10x07 - Creatures of the Deep

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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10x07 - Creatures of the Deep

Post by bunniefuu »

Strange, sharp-toothed predators.

Their genes don't match up with
anything else that we have on Earth.

Multi-legged behemoths.

The kraken scared humans for centuries.

And ravenous reptiles
that prey on humans.

Children are warned to stay away

from bodies of water because the kappa
will actually drag them in and drown them.

Throughout history,
there are accounts of bizarre

and frightening creatures
inhabiting our waters.

Is it possible that they come
not from our lakes and oceans,

but from somewhere far more remote?

Could it be possible that some
of that live that we've discovered

at the bottom of the ocean

had its origin in outer space?

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited its origins to gods

and other visitors from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help to shape our history?

And if so...

might they have come in the form
of creatures of the deep?

August 19, 2014.

During a routine cleaning,

Russian cosmonauts aboard
the International Space Station

discover something incredibly unexpected

covering parts of the windows

living sea plankton.

According to some mainstream scientists,

the tiny organisms may have been
carried to the station

on air currents from the earth's oceans,

or perhaps launched into space
on a contaminated rocket.

But many say these are both
highly improbable scenarios.

In the previous episode of cleaning,

which was only about a few weeks
prior to that particular date,

there was nothing found.

And the space station was in orbit;

there was no connection with the ground.

So I-I really think that there's
absolutely no chance

that these are microorganisms that were

somehow lifted from the Earth.

Astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe

believes the plankton is
of extraterrestrial origin,

and evidence of panspermia

the idea that life exists
throughout the universe

and is spread by comets and asteroids.

I think what happened was
that a small fragment of a comet

that carried microorganisms, uh,

including plankton, landed on the window

of the International Space Station.

It's not surprising if one accepts the idea

that life is continuing to arrive

at the Earth from space.

There's always been a-a
problem about life on Earth.

Did it actually start here on Earth
or come here from somewhere else?

Uh, seeing as we don't know how
life began, it's up for grabs.

But whether life originated on Earth

or somewhere else in the universe,

one thing is now certain:

sea plankton can survive in outer space.

Surviving space is very difficult, actually,

primarily because of the,
um, the vacuum of space

and then the intense radiation.

And so those things, um, in general
will sort of rip apart tissues.

So the presence of-of plankton

on the space station, um, is remarkable.

The discovery of plankton on
the International Space Station

has led ancient astronaut
theorists to ask the question:

If sea life can thrive in
the furthest reaches of space,

could the reverse be true as well?

Might there be undiscovered
alien life-forms

dwelling in the deepest regions
of our oceans?

Portsmouth, England.

December 21, 1872.

The HMS Challenger sets out

on a three-year scientific expedition

to survey the Earth's oceans
and search for new marine life.

At the time of its departure,

the mainstream scientific viewpoint

is that life cannot exist
more than 1,800 feet

beneath the surface of the ocean.

But in March of 1875,

after more than two years at sea,

the crew of the HMS Challenger
makes a remarkable discovery.

Using a deep-sea dredge,

they uncover an abundance of life

at depths well beyond 1,800 feet.

Every time they dredged
the waters of the ocean,

they kept bringing up
weirder and weirder creatures

at deeper and deeper levels.

And it quickly became apparent

that the oceans are teeming with life.

Throughout time, we tend to sort of, um,

impose our own limitations
and our own perspectives on,

sort of, our view of the universe, right?

And so our idea of the deep
ocean was similar to that, too.

We thought that probably nothing
else could live at great depths

because we certainly couldn't survive.

Um, our bodies couldn't take the pressure.

It's sort of biased, I think, our
interpretation of life in the deep oceans.

They found over 4,700
different types of new life.

It was a wealth of data
so vast that it filled

50 volumes with 30,000 pages of information,

and was, essentially, a scientific
revolution for its time.


Uh, 220-plus, uh, crew.

Only five scientists...






In addition to finding
new species of marine life,

the Challenger crew also
made the first discovery

of what are called cosmic spherules

nickel-iron micrometeorites
from outer space.

According to some scientists,
these spherules could be capable

of carrying extraterrestrial life.

A lot of those rocks would
have carried a microbial cargo.

Cocooned inside of rocks,
a microbe could be quite happy

in the harsh conditions of space.

In particular, it would be shielded
from radiation by the depth of rock.

It could probably stay in the dormant phase

out in space for certainly thousands
if not millions of years.

When scientists explored
these nickel-iron spherules

in depth, they discovered
that they contained iron

that was extraterrestrial in origin.

Is it possible that this
extraterrestrial substances

were brought here
by alien beings and deposited

in the oceans of Earth,
along with other forms of life?

Is it possible that the
Challenger discovered the conveyance

of extraterrestrial life on the sea floor?

Might the deepest parts
of the ocean be as alien to us

as the farthest reaches of outer space?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer

is a resounding yes,

and point to other strange creatures

that have recently been found

in the seemingly inhospitable deep.

March, 2005.

Scientists off the coast of Easter Island

discover the yeti crab,

a furry crustacean that thrives
on the sea floor

near hydrothermal vents

fissures that release
geothermally-heated water.

Using the hair that covers its body,

the crab is able to filter out

the toxic minerals the vents excrete.

But as extraordinary as the yeti crab is,

it is just one of many forms of marine life

known to be able to exist
in such extreme conditions.

Because of the unique conditions that exists

in the hydrothermal vents, um,
some really interesting

and remarkable organisms can be found there.

Another newly-discovered organism

that puzzles scientists is
the ctenophore, or comb jelly.

When neurobiologist Leonid Moroz
sequenced the DNA

of this translucent creature

at the University of Florida
in 2007, he discovered

they possessed a complex nervous system

completely different
from the entire animal kingdom.

















How comb jellies function

continues to baffle scientists,

and their unique properties
have led Dr. Moroz to dub them,

quote, "aliens of the sea."





We're still finding incredible
creatures in the ocean,

creatures that we never even knew existed.

Could be extraterrestrial life.

It's a big planet, and there are
a lot of mysteries still here.

Could there really be alien life

thriving in Earth's oceans?

Might they have traveled here on meteors,

like the plankton found aboard
the International Space Station?

Perhaps further clues can be found

by examining the legends
of strange aquatic creatures

that were said to have
come to Earth from the stars.

Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.

May, 2014.

At the historic
Miyakonojo Shimazu Residence,

the mummified remains of a sea animal

with webbed hands and feet
are put on public display.

Discovered in 1818,

the bones are the first
of their kind to be exhibited,

and are purported to be
from the legendary kappa

a species of amphibious humanoid creatures

believed to lurk in the waters of Japan.

These remains were from, allegedly,

a kappa that had been shot
in 1818 near a local river.

The kappa, which translates
as "water child,"

is a creature that is usually
about five feet in height,

has scaly skin,

and is usually blue or green in color.

It has a turtle shell
on its back and a beak,

as well as a kind of plate
on the top of its head

in which it always has to carry water.

If it spills this water,
then it loses all of its power,

and it can die within
a very short period of time.

So the kappa is basically a water demon.

The kappa is perceived to be

a very malevolent and
quite violent creature.

And, in fact, children are warned
to stay away from bodies of water,

because the kappa will actually
drag them in and drown them.

While accounts of the kappa
are rare in modern times,

there are still sightings

in remote areas like the Fukuoka Prefecture.

In fact, to this day,

signs can be found posted
near bodies of water

throughout Japan warning of the kappa.

For ancient astronaut theorists,
the kappa are not only real,

but their existence is proof
of otherworldly beings

inhabiting the Earth's waters.

These kappa are reported
as having an unusual intelligence.

Apparently, they can speak, even
though they have a bird-like beak.

And now, physical, tangible artifacts

of the body of the kappa
have gone on display.

Will we find genetic markers

that clearly show that it could
not be something from Earth?

Could it be that the kappa are similar

to the other strange undersea creatures

first discovered by
the HMS Challenger in the 1870s?

And if so, are they indigenous
to planet Earth,

or did they come here
by some extraterrestrial means?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by examining the many historical accounts

of mermaids.

The very earliest accounts

of mermaid-like creatures
reveal a connection

with beings that come from the sky.

A story from ancient Syria
that dates back to 1,000 B.C.

relates that the goddess
Atargatis came down from the sky

and dove into a lake

to become a half-fish,
half-human creature.

And in Greek mythology,
the goddess Aphrodite

is sometimes associated
with mermaid-like beings.

If you look at some of
the ancient classic authors

from the Greeks, from the Sumerians,

you see tales of mermaids in which

there is a very direct
connection with the heavens,

with a fish-like creature
that comes from outer space.

There's something out there
that may not even be connected

to our known biological world.

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the strongest evidence

that humanoid sea creatures not only existed

but came from somewhere beyond our Earth

can be found in the origin tale

of yet another aquatic creature
with human traits.

The West African Dogons
worship ancestral spirits

they call the Nommo

the first living creatures
created by their sky god Amma.

Described as amphibious,

hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures,

they descended from the stars

in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder.

There's a really incredible story

of the Nommo that descended from the sky

in a loud noisy whirlwind

that made the Earth shake when it landed.

And their knowledge of
everything was given to them

by that being that descended
in a whirlwind from the sky.

Now, this is interesting because

we have so many traditions
of extraterrestrial beings

riding upon clouds that you have to ask,

did the Nommo come from the stars?

Were they extraterrestrial beings

that came to Earth to teach the Dogon?

Is this perhaps why they called them

the monitors and the teachers?

The legend said they
described the star Sirius

as being their point of origin,

and had very accurate information

about a dwarf star called Sirius B

that wasn't even known at the time.

The Dogon said that when
the Nommo landed and came out

of this craft that they arrived in,

they almost immediately got into the water.

Because they were essentially
fish-like humanoids,

it seems that they needed
to be in the water.

We are definitely dealing
with some sort of intelligent,

aquatic, humanoid species

that came here as an extraterrestrial
visitor from outer space.

Might the detailed
descriptions of the Nommo

suggest that they were extraterrestrials

that came from space to inhabit our oceans?

And might these be the same beings

that are described in the accounts

of the kappa and mermaids?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and suggest there is evidence
that alien life forms

have not only descended to Earth
from the sky,

but that they may also be
entering our planet

through underwater portals.

Lake Champlain.

July 5, 1977.

While taking a drive
along the Eastern shore,

just north of St. Albans, Vermont,

Sandra and Anthony Mansi pull over

to let their two children play in the lake.

As they begin to wade in,

Sandra notices a disturbance in the water.

And then, something shocking.

And I'm watching out there,

and all of a sudden, I could see turbulence.

Something broke the surface of the water.

And it broke the surface like this,

right here the back of
the head and the neck.

I went down,

and that's when it turned
to look over its back.

And I snapped the photograph.

The photograph that
Sandra Mansi took that day

is considered by many
to be definitive evidence

that Lake Champlain is home to a monster.

Lake Champlain is named
for the French explorer

Samuel De Champlain, and in 1609,

he claimed that he saw a strange creature

emerging from the waters
while on an expedition.

This sighting was just the first
of hundreds.

And for many who believe
the stories are true,

Sandra Mansi's photograph
is the ultimate proof

that Champ really exists.

In 1981,

the famous photo
was submitted for authentication

to the Optical Sciences Center
at the University of Arizona.

The findings from
the optical college in Arizona

was that this was an authentic photograph.

It was not tampered.
It was genuine.

Curiously, there have been sightings

of very similar creatures
reported all over the world,

like Cressie and Ogopogo in Canada;

the Japanese sea monster Issie;

Mokele-mbembe, sighted off
the West Coast of Africa;

and the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland.

One of the most compelling aspects

of the mystery is that
descriptions are very similar.

And we're talking about
decades of sightings,

numbering in the thousands.

To me, this indicates
that we're dealing with

variations of the exact same species here

a breeding population worldwide.

Could the fact that stories
of similar sea monsters

are told throughout the world be evidence

that these strange creatures really exist?

And if so, just what are they?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, there is evidence

that they may have extraterrestrial origins.

The story of the Loch Ness Monster

reminds me of a UFO sighting

that happened north of Nashville
back in the '90s.

A man hears the sound of rain
beating down on the roof,

and he goes outside, and it's
a perfectly clear night.

And he looks up in the sky,
and he sees a giant UFO

that's firing at a creature
on his deck that looks like...

He calls it the one-footed
snorkel monster,

because it looked like an
elephant's trunk with one foot.

In his police report, the man described

how the snorkel monster
spun itself into a vortex

or a ball of light and disappeared.

One wonders if this is evidence of a portal

that this creature was opening up,

and, in fact, if this creature
and the Loch Ness Monster

are part of the same family of creatures

that travel the world through
these portals or gateways.

Could it be that
there are alien life-forms

inhabiting our oceans
that have traveled here

through portals in time and space?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and suggest further proof can be found

with the story of another
underwater monster:

the kraken.

This squid-like creature
of enormous proportions

was described in 1755

by Norwegian historian
and bishop Erik Pontoppidan.

He included it in not a fictional text,

but in an encyclopedic account

of the diverse life-forms
in his home country

called The Natural History of Norway.

This is very compelling because it indicates

that the kraKen was viewed as
a real and very viable animal.

In Norse mythology, the kraKen was an
island-sized, multi-tentacled monster,

capable of sinking ships by way of the
massive whirlpools that it left in its wake.

Many of the ancient classic authors

talked about kraken as really being

the object that was
in the middle of a whirlpool,

so they saw the kraken as a shipping danger.

Norwegian accounts of the kraken

creating whirlpools through
which ships would disappear

date back to the 13th century.

But could the truth about these sea monsters

be even more incredible
than our ancestors believed?

Do the stories of the kraken,

and the mysterious whirlpools it creates,

provide further evidence of alien entities

coming to Earth through underwater portals?

These legends suggest that there is

a highly intelligent species in the ocean.

We don't even really know
where they came from.

Perhaps our definition
of extraterrestrial life

is a little too strict.

And it could be that these are species

that came here from somewhere else.

Of course, there's a lot of the ocean

that hasn't actually
been, uh, well explored,

so we're constantly finding
new and exciting creatures

that maybe before may have
only been legendary.

Could there be alien life
inhabiting our seas

that is much larger, more intelligent,

and more dangerous than furry
crabs and strange jellyfish?

And is it possible that the Earth's waters

contain portals that allow these creatures

to travel here from other parts
of the universe undetected?

To find out, ancient astronaut
theorist David Childress

will dive into the waters
of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula,

where according to ancient legends,

there is an underwater gateway
to another realm.

Tulum, Mexico.

Here, on the eastern edge
of the Yucatan Peninsula,

lie the ruins of one of the last
cities built by the Maya,

an advanced ancient civilization

that thrived throughout Mesoamerica

from the eighth century B.C.
to the 15th century A.D.

Situated on a cliff
overlooking the Caribbean Sea,

this site honors the mysterious diving god

that can be found depicted
on several buildings.

Behind me is the Temple of the Diving God.

On the western doorway is a stucco relief

of a winged being who is either
diving down from the sky

or he's diving down into the water.

His real identity is not known.

In addition to the diving god,

it has been documented
that the interior of the temple

once contained a mural

portraying the Aztec
water goddess Chalchiuhtlicue.

While the Aztecs did not occupy
the Yucatan Peninsula,

their ancestors the Olmecs did,

and some believe there may be
a profound connection

between this area of Mexico
and the Aztec water gods,

who ruled over a paradise-like
world called Tlalocan.

Descriptions of Tlalocan
come from the Aztec shamans,

spiritual guides who could
access this otherworldly realm

through whirlpools while in a dream state.

And according to
ancient astronaut theorists,

deep in the jungle, just south of Tulum,

is a location that is a perfect match

for the descriptions
of the east region of Tlalocan.

There's an intriguing site right here

off the coast of the Caribbean Sea,

and it may have a connection
to the Aztec Tlalocan,

and it's name is Cenote Angelita,

and it's right here.

A cenote is a sinkhole

where limestone bedrock has collapsed,

exposing the freshwater underneath it.

Many of the cenotes
in this part of the Yucatan

are believed to have been formed
by the meteor strike

that wiped out the dinosaurs
more than 65 million years ago.

As a result of this extreme impact,

they contain high amounts of shocked quartz.

Shocked quartz is
a particular type of quartz

that really needs very,
very high pressure to form.

Quartz is a crystal, but every
crystal is not completely uniform.

It's comprised of smaller little pieces

that have to align along defects.

And high pressure changes the
internal structure of the quartz.

Scientists have long
known that quartz is able

to convert the Earth's natural
electrical vibrations

into a form of energy.

And some have even suggested

that it could be used
in the formation of wormholes,

through an electromagnetic reaction
called the Casimir effect.

The idea is, if I take two metal plates

and stick them in the vacuum of space,

it turns out, because
of quantum fluctuation,

this creates an effective,
attractive force between the plates.

One can think of this as a negative energy.

Now, an intriguing idea that we get

is that this is exactly
the principle we need

to understand perhaps
how to stabilize a wormhole.

Although there are a number
of cenotes in the Yucatan,

Cenote Angelita is very unique.

About 100 feet below its surface,

the freshwater meets up

with the salt water coming
from the ocean beneath it,

creating a mysterious underwater river.

Where we are right now in the Yucatan

is just about as far east
as you can go in Mexico.

And the description of Tlalocan
was that the very eastern side

was where the waters of the underworld

met with the waters of the surface world.

And that is exactly what we have here.

It was said that souls passed through here,

and the Aztecs believed very strongly

that this was a portal to another dimension.

The Aztecs had the legend of the Tlalocan

they entered into through
whirlpools in the water.

So you can start to connect the dots here

and see that those areas could
in fact be traversable wormholes

that will take us somewhere else.

Could the highly pressurized quartz

found in Cenote Angelita have
made it the perfect location

for advanced alien beings
to create a wormhole?

And might this explain the
stories from the Aztec shamans

who claimed they were shown
an entrance to paradise?

David Childress has enlisted
diver Spencer Stander

to help him explore the cenote.

We'll see the-the river,
um, around an island.

And, uh, you'll see these bizarre trees.

It's like a decrepit forest; it's so cool.

It looks like a moving river.
You're gonna be blown away.

Uh, this is gonna be unique.

Just south of Tulum, Mexico,
diver Spencer Stander

and ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress

are about to explore the Cenote Angelita.

For ancient astronaut theorists,

Cenote Angelita has an eerie similarity

to both the legends and illustrations

of the Aztec paradise Tlalocan,
where it was believed

souls could pass through
a portal to another realm.

So, um, we're just gonna check.

All right, I'm gonna jump in there.

Although the waters of the cenote

are extremely murky on the surface,

at 15 feet down, everything
becomes crystal clear.

But once they descend to 100 feet,

it turns as black
as the darkest reaches of space.

And even though we had lights with us,

it was still like we were
floating within the cosmos.

But then as we got down at a hundred feet,

suddenly we could start to see
the sides of the cenote...

and then this strange layer began to emerge.

Here, the freshwater of the cenote meets

the salt water of the ocean,

forming one of nature's most
mysterious anomalies:

an underwater river.

And these dead trees
coming out of the sides,

and-and this artificial
sort of mound at the bottom.

And it was really like
the meeting of-of two worlds.

One of the freshwater of the upper world

and then that of this
lower world of the seawater

and this murky layer of hydrogen sulfite

that we had to then penetrate.

The meeting of waters from
above with waters from below

is exactly how the Aztecs described

the east region of Tlalocan,

a place where souls would pass
from one dimension to another

as though passing through a portal.

It is here that some ancient
astronaut theorists believe

there may really exist
a portal to another world.

Could it be true?

Might extraterrestrials have considered this

the perfect location to create a stargate...

hidden in the thick layer
of poisonous hydrogen sulfide

that obscures
all that lies beneath from view?

The whole thing was-was very spooky.

And, uh, it's something I'll
remember for the rest of my life.

After 30 minutes underwater,

David and Spencer return to the surface.

Oh, man, that was
so fantastic and strange.

Man, uh, wow.

It strikes me just how much
this does fit the Aztec legend

of the-the underworld of Tlalocan.

What is mysterious though is,
even if the Aztecs

had come here and knew about this place

or-or learned about it from the Olmecs,

how would they have known

what is 100 feet down in this cenote?

That's right, 'cause you can't
see it from the surface.

I mean, I suppose that, you know,

the shamans could just go down
there in a... in a trance state

or if someone actually
dove down into this thing.

- Yeah.
- It's incredible.

Could it be that some of
the bizarre underwater creatures

that have been reported for centuries

like the Loch Ness Monster,

the kraKen and the kappa

are not just mythical sea monsters,

but alien entities that have
come to Earth through wormholes?

You have to ask yourself,

could the shocked quartz
here at the Cenote Angelita

create wormholes

that extraterrestrials might have
used for interdimensional travel?

It can't be a coincidence that
both Mayan and Aztec beliefs

incorporated a swirling pool of water

where they were able to travel
to some other sacred paradise.

Maybe we're talking about
a form of technological travel

that isn't understood in modern form,

but through the ancient astronaut lens,

we have to understand that ancient man

went to great lengths to depict and explain

how this form of travel was taking place.

And it might be that this is something
that was extraterrestrial in nature.

Could there really be
a gateway to another world

hidden at the bottom of Cenote Angelita?

And if so, could other cenotes, lakes,

rivers and oceans contain similar portals

through which all manner of alien
life is coming to our planet?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and suggest there is new evidence

that the abundance of water on planet Earth

makes it a prime destination
for extraterrestrial beings.

August 30, 2012.

NASA launches Storm Probes
into the Van Allen belts,

intense radiation zones

that surround planet Earth like a doughnut.

Because of the Van Allen belts,

incoming charged particles
are sent on curved paths

that safely protect the Earth,
and we don't get hit by them.

During the two-year mission,

the probes record the belts' radio waves

and discover something incredible.

The sound they produce in space

is nearly identical
to the song of a humpback whale.

What's nice about the Van Allen belts

is the radio waves they emit

are at the same frequencies
as sound that we listen to.

And so you can record these radio waves

and play them,
and they make music basically.

Radiation and things
in the universe make noise.

Planets emit a sound.
Everything emits a sound.

And the similarity
to the humpback whale sound

I mean, is that a coincidence?

I don't believe in coincidences.
But it is weird.

It's possible to me

that other aquatic, humanoid
life-forms that are out there

in the universe might be able to notice

that these electromagnetic belts
around our Earth

are ringing like a gong,
saying, "There's water here."

And that could very well attract
them and draw them to our planet,

almost like a beacon to a watery world.

Could the Van Allen belts actually
be of extraterrestrial design,

acting as a beacon to indicate that
our planet is rich with water?

While scientists are discovering

that water is more prevalent
throughout the universe

than previously thought,
it has become increasingly clear

that planets with large bodies
of liquid water

believed to be essential for
complex life are scarce.

Earth is a little bit special.

It's got abundant water,
but it's also got abundant land,

and that may be a peculiar feature.

But seeing as liquid water is so
critical to life as we know it,

when we look to worlds elsewhere,

we're primarily looking for liquid water.

If life exists that's intelligent

on a planet that hosts water-based life,

then one can suggest
that the only other planet

that they would be looking
for intelligent life

is also water-based.

We seem so fixated on
finding life on other planets,

yet there's so much potential here on Earth.

If there's anything that
we've learned from history,

it's that anything is possible.

We can't discount the possibility

that somewhere in the vast,
unexplored ocean depths

lies some highly intelligent

and highly dangerous life-form
we haven't seen yet

deep-sea aliens, if you will.

75% of our planet is ocean.





Today, as we look deeper into
our own solar system and beyond,

we realize the importance of H2O,

and that water isn't only
a life force for us,

but possibly other organisms
within the galaxy.

And knowing that our oceans
are as deep as they are,

it's very possible
that there's a whole other world

of exploration waiting for us.

We might even discover
that there are other races

living on the planet Earth,

but at the deep parts of our oceans.

Is it possible that extraterrestrials

inhabit our waters all over the world?

Could exotic fish,

terrifying sea monsters,

and even humanoid creatures

have come to our planet
through underwater portals?

Perhaps when we finally make
contact with alien beings,

it will not be in
the furthest reaches of space,

but right here on Earth,

lurking in the deep.
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