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05x06 - Ice Breaker

Posted: 11/22/13 23:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

The Mosconi Codex.

This is no ordinary book.


Hello, Rebecca.

You two know each other?

I swear, I had my key card when I left work.

We figure out what's hidden in those pages and get to it first.

I'm the reason the thief got in.

My hope was that the owner would let us study and look at the Codex, and now it's gone.

David Siegel. Cause of death was a g*nsh*t wound to the sternum.

And we're no closer to figuring out who did this and why.

Dr. Summers, I need your help.

Just because a person starts doing good things doesn't mean he wants to stop doing bad things.

I've been serving too many masters.

I'm through being everyone's puppet.

Which strings, exactly, do you plan on cutting?

All of them.

[Seagulls squawking, background chatter]


Even the chip in the cover works.

How'd you pull that off?

I don't make them. I just sell them.

You son of a bitch.

Freeze! Hands in the air.

FBI! Don't move!

He's all yours.


Don't "What" me.

You know what. I gave you specific instructions.

"Sit down, make the deal, get arrested."

Three out of three not good enough for you?

I don't remember mentioning anything about follow-up questions or interrogating the suspect before the arrest.

Interrogating the suspect--

What are you-- What, the chip?

The chip.

I was gathering information.

For you or for us?

If I were up to something, you really think I'd do it when you had ears on me?

That's exactly when you'd do it.

I have a feeling this is about more than passports.

Oh, it's about passports. Also about the $2 million that went missing in the last case.

Oh, Dr. Summers might have some insight into its location.

Dr. Summers had a tendency to take bad guys who wanna be good and turn them into worse guys.

What exactly happened during your therapy session?

She encouraged me to be the man I really am.

I think Lucy told Charlie Brown that and only charged him 5¢.

And what kind of man might that be, exactly?

We were gonna discuss that at our next session.

Now I have to wait 20 years.

I think these belong to Jones.

Hey, where'd you get all these?

Confiscated in various busts around the city.

Most in the last few weeks.

It's first-rate and identical.

These were all made by the same person.

You're sure about that?

Yeah, the eagle's eye.

There's a tiny dot in the center of this one and in the one I bought from Ivan.

That dot is as good as a fingerprint.

So we're looking at a fairly large forgery operation.

You think Ivan's the artist?

No, he says he only sells them, and I believe him.

Anyone this good would take credit.

Think this has something to do with the uptick of crime in Little Odessa?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Ivan's parking tickets.

Ten so far this year, and they're all in the exact same spot.

I want traffic surveillance video for the past six months on that address.

Already on it.



Same spot, day after day.

Right in front of the hydrant.


There's plenty of metered parking down the street.

Why risk another ticket?

Doris Day parking.

I'm sorry. Doris Day what?

Spot right in front.

The kind of parking Doris Day miraculously finds in all her movies.

I never knew you were a fan.

Oh, I love 'em.

Place looks abandoned.

Yeah, not a bad spot for a passport forgery operation.

Let's get a warrant and check it out.

The history of cryptography-- oddly cryptic.

Any luck finding out what type of code this is?

Oh, I've ruled out transposition and Caesar shifts.

Oh, and Sudoku and Kenken.

Well, in a happy accident, you may have proven the Riemann Hypothesis.

The only thing I've proven is that we need help.

I've studied every pattern, every symbol.

I can only conclude that it is of alien origin.

I think you're right.

Aha! Finally, you've come around.

I think you're right. We need help.


Well, I do know a monk in Berlin who dabbles in quantum mechanics.

You think Hagen's using monks?

I think Hagen is using you.

And me.

The only chance we have of getting a leg up on him is by deciphering the Codex first.

Until then--

It's ticking clocks and phone calls.

All right, I gotta go.

Peter and I are headed to Little Odessa.

I do the talking.

We're just here on a routine visit.

Nothing more.

Well... doesn't look abandoned.

Looks like someone brought it back to life.

Wow. Every time I see ice like this, I'm ten again.

[Orchestral music over speakers]

Oh, she's good.


First Doris Day, now figure skating.

It's nice to see your softer side.

Who are you?

What do you want?

We just have a few questions for the owner of this building.

Put that away, or you'll get all of us k*lled.


[Skates scrape]

This is private facility.

You're trespassing.



We just have a few questions.

Questions for Katya, the talk of Little Odessa.

Neal Micali, sports agent.

I represent some of the world's top athletes.

This is Peter Nevins, figure skating coach to the stars.

[Rock music]

Peter Nevins, coach?

Never heard of you.


You ever heard of Tara Lipinski?

Or Michelle Kwan?

They would be ushers at the ice capades if it weren't for this man.

[Chuckles] Oh, yes. He's just-- he's just-- I simply help them harness their own natural talents.

Sorry to be wasting your time, but Katya has no interest in competing.


Thank you for your interest.

Now, if you'll excuse us...

It's not a problem.

We got another 20 girls to see by the end of the week, so...

27, Is it 27 now?

It's 27.

Listen... you're talented.

Very talented.

Don't give up on your dream.

Sorry we wasted your time and ours.

Wait. This is not the right time.

But don't choose another girl yet.


We'll be in touch.

Figure skating coach?


You've been skating since you were a junior G-man.

But that was hockey.

We're talking body checks, not twirls.

Oh, come on. It's a good cover.

I don't need a cover. I could go in there with a tac team and turn that place upside down.

Yeah, you could if you wanted to scare off the guys we're really after.

Just admit it-- best way into this case is on skates.

You got a ticket.

Come on, this is for your bio, not a mug shot.

Come on.

Oh, you're k*lling me.

I don't have time for this. I've got ASAC work.

I can't play dress-up.

Just smile.

[Flashbulb pops]

[Clears throat]


From the Gershon Museum.

Neal, from the FBI.



How are you?

I'm, uh... terrible.

The museum world, it's really small.

I can't get another job.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Is there anything I can do to help?

You? [Chuckles] No.

You've done enough.

Whoa. Wha--

I've been thinking about that day that I lost my key card, and you're the last person that I remember having it with.

What, you don't think I stole it, do you?

Why would I steal your key card?

I had full access to the museum.

Nothing about that day makes sense.

I'm just here to get some answers and...

I was hoping to get a letter from Agent Burke stating my complete innocence.

There he is.

Uh, yeah, that's-- that's a really bad idea.

He is swamped on a new case right now and just not in a giving mood.

Anyway, he wasn't even in charge of the Gershon investigation.

Then who was?

That would be Agent Gruetzner.

Art Crimes. He's not at these offices.

So where do I find this Agent...



Uh, he is in the field today.

But I could set something up for tomorrow.

All right.

All right?



Let me give you my number.

You can text me the address.

We're the FBI. We have your number.


I'll get you that letter.

What's the story?

Sergei Turgenev.

Our smooth-talking friend from the ice rink.

Got that from a friend at FAPSI That's Russian intelligence.

Russian intelligence.

Yeah, this is the Crime And Punishment of rap sheets.

And this guy... is worse.

That's Sergei's cousin Nikolai.

Wanted for m*rder in Russia.

Money laundering, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human trafficking.

Basically, any kind of trafficking.


Nobody knew he was in the country until now.

We don't give visas to criminals, so either he snuck in on a tuna boat...

Or he flew here first-class using one of Sergei's passports.

Question is... if Sergei can bring Nikolai in here without us knowing, who else is he planning to import?

If I had known about this, you could be playing hockey with Sergei instead of learning the difference between a lutz and a salchow.

All right, don't you worry about me.

You just focus on becoming a top sports agent.

Con men taking 10%?

I think I can handle it.


Okay, let me get this straight.

You need to become an expert figure skating coach in a day?

No, I just need to look the part and learn enough to pass muster.

So... what can you tell me?



You want me to coach you to become a coach?

Yeah. Honey, you have watched enough figure skating to do color commentary on the next world championship.

Yeah, that's what we call an armchair expert.

Honey, that is a world away from actually doing it.

You remember-- first time I was on the ice, it was our second date.


How could I forget?

You were supposed to teach me.

Well, how could I?

You were sprawled out on the ice like Bambi... and looking just as adorable.

Good save.

All right, this is what we're gonna do.

We're gonna start with the basics.

Then we're gonna move to Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, hopefully by midnight.

Uh-huh, and then one day, I will finally teach you how to skate.

Oh, no, you're gonna teach me how to skate as soon as this case is over.

How do I look?

Like an FBI accountant.

Agent Gruetzner's conservative attire is just an attempt to disguise his subversive and bohemian proclivities.

Ah, don't overplay this, Moz.

It is not dinner theatre.

You just need to answer a few simple questions.

I'm a master improviser.

I will be the perfect exigent supervisor.

That sounds familiar.

Yeah, it's not the first time the suit's gotten under my skin.

I just heard from the exigent supervisor.

Looks like Sergei wants to meet at a vodka bar tomorrow, and that's a problem.

I need to be in Little Odessa at the same time I promised Rebecca a meeting with you.

You say problem, I say opportunity.

You'll be off leash.

You can slip away, and big brother will be none the wiser.

True. Do we have an office yet?

Yeah, and it's not far.

Dr. Gravich, my former chiropractor and hero to ambulance chasers everywhere takes his entire staff out to lunch from 1:00 until 2:00 every day.

A chiropractor's office?

With some posters and sundry accoutrements, it'll look the part.

And to keep her from asking too many questions, we can show her the Codex.

She is a Mosconi expert.

That's why she started working at the museum.

Until you got her fired.

Maybe she'll forgive us if we give her a little peek at our chapter.

So you can reward her for your misdeed by having her reward us with her information.



Here comes one of our accoutrements now.

Say hello to the Art Crimes Division's comely receptionist.

FBI. May I help you?

All right.

All right, Jones and the tac team are in a van a few blocks away.

Any closer and I think it'd be too risky.

Yeah, no riskier than you after half a bottle of vodka.


Which is why I made these.

No, look-- no tricks.

I can handle myself.




When was the last time you did a shot?

I don't-- It was Hughes's retirement party.

We did three of them.

Ooh, three? Three.


Well, in Russia it's customary to drink until the bottle is empty.

Okay? This will keep us sober without insulting Sergei.

I don't need your trick glasses.

No problem, but, uh, I probably shouldn't walk in there with this.

[Latch clinks]

Thank you.

He isn't here.

Neal Caffrey! You bastard.

I dated his sister. The ballerina.

Why does your love life always end up affecting me?

Get him out of here before he blows our cover.

And wait for me right outside.


Dimitri! So good to see you.

You never call my sister.

I should k*ll you.

All right, okay.

Take it easy now, all right?

You and I both know I was one of many.

What do you mean, "One of many"?

My sister is a saint.

How was that?

It was perfect.

It could not have gone better.

Was the accent too thick?

No, it wasn't. It was great.

You're gonna nail that Fiddler On The Roof audition.


Break legs, kid.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey, I ditched the anklet and Peter.

I'm on my way.

Where is your fast-talking friend?

Oh, something urgent came up.

You know agents-- always putting out fires.

Uh, bring us the caviar, shashlik, and a plate of pickled mushrooms.




[Both chuckle]

So, Peter Nevins.


Figure skating coach to the stars.


There is just one little problem.

What's that?

You don't seem to exist.


Now, how can you be famous if you don't exist?

That's true.

Peter "Neevens" doesn't exist.

But... Peter Nevins--

N-E-V-I-N-S-- he does.



It's an understandable mistake.

If I were put in front of a cyrillic alphabet keyboard, I'd-- Well, I wouldn't--

I wouldn't be able to get past na zdorovie.

Na zdorovie.

You'd think Art Crimes would call for a more aesthetically pleasing setup, but we take a backseat to Wall Street.

Good afternoon, Agent Caffrey.

And this is June.

Our office couldn't function without her.

He's not exaggerating.

Ms. Lowe.

Agent Gruetzner. We've been expecting you.

I filled Agent Gruetzner in on our talk.

I'm sorry for any problems the Bureau may have caused.

I have the letter you requested, along with my card, in case any potential employers need to call to verify.

Thank you. Uh... but I'm still looking for closure.

I have some questions.

Could we, um, speak privately?

Actually, there's something we'd like to talk to you about.

[Glasses clink]

You're married, yes?

Yeah. Happily.

That's good.

Because Katya is a woman many men desire.

She once had a coach who was single.

They would spend hours practicing, often late into the night.

Very late.


He no longer skates so well.

[Both laugh]

Well, you should see what my wife does to me when I miss dinner.


That's good.


Well, sometimes.


Oh. [Laughs]

But the Codex has been hidden away its entire existence.

The owner strictly forbade anyone from opening it.

How-- how did you get a copy?

That's classified.

I'm afraid you're on a need-to-know basis.

As in, we need to know what you know and not the other way around.

If you're willing, the FBI would like your assistance deciphering its meaning.

It could help us solve a very serious case.

There is one small matter that you need to be made aware of.


There's a dangerous criminal who wants the information in the Codex, and we need to figure out why.

And time is of the essence.



You know what?

You drink like Russian.

Thank you.

Well, almost.

You start tomorrow.

Tomorrow's good.

Good. Good.

Now, let me give you some advice. Stay on the ice and out of my business.


So a dangerous criminal is interested in the Mosconi Codex?

We just wouldn't want to put you in harm's way unless you knew what you were getting into.

The FBI will protect you.

Look, I know I might just seem like another bookworm to you guys, but I can hold my own.

[Elevator bell dings]

I just need time to think about it.

You have my card. Call with your decision.

Just make it soon.

Every minute counts.

I'll go down with you.

Thank you.

We got two minutes!

Hmm. Neal?

[Seagull squawking]


Hey. How'd it go?

I told you to wait right outside.

Yeah, I figured you could use some coffee after all that vodka.

I found a great little place down the street.

Amazing Tula gingerbread.

[Peter stumbles]

Are you inebriated?

No, I'm not inebriated.


Get the car. You're driving.

You know how alcohol tends to amplify certain personality traits?

Get the car, Neal.

I'm on it.

Good work on that Peter Nevins bio.

It's a good thing they didn't check five minutes earlier.

We were still uploading.

Neal took off, didn't he?

Yeah, he sure did. I wanted to follow, but I didn't want to leave you in there with Sergei.

Find out where he went.

Will do.


Time for breakfast?

Uh, I'm running late.

I've got a stack of ASAC files the size of an oddly shaped child.

You know, when we, um, we talked about this job, I was actually thinking, "Wow...

"Predictable schedule.

Reasonable hours."

And now it's back to late nights and early mornings and vodka rooms.

To say nothing about the figure skaters in short skirts.

Well, she's not my type.

I'm more into the Bambi kind of thing.

Mm, the uncoordinated limbs sprawled.


You okay?


Hon... every day you're in the field... every day, I...

I can't exhale until I hear you walk through that door at night.

And I don't like that feeling.

Agent Siegel's m*rder was a random act of v*olence.

Could have happened to anybody.


But it's not gonna happen to me.

I promise.

We good?


Can't wait to hear your notes on how to improve that.

I don't have to give notes.

I only have to pretend to give notes.

Mm, kneeling at the anklet of the master has taught you well.

The master is chewing gum?

I'm getting into character.


I'm Neal Micali.

He chews gum when he's nervous.

I don't need a backstory.

I'm gonna go try to find Sergei's passport workshop.

Hey... make it quick.

Sergei doesn't like anyone nosing around.

Save your coaching for the ice.

You ready, coach?



You can trust us.

But you have to tell me everything about Sergei's business.

All I know is that he brings terrible people to Little Odessa.

He wants to control it.

Everyone is scared of him.

Then why are you with him?

In the beginning, he was a good man.

I moved from Moscow to be with him.

Now he treats me like possession.

Last week, he thought I cheated on him.

So he... hit me.

[Scoffs] And the next day, like nothing happened, he asks me to marry him.

What did you say?

If I say yes...

I'll be miserable forever.

And if I say no...

I'm dead.

[Indistinct Russian chatter]

You're my coach.

You have advice?



I didn't expect you here so early.

You think I could just let you coach the love of my life without a little observation?

I'm curious to know what you think.

So Katya's had trouble executing her salchow.

In my opinion, the problem is her center of gravity when she lands on the inside edge.

Well, that would be a problem.

The salchow always lands on the outside edge.

All she needs is a slight adjustment.

The extension of her free foot on the three spin tends to be a bit shallow.

Okay. Work your magic.

Now, listen, make sure that you keep that extension long.

Think long.

Go skate. Trust yourself, all right?

Don't forget to keep an eye on this guy.

And push.

Not bad. Not bad.

But not perfect either.

In competition, you gotta be flawless.

We'll keep working on it.

Don't go easy on her. She needs to learn discipline.

[Speaks Russian]

Uh, Sergei.

I got my hockey skates in the bag.

Katya can take a break while I give you a few pointers.


That's why you Americans are losing your edge.

All play and no work.

Oh, okay. I get it, I get it.

You don't want a repeat of miracle on ice.

The US kicks Russia's ass again.

That's an open wound for many of my countrymen, Peter.


Get my skates. See you on the ice.


[Sergei laughing]


[Printer whirring]

[Approaching footsteps]

Jack, that is the same line that you sold Katarina...

Hey! Brussels in '97, all right?

Hey, you.

Hey, my cell phone died.

All right?

Can I-- Do you mind?

Hey, pal, listen, I'm jetlagged, all right?

So let's close this out, or I'm gonna have to call your competition.

[Bangs wall]

Out. Now.

Do you know what this is?

It's a deal memo for Katya.

A generous salary, bonuses and bumps, travel, food, lodging, wardrobe.

Now, get lost.

Or you can explain to Sergei why Katya will be crying into her sequins all night.

Yeah, I'm back. Sorry.


Hold on, Jack.

Two minutes. I come back, you be gone.

All right.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here.

Just, uh, cleaning my ears out from all the manure you've been shoveling into them for the last ten minutes.

Oh, it's nice showing you how it's done.

[Cheers and applause]

Four out of five, Peter.

I wish you good luck.

Thank you.



Keep your eye on the puck.

That's one.


Not too bad.

But we're playing best of three.

Oh, let's make it best of five.


[Speaking Russian]




[Both speaking Russian]

[Both speaking Russian]

[Both laughing]


What the hell was that?

That one got away.

You know what?

You're a crazy person.

But I like that.

I'll finish with you tomorrow.

I have business to take care of.

[Both speaking Russian]

Ivan made bail.

Why wasn't I told about this?

The court dropped the ball.

Someone didn't get the memo that we've got an open investigation.

By the way, Gretzky, did you mean for the puck to hit the wall, or were you trying to hit Sergei and missed?

You should come to the firing range.

Trust me. He never misses.

Thank you.

The names on the printout Neal grabbed match fugitives on the Russian intel watch list.

Calls between the ice rink and Moscow shot up in the past week.

Looks like Sergei's bringing in new recruits.

They'll be untraceable the minute they get through customs with new identities.


So if we don't crack Sergei's network soon, a bunch of hardened Russian criminals will go into the wind on US soil.

Seems like enough of them already have.

Come on.

Ivan was pulled out of the East River this morning by NYPD.

They didn't trust him not to talk.

Russian intelligence agreed to extradite all of Sergei's men who were already in New York.

With the clean passports, they're gonna be almost impossible to find.

We've dealt with money laundering before, but Sergei's laundering people.

So... how do we round up a bunch of fearless Russians who are scattered throughout the city?

Before they tip each other off.

It's gonna take a lot of manpower and a lot of preparation, and we're running out of time.

What if Sergei brings him to us?

I'm listening.

Well, what's the one thing his guys can't resist?

An excuse to party.

So let's give them something to celebrate.


Maybe provide Sergei with the answer he's been waiting for.


What kind of fiance would he be if he didn't throw a party to celebrate the happiest day of his life?


He would not be a good one. That's excellent.

We put them all together in one place at the same time, and we put an end to Sergei's grip on Little Odessa.

[Shouting in Russian]

I'll do it.

All right, Katya, I will make sure that nothing happens to you.

But I need to know from you if you are really up for this.

I woke up at 5:00 every morning as a child.

Walked to the gym in the snow six miles away.

At practice, my toes bled in my skates.

But I put on a smile every day.

This is nothing.

[Continues shouting in Russian]


Peter helped me see how stupid I have been.

[Laughs and speaks Russian]

I can't believe it has taken me so long.

Yes... I will marry you!

[Both laugh]


Tonight, we celebrate.

[All cheer]

[Russian folk music]

[Overlapping chatter]

He has a lot of friends.


They can't all be criminals.

We'll do some weeding at headquarters.

Peter! Hey. Come here.

I'm so glad you could make it.

I was hoping to meet your lovely wife.

Ah, she sends her regrets. She came down with the flu.

Ah, too bad. Maybe at the wedding.



Your cousin isn't sticking around for the celebration?

"Life is a place of service."

Do you read Tolstoy?

Ah,w*r And Peace, one of my favorites.

Ah, enough talk. Huh?

Let's celebrate.

[Speaks Russian]


Nikolai's leaving. Stall him.

I want him to be here for her engagement present.

But I'll miss your speech.

I'll make sure somebody records it.

You better.

Uh, excuse me.


Excuse me. I'm sorry. Excuse me.

[Piano stops]

I'm Peter Nevins.

None of you know me, but I am Katya's coach.

And I just want to congratulate my new friend Sergei and his lovely, talented fiance Katya.


Aww. Oh ho!

Hey, buddy!

It's Neal Micali.

Come on, the party's just getting started.

Where's the fire, my man?

Hey, I feel like we got off to a bad start.

How about you and me go back up there, have a shot or three-- What do you say?

So what I'm really trying to say is, it's good to put all these names to faces.

So raise a glass.

Oh, one other thing.

You're all under arrest.

FBI! Nobody move! Hands in the air!

Get down!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

You're no sport agent.

Yeah, and you're not "Sammy Jordache"?


Whoa, hey!


Don't even think about it.

Back away.


Just put it down right now.

Back away.

Put that knife down right now!

I'm taking her with me!

You got five g*ns on you right now!

Put it down!


You okay?

[Handcuffs snap]

You were right.

Peter Nevins doesn't exist.

By the looks of it... neither do any of these people.

Remember my face.

Get him out of here.

So... off to Innsbruck.


[Chuckles] That should be an adventure, huh?

Oh, I hope so.


Any last advice, coach?

Watch your leading edge on the double axel and be sure to not lock your knees on the Biellmann spin.


Oh, you have no idea what any of that means, do you?

No. A commentator once said it on my research DVDs.

It sounded good.

Thank you.

[Elevator bell dings]



Good luck.

I'll walk you out.

Thank you.


What'd you find?

Surveillance cameras a block from the vodka room led us to a cabbie.

He picked them up and brought them in.

Anything special about the place?

Nah, it's just your average office building.

Accountants, therapists, nothing out of the ordinary.

Is there any reason he'd slip away to come here?

Neal always has a reason.

Oh, hey.


You can pull the ripcord on your safety chute.

Rebecca just called on the burner phone.


What did she say?

Do I detect a lilt in your voice?

Agent Gruetzner sees all. You like her.

What is this, sixth grade?

Personally, I don't see the attraction.

She doesn't want to rob you or arrest you or charge you with insurance fraud.

Just tell me what she said.

She wants to meet at the Rare Book Room.

You know, there's nothing more enchanting than a beautiful woman cradling a classic opus in her soft, gentle hands.

Would you like to take the lead on this one?

No, you're the front man.

I'm merely rhythm guitar.

Yeah, well, so was John Lennon.

Thank you for that.


Leave your heart off your sleeve.

Can I help you?


Uh, just a routine call.

We're checking all the offices in the area.

Anything unusual occur here in the last couple days?

Not unless you consider a room full of herniated discs unusual.

Hmm. Mind if I poke around?

Honey, you go ahead and poke.

[Phone rings]

Hello, Dr. Gravich's office. How can I help you?

Well, what seems to be the problem?

Um... how's Thursday?

He's here from 10:00 AM till 5:00.



You mind if I read over your shoulder?

Uh... it's not exactly light reading.

Oh, Mosconi.


I figured we could, um, start our research.

Does that mean you've come to a decision?

Yes, it does.

I will help you with the Codex.

Um... but...

I should tell you something first, just so you know.

Tell me.

I, um...

I did time.



I was 19.

It was a semester in Marrakesh.

So I'm in the Menara Gardens, and there was this beautiful green tile.

What, in the Saadian Pavilion?


So it had fallen off the roof, and I pocketed it.

And I always meant to take it back, and then when I tried--

You got pinched.

It was the scariest night of my life.

Um, I'm sorry, "Night"?


Believe me--

One night in jail?

One night in a Moroccan prison is enough.

All right.

Look... we've worked with ex-cons before.

Even seasoned, hardened criminals, like yourself.

Did you have a prison bitch?




And, in the interest of full disclosure, I... Look our copy of the Codex is incomplete.


How much do you have?

A single chapter. It's chapter 13.

Does that mean anything to you?


You know what?


I'm done with games.


What are you talking about?

I-- Did I say-- What did I say?

Go ahead. Open it. Chapter 13.

No luck?

Try this one.

Mosconi was incredibly superstitious.

In all the books he ever produced, he never wrote a chapter 13.

That's it.

You're getting your sea legs back.

Frozen sea legs.

[Both chuckle]

Is it really okay that we're doing this?

Well, technically, it's a crime scene, so don't touch anything.

Okay. All right, tell me how to turn again.

Uh-oh. All right, just put pressure on the outside blade.


And lean.

Oh! Oh, like that!

There you go.



Whoa. Wait, wait-- whoa!

I got you. I got you.




I got you.

Yeah. You always do.


Kind of like our second date.

Little better.