01x09 - Of Mouse and Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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01x09 - Of Mouse and Man

Post by bunniefuu »


You can't hide, maggot.

You are going to get what's coming to you.

You're going to get it now.

[Muted footstep]

There's nowhere to go.

You can't hide from me.


Got you.

[Muffled gasp]



Truck was on its usual route in the southeast.

Driver said the rear loader got jammed.

Got out to take a look, found the body.

How many stops did he make before he got here?

He's not sure.

He started at 6:30 this morning.

Luckily he found it before it got to the dump, otherwise he would have never been found.

Can we roll the body?

Well, I already took photos.

Evidence is pretty well contaminated, so, yeah, we can take a few liberties here.

Let's roll him.


[Flies buzzing]

What do you think k*lled him?

Leonard Louis Drake, age 30.

Last known address... 841 southeast long street, apartment 201.

A couple of assaults, D.U.I., and three domestic v*olence charges.

Sounds like your basic bully.


That address is on the trash truck's route.

Time for a little dumpster diving.

Got some blood in here.

Time to bring in the team.

More blood here.

[Cell phone dialing]

Need forensics along the 800 block of Long Street.

841 Southeast Long Street.

Leonard Drake's address.

Time to get the manager.

One space per tenant.

All but two units are rented.

We got 25 units.

Most of the people are away at work right now, as you can... see.

You know, we get more police here than I'd like to admit.

But... you know, some of our tenants, they, um...

They have problems.

Was Leonard Drake one of them?

What's he done?

He died.



Sometime last night.

Oh, my God.

Well, that's terrible.

When was the last time you talked to him?

Well, he was here last night.

He was having a fight with, uh, Mason...

One of the other tenants.

Hey, Natalie didn't get hurt, did she?

Who's Natalie?

Oh, that's Lenny's live-in.

She's a great gal.

Not such great taste in men, you know, not to speak ill of the dead.

Uh, Natalie have a last name?


But she's not home. Her car's gone.

That's her space.

And that's, uh, Lenny's car... The Mustang.

But I guess he's not here either... anymore.

We're going to need the names of everyone in the building, and all their vehicle plates.

How did Lenny die?

He was m*rder*d.

Ooh. Wow.

I did not expect...

And I'm not totally surprised, 'cause he wasn't the nicest guy.

What about Mason?

The tenant who you said had a fight with Lenny?

Oh, that's Mason Snyder.

Yeah, he's a lawyer, lives down the hall from Lenny.

That's his car over there.

We're going to need to see Lenny's apartment.

Got tools. m*rder w*apon could be Lenny's.

Looks like Natalie left in a hurry.

Let's get her plate and APB her.

Need to get a team in here, see if there's any blood on the rug.


I wonder what she saw in him.

Love's a funny thing.

You must be laughing all the time.

[Knock on door]

Police, open up.

All I did was ask him why did he have to take that engine apart on the kitchen table?

What'd he say?

Nothing. He just...

He had been drinking, and he stood up and he hit me.

And then what happened?

I told him that I'd had enough, and I went to the bedroom and started packing.

And then he came after me and he grabbed me and...

I think that he would have k*lled me...

If it hadn't been for Marty.

Um, Marty is our downstairs neighbor.

He lives right below us.

That would be Martin Burgess in 101?

Yeah, yeah.

He always heard everything.

And what did Martin do?

He knocked on the door, and then... that's what stopped Lenny.

Then I felt afraid for Marty because...

Lenny started yelling at him.

And then that's when Mason showed up.

Mason Snyder, who lives across the hall?

Yeah, and then they got into it.

And... and Lenny threatened to k*ll him.

And then where was Martin?

He left when Mason and Lenny were yelling at each other.

And then I went and I got my stuff and...

Lenny tried to stop me, but Mason walked me to my car, so that he couldn't.

And then I drove to Astoria, and checked into a motel and...

What did Lenny say happened?

Lenny was m*rder*d last night.

I don't believe that.

We found his body this morning.

Mason k*lled him?

We don't know.

Oh, you think that I did it?

Did you?

Like, how could I? I'm not strong enough.

People can do a lot of things when they're mad.

I hated him, I wouldn't k*ll him.

Do you know anyone else who would?

Yeah, like anybody who ever met him.

Why did you stay?

At first he was...

Pretty great.

And the longer we were together the worse it got.

I don't know. I...

I guess...

I was just too scared to leave.

Think she could put a screwdriver through a man's throat?

Hey, love's a funny thing.


Any witnesses to the argument?

Two guys from the building... Marty Burgess and Mason Snyder.

Martin Burgess owns a junkyard on the east side called Marty's junk shop.

Mm-hmm, what about Snyder?

Personal injury lawyer.

Start with the junk shop.


Maybe he's in the back.

I hate places like this.

Why? It's just stuff.

No, it's people's lives falling apart...

What's left when the good times are over.

It's the death of dreams.

Thanks. Now I'm creeped out.


Mr. Burgess?

Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you.

Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin.

We just want to ask you a few questions.

About what?

Your neighbor Leonard Drake.

He was m*rder*d sometime last night.


According to Natalie Haverstraw, you were one of the last people to see him alive.

Well, if... if it happened last night...

I guess I was.

I don't really know what I can tell you.

I heard another argument between Mr. Drake and miss Haverstraw.

I was afraid that he might hurt her again.


I walked up and knocked on the door, but...

Natalie wasn't...

Is she okay?

She's fine.

What did you do then?


I should have, but...

Mr. Drake was very angry at me.

What did you think of him?


He was a terrible man.

He scared me.

And was your neighbor Mason Snyder involved in the argument?

Yeah. He got there after I did.

Can you describe the relationship between Snyder and Drake?

I don't know.

Mr. Drake was hard on everyone.

I think that he must have had a very difficult life to turn out so mean.

I felt kind of bad for Mr. Drake.

And for Natalie too.

I don't know what else I can tell you.

What did you do after the argument?

I went back to my apartment.

Anyone verify that?

My father.

He lives with me.

Thank you, Mr. Burgess. That's all for now.

We'll be in touch.

What'd I tell you?

Living with all these shattered dreams can turn your head inside out.

Let's find Snyder.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Engine turns]

Leonard Drake was a complete ass.

And, trust me... I know an ass when I see one.

I've represented plenty of them.

But I didn't k*ll him.

Yeah, we... we argued.

I told him to leave her alone.

Um, and I told him to go to hell.

What'd Leonard do when you walked Natalie to her car?

He yelled.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me, I've got to take this.

Mason Snyder.


Uh, listen to me.

Mr. Mancini is going to be limping for the rest of his life, and I'm not talking emotionally.

No, he lost his leg, you idiot.

No, no, no, no. You listen to me.

You multiply that number by 20, then we've got something to talk about.


What else you need to know, except I'm innocent?

"After two days of waiting in Vienna, "I confronted the Lausenschlange in a dark alley.

"As I approached, he att*cked.

"Had he recognized me for who I am, "he would not have been so bold.

"His carelessness cost him his head, "which I severed neatly with one blow.

[Sharp exhale]

"I sliced open his belly, exposing the horrid contents...

"The missing children.

"I'm glad I brought an end to this disgusting coward.

"I only wish I would have found him sooner.

Crawford Grimm."

You ever seen one of these?

A Mauzhertz.

Pretty favorable likeness, actually, given the subject.

Well, I think I saw one, and he could be involved in the m*rder.

There's a reason you people never wrote about them.

They never do anything worth writing about.

This whole cartoon thing they got going...

Such a racket.

So they're harmless?


I mean you say "boo," and they scurry off to their safety zones.

They're very predictable that way.

What about a Lausensch...


You saw a snake-dude and lived to tell about it?

Let me tell you, what you don't want to do is leave a Lausenschlange alone with a Mauzhertz.

That is a-a recipe for dessert.

[Cell phone rings]


Excuse me a second.

[Keypad tone]


Absolutely, I know it well.

I-I think it's, uh...

I think it's an e. Howard and company mechanism out of Boston.

Yeah, I can handle that.

No timepiece too big or too small.

I'm... I'm sorry. Can you... can you hold a minute?

It's a gig.

I got a gig.

No, that's good.

I have to go anyway.

[Clears throat]

Yeah, go ahead.

So what time?

12:30 tomorrow.

No, thank you.

Yeah, I'll see you then.


They were parked across the street, right over there.

One of them was taking pictures of our house, the other one had binoculars.

Huh, well, maybe they were real estate agents.

They drove off when I went out there.

You went out there?

Yeah. Somebody was taking pictures of our house, so I want to know why.

Look, I got the license plate number, so we can find out who it is.


Well, better safe than sorry.

[Keypad tone]

Yeah, this is detective Burkhardt.

I want you to run a plate for me.


Yeah, thanks.

[Keypad tone]

Look, I'm sure it was probably nothing serious.


Stay inside.

Stay inside.



[Nervous laugh]

Don't arrest him. He's just hungry.

Yeah, well, he's a rodent.

And he should be eating what rodents eat.

He isn't a rodent.

We're all mammals here.

Well, I am not eating what he's eating.

Sure you are. You just got to it first.

Okay, smarty pants.

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, Burkhart.

Yeah, let me get a pen.

All right, John Oblinger...

643 Lovejoy. Thank you.

Got a name and address on the truck you saw.

So what do we do?

Okay, we don't do anything.

I'll have somebody take care of it.

Let's go to bed.

Look, it's your word against mine!

And I got four little words for you...

Take me to court!

Now get the hell out of my sight!

I thought I told you to get the hell out of my...

[Muffled shout, thud]

Victim's name is Andrew, that's his Auto-repair.

Two dumpsters, two dead bodies.

We may not have motive, but we've sure got pattern.

Lucky it wasn't Tuesday, Tuesday's trash day.

We could be digging for garbage down at the dump.

Who found him?

Archie Wayne, one of the mechanics.

First to show up this morning.

Said he found the place open.

Any sign of a break-in?

No, he was dumping the trash when he found the vic.

He thinks it might have been a disgruntled customer.

Apparently his boss was a terror.

Nobody liked him.

He said, and I quote, "I'm surprised somebody didn't stick a tire iron in him before this."

Actually, that was a paraphrase. I left out the bad language 'cause I couldn't write that fast.

We're going to need all the customer records from the last couple of months.


On it.

If it's the same k*ller, maybe this victim is connected to our first vic.

And if it's not, then our k*ller's making some random choices.

[Indistinct chatter]


Excuse me, I'm here for the...




Okay, get in the house.


[Knocking on door]



I was worried about you.

You're packing?

Yeah, I can't stay here.


I don't blame you.


I ain't got the chance to thank you.

If it wasn't you, knocking on the door, I don't know what would've happened to me.

You've always been really nice to me.

Where you going?

I don't know.

I have to finish all my week at the office, and then...

I'm just gonna start over... Someplace new.

Someplace else.

But, when I'm gone, would you...

Do me a favor, and, take all of many stuff to your shop and sell it.

I don't ever want to see it again.



By the way, how's your dad?

About the same.

That must be hard on you.

Take care of him.

Out of the way, man at work here.

Mason's helping me move.


I'm just helping the little lady move.

[Lock clicks]

[Muffled shout]

She's mine.


And so are you.

[Muffled gasps]

[Footsteps, indistinct chatter]


[Engine turns]

We got something here.

What's up?

Martin Burgess.

The junk shop guy.

Had his car repaired last week...


We should find out where he was last night.

Let's ask his dad.

He moved in with Marty a long time ago, has lived with him for years.

Ever since he broke his back.

He's not exactly the nicest man I've ever met in my life.

[Key turns in lock]

Mr. Burgess, there's two policemen here, need to talk to you.

Is that incense?

Smells like it.

Mr. Burgess, it's the police.

We're coming in.

God, a hoarder.

How do you live like this?

[Both sniffing]

Smells like more than just incense.

He's been dead at least two days.

There are no signs of trauma.

Except maybe to Marty.

Maybe this is what set him off.

Or set him free.

How do you mean?

Marty's 40... never been married.

He's taken care of his dad all these years.

Maybe the father-son relationship wasn't all that great.

And he never had a chance to deal with it.

I think he's dealing with it now.

Listen to me very closely...

Do not take off the neck-brace period.

Do not go to the gym.

Do not mow your lawn.

You are seriously injured by that bus.

Now, start acting like it.

What the hell are you doing here?

You should leave Natalie alone.

Excuse me?

I want... You to leave her alone.

Are you asking to die?

'Cause if you are, you came to the right place.

Let's get something straight...

You don't tell me what to do.

I tell you.

That's just the way of this world.

You are never going to be any more than what you are...

A little rodent with a little rodent's life.



You are pathetic.

Birthmark loser.

You are never going to amount to any more than what you are...

Which is nothing.

Nothing at all.


You brought me flowers?

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.


Thank you.

That's... they're... they're lovely.

Is Mason here?

He couldn't make it.

Isn't that his car?

I bought it.

You bought Mason's Camaro?

I made us a reservation for dinner.

We should celebrate.

Celebrate what?

You're leaving, starting a new life.

So am I.

I-I can't believe he sold you his car.

He loves this car.

It was a little more than he could handle.

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, Burkhardt.

We need to palaver.

You don't sound so good.

Are you all right?

I've been better.

I'm in the middle of something here. Can it wait?

Yeah. I'm not going anywhere.

We got Marty Burgess' car.


Parked in front of an office building on grand.

You have a 20 on Martin Burgess?

No, sir, just the car.

This is the lawyer's office.

What's Marty got against him?

Well, if he's k*lled two people, and he's living with his dead dad, I don't think it matters.

Going to need an evidence team at 5431 grand ave., suite 204.

If Marty's car is here and Marty isn't...

We better find that Camaro.

I'm very sorry, sir. We're completely booked.

Without a reservation, there's no way we can get you a table.

I'm sure you'll find a reservation under the name of Burgess.

Certainly, Mr. Burgess. This way.

I was thinking Seattle or maybe Vancouver.


I just thought maybe Eugene.


You got to think bigger, Natalie.

The only thing that's holding you back is you.

You're smart, you're pretty...

You can do anything you want.

I wish that was true.

Oh, it is.

We make our own truth.

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you can't do.

What about your... your dad?

Are you going to take him with you?


I can't.

I can't live my life for him anymore.

I've got to do this for myself.

That's amazing.


I don't know, you're just...

You seem like a different person.

Well, maybe you're just getting to know me a little bit better.


Oh, cool!

Just stop it.

Stop it right now!

Honey, please. Not now.

You embarrass me. Just grow up.

Oh, oh, great, great.

So now we're going to get the tears, huh?

And that's going to make everything better, isn't it?

Listen, young man, you start acting like a grown-up, or a swear I will stick you in a child seat.

You hear me?

I asked you a question, and I expect an answer.


Stop it.

[Scoffs] Who the hell do you think you are?

Talk to him that way again, and you'll find out.


Get away from me.




You all right?

Marty, I think we should go.

Marty, come on.

I think that what you did for that little boy was...

Actually pretty great.

I had a dad like that.

He scared the hell out of me.

People like that...

They deserve to die.

[Engine revving]

Marty, I think you should slow down.

Marty, you're going too fast.

I've gone too slow my whole life.

But not anymore.

Not ever again.

[Tires screech]

[Police siren wails]

Marty, Marty you have to stop.

The police... Marty!

Marty, please stop.

Stop the car!

[Tires screech]

Just stop!

Hey. Got the Camaro.

Patrol car was in pursuit, but lost it heading north on 17th.

North on 17th?

He's going to his shop.

How do you know?

That's his safety zone.

What are we doing here?

Marty, I want to go home!


Marty, what are y...

Stop it! Stop it!

They all want me to change back.

But I won't.


I like the way that I am now.

Marty, please.

Stop it.

Marty! Stop!

Found suspect's car at 742 Germantown road.

Request backup.

He's got Natalie with him.


It's detectives Burkhardt and Griffin!

I'm here! Help me!

[Stifled shrieks]


We need you to let Natalie go.

Give yourself up.

Don't hurt her, Marty.

She hasn't done anything to you.

[Stifled gasps]

Marty, look at what you're doing.


Natalie's your friend.

Let her go!


No, no.




No, I am not you!


Oh, my God.



We found your father. We know he's dead.

No, he's not.

He was...

But he's not.

You think he's dead, but...

He's everywhere.

No matter how many times you k*ll him, he's everywhere.

Do you have any idea what you've done?

I know who you are.

Oh, no, you don't.

Nobody does.

Nobody knows me.


Nobody does.



Nobody, nobody, nobody.

You went over there?

I just wanted to drive by and see where they live.

That's all.

Juliette, I don't think that's a very good idea.

I didn't do anything. I just parked.

But then I saw the woman, and I'm pretty sure it was the same woman who was in the truck outside our house.

Well, did she see you?

Yeah, and that's when it got really weird.

She had two kids in the front yard, and as soon as she saw me, she got those kids into the house as fast as she could.

I think she was afraid of me.

Well what did you do?

Nothing. I just looked at her.

Why would she be afraid of me? I don't even know who they are.

Well, maybe she thought that you were someone you weren't.

I wish I knew who they thought I was.

At least I know who you are.


Ooh. What happened to you?

Funny you should ask.

You happened to me. Get in here.


Shut the door will you?

Who did this to you?

I don't know.

I can track them down.

Look, I don't know who these guys were, all right?

All I know is if they wanted me dead, I would be dead.


I can only imagine they were sending me some kind of message.

You ever see that before?



You start messing with the status quo, there are some people who might not be exactly sanguine about that.

And what I am doing with you is definitely messing with the status quo.

I'm not going to ask for any more of your help.

Screw that.

I'm not running.

You ask me for all the help you need.

I've never been much of a status quo kind of guy.

And next time...

We'll be ready for them.
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