How the hell is it possible

that it could appear
on this map?

Researchers are baffled

as to how
the Oronteus Finaeus map

could include a continent

that was not discovered
until over 300 years later,

and are even more perplexed

by the fact that it depicts
Antarctica free of ice.

If explorers somehow discovered
Antarctica in the 1500s,

it would have been
completely frozen over.

the Finaeus map shows not only

a detailed coastline
free of ice,

but the entire continent,

including interior features
such as rivers,

valleys and mountains.

The map shows mountain ranges

that have rivers coming out
of the mountain ranges.

How could that be?

It's frozen. It's ice.

There's a NASA image of
the continent of Antarctica

using radar so that
mountain ranges come through

and can be seen.

And you can see a mountain range
on one photograph,

and on the Oronteus Finaeus map,
it's right there, too.

It's the same mountain range.

According to climatologists,

the estimates of when this
feature would have been free

from ice cover was
at least 6,000 years ago.

So how is it possible
that this map exists?

Did Finaeus have access
to an older map?

One dating back
thousands of years?

Perhaps more confounding,
U.S. Air Force cartographers

that were sent the maps
in the 1960s

concluded that they were drawn

using advanced
spherical trigonometry

with remarkable precision,
especially when considering

the maps were made
hundreds of years ago.

that we find something that's

a reference to modern-day
technology on a map

that dates back
to the 16th century,

makes me think: is it possible

that some type of advanced radar
technology was used?

Because in order
to produce a map

that would outline
the areas we see,

you would have to be
at an altitude of 80 miles.

So, how was that possible?

Could it be that the basis
for these maps was gleaned

from maps
that were cartographed

by extraterrestrial
land surveyors?

The implications of all this--

and if you now are able
to add things like pyramids--

this would really indicate
that there was some kind

of ancient civilization
in Antarctica.

And that it would have been over
12,000 years ago.

And you've got to wonder what
kind of civilization this was.

Is it possible
that it was extraterrestrials?

NARRATOR: Could Antarctica
have been inhabited

by extraterrestrials
in the distant past?

Did they study this continent

and leave behind
detailed information

about its landscape?

If so, just what happened
to these otherworldly visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists

more clues can be found
in Egyptian stories

an Earth-altering catastrophe.

Â♪ Â♪

Edfu, Egypt.

Located on the western bank
of the Nile,

the Temple of Edfu
is one of the largest

and most well preserved temples
of the ancient kingdom,

dating back to 237 BC.

The Edfu Temple
is of tremendous importance.

As you enter the temple, it's
like you're going inside a book.

It's literally full of texts--

every wall, every column,

every room, every chamber
is filled with text.

They're known collectively
as the Edfu Texts.

What is very interesting is that

the majority of these texts
speak about the creation

of the world.

According to the texts,

the Earth was created
by powerful gods

who came down from the sky,

and these gods first established
a place known

as the Island of the Egg.

Two gods,

they created an island in
the middle of the eternal lake.

Creation started
with that island.

BAUVAL: The occupants
of this so-called primordial,

mythical world--
very strange creatures.

There seems to be three groups
of people:

one called the sages,

one called the builders,

and the other called
the Shebtiu.

Nobody knows who they are.

These are the ones
that are very mysterious

because they are said
to emerge from the water.

Then the Egyptians believed
a series of gods came

and built the first temples.

It says that here the first
temples were-were built,

the first ones ever
in the world.

And that these became
the blueprint

for every temple in Egypt.

Once all the creator gods
have done their job

with creating the world,

they would meet with their big
bird and ascend to the sky.

Ancient Egyptians believed
with all their heart

that everything listed
and inscribed on these walls

are true, true, true.

If the walls say there's an
island in the middle of nowhere

where gods would go
and ascend to the sky,

then ancient Egyptians,
the devoted ones,

would believe
that island exists.

According to the Edfu Texts,

not all of the occupants left.

And after many generations,

the island suffered
a terrible fate.

The texts are very different

as to what happens to the
occupants, these strange gods.

They seem to...
once they have set the scene,

once they have built
the temples,

they hand over their work
to the historical lineage,

and then they depart.

We don't know where they go.

There seems to be something
very interesting here.

There seems to be a w*r
going on.

The armies of these divinities

is led by this falcon god.

And he battles a kind of enemy
represented by a snake.

In the skies appeared what
was known as the enemy snake.

It had a name. It was called
the Great Leaping One.

It was said
that immediately it appeared,

there was a time of darkness.

And there were suddenly floods

that destroyed
this sacred island.

And when the waters receded,

these original beings, who were
known as the Ancient Ones

or the Elder Ones,

were now no longer there.

Perhaps the Great Leaping One,
this enemy snake,

was the memory of the comet

that entered
into our inner solar system,

broke up,

causing devastation
and destruction.

NARRATOR: Might the account
of this ancient catastrophe

inscribed on the walls
of the Edfu Temple

be describing a natural event?

Or was it a deliberate attack,

an attack targeting
an otherworldly civilization

existing on what we now know
as the Antarctic continent?

We need to take a second look

at the Edfu Texts and the story

of the Island of the Egg because

it's the source material
for Plato's story.

In his story of Atlantis, he
gives a very important detail.

He describes it
as an immense island

the size of Libya
and North Africa combined.

Now, the thing about it is,
is that there's only one island

on the planet that's out
in the middle of the ocean

that matches that description,
and that's Antarctica.

NARRATOR: Curiously,
the island continent depicted

on the Oronteus Finaeus map

reveals a shift
of the South Pole

of seven and a half degrees,

or nearly 1,000 miles
from what it is today.

Might this shift corroborate
the accounts

of a major catastrophic event
in the remote past?

If so, could the creation myth
recorded at Edfu

be describing something more
than mythology?

The cataclysm which would have
shifted Antarctica,

this would have destroyed
the civilization that was there.

And then, over time,

whatever buildings and pyramids
that were there

would be covered with ice.

So the whole idea
that Antarctica is hiding,

beneath its ice,
some ancient civilization

is a very intriguing idea

and one
that may very well be true.

Might there actually be evidence

of an ancient extraterrestrial

buried under the ice
of Antarctica?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and believe
that this long history

of an alien presence there
is precisely what brought

another occupying force
to its frozen shores--

the Nazis.

NARRATOR: Hamburg, Germany.

December, 1938.

Four years into Adolf Hitler's
reign as Fuhrer,

he is beginning to establish

his total dictatorship
by taking direct control

of the German military.

(speaking German)


NARRATOR: But on the brink
of World w*r II,

Hitler is also involved
in much stranger endeavors

that are hidden to the public.

He is committing
every remaining resource

to searching for ancient relics
that he believes

could hold incredible powers.

On December 17,

the German freighter
MS Schwabenland

sets out on one
of these top secret missions.

Its 33-member team is rumored
to include scientists,

military experts,
construction crews,

and key members
of the Thule Society,

an elite group associated
with the Nazis

that focused on mysticism
and the occult.

32 days later, they arrive
at their destination,


CHILDRESS: The Nazis themselves
were fascinated

by ancient civilizations

and legends
of vanished super races.

They were searching for

this lost Arctic home

that they thought that
the Aryans had come from.

They were looking
all over the world,

and that included Antarctica.

SALLA: The Thule Society
actually believed

that they were mystics,
or channels, who were able

to communicate with these beings

who claimed to be either
extraterrestrial in origin

or claimed to belong
to this, uh, civilization

that lived in Earth's interior.

They gave a lot of information

about the building of advanced
aerospace vehicles,

flying saucers,
and I think this is where,

uh, Hitler's n*zi party
got a lot of its information

about Antarctica--

that, uh, in Antarctica there is
this ancient civilization,

or bases where they could find

a lot of these
advanced technologies.

During their time in Antarctica,

the Nazis were believed
to have mapped

huge swaths
of the icy landscape by air.

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe they also established

an elaborate
underground headquarters

known as Base 211.

Hitler and the Nazis

were particularly interested
in Antarctica.

I think they really believed
that there were things going on

deep under the ice.

And there have always been
rumors that the Nazis,

with their submarines,
have underwater caverns,

small cities;
that they escaped there

after World w*r II.

WILCOCK: When the Germans
got to Antarctica

what they found were

massive cities

that were highly technological.

And these buildings
were not just on the surface--

they went deep down underground.

So, they began relocating
a massive amount of equipment

and personnel to Antarctica,

these ancient facilities

and reoccupying them.

In 1946,

one year after
the end of World w*r II,

the U.S. government
launched its own

large-scale mission
to Antarctica.

Operation Highjump
deployed 4,700 troops,

13 ships, an aircraft carrier,

and a number of seaplanes
to Antarctica.

Although the government
denied it at the time,

it would later become known that

one of the operation's
primary objectives was

"extending the United States'
sovereignty over the largest

practicable area
of the Antarctic continent."

The U.S. Navy, then,
sent what was basically

a flotilla of armed ships
to Antarctica.

In Operation Highjump,

there were stories
that were quite strange,

that ultimately
came out of that expedition,

which-which ended quite early.

There were stories
of craft coming up

out of the water,
around the ships,

and of flying saucer-type

WILCOCK: Saucers were coming up
out of the water,

and were sh**ting them
with some sort of beam,

literally cutting ships in half.

They were sh**ting planes
out of the sky.

And they traveled so fast,

that it was almost impossible

to visually reference

where the disk was going.

So, the American fleet

had to limp back
to the United States,

totally broken and destroyed.

It's still a mystery,

all of the activities

that were going on
in Antarctica.

You have to wonder
if the American military,

and other governments, too,

are aware of structures
under the ice,

of pyramids beneath the ice;
and perhaps they know

that there's some kind
of ancient civilization

frozen beneath the ice
of Antarctica.

NARRATOR: If, in fact,
the Nazis were seeking

extraterrestrial technology
in Antarctica,

is it possible that they
actually discovered it?

And might the U.S. military
have encountered

this powerful technology
years later,

during Operation Highjump?

Ancient astronaut
theorists believe

that further proof of an
alien presence in Antarctica

may be found
in a prehistoric lake

buried under two miles of ice.

NARRATOR: Lake Vostok,

Buried under two miles of ice

is a 4,800-square-mile
body of water.

It is by far the largest

of the continent's
nearly 400 lakes

that are entirely
covered by ice.

In 2001,

pilots collecting data here
recorded unusual

and extreme irregularities
in the magnetic field

at the southeastern corner
of the lake.

Spanning a remarkable

65 by 46 miles,

the anomalous area is producing

an unusually high level
of magnetic energy.

SALLA: This anomaly was roughly,
uh, 50 miles in diameter

and was something that would be

commensurate with
the magnetic field

being generated by a city.

to Lake Vostok several times,

as part of expedition research.
And when we were

in the area, we did pick up
this magnetic anomaly.

But we also found
other magnetic anomalies

which were actually
transitioning from

one place to another.
They were moving.

Highly rare
and extremely unusual.

We weren't able
to determine what was

causing these anomalies.

COLLINS: It's totally

And of course,
this has given rise

to theories that perhaps

there is something else here.

Perhaps it's a UFO...

some kind of alien base;
perhaps even the remnants

of a lost civilization.

And now the NSA themself

have almost put a blanket

over any further research,

and it's almost become
a no-go area.

Vostok is not the only site

with limited outside access.

Seven different countries

have claimed territories
in Antarctica,

yet it remains one of
the most restricted locations

in the world.

Currently, there are 68

international bases here,

many of which require permits

or special permissions to visit.

They are manned
not just with scientists

but also military personnel.

But why is it so restricted?

McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Located on a southern peninsula
of Ross Island,

this is the largest research
station on the continent.

It was opened
by the U.S. government

in 1956 and houses

up to as many as 1,200
residents at a time.

In January of 2015

a U.S. Navy flight engineer,

who served with the
Antarctic Development Squadron

at McMurdo for 14 years,

came forward to investigative
reporter Linda Moulton Howe

with bizarre accounts
of his time in Antarctica.

In January of 2015,

I got an e-mail from a retired

naval flight engineer.

He's asked me to call him
only Brian

in the world public.

And this is what he told me:

From about 1983,
to when he retired

from the Navy in 1997,

he was in all kinds

of what they call Antarctic
squadron expedition missions,

that included rescuing people

in and out of various places.

In all these trips, nothing of
a high strangeness had occurred.

And then, all of a sudden,
it was one thing after another.

During a squadron mission
in the Transantarctic Mountains,

the whole crew saw a whole bunch
of silver darting objects.

And they are round.

And he says they're doing
the strangest thing.

They're going, like,
to this peak in a group,

to this peak in a group,
to this peak in a group.

And then they'd all take off.

And not only did this happen
once, it happened over and over.

According to the informant,

this was just one

of many strange mysteries
on the continent

that he witnessed
during his time there.

HOWE: They get an assignment
not long after.

There's a medical emergency.

They are now under the g*n,
the clock is ticking,

and a decision was made:

They're going o...
through the no-fly zone

it's a medical emergency.

And what do they see?

In the ice,

like, a huge entrance to a cave

but slanted going down.
And he said,

"I think it was at least, Linda,
200 feet in diameter,

a big hole in the ice."

And he said, "Our instruments
are not operating.

"We were losing electricity.
We had magnetic anomalies.

"And we concluded there's
something about this hole

that is now causing
these problems."

They do their medical recovery.

And the next thing they know,

they're all being chewed out

by men in suits

that are not from McMurdo.

They appear to be
from Washington, DC.

And he-he said,

"They told us
that we are never, ever

"to fly over that hole.

And we are never
to discuss it again."

What is that about?

And does that
have anything to do

with all these other pieces
that keep emerging

that there might be
something archaeological

in Antarctica?

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

this was not the first time
a massive hole has been spotted

in the ice of Antarctica.

Famous polar explorer

Admiral Richard Byrd

allegedly reported

seeing a massive entrance
to an underground world

during his 1947 expedition
to the South Pole.

CHILDRESS: Admiral Byrd made
a lot of unusual statements,

allegedly talking about a large
opening at the South Pole,

that went deep inside
the Earth, ice-free,

and was inhabited

by various sorts of aliens.

And when Byrd got back
to the United States,

he was brought back
to Washington,

where he was questioned very
heavily about his statements.

And, allegedly, he was told
to stop talking about this.

You have to wonder,
is the South Pole

some kind
of extraterrestrial entry zone,

some kind of portal
that's so important

that it has to be controlled
by the military?

NARRATOR: Is the United States
government covering up

an extraterrestrial presence
in Antarctica?

And if so, could they be
the same otherworldly beings

that once occupied the continent
thousands of years ago?

Ancient astronaut theorists

the truth may be revealed

when Antarctica's ice
finally disappears.

Â♪ Â♪

NARRATOR: East Antarctica.

October, 2015.

Scientists at NASA announce

that despite years
of thinking otherwise,

they are now finding
that the ice in this region

is actually growing,

averaging 82 billion tons
a year.

Snowfall is currently adding ice
to most of the continent.

But at the same time,
glaciers are rapidly melting

along the coast
of Western Antarctica.

Scientists calculate
that, since 2009,

as much as 60 cubic kilometers
of ice,

the equivalent of
70,000 Empire State Buildings,

is disappearing into the ocean
each year.

But why is the ice here melting,

when it is growing
throughout much

of the rest of the continent?

COLLINS: We see the graphic
pictures on television

of the ice caps melting
and falling into the sea.

But it's actually only
in some areas

that the ice caps
are actually melting.

What's so strange is that,

through various factors,
that the ice in Antarctica

might actually be growing
and extending.

This is very strange.

We can't rule out
the possibility

that, in certain cases,
there could be entire cities

that are built underground

that may even be
actively maintained

by extraterrestrials now,

and that as those cities
are powered up

or expanded in size that they
are giving off some kind of heat

and that heat, in turn,
is melting the ice above them.

If there are things buried under
the miles of ice at Antarctica,

then that would mean
that had to have happened

before the last Ice Age.

So who knows
what we'll find there?

Remnants of a lost civilization,

perhaps even tools with which
these civilizations were built.

It's possible that underneath
the ice will be keys for us

to actually save ourselves

and reclaim our ancient past.

We may end up in a situation

where this can't
be covered up anymore,

where visible ruins--
gigantic pyramids,

gigantic obelisks--

start to peek through the ice.

And, at that point,
it's game over.

No longer can this be swept
under the rug.

NOORY: There's no question that
under the ice of Antarctica

there could be
extraterrestrial craft.

There could be cities
down there.

Bottom line is,

it will shock the entire
belief system of humankind.

It will just change
everything we know.

What really lies beneath

the ice and snow in Antarctica?

Was this frozen continent once
covered with lush vegetation,

as well as pyramids
that predate those in Egypt?

And if extraterrestrials
truly did inhabit Antarctica,

could these
otherworldly visitors

still be hiding out there today?

Perhaps, one day soon,

we will discover what the ice
of Antarctica

has hidden
for thousands of years,

and it will finally expose
the truth

about our alien past.
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