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01x07 - The Feud

Posted: 02/15/24 12:02
by bunniefuu
DAGWOOD: Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
Don't touch that dial.




-I have 47.


-Yeah. Forty-seven.
-Yeah, but...

We're leaving, dear.

-Bye, Herb.

-What do you gals do at these

women's club meetings
every Friday?

Ooh, we talk about things
that improve our mind.


-What were you gonna say, Herb?
-Nothing, dear.

Uh. What's the discussion
on for tonight, Blondie?

Well, it's a lecture
on world politics

-and international goodwill.
-DAGWOOD: Uh-huh.

And how the impact
of moral pressure...

-...forces the realignment

-of traditional power spheres.
-DAGWOOD: Uh-huh.

-What does it mean?
-Uh... [SIGHS]

When women study politics,
it means that you and I

-are in for a lot of trouble.
-Oh, yeah.

Well, we both brought
along something

-to read if it gets dull.
-Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]

What a wonderful wife.

Look, a cookbook. [CHUCKLES]

What'd you bring along, dear?




Now, girls, tell us
what you found out

in your little discussion group?


Well, uh,
what'd we find out, Blondie?

Well, it was very interesting.

For instance, did you ever think

that nations were kind
of like people?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah.
People are nicer than anybody.

Now, and-- Now nations,

I don't know,
I never met a nation. [LAUGHS]

Dagwood, you're interrupting.

-Oh, he couldn't help it.

-Go on, professor.
-[CHUCKLES] No, I mean it.

All nations depend on others
for something important.

-Like England depends

on those little countries
of the Middle East for oil.

And it's the same way
with people.

Now, let's say
you're a big nation, Dagwood,

and I'm a smaller one.

Uh. Well, you're a mighty cute
little nation.


Herb is a big nation.
Especially around the middle.

Harriet, let's keep
the conversation

on a high plane.


Anyway, we cooperate
with each other and that creates

-international goodwill.

But if you, the big nation,
should give me

-the small one any trouble...

...we can cut off your supply
of strategic material.

-Like this.


Yeah. I get your point, Blondie.
[CHUCKLES] I'll cooperate.

You're right, Blondie.
If nations were pals like us,

-there wouldn't be any problems.
-That's right, old buddy-buddy.

-We're good friends.

-You're the best neighbor

anybody ever had, Woodley.

Don't turn on any music
or they'll tango

with each other.

BLONDIE: Uh. Well, you and Herb
are friends

because you cooperate
and share things.

-With the same lawnmower,

the same tools...

-...the same garden hose,

the same... Incidentally,

I wish you would buy us
a new hose, Dagwood.

The one we all use has
a lot of leaks in it.

Okay, but I just bought us all
one three or four months ago.

Well, it squirted
all over me today.

Well, you can use ours, Blondie.

Why thank you, Harriet.

You know, we are wonderful
neighbors to each other.

Yeah, there's nobody
better than the Bumsteads.

Oh, no, you're wrong, Herb.

There's no one better
than the Woodleys.

Oh, no, the Bumsteads
are the best.

Oh, no, the Woodleys are.

I said the Bumsteads
are the better neighbors.

Look, Woodley.

You're in my house,
eating my food.

The least you could do
in return is to admit

that you're the best neighbor!

All right, if that's
what you feel about it,

-we're the best!
-Uh. Well, that's better.

Now, goodwill
between nations is--

Wait a minute.

Harriet, have you got
a garden hose that doesn't leak?

-Go on, Blondie.

Now, goodwill between nations--

-How long have you had it?
-Three or four months.

-Go on, Blondie.

Goodwill between nations--

Woodley, you've been keeping
that good hose I bought

for yourself and palming
the leaky one off on us.

How could such a good neighbor
like me do a thing like that?

Oh, I know you'd do it, Herb.

Blondie, we've been swindled!

-Oh, Dagwood.
-Go ahead, Blondie. [CHUCKLES]

BLONDIE: Goodwill
between nations is--

It's a typical,
sneaky Woodley trick.

-BLONDIE: Now Dagwood,

what Herb did is no worse
than your keeping

his paint sprayer all summer.

-Yes! My paint sprayer?

You told me it was lost!

Oh, no, I didn't Herb.
I just asked you

if you'd found it yet.

I'm not as stupid
as you think I am. [CHUCKLES]

-Nobody could be.

Very funny.

Well, how would you like
to step outside?

-Yeah, look.

HERB: If you don't mind,

I'd like my paint sprayer back,

You'll get it
when I get my hose back.


-You woke us up.
-What's going on?

It's nothing, Alexander.
It's just a little

-international argument.
-Who's winning?

-I am.
-I am. Mm.

I wish you'd turn it over
to the security council.

I'm a growing boy.
I need my sleep.

I'll make a motion
to that effect.

-I'll use my veto powers.
-Uh. So do I.

Now, can we get some sleep?

Come on, Harriet,
let's go on home.

But Blondie hasn't told you
about goodwill among nations

being like goodwill
among neighbors.

-I hate to rush you, Herb,

but I'll open the door.




Herbert! What are you doing?

I'm returning his hose.

But he'll be tearing out
of that door in a minute or two.

That's right. [LAUGHS]

Oh, I'm not gonna
let you do that.

Harriet, I'm warning you
as a big nation

to a little nation,
you stay out of this.

He'll ruin himself.

I couldn't be that lucky.
Let's go.

Oh, Herbert!

Stand back, children.
Don't get trampled.

Daisy? Take care of your pups.






What happened?

-Oh, dear.

There's the first
border incident.

-What happened? What happened?

-Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.


I... Wait a minute! My ear!

You know I got an ear, you know.


Mommy, Daddy's home.

I know. It's Saturday.
He said he had something to do.

-Where is he?
-At the Woodleys back door.

Greasing their doorknob.

Sometimes I think I got
an extra child in my family.



-BLONDIE: Dagwood!

Just a minute, Blondie!

I'm taking my lawnmower back!

Come back here, Bumstead!



Wait a minute, Bumstead!
Come back with that!


What's the matter, Woodley?
You afraid to come out

of here and tango with me?

When I get my hands on you.

-I'll wait.
-BLONDIE: Dagwood?

And I've waited long enough.



Hi, Blondie.
What's for lunch?

How's the sandwich
material department?


Sit down, Dagwood.
I have something to say to you.

Uh. Well, can I eat
while I listen? [CHUCKLES]

-But... but, Blondie,

-I'm hungry.
-I got something to tell you.

Uh. Well... well, all right.

Now you listen to me.

Oh, just a minute, dear.

Um. Cookie, I... I think
you'd better wait outside.

Oh, gee, Daddy. Can't I listen?

Someday, I'll be married
and have problems too.

Outside, young lady.

There's a lot of stuff you
can't learn in school, you know.

Dagwood Bumstead,
I'm ashamed of you.

Yeah. But, Blondie,
Herb Woodley, he--

You're both equally responsible.

Now this whole thing is silly
and it can't go on.

One of you has got
to apologize first.

Then it's gotta be Herb.

He's pretty good making
those phony apologies.

No. You're going to do it.

Blondie, I refuse.

Hmm? Oh.

-If that's the kind of a nation

you're going to be,

I'm gonna put an embargo
on your food.

Yeah, but, Blondie...

You've got to swallow your pride
before your lunch.

Yeah, but it goes down so hard.

-Okay. I'll give it to the dog.



Oh, don't be so greedy.

Well... [CHUCKLES]
...on second thought,

maybe I'd better be a big man.

...and... and do
the right thing.


-Now, take the paint sprayer...
-DAGWOOD: Uh-huh.

...and make a little
international goodwill junket

over to the Woodleys
and apologize.

-Okay, Blondie, I'll do it.
-[INHALES] That's more like it.

-You'll be much happier

if you're not carrying a grudge.

[CHUCKLES] You're right, dear.

Now, how do you feel?

I'm hungry.

Is it all over yet?

I thought Pop was here?

He's returning Mr. Woodley's
paint sprayer.

They're gonna make up

and everything is gonna
be all right.

-Well, we'll see.
-We certainly will.

I learned a lot
about international politics

last night.
And it applies to people too.

Yeah. But are you sure

it applies to Daddy
and Mr. Woodley?

Hmm. There are ways
of handling them.

Yeah, I know.

But even a little nation
can't win

just by breaking into tears.

I'm not sure how I ought
to take that remark.


BLONDIE: Dagwood!

Oh, dear! What a mess!

You and your international

-What happened?
-What happened?

I apologized to him
and he tested

his paint sprayer
on me. [SNIFFLES]

He claimed it was an accident
but I know better.

Blondie, this means w*r.


The big nations are certainly
making a mess of things.


What did the lecturer
say the little nations

are supposed to do
at a time like this?

Oh, we bring moral pressure
against them.

-Well, how do we do that?
-Who knows?

But we gotta do something,
don't we?


So, let's do it, whatever it is.

Junk, junk.

He who borrows
from Dagwood Bumstead,

-borrows trash!
-It may be junk,

but my junk is better
than your junk.

-Now step aside.
-No, no.

You... you... you step aside.

Hey, wait a minute! I happen
to own this hole in the hedge.

Since when has
it become your property?

I discovered it! Step aside.

Okay, if that's the way
you want it.

-Here's your junk.


Oh. So that's the way
you wanna play, huh?

-Here's your stuff!


Wait a minute!

Is my hand cultivator
over there?

Well, how should I know?
Who cares?

Wait a minute, where's my saw?

I'm throwing
from the wrong pile!

There's my cultivator
I want it back!

-Yeah. There's my lawnmower.
-That's not your lawnmower,

-that's my lawnmower!
-Says you.

Says me. [GROANS]

-Wait a minute.
-Let go.

-That's mine now!
-It is mine!

Oh, you wanna play games, eh?

-I won. [CHUCKLES]

That's what you think.

Oh, wait a minute, Woodley.
Doggone it!



-Let go of that!

-No, no.
-HARRIET: Herbert--

HERB: Dagwood! Come back
with my lawnmower!

-Nobody's gonna push me around!

Come back here with that!

-Herbert, shame on you.
-[GRUNTS] Come here with that.


-DAGWOOD: Now wait just a--
-HERB: Get your hands off me.



Baby, who's side are you on?

BLONDIE: No, Dagwood.
Oh, be careful!

Dagwood, stop it!

-Herb, do something.

HERB: We're going to spin you.

So long, Bumstead. [CHUCKLES]


You hit me!

Yeah. I did not, your stomach
got in the way of my head.


-Fine. Go to hell.

-I'll mow your mustache.

HERB: You'll try it!


Pull, Harriet, pull.

He outweighs me!

Together now.
One, two, three, pull.

[GRUNTS] All right, now stop it,
both of you,

-you're behaving like children.
-Especially you, Herbert.

Oh, thank you
for backing me up, Harriet.

Next week, I'm gonna take

You do it and I'll starch
all your pajamas.

You wouldn't dare.

-[CHUCKLES] Stick them, Harriet.
-Why, I'll... [GRUNTS]

Now wait a minute.

-Now, Dagwood, you and Herb

-have been friends for years.

And I'm not gonna
let you break up

on a friendship over nothing.

Now I want you both
to shake hands

-and make up right now.

-Certainly not.
-It's against my principles

to shake hands with a scoundrel.

I'd rather shake hands
with somebody more intelligent

like a baboon.


-this is your last chance.

Blondie, I refuse.

BLONDIE: All right,
if that's the way you want it...

start fighting again.

-Come on!

-Cut that out.
-Will you stop it?

-I beg you to!
-All right,

all right, all right now.

You keep right on fighting,
I'm going into Harriet's house

and I'm not coming back
until there's a firm

and lasting peace.

You can put that in your pipe
and sleep on it.


Harriet, Harriet,
open this door.

-Oh, come on,

-put a little more into it.


I knew we were in trouble
when they went

to that world's politics

and international
goodwill lecture.

Yeah, there's nothing
I hate more

than an intelligent woman.

It's one thing I like
about Harriet,

-can never happen to her.

Well, they still got
themselves locked in.

You miss the point, buddy.
They got us locked out.

-Now what's the difference?
-Let's wait until dinner time.


Those little nations
can be a lot of trouble.

I wonder how long
this is gonna go on.

You heard what they said
about a firm and lasting peace?


Hey, of course
we could pretend to make up.

-No, I'm--

-Why not?

-Great idea.
-You think so?

-But remember.

We really still hate each other.

[SCOFFS] Don't worry.
I wouldn't trust you anyway.

-That goes for me double.
-All right.

Now let's laugh it up,
put on a good show for them.

Oh, yeah. [CHUCKLES]
Like we're real buddies

-they'll never catch on.

-Yeah, come on, here we go.


-Jack it up.
-Oh, yeah.






No, stop that.


Don't try to get in.

-Oh, hello girls.

-What's so funny?

We've been acting
kind of silly, ain't we?

We got to laughing about it.

-Yeah. [LAUGHS]

-We've been pretty childish.

A better word would be stupid.

-[LAUGHS] That's funny.

Yeah. Imagine me putting
that hose down

-so Dagwood would get...

-...tangled up in it.

And then Dagwood
greasing my doorknob.

-DAGWOOD: Yeah. Yeah,

that's real funny.
I remember that. [LAUGHS]

And... and Dagwood... Dagwood
with all that paint on his face.

-He looks funny enough

-looking without it.
-Yeah. [LAUGHS]


-Yup. [LAUGHS]
-Oh, yeah. [LAUGHS]

So now, we're real sorry,
we were soring each other

because we're good buddies now,
aren't we, Dagwood?

Yeah, we're all buddy again.


-Oh, so, will you forgive us?


-Let me look in your eyes.

-They're faking.
-They sure are.



-How can they tell?
-They know us too well,

Harriet can see
right through me.

Yeah, considering
your waistline, it isn't easy.

-Now see here, Bumstead.
-Oh, I... I'm sorry, Woodley,

but it's just like Blondie.

She knows exactly
what's going on in my head.

So do I, nothing.

-Now, look...

Just kind of slipped up,
that makes us even, huh?

-Well, okay.
-[CHUCKLES] What do we do now?

Well, let's go over to my house
and be miserable together.


No, Dagwood, no, no.
It was all my fault.

And that lawn mower
was probably yours too.

Yeah, honestly, Woodley,
I don't remember buying it,

-it was all my fault.
-No, it was all mine.

-Even though you started it.

No, but... [SIGHS]

...Woodley, let's not get
started in that again.

Say, maybe we better ask
for surrender terms.

Yeah, it's gonna be rough.

Yeah. Harriet has been hinting
about a new dress.

Yeah, and Blondie will probably
want a breakfast in bed

-for a week.
-Gee, Pop,

how come you're talking
about surrendering?

I thought you were
the boss in this house.

-I am, but in name only.
-Why aren't you the boss?

Yeah... Well,
that's kind of hard to explain.

Yeah. You'll have to wait
until after you get married.

Yeah, and then
it will be too late.

I though men were supposed
to act differently than that.

How are they supposed to act?

Well, a man is supposed
to tell the woman he's boss.

He... he does?

She better get used to it
or else, zoom.

The man's gotta be firm
with the woman.

-And a woman loves that.

Uh. W...wait a minute.

Where did you get
all this ridiculous information?

-From you.

Where else would he get
such ridiculous information?

You know something, Woodley?
What I told him is right.

-We're men, not mice.
-That's the spirit, Pop.

Two can play
at international politics.

Wait a minute.

Thanks, Alexander,
for reminding me how smart I am.


Well, Harriet, we ought
to have an offer

-of surrender pretty soon.
-I had a new dress all pick out.

I feel kind of sorry for them.

You know, they're pretty
helpless without us.

Yes, a man falls apart
if he doesn't have a wife around

-to annoy him.

That ought to be
two very apologetic husbands.

Let's slam the door
in their face once

-just for the fun of it.
-Oh, no, after all,

-they're pretty nice fellas.

But it's a mistake
for them to know.

-Hi, Mom.

Pop asked me to deliver
a message to you.

-What is it?

Your nightgown, toothbrush,
and stuff like that.

-Is... is that all?

he also told me
to say goodnight to you.


In case you stay here.
Well, goodnight.

How about that?
Apparently he isn't as desperate

as you thought he was.

Well, I don't see what's
so amusing about it.

At least Dagwood cares.

Herb didn't even bother
to send a message.

Well, it isn't because
he doesn't care,

it's because he's thoughtless
and inconsiderate.

-Yeah. should have seen
the look on her face

-when I handed her the suitcase.

She just thought
it was a time b*mb.


-Hey, how about that? [LAUGHS]

-Well, so long then.


-[LAUGHS] Hey!


Watch this.

Oh, Herbie.



He didn't hear me.

Oh, Herbie.

Here comes the blast.



Nice and quiet around here.

Peaceful too.

What are we waiting for?
Let's surrender.

Oh... oh, Harriet, we can't.
They'd never let us forget it.

-We can declare w*r again

once we've signed
a peace treaty

-and get them alone.
-Well, that's not fair.

I don't like the way
this has turned out.

Come to think of it,
it was your idea.

W-- Yes, but it was Herb
who started the whole thing.

I beg your pardon, Blondie,
but it was Dagwood.

Who was keeping the new hose
and only sharing

-the leaking one?

[GASPS] You know he wasn't.

Well, I'm not gonna say
Herbert was.

Harriet, that's my vase,
you borrowed that from me

at least two months ago.

But I loaned it
to you last year.

Now, now, wait a minute,

I... I know a better way
to settle this.

-Yeah, we got them

-where we want them.
-We're a hard team to beat.


Maybe we ought to lock them
out for three or four days.

Great idea.

Yeah, that will
hold them in line.

Yeah, and we'll have them
crying on our doorstep.

-Let's have the boys over

for a poker game.

Wonderful. [CHUCKLES] Uh...

Of course, we're just kidding
ourselves, Woodley.

-I'm afraid so.


I wanna know who's gonna cook
dinner tonight.

Why, Cookie,
your Uncle Herb is.

I better get my pajamas
and move over with Mommy.

And I think Alexander is going
over the heel too.

Wait a minute, Cookie,
hey, wait...


-BLONDIE: Harriet, let go.
-HARRIET: It's mine.

-BLONDIE: Dagwood!
-HARRIET: Herbert!

The girls are squabbling.

How could two good neighbors
get in a fight?

Hey, I can't imagine.

After I loaned it to you.


Hey, hey, hey, hey,
wait a minute,

-wait a minute, look out.
-Make her let go of that vase.

-Hey, what's going on here?

-It's mine! It's mine!

-Dagwood, don't!

Stop it, stop it, let go.

Oh, no. Look what you did.
You've broken my beautiful vase.

But it was my vase.

Blondie, what was going on here?

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

Harriet, I want you
to apologize to Blondie.

And, Blondie, you apologize
to Harriet immediately.

-But, Dagwood...
-Why should I apologize

-when she started it.

Or Woodley and I will lock you
out of our house

and until there's
a lasting peace.

Oh, well, in that case.
I'm sorry, Harriet.

I'm sorry too, Blondie.

Yeah, imagine fighting
over a vase.

-Sheer nonsense.
-Yeah, here,

-you buy yourself a new vase.
-Why, thank you, Dagwood.


Here, Harriet, buy yourself
a new vase, something nice.

I will, Herbert.

And will you quit going
to those lectures on politics?

Yes, Herbert.

Yeah, and that goes
for you too, Blondie.

-Of course, dear.
-Hey, how about

having the Woodleys over
for dinner tonight?

Yes, sir. Harriet, can I borrow
a roast from your freezer?

Sure, anything.

As long as you bring it back
in a year or two.

-Well, come on, old buddy,

we got a little cleaning up
to do out there.

Okay, old buddy, buddy.

-Hey, Pop.
-Oh, yeah.

You remember Mr. Zinc who used
to live in the other side

-of our house?
-Oh, yeah, what about him?

Well, he just picked up
the lawnmower

that you borrowed from him
four years ago.

Hey, that's who it belongs to.


You must not let Blondie
and Harriet know about this.

Oh, of course not. [SCOFFS]

-They don't understand us men.

I knew they'd come running
when we smash the window.

You were right, they fell
for the fight and everything.

Too bad about the window
but it was worth it.

-I'll pay half.
-Now I can get that new vase.

And I know just
the one you want,

size twelve and navy blue.

-Yeah. [LAUGHS]

Well, I'll admit,
women are pretty hard

to understand sometimes
but all a man

has to do is be firm.

Yeah, but they love
to have a man dominating them

and ordering them
around the house.

-That's right.
-Let them know who the boss is.

And they'll know,
they'll surely know.

[CHUCKLES] Well, I guess
there's no question

who's in charge
around this house.

-Yeah, call it.
-Yeah. Heads.

-Heads it is.

Well, you wash, and I'll dry.

