04x07 - Aliens and Bigfoot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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04x07 - Aliens and Bigfoot

Post by bunniefuu »

Strange tales of giant beasts...

half-ape and half-human.

Sometimes they have six fingers
and double rows of teeth.

Their strength is tremendous.

Massive footprints of mysterious
creatures found around the globe.

An adult male would stand
ten feet in height

and weigh a thousand pounds.

And ancient myths describing
human-like monsters

who travel between dimensions.

They have the ability to
appear and disappear at will.

On every continent there
are legends of Bigfoot and

evidence that might prove
the story is true.

We can't rule it out
as a possibility that

Bigfoot are somehow an
extraterrestrial species.

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might there
be a connection between

extraterrestrials and
the legend of Bigfoot?

Mount Everest.
November 9, 1951.

On the Menlung Glacier at an
altitude of 18,000 feet, British

explorers Eric Shipton and
Michael Ward came across a

mile-long trail of unusual footprints.

Not expecting to find humans
in this remote corner of the

mountain, the climbers examined the
prints to determine what made them.

To their surprise, the
footprints were in the shape of

a large, human-like foot...
one roughly twice the normal size.

The footprints suggest
that we're dealing with

a large primate...one that
shares with us not only they

have been walking on two legs...
but has some superficial

resemblance in its foot to our
footprints, only much larger

scale, but different from the
other great apes in the lack of

a divergent big toe, suggesting
they're adapted to a wholly

terrestrial environment,
living on the ground.

Photographs brought
back from the expedition

launched a media sensation and
marked the beginning of the

Bigfoot phenomena.

But where do these giant
footprints come from?

Could they be a hoax?

Or is there some mysterious
unknown creature living in the

remote wilderness?

According to the histories and
myths of the Himalayan region,

one such ape-like creature is
the yeti, more commonly known

as the Abominable Snowman.

The notorious Himalayan
yeti, it's often

described as being less than
six feet in height, much more

aggressive when encountered.

All of these sightings
really make for a

creature which seems to be
hiding from us, a creature which

is hiding in plain sight, and
obviously the direct evidence

comes in the form of its
footprint, hence why it's quite

often referred to as Bigfoot.

why don't we catch Bigfoot?

Bigfoot could be some sort of
supernatural creature like a

phantom, you know.

If Bigfoot is, however, a flesh
and blood animal, then I would

have to say their numbers would
have to be few and far in-between.

Since the Mount Everest
discovery, there have

been numerous sightings of large
ape-like creatures on every

continent, many clustered in the
Pacific Northwest area of the

United States, including Mount
Shasta, in Northern California.

In 1979, I was up on the
side of Mount Shasta, on the

foothills, trying to get to
the base of the mountain.

It was so dense and so tough.

As we're standing there, we
heard this crashing sound.

Simultaneously, we smelt
this awful smell... I mean, it was

foul... but what was horrifying
was, whatever it was was coming

at us through this impenetrable
hedge, and then we heard the

most bloodcurdling combination
of an elephant trumpeting,

a lion roaring.

And it was so loud, it had bounced
off the foothills two miles away.

That was probably the most
terrified I've been in my life,

and the next thing I knew, we
were heading down the mountain

almost skidding off corners.

I had heard from sheriffs about a

rancher in Montana who had gone
out to go hunting, comes around

a ridge, has an eight-foot-tall,
reddish brown, primate-looking,

long-haired creature standing
right in front of him.

Picks up a .30-06 and just fires.

And the creature disappeared
in a flash of light.

If the Sasquatch, when a b*llet
is shot at it, disappears in a

flash of light, then what in the
world are we dealing with and

what do they want?

Why is the creature known as Bigfoot
so difficult to capture or k*ll?

Could it be, as ancient
astronaut theorists contend,

that the creature's ghost-like
abilities are the result of its

otherworldly origin?

Many Sasquatch researchers
have noted that

there's a connection between UFO
activity and Bigfoot activity.

In fact, Bigfoot has been seen coming
out of some UFO flying saucer craft.

You have to wonder if, somehow,
Bigfoot himself isn't some kind

of extraterrestrial.

Many of the North
American Indian tribes

have legends and mythological
tales about these Sasquatch.

The Anasazi and various other
Indian cultures look at these as

a ghost creature or something
that it's impossible to capture,

close to impossible to see.

But they do know that they exist.

Although mainstream
scientists consider

the mysterious beast as no more than
a modern-day myth, the number of

Bigfoot sightings reported and
photographed continues to

steadily increase...

Specifically, what you
get is always the big feet,

you get a hairy creature, you
get a very specific smell,

very harsh smell, and it is
also said that the sound which

Bigfoot makes is kind of whistling.

So all of these components
really make for a typical

Bigfoot sighting, and they are
concise across the board.

They seem to be very elusive,
very retiring and retreating.

Aggressive behaviors are
very rarely reported.

The witness sees the creature,
and both go in opposite

directions with no
interaction whatsoever.

They range in size from perhaps
six feet to ten feet tall.

Coloration... the most common
description is of a dark brown

fur, their names vary from
location, but you have,

of course, in America, Bigfoot,
otherwise known as Sasquatch in

the Pacific Northwest.

Down in Florida, he's
known as the skunk ape.

Down in Australia, we have the Yowie.

But if a Bigfoot creature
really does exist, how

has it remained so elusive?

Researchers point out that
accounts of giant, human like

beasts date back thousands of years.

Throughout ancient history,
we have a number of

legends about giants, about wild
men, about hairy beasts that

live at the edge of civilization.

These were humans, you know,
people who were, however, wild,

they were hairy, they didn't wear
clothes, they lived in the woods.

And yet, in other ways,
they had special powers.

Is it possible that the
supernatural creatures of

Native American myths are in
fact descriptions of encounters

with Bigfoot in the remote past?

And are such creatures
extraterrestrial in nature?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answers can be found

in numerous ancient texts.

In the Book of Enoch,
we have a category called

the Nephilim or "The Watchers,"

people who are said to have come
down from heaven to Earth and

basically lived ever after amongst us.

Now, the Bible gives very little
discussion as to really what

they looked like, except the
fact that they were giants, that

they were big, and clearly they
are deemed to be less worthy.

And I think this is of interest
because when you start looking

on the Bigfoot, you really are
confronted with a creature

which, even we, today, would
classify more as a animal rather

than as a human being.

In the Old Testament,
we can read stories

where the gods saw the Earth
women and thought they were

extremely beautiful.

And so they made babies with
them, and upon giving birth,

according to the texts, they
created a race of giants.

What they witnessed had
absolutely nothing to do with

the divine or with the spiritual because
those gods were not gods at all.

They were misinterpreted flesh...
and-blood extraterrestrials.

Might Bigfoot, and the
Himalayan Yeti, really be

creatures of alien origin, as some
ancient astronaut theorists contend?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found in ancient tales of giant

beings with supernatural powers.


Site of ancient Mesopotamia and
the cradle of civilization.

In the remains of the ancient
city of Nineveh, Sumerian

tablets dating back to as early
as 1800 BC tell the story of

King Gilgamesh.

In this epic poem, Gilgamesh has
a companion named Enkidu, who is

described as a hairy wild man
living outside human society.

What is fascinating
about the "Epic of

Gilgamesh" is the fact that it
relates to us a story of Enkidu,

who allegedly was a giant.

It is possible that Enkidu, this
wild hairy beast, this giant,

could have been of
extraterrestrial origin.

Because that is what the ancient
Sumerian texts are saying.

Enkidu is described in the
the Epic of Gilgamesh as being

a hairy man-like monster
with great strength.

And when you read that story,
and you have to think that

Enkidu is some kind of
a Bigfoot Sasquatch.

This is the actual first
fashioned being by the

gods, where they put their
genetic marker on it to make

a new being that would be
their sl*ve, and they called

this being the Enkidu.

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists

suggest, that the Epic of
Gilgamesh actually describes a

hominid creature created by
extraterrestrial beings?

Sumerian texts also describe
ancient sky gods who came to

Earth, called the Anunnaki.

The ancient astronaut
theory explains how

these gods were probably

And put their genetic
marker on this beast.

But that beast would still exist
and probably went on its own

evolutionary path to be the Bigfoot
and the Sasquatch that we have today.

Do ancient accounts of such
human like beasts provide

further evidence that this
otherworldly being may have

really existed throughout our history?

Some believe the giant in the Old
Testament story of David and

Goliath may also be an early
representation of Bigfoot.

If you think about the
story of David and Goliath

from the Bible, Goliath is huge,
and he's big, and he's hairy,

but he doesn't live on the edge
of civilization or avoid people.

He's being used as a w*apon almost...
a w*apon of terror

against the Israelites.

When you start
reading the Bible in more detail

and descriptions of these giants,
there were various other

big creatures in our ancestors'

world, which we no longer are
aware of, and Bigfoot might just

be one category, which somehow
has been able to survive.

Whether or not Goliath is a
Bigfoot, they definitely sit

within the same category of a
creature which clearly is not

human, but clearly is also
present here and is taller than

our ancestors were.

My question is:

What is the truth behind
this particular story?

And it is possible, as some
scholars have suggested, that

Goliath might have been
an extraterrestrial.

That he was a type of giant, a
human abomination, a half-alien,

half-human creature that was so
terrifying, so horrendous, that

David took it upon himself
to vanquish that beast.

All cultures across the
world, whether it's South

America, Native American Indians,
Europe, Russia, China,

Tibet, Australia, all these
nations have legends and tales

of giant hairy wild men.

Now, you know, people say, "Well,
legends are just legends."

But when you have cultures and
countries, separated by oceans,

all talking about very similar
things, to me, this does suggest

that in times past these things
were very, very prevalent and

widespread across the world.

Legends of giants were
common in the ancient world.

But similar stories emerged much
later with Viking explorer Leif

Ericson, who, in the 10th
century AD, wrote of "horrible,

ugly, hairy creatures with dark eyes."

Leif Ericson was familiar
with the different

types of tribes of indigenous people.

Now, he spoke very specifically
about these large, hairy

creatures with dark eyes and a
very specific scent that they had.

It stood out from all the other
cultures that they interacted

with on their travels
into the New World.

Could these have been the Sasquatch
or Yeti that we speak of today?

Very possibly.

Medieval mythologies
have also described

hairy wild men with
strange magical powers.

According to historians, the
wizard Merlin, found in the

tales of King Arthur, is based
on a legendary Welsh figure

named Myrddin Wyllt, who is
described as a hairy madman...

who wanders in the company of beasts.

There are many stories,
for example, of

the wild man dating
from medieval times.

There, you have Merlin, our
Merlin who is familiar to us

from the legend of King Arthur.

You have a legend about Merlin
as being a wild man, being

someone who was hairy and
unkempt and lived in the woods

because he communicated so
closely with the spirit world.

That he was untamed.

That he was unable to
live in human society.

And so you have this idea that
these creatures, who are wild

humanoids, also have
special messages for us.

They can prophecy.

They are living close to the
spirit world in some way.

But could all these
similar accounts found

throughout history and around
the world be proof that Bigfoot

is more than just myth?

And is there any evidence that
its origins lie not on Earth,

but in the stars?

There are a number of cases
on record where Bigfoot

is being seen in the same
precise time frame as UFO

activities being reported.

For example, there was a big
wave of UFO activity in

in Pennsylvania in the early 1970s,
and people actually reporting these

large, shadowy, lumbering apelike
creatures walking out of the woods.

In Texas, there's a road known
locally as Ghost Light Road.

And it's called Ghost Light Road
because people see these weird

balls of light flying
through the woods.

Coincidentally, people also have
reported huge numbers of Bigfoot

sight reports in these very same woods.

Bigfoot are intelligent,
they're very, very

secretive and very, very hidden.

They're able to skirt
around civilization.

Perhaps they do have some sort
of extra abilities that allow

them to do this, and if so, where
did those abilities come from?

We can't factor out as a
possibility that Bigfoot are

somehow an extraterrestrial species.

Back in 1980, I had
been investigating a lot

of animal mutilations, and I
get a letter from a man up in

Snohomish, Washington, famous for
the Sasquatch or Bigfoot sightings,

who said, "I was out
at my father's place,

and I hear a sound in the
trees as if wind has come in.

"With the trees starting to
move comes the silver disc."

And then he sees a beam
comes down to the ground.

In the beam is a tall,
shaggy primate-looking...

he said it looked like a gorilla.

Comes down to the bottom, and
the tall creature walks by

as if he doesn't exist.

The next thing, animal mutilations
are reported within a few days.

If Bigfoot creatures are aligned with

extraterrestrial beings, as
ancient astronaut theorists

believe, what might be the purpose
of their presence on this planet?

And might the worldwide
sightings be part of a

clandestine program that has been
going on for thousands of years?

Bigfoot could have been
brought here, you know,

to sort of... let's put it alongside
the natives and see what happens.

There are stories of the star
people coming down and releasing

these Bigfoot-type creatures
into the wilderness.

Of course, you have to wonder
what prompted those stories.

And that's why there are
researchers out there who do

believe Bigfoot is, if you like,
an animal born on another world.

One idea is that these
are entities that

have been dropped down here as
part of a research project.

Another idea is that the
Bigfoot creatures, perhaps,

were criminals or some other
type of undesirable from an

alien planet that have
been left on our world.

If extraterrestrials did create
a race of Bigfoot creatures

thousands of years in the past,
as ancient astronaut theorists

believe, might they have had a reason
for keeping them hidden from us?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found not in the world we know,

but hidden deep underground.

The Siskiyou Mountains.

Southwestern Oregon.

In 1874, hunter Elijah Davidson
discovered a large cave leading

to a 500-acre network of
underground tunnels and caverns.

Known as the Oregon Caves, the
ancient subterranean structure

is one of the few marble
caves in the world.

Some believe this underground
world is home to the Sasquatch

creatures that have been
reported in this area by Native

Americans for hundreds of years.

There are a number of sightings
of these creatures in caves.

A number of explorers hearing
very strange animalistic screams

coming from these caves and
seeing sort of shadowy lumbering

creatures within them.

You know, if you're a large
flesh-and-blood animal, seven to

eight feet tall, certainly you're
gonna be out hunting all day to feed.

But at night, potentially, you
know, with Bigfoot hunters out

there, regular hunters, other wild
animals, you need to be careful.

The ideal location to hide
out would be underground.

So, you know, maybe that's another
reason we haven't found Bigfoot.

Instead of looking around us, maybe
we should be looking below us.

These cavern systems that exist
worldwide have not been fully explored.

In fact, probably a very small
percentage of them have been

even discovered.

What could exist down there?

Could we have a whole system of
life-forms that exist down there

that we have yet to identify?

You have fish that never see
light, you have insect species,

there's the possibility
of a complete potential

infrastructure for
Bigfoot to survive on.

Perhaps Bigfoot is one
of these life-forms.

No one sees Sasquatches
going on highways, paths and

forests moving back and forth.

If we're dealing with nonhuman
intelligence and non humans made

them to do work on this planet,
maybe there's a tunnel system.

And that might explain why you
could have them in Georgia,

Michigan, Pennsylvania,
California, all over.

One thing that's always
intrigued me, as well,

about Bigfoot is this description of a
musky, sulfur-ish type smell that's

often associated with
the close encounters.

You know, the Christian version
of the Devil and fire and

brimstone and that sulfur type
smell tends to be associated

with the subterranean world or Hell.

So, is there a connection,
possibly, between the idea of

subterranean devils, if you
will, or Lucifer, and that

sulfur smell and that
sulfur smell with Bigfoot?

Is it possible that a
race of subterranean creatures

has been living beneath the Earth's
surface without our knowledge?

If so, might Bigfoot
have been interacting

with us for thousands of years?

In ancient Greek myths, we find
references to the troglodytes.

These hairy, beastly-looking
creatures that lived

underground, that sometimes
were extremely terrifying...

but sometimes they also were
very wise and taught mankind in

various disciplines.

Now, according to the ancient
legends, the troglodytes are

believed to have
descended from the sky.

Obviously, they were hiding out
somewhere that was inaccessible

to our ancestors.

They wanted to keep their
presence a secret.

There are multiple stories that
actually talk about explorations

into these tunnels, where
sometimes people never returned.

People who have done
research have found

dens, nests, collections of
brush that are put together

in particular patterns that
suggest very large creatures are

nesting in them.

And I find that fairly
persuasive evidence.

Something is making those
dens or nests out of brush.

Something is using those,
probably living underground.

Throughout the world,
there are many extensive

and mysterious cavern systems
that are linked together.

In Tibet and in India, also in
North and South America, some of

them also go throughout the
Pacific Northwest, like areas

like Mount Shasta.

So it's an interesting idea that
Bigfoot is actually traveling

underground, through these
tunnel systems, and those

underground bases and tunnel

systems would have been
made by extraterrestrials.

Might extraterrestrials really have

built caves and tunnel systems
to hide the legendary creature

known as Bigfoot, as some ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

And if so, is it possible that
these otherworldly beings still

dwell there today?

Could Sasquatch, Bigfoot,
be something that lives

here, on Earth, underground?

What is the relationship between
the Sasquatch, the nonhuman

phenomenon and this planet?

There's also the possibility that
he is actually an alien creature.

Now, we don't know how
intelligent he is, but one

theory is that the Bigfoot is
actually a more intelligent

creature, and he's avoiding man,
hiding out in mountainous

regions that are cold, waiting
for man to destroy himself,

at which time, he'll assume dominance.

And, of course, he also could
be the result of genetic

hybridization, and that aliens
landed on our planet and used

DNA to create a hybrid
between man and the apes.

All bets are on, but the
evidence that he exists

somewhere certainly is strong
based on all of the evidence

we've found, in terms of eyewitness
observations, footprints, et cetera.

Could the intermingling
of human and alien

beings have resulted in this
strange hybrid creature,

as ancient astronaut theorists contend?

Perhaps further investigation of
the Bigfoot mystery will reveal

an even more disturbing truth.


February 28, 1927.

Noted biologist and geneticist
Illya Ivanov conducts

controversial experiments to
artificially inseminate female

apes with human sperm.

The procedure is unsuccessful.

But three years later, Ivanov
reverses the test using ape

sperm and human female hosts.

Before the experiment can bear
fruit, the Soviet government

arrests Ivanov and exiles him.

But had the scientist already made
an evolutionary breakthrough?

Might Ivanov have actually
created a hybrid species from

ape and human DNA?

Illya Ivanov was a person
who was obsessed with

making this freak, this creature, which
was half-man, half-chimpanzee...

but also is completely convinced that
if he's able to do this, there will

be interbreeding of these two species.

And, really, if a person like
that, a top scientist, is

convinced that this is possible
then, really, nature might have

done so, or our ancestors might
have done so at one point in the

past as well, and this creature
might indeed be the result of

this offspring.

Ivanoff was aware that
combining ape and human is

possible with the idea that
there could be new traits and

things garnered that
scientifically would benefit

humanity in the long run.

If recent modern science
could create hybrid

human and ape creatures, might
similar yet very advanced technology

have been used by extraterrestrial
beings in the remote past,

as ancient astronaut
theorists contend?

You know, it's like
The Island of Dr. Moreau,

strange creatures that these
mad scientists dabble with.

We know that people are Chimeras.

They are part-animal, part-human.

There are people wandering this
planet right now with workable

pig valves keeping them alive.

So there's no question, if
science can dabble, it will

dabble, and it could
create some abominations.

I shudder to think of the kinds
of creatures some scientists on

this planet may have tried to
develop and they had to just

dispose of them because
they were too hideous.

Is it possible that
offshoots of a certain

species occurred over hundreds
of thousands of years?

The ancient alien theory
answers that exact question.

And the answer is yes.

It was made possible by a direct
artificial intervention of our genes

in the remote past by flesh-and-blood
extraterrestrials who used our

planet as some type of an
experimental platform.

All around the world we can find
carvings or statues of these

hybrid beings.

And some of them are in India,

like the Naga, which is
a half-man, half-snake.

In Greece, we have the Medusa
with her hair made of snakes.

In Egypt, the entire god
pantheon consists of these half

man, half animals, with Anubis,
for example, with the head of a

dog, and the body of a human being.

And to suggest that all of these
creatures were nothing else but

fantasy, in my opinion,
doesn't really hold water.

Because our ancestors
depicted what they saw.

But if the monster
we know as Bigfoot really

exists, and is an ancient alien
hybrid that has survived to

modern times,
what was it created for?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer can be found

by taking another look at
the Sumerian stories of the

Anunnaki, and the Bigfoot-like
creature called Enkidu.

The gods originally
came here to mine gold.

But they didn't like to
mine the gold themselves.

So, the Anunnaki created
what we call the Enkidu.

They decided amongst the gods
to fashion a worker being, the

perfect working model.

Not as sophisticated
or as advanced as us.

It was the first working model
that they used as sl*ve labor.

If the creature known
as Bigfoot really was

created by aliens to mine
precious metals thousands of

years ago, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

why would it still be around today?

Is it simply what remains of an
ancient race of hybrid beings?

Or might these giant beasts
still be working on behalf of


Why would they put a Sasquatch
character here that they made?

And it may be that we're dealing
with intelligences that can

create anything with genetic material.

And they would make a creature
that would be strong, big enough

to fend for itself, have some
kind of a mission but is not

to interact with h*m* Sapien
at all, might explain why

Sasquatch has always been so elusive.

It could've been an
experiment out of natural

curiosity by them, or perhaps
they had a purpose in putting

Bigfoot on our planet, perhaps
to test out the environment

before they ultimately
land here and take over.

It could be a long-term
genetic experiment.

Is it possible that the
reason we have not

found hard evidence of Bigfoot's
existence is because it is

hiding out, performing some
secret extraterrestrial mission?

Or might its elusiveness be a
survival instinct... one highly

evolved over thousands of years,
while hiding from a far more

dangerous alien hybrid species...

human beings?

Hong Kong. 1935.

In a small medicinal shop,
German paleontologist Dr.

Gustav von Koenigswald purchased
a set of giant molars thought to

be the teeth of an ancient dragon.

After further study, von
Koenigswald determined that

he had stumbled upon the first
fossil evidence of an extinct

species of ape called

Standing ten feet tall and
weighing up to 1,200 pounds,

this gigantic ape, believed to
have lived alongside several

early hominid species for tens
of thousands of years... is the

largest known primate
to ever walk the Earth.

Might the creature known as Bigfoot be
a descendant of this ancient beast?

A popular theory for the
origins of Sasquatch is that

it may be descended from a known
great ape, Gigantopithecus,

a giant ape that lived during
the latter part of the

Pleistocene, and achieved,
along with many other animals,

gigantic proportions.

As an ape with a small brain, it
had extra crests and ridges of

bone to provide attachment for
the massive muscles to drive

these very heavy, heavy jaws.

By comparison, the gorilla has
the crests and ridges that are

found on Gigantopithecus, or
Bigfoot, presumably, to support

the muscles attaching to a very small
brain with a small cranial covering.

The skulls of Gigantopithecus
and the modern...

day gorilla are typical
of large primates.

But the human skull, a species
believed to have also descended

from large primates...

is very different.

The human skull is remarkably
smaller, our distinction being

the much greater cranial capacity,

uh, small jaws, smaller
muscles to drive these jaws.

What can account for such significant
differences in related species?

And why are humans relatively
hairless and possess brains

far more advanced than other primates?

Are we really the result of
evolution, or might the truth be

that the real alien hybrid
is not Bigfoot, but man?

What today is referred
to as the "missing link" is

extraterrestrial intervention.

Because without that
extraterrestrial intervention,

evolution did not take place
the way we're told in school.

Right after we shed our fur,
for millennia, we had to keep

warm by wearing furs.

Yet we used to have fur
all over our body.

So something doesn't make sense.

Our ancient ancestors
here may well be, in a

sense, aliens from other solar
system, perhaps the Greys.

And what they've done is
manipulate what we already

humanoids on this planet, but
brute humanoids, hairy, brutish

people, the caveman of ancient times.

But we're being genetically
manipulated and given the DNA of

these extraterrestrials.

The progression of
the Darwinian evolution...

looking at the Neanderthal man,
the australopithecine, all the

way up to Cro-Magnon...

it's very possible that missing
link is still being looked into.

Now I don't think they're ever
going to find it, because the

missing link, more than likely,
was a genetic alteration on that

hominid to make us.

Could h*m* sapiens
really be a species not

indigenous to planet Earth?

And if humans are the result of
genetic engineering by alien

beings, as ancient astronaut
theorists believe,

might Bigfoot creatures really be the

last surviving examples of
prehistoric hominids?

Creatures who would have
originally dominated this planet?

Is it possible that,
during the genetic

manipulation of human beings,
we at one point, started out as

Sasquatch and Bigfoot and Yetis?

One of the stories in the
Sumerian myths is how the

gods came into contact with this
apelike creature here on Earth,

and said, "We can put our
genetic marker on this creature

and make man in our image
and "after our likeness."

These apelike hairy creatures
existed here naturally on Earth

and are possibly the origins of
how humanity was spliced by the

Anunnaki into creating us
that still exist today.

Might the legend of Bigfoot
really be the story of

Earth creatures who escaped
experimentation by ancient aliens?

And could this help explain why
they have been hiding from man

for thousands of years?

I think, out of all the so
called paranormal phenomena

that is scoffed up by science, we,
at some point in the not-too...

distant future... are going to
have real, irrefutable evidence

of the existence of these creatures.

The fact that Bigfoot have been
able to skirt about on the

periphery and remain hidden and
remain secretive and be seldom

seen means that they're intelligent.

But what happens when
populations keep expanding,

remote areas start getting
settled, and Bigfoot starts to

lose more and more of its territory?

What's gonna happen?

Where is Bigfoot gonna go?

I think this is
extraordinarily powerful

information to suggest that
we were indeed engineered by

ancient extraterrestrial beings,
and Bigfoot might just be the

first intelligent life here on Earth.

Is it possible that the legends
of Bigfoot creatures are real?

Could they have been the product
of genetic manipulation by

otherworldly beings?

Or are humans the real alien

creatures, manufactured by using
alien and hominid DNA?

If so, it might help to explain
why Bigfoot is so elusive.

Not because we're afraid of him,
but because they are afraid of us.
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