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05x12 - Taking Stock

Posted: 01/25/14 09:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

The Burkes are going to Washington.


[Cork pops]

Good! Here it comes!

[Breathing heavily]

[Baby cries]

The Mosconi codex... if this book is a puzzle, maybe these are the pieces.

Take a look at the pages.

Rain Man it.

I got it.

This is the idol of Sita.

The idol had eyes made out of rare diamonds.

The Hope diamond-- we're looking for its twin.

This is Rebecca's apartment. Who is she, Neal?

Her real name is Rachel Turner.

MI-5-- she was one of their agents.

The prime suspect in the murders of Curtis Hagen and Agent David Siegel.

We have full video of her apartment.

Neal, she's in love with you.

You are under arrest for m*rder.

Do you accept a collect call from inmate...

Rachel Turner. I'll see you soon.

You know D.C. was built on a swamp, right?

Total myth-- it was all wetlands.

That's a distinction without a difference.

Pack a mosquito net.

I'm from upstate.

Our mosquitoes resemble small buzzards.

I'll be fine.

That experience with bloodsuckers will come in handy when you start rubbing elbows with congressmen.

Well, thankfully, politics is only part of my new job.

Gosh, you know, these last few months have been...

"Insane" will do.


Look, Rebecca deceived us all.

Are you holding up okay?

Rebecca's behind me.

Right now I'd rather focus on what my future looks like.

Good, which is why I've been giving a lot of thought as to who your next handler will be.

That's not the future I have in mind.

The promotion at D.C.-- your case history was a huge factor in that decision, right?

That's right.

It was based in part on my successes as a field agent.

Our successes.

No more handlers, no more cases, no more anklet.

Neal, what are you saying?

I'm saying I want my sentence to be dropped.

I've talked to a lawyer.

A recommendation from you is critical.

Neal, you have time to serve.

Being ASAC doesn't mean I give you special treatment.

It has nothing to do with rank.

It's because you're my supervising officer.

I'm asking you to do what's right.

Oh, I have spent a lot of my time with you thinking about what's right.

And what I've learned is that there's never a simple answer.

Hey, I just got off the phone with the prosecutor's office.

You know the print on the b*llet inside Rebecca's g*n?

They're moving to indict?

Yeah, first thing tomorrow morning.

[Sighs] It's over, Neal.

Yeah, it's over.

Listen, they want the evidence boxed up and shipped immediately.

You want me to round up a couple of probies?

You know, on my very first case, Hughes had me bag and tag all the evidence myself.

It's only fitting that I do it on my last case.

Come on, Neal, let's box it all up.

All of it?

All of it.

Ready, Neal?



Beers at work?


I know you're a stickler for rules, but if was ever there was a time to break one, it's now.

Besides, we are officially off the clock.

[Cell phone vibrating] Mm.

That yours?

No, I thought it was yours.


[Vibrating continues]

It's one of Rebecca's burner phones.

Her voice-mail access will be password protected.

The tech guys unlocked all her phones.

It should be as simple as...

Rebecca Lowe, I got this number from one of your associates.

I'm in need of your... services immediately.

Call me back.

We need to see where this leads.

If Rebecca's other clients are anything like Hagen...

Someone could end up dead.

The caller got her name and number secondhand.

We could send someone undercover to meet him.

If he knows what she looks like, he'll bolt.

But if he doesn't...

We have a case.

Now, normally, I'd send you in undercover for something like this.

This isn't Some Like It Hot.

You have someone good in mind?

Yeah, one of the best agents I know-- smart, relentless, tough.

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?

Wouldn't be surprised.

[Knock at door]

Hey, boss.

Let's get to work.

[Baby coos]

[Rock music]

So let me get this straight.

After we find out the client's identity, I have to impersonate Rebecca, who's really Rachel, hoping he doesn't know that she isn't a biracial woman who has to pump every three hours?


I'm a fantastic multitasker.

I'll do it on the fly.

Then I determine what the job is, pretend to carry it out, and deliver evidence of completion to our mystery man, which, given Rebecca's history, might include m*rder.


Look, Diana, truth is, who knows if we even have a case?

You know, I just wanted to bring you up to speed.

Tons of unknowns, and I'm not sure if we'll pursue it.

Peter, I'm in.

A bad guy wants to hire a bad girl to do some really bad stuff.

I'm the best person in the division to keep that from happening.

You know that.

I do.


Now, I got to go change, and so does he.

You know your way around a dirty diaper, right?

Neal, the damn codex-- you have any idea what happens when you commit something like that to memory?

It haunts you.


Try to sleep-- codex.

Sit down to a delicious bowl of muesli-- codex.

All these signs and symbols floating around in my head, combining, separating, recombining, mocking me.


Now that Rebecca is gone, we can take a breath and go at this the right way.

Think about it.

Nobody is looking for the diamond except us.

You're right.

This could be it.

Everything we've always dreamed about--it's within reach.

With the money from the diamond, we could build a small consortium, a network of associates, properly financed cons.

Maybe even a few small drones.

Drones? Ah, I see you've really thought this through.

It's perfect.

An illegitimate empire paid for with the legitimate proceeds from the diamond.

Neal, it's our cotillion.

[Cell phone chimes]

Oh, that's Peter. I got to run.

We're tracking someone who contacted Rebecca about doing a job.

Diana's coming off maternity leave to go undercover.

What will she do with Teddy?

You mean Theo?

Well, like most women from Gloria Steinem on, she'll probably hire a babysitter.

I've never even met my namesake, yet some stranger is gonna mold his young, pliable mind?

I delivered that child, Neal.

How about we channel that righteous indignation into finding the diamond?

Welcome back, Agent Berrigan.

Thank you, Agent Jones.

Now... what do we know about this guy?


We've got a short voice mail and a phone.

Yeah, no I.D., no location.

Whoever he is, if he doesn't hear back from Rebecca Lowe, he'll find someone else for the job.

We can't let that happen.

I agree.

If this is all we've got, let's use it.


[Line trilling]

I was hoping you'd call sooner.

I call when I call.

What's the assignment?

All pertinent information will be left at a drop site this afternoon.


I was given to understand this is how you did things.

Then you understood wrong.

We meet in person in public.

Those are my rules.

If you don't like them, too bad.


Crawford Plaza, tomorrow at noon.

My associate briefed me on your signal.

I'll be looking for it.

[Phone clicks]

Any bright ideas on what Rebecca's signal could be?

There's one way to find out.

She may not have much to say, Neal, not to me.

Well, I'm sure you have ways of getting her to talk.

Are you in contact with the van?

Up and running.

I'll try to make it fast.

Agent Burke...

I never thought I'd actually look forward to a trip to the FBI.

Didn't feel like coming down to the correction center?

Don't like seeing what happens to the stuff you flush down the drain?

I like to control my environment, which makes two of us.

I could have k*lled you, you know.

I had you in my sights several times.

But I never would have done that to Neal.

It would have torn him up.

Why am I here?

To strike a deal.

Don't suppose you could help me with these.

Your cell right now-- I hear it's pretty grim.

I can talk to the warden about getting you some southern exposure.

Not interested.

An extra hour or two in the yard every day?

You know I only want one thing.

But what is it that you want?

I want to know the signal you use when first making contact with a client.

Hmm. Just to quench your curiosity?

Something to put in the scrapbook?

Or did I get a job?


It's good to feel wanted.

Your signal-- what is it?

I'm not telling you.

But I will tell Neal, after I've had a chance to talk to him about a few things.


No can do.

I'm sure glad I didn't waste a drive down to the MCC.

Enjoy your view of civilization while you can.


Okay, I will tell you.

But then I want to see him.

Those are my terms.

How's that sound, Neal?

[Knocks twice]

Looks like we have a deal.

The signal is a watch, worn on the left hand, banded upside down.

What time?

It should be set to 10:20.


That you'll soon be serving two consecutive life sentences?

Yeah, I'm ecstatic.

I gave you what you wanted.

Now it's my turn.

You're not going in until we know the signal works.

And if it does... just in case I need to be in contact with you.

You sure you're up for this?

I wish I could say absence made the heart grow fonder.

Jones, how we looking?

We've got eyes and ears on Diana.

Diana, you with us?

Copy that.

Ah, it looks like somebody's approaching--here we go.

Lovely day.

I like your watch.

You want something taken care of?

You tell me what you want me to do.

I do it, you pay.

That's the deal.

I don't discuss the job till we're safely indoors.

Given my line of work, you can't be too careful.

Peter, we've got a hitch.

Diana's following our suspect.

No clue where they're headed.

Did you I.D. him yet?

Yeah. Conrad Worth.

He was a suspect in an S.E.C. investigation a few months back.

Never did pin anything on him, but he's looking really shady right about now.

Peter, I don't like this.

Someone backing her up?

Yep, I am.

Diana called an audible. She's following the suspect.

Make it quick in there.


I hate for you to see me like this.

Do you remember what my last words to you were?

"I'll see you soon."


Here you are.

It's like something out of a novel.

Yeah, the kind you buy in an airport and then leave in your seat-back pocket.

Come on, I'm still me.

I'm still Rebecca.

Don't you see that?

When I first met you, what I saw was the innocence of Kate, the wit of Sara, the allure of Alex.

Exactly. I'm the perfect woman for you.

No, you made yourself into that, into something you're not 'cause that's the job you were hired to do.

What you are is a m*rder*r.

You can't separate the woman you fell in love with from any of my identities.

It turned real.

You saw the true me.

And I know you.

I can tell you still have feelings for me.

Rebecca, Rachel, and whatever name you decide to call yourself in the cafeteria line... it's over.

See, I can see what you're doing.

That slick facade-- it means you feel threatened.

Neal, I can see right through all your lies.

I admire the minimalist touch.

We just moved in.

My partners and I-- we come and go as we please.

And besides, this day and age... what more do you need?

It's lovely.

Now, can we can get down to specifics?

It's funny.

With all I've heard about you, I was expecting someone different.

Please, sit down.

Talk to me, Jones.

I've got eyes on Diana.

They're on his terrace.

First sign of trouble, I'm in.

You're not the only job on my horizon.

Please tell me I'm not wasting my time.

When I first heard about you, it was only in whispers.

Your exploits are the stuff of legend.

There was one story.

You couldn't forget it if you've you heard it.

Some friends of mine, they saw it with their own eyes.

Caracas, May 2009... remind me-- how did that go down?

Enough with the closure, Neal.

I need you to ask about...

Caracas, May 2009...

I want to know what happened.

Neal, are you helping Agent Burke make sure some bumbling agent is safely vetted?

That's so beneath you. Come on.

Then I guess we're out of things to talk about.

All right.

You want to know some things?

I got some questions too.

One for one, we answer each other truthfully.


But if you lie to me, I lie to you.

And besides, lovers are experts at sniffing out one another's deceptions.

You know, what you're asking me to admit to could get me thrown in jail.

Are you wearing a wire?


Then let me be blunt.

I don't discuss past jobs.

Well, let me be blunt.

I'm not sure you are who you say you are, so tell me what I need to know.

The story, Neal-- we're running out of time.

How about I go first?

Something light to warm us up?

Do you think you're smarter than your old friend Peter Burke?


And Peter thinks he's smarter than me.

Well, you can't both be right.

Which has resulted in years of debate.

Now, one for one, truth for truth.

Tell me what happened in Caracas.

May 21, 2009.

An opera at the Teatro Teresa Carreno, tight security--

I snuck in, removed a wire from the orchestra's piano, and slipped it...

Over the lead actor's neck as the first act was ending.

He owed a very large debt to the city's mayor and refused to pay, so I left his body onstage and left his head on the mayor's doorstep.

That's the short version.

I left out the '54 gullwing and the bridge jump over the Guaire.

It's... nice to finally hear it from the source.

This is the address of an R&D facility in midtown.

I need what's in vault 23, compartment 3.

The haul is tiny, but its importance to me is not.

And what is it?

It's a thumb drive.

I need it Friday morning, 9:00 A.M., period.

I expect my compensation upon delivery.

See, this R&D facility-- it's not like slipping into an opera house.

It's incredibly secure.

I mean, maybe we should bring along some--I don't know-- muscle in case you get into trouble.


One thing I forgot to tell you about Caracas. Someone got in my way as I was leaving the opera house. So I snapped the tendon in his middle finger. Tendons are elastic, like rubber bands. I later heard his doctor had to fish for the severed end deep inside his elbow.

That enough muscle for you?

You'll have the drive by Friday morning.

Not a bad story, huh?

What's your professional opinion, one thief to another?

You're not a thief.

Admit it-- you still love me.

I wouldn't call what we had love.

I disagree.

Neal... you and I belong together.


And how would that work exactly-- conjugal visits every third Thursday?


Circumstances change.

Come on, four years ago, would you have guessed that you'd be a snitch for the very people that were hunting you down?

That's it, Neal. We're done.

So you going after the diamond?

Who says I don't already have it?

I do.

That little thing you just did with your eyebrow--it's a tell.

Maybe I'm working on it.

Or maybe the diamond doesn't even exist.

Oh, it exists... and you're getting close.

What are you gonna do if you find it with that thing on your ankle?

What then?

I don't know.

But I do know that whatever happens next sure as hell doesn't include you.

Good-bye, Rebecca.

[Door opens, closes]
I think you invented a new sport in there.

Psychological judo.

Well, they say throwing salt on the wound is the quickest way to heal.

I don't think they say that.

You sure?

Yeah, they say something about time.

Well, time to move on.

I plan to... while she spends the rest of her life in a cell.

Hey, about me saying that I'm smarter than you in there...

Oh, I know you think you are.

That's why I always catch you.


Good work.

The Caracas story did the trick.

Diana got the assignment?

And then some.


Looks like Worth is targeting the offices of DCFI.

It's a hedge fund run by Ian Dybek.

Ivy League, Upper West Sider, golfs at clubs that don't allow women.

Dybek and Worth managed the fund together.

Hmm. Until they were investigated on suspicion of market manipulation.

Yeah, a bunch of strange activity from the company's server caught the attention of the S.E.C.

It turns out Worth ran the high-frequency trading division.

The S.E.C. shook him down but didn't get enough to press charges.

But Dybek fired him anyway.

I think he needed a sacrificial lamb.

I let Ian Dybek know that there's a security threat on his facility.

He want protection?

No, he thanked me, then proceeded to bolt out of the building.

It looks like he tucked something small in his pocket.

Looks like a thumb drive. Where was he headed?

Home. I bet he had a reason.

Like hiding the drive from the FBI.

Firms like DCFI pay a fortune for their trading algorithms.

Yeah, a millisecond means the difference between gaining and losing millions.

If there's an algorithm on that drive, it makes sense that Worth would want to steal it.

But not why Dybek hid it.

It's not illegal to use an algorithm.

Unless it is.

The scene today as the market plummeted 1,000 points--

That's a 1,000-point dead drop, all because one fund moved a large amount of stock when the market was vulnerable.

Indeed, the broader market--

It started a chain reaction by high-frequency trading servers, which caused the market to crash in seconds.

Like high-stakes jenga.

Yep, but it's more like, um-- like throwing a banana peel.

You're saying that what tipped off the S.E.C. might have been Worth and Dybek testing their algorithm to see how many ones and zeroes they could make slip and fall.

There are billions to be made.

Sell short before the market dives.

Be first in line when it bounces back up.

The perfect crime, ex*cuted by computers.

And Worth knows if he steals the algorithm, Dybek can't report the theft without implicating himself.

If we're right, the only way to stop it is to get that drive.

We'll need a warrant.

That takes time.

Worth wants the drive by Friday.

What happens Friday?

Uh, the new Woody Allen comes out.

So does the jobs report.

That means the market is primed to be volatile.

Jones, reach out to friendly judges for that warrant.


I've got a briefing with the cyber division first thing.

So, Diana, be ready to move on Dybek.

Take Neal.

I have one child.

Another won't be a problem.

First day back, feels like old times.

Play nice, you two. Play nice.

Do you remember when we first moved in?


We ate off a crate for three months.

Let's not buy a table for the Georgetown house.

Save some money.

You okay?


Yeah, we just have a lot of memories here.



We'll make some new ones.

I know.

[Clears throat]

Does that have something to do with opening a can?

Mm, no, I think it has something to do with pitting a mango.

Never used it.

[Chuckles] Do you think Neal would want it?

I don't know, but I do know that he doesn't want a handler anymore.

Neal asked me to recommend that his sentence be terminated.





Off anklet?

Free to roam the world.

Imagine the trouble he'd find.


Or not.

I don't know. Maybe Neal's changed.

We have been known to be a positive influence before.

Yeah, but Rebecca not only conned him.

She broke his heart.

What Neal needs right now are rules, structure.

Or what he needs is to figure out what he wants in his life.

I don't know.

Maybe this was a wake-up call for Neal.

Peter never makes me work this early.

I've been awake since 5:00.

Sleep means nothing to a hungry baby.

Drink your coffee.

Where are we going?

I'm undercover as Rebecca Lowe, and my assignment's to steal that flash drive.

You're gonna help me.



We're here.

Congrats on surviving the most epic break-up ever.

Oh, thank you for not asking how I am.

Two things we have in common-- hating that question...

And being fine going it alone.

Listen, as your C.I....

You're not my C.I.

You're handling me.

Ugh, that sounds all kinds of wrong.

Well, so does this plan.

Peter wants to go in with a warrant.

Best case, he gets one. Worst case, he doesn't.

In which case, we'll have the drive in hand.

Motherhood's made you kind of badass.

I was always a badass.

There's Dybek.

That must be his wife, Iris.

They practically are each other.

[Cell phone rings]


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.

Is Theo all right?


What's going on?

Okay, okay.

Stay calm.

Go home. I'll take it from here.

Come on, I got this.

Do it.

Karen, I'm home.



He said there was a gas leak.

A ruse that Karen accepted without question.

You're wearing a gas-company uniform.

He showed me credentials.

Which is more than I can say for you, Karen-- if Karen is your real name.

Do you hear this?

He keeps saying my name over and over again.

Karen, Karen, Karen.

He refuses to leave.

And he insulted my baby food.

Peas are patently uninspired.

Are you aware that she is a Ferberizer?


That's it--I quit.

I can't take this.


No, Karen. No, no. Please, I'm begging you.

I'm sorry, Diana.


Do you have any idea how long it took me to find that nanny?

Oh, please.

She was one step away from Louis wain cat drawings.

Mozzie, how can you do this to me?

The real question is, how could you let this baby sit in a wood-paneled nursery?

A black and white chevron pattern would be much more stimulating to his burgeoning neurons.

Okay, here's the part where I arrest you for home invasion.

That hurts.

You know, it's not too late to build a small geodesic dome in here.

It will really aid in his spatial skills.

When would I build a dome?

I'm a working mother with no child care now thanks to you.

[Baby coos]

He likes you.

Of course he does.

I literally pulled him with these--

We do not need to relive that.

All right, he's yours... for the day.

If he gets fussy, that mobile my mother bought him calms him down.

Nap time?

Every three hours.

Okay, Teddy.

It's Theo.

[Baby coos]

Buh buh buh!


[Door opens]


Love bun?

Bunny, where are you?


I'm wearing your favorite outfit.

Ian, my love bunny...

I'm coming.





Oh, God.



I am not afraid to use this.

I did not mean to scare you.

Wow. I think I know what happened.

I think we were double-booked.


I'm here for Iris.

You know, we spend time together while her husband's at work.



You mean Iris has a...?

Mister, although that is a very coarse word to describe what she and I have.

Oh, I know, right?




All right, just hold him off until I can get out of here.

I'll call Iris and suggest a hotel.

Your secret's safe with me.

We both have so much in common, beyond looking great in silk.

Thank you.


Ian? Bunny?

Ian, hi.

I got a meeting in ten minutes.

Oh, but I want a cha-- I want a change of pace.

I want a change of scenery.

On the couch, please?


Oh, I just want you. I want you so bad--right now!



Oh, eyes on me.

Do not look away.


Neal broke into Dybek's residence, cracked his safe, and stole this, with no proof that the man is anything but the target of a heist, and you sanctioned it.


I told you to wait until we have a warrant.

Did you get one?

Not yet, but that doesn't mean--

By tomorrow morning?

Look, if the algorithm's on that drive, I couldn't risk Dybek using it.

You put me in charge. I made a call.

You've let Neal cross lines for years.

Diana, trust me.

Do as I say.

Actions make us who we are.

I stand by mine.

[Knocks on wall] Guys...

I confirmed what's on the drive.


Now we know what an algorithm looks like.

Right. Just a complicated series of commands to buy and sell, but when I applied it to a simulation of the major stock market indexes, the market goes into a nosedive.


Irreversible, with catastrophic consequences.

In eight hours, our economy would've been in chaos.

And Worth would've been richer than Scrooge McDuck.

Wall Street's a game.

He's got all the pieces in place-- the algorithm, the capital, and the jobs report.

And he won't stop till he pulls it off.

Then I say we let him win.

If it's a game, we can all play.

He just won't know it.


Jones, contact the tech team.

We've got until the market opens.


Yep, you're live.

You got me?


So that's identical to the one in Dybek's safe?

On the outside.

On the inside, it's a high-bandwidth wi-fi receiver.

Once Worth plugs it in, we'll control his computer.

He'll apply the algorithm, and if it works...

He'll be fooled into thinking the market's tanking.


And when he uses his firm's clients' money to make his trades, we got him on wire fraud, conspiracy, money laundering...

Intention to disrupt the U.S. economy.

And hiring an international thief/assassin to do his bidding.

Ah, bring it to me.

You get the drive when I get my money.

And you'll receive payment when I know that those aren't Ian's snapshots from Augusta.

We're in?

We're in.

There she is.

And... there she goes.

Is that what's supposed to happen?

It's a little difficult to explain to someone like you.

[Cell phone chimes]

I could explain it to you.

Keep it simple so I understand.

I just made a k*lling.

Your turn.

Explain that.

Or I could tell you what happened to the last guy who pointed a g*n at me.

Her cover's blown.

Let's move.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Rebecca Lowe.

Who referred me?

An associate from Zurich.

I'm not a fed.

Yeah, that's not a bet that I care to hedge.

Do you really think the government would let millions of people lose billions of dollars to sting one man?

You're not that special.

Now give me my money. We're done.

Have you ever held a g*n before?


You're under arrest.

Hands behind your back.


You okay?

Of course you are.

Let's go.

Who the hell sent that text?

What do we have?

Tracing the SIM card from Worth's phone now.

Peter, you won't believe where that text message came from.


The Metropolitan Corrections Center.


Warden Maxwell, how the hell did she gain access to a cell phone?

One of my best agents was put in harm's way.

You and me--we're gonna get to the bottom of this.

Peter, cell phones are currency in prison.

It happens.

Not with cop K*llers it doesn't.

If anything had--

Well, it didn't.

We're not going there.

What do you say we both go home?

See, they want you to think the Apollo landed on the moon.

What they don't want you to know is that the "spaceship" landed in our own backyard six times.

[Baby fussing]

Come on... what's more interesting than a good lunar con?


[Baby coos]

Kid... you're kidding me!

Of course.

Every symbol could represent a number.

Mosconi's symbols aren't a message.

They're numbers.

Numbers we understand.

Numbers we can work with.

Don't let anyone tell you you'll never use math.


You're really good with babies.

Oh, hairline.

And your timing is impeccable.


We have Dybek in custody.

And just like any criminal, he lawyered up.

I wouldn't expect any less.

All these times, I not only allowed but encouraged you to break the rules-- hell, the law.

It was never lost on me that the actions I took were sanctioned by the FBI.

I was focused on closing cases.

And I let you scratch an itch.

I have a great dermatologist.

Actions define us.

I made sure yours did.

Got one question for you, just one.


Do you think you can go straight?


Peter, I've never lied to you.

Neal, you've double-talked, omitted, and bent the truth.

One word. No loopholes.



I want to believe it.

But after all you've done, I'm not sure I can.

If you can't...

I'll have to do it on my own.

[Telephone rings]

[Telephones ringing]

I'll get it.


[Ringing continues]

[Cell phone vibrating]

This is Agent Burke.



Peter, what is it?

Rebecca escaped.




[Line trilling]

This is Neal. Leave a message.

Neal, where are you?

It's 4:00 A.M. I've been calling all night.

I have glorious news.

Thanks to baby Teddy-- I'll explain later-- we know that Mosconi's last clues were numbers-- numbers that, by the time you get home, will lead us to the diamond.