02x07 - Friends Like These 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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02x07 - Friends Like These 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Hoi! Lyndon! Lyndon! She's had her pups.

How many? Four.

Dogs or b*tches? Two of each.

Wanna come and see? My aunt says I'm not to go round your house any more.

D'you want a pup? Really? Come round.

You can choose.

Testator Sile
-ens Costestes e Spiritu
-um Si


Already? I asked Rachel and DS Speed to meet me an hour ago.


I might blow up that police station.

Then I'd have to arrest you.

You would, too! What you gonna do? I'm going out.

Where? Somewhere nice.

Sam, where are you going? What's it to you? Oh(!) Spit it out.

No I'll do very serious damage.

No! I'm going to my sister's! Stop it! Where? Sorry? My sister's! Look at that.

Watch your back, Lyndon! He'll have you! Hoi, Lyndon! Lyndon, mate! Come here.

Have a straightener with him? Not here.


Lyndon, mate.

What's happening? Nothing.

Are you and Palmer mates, then? You ought to pick your friends more carefully.

You know what Palmer is.

He's giving me a puppy, that's all.

Stick with us.

We're your mates.

Aren't we, Lyndon? That's it.

Come on, then.

Well, come on.

Come on.

Go for it! Go on! GO ON!! AWW, you stupid bloody animal!! SHE WHIMPERS MUSIC PLAYS MUSIC: "Goodnight" by Babybird BUZZER RINGS Hi.

How are you doing? All right.

What is that? Open it.

Sam! You bought it! You liked it so much.

You shouldn't.

It cost a fortune! Thanks! Sorry, Ben.

That's all right, mate.

Don't call me Ben.

Call me Easy.

Well, GO on!! OK, Easy.

You CAN tell us.

What? About you and that Chris Palmer.

- He's giving me a dog, that's all.

- You're a perv, I heard.

Who said that? You'd better tell the truth.

Especially to us.

You know we're tooled up? Look.

I never done nothing.

He's giving me a dog! You think we're ordinary, do you? Well, we're not.

We're the punishment squad.

There's too many pervs and crims and wasters.

We're here to sort 'em out.

So you'd better tell us what you've been up to.

What ARE we gonna do with you? LYNDON WHIMPERS Like the Marie Celeste in here.

Sent Speedy home 30 minutes ago, and now I'm jumping ship too.

You haven't finished.

We have.

What, already? Every single bit of paperwork done.

I got held up.

Obviously(!) Can I buy you a drink? What's this? I don't know why I kept it.

From that time in Oban.


Remember, when we went camping? You kept it all this time.

Hey, Sam, d'you remember those French boys? "Je m'en fous!" The blonde one thought he was great at table tennis.

Wasn't the only thing he thought he was great at.

Thought he was Jean
-Paul Belmondo.

I didn't know who HE was.

At that age, you think you know it all.

Thank God you can't see into the future.

I don't know.

Your future brought you something.

I made a balls
-up of mine.

Come on.

There's a lot left.

New flat.

New job New man.

What man? Trevor.

Come off it! You seem keen on him.

I might be.

I might be.

A bit.

Give me them back.

Please! I never done nothing! Gimme them back! Please! Kelvin! Please Please! Sonny! Easy! Give me them back.

I never done nothing! Give me my trousers back! Cheers.


Wrong side of the border.

Did you know the lads are keeping a book? No.

We're glad you're back together.

Just a difference of opinion about how long it'll last.

Dunno what I think about that.

Just a bit of fun.


Put this on for me.

Um No more falling out.

What, only a fiver? DOG YAPS All right, love? Can you spare any change? I said, can you? Oi! I'm TALKING to you! That's right, ignore me.

OI!! You miserable cow! Give us a f*g, Stew.


Clean my bike first.

Sod off! Why not? Too much to do.

Like what? We're looking after things for my brother.

What things? All the houses round here have been burgled already.

If Steve was here He ain't HE weren't a sad bastard with no money.

He's a sad bastard in prison.

Watch what you say.

Did someone speak(?) We don't forget.

This stays in here.

WE'RE taking over.

Dream on, son.

Tossers! You've just kicked Stewart Taylor.

He's nothing.

He broke Lee Turner's jaw.

I'll chin him.

He just stood there.

Didn't think we had the bottle.

He's gotta learn.

We're the law round here!! Come on.

Come on! CHILDREN JEERING AND CHANTING Lyndon's got no trousers! Leave him alone! Who done this? I've got a tracksuit you can borrow.

Come on.

Come on.

CHILDREN GIGGLE Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Mam to bits, but now that she's gone, it is such a relief.

I know.

And the same goes for Ricky being away.

I miss him, but it is so great to be free to do what I want.

D'you think it's awful to feel like that? No.

What d'you want to do? The usual things.

Pay the mortgage and die? I'm HOPING for a bit more fun than that! Made up your mind? I like this one.


Now, you ARE gonna treat her good, aren't you? I'm just a girl who can't say no I'm in a terrible fix Now, THERE'S a male fantasy for you(!) You're very perky, Trevor, for someone who's been in court all morning.

Natural high spirits.

They were suppressed in court, now they're overflowing.

Can't face them overflowing all over the office! Where were you last night? You were supposed to be helping Wyn.

Something came up.

A sudden death? Amateur operatics.

Had to help shift the scenery.


How d'you know? "I'm just a girl who can't say no.

" I'm in a terrible fix! And what about Wyn? Wyn and I understand one another.

HE WHISTLES I'm away out for an hour.



It's important.

His father's told him if he sees you he's to cross the street.

I just want a word, Mrs Quayle.

You can't have one! Just one word.

Ben doesn't want you.

He's too soft to tell you.

Go on! My husband will be back from work.

If he sees you, we're all in trouble.

Ben? The husband had a new girlfriend, AND a successful business.

If they divorced, he'd lose half of it.

So he k*lled the wife.

She vomits up blood.


Would the pathologist have it? Obviously not.

Natural causes.

He said Mallory
-Weis syndrome.

Where retching tears a hole in the oesophagus.

Was the wife alcoholic? Put a fair bit away.

Fair conclusion.

If you ignore all other evidence and look at the body.

If your average pathologist would Tell you what you wanted to hear? Not treat me like a 4

If I weren't a pathologist, and you weren't a detective, I think we'd get on really well.

Is that what it would take? Oh, let's talk about something other than work.



What? You'd better come! We've found something! Just lying in the bushes.

Just over there.

GIGGLING Oklahoma?! Yes.

It's a good film.

Are you serious? It's a good story, nice tunes.

What's wrong with it? It bears no relation to reality.

Reality's overrated.


Yep, we'll be there.

You see, this would never have happened in Rodgers and Hammerstein.


What've we got? Female victim.

Got a hell of a beating.

How long since she was found? OK? Yep.

Let's go.

Detective Constable Garwood and me will take you to the police station.

We'll have to ask you a few questions.

Why? We've done nothing.

To help us catch whoever did this.

There was insects on her.

The child protection officer'll find someone for you to talk to about it.

Come on.

BARKING PERSISTS Is THAT hers? It has no identity tag, but seems to be.

Have someone take it away.

We've called the dog warden.

Every time that we try, it howls like a banshee.

The victim is an elderly female.

She is lying on her back.

She has severe bruising to the head and face, copious bleeding from around the mouth.

Rigor is present in the neck, although the jaw seems floppy, suggesting it might be broken.

The clothing has been disturbed around the upper waist.

We'll need to turn her over.

- How d'you put the blue light on?
- There isn't one.

Got a siren.

- It's that switch there.

- Can we have it on? What for?
- A laugh.

SIREN WAILS The hands are tied behind the back.

Um, photograph here, please.

That's a pretty distinctive cord.

Yeah What's it called? Piping cord? Photograph this, please.

It's a denture.

Hers? There's blood round her mouth.

Whatever caused that could've dislodged this.

Spotting of blood on the grass and the presence of a denture under the victim seem to indicate that the incident occurred at the scene of discovery.

I don't think she was dumped.

I think she died between 12 and 36 hours ago.

Yesterday or last night.

Subject to the usual caveat.


"Establishing time of death is difficult.



100% error is relatively accurate.

" Yes.

Mrs Quayle? Yes? Detective Sergeant Speed.

Joseph! You'll have to speak with my husband.

Josephit's the police.

- Is Ben in trouble?
- No.

There's been a body discovered.

Ben's a witness.

- A dead body?
- We've to take a statement from Ben.

AGITATED BARKING It was a particularly frenzied attack.

Doesn't look like a robbery, does it? Not to me.

Even if it started out as one, it turned into something else.

What's happening with that dog? I'll see.

LOUD YAPPING VOICES ON POLICE RADIO LOUD MUSIC PLAYS Is your mum in? MUSIC STOPSOTHER MUSIC CONTINUES SWITCHES MUSIC OFF Who's this? Any ID yet? No, but the couple who were stopped by the boy say she often walks her dog round here.

They'd seen her in Thanet Street.

I sent someone over there.

It'll be dark soon.

We'll seal the area.

- Police officer.

Can I have a word?
- Sod off! It's a m*rder inquiry.



OK, thanks.

- Hey! Mrs Turner.

Gonna help us?
- Why should I? I was there when your Lee got kicked.

Six hours after we called you! It was a busy night.

- Everyone knew who did it
- Lee wouldn't say who it was.

We needed evidence, like we do now.

- An old lady's been m*rder*d.

- I've got my own problems.


Come here, champ.

You're all right.

We have a Caucasian woman, between 70 and 75 years of age.

She's of average height and has a full head of medium
-length white hair.

We need that shaving before we look at the head wounds.

She's lean, but apparently well

No obvious signs of old injuries, but extensive recent injuries to the head, upper arms and torso.

What I felt? I felt gutted.

I mean, a thing like that shouldn't happen to an old woman, should it? But then, she was old, she'd had her life.

She was gonna die anyway.

So perhaps it wasn't that bad.

I think we've got two weapons here.

This bruise was made by a blunt instrument.

A hammer? More likely the butt of a handgun.

This bruise was made by a different implement, in the soft tissues of the cheek, under the left zygomatic arch.

Its distinctive markings could've been made by some sort of a bottle, and the impression could've been made by letters embossed in the glass.

Can I have a light here? PHONE RINGS I'll get it.

Something sharp has been inserted in the mouth, causing deep lesions in the insides of the cheeks and tongue.

Could it have been the bottle? Yes.

Light bruising on the lower arms, and the absence of skin under the fingernails, suggests she was tied up first, then beaten.

We've got a name.

Mrs Millicent Lockwood.

And an address.


" Daughter? As well as the marks left by the ligature, there appear to be minor abrasions on the left wrist.

Last time I saw abrasions like this, they came from a metal, expandable watch strap torn from the wrist.

Any watch found at the scene? No.

Faint scratches on the abdomen.

I can't say what caused those.

And the pattern seems random.

My guess is the cause of death was bleeding within the skull, so I'm gonna take a look in there.

Like a coat.

I thought it was just an old coat.

But then you looked again.


And? It was her.

What did you think when you saw it was a person? Think? Yes.

He don't say much, our Kelvin.

How much will we tell the press? All we'll release is she was beaten.

Keep the details to ourselves.

A lot of people come in their cars to walk their dogs over that ground.

A local house
-house won't give us half the people who use it.

So? I'd like a reconstruction.








Everything ran like clockwork.

Um Take the dog out at 3.


Tea at five.

And that never varied? No Old people are like that.

Did your mother wear anything on her wrist? A piece of jewellery? A A watch.

It was Dad's It's OK.

SHOWER RUNNING, KNOCKING ON DOOR Kelvin! Kelvin, it's me, Ben! KNOCKING PERSISTS Kelvin! Kelv! Right.

We all want to catch the k*ller and we want to do it fast.

In our favour is public revulsion against the crime.

On Scrub Hill(?) Against us is the reluctance to cooperate.

Their garden gnomes are more help! Thank you, DS Speed.

Due to recent policing operations.

Be sensitive.

Our victim
- Millicent Lockwood, 72.

We still need the bottle producing this injury, and the blunt implement, possibly a hammer or the butt of a handgun, giving this injury pattern.

Tony and Lizzie spoke to the boys who found the victim.

Just two lads out and about.

There'll be a reconstruction of Millicent Lockwood's last movements tomorrow at 1500 hours.

One more thing.

She was wearing a 1957 gold Hamilton Ventura watch.

She'd replaced the strap with a stainless steel one.

A unique item and we'll need it.



Questions? Seeing Wyn tonight? No.

Are you? Something's come up.

I'll speak to her.

Amateur operatics(?) Yeah.

She's the trombonist.


HORN TOOTS One minute, you're part of everything, and the next your life's been obliterated.

Suddenly all these people beetle abouttrying to find out what's happened to you.

But no
-one would've crossed the road to speak to you when you were alive.

You're not impressed by sentiment, are you, Superintendent? On the contrary.

I like a bit of sentiment, although I'd like your sentiment to be about me.

Do you have to do that now? We've got to eat.

- All right?
- He's gone to see his brother.

- Oh, right.


What's that? Had toothache.

Toothache? Yeah.

Lad calls me a whingeing poofter.

What did you do? Took a chisel to him.

Did you hurt him? He's in hospital.

I found a dead woman, Steve.

You wot? Someone had topped her.

Oh, come on(!) I'm not kidding.

In the bushes.

Bullshit! I'm not lying, Steve, honest.

Dead? Yeah.

Was you scared? No.

I bet you were pissing yourself.


It was nothing to me.

Just a body, that's all.

Got something.

What? Lady at 33 says she saw the victim talking to a man in a brown leather jacket.

Medium height, fair hair, got a dog.

DOOR CLOSES Ben! What? You've been seeing Kelvin Price.

- No, Dad.


- See this room, son? This window? See that sky? You won't see them again if you lie to me! Nowyou halfwit! Have you seen Kelvin Price? SPEED: All right, mate? Police.

Can we have a word with you? We've got a car here We'll give you a lift.

What's this about? Have you any idea where Trevor is? PLAYS: "Surrey With the Fringe on Top" Fred! Have we got tox results on the Lockwood case? Not through yet.

Will you give the lab a ring for me? Yep.

OOMPAHS "SURREY WITH THE FRINGE" We sit and talk and have a few beers.

Where is this park? Hollis Road.

And at 1.

30? I went home.

Drove? Walked.

Arriving? Quarter to two.

Then? THEN I took the dog out.

- The waste ground.

- Mm

D'you meet anyone?
- A lad called Lyndon O'Connor.

- Lives in Meadow Ave with his aunt.

That's it.

He WILL confirm this? Course.

How long did this walk take? Three hours.

We had a few beers.

Did you see this woman? I'm showing Mr Palmer a photograph of Millicent Lockwood.


D'you k*ll her? No way.

She walked past me.

Chris, we're gonna have to have a look round your house.

You do what you like.



Is Trevor there? No, he must've just popped out.

Tell him I've a flat
-pack of shelves you'd need an IQ of 150 to assemble.

And you want Trevor? He'll get the benefit of the doubt.

I'll tell him.


Thought you might like a cup of tea.




Lunchtime meeting.

Business or pleasure? We
-ell Wyn called.

She's looking for someone with a high IQ.

I hope you told her that counts me out.

I told her you'd call her back.

Straight away.

- I keep it for self

- A similar w*apon was used in the m*rder.

You've a history for ripping off old folk, a conviction for v*olence.

I prodded the old boy, he fell.

He'd serious head wounds.

I was drunk.

And drunk on the day of the m*rder.

No, I was drinking.

I'm alcoholic.

If I get alcohol, everything's fine.

If you don't? I feel edgy.

You've had a drink.

You see an old lady.

thr*aten her, she'll give you what you want.

No way! She doesn't co
-operate, you lose the rag.

NO! No way
- We have the w*apon.

Wyn, it's Trevor.

I'm SO sorry.

Things have been a bit hectic lately.

FRED HUMS: "Surrey With the Fringe" Yeah, I am.

I hear you want help with some shelves.

FRED CONTINUES HUMMING If we compare the profile of the hammer head with the shape of the injury, we should get a result.

There's no match.

There must be.

This w*apon didn't make that injury.

Have a look for yourself.


Whatever DID make it has a similar but not identical shape.

The bruise is broader and slightly longer.

Looks the same to me.

The edges are sharper.

What do YOU think? I think you're right.

There's another way of looking at this, if you want to wait.



Maybe it WASN'T the w*apon.

Got to be.

Palmer's a weasly little runt.

He's done it before and he'll do it again.

I only said maybe he didn't use THAT w*apon.

She looks at one bit of a jigsaw.

It's not her job to see the whole picture.

Ready for you.

This is the w*apon, this is the victim's injury.

If we superimpose one on the other, we get Doesn't the skin move around? Expand and contract, distorting the impression.

Not THAT much.

Is there any way that w*apon could've been used? No.

I've a suspect I know destroyed that lady.

I WANT to stop it happening again.

So do I.

But I'm not prepared to swear black is white to do it.

Your decision.

PHONE RINGS RINGING STOPS Blindin'! There's television cameras.

Will we be on Crimewatch? On local news.

Are they gonna show our bit? We're gonna be on television, Kelv.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

It's OK.

Aww, look! OK.

Are you ready? Yes.

When were you last in the area? CONVERSATION INAUDIBLE Didn't expect to see you.

It's my budget they're spending on this extravaganza.

Rachel isn't best pleased.

You put a spoke in her wheel.

It wasn't the same w*apon.

I told her.

You did? "If Dr Ryan says it isn't the w*apon, it isn't the w*apon.

" Now you're asking me to make sure.


Well, I AM sure.

Right, OK.

He wants you to walk past the camera, and Wait, wait, wait.

Off you go.

BEN STARTS TO GIGGLE Pillock! Come on! One more time.

Come on, lads.

We'll give this one more shot.

If it doesn't work, we'll move on.

OK? Andin your own time Hello.

We've been looking for you.

Where've you been? Around.

Were you with Chris Palmer the other day, when Mrs Lockwood died? No.

Come on.

Let's take a walk.

Now, listen, don't worry about the others, OK? Palmer said you were with him on that day.

If that's true, that helps him.

WERE you with him on that evening? No! BEN: You'd better come.

We've found something.

In there.


Well done, lads.

Was that OK? You've been a great help, thanks.

Here you are.

Get yourselves a burger.

Cheers! Come on.

If anyone has seen somebody wearing this watch or has been offered it, please come forward.

Can you confirm you're questioning a suspect? No
-one is under arrest.

Doctor, any details of the injuries? The police have given their account of that.

Would you say this was an unusually brutal attack? I would.

It's a particularly horrific case.

So it was v*olence for its own sake? It seems that way.

That's it.

Thanks, everyone, for co

Thanks for coming, Sam.

Is there anywhere to eat round here? There's a cafe.

Not up to your usual standard.

Doesn't matter.

Are you coming? I wish I could.

Kelv! Kelv! Kelv, give us the bottle, quick! Get off! Just give us it! Kelv! I wanna show you something.

Kelv, it's funny, I promise! Just give us it.


Kelv! Give us it, Kelv! Just give us the bottle! I wanna show you something! Please, Kelv.


Kelv, wait.

"Hello, young man.

Would you like to stroke the dog?" "You halfwit!" HE MAKES CHOKING NOISES Ben! Give it a rest! Ben.

Ben! Ben! Get up! CHOKING MIXED WITH LAUGHTER Prat! Here he comes.

That's Palmer, all right.

No doubt about it.

There's the watch.

Are you sure it's the victim's? Yes.

The jeweller brought it when he saw our appeal on the news.

The rest is just the haggling.

Who interviewed the boys who found the victim? Tony Speed.

Did he tell them that we think a bottle was inserted in her mouth? DS Speed wouldn't reveal that.

-one outside the police'd know.

Then how do those boys know about it? I saw them re
-enact it outside that cafe.

He pretended to choke on a sauce bottle.

Who? The smaller lad.

Ben Quayle? You know those sweets, teeth made of sugar? He put one of those in his mouth, like the victim's teeth.

He re
-enacted the whole thing, everything.

They discovered the body, they saw the scene.

They've thought about nothing else for a week! They'll have pieced it together! Not the bottle.

Interview them again.

Because they were play
-acting? You didn't see it.

I've seen THIS.

Palmer's committed a previous as*ault with the same MO.

His alibi's fallen apart and he had the watch.

You weren't there! This is a long way from forensic pathology! It's one of those cases, Sam, that's so emotive.

I didn't come for counselling! It's what I saw.

What you THINK you saw.

Oh, I imagined it(?) You may have misinterpreted it Rubbish! Sam, thank you for your information and we'll look into it.

You mean you'll screen it out.

We will fit it into the overall picture.

He in there? Yep.

Why do I talk to scum like him for a living? Do you want me for this? Because I said I'd talk to the two lads.



Oh, and, Speedy the super wants a word.

Sir? Yeah.

Tony The lads who discovered the victim Yeah? Any chance they're responsible? Any chance they're responsible? No.

There's no evidence.

Another kid confirmed they were with him at the time of death.

Is that solid? What? Kids don't always tell the truth, but they're not BAD kids, not evil.



Where's all this coming from, anyway, sir? Dr Ryan saw them fooling around.

They seemed to re
-enact the m*rder.

Oh, well Oh, well, WHAT? Perhaps she made a mistake.

You're Ben, aren't you? Cor, I'm famous! So, are you in the job? I work with the police, yeah.

I'm joining the police, in a few years.

There's too many robbings and crimes.

I want to help stop them.

Before you can join the police, Ben, you need to deal with anything wrong you might have done, sort things out.

Oh, don't worry.

When you join, it's not just a job, it's like a brotherhood.

It's likeyou're on an upper.

Anyway, me and you, we're mates now, aren't we? How did you get the watch? I found it.

Where? In the toilets at the back of a pub.

Palmer, you're a terrible liar.

I'm not lying! You gave Lyndon O'Connor as an alibi.

He was with me.

He denies it.

HE'S lying! Why? Some of these lads wouldn't know the truth if it punched them! Sowhich pub was it? The Crow.

By the washbasin.

When did you find it? Yesterday.

- Same day we picked you up?
- Yes.

You didn't tell us then.

I didn't know whose it was then! It's Percy Pervert! I'm not listening.

I'm going.

Go on.

-one wants you, anyway.

Even your mum don't want you.

She does.

She wants me.

So where IS she? And your dad's a flasher.

He's not! He is, and so are you.

I'm off.

We've written to your auntie, telling her.

What? YOU know.

No, I don't! Ben! What did you call me?! I mean, Easy.

What have you been telling her? That you're a pervert.

Leave it.

I might not send it.

I MIGHT JUST WRITE IT ON THE WALL ON YOUR HOUSE! You can't do that! I might write it everywhere! People have to know! SHUT UP!! I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING!! Percy Pervert! Percy Pervert! YOU'RE A NUTTER, YOU ARE! You what? I said you're a nutter! What do you do with a bell
-end like this?! Get off! Whatever you do, wherever you go, you'll NEVER get us off your back! Pack it in! What about the letter?! Are you OK? Come on.

HE SOBS Dr Ryan! .



He called me a nutter, Sonny! Pervy's dead! He's not a perv.

It's something we made up.

Sonny My name's NOT Sonny, it's Kelvin! Sonny and Easy
- Punishment Squad
- WE made it up! I don't want to hear that again! Anything I do now, it's for real! You get me?! Kelvin Kelv Kelvin! So you went straight from the pub to the jewellers? Yes.

How did you get there? C11 bus.

- Which stop?
- Hollis Road.

- See anyone you knew? No.

Wait long for the bus? 5 minutes.

When did you get on it? .


I don't know.

- a
- time
- to
- it.

I dunno, about Yes? Look, just cos I got the watch, doesn't mean I took a pop at her.

Whoever took the watch from her
- that's who you want.

I'm sick of this! If you're gonna charge me, I want a lawyer! If not, I wanna go home! HE KNOCKS Yes.

Can I have a word, sir? Yes, sure.

Not at work today? When I go in Saturdays, I get a day off in lieu.

Seems like a nice office.


I thought we could have lunch.

Oh, there's some left! And perhaps a glass of wine.

At lunchtime? It's not unheard of.

I've got to decorate.



Have you seen Trevor? Yeah.

When's he coming to do my shelves? I didn't ask him.

He's been very unavailable.

Well, the greasepaint The actresses.

He hasn't said anything to me about actresses.

No? .


Is a drink completely out of the question? That bad, eh? I don't have any in.

I only drink on special occasions.

Like the coming of the night(!) Yes.

Anyway, it's the company you came for, not the alcohol, and certainly not the food! CHILDREN SNIGGER CHILDREN CHANT: Lyndon's got no trousers! Lyndon is a pervert! Lyndon's got no trousers! Lyndon is a pervert! Lyndon's got no trousers! Lyndon is a pervert! Lyndon's got no trousers! Lyndon is a pervert! Good timing.

I won't.

That's a serious face, Peter.

It's a serious business.

I feel like I used to when I had tell someone about the death of a relative.

It can't be that bad.

No? DS Speed tells me you've been talking to our witnesses.

I have.

Why? They need help.

They're getting it.

I told you what I saw and you didn't take it seriously.

I did.

Your statement is on file.

File 13, don't they call it? Sam, we have to prioritise.

We can't pull those boys in because someone saw them It wasn't just someone! I saw them.

This case could be screwed up because you've decided to become an amateur detective! I don't tell you how people have died! You're not an expert! You're no expert on m*rder inquiries! No You're interfering! Only because I saw them in action and YOU didn't! They're dangerous! Today they were bullying a boy! There are lots of bullies.

It doesn't make them murderers.

The rules governing talking to juveniles are a minefield, and you BLUNDER in, contaminating evidence! If they ever DID get to trial, our case would be crushed thanks to you.

But you're NOT making a case against them! Look .


if I ignore what you've done, it would look like it's because you and me are What will you do? Make a complaint to the Chief Constable.

Are you serious? Yes.

I could lose my job.

I've already sent the coroner a fax.

What? You crossed that line, Sam.

I thought I could trust you.


DOOR SLAMS Shit! Answer the phone, Trevor, please! Morning.


No cracks about musicals or blowing of imaginary trombones.

Who, me(?) She's gone home.

She was playing away, as it were.

Lives in London.

AndI saw your sister last night.

And? Wyn and I are friends, that's all.

Like us.

Well, I hope we really are friends, Trevor, because I'll need all the support you can give.

Why? I think I might be suspended.

Dad, I've stopped seeing Kelvin.

I've heard that before.

I know.

You're right.

He's a liar.

He said his brother kept peace on the streets and we had to take over while he was in prison Did you lie to me? No Dad! I'm doing what you wanted! No, Dad! These boys were the ones that found the victim? Yes.

Wasn't the m*rder more than to the body.

People do.


But these boys aren't even suspects, right? They should be! Well, I would keep quiet about that.

If you're lucky, you'll just get a warning not to get too involved.

Next one's prepped, boss.

Which would also be my advice.

Don't throw your career away over one case, Sam.

It's not worth it.

Suspected su1c1de by hanging.

You're an evil bastard, you are.

Me?! You made me do all that stuff! I only done it cos you made me! Have you got change for 50p? Where's your friend? What friend? I thought you two were inseparable.

Right, which one's best? .


This one? That's crap.

Try that one.

Did Lyndon like this one? Aren't you going to show me how to play it? Kelvin you know I work with the police.

Yeah, but you're not one.

If you want to talk about Lyndon's death He died.

Or Millicent Lockwood's I don't HAVE to talk to you! We've checked the outlets for the piping cord she was tied up with.

And? Nothing.

It's off the boil.

Squeeze Palmer.

We'll have to re
-arrest him.

OK, but the clock is ticking.

Hello, Ben.

Are your parents home? They're out.

Er, what do you want? I want to help you.

People don't mean it when they say that.

I mean it.

They mean they want to find out my secrets.

I think I know your secrets.

I've stopped doing bad things.

I've given that up.

Kelvin used to lead me into that.

Like nicking stuff from shops
- it was stupid.


I thought you meant more serious things.

Like what? Pushing people around? Like bullying, yes.

Oh, no.

Lyndon was in on it.

He didn't seem to be.

He was.

It was a game, that's all.

You know, if a person experiences or does something very bad, they won't be the same again until they tell someone about it.

I know.

I've learnt my lesson.

I'm going to work hard, join the police.

That's for the future.

I've started.

It's Kelvin I feel sorry for
- he's not got the brains.

He had a g*n Kelvin had a g*n? Yes.

He said he'd k*ll me if I didn't do what he said.

He scared me into doing wrong.

Then I found out
- it wasn't a real g*n, it was a replica! What a prat! I hate him now cos he tricked me.

DOOR OPENS I've come to ask your son some questions.

Journalist, are you? He's in trouble Get out.

He needs to talk to someone.

Are you going or do I throw you out? Yeah, you'd better go.

My dad's on a short fuse.

Yeah, and don't come back! I don't want trouble.

I like a peaceful life.

Mr Palmer, if you have information, it's in your interest to tell us.

And I want to get out of here.

The information.

Some people you don't mind grassing up, but there's others you NEVER grass up never.

Barry Stokes is one of them.

Barry Stokes gave me the watch.

We've wasted a lot of time on your stories.

It's the truth! It had better be.

It is.

Where is Stokes? Park Hall Prison, doing 18 months.

He trades stuff in prison.

He gives me stuff, I sell it, give the money to his missus.

Someone gave him the watch for some snout.

Tell the police.

I can't.

Can't you talk privately to Ross? I'll need a lot more hard evidence before I can do that.

The boy knows I saw the cord.

He'll have got rid of it by now.

If I tell Peter and it isn't there, I'll look even worse in his eyes.

I KNOW Ben Quayle is involved in the k*lling of Millicent Lockwood.

IF it's the same cord.

I want to go back to the body, Trevor.

I want to make absolutely sure we've missed nothing.

"Dr Samantha Ryan is to cease all investigations into suspicious deaths "pending the results of a police enquiry into her conduct.

" You can't go back to the body.

I can't but YOU can.

It's not my approach to make the evidence fit the theory.

There'll be no question of that.

There was a great deal of blood here, from injuries in the mouth.

Trevor, I saw that boy accurately recreate it.

It was chilling.


Let's go over the bruising.

The butt of a handgun
- what do you think? Blunt instrument, Sam.

Can't say more than that.

FOOTBALL ON TV Kelvin! Are you in that shower again?! It looks like some jewellery that's been removed violently.

A bracelet? It was a watch.

Could have been a bracelet.

Look at the patterns.

They were made by an expandable watchstrap.

You can't necessarily say They recovered her watch, OK?! OK! It's a watch.

What about these abrasions? They're clearer than they were.

She's been scratched by something.

There are some I didn't see before.


They're letters.

"EZ" It's a name.


It's the nickname one of the boys calls himself! And these lines? You can't include some and discount the others.

Maybe they were made to obliterate the letters.


And Have you seen who's here? OK, I'll handle it.


Can we talk sensibly? Yes.

About the case? Sam! What if I told you I know more about those boys? Oh, no! I've got vital information about your case.

Just act like a rational person.

I'm not rational?! Admit you're wrong.

I'm not! I'm sorry.

Look When I report to the Chief Constable I don't want to have to incriminate you further.

So you're being a bastard to me for my own good? Yes That's all I need to know.

Well, I wasn't expecting you.

You look nice.

Thank you(!) Have you seen Sam? You've come to discuss my sister? No.

I've come to take you out.

And we might discuss your sister.

I'm already going out.


It's an office thing.

DOORBELL Maybe some other time? Hi! MAN: Hello.

I'm surprised Kelvin's talked to you.

He won't talk to me.



Stop it! I wish they could grow up and talk to me.

Pack it in! You know my nerves are shot! Where is Kelvin? He's run off.

Run off? He's done it before.

Have you told the police? He'll be back.

Aren't you worried? He's 15! I was off at 15, totally out of control.

Some traumatic things have happened to him recently.

He's discovered a m*rder.

Lyndon's dead Don't you worry about Kelvin.

He's like his mum
- tough as an old boot.

Do you know where he might be? Steve'll know.

Steve? Kelvin's brother, Steven Abbott.

They've got different dads.

He tells Steven everything.

Sorry, Trevor.

Problems with our suspect.

Claims he got the victim's watch from a prisoner, but the prisoner isn't having it.

So what have you got for me? More photographs of Millicent Lockwood's injuries.

Someone may have scratched some letters on her.


" Dr Ryan didn't say.


Decomposition can show up light abrasions that weren't seen earlier.

Someone's scratched letters on her stomach? One of the boys' nickname is Easy.

Did Dr Ryan tell you? Yes.

What do you think? They could also be random abrasions.

Viewed from that angle, it could be "NW" Possibly.

You can't come up with something more definite? No.


Police? No.

Social worker? No.

Then who are you? And how did you get a visiting order? Kelvin
- he found a body.

I am the pathologist working on the case.

And the deputy governor is a friend of mine.

So what's Kelvin to you? I talked to him
- a little, and I like him.

I know he's run away from home, and I know that a friend of his, Lyndon O'Connor, just k*lled himself.

Always was a loser.

su1c1de can be contagious.

Your brother discovered the victim of a horrific m*rder.

No child can hold that in.

It's like a b*mb in the brain.

Soon it will explode and it could destroy him unless someone helps him first.

Now where is he, Steve? There's some garages on the estate.

One of 'em's mine.

Number 17.

He's got a key.

Thank you.

What did Rachel say about the photos? The marks only read "E
-Z" to someone who wants to see "Ee

Is that what you said? She knows it.

They're sure Palmer's the k*ller.

You've done your bit.

Don't get more involved.

Have they charged him? Not yet.

They're taking their time, aren't they? It all turns on the watch.

Palmer's insisting he got it from someone doing time in Park Hall.

Trevor, Kelvin's brother is in Park Hall.

Sam! If the watch came from that prison, Kelvin took it there.

No! Yes! The police aren't connecting Steven and Kelvin because they've got different surnames.

Phone Selway! Where are you going? To find Kelvin Price! Kelvin! Kelvin! Kelvin! I need to talk to you! Kelvin! Oi, that's MY bike! Stop! We need Kelvin! I just want to talk to you! Please, Kelvin! WHIMPERING Kelvin? Are you all right? I know what you and Ben did, Kelvin.

I wish I could go back in time.

I wanna wake up and do that day again, but different.

All right.

All right.

When I see it in my head, it was like someone else did it but it was me.

I'm a bad person.

It's me who should be dead.

HE SOBS I'm sorry.

It's all right.

Ssh, now.

Come on.

It's all right.

Ssshh What is going on? This is Kelvin Price.

I can see that.

Why is he here? He's ready to confess to the m*rder of Millicent Lockwood.

Is that right, Kelvin? Can you look after him a minute, please? What ARE you doing? He's in danger of harming himself.

I'll harm YOU! I had to This case is buggered! We might not even get it to court! If he'd k*lled himself, there'd be no court case to answer! Kelvin, come on.

Let's send someone to find your mum.


Hello, Ben.


You were involved in the death of Millicent Lockwood.

No! I'll slaughter you Mr Quayle I gave him everything and now this!
- Mr Quayle, outside.

- You've shamed me! You've shamed your mother! AND YOU'VE SHAMED YOURSELF! Ben, do you know what happens now? No.

It wasn't him.

It wasn't you, was it, Ben? No.

We'll take you to the police station.

Can't we sort it out, man
-man? I'm arresting you on suspicion of m*rder.

He's USELESS!! I've done my best with him.

Smoke? He doesn't work at school, just won't do it.

I wash my hands of him.

HE SHOULD ROT IN HELL FOR THE TROUBLE HE'S GIVEN ME!! Is this happening to Kelvin Price? Should it be? Yeah.

He gets inside your head.

He's got thisthis power over people.

If you're not in a crew, you're nothing.

Me and Ben was the hard core.

You have the hard core and the code.

What's that? They're like rules.

Like after a job, you wash your clothes.

But the big thing is loyalty.

You back each other up, cos if you don't, where will you be, then? And if anyone crosses you, you can front 'em up.

You can hit 'em back.


So how do we get from that to Mrs Lockwood? That's the stupidity.

A few days before, Ben had played with her dog.

Before she died? Yes.

The dog got this stick and Ben held the other end, and he swung the dog around By the stick? And the old lady told him he was a halfwit.

And he didn't like that? No.

Where did this lot come from?! Hide your face.

Go on, get down.

Just go straight through.

Get away from the car! ANGRY SHOUTING We were really pumped up.

After the fight with the lad in the garages? Stewart, yeah.

After we'd beaten him, we felt invincible.

So when we meet the old lady, it was like, "No
-one should call us halfwits and get away with it!" So we jumped her.

Ben's got this key round his neck, and he uses the string to tie her up.

She didn't struggle? No cos I held her from the front, like that.

So you helped him? Yeah.

Neither was capable of it individually, but together they could do anything.



We'll tie her up and teach her a lesson.

" But then, Ben he picked up this broken bottle He's mad, that bloke.

What did he do? He stuck it in her mouth.

She was saying stupid things.

Like? "What would your father think if he knew what you was doing?" And he says to me, "Shall we do her, Sonny?" "Shall we do her, Sonny? Shall we do her?" So what did you say? I said, "Yeah.

" It was like I pressed a switch cos he really went off and he hit her .


and I hit her.

Are you sure? You both hit her? I wish I hadn't.

Why did you go back to the body the next day? I wanted to make sure I hadn't dreamed it all.

But I hadn't.

Her head was smashed, there was blood everywhere.

I was hoping she wouldn't be there, but she was OK.

Thank you, Kelvin.

Look, Sam What? Nothing I can say can No.

It can't.

BARRAGE OF QUESTIONS FROM REPORTERS Following the m*rder of Millicent Lockwood, two juveniles have been arrested and have been charged with her m*rder.

You will understand ANGRY SHOUTS FROM CROWD SIREN WAILS I could come in with you, show solidarity.

No, thanks.

Then you'll know where I'll be.

What will you have? Whisky.


A double.



I'll line 'em up.

I'll, erwait here for you.

There's no need.

I'd like to.


It's a free country I hear.
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