Alice in Terrorland (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Alice in Terrorland (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Yes, Ms.

Crimesly, this is Robert Shaw

calling again from

Social Services.

This is my fourth

message to you.

I'm afraid it's regarding

your granddaughter,

Alice Aciman.

It not good news, and if

you could find a moment,

I would really appreciate it...

- A boat beneath a sunny

sky, lingering onward,

dreamily in an evening of July.

Children three that nestle near

eager, eye and willing ear,

pleased a simple tale to hear.

Long had paled that sunny sky,

echoes fade and memories die.

Autumn frosts have slain July.

Still she haunts

me, phantomwise,

Alice moving under skies,

never seen by waking eyes.

Children yet, the tale to hear

eager eye and willing ear,

lovingly shall nestle near.

In a Wonderland they lie,

dreaming as the days go by,

dreaming as the summers die.

Ever drifting down the stream,

lingering in the golden gleam.

Life, what is it but a dream?

- Oh, my dearest Alice.

- You must be Beth.

- Beth Crimesly.

But you can call me,

well, what would

you like to call me?

- Gran.

- We are family.

Last two standing.

Oh, I'm so sorry, dear.

That was well out of term.

Come on in.

Let's get you warm and settled.

- Oh my God.

- Quite something, isn't it?

- It's beautiful.

- The foundations date

back to the 15th century.

Alas, I think the heating system

and the pigeons were

of the same period.

- Hello, you.

What's your name?

I'm Alice.

- That's Mitzi.

And this is Maisie.

- Hello, Mitzi.

You are awfully cute.

- Here.

Drink some tea.

It will warm you up.

- Thank you.

- This house does get

very chilly, especially

in the winter.

It's so big, you see.

I'm sorry I couldn't

get to the funeral.

I didn't know anything about it.

None of it, until the lawyers

got in touch six weeks ago

and I made arrangements for

you to come to me as quickly

as possible.

- It's okay, I spoke to him.

I'm sorry if--

- There's no need to apologize.

How are you?

I mean, really?

How are you coping?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Too early.

- No, it's just

I haven't really,

I haven't really

spoken to anyone.

- Well, there hasn't really

been anyone, has there?

You poor lamb.

- In the home where they put me,

while they were looking for you.

There was someone, but I

mean, there were kids there.

Kids with bigger

problems than me.

- You have her courage.

You have her eyes.

I can see you in her and you

have her heart, no doubt,

courageous and defiant

like that of a lion.

The only thing you

can do, Alice, is to

keep moving forward.

It doesn't matter how

far, one step at a time.

And today, those steps

have brought you to me.

And you'll be fine.

You'll be safe here.

I promise.

- Did we ever meet,

like when I was a baby?

- No, your mother and I, we--

- Go on.

- There'll be plenty

of time for that.

All the time in the world.

Now drink up your tea

and Mitzi, Maisie and I

will show you to your room.

It was your mother's room.

I hope you'll like it.

- I'm sure it'll be perfect.

- I'll leave you

to unpack your bags

and leave you some space.

Just come and find me

when you are ready.

I wouldn't go anywhere

near the woods.

Not at this time of year.

We have six acres and

there are poachers.

As long as you stick

to the water's edge,

you should be fine.

That's if you feel

like exploring.

- Hello?

- It was my mother's recipe.

Her ancestors lived here.

My ancestors and

yours too, I suppose.

- How did it get its name.

- Wonderland?

Aren't you familiar

with the book?

You should be, you

were named after it.

- Book?

- The Adventures of Alice in

Wonderland, Lewis Carroll.

- I saw the movie, but

I've never read the book.

- Well, it was said that

Lewis Carroll lived here

in the early 1800s and

this was supposed to have

inspired him.

Inspired him to write one

of the greatest examples

of Victorian literature,

and then my ancestors

named it after it.

- What was it called,

before that I mean?

- Crimesly house.

How was the soup?

- Yeah, it was good.

Really good.

Do you have a copy?

- A copy?

- Of the book,

Alice in Wonderland?

- Well, of course.

- I'd love to read it.

- Well, I shall have to

dig you out a copy then.

You didn't go anywhere

near the woods, did you?

- No, I just stayed

by the stream.

It was so peaceful.

- I meant what I said

about the woods Alice.

Do you play?

- Play what?

- Cards.

- I played with my friends,

not so much with...

- With?

- I played with my friend a lot.

- Do you still miss her?

- After it happened

I kind of shut down.

I haven't really

spoken to anyone in

it feels like forever.

- Forever is a long time, Alice.

- Did you ever lose anyone?

Before, I mean.

- I'm sorry, I'm...

- What happened

between mum and you?

- Not very good at

talking about it.

Perhaps one day we'll learn

to help each other heal.

- I hope so, I'd like that.

I'm sorry if--

- Right.

Let the game begin.

Hey, why did you stop?

- I'm sorry, I didn't

know if I was allowed.

It's so beautiful.

- Of course.

Wonderland is your home now.

Our home, fate has brought

us together, you and I.

Did she teach you how to play?

And who do you think taught her?

- Something about

being here with you

makes me feel closer to her.

- Oh.

Right, budge up.

Oh my dear girl, Alice?

Are you all right?

Oh, I wonder whatever it

was that came over you.

Perhaps a little too much

excitement for one day.


Now you rest up and I'll go

and get a little something

to settle your tummy.

- Gran?

- Yes dear.

- Thank you for everything.

- There we go.

All my own recipe.

And it's all from the garden.

It'll do you the power of good.

Just take little sips,

little and often.


I will be just down the

corridor if you need me.

There you go.


You are okay.

Are you still cold?

Oh, there, nice and snug.

- Don't go.

- I've just had an idea.

I'll be right back.

I promise.

- Promise?

- I promise

I am going to read you to sleep.

I'm going to tell you a story.

The story of Alice's

adventures in Wonderland.

Chapter one, down

the rabbit hole.

Alice was beginning to get

very tired of sitting by her

sister on the bank and

of having nothing to do.

Once or twice she had

peeped into the book

her sister was reading,

but it had no pictures

or conversations in it.

And what is the use of a book,

thought Alice, without

pictures or conversations.

So she was considering

in her own mind as well

as she could for the hot day,

made her feel very

sleepy and stupid.

Whether the pleasure

of making a daisy chain

would be worth the

trouble of getting up

and picking the daisies.

When suddenly, a white

rabbit with pink eyes

ran close by her.

In another moment down

went Alice after it,

never once considering

how in the world she was

to get out again.

- Beth?


- Hello Alice.

- How do you know my name?

- I'd love to stop and

chat, but I'd be late.

- Late?

What are you late for?

- The very important date.

The party's starting

soon, I can't be late.

It is the seat of bad manners.

Would you like to come with me?

- Come with you?

- To the party.

It's a very important date.

- Yes.

Yes, you said.

Just dreaming.

Go along with it.

Wake up, wake up.


What happened?

- I k*lled them.

They were late.

The seat of bad manners.

I thought you agreed.

It's my little secret.

- What is?

- The cake, I always

poison the cake.

All children love cake.

- You've k*lled

them for being late.

- I k*lled them for being late.

Have you ever been late, Alice?

When the house burned

around your parents,

the smoke slowly

choking your mother.

Was it not sweet little

Alice who was too late

to raise the alarm?

- You don't know what

you're talking about.

- Would you like to see a trick?

It's all about sleight of hand.

I can make it all

go away, Alice.

- What?

- I can make the

pain all go away.

- How?

- Want to see a trick?

- Beth?


- Alice, whatever is it, you

look like you've seen a ghost.

- I had a nightmare.

- Oh, you poor lamb.

- It was just like the book.

There was a rabbit.

- A rabbit?

Oh goodness.

Well, I don't know how much

you were able to absorb.

You fell asleep before I

finished the first chapter.

- I'm sorry.

- No need to apologize.

It was just a dream.

- No, I meant I fell asleep

while you were reading to me.

You must think me quite rude.

- Not at all, I just wanted you

to awake before I continued.

But when you can

sleep, you must.

You need the rest, my dear.

In the morning you

will be right as rain.

I assure you.

And when I can, I

must get on with this.

Otherwise it'll take

me a month of Sundays.

- What is it?

- A scarf.

- It's beautiful.

- Well, as I said,

the heating and the foundations

go back to the same period.

Oh no, not again.

Alice, can you

manage on your own?

I'll go get some fresh towels.

- What are you doing here?

Who are you?

- I'm Tallulah.

- And I'm Tara.

- What do you want?

- We are here to warn you.

- We're here to

tell you a story.

- I need to find Beth.


- She can't hear you.

- Why not?

- You are not awake.

- You are still dreaming.

- I want to wake up now.

- But we haven't told

you our story yet.

- I'm not sure I want

to hear it right now.

- Don't you want to

know how it happened?

- How he did it?

- Who did that to you?

What happened?

- It was the walrus.

- That's what they called him.

- Who?

- The press.

- Why did they call

him the walrus?

- That's what they

called him at school.

- The bullies.

- The ones he said

drove him to it.

He grew up to be a carpenter

and he'd drive

around in his van.

- Around and around.

- Looking.

- Waiting.

- Where is he?

The walrus.

- Shh.

- He'll hear you.

- Where are we?

- Shh.

He's coming.

Something wicked this way comes.

- What's happening?

What is this?

- This is how it happened.

He's going to take her now.

- Excuse me.

I was wondering if

you could help me.

I'm a little lost, I must

have got turned around.

I'm looking for

the Levine Avenue.

Yeah, can you,

can you help me?

Can you help me?

The walrus and the

carpenter ate the oysters.

Because they could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

The walrus and the carpenter.

- Where is she?

- ate the oysters.

- Who?

Your sister.

- 'Cause I could.

'Cause I could.

- Why.

- The walrus

and the carpenter.

- He'll hear you.

You mustn't interrupt

him while he works.

- Why?

- Because they could.

- Entitlement.

That is his undoing,

as it will be hers.

- Hers?

What are you talking about?


- Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could.

Because I could!

Because I could!

Because I could!

- Close your eyes

and make the wish.

- Because I could!

- Tweedledum and Tweedledee

agreed to have a battle.

For Tweedledum said

Tweedledee had spoiled

his nice new rattle.

Just then flew down

a monstrous crow

as black as a tar barrel, which

frightened both our heroes,

so they quite forgot

their quarrel.

Oh my dear.

You're burning up.

Shall I fetch you a fresh towel?

- I don't know

what's wrong with me.

I felt fine earlier.

- I know, it's

all so unexpected.

You must be so frightened.

- Please don't leave me.

I feel so sick.

- I have just the thing for you.

Hold on, I'll be right back.

This was your mother's.

You take good care of her.

- No, I can't still be dreaming.

- The caterpillar and

Alice looked at each other

for some time in silence.

At last, the caterpillar took

the hookah out of its mouth

and addressed her in a

languid, sleepy voice.

- Who are you?

Said the caterpillar.

- I think you ought

to tell me who you are first.

- No, you.

Who are you?

- I'm Alice.

Alice Aciman.

- Yes.

There she is.

There you are.

Alice, Alice in Wonderland.

Is that how you dealt

with your parents' death?

Shut it out.

The screaming?

- What?

- You just closed

your eyes and waited

into the quiet of the stream.

- I lost my parents.

- We've all lost someone.

Yet we're supposed to

continue like we didn't.

Tell me Alice,

did you ever look at it from

a different perspective?

- Look at what?

- Your situation, your

circumstance, predicament.

- You can only look at a

situation from the perspective

with which you meant it.

- Do you think she has your

best interests at heart?

- Who?

- Her, the Red Queen.

- Who are you?

- Just a concerned friend.

A friend.

- Beware.

- Beware the Red Queen.

- But...

- Perhaps the question is not

who are you, but who is she?

- Alice?

Alice, it's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

You've had a dream.

It was a nightmare.

Alice, you're okay.

It's the fever.

Look at me.

Look at me!

That's it.

It's Beth.

It's your gran.

You're okay.

That's it.

That's it.

You're back in the room now.

You're okay.

You're okay.

- I don't feel good.

I think I need to see a doctor.

- A doctor?

- I feel so sick.

I've never felt anything

like this in my stomach.

- Darling, well I don't

know what it could be.

I mean, it can't be the food.

We both ate the same thing.

- No, it's not the food.

The food was good.

It's just.

- Alice, Alice.


All up?

- I don't think there

could be anything left.

That smells good.

- A slightly different blend.

Just in case there was

something in the first lot

that disagreed with you.

Hey, I'm here to look after you.

Now let's get you tucked

back into bed, huh?

Oh, and I did call the good

doctor, but there was no answer.

It's highly unlikely that he

will come before tomorrow.

That's assuming that

he gets the messages

before his morning rounds.

But don't worry.

You're in good hands.

You're in great hands.

This is going to be

new for both of us.

There will be these

milestones along the way.

The first time you get sick,

the first time you fall.

But we all fall in life Alice.

Just remember,

that I will always be

there to pick you up again.

I know you miss them terribly.

You asked me earlier

whom I had lost.

How I wish that I could say

that I didn't know what you were

going through, but I lost

my mother at about your age.

It was a long, long time ago.

I said earlier you

had her courage.

Loving somebody deeply

gives you courage.

But being loved by somebody

deeply gives you strength.

It will always hurt,

but it will hurt less.

Does that make any sense?

- I think so.

- Would you like me

to read to you again?

Just until you fall asleep?

- Would you mind?

- Of course not,

you sweet child.

The only things in the

kitchen that did not sneeze

were the cook and a large cat,

which was sitting on

the hearth and grinning

from ear to ear.

"Please would you tell me",

said Alice a little timidly.

'Cause she was not quite sure

whether it was good manners

for her to speak first.

Why your cat grins like that?

- I'm sorry, could you

repeat the question?

- Tell me, Alice,

did you ever look at it from

a different perspective?

- It's just a dream.

It's just a dream.

You're dreaming.

I'm sorry.

Your scars.

How did you get them?

- That's what I

thought you meant.

But then you're not my

usual doctor, are you?

I thought what a funny

way of putting it.

My cat.

What a roundabout way to

ask me how I got them.

How I got to my scars.

The scars of a Cheshire cat.

- This is a safe space.

- Is it now?

Well, I suppose you

can't help that.

We're all mad here.

My markings.

That's the name the

press gave them.

Like him, they were

very unkind to me.

- To who?

Who were they unkind to?

- To the Walrus, of course,

perhaps that would've made

it all the more ironic

had I kept them.

- Kept what?

- My press cuttings.

- Do you feel like

talking about them today?

- About what?

About what you call my crimes.

- What would you call them?

- Art.

- Art?

- Art.

- You call scarring

the faces of families,

men, women and children.

You call that art.

- Every cat burglar

needs a calling card.

- And you couldn't have

left the taps running?

- You are very attractive

for a psychotherapist.

I imagine that's very

dangerous for your clients.

- You did that to the

faces of your victims.

The victims of your crimes.

But who did that to you?

Who gave you the worst of them?

- You don't know what this is.

You don't know what she did.

You don't know it's her.

Do you?

- Who?

What are you talking about?

- Oh, I dare not say her name.

In case she can hear.

She's everywhere, in the walls.

Can't you hear them singing?

- Like I said, this

is a safe space.

- The Red Queen.

You want me to show

you how she did it?

- Excuse me?

- At last, we meet.

Life is all about

meetings and partings.

That is the way of it, Alice.

Would you like to play a game?

I like games.

They teach you all manner of

lessons about consequences,

about loss, about

knowing your opponent.

It is better to weigh the enemy

more mighty than it seems.

Would you like to deal seeing

as you are such a master?

Are we ready to begin?

Are you wondering why I did it?

- Did what?

- The Cheshire Ripper.

Why I gave her her scars.

Have you met her?

- I did.

- Gruesome, isn't she?

Oh, but she makes no

sense at all anymore.

I think she's totally insane.

Talks nothing but nonsense.

- You may call it nonsense,

but I've heard nonsense

and compared with which

it would be as sensible

as a dictionary.

- How profound.

This is it, you know.

The dream, you

won't wake up from.

Here, now you see it

needs all the running

you can do just to

stay in one place.

If you want to run

somewhere else,

you'll have to go

twice as fast as that.

- I already did.

- What have you done?

- I won.

- No, no.

Nobody beats the Red Queen.

You don't understand.

Nobody beats the Red Queen.

- Your hair wants cutting.

- Does it?

I quite like it long.

- Well, you know best, my dear.

You know best.

Come, sit.

Sit before your tea gets cold.

- Who are you?

I'm Alice.

- Well, of course you are.

And I am the Mad Hatter.

- Goodness.

Why do they call you that?

- Because I'm actually

quite, quite mad!

- You really don't need

to be quite so angry,

after all, it's

such a lovely day.

Look, what a wonderful

spread you've prepared.

I don't think I've ever seen

such a beautiful tea party.

- Yes.

You're so right.

I'm sorry for my outburst.

It's just well,

sometimes I... I get

these dark thoughts.

Very, very dark thoughts.

What about you, Alice?

Do you get them too?

- Yes.

I think we all do.

- About your parents.

- How did you know that?

- I can see it in your eyes.

She says it's courage.

But all I see is grief.

That's what brought us all here.

The Rabbit, the Walrus,

Tallulah and Tara.

Even the Cheshire Ripper.

Grief is what brought us

all here to Wonderland.

- What about the Red Queen?

- The Red Queen is grief.

She feeds on it.

- What do you mean?

- Shh.

It's a secret.

She told me not to tell you.

- I think you should drink

your tea before it gets cold.

- Everybody's watching.

- Are you okay?

- I do feel a bit

curiouser and curiouser.

She loves me.

She loves me not.

It's too funny.

- What is it?

You can tell me.

I have dark thoughts

too, remember.

- What she's been

putting in your tea.

Wake up Alice.

I said, wake up Alice.

Wake up Alice!

- Alice.

- Tara?

No, I'm Tallulah.


- Don't.

- Don't what?

- Don't look over there.

- You have to leave.


If either of them

discover us here,

it would be quite fatal.

One can only learn

so much and live.

Live Alice, live.

- But I feel so sick.

- Remember what she said?

- But I don't feel

like that now.

I feel so sick.

That was yesterday.

Look, it's no use going

back to yesterday,

because yesterday you

were a different person.

- You know.

- I know.

- How did you figure it out?

- When I used to

read fairy tales,

I fancied that kind of

thing never happened.

Now, here I am in

the middle of one.

- "Drink Me."

I hope you understand

why I had to do it.

This house means

everything to my family.

- Beth Crimesly.

- The Red Queen.

- A house is more than

bricks and mortar.

Without a family, a house

is just a cold, empty shell.

- You are wrong.

- No, I'm not gran.

- Can't you hear the walls?

They're talking to me, singing

to me about its histories.

Its stories.

I had to save her.

- Do you really believe that?

- Sometimes I believe more

than six impossible things

before breakfast.

That's why I had to poison you.

- Why?

I want to hear you say it,

I need to hear you say it.

- For the money.

It was always supposed

to be mine, not yours.

You were supposed to

die in that fire too.

- You weren't hard to

find at all, were you?

That's not why it took the

lawyers so long to find you.

You were hiding.

It was you who started the

fire, for my inheritance.

- Like I said, I refuse

to lose this house.

It wasn't my fault that

Henry gambled it all away,

the money.

I mean, how was I

supposed to know?

- So you m*rder*d

your own daughter.

You k*lled my parents, and you

tried to k*ll me for money.

- Not for the money.

You stupid, stupid

girl, for Wonderland.

- What?

- The final game.

But this time you get to

choose the game, Alice.

- Rummy.

- What?

- Rummy.

- Ah, rummy.

- What are we playing for?

- The final fatal dose.

The final curtain,

good night, Vienna.

I'm sorry it had to

come to this Alice.

After all you are

my flesh and blood,

but every game has

to come to an end.


No, no, not now.

- What happens now?

- We drink a toast

to the winner.

Come on, drink up Alice.

Don't be a sore loser.

- I am so sorry.

You made me do it.

- It's all about

sleight of hand.

Get down.

- The long grass

rustled at her feet

as the white rabbit hurried by.

The frightened mouse

splashed his way

through the neighboring pool.

She could hear the rattle of

the teacups as the March Hare

and his friends shared

their never ending meal

and the shrill

voice of the queen

ordering off her unfortunate

guests to execution.

So she sat on with closed

eyes and half believed herself

in Wonderland, though

she knew she had,

but to open them again and all

would change to dull reality.

The grass would be rustling

in the wind and the pool

rippling to the

waving of the weeds.

The rattling teacups would

change to tinkling sheep bells

and the queens shrill cries.

Lastly, she pictured to herself

how the same little

sister of hers

would in the

aftertime be herself,

a grown woman and

how she would keep

through all her riper years,

the simple and loving

heart of her childhood,

and how she would gather about

her other little children

and make their eyes

bright and eager

with many a strange tale.

Perhaps even with the dream

of Wonderland of long ago.

And how she would feel with

all their simple sorrows

and find a pleasure in

all their simple joys.

Remembering her own child life

and the happy summer days.

- Shh.

- Child of the

pure unclouded brow,

and dreaming eyes of wonder.

Though time be

fleet, and I and thou

are half a life asunder,

thy loving smile

will surely hail

the love-gift of a fairy-tale.

I have not seen thy sunny face,

nor heard thy silver laughter,

no thought of me

shall find a place

in thy young life's hereafter.

Enough that now

thou wilt not fail

to listen to my fairy-tale.

A tale begun in other days,

when summer suns were glowing.

A simple chime,

that served to time

the rhythm of our rowing,

whose echoes live in memory yet,

though envious years

would say forget.

Come, hearken then,

ere voice of dread,

with bitter tidings laden,

shall summon to unwelcome bed

a melancholy maiden.

We are but older children, dear,

who fret to find

our bedtime near

without the frost,

the blinding snow,

the storm-wind's moody madness.

Within, the

firelight's ruddy glow,

the childhood's

nest of gladness.

The magic words

shall hold thee fast,

thou shalt not heed

the raving blast.

And though the shadow of a sigh

may tremble through the story,

for happy summer glory.

It shall not touch

with breath of bale

the pleasance of our fairy-tale.
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