Double Blind (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Double Blind (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome to Blackwood


Thank you for your interest in

our Phase One clinical trials.

Blackwood are committed

to innovation,

pioneering research into

hundreds of new medicines

each year.

In Phase One, we use healthy

volunteers like you,

to help us better understand

how a drug affects the body

before giving it to those

with a medical condition.

Without your help, none of this

would be possible.

Our facilities

are fully equipped

and state of the art.

We hope you enjoy your stay.


You must be Claire.

I'm Alison.

Looks like we're roommates!

Cool. Yeah, nice to meet you.

Hey... I'm Alison.

Us three are the only girls,

it seems like.

Wow... you sure brought

a lot for five days.

I've never done anything like

this before, have you?

I'm a little nervous.

It's silly I know,

we'll be fine.

This is probably the worst part,

the waiting--

Alison, sorry. I've had a pretty

rough night and I'm exhausted.

I just wanted to have a nap

before we start.

- Yeah, sorry, go ahead.

I'll shut up.

- Thanks.

Good morning.

All participants please convene

in the Exam Room.

No Wi-Fi. No reception.

It's bullshit!

What do ya expect,

we're in a basement.

Nah, they're doing it

on purpose.

So we can't tweet about

the trial while it's happening

or whatever.

This is why I keep saying

we need a union.

Every trial they try

pulling more shit.

Hello everyone. I'm Dr. Burke,

and I'll be supervising

this trial.

I'm sure you've heard

all of this before,

but just to reiterate.

This is a phase one safety study

for Abexetine BRN14.

Five days total.

Dosage begins at 25mg,

and rises to 85mg by the end.

This is a double blind trial.

You'll be closely monitored

for any irregularities

or side effects,

but it's a fairly minimal dose,

so we expect it to be

smooth sailing.

If you do have any questions,


please speak to any of

the nurses... yes, Ray?

Are we going to get

to go outside at all?

Afraid not. Participants

are confined to this floor

for the duration.

Ah, you're joking, right?

I'm sorry, but I don't make

the rules here.

What's with all

the trees?


Food's better than on Belmont

at least.

Yeah, fried dog shit would be

better than the food on Belmont.

Money's good too,

for what it is.

Did you hear about

the off-the-books trial

they ran last year?

50 grand to stop your heart.

- That's a myth.

- It's not, man!

A friend of mine was on it.

- Well, a friend of a friend.

- Yeah, right.

Haven't seen you before.

- First time?

- Yeah.

Let me guess.

You heard about it from

a friend, and thought

'easy money', right?

Dunno about 'easy'.

But I needed the money and

don't have a lot of other

options, so...

Young, broke and desperate.

The drug trial magic combo.

That's Vanessa. We see

her a lot on these things.

A bit of an oddball.

One of those home-schooled

kids, you know?

Her parents were big religious


Fire and brimstone and all that.

It's the quiet ones

you've got to watch.

Now take a deep breath

and hold it.

- Sorry...

- f*ck!

- Any dizziness?

- No.

- Nausea?

- No.

- Headache?

- No.

- Numbness, tingling?

- No.

- Abdominal pain? - No.

- Dry mouth. - No.

I'm tapped out,

I can't pee this much.

- Shortness of breath?

- No.

I'll be back in 10 minutes.



Claire, are you sleeping?

- Claire...

- What!

Wanna see a photo of my cat?

Yeah, that's a cat alright.

- Do you have any tattoos?

- No.

What about that one

on your ankle?

Why did you ask if you know

the answer already?

Cos I like it.

What does it mean?

It's Chinese for

'please be quiet'.

I should get a tattoo.

Although I don't know

what I'd get!

I feel like

whatever I'd get,

I'll think it's totally stupid

in 5 years' time.

Like when I was 15 I wanted to

get a Deathly Hallows tattoo.

So embarrassing to even


Alison, will you shut...!

Long day, huh?


Still, it's all for

a worthy cause right?

Is it? What's this drug

supposed to do again?

Oh they're looking at

all kinds of uses.

Weight loss, allergies,

treating motion sickness.

Yeah, we're really doing

the Lord's work.

You're a med student too?

- What?! No.

- Oh.

I thought there'd be

a few others.

Seems like I'm the only one.

I applied for the summer

internship with Blackwood.

Still waiting to hear, but they

approached me about this trial,

saying they were having trouble

making up the numbers.

So I thought it would be a good

chance to show them

I'm a team player, you know?

Now I'm kind of wondering what

I've gotten myself into.

I couldn't sleep.

Yeah, we know.

None of us could.

I thought this was meant to be

smooth sailing?

Yeah, they always say that.

Truth is, on half these

first-in-man trials

they have no idea

what's going to happen.

It's not like speed anyway,


It's way more than that.


I can't even describe it.

It's just a bit of

insomnia, it's not the end

of the world.

You run enough of these tests,

nothing surprises you anymore.

You're probably a bit

short-handed with no night

staff, right?

If you need any help running

tests, or anything...

I mean... that would be

completely unethical,

so you would never...

I know that.

I know that. I was...uhm...

I was joking.


We'll just see how long

it lasts.

30 hours now since I last slept.

It's a weird feeling.

Imagine it lasted though?

Like, forever.

Think what we could do with

all that extra time.

The days are long enough

as it is.

- Checkmate.

- What?

- No...

- Yeah.

Okay, we need a rematch.

One game you said.

I agreed to one.

I know, but I thought it

would take longer than that.

Come on, one more.

There's nothing else to do.

Okay, fine.

These all yours?

They're really good.

- Lots here of Paul, I see.

- No, there's not.

I'm doing everybody.

You gonna go talk to him?

No, I couldn't.

I get like super shy talking

to guys, can't think of

what to say--

- Hey, Paul!

- Claire, don't...

- Do you want to come pose

for a portrait? - What?

- Do you want to post for a

portrait? - What do you mean?


It's not funny.

So clearly no one is

on a placebo.

Whatever this is,

it's going straight for the

central nervous system

and it's causing serious brain


Are you sure these pills

are only 25mg?

This is a double blind trial.

You know I can't give you

that information.

Yeah. Okay...

Have you seen the scans

that I sent?

I'm looking at them right now.

For Subject 7, how many days

later was the second scan taken?

No, you don't understand.

Both of those images were taken

during the same scan.

All that growth occurred

during one scan.


Hi, this is George

Bannon, Senior VP for Research.

Can you repeat that?

Claire, look.

There's mice in there!

Look more like rats to me.

No, they're cute little mice.

It's so sad seeing them

in those cages.


What can they do anywhere else

that they can't do in there?

Lots of things.

You don't know what a mouse

is capable of, okay?

They could meet other mice,

they could have adventures...

They could fall in love!

Or get eaten or stepped on.

At least here they've got a roof

over their heads.

Do you have a roof over

your head?

I'm between places.

Yeah, but you have someone

you can stay with after this,

like, family or something?

Honestly, if I were a mouse,

I'd rather be

safe in a cage where

I get fed and looked after

than outside fending

for myself.


No, that's not true.

You'd be in there planning

a little mice jailbreak

or something.

Oh, look at that guy.

He's dying to get out.

Don't free the mice Alison,

you'd be in deep shit.

They're probably worth

more than we are.

So the parameters of the trial

have shifted.

What we're really interested

in now,

is how long you can stay awake.

So don't try to sleep,

and if you do start to feel

tired, please inform myself

or another member of staff,


Doctor Burke...

Sorry, Doctor Burke.

I just wanted to...

Amir, go back with the others.

Claire, you alright in there?


Yeah, I'm just...

[breathes heavily[

I'm not great with

enclosed spaces.

Just relax. It won't take long.

Claire, I can't deal with you right now.

Just stay in there.

Stop it, gimme a break.

Stay in there, be quiet.

You can cry all you want,

I'm not letting you out.


You're almost done.

Please, get me out!

Please, let me out!

Please, let me out!

It was bad, huh?

I've a trick.

I used to see this youth

counsellor for a bit,

when I was younger.

And one time he told me about

how playing Tetris could help

with PTSD,

because it stops your brain

from making visual memories

or something.

So now whenever I feel

overwhelmed by negative


I play a game of Tetris

in my head.

Try it, it works. Honestly!

I do the music too.


You gotta really picture

the blocks as they come down.

Alison, stop...

- Alison, that's really


- Good! That means it's working.

Alison, oh my God! You are

the most annoying person

I have ever met!

This can't be good for us.

We sleep for a reason, right?

We're meant to sleep.

You're upping the dose again?

I'm taking half of this.

I'm taking half of this

and that's probably still more

than I agreed to.

I thought it was meant

to be 85mg, max.

Yeah, I'm not taking these.

I understand there's some

concern at the new direction

this trial is taking,

and I appreciate that.

Of course you are welcome

to leave at any point.

But I have just been informed

that there is now a bonus

payment on offer

for any participants

who do stay until the end.

30 thousand euro.


- You wha'? - No fuckin--

- 30 grand!

30 grand! - Each!

30 G's baby!

Right, okay, this is the closest

thing they've got to champagne.

Give us a go of that Paul,

will ya?

We're rich, boys.

We're gonna be rich!

Come on, join the party.

You've clearly never danced

before in your life.

What are you talking about?

Look at these moves!

Go on... why aren't you happy?

Do you not think it's weird,

they're just giving us

all this money?

Only you would be looking

at the downside of 30 grand.

Yeah, because there's

always a catch.

Not always.

It's not like a universal law.

- Well...

- Maybe we just got lucky.

Come on...

- Come on, come on...

- Fine!


Welcome to the party, pal!

This is weird. I don't think

I've ever danced with someone

who wasn't trying to f*ck me.

Hey, the night is young...!

Are you feeling tired?


No, just uhm...

A bit, yeah. It just came on

all of a sudden.

I better go tell Dr. Burke.

'No, no.

We need to stop the trial!'

Their whole immune systems

have gone haywire.

We can't stop now.

Keep upping the dose.

Let's see what happens.

I can finally afford

to move somewhere decent,

get out of the kip I'm in now.

Imagine having a flat you're not

sharing with four other people.

My own living room just for me,

that'd be insane.

I can really disappear

for a while.

There's parts of India where 30

grand can last you years.

No need to work,

just be by myself,

living free.

I'll be first in my family

to go to college.

I've been saving up for years,

but this will pay

for everything.

Youse are all thinking

way too small.

You gotta invest.

Put it into crypto.

Get in at the right moment,

you can make your fortune.

What about you?

30 grand,

you must have some plans.


Find somewhere to live, I guess.

Beyond that, I'd say I'll blow

through it pretty fast.

Easy come, easy go, you know.

We could find somewhere


Because I'll need to find

somewhere for Uni,

so we could be roommates.

No offence Alison, but I can't

really see us hanging out after

all this is finished.

Do you not have any

real friends?

Eh... I didn't mean it

like that.

No, it's fine. Honestly,

it's fine.


I'm going to go

and stretch my legs.


'You're making a big mistake.

'From here on out, whatever

happens to these people,

I won't be held responsible.'

Ah, here.

It's not there,

it's the top one.

The top one?

I already tried the top one.

Alison look, I...

I didn't mean what I said.

Wakey, wakey.


Alison, wake up!


- What?

- Guys, help! Alison...



- Christ...

- Alison!



Security breach.

Initiating lockdown protocol.

30 seconds to lockdown.


Claire, come on! We've gotta go.

20 seconds to lockdown.

10 seconds to lockdown.






Get the door.

I'm sorry...

Lockdown complete.

We... we were trying to get out,

and then...

The door.

Alison, she's...

No, no, no!

Stay awake. Everyone,

stay awake.

Whatever you do,

don't go to sleep.

Don't even close your eyes.

Listen to me...

If you fall asleep, you'll die.


I'm telling you...

I saw our scans. They--

- You saw our scans?

- I snuck into Dr. Burke's


I... I knew something

wasn't right.

For the last four days,

our brains have been pushed

into overdrive,

and now they're shutting down.

- What do you mean,

shutting down?

- How does a brain go

into overdrive?

- What do you mean?

When you're asleep your brain

is still active,

what you're feeling now,

is your brain trying to shut

itself down. The drug is--

- Are you telling us

we're gonna die?

- No.

No. Not if we stay awake.

We just need to stay awake

until we can get out of here

and get help.

It looks like you're

in a lockdown.

At Blackwood, safety is our

number one priority.

It's an automated security

protocol at the newer


For containing threats,

whether it's infection,

security leaks,

bioterrorism, a million things.

For 24 hours the facility

is sealed

and all lines of communication

are cut off.

How did it happen?

I don't know...

Doctor Burke must have triggered

it by accident somehow.

There has to be some way

to override it.

It can't be overridden,

it can't be disabled,

that's the whole point.

The head of the company could be

in here, it wouldn't matter.

That door won't open

until the clock runs down.

I found some smelling salts.

Should be enough for five per person.

Hey, go easy. Ray!

- Ugh...

- They've got to last us

all night.

Only use one if it's

an emergency, okay?

We've all got five, yeah?

What about these,

some amphetamines,

give us a proper boost.

No, no... hey.

Whatever you do,

do not take any stimulants.

I wouldn't even drink coffee.

It's like...

Okay, imagine your brain is

a computer. And it's on fire.

Okay, no, no...

that's a bad metaphor.


Okay, okay... I've got it.

Imagine your brain is a car,

and it's on fire.

But you can still steer and your

momentum will keep you moving.

That's why so long as we

stay awake, we're alright.

But taking uppers,

anything like that, you're just

throwing petrol on the flames.

So that's the bad news.

But the good news is,

it's completely treatable.

Once we're out of here,

all they need to do,

is put us on immunosuppressants,

keep us monitored

and maybe, worst case scenario,

a medically induced coma.


It sounds worse than it is.

Come on!

We're gonna be alright.

All we need to do

is last one more day.

Once those doors open,

we're saved.

We've now been awake

for over 100 hours.

As you can see,

not looking so sexy,

but... enduring.

You're gonna wear yourself out.

Exercise is good, man.

Keeps the blood flowing.

Still 20 hours to go.

Six survivors.

Battered but not broken.

The mood is--

Hey Attenborough,

stop narrating everything.

You're doing my head in.

Someone needs to make a record

of what's happening here.

When this is all over people

need to be held accountable.

Actually yeah, you're right.


Gross negligence.

These are just words.

We're human beings,

and no six-figure settlement

could ever undo

the wrong that has been done

to us here.

Can you put a price

on our suffering?

5 million? 10 million?

Will 15 million make me

whole again?



I'm just tracking our progress.

Keeping an eye on things.

It'd be way too risky to try

any treatment with what we

have in here.

There's still so much

I don't know about the drug

and how it works.

So, for the moment,

our best bet is to hang tight.

And wait for help.

I've still got her blood

under my fingernails.

Can't seem to get it out.

I know it's hard,

but we need to stay positive.

We're still here,

and we're going to be okay.

- Are we?

- Of course we are.

This is the worst part.

Now that we're off the drug,

the inflammation will be

starting to subside and--

Okay, that's all I need

for the moment.

Thanks for your help.

Close your eyes little girl

Go to sleep 'til the morning

Night is here, so am I

Keep you safe 'til the dawn

My name is Claire Brady.

And if you're watching this,

it's because I'm dead.

This is a message for my Mum,

Helen Brady.

She's a patient in

St. James Hospital.

Palliative care ward.

So this is a twist, eh?

Turns out I had even

less time left than you.

Took you 20 years to ruin

your liver.

I only needed four days

to fry my brain.

I guess it was cold of me

not to return your calls.

Cold and hard, that's me.

Where'd I learn that I wonder?

I know you just wanted to

tell me you're sorry, but...

..sorry won't fix this.

It's already too late.


You're free.

What will you do now?

So many possibilities.

Yep, that's what I figured.

- How many salts you got?

- None of your business.

C'mon man,

don't hold out on me now.

- Jesus, get over it, Ray.

- Just give us one, will ya?


- Can you spare a salt?

- No.

What is it the Bible

always says?

Blessed art thou who shares.

Ah! That's not very God-like.

Marcus! You have salts,

I know you do.

- Hey, just give me one,

will you?

- No, I'm sorry.

Just give me a salt,

I'm just asking for one salt.

Leave him alone, Ray! We all got

the same amount of salts.

It's not our fault you're

a g*dd*mn hoover.

You were one of those kids,

weren't you?

Who always saved his Easter eggs

every year,

so you'd have one left in May

and could lord them over

everyone else.

Act like Mister Bigshot--

- Hey! I don't believe in God.

- What?

I said...

I don't believe in God.

I told you this before.

I left home to get away

from all that.

Look, do you have any idea

what it's like,

growing up being told everything

you'd done was a sin.

I hated him!

Jesus! Sorry... yeah.

You're all cracking up.


You can handle this, Amir.

It's a test. You've never failed

a test in your life.

You just need to keep working.

Stay focused.

Keep working. Stay focused.

Mild hallucinations.

To be expected after

so long awake.

Just keep working. Stay focused.

Keep working, stay focused.

Keep working, stay focused...

Close your eyes, little girl

Go to sleep 'til the morning

Night is here, so am I

Keep you safe 'til the dawn


You okay?

Come on.

How are you dealing

with this so well?

I dunno.

I mean, it's tough. But...

I'm not scared, I guess.

I know I'm gonna be alright.

I wish I had your confidence.

See this?

I was on a hike in the Sierras.

Fell. Shattered my ankle.

The pain was excruciating.

Thought for sure I wouldn't be

able to walk.

I was alone,

a cold night was coming and I

didn't want to freeze to death.

So... I walked.

You'd be amazed what you can do

when you have to.


Great plan.

Barely passed biology in school.

I'm sure I'll have this cracked

in no time.


I'm trying to work up

the courage to put my hand

down on it.

I haven't had an easy life.

Me neither.

But I'm still not ready

for it to be over.

Me neither.

Okay, look. Nothing's changed.

There's only 15 more hours

to go.

But we've made it this far.




This is it, you realise that?

We've lost two already.

Any one of us could be next.

Do you think Blackwood expect us

to walk out of here?

They have already written us

off, and they're right.

Because if we carry on

like this, we're dead.

So we've got two options.

We can sit around waiting

to be rescued

by the same f*ckers who did this

to us in the first place.

Or, we work together

and we find a way out.

I don't know about you,

but I'm tired of waiting.

Right. So this is the facility.

Did an 8 year old draw this?

This is where they've

sealed us off.

This is the exit

and this is us here.

All we need to do,

is break through that wall

and we're out.

- It won't work.

- How do you know?

I just know. Trust me,

they build these places

so when they lock them down,

there's no getting out.

Great. So that's one vote

for don't try.

What do the rest of you think?

I thought you looked cold.



- I think this is it.

I'm almost through.

- What?

Yeah, yeah... pull it.

Yeah... yeah.


No, no, no, no!


No, no....

No... f*ck!


It's a b*mb shelter job.

It's the same as the door.

There's no getting through that.

Okay look, that's not good.

But look, it's one wall.

We can try another one.

We can tear the whole place down

if we have to.

Why would the next wall

be any different?

We're just wasting energy.

Alright, let's think.

- We've gotta take those uppers.

- No!

It's the only way

we'll get through this.

- No, Amir said they'll only

make us worse.

- f*ck Amir, man!

Why are we even listening

to him?

Because he's the closest thing

we've got to a doctor.

Well, I don't see him out here.

I don't see him coming up with

new ideas.

Do you see him coming up

with new ideas?

Alright, I'll go talk to him.

How did he know?

How did...

how did you know, Amir?

How did he know?

How did he know we'd never

get through that wall?

I mean, he was right. So?

Yeah, but how did he know?

I've been on way more trials

than anyone,

and I've never seen any

shit like this.

But somehow Amir knows

everything before it's

about to happen.

He knows Blackwood, I guess.

Knows how they work.

He's only here because he was

trying to get a job with them.

Maybe he already has one.

Think about it. What are

the chances, this one guy

on the trial

who knows everything about

the drug, everything about

the facility...

One person who can run tests,

take samples,

keep everyone in line.

He's not your typical lab rat.

No, it never made sense he was

on this in the first place.

This snotty med student

in with all the lab rats.

Us f*cking rejects, man.


But how would Amir not have

fallen asleep already?

No one who is not on the drug

could have stayed awake

this long.

Let's find out.


We really need you in here.

You were right about the wall,

we're now just trying to

figure out what to do next.

Look, whatever work you're

doing can wait.


I'm sorry.

I haven't been honest with you.

This is for you.

And the others.

It explains everything.

It's all my fault.

I caused the lockdown.

I broke their security and tried

to make copies of our MRI scans.

I was so stupid!

I should have known what

would happen.

Amir, no!

Amir, get up!

Did you not hear me? It's my

fault we're trapped here.

So? All the more reason

to help us find a way out.

- I told you,

there's no way out.

- There's no way out...

So everyone keeps saying!

Well then,

can you fix us yourself?

- No.

- Why not? You're smart.

You're nearly a doctor.

You've got a whole lab

full of stuff here.

Our brain is a car, right?

So if we're over-heating,

can we... the hood?

No, that sounds painful.

Can we... jump-start it,

or get out and push?

Wait, for real?

I just gave you an idea?

We could use our momentum.

Methyl iodide poisoning

basically mimics the effects

of an ischemic stroke.

A strong enough dose would stop

blood flow to our brain

almost completely,

which would normally

cause brain death,

but with these side effects...

..there may be a grace period.

We take a shot of tPA

right after the dose

and there'd be just enough time

for the enzyme

to catalyse the clot to

breakdown before the effects

are irreversible.

- But is that a plan

or just gibberish?

- I don't know, you tell me!

I'm so tired, it's hard to tell

if this makes sense or not.

Yes, yes! It sounds like

a winner. Let's catalyse

the enzyme.

I'm on board.

Let's catalyse that shit.

- I'll go tell the others.

- Okay.

- Claire...

- There you are.

Listen, I was talking to Amir

and... What's wrong?

- I don't think we can

trust Amir.

- What... why?

No, I don't... I don't buy it.

That sounds like one of

Ray's guinea pig campfire tales.

I know, I thought so too.

I wasn't sure.

So I went through Amir's things

and found these.

It's the uppers he told us

not to take.

Did I just die?


You're not dead!

The power went out.

Something must have tripped.

I think I saw the fuses before,

down by the MRI room.

It's okay.

Come on.

Ah, shit! I'm almost

out of battery.

Oh... yes! Yes...

I'm not finding it.

f*ck, my phone's dead.

Close your eyes

Shit, I think I'm hallucinating.

Okay, keep calm.

Focus on my voice.

Close your eyes.

- What did you say?

- I said, focus on my voice.

Close your eyes.

It's okay. Mummy's here.


lie down. Close your eyes...

I'm not finding any fuses.


Oops! You lost him.

Why won't you

go to sleep! Paul!

I'm so excited!

He's dead.

They're all dead.

You're all alone.

Go to sleep! Give up!

Bitch. c**t. Die.



That was close.

Amir... where were ya?

I was looking for the fuses.


Thank God you're alright.

Guys, what...

- What's going on?

- Have you been taking

the uppers?

- What?

- We found the empty

pill bottles.

That was-- no,

I didn't take them!

I poured them out.

As a precaution!

Why are you backing away?

We're only asking questions.

No, please!

Get your hands off me!

Ray... stop!

Paul, grab his other arm!

Paul... don't!


- Have you all lost your minds?

- Shut up!

Shut up.

You cut the power. I told you

this would happen.

I told you. He knew we were onto

him, so he tried to

finish us off.

I didn't touch the fuses.

I didn't even know

where they were.

- Yeah, who did it then?

- I don't know!

They just blew. It happens.

You're working for Blackwood.

Admit it.

I don't know what you're

talking about.

Guys... guys, listen to me.

You're tired. You're scared.

You're not thinking clearly.

Please just untie me,

and I'll explain everything.

You're acting crazy! You

don't know what you're doing.

Please, Claire...

He's up to something.

I know he knows something

and we're going to f*cking

figure it out, okay?

Figure it out.

- Do you think it's just him?

- Could be.

Could be others. They could be

watching us right now.

There could be secret rooms

all over this place.

Secret rooms! Will you listen

to yourselves?

We've gotta get the truth

out of him.

And how are you going

to do that?

Take a guess.

This is life and death.

Do you want to play it nice

and end up like Marcus?

Ray's right.

If Amir's hiding something

we need to find out what it is.

And I think he's hiding


Listen to what you're saying.

What you're talking about doing

to a human being.

I'm already going to hell.

We can't do this.

We can't... Paul!

Paul, say something!

We can't do this.

No... no,

she's right.

We can't.

f*ck it, I'm doing it.

Ray... no!


Here's what's gonna happen,

right? I'm gonna take this


and every time you lie to me,

you're gonna get a little bit


- Please... please stop.

Please don't.

- Ray... no, no!

- Are you working for Blackwood?

- Ray, you can't do this. He's--

Are you working for Blackwood.

He's got a cure!

I'm working on something.

It's not a cure.

It's more of a stop-gap.

I think I can help us.

Buy us some time, at least.

Bullshit! No...

Nah, it's just another lie.

He'll say anything to get out

of this.

- No, you don't know that.

- Amir...

What's the idea?

It's a methyl iodide solution.

It's simple to make,

I can talk you through it.

No. I'm not taking anything

he cooks up. It'll probably

k*ll us on the spot.

I'll try it.

We'll make it, I'll test it.

What have we got to lose?

Okay, so it's at 75 degrees now,

what's next?



Start adding the iodine.

Slowly. Don't let it overheat.

We've only got one shot at this.

That was a very stupid thing

you did.

- You tripped the fuse.

- I didn't trip the fuse.

I saw you do it.

I needed Amir to fall asleep.

None of you believed me, I had

to prove he wasn't on the drug.

Are you going to tell

the others?

It's a sedative. Fast acting.

I'm waiting for Claire

to be distracted.

If you cover me,

then I can get to Amir.

Then we'll find out

if he's lying or not.

Damn, that's a lot better

than my plan.

I'm too f*cking tired.


you're almost there.

Now add the last of the sulphate

and keep it at 70 degrees

until it's all distilled.

- Does that not hurt?

- No.

I mean, yeah. But...

It's good. It keeps me sharp.

So walk me through again

what's about to happen.

You take the formula,

it makes you stroke out.

Shot of tPA treats the stroke,

brings you back.

You should know though,

if it doesn't work, it'll k*ll

you instantly.

Yeah, I figured.

You know, I've been thinking.

Considering what we've been

through, if we had to do this


I probably wouldn't sign up

for this trial.

You know Blackwood get hundreds

of applicants for their


So when they asked me

to come on this trial,

I thought they saw someone



willing to put everything

into their career.

But maybe what they saw

was someone with no family,

no friends,

no connections to anyone.

Someone nobody would miss.

I feel like I've lived

my whole life wrong.

We get out of here,

we get a second chance.

I don't know what I'd do

with a second chance.

I don't even know what

I want anymore.

I just want to see

the sun again.

We've been in this basement

so long, it's become like

a distant memory.

That's not much of a goal.

It's a start.


I think...

I think it's ready.

After the shot, wait 30 seconds

before you give her the TPA.


- Vanessa!

- Vanessa...

- Get her up.

- Vanessa!

Vanessa... Vanessa!


Get the shot!

Amir, stop.

Amir, stop!

Go on...

Do it...

What do you want to know?

I'm the one with all the info,


Want me to tell you that

we're all gonna die here?

That our lives are just

data points on a spreadsheet?

That's it!

That's the big secret.

Claire... you alright?

- Claire...

- I'm fine.

I'm just gonna go and see

how much time we've got left.

Close your eyes, little girl

Go to sleep 'til the morning

Night is here, so am I

Keep you safe 'til the dawn

My name is Claire Brady.

This is a message for my Mum.

What was that song you used

to sing to me as a kid?

I always wondered

if you made it up.

Anyway, it's been stuck

in my head all night.

It's funny the things that

come back to you.

You were a real demon

when you'd been drinking.

But the rest of the time,

you were my Mum.

And I get it now.

How hard it must have been,


.. you couldn't stop.


.. even though every part of me

is fighting against it,

I just...

I just really want

to go to sleep.

g*dd*mn secret rooms...

Guys, you've gotta come

and see this.

We're on to something.


Just hold on,

okay? I'll be back.

Listen to me. You are not

just a stat in a spreadsheet.

They think we're nobodies,

wait till we're on every

news channel

telling our story.

We'll bring the whole

f*cking company down.

It's an autopsy room.


I'm not listening to you.

You're only in my head.

But you're

the smartest one here, Amir.

Who else should you listen to,

if not your own head?


You're relying on that girl

to come and save you?

She's left you here, hasn't she?

Tied up,

all by yourself.

Even if they did find a way out,

do you think they'd let you

come with them?

The only way you're walking

out of here is alone.

Hey! Time is not

on your side here.

You need to take control

of the situation.

So that's it then, is it?

You're just giving up.

Frankly, I am disappointed.

You had so much promise.

This was a test Amir,

and you failed.

You can't control the group.

You can't handle

the sleep deprivation.

Didn't even notice the knife.

Thanks for being on my side.

I'm sorry I...

Sorry I couldn't...

They must use it to send up

the bodies after autopsy.

It's a way out.

It's a f*cking way out!

- I'll go get the others--

- No, wait.

We can just go.

Right now...

You and me.

Read your note.


Ray and Amir are both


You know they are.

We're safer without them.

We have to start thinking about

ourselves. It's the only way

we'll survive.


This is it.

I'm going, I can feel it.

But you're going first.

I'm gonna make it hurt.

What was I doing?

Oh yeah.

I'll start with the eyes.




Amir, it's me.

Put down the knife.

Come on, now.

Just two more to go.


Come on...

Come on!

No! Paul!


This is Paul Murray,

making my final recording.

I am the last survivor of

Blackwood Labs trial BRN14.

If I don't...

if I don't survive,

on this phone, is the only--

On this phone is

the only true record...

The only true record of what

happened here.


Thank you for your patience.

The lockdown has now ended.

Is this real?





Facility is clear.

All team, regroup by the door.

Okay, let's go.

Christ, watch out--


After a four

month investigation,

Blackwood Pharmaceuticals

were today cleared

of any wrongdoing,

in the incident at

a Research Facility,

which left six dead,

and one in a coma

with little chance of recovery.

The investigation concluded

that Doctor Ellen Burke

had been running a rogue trial,

and Blackwood had no knowledge

of her actions.

Blackwood released

the following statement.

We feel vindicated,

but still mourn the great loss

of life

in this senseless tragedy.

Hopefully, this puts an end

to any conspiracy theories


which are an insult

to both the victims

and their families.

Blackwood remain committed

to our vision

of a brighter future,

through better medicine.

Nothing will stand in our way.
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