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05x13 - Diamond Exchange

Posted: 01/31/14 20:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

And the Burkes are going to Washington.

I have some news of my own.

I reached out to the National Gallery.

They just called me and offered me a position.

No more handlers, no more cases, no more anklet.

I've talked to a lawyer.

A recommendation from you is critical.

The Mosconi codex.

If this book is a puzzle, maybe these are the pieces.

Take a look at the pages. Rain man it.

I got it.

This is the idol of Sita.

The idol had eyes made out of rare diamonds.

The Hope diamond. We're looking for its twin.

Mosconi symbols aren't a message.

They're numbers.

Real name is Rachel Turner.

She is the prime suspect in the murders of Curtis Hagen and Agent David Siegel.

Neal, she's in love with you.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

I'm impressed, Neal. That was well played.

What's the threat?

I'll see you soon.

This is Agent Burke.

Peter, what is it?

Rebecca escaped.

We have an inmate loose. Repeat, inmate loose.

Prisoner RK4431 is no longer in her cell.

The Metropolitan Corrections Center is reporting an armed and dangerous escapee in the vicinity.

Name: Rachel Turner, A.K.A. Rebecca Lowe.

[Radio chatter fades]

Is this some kind of message?

"Anything you can do, I can do too"?

I doubt it.

She walked right out the door in uniform, same way you did once.

Hey, I didn't have to hurt anyone to break out of prison.

The C.O.'s in pretty rough shape, but she'll survive.

When did this happen?

When she was escorted to the yard for her hour of exercise yesterday.

She used a stethoscope she cribbed from the infirmary to strangle her.

Another 30 seconds, she'd have been dead.

Rebecca's former law enforcement.

She's got the skill set of a trained agent.

With the instincts of a criminal.

This is what we do, Neal, you and me.

Let's track this.

Her first step on the run.

What would it be?

On the run, the first thing she'd do is change her appearance-- quick hair cut, decent dye job.

She'd want to be invisible.

She'd also need to be mobile.

She'd get a car.

But something that doesn't stick out, something-- something non-descript.

She'd also need new credentials.

Who would she go to here in New York?

She doesn't need to go to anyone.

She's a professional, and every professional has a go bag.

We already have hers.

Well, I underestimated her.

Anyone this good would have several ready and waiting.

Driver's license, passport, currency--she'll have everything she needs.

But if I'm her, I'm not leaving this city without the one thing I want.

The diamond.

Yeah, she k*lled Siegel, used and m*rder*d Hagen, manipulated me and everyone in my life to get to it.

You don't go through all that for nothing.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, June.

We'll be right there.

Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness.

I tried to call 911.

Which, as we all know, is a joke.

Truly, there's no need.

What's with all the extra wing-tips?

You said Rebecca was here.

What happened?

I was asleep, but I heard a noise.

She must have come in through the balcony.

I didn't see her.

I was leaving you a voice message when--I don't know.

She knocked me out.

The least I can do is make you some tea.

Something a little stronger.

Wing-tips, would you like some coffee?

Yeah, give us a moment.

Thank you, June.

Of course.

What's going on with your arm?

It's been sore since I woke up.

It's a needle mark.

She injected you with something?

It could be sodium pentothal.

Truth serum?

I could be under its influence right now.

Break any laws recently?

Absolutely none.

Definitely not truth serum.

What if I told her about my breakthrough?

She could have taken the next step.

She might have the diamond.

[Cell phone rings]


Or should I still call you Rebecca?

Don't bother trying to keep me on the line.

This is a simple trade.

I'm not making any deals with you.

The diamond for your friend's life.


I gave him a lethal dose of a highly toxic poison.

Very soon, he'll start showing signs.

Five to six hours from now, he'll be dead.

You're lying.

You can take him to the hospital if you like.

By the time the doctors are finished running their tests, he'll be long gone.

Get me what I want.

So now you can't even do your own dirty work?

I've got a few people looking for me.

Better you find the diamond.

I'll give you the antidote in exchange.

Leave a message on this line once you have it.

Oh, and, Neal, it's nice to hear your voice again.

[Rock music]

Presbyterian isn't far.

If we go now--

No death centers.

It's a hospital.

Oh, they'll have a bar-coded tramp stamp on me before the first I.V. drip.

Moz, will you please be reasonable?

Why are we wasting our time arguing?

We are on the verge of discovering the twin of the Hope diamond.

Your life is on the line.

Rebecca's probably bluffing.

I feel... absolutely okay.

Look, we can find the antidote.

I'm taking you to a hospital right now.

The diamond is the antidote, and you need my help to find it.

Who knows more about masonic lore than yours truly?

All right. Fill me in.

Neal said you had some kind of breakthrough with symbols?


Slow down.

We've been looking at them as letters, when we should be looking at them as numbers.

Numbers from where?

An old Hindu numerical system, probably Mosconi's inspiration, given the origin of the diamond.

Do we have any idea what they mean?

I'm working on it, but it's tough.

These last two, I don't know what they are.

They're the only ones that don't correspond.

They're coordinates.

You have 14 numbers.

Seven and seven in a particular order.

Latitude and longitude.

Could be.

And these two symbols you can't decode-- probably cardinal directions.

I think Mosconi was telling us where he hid that diamond.

Punching in the numbers now starting with north by east.


Doubtful the diamond is in my least favorite parliamentary republic.

Oh, they still have a practice there called marriage by capture.

Sounds familiar.

Keep working.

Trying south by west, which leads us to somewhere in Chile.

Mosconi never had any kind of history there.

Try north and west.

It's a stone fort. In Queens.

Stone. Probably made by masons.


Fort Totten was built in 1862 for the civil w*r.

So it existed when Mosconi was in New York City.

If I have a priceless diamond that needs safekeeping, what better place than a U.S. military installation?

I'll let the FBI know we're checking it out ourselves.

Let's go.


Hey, that was Peter.

There's a problem with Caffrey's pal.

It's serious.

Something's happened to Mozzie?

He was poisoned by Rebecca Lowe.

He's okay for now, but apparently he only has a few hours left.

You okay?

Do they know what it is?

No. Not a clue. It's a mystery.

And I guess they don't have enough time to wait for the blood test.

Let me check all recent NYPD incident reports for any thefts at a doctor's office, pharmacy, or lab since Rebecca's escape.

She had to get the toxins from somewhere.

All right. Here we go.

A few residential B&Es.

Convenience store robbery in Williamsburg.

Mugging in Midtown.

That's interesting.


Hanawalt Pharmaceuticals?

Looks like some kind of greenhouse.

Yeah, a lot of prescription meds start out as poisonous plants.

Robbery happened after the main lab closed.

Yeah, this could be it. And, according to this, NYPD's currently on the scene, which is where I should be.

You want to come with?

Hey, if you need me, you got me.

Peter Burke, FBI.

This is my associate, Neal Caffrey.

This is my--Mozzie.

Agent Burke, right, your offices called, said you were on the way.

I'm Hopper. Alan Hopper.

Ranger Hopper, actually. What's all this about?

We believe there's a vital piece of information inside that could lead us to the capture of a known fugitive.

We're in a bit of a hurry.

Copy that.

Let's take a bad guy off the streets.

Structure's named after Joseph Totten, U.S. army officer and engineer known as the father of brick fortification.

Foundation's mostly granite.

Well, he had to make some modifications when the rifled-bored cannon arrived.


Well, I think we can take it from here.

I really appreciate your cooperation.

Anything I can do to help.

You know, if you could coordinate with my offices and keep me apprised of any developments, that'd be great.

I'll get on the horn right now, chief.

Nice. Let's start looking.

Mosconi must have left some kind of trail.

[Labored breathing]

There are a million different hiding spots in this place.

We need some direction.


I don't see any distinctive markings or clues.

Keep looking. We've come too far.

"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily."


An unwavering man, he would stop at nothing to find the Hope diamond's twin rock.

Neither will we.

Are you okay?

Yeah, perfectly fine.

It's just a little hot out here.

My pulse is up a little.

It's probably just the heat, though.

We may have to drag him to a hospital, kicking and screaming if need be.

He says he's feeling fine.

Moz insisted on coming. That's his choice.

But understand, I look at him as more than a resource.


You think I'm using him?

Yeah, I think you'll do whatever it takes to catch Rebecca.


What's 33?

33 steps.

The winding staircase, Peter.

Did you just call him Peter?

Who, the Suit?

Okay, maybe he's worse than I thought.

Look, your symptoms are manifesting.

What's manifesting are the answers.

To the masons, the winding staircase was considered a theological ladder.


Yeah, representing an ascent from a lower sphere of consciousness to a higher one.

We need to climb!

Moz, hold on to the rail.

26, 27, 28, 29...

I don't see anything.

But I'm certain that Mosconi wanted us to notice.

Notice what?

I don't know!

Okay, okay, stay calm.

Stay calm?

I'm hours away from palming St. Peter a 20 to get past the gate.

Calm is not an option.

Freemasons may control the world, but not my fate.

They have their hand everywhere-- the all-seeing eye of the $1 bill, the Washington monument, MJ's Dangerous album cover.

We're here. The 33rd degree.

The magic number.

The highest level of understanding.

So why can't I see?



Oh. Now I see.



Whatever it is has been in his system for about four hours now.

The doctors will run tests as soon as we get him to the ICU.

He doesn't have time for tests.

Go to the hexagon.

Find my antidote.

I called Elizabeth.

She's gonna be at the hospital with you.

You're not gonna be alone. Understand?

We have to move him now.

[Siren wails]

When he fell, he saw something.

Yeah, he said, "Now I see."

He was looking at the ceiling.

This is the hexagon he saw.

It's made of brick, not granite.

Yeah, and it's unlike the rest of the fort.

Does a hexagon mean anything to the masons?

Not that I remember.

They were masters of geometry, but the shape they were obsessed with was the triangle.

Six triangles form a hexagon.

Yeah, if we look at this as six triangles, they all meet at the same point.

Moz said this was all about ascension-- the 33rd degree, the highest level of enlightenment.

You think we need to go higher?

Yeah, I think we need to get up on the roof.

She's playing with us.

She knew we'd track her here.

It could take days to test him for all of these.

And by then, whatever it is will be listed as the cause of death.

Beautiful and clever enough to con Caffrey.

Hell, even I could have fallen for this psychopath.

Yeah, me too.

Right there. I think I saw something.

You see how she moved out of camera range and stepped back in?

Let's see what's back there.

All right.

All right, I'm pretty sure this is directly above where we were.

It's an old flag pole base.

Any idea what it could mean?

Back when this fort was operational, they used wind flags to discern how best to fire a cannon.

How do you know that?

We used wind flags for firearm training at Quantico.

Essentially, this is a compass centered around 360 degrees.

Hey, it's all about degrees. 33 to achieve enlightenment.

What are you getting at?

I think we need to look 33 degrees from this position.

All right.

If true north is 0 degrees, then 33 degrees points to there.

That building.

Notice anything about it?

Yeah, it's brick, and it's another triangle.

This was a gunpowder room.

Yeah, probably the most guarded place in the entire fort at the time.


What do you have?


This part of the wall isn't brick.

It's clay.

Looks like brick, though.

It's pretty hardened.

Some alkaline textures can thicken over time.

Especially when they're coated in oil.

Oil, as in oil paints?

Mosconi was a great artist.

I think he painted over the clay so no one would notice this spot on a first or even a second glance.

This is a faux painting.


There's something behind this wall.

Still have your lockpick set?


Care to do the honors?

We found it.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty enlightened right now.


It's the Mona Lisa of gems.

Every museum and collector in the world will want it.

How much is it worth?


60 million.

Or the life of a paranoid bald man.

It's voice mail.

Rebecca, I found it.

I'm holding it in my hand right now.

[Cell phone rings]


I knew you'd find it.

Where do we make the exchange?

The drinking fountain at the northeast corner of Washington Square Park.

One hour.

I get the stone, you get the antidote, and Mozzie will live to pontificate another day.

All right, I'm leaving now.

And, Neal, if there's any tricks-- if I spot one FBI agent, and you know I will-- I disappear, and your friend will have a slow, painful death.

Can't wait to see you.
What are you doing?

Getting backup units ready.

We can't take that risk.

It's a simple exchange.

We give her the diamond, she gives us the antidote.

What makes you think she'll keep her promise?

Because she won't do anything to hurt me.

That includes letting Moz die.

As long as we have the diamond, we have control.

With criminals, control is everything.

I know the buyer she'll contact.

I can find her.

You're an expert at being a criminal, and I'm an expert at catching them.

We can save Mozzie and put her back where she belongs.

This is Agent Peter Burke. I'm calling in a tactical alert.

Escaped prisoner Rebecca Lowe will be at Washington square park in one hour.

Set up an invisible perimeter two blocks from the park.

I want spotters on every roof.


But no one enters the park.

No one. You got that?

It's too easy.

Tell them I'm on my way.

Rebecca's smarter than this.

She has to have another plan.

Right again, Neal.

Hands where I can see 'em, Agent Burke.

You too, Neal. Hands up.

Move it, Burke. Keep going.

Caught you with your guard down.

Not the first time.

Nice haircut, by the way.

Ah, it's the real me.

Give me your g*n, Agent Burke.


Okay, no problem.

You can always count on love to cloud your critical thinking.

First with me, then with Mozzie.

I doubt you could relate.

You'd be surprised.

Peter, don't.

Play nice, Agent Burke.

k*lling feds does not keep me up at night.

Just give it to her.

It's sweet how much Neal cares about the man who shackled him.

Now your phones, both of them.

Now, are we carrying backup, Agent Burke?

Show me the diamond.


I held up my end of the bargain.

Now tell me the antidote.

I will. I promise.

As soon as I'm safely out of the city.

That wasn't the deal.

It is now.

Let's go.

In you go, Burke.

Ah, one last thing.

Now I know what people mean when they say their skin is crawling.


Never bothered you before.

You're the boy scout of con men.

Always prepared.

Go. Get in.

We can't stop you now.

Just tell us the antidote.

One mistake I'll never make again is underestimating you.

Bye, Neal.

Could have had a hell of a time.

Ricinus communis.

Ricin is produced from its beans.

Very deadly.

Based on the footprints, it looks like she spent some time with this plant.

This could be it, unless she thinks we're dumb enough to follow them here.

Yeah, that's what's bothering me.

A lot of footprints around this one.

Yeah, but none over there.

And it looks like the dirt was brushed over.

Atropos belladonna.

Commonly known as deadly nightshade.

So it's definitely poisonous?

As little as two berries or one leaf can k*ll a grown man.

Rebecca was trained by MI5, but we learned from someone far sneakier.


It's a misdirect.

She was trying to lead us towards those plants and away from this one.

[Speaking French]

Things are getting really bad.

He thinks he's someone named Marquis de Grouchy, and he's talking to Napoleon.

Actually, that's the name of Napoleon's top general at Waterloo.

We think she gave Mozzie atropos belladonna.

Tell the doctor to give him a drug called physostigmine.


[Speaking French]

Are you positive?


But it's our best shot.

They said to give him a drug, physostigmine, now.

Right now.

That's for belladonna poisoning.

We haven't got the results from the test back yet.

Doctor, please.

The side effects could be serious-- seizures, irregular heart rhythms, even epilepsy.

I'm not giving it until the tests come back.

It might be too late.

I'll tell them to rush the tests on belladonna.

He could be dead by then!

Give it to him! Give it to him now!

Prepare 50 milligrams of physostigmine, but have injections of lorazepam and epinephrine standing by in case he has a bad reaction.


I've seen you slip out of handcuffs in less than a minute with nothing.

Right. When they're on my wrists.

There's an old escape artist trick I use when they're being put on.

Pump the veins and muscles in your wrists and hands, and when you relax them, they're smaller and you can slide off the cuffs.

I've given you way too much insight into my world.

I thought you were leaving that world.

Well, not tethered to an anklet.

That's all you've got?

An old trick?

Unless you got a paper clip.

Step aside, Houdini. I'll get us out of here.

Oh, if I knew you were looking for a more elegant option.

It'll work. Now kick.

[Tuts] On three, all right?

A little teamwork.



Both: Two...three.



[Helicopter blades whirring]

You hear that?

It's the smartest way off this island.

Yeah, which is usually her way.

Agent Burke!

All right.

You were right.

Agent Burke!

Agent Burke?

Agent Burke, your wife called.

Is it Mozzie?

Yes, sir.

I was to report to you that he's been given an antidote.

He's responding to treatment.


Give me your phone now.

There's no reception down here, sir.

We'll need to go out front.

I'm going after Rebecca.

Wait for me. I'm calling for backup.

There's no time.

What can you do to stop her?

Give her a reason to stay.

[Helicopter blades whirring]


Don't come any closer. I won't graze you this time.

Can that helicopter take both of us?

That diamond could buy us a nice castle in Croatia.

We could live like royalty.

Sounds perfect.

The FBI's not listening. It's just you and me.

And that helicopter can take us anywhere we want to go.


How many times do you think I'm gonna fall for that?

You don't want me. You've made that very clear.

I think you'll stay anyway.


Why would I stay?

'Cause you won't leave without the diamond.

What are you talking about?

Check your pocket.

Check it.

Ah, nothing says "I love you" like a brick.


You son of a bitch.

Hey, just a little sleight of hand.

No big deal.

Maybe your critical thinking got clouded.

I love how good you are.

I hate how good you are.

Give me the diamond.

I can't.

Neal, don't make me k*ll you.

I'll just take it off your beautiful, dead body.

I don't have it anymore.

Where is it?

Local law enforcement and every FBI agent in New York are on their way.

Yes, sir. I'll coordinate everything.

You just k*lled your best friend.

No, Mozzie's recovering as we speak.

Looks like he's out of the woods.

Oh, and you're in the weeds.

Where are you going?

He's gone, and he's not coming back.

He must have heard it over the radio.

Every law enforcement officer in New York is headed here right now.

Then I'll just trade you for the diamond.

You're going to get me out of here, one way or another.

Rebecca, you have to know when it's over.

Sometimes, you have to stop running.

[Sirens approaching]


It's beautiful here.

Well, the leaf of one plant strikes me down, the fruit of another restores me.

The circle of life.

Do you really think you should be drinking this soon after Waterloo, grouchy?

Doctor's orders.

I was instructed to drink a lot of liquids.

So where is this gem I almost cashed in all my chips to get?


Is that real?

They didn't make fakes that good in 1886.

Can I hold it?

You know, after he had the Hope diamond cut, Louis XIV would wear it on his pinkie.

He had grotesquely large fingers.

So is this diamond our path to easy street?

Yeah, who actually, you know, owns that?

It's my duty as a federal officer to turn it over to the state department.

Glad you're feeling better, Moz. You ready?


That diamond is not meant to be under bulletproof glass with a bunch of tourists in Bermuda shorts gawking at it.

Better than being lost behind a brick wall.

See ya.

See ya.

Hey, thanks for going all Terms of Endearment on the doctor for me.

It was fun.

[Door shuts]

Okay, that diamond is ours, Neal.

We are gonna get it back.

You want to rob the state department?

Well, it hasn't gone there yet.

It's our meal ticket.

It's supposed to set us up for life, in a perversely legitimate fashion.

There is no reason to go after it illegitimately.

Come on, Moz.

It was never about the money.

Of course not, but we could--

You think, if it goes missing, Peter won't know the first place to look?

My freedom is worth more than anything that diamond could buy.

Sure it is.

Except your freedom still eludes you.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Am I in trouble?

Nope. No trouble.

Did Rebecca escape again?

Oh, she's not going anywhere.


Then what?

Did I get a new handler?

Who's the lucky agent?

No one.

Well, it certainly isn't you.

You still look like you're going somewhere.

I made a call to Bruce in Washington.

I filled him in on your capture of Rebecca Lowe.

I told him you deserve your freedom.


He agreed.

He's meeting with the FBI director to put your release in motion.

Once he signs off, it should only take a call to the Attorney General to get it done.


Shouldn't be more than a couple of days.

But there is one condition.


You visit El and me in Washington a lot.

I will be the house guest that never leaves.

And if you don't keep your promise, if I find out you've pulled even one caper, I'm gonna leave my cushy desk job and hunt you down.

Just like old times.

With the same outcome.

[Both chuckle]

All right.


I'll see you in D.C.

You got it.

Not getting the diamond changes everything.

Well, finding it helped buy my freedom, and that is everything.

Except you'll be broke, without even a government check to pay your rent.

You don't know how good that sounds.

No worries.

There's a lot of top feeders just out of range just waiting to be scaled.

I'm done, Moz.

I'm giving up the life.

Oh, come on.

I'm serious.

No more jobs. No more fish metaphors.

Neal, if you're not a criminal, then what are you?

That's what I want to find out.

You know, it's been five years since I've seen Paris, Bangkok, Istanbul.

When my anklet's off, we can go.

Fine, and, while we're there, if a whale swims by, we can throw a harpoon.

A whale is not a fish, so that metaphor is acceptable.

Monet kept painting even when he was too blind to find his easel.

Mick Jagger will keep touring until he drops dead on stage.

You have to continue doing what you're great at.

One of the many differences between Mick Jagger and I is that I face prison again if I keep going.

That diamond was supposed to be our retirement.

The Suit took that away.

He's helping you get your freedom, but with a future lacking in the finer things.

For you, that's like cutting off your oxygen.

Paris without money.

Is not the city of lights.

[Tape peeling]

Hey, honey, what time is the moving van coming tomorrow?


Ooh, think we'll be ready?

Well, that's the thing about deadlines-- we have to be.

Ugh, I'm gonna tackle upstairs.

[Cell phone rings]

No excuses for not joining me.

This is Peter Burke.

Oh, hey, Bruce.

Perfect weather for shorts.

When I lose my anklet, I'm gonna go out and buy a hundred pairs.

Glad you could come by.

Why the serious face?

Sit down.

Oh, okay, I get it.

You pretend to look all serious, then tell me how the FBI director and the Attorney General discussed my case, and it wasn't as open and shut as they thought.

It should have been.

You've never been one for the misdirect.

The Attorney General was never called.

The FBI director reviewed your record.

He told Bruce you blew any chance of an early release because of your escape into Cape Verde last year.

What, and everything I've done since doesn't matter?

It likely mattered a lot.

We have the highest arrest record in the bureau.


Bruce thinks the real reason he won't release you is because you're such a big asset.

The bureau doesn't want to lose you.

I screwed myself.

If you weren't good, they would have revoked your deal and sent you back to prison.

So the game was rigged.

No, this isn't a game.

Everything is.

Don't do anything crazy, Neal.

This isn't over.

You okay?

How disappointed would you be if we didn't move to Washington?

What's wrong?

My request to release Neal was denied.

They want him to serve his sentence at White Collar.

[Sighs] That's not fair.

He earned it.

Exactly how I feel.

And now you don't want to go to D.C.

It's all bureaucracy, El.

I mean, guys sitting behind desks, making decisions about other people's lives without being a part of those lives on a daily basis.

It's not me.

Well, hon, if--if this is what you feel like you need to do then of course I'm okay.

Maybe I'll just-- I'll commute back and forth.

We could talk every night, and it could be fun to catch up on weekends.

If that's what you feel you need to do.

Babe, it's the National Gallery.

I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

You wouldn't expect me not to take the job just because you changed your mind.

I wouldn't. No.

So the moral of this story-- the Suit can't be trusted.

It wasn't Peter.

That you know of, but, really, what's the difference?

Suits by any other name are still the enemy.

The question is, what now?

I cracked your old anklet. I can crack this one.

But the real question remains, do you want me to?

I want my freedom.

Any way I can get it.

Give me a week, and we'll be back in business.

Try to make it sooner.

Restock your liquor cabinet.


Why are you following me?

Who are you?

I'm about to become the last person on earth who knows where you are.