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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/15/24 08:51
by bunniefuu
[electric guitar and drums play]

A k*ller PARADOX

[man 1 on TV] Stop right there. All right.

- Now move this here.
- [man 2] Okay.

- [man 3] We got a picture! Nice!
- [man 1] We got a picture.

- [man 1] Hey!
- [man 3] Oh, no.

- [man 2] Take this.
- [man 3] Look at that!

- [man 2] Stretch out this part.
- [man 1] Try to hold your palm flat.

- [door closes]
- [yawns]

- [man 1] No. Hold your palm flat.
- [man 2] In you go!

- [man 1] Turn this.
- [man 2] Okay!

You having a good time there?

- Perks of getting discharged.
- [groans] What are you talking about?

- [sighs]
- I've been out six months already.

- Wow, really?
- [sighs]

Time flies when you're not doing anything.

[door closes]

Yeong. Don't you have some work for Tang
while he's here?

- Work? What?
- [woman] Oh, you know.

- [rattling]
- Ah!


[Tang] I almost
didn't recognize the groom.

[Yeong] He's your brother-in-law now.

- Oh, right.
- [Yeong] Were you up all night gaming?

I've been grinding.
You know I've been working.

- My part-time job ends late.
- [Yeong] As if.

[man] Kid. I don't care if you're working
or playing games.

- Go to bed when it's time to sleep.
- [Tang] Yeah, yeah.

[man] How's the picture?

Eh. It doesn't do you justice, honey.

- Nah.
- I've only heard that from you.

Oh, who was it? Jae-deok's son.

- I heard he was tutoring or something.
- Oh, come on, Dad.

- [dad] It's a few hours for decent money.
- University-wise, he's on another level.

Think about it
from the parents' point of view.

Would you want
your oldest son to be a tutor?

[Tang] Hah! That is true.

- [Yeong] Why are you doing home?
- Oh!

That working holiday thing
I told you about...

- I wanna do one of those.
- [mother] Working holiday?

- Yeah.
- So you can pick fruit in Australia?

Australia? Why Australia?

- Is the fruit good there?
- Not Australia. Canada.

[mother] If you feel like picking fruit,
go over to your aunt's in Nonsan.

Dad, fold some.

- [dad] Oh, fine.
- Why go so far away just to do labor?

- You don't have experience.
- I wanna try it.

You sure you can? You should check.

- [Yeong scoffs]
- I wouldn't go right away.

I'd need to get the visa
and prep for a while.

Have to get a doctor's appointment
and all the paperwork. Everything I need.

Wait. If you go to Australia...

- So he can't use his savings account?
- Not Australia. Canada.

- [Yeong] Do you have the money?
- Yeah, he still can.

- I have savings?
- [mother] Can he?

[Yeong] Hey, fold while you talk.

Hey, loser. [sighs] You give up already?

Give up what, dumbass?

Finding a job and a life, you broke ass.

Oh, a job? Not really.
I haven't even really looked for one.

And the trip? You still trying to escape?


You... remember what high school was like?

- Are you serious?
- Mm.

Uh... [sighs]

[mumbles] I don't know.

I remember the spaghetti was all right,

- And the school nurse was...
- You two never talk about high school.

Were you guys actually close?

We were trying to be considerate.

We just didn't want you to feel left out,
all right? [tuts]

[girl] Oh, really?

Why, what about it?


things have been smoother since then.

I wanna live a different life
or something, I guess.

Why isn't there anything
spec... spectacular in our lives, man?

Well, your life is pretty
spe... spe... spectacular, isn't it?


Hey. I've thought about this, okay?

You're just gonna waste money again.

Remember that gym membership
you had? You went only once, right?

That was so freakin' stupid.

Then, you spent 200,000 won
on that whole workout thing.

Ah, shit, man. Pull-up bar.

God, you're such an ass.

- [sighs]
- And before that, what was it?

You went and got all into board games
and spent all your time at the club. Like...

Not like you didn't do
the same thing, assh*le.

Oppa. Check it out.

"The night before last,
I had the hottest hook-up."

Not that one, this one.

"I'm a guy
who already did my military service."

"I'm going back to school
after my working holiday."

"All my friends have jobs now.
I don't know what I'm going to do."

- "I'm so worried, so I'm writing this."
- Shit, man.

- [friend chuckles] That's you!
- Go to hell.

[girl] This is Tang in three years.

- [inspiring music plays]
- [woman] This is Canada!

It's the Rocky Mountains, everyone.

[gasps] Wow.

Wow, it's really insane.

You just have to come see this.

Guys, it's totally awesome!

- Look at this amazing view!
- [child calling out]

Making my way here was...

- [banging]
- [woman moaning]

Aah, shit.

Give it a rest.

[woman] hard.

[flies buzzing]

[woman] Guys.

If heaven existed,

this place would be it.


[fly buzzes]



[phone chimes]




[dog barks]

Ah, shit.


[sighs] I want a refund.

[assistant] What?

I said I want a refund.
I think it went bad.

Well, it's not expired.

If it isn't expired, then
you must have stored it wrong.

It's the sanjeok. It tastes sour.

Try it yourself if you don't believe me.

That's... how it always tastes, so...

Are you for real?

- What's your name? Jung Eun-seon?
- [sighs]


So? Am I the bad guy?

Huh? Is that it?

Hey, don't ignore me.

- Wake up. Get your shit together.
- [assistant] Here's your refund.

You clean it up.

[comical music plays]

Shouldn't you be here
before your shift starts?

[switches music off]

[fly buzzing]


[inspiring music plays]

Now I'm swimming!

- Oh, man! [laughs] Let's try again.
- [man 1] I'll get us another drink.

[man 2] No, buddy, that's okay.

- This is the hotel...
- [man 1] Seriously, let me.

- Come on, man, it's my treat. No. Hey!
- Zip it, you. Enough!

- I'm buying, ya bastard. You go sit.
- Yeah...

- Go sit down.
- [Tang] Hello.

- [man 2] All right, all right.
- Give me Esse.

Hey, hey, no. I want the, uh, "Soon,"
with the bamboo on it.

[Tang] Oh, you mean Soo?


Nah, not this one. The 0.5 milligram one.

[Tang sighs]


Oh, f*cking b*tch. Not this...

Get me one with another logo.

- [sighs]
- [beep]

There. One more.

- Two packs cost 9,000.
- Hmm?

Ah, shit, my... oh, money...


I heard this is how kids these days
make a heart. Is that right?

[laughs] Not funny?

God, you little shit... Here.

Bring me a bottle of Cass
and dried squid legs outside, got it?

- What?
- [man 1] That's right.

Sir, wait. You have to get it...

[man 1] Hey!

- Hey, let's have another round!
- [sighs]

Hey, why are your hands empty?

- Just wait, you little b*tch.
- [door] Have a good day!

- Hey, sir. I can't...
- Hey, do you have the squids I asked for?

Not the dried ones.

Listen. I can't bring them to you.

- First, you have to pay.
- You fucker.

- You think we're not gonna pay...
- Shit, man, stop. Knock it off!

- I'm sorry.
- [Tang] Yeah...

- He's working. Why say that? f*cking hell.
- He's being a f*cking ass.

- "f*cking ass"? I'm sorry.
- Have a good day!

He's not like that usually. I don't know
what his problem is. Oh, I'm sorry.


Really, I mean it. He's normally
such a nice, courteous, and quiet guy.

- [rustling]
- I don't know what's gotten into him.

Yeah, he's not himself today.

Thing is, he got an earful all day
from the site manager, that's why.

- Ah, yeah...
- You got a plastic bag?

- Yeah.
- Oh, wait a minute, yeah.


[man 2] Oh, gosh.

You remind me of my kid back at the house,
having a tough time working and all.

- Yeah.
- We'll be out of here soon.

- Okay.
- How much is it?

- 15,150 won.
- Ten thousand...

- And did you want a receipt?
- No. Thank you.

- All right.
- Okay. 15,150 won.

- Yeah.
- Have a good day!

- Here's the 50.
- [man 1] Hey! Get two more bottles.

- Gosh.
- Sir, you can't smoke in here.

- Oh, Lord.
- I can smoke, f*ck it...

- What makes you think you can smoke?
- Hey.

[man 2] Go on and get out.

- [man 1] Hey, did you pay?
- [man 2] Oh, come on.

- Let's go.
- Ugh, are you kidding me?

- [man 2] Hey, come on...
- [man 1] Calm down. It's fine.


[Tang] Seriously?

Spectacular, isn't it?

- [door opens]
- Have a good day!

Hey, Tang. Good work.

- Go home now.
- Okay.

Oh, sir.

Could I borrow this hammer?

[door closes]

[distant siren wailing]

[muffled moaning]


[man groans]

[Tang] Sir.

[man humming]

Sir, you can't sleep there.


[singing shakily]


- [shuffling footsteps]
- [faint, tinny music plays]

Uh, sir?

Sir, wait.

Hey, sir.


Your, uh, buddy,
he's sleeping right over there.


It's okay. Yeah.

- Go. Go on.
- Huh?

Uh, it's gonna start raining
pretty soon, so...

[ballad in Korean continues]

Get outta here.

Get lost.

[song grows louder]


[Tang chuckles awkwardly]

No, uh... I...

[song continues]

[man] You m*therf*cker.
Why, huh? You dumb son of a b*tch!

Why, huh?

Why won't you go? You fucker!

- I told you to go!
- Ah!

- Gyeong-hwan. You m*therf*cker. Twerp.
- Son of a b*tch.

- You must have been hungry to cut in line?
- You pathetic dipshit.

- [boy] Aren't you gonna help him?
- We were in front of you.

- Are you gonna help?
- [bully 1] You're done for.

- [bully 2] You son of a b*tch.
- You gonna help?

I bet he's full now.

- You f*cking bastard.
- [groans]

- [bully 1] Chin up, Gyeong-hwan.
- Hey, you're hurting him.

- Let's give him one good hit and end it.
- [Gyeong-hwan groans]

Just one. Hey, Tang.

- [bully 2] I could use some more. Bastard.
- You pick. Number one, here...

- Two, right here...
- [Gyeong-hwan whimpers]

- Number three.
- Where could it be?

- Oh, here. The balls.
- I'm good with that.

- [bully 3] Pick one.
- [bully 2] Yeah.

- [bully 1] Balls, good thinking.
- [bully 3] Choose already. Come on.

- Hey, pick already!
- Gyeong-hwan.

- You don't mind just having one ball?
- Can't decide?

- Hey! Gyeong-hwan. Look at this b*tch.
- Should I flick it? Kick it?

- f*cking hell. You suck so much.
- Come on, man.

The f*ck, idiots? Are you both mute?

- God, this is boring already.
- b*stards.

- I feel so f*cking bad for Gyeong-hwan.
- Fucker!

- Hey!
- [bully 3] Boring.

- This is no fun.
- Why won't you answer, b*tch?

[poignant music swells]


[Tang] Striking back

has never been an option in my life.

Life isn't an essay question.

It's multiple choice.

So, that day, why did I...

Where on earth did I find the courage...


[poignant music fades in]

[woman on video] Guys, if heaven existed,

this place would be it.

[music stops]


[music playing softly]

[man grunting]


Uh, hey, sir?


[groaning softly]

S... sir?

A... are you okay?

- [man grunts]
- Are...


- [man groaning]
- [Tang] Sir...



S... Hey, sir?



S... Hey, sir!

[man 1] Come on! Let's get another drink!

[man 2] Hold on!

- [man 1] Hey...
- [man 2] It's pouring. Where would we go?

[man 1] This awesome pork skin place.

[man 2] Huh? Whatever, you can go alone.
I'm going home!

[man 1] Hey, come with me.
Come on, let's drink some more.

Hey! Where are you going?

[pop music from speaker continues]


- [gasps]
- [woman] Rex.

What is it?

We gotta go.


Let's go.

Why is there music coming from the ground?

This song is so old. [chuckles]

[Tang exhales]


[music continues]

Hmm. Rex.

Hey, come back.
You're going the wrong way.



- [whimpers]
- [woman] Come on, what are you doing?


Oh, what are you doing, huh? Let's go!

Okay, buddy. All right, let's go. Come on.

[breathing shakily]




[victim, echoing] Do you feel wronged?

Do you?

[heavy rumbling]


Hey, part-timer.

You do a terrible thing
like this to someone,

and you're only worried about yourself.

How do you sleep at night?



I have

an old mother.

She has dementia.

You know what else?

I have three kids.

You see, my kids...

[gasping] They're what get me
through the day.

What are you gonna do?


'Cause this is all your fault, you know?

Hey, buddy...

- [loud banging]
- [sobbing]

- [victim] What did I say? Huh?
- [banging]

- I only just wanted you to leave me alone.
- [loud banging]

[victim] You fucker!

[sounds fade]

[low intense music plays quietly]

[faint sound of crowd clamoring]

[music intensifying]

- [phone vibrating]
- [music fades]

[breathing softly]

[phone continues vibrating]

[knocking at door]

[Gyeong-hwan] Open the door.

- It's Gyeong-hwan.
- [sighs]


[Gyeong-hwan] Dude, open the door. Please.

Hey, thank you. Thanks.

Why didn't you answer my calls, jerk?

Oh, I'm dying.

Hey, could you get me
a cup of water, please?

I got shitfaced
with the guys that I play with.

I, of course,
outdrank all of them, though.


Oh, I told Mi-yeong
I was drinking with you,

and so you gotta back me up, okay?


[Gyeong-hwan snoring]

[siren wails outside]

[Gyeong-hwan continues snoring]

[car doors slamming]

[man 1] No way. I didn't...

You've got the wrong guy!

- He's in there!
- [officer] Back off! Back off!

[man 1] I'm telling you, I'm innocent!
You can't do this! Let me go!

- [snoring]
- [Tang] Hey, are you asleep?

Gi-hun and his g*ng.

[quiet, nervy music plays]

What do you imagine they're doin' now?

Ah, f*ck.

They must still be a bunch of shithead,
lowlife idiots making trouble, right?

[snoring continues]

f*ck me.

- [Gyeong-hwan] No.
- [gasps]

[Gyeong-hwan] They're doin' f*ckin' well.

I looked them up on Instagram.

That assh*le Gi-hun has his own business.

He's always bragging
about his Mercedes online.

One's a seventh-grade teacher.

One just got married.

They're all doin' f*ckin' great.

Livin' large.

- [woman] What are you doing?
- [shutter opens]


I said, what are you looking for?

[Tang] Oh.

My promise ring.

Promise ring?

What's it look like?

[Tang] It was the same when I cheated
with a girl from the board game club

before my service.


I was gonna break up
with my girlfriend if I got caught.

[woman] Keep lookin'.

[Tang] But luckily, that never happened.

[phone buzzing]


[phone continues buzzing]

[Tang] What are you doing?

Oh, sh**t. My tablet.

[boy 1 shouting]

- Oh, that?
- [bully 2] Yeah.

- Hey, let's all go with Ji-eun.
- You assh*le...


- [bully 1] What?
- m*therf*ckers.

[bully 1, laughing] What? Why not, man?

[Tang] And when I stole something
back in high school,

I got lucky and got away with it too.

Hey, you had it with you
at lunch, didn't you?

No one suspected me.

It felt like

everything was going my way.

[music stops]


- What...
- [Gyeong-hwan sighing]

What time did you get here earlier?

[Gyeong-hwan grumbles]


No, idiot.

You got here when I got home from work.
That's ten.

[Gyeong-hwan] Oh, yeah, ten.
Right. [sighs]


I watched the soccer game
till the end, so it was 11. You dumbass.


When you go on your trip,

can you give me the pull-up bar?

Oh, shit.

Just go to sleep, you freeloading idiot.

Stop talking to me so I can.

[grunts] I have a morning class tomorrow.

[eerie music plays]

[no dialogue]


[shuddering] Ah, shit.

- [cop 1] Yong-jae.
- Yes, sir!

[radio chatter]

[cop 1] Did you find anything there?

[Yong-jae] Uh, there's a security camera
in that alley over by the market,

but nothing here.

[cop 2] This place has been empty
'cause of the redevelopment project.

- Nothin's here.
- [cop 1] Hey, over there. That house.

- Does anyone live there?
- [Yong-jae] The one up there? I'll check.

- [cop 2] Ask the patrol unit.
- [cop 1] Hurry up. Go on.

- [Yong-jae] I'll go check.
- [cop 2] Ah, Christ.

[cop 1] Hey, hey, hey.
Tell him to put his gloves on.

You too, come on.

[cop 2] I'm not doing anything.
Put your gloves on, Detective Jang.

Come on.

God, you never listen.

[trumpet fanfare plays]


Hey, why aren't you turning that off?

Where is it?

- What's wrong with this?
- [alarm stops]

f*ck, I'm late!

[groans] Oh, my head's pounding.

Oh shit. I'm late,
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

I'm outta here.

- Shit, I'm so late.
- [door opens]

- Oh crap!
- [door slams]

[boss] My day shift girl says she's sick
and can't make it.

But honestly, I bet she isn't really.

Probably has a date with her boyfriend.


But what can you do? She says she's sick.

You can fill in for her, right?

Get here as soon as you can, okay?

I'll fill in until then.

Ugh, I stayed up all night. I'm so tired.

[soft thud]

[door creaking]

[breathing shakily]

- [sniffles]
- [tense music plays]

- [boss] Yes.
- Have a good day!

[boss] Two people, dead on the ground,
right near the market,

It's unbelievable!


They need to clean up these streets.
What kind of country is this?

- The police just sit on their asses.
- [sighs]

I've never seen a patrol car
in this neighborhood.

Need cigarettes?

How many, uh...

security cameras does this place have?


[boys talking]

- [boy 1] Her face is f*cking...
- [boy 2] What about her?

[boy 1] She keeps giving me
a bunch of shit.

I f*cking hate her, seriously, bro.

- [boy 1] Wait, who are you talking about?
- [boy 2] You know.

That b*tch that smells
like fabric softener.

- I don't know what the teachers look like.
- [cop sighs]

Come to school for once in your life.

- Let me get a light.
- [cop sighs]

Hey, sir. Excuse me,
but could I borrow, um, your lighter?

I don't smoke, punk.

Ah. Thanks anyway.

Man... [sighs]

[boy 2] What? What's up?

- Hey, so... I'm a punk?
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Let's go. I've got a vape.
- Get off.

- Let's smoke this.
- Let go of me.

- You look familiar.
- [boy 2] Come on.

- Come on, Jae-jun.
- Oh yeah? That so?

- Let's go, you idiot.
- Wanna go to the station now?

- Mm-hmm. You get all the hard drives?
- Yes, sir. I got everything.

- [boy 2] Let's go!
- Oh, and put these boys in the car.

- [boy 2] Wait.
- They need a lesson.

- What?
- Wait, we aren't high school students.

- We're not.
- Get in the black car now.

- We're not in high school.
- [cop] Uh-huh...

- Right,
- Really, sir...

- Yeah, sure, sure.
- We aren't... Sir, listen.

- [boy 2] We're 20, sir.
- [boy 1] Seriously, bro...

[man] You idiots. God.

- [sighs]
- What is it this time?

- I swear, this time we didn't do it.
- As if. [tuts]

- Look at this haircut.
- Don't touch my hair.

- What did they do wrong?
- But we weren't...

They're just petty offenders. [chuckles]

Look at you idiots.

Hey, he's just raggin' on you 'cause
you guys are slouchin' in your chairs.

[sighs] See, there's not a lot
I can do about you boys.

I'm givin' you a warning.

[sighs] But... kids need consequences
to put some sense into your heads.

Whether it's a fine or some jail time.

- Right, Detective Jang?
- If I catch you guys at it one more time...


You heard him.

- Sit up straight.
- Did you get anything from the cameras?

- Not really.
- [cop 2] Want me to call your parents?

I'm checking out some people
the shop owners might've run into.

How could they both end up
dying after a fight, though?

The bodies are in
completely different areas.

Yes, that's true.

Hey, but when your brain hemorrhages,
you don't go down right on the spot.

It's possible you k*ll the other guy,
then collapse and die on the way.

That's true too.

[sighs] You just have to go
off of the test results we get.

You can't rely
on your gut feeling with this.

- Just believe what you see, all right?
- Well, I'm lookin'.

[cop 2] Fine. He won't listen.

Do you wanna turn out like him?

Why are your pants all ripped up?

You'll freeze to death
trying to look cool, dummy.

[Jang] The guy who worked here yesterday.



The one who came in at 4:00 p.m.
and left at 10:00 in the evening.

Oh! You must be talking about Tang.
Lee Tang.

His name is Lee Tang?

Lee Tang. Yes. The name's odd.

- Can you give me his contact information?
- Right, his number.

Uh... Oh.

Ah! There he is. [chuckles]

- Hey, just in time, Tang. Come on in.
- Have a good day!

You heard what happened yesterday?

- Huh?
- There was a m*rder.

There's a detective here now.

So, uh, go talk to him.
Tell him everything you know.

[door] Have a good day!

[Jang] Have a seat.

[Jang sighs]




I haven't been sleepin' well lately.

So, if you're a college student,
I guess you're at Usang?

- Yeah.
- Mm.

- So...
- [Jang sighs]

Are we gonna talk right here?

You want to go to the station?

Oh. No.


You recall those older guys, yeah?

This guy? Hmm?

They threw money

and made you bring food out.

And left a mess.

[Tang] They were pretty drunk.

[Jang sighs]

That why you k*lled them?

- [upbeat music plays]
- Huh?


I'm screwin' around.
You really seem nervous.

[Jang sighs]

Those two drank here at this table
for somethin' like two hours yesterday.

I need to know what they talked about.

It was late at night, so I'm guessing
you could hear 'em from inside.

So, do you remember anything?


a bit about their family.

[Jang] Family?

[Tang] How things have been hard.

- I told you my mother has dementia, okay?
- [Tang] That his mother has dementia.

Besides, I've got three children!

[Tang] And that he has three kids.

- And then what?
- [phone buzzing]


[loud chewing]

[chewing echoes]

[phone continues buzzing]

[sounds echoing]

- I... I'm not really...
- [music stops]

[Yong-jae] Detective Jang.

They identified the prints. It's a match.

It's like Detective Park said.

They k*lled each other.
We found a witness too.

His statement even matches.

Apparently, the two got drunk
and got into an argument.

Lee Gwang-hun must've hit him
with a brick first.

We found blood from Lee Gwang-hun's head.

It was on Kim Myeong-jin's speaker.

It looks like...
they did actually k*ll each other.

Mm. Mm.

[fly buzzes]

Could I borrow this hammer?

- Yong-jae.
- Sir?

Well done.

You found the witness too. That's good.

[chuckles] I appreciate it.

You did good, but be careful.

About what?

You talked about the case
in front of the kid.

Don't get sloppy.

That was neglectful.

Sorry if I made you Jang-gry.

Oh. No, I was joking.

[man 1] They choose to fight somewhere
there aren't any security cameras.

What are the odds?

I mean, it's unbelievable.

So he got hit there, then walked all
the way over here before he dropped dead?

- How's that even possible?
- [man 2] Whatever.

Hey, hand me the wire stripper.

[man 1] Okay.


- [woman groans]
- The man's eyes were swollen too.

Which means he would have manifested
these symptoms after the first blow.

However, the autopsy shows
a blood alcohol level of 0.13,

so there's a chance
he might not have felt them at all.

[Jang] How long have you known
Mr. Kim Myeong-jin?

I think I've known him
for around maybe three years or so.

- [door slams]
- I'm home! I brought over a friend.

- You don't mind, right?
- The kids are sleeping! Sh!

- Sh! All right. Get us a drink and food.
- Oh, ma'am, excuse me.

- [wife] One day, my husband...
- He said we could come here.

- He brought him home.
- What'd I tell ya?

Said he was a friend who worked with him.

[Gwang-hun]...real big heart.

[boy] I'm heading out.

- [Myeong-jin] Hey! Hey, Yong-jun.
- [wife] All right, see you.

- He was a caring man.
- [Myeong-jin] Wait. Hang on.

- Always very nice.
- I have something for you.

- I know it's not much, but take it.
- Ah, you don't need to do that.

- Oh, Myeong-jin!
- Bye, kiddo.

[wife] Keep doing that,
and you're gonna spoil the kid.

- Oh, come on.
- See ya.

[Myeong-jin] All right. Bye. [chuckles]

- He became friends with the kids too.
- Come on.

And would give them pocket money.

He'd even remember my birthday,
and my husband never did.

Wow, your cooking is just as good
as a professional chef!

Mm! God, your skills are wasted
as a housewife.

Man! [laughs]

- Ma'am.
- [wife] Yes?

[Myeong-jin] Would you like
to come have a drink?

[intriguing music plays]

[wife gasps]

- [Jang] So...
- [typing]

You were going to get a divorce,
as soon as your son moved out,

and marry your husband's friend
after that.

Does that sound right?


[cop 2] Potato, potah-to.

What's the point of marriage
if you just let yourself be seduced, huh?

And she's serving food at her lover's
funeral when her husband also died?

She's nuts!


See, look.

That's no way to behave
when you've got a son that age.

Even I'd knife the guy.

- Not a knife. A brick.
- Oh yeah? So?

We didn't find any blood on the brick.
What's that about?

- Don't start with that.
- And about Kim Myeong-jin.

- There's somethin' strange about him.
- What are you sayin'?

I looked up his records,
but nothing came up.

And, most importantly, I think, well...

I think I've seen the guy.

Doesn't work if you think you've seen him.
Just believe what you see.

[sighs] Enjoy your break.
I gotta go somewhere.

I'll come with you.

[Jang sighs]

Can you recommend a gum?


[Jang] Is this bubble gum?

Yeah. I saw you blowing a bubble before.

[inhales sharply] I can do that
with regular chewing gum as well.


So what? Huh?


You think that...
bubble gum and chewing gum are different?

You keep chewing,
and you just blow bubbles all the same.

How do I say it?

m*rder's just like that too.
It just happens.


You're not a witness, although...

when people are the last
to see a m*rder victim before they die,

they tend to suffer
from trauma afterwards.

I thought I might have
scared you too much earlier.

[tuts] And judging by your looks
and your name, I get a feeling

that you might have it a bit rough
in life in general, and...

let me just say, I can sympathize.



I became a cop
so people wouldn't think I'm a joke.

You get it, right?

Take care.

Thanks. Come again.

[laughs] No, thanks.

You won't be seeing me again.




- [door] Have a good day!
- Well, would you look at that?

You little f*cking punk.

[Tang] What are you doing here?

So, what's your deal?

- [sighs]
- You didn't answer my calls or texts.

Oh, I didn't tell you? My phone broke.

So then why haven't you had it fixed?
[tuts] God.

- [sighs]
- Why aren't you going to school?

I have a family thing.

Hey... I heard some guys got k*lled
near here, bro.

Wanna hear something really funny?

Yesterday, after class,
a detective came to see me and Mi-yeong.

He was asking us a bunch of stuff.

He wanted to know
what you were up to that day.

It was intense as hell.

And it was almost
like he thought you were the m*rder*r.

[laughs] A professor walked by,

and he was totally staring at us.

[Gyeong-hwan] I can't seem
to get drunk these days.

What is this, water?

- Let's do another round.
- [pouring]

It's been so hard to get drunk.
Like, especially today, even. Shit.

I drank with the guys a while back,
and I freaking destroyed them.

Drank, like, ten bottles.

Mm. Yeah, go ahead.

[buzz of voices]

[low rumbling]

[running footsteps]

[cop 2] Detective Jang! Detective Jang!

[moody music plays]

[reporter] Breaking news.

In regards to the m*rder in an alley
in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, a few days ago,

an investigation into the identity
of Mr. Kim, a victim of the case,

revealed him to be Kim Myeong-jin,

a construction worker
who lived in the area.

A closer analysis of his DNA revealed...

- Kim Myeong-jin, who you said felt off?
- Yeah.

[panting] His age, history,
none of it was real.

I ran a background check,

and this man, it turns out, is Yeo Bu-il.

It was actually a match
for that of Mr. Yeo,

the suspect in a serial m*rder
that took place in Gangwon-do in 2009.

The police found Kim's true identity

after they conducted
a more detailed DNA analysis

following suspicions about his records.

The discovery that Kim's DNA matched
that of the serial m*rder suspect, Yeo,

and the fact that he had been living
under an alias all this time

comes as a shock to many.

Oh, oh, Yeo Bu-il!

- Ah!
- [cop 2] I wasn't sure either.

Then I recognized him right away
when I saw the picture.


One of the characteristics of a psychopath

is that they are experts when it comes
to manipulation, deception, and disguises.

Jesus, isn't it strange, huh?

It's like they say. What is it?

- Uh... comeuppance.
- Yeah...

[cop 2] He got what was comin' to him.

[reporter 2] The discovery
that Kim was actually Yeo,

the suspect for the serial m*rder
in Gangwon-do,

has led to renewed attention
on the vicious crimes years ago.

He broke into a house for the insurance
payout and m*rder*d the entire family...

[music stops]

- [sighs]
- [woman gasps]

[both breathing heavily]


[Myeong-jin] You servicing yourself

'cause you k*lled a bad man?

[eerie music playing]

Hey, part-timer.

The heart is

so very cunning, isn't it?

- [grunts]
- [Tang breathing heavily]

You m*rder*d a family
for the insurance money.

[Myeong-jin groans]

Hid in a mountain, then r*ped and k*lled
college kids who went for a hike

before dumping their bodies.

- [wheezing]
- And you say what?


[menacing music playing]

[loud buzzing]


[groaning] I have an old mother at home.

And... [groans]

And I also have three kids.

I heard you went from place to place,
k*lling a fuckload of people.


Right up until you died in my hands!


There's a lot more that aren't
on the internet and news, aren't there?

- And you say what?
- [wails]

The stuff about your mother
and kids was all bullshit!

They were all lies, weren't they? Huh?


[crunching and squelching]

- [trumpet fanfare plays]
- [gasps]


[sighs heavily]

[alarm continues]


[quiet, disturbing music plays]


[music fades]

- [woman] Ooh!
- [Rex barks]

[woman laughs] There you go. Good job!

- Good boy. Yeah. [laughs]
- [folk song in Korean playing]

[woman] Well done! Good!

One more time? Okay?

- Here we go!
- [barks]

[woman] There you go. Good job!

One more. Go.

[song in Korean continues]

[song fades]