25x03 - History - Part Three

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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25x03 - History - Part Three

Post by bunniefuu »

Some violent scenes
and some strong language.

It's Professor Sam Ryan. I need your
help. I pulled DNA and a partial

fingerprint. Both match to you.
Mine? I've told no—one.

He's a good man. People change.
Sam said 50. She's hardly impartial.

Sam is bringing you in to
control the Reynolds inquiry. Why?

g*nshots, SCREAMS.

He thinks Jomo got him fired
from the UN.

So he's just prepared

to sabotage Unitas
because of a grudge?


Local CID just went
to check on Daniel Clemence.

Found him in his London flat,

bludgeoned to death.

I found your blood
under his fingernails.

MY blood?

It's a micro SD card.

Tom, don't run.
This exonerates you.

DNA doesn't lie, does it?

He's right. Go.

Chalal got a hit
through Vigil for our woman.

Armed police!

We found these
in the k*ller's hotel room.

I think they're blood samples
that were being manipulated

to plant as evidence.

If DNA can be fabricated...

...it's the end of
forensic science as we know it.

I've just been to the Lyell.

We need to meet.

Just that last bit there
and then my colleague

will process it for you, OK?
Come in, come on.

Come in.

Stay where you are!

Clear the area.

Can you get some help, please?

Place the w*apon slowly
on to the floor

and identify yourself.

My name is Florence Clarke
and I just k*lled my husband.

Just follow it round.

Right middle finger.


Right ring finger.


So, come on, tell me.

Are you two official now?

Detective Inspector Johnny Campbell.

It's a pleasure to meet you.
Nikki Alexander.

That's a good Highland name.

I appreciate
you coming out here.

I have the deceased's wife,
Florence Clarke, in custody.

I did a cursory interview
with her,

but she was too shaken up
to speak, except...

...that she did say
that she'd had an argument

with her husband and...

...k*lled him with a knife.

Any information on the knife?
Jack Hodgson. Forensics.

Simone Tyler.
Forensic ecologist.

She was carrying the knife.

It's on its way to you.
Oh, another thing —.

She has two daughters,
14 and 16,

who we are yet to locate.

What, they're missing?

Florence says
they're with their uncle,

but his phone's switched off.

We're getting his address
as we speak.

Er... shall we go
and have a look?


Sorry. What did you say your
name was again? Johnny...?

Campbell. Like the soup.


Come in and stand by the bed.


There's an incised wound
on the left side of the neck.

Blood stains consistent with
arterial spurts on the windows.

Do you want to get some air?

Simone, do you want
to help me move him

to see if there are
any further injuries?

Tyler. Wakey—wakey! Hmm?

Oh. Sorry. Um...

Would you mind, Jack?

No problem.

Is she OK?

Yeah, she's fine.

Still getting used to all this.

Oh, Nikki... what would
you say, hypothetically,

if I asked you
to examine Florence?

I'd say I haven't done
the postmortem yet

and there could be a risk
of cross—contamination.

But the forensic
medical examiner

took all the necessary samples.

Is something not adding up?

It's just...



Oh, my God. Let me through.
I know these people!

Emma, wait! Let me through!

It's all right. It's OK.

What's going on?
What's happened?

Do you know the people
who live here?

They're our friends.
Our best friends.

Are they OK? Where's Florence?

And Mia and Ellie?
I can't discuss the details,

not until we've talked
to their daughters.

But Florence is fine.

She's in custody.

In custody? Why?

And Richard? Where's Richard?

Oh, my God, is that...?

Come on, Emma.
Let the police do their job.

Tell the girls
we're here for them.

Tell them we love them.

Any news on Mia and Ellie?

Not as yet.
Well, I was going to say,

if you need any help
finding them, I...

Oh, no, thanks.
I started off in Mispers.

I've found more missing kids
than you've had hot dinners.

How long have you been
in the police?

Now you're asking.

40 years. More.

Seen a lot of changes, then?

Too many.

Policing's all evidence—based
these days.

I mean, Vigil, prime example.

All data analysis and research.

There's no place any more
for judgment and experience —.

Which means there's no place
for an old dog like me.

What, you're leaving?

Retiring. This is my last case.

The wife's dreading it.

Me too, if I'm honest.

Giving up's not in my nature.

Me neither.

But retiring doesn't
have to mean giving up.

You tell that
to the families out there,

still searching
for their missing kids.

DI Campbell? Got a minute?


Hi, how can I help?

I'm here to examine
Florence Clarke. She's in custody.


A few, yeah.
Working hypothesis —

I'd say it's likely a struggle
broke out in the kitchen.

Something, or someone,

blocked Florence's path
to the garden,

so she turned round,
went this way...

...into the study.

Just mind your feet here.

See the shoe print at the door?

And that is definitely
from today?

We'll check it,
but first impressions,

it looks consistent with

the shoes our man Richard
was wearing.

And the broken glass tells me

that Florence probably
locked herself in here.

Maybe she wanted to let him
cool off.

But outside he starts
kicking at the door.

She runs toward the window,

trying to escape.

Loads of prints on the frame.

Doesn't make it, though,
because in he comes,

grabs her,

drags her back
through the hallway

toward the kitchen,
pulling her jacket off

in the struggle.
There's a little...

...fiber caught in the door here

which corresponds to a tear
in the jacket sleeve.


Fearing for her life,

she must have grabbed
a knife from the block.

Judging by the void

in the arterial spurt,

she inflicted
the neck wound here.

Again, shoe prints look like

they're from Richard's shoes.

I'd say he stepped back
in his own blood

before falling right here.

Impressive work, Jack.



Oh, right.

Right, I'm on my way.

A lead on the girls.

Mrs Clarke,
I'm Dr Nikki Alexander,

I'm a forensic pathologist.

Detective Inspector Campbell
has asked me

to examine your injuries
and take some photos.

Would that be OK?

I've already done it.

Not for me.

If you're not comfortable,

then you can just say the word
and I'll stop.

How does that sound?

Do I have to take my gown off?

Er, no. I'm happy
to photograph around it.


It's not what you think.
What do I think?

That my husband was violent.
He wasn't.

Not physically, anyway.


Just pull your gown up.

This is for you. Oh. Thanks.


OK. I'm just going
to take a look at your back.

Looks like you've been bitten.

Came up yesterday. I've been
trying not to scratch them.

They could be bedbug bites.

You don't look like
a pathologist.

No? What does a pathologist
look like?

When I was at school,
I told my careers officer,

Mr Browning,
that I wanted to be a scientist,

and he said that girls
weren't wired that way

and gave me a leaflet
on teaching instead,

so that's what I did.

You'd have probably thrown
that leaflet out of the window.

I might have thrown
Mr Browning out too.

Can I ask you a question,
Dr Alexander?

Do you know how my girls are?

All I've been told is that
they're with their uncle.

Do you have kids?

No wedding ring, I see.

When you first take that vow,
it's like you're invincible,

but it doesn't stay like that.

Why are you doing all this,
Nikki? I've confessed.

Sometimes people say things and
then they change their minds.

Not me.

I'll never change my mind.

Oh, we got a little something,
haven't we? El, we got something.

Come on! Keep going, keep going!
It's a little fighter!

Here we go, here we go.
Here we go!

Whoa! Yes! Back of the net!

Look at my little niece!

Look what she did!
A ten—pounder!

Ah, little beer—acuda!
Lovely and chilled, innit?

Darryl Clarke?

Yeah. That's me.

Detective Inspector
Johnny Campbell.

We've been trying
to contact you.

Your phone's switched off.

Yeah, we were having
a little digital detox,

weren't we, girls?

What's up?

Can you tell me
your relationship

to Florence and Richard Clarke?



Richard's my brother and
Florence is my sister—in—law.

Why? What's happened? Look...

...is there somewhere we can talk?

Cause of death likely to be
rapid exsanguination

from the massive haemorrhage
caused by the knife wound

to the carotid artery.

This isn't a simple
incised wound.

Looks like it started
as a deeper s*ab wound

the point going in first.

And then, for whatever reason,
it's changed direction

then been partially pulled out.

The cutting edge of the blade
then caused

a longer incised wound
on the side of the neck.

The carotid was either
penetrated by the initial s*ab,

or the second movement
transected the artery.

So I think that the assailant

stabbed him and then partially
withdrew the blade,

or the deceased
changed position,

his own movement

extending the wound.

I found a similar blue thread
in the nail samples

taken from Florence.

Transferred in the struggle?

Although none of the clothes

that she was wearing were blue.

I also found a blue thread

caught on the back of the fence.

Anything in the house
that could be a match?

I'll check again.


Scratch marks on his neck...

...and hands.
Could be consistent

with the injuries that I noted
on Florence.

And possibly matching
what look like shreds of skin

under her nails.

They tore pieces
out of each other, literally.

Hmm. Curious.

Mucopurulent secretions
in the airways

and the lung parenchyma.


and signs of old infections.

He had nasal polyps,

and what seemed
on external examination

like an incidental finding,
a small rectal prolapse,

but on internal examination

there was marked faecal loading
in the large bowel.

What's that?

Constipation. Ah.

And his lungs...
What are you thinking?

I'm thinking Richard was
suffering from cystic fibrosis.


Aren't men with cystic fibrosis
usually infertile?

More than 95% of them are, yes.

I'd say
there's a strong possibility

that Mia and Ellie aren't
Richard's biological children.

Sorry to interrupt.

Darryl Clarke's in
reception, here to identify.

Richard's body.
What? He's early.

Yes. And he's brought the girls
with him.

I'll get him.

If you're just about done here,
I'm going to sh**t.

I just had a message
from the station.

Florence is ready
to be interviewed.

I'll just be outside
with the girls.

Johnny, you didn't happen

to work on the missing persons
case Aliya Mason—Walker

in '96, did you?

Aliya Mason—Walker? Yeah.

Remind me of the case.

16—year—old girl.

Went missing
after a family party.

Did we find her?

Er, no.

What's your interest?

Oh, I was just curious.

I was looking into a cold case
and I came across her name.

She'll come back to me.

I like your necklace.

It's really cool.

My dad gave it to me
for doing well in my GCSEs.

It's supposed
to bring good luck.

Um, Ellie wants to know
if we can see our dad

after Uncle Darryl has.


Um, I'm not really sure
that's the best idea, Ellie.

Why not? Well, because... um...

...he won't look...
the way you remember him.

Do you know
what happened to him?

Is that a lie?

Why would it be a lie?

Because no—one
will tell us anything.

Everyone's lying to us.

But he's our dad. Ours.

I'm sorry.



Whoa, those earrings are bright!

Birthday present.

You look tired. Mmm. Thanks.

You spend too much time working.

Yeah, well, you spend
too much time worrying.

Gran, can I ask you a question?

Does the name Johnny Campbell
mean anything to you?

What's the name?

Johnny. Campbell. Like the soup.

You know me, Simmy.
I can't even remember my own name

half the time!

Is he a friend of yours?

I think he might be
one of the detectives

who investigated for Aliya.

I need to check on dinner.

Are you hungry?

Gran? What?

Did you hear what I just said?

I'm a lot of things, Simone,
but I'm not deaf.

Well, then... I heard you,

and I don't remember him.
No, he did come to the house.

Don't you remember?
The night she went missing.

He's softly spoken.
He's really tall.

Look, you've always told me

to listen to the universe.
Well, now I'm listening.

Simone... I think he came back

for a reason. Simone.

Dragging up the past
will not bring Aliya back.

I know.

I know that.

Why did you never talk to me...

...about what happened?

You were seven years old.


...she's my sister.

So, why don't you talk me
through what happened today?

OK. I'll start us off.

Today you walked
into this police station

and you confessed
to k*lling your husband.

Can you confirm that

to be true? Yes.

And can you tell me
what you k*lled him with?

A knife.

A knife from our kitchen.

Is that the knife?


You can see, Florence, there's
no blood visible on the blade.

Why is that?

Because I cleaned it.

Cleaned it?

Why would you do that?

I... Well, I wasn't
thinking straight.

I don't know. I just...

And all this was before you
decided to hand yourself in?



Now, in your house,

we found evidence

of a struggle between you
and your husband.

Tell me about that struggle.


I'd booked an expensive holiday
without asking him.

He didn't like that.

That's a hell of a fight
about a holiday.


You had a number of injuries,
didn't you, Florence?

Was your husband
often violent towards you?

No. Richard was difficult,
but never violent.

He's the victim, not me.

We found some blue fibres...

...both under your nails

and in Richard's wounds.

Have you any idea
where they came from?

No, look, what is all this?

Why don't you just stop
wasting time and charge me?

The CPS will make a decision
about charging you.

But this is very important,

This is your opportunity

to give me a full
and truthful account

about what happened.

I told you everything.

What about Mia and Ellie?

What about them? Are they OK?

Your girls are safe.

But we know...

...that Richard was not
their biological father.

Your husband was infertile,
wasn't he, Florence?

So who is the girls' father?

No comment.


Was it all right for me to tell
Jack about you meeting Tom?


I'm glad you did.

I'm trying to work out
how Tom's DNA

could have been faked.

What if it wasn't faked

and he just... did it?

The Tom I knew wouldn't do this.

Yeah, but the Tom you knew
might have changed.

Where is he now?

I don't know.
He's gone to ground.

Doesn't seem like
the act of an innocent man.


Uh—uh—uh! Mashaba—style, please.





I'll be two seconds.
I've just got to sort an email.



...what is this?

Where did you get it?

Please tell me
you're not involved in this.


We can't do this here.

I'm trying to help you.

I'm on your side.

Trust me.

Sonia Karpov is dead.

In prison. Did you know that?

su1c1de, apparently.

I heard.

These people won't think twice

about making it look like
we've done the same.


Sam? Two seconds!

Come to my apartment,
Saturday night at nine o'clock.

Now get the f*ck
out of my house.


Everything OK? Yeah. I'm hungry.

Yeah, me too!

I think it's going to be
a while.

Are you still looking at that?

I could test it for you
if you want.

No. It's good. Come on.

Well, hello, you.

And who might you be?

You looking at that again?

Testing the next one
of the vials.

Making sure that Tom's blood
hasn't been bulked out

with animal's blood.

It's so frustrating.
I've tried everything

and I can't find
a single thing wrong.

You don't know
what you're looking for.

This can't all be on you.

But no—one else
is looking into this, Jack.

Faking DNA?

They wouldn't
even contemplate it.

There must be something
I'm missing.

"Discovery isn't seeking
new lands,"

"but seeing with new eyes."

It's Proust.

Means you need a good night out.

Do you fancy stepping out
with me tomorrow?

Oh, sorry, I've got plans
tomorrow night.

Oh, OK. Of course I don't.

Yes, please! THEY LAUGH.

Any breakthroughs?

Or are you still
keeping secrets?

Nothing yet.

The DNA in this sample
looks totally legitimate.

How about you?

Found a piece of a gall
in Florence's cardie.

Do you know what it is?
Mm—mm. I'm working on it.

Well, at least there's no
doubting the DNA in plants.

Richard was k*lled on Wednesday

by a knife wound to the neck,

which Florence says
that he sustained

while in a struggle with her.
Now, the wound is consistent

with the blade
that she was carrying.

Right, Jack? That's right.

Blood traces on the blade
are a match for Richard.

Prints on the blade and handle
are a match

for Florence. Sound DNA

marrying up
with a full confession.

The DCI will be signing
my retirement card as we speak.


The DNA is sound.

But what if we look
at the case without DNA?

Could we still say 100%
that Florence did it?

The pathologist
who doesn't trust DNA?

What are you thinking, Nikki?

That it won't convince?

No. I'm afraid
it might convince too much.

Jury members aren't scientists.

They won't question the
possibilities and probabilities

like we do.

They might not realise

that DNA is just one piece
of the puzzle.

And that could be
catastrophic for Florence.


Let's take a look at
these shoe prints, shall we?

Florence's print.

Richard's print.

Uh—oh. What's this?
It's a third print.

Based on the size,
probably a man's.

See the difference in the tread?

According to measurements, this
is an entirely different shoe,

of a size nine or ten.

You're saying
someone else was there?


Knife wound.

Think it's safe to say that the
knife wound was inflicted here,

causing the arterial spurt
you can see on the windows.

This void.

No spatter here...

...so someone was blocking it.

We presumed that someone
to be Florence.

She was covered in blood when
she walked into the station.

Take a look at her clothes

one more time.

Look at that.

Tell me.

This blood has been smeared on.

If I was a betting man, I'd say
she smeared it on herself.

The question is,
why would she do that?

What if... someone walked in,

just as Richard
was attacking Florence?

What if they grabbed the knife

and inflicted the wound
from behind?

Is that possible, Nikki?

It's certainly a possibility,

and it would be consistent
with the injury.

So... she's covering
for someone.

But who?

Well, presumably, whoever it is

would have this blood spatter
all over their clothes.

So if we can find the clothes,
we find the k*ller.

I checked with the doctors.

Richard only found out
he had cystic fibrosis

on Wednesday.

A rare mutation
with mild symptoms.

Maybe that is what
they were arguing about.

Hmm. Do you think the girls know

Richard wasn't their father?

Either way, they must be
going through hell.

Probably best not to add
to their woes right now.

I agree.
Now is not the right time.

But when is the right time?

I know it's going to hurt them,

but surely it's better
to know the truth.

Excuse me.

You can't sleep?


Want to scooch in?




What's that smell?


Good morning.
Greater London Police.

Hi, it's Simone Tyler
from the Lyell.

I was wondering
if you could help me.

The name Aliya Mason—Walker

came up in a case
that we're investigating.

I believe she was 16
when she went missing.

Who's the officer on the case?

Johnny... Er,
Detective Inspector Campbell.

One moment. Thanks.

Aliya Mason—Walker, you said?


It says here the case
was closed after three weeks

in 1996.

I can send the file over.
I just need to get a sign—off.

Um, no, no, sorry, um...

...it's OK. I think
I've got something wrong.



How are you, bumblebee?

Talk to me.

I'm OK.

OK. OK is good.

OK is really good.

And not OK is absolutely fine,
too. You know that, right?


Look who's here! Hey, kiddo.

Good to see you.

So, I hope you remember
what we do here.

We slam—dunk the junk.

Yes. That's right.

Careful with that. You don't
want to end up like me.

Here you go. Oh.

El... have you spoken
to the police?

Do they know what happened yet?

They haven't told us anything.

It's like we don't exist.

That's the police for you.

And Mum? Has she said anything?

About what?

Oi, slackers!

This litter doesn't
pick itself up, you know.

Go on. Off you go.


Cup of tea?
Er, I'm good, thanks.

What are you up to?

Doing the DNA on the gall.

Well, trying to.

Got the idea from you,
testing Tom's blood.

I just wish I went

to all those early morning
botany lectures at uni now.

Bet the nights before
were worth it, though.


Could I have a word, please?

In private.


I've just come off the phone
to a colleague,

and she says she spoke to you
this morning.

She said you asked
for permission

to access the file
of Aliya Mason—Walker

on the Police National Computer.

Is that right?

Aliya was my sister.

You did investigate
her disappearance, so I...

...just wanted to know
what happened to her.

If you have a question
about your sister,

then you speak to your family.

I tried to. I wanted to. But...

You said giving up
wasn't in your nature.

That's not true.

You gave up on my sister.

Gave up on her?

Simone, sometimes
in investigations

you run out of active leads,


...the people
just don't want to be found.

But I promise you this.

I have never

given up on a missing person

in 40 years of policing.

Not one!

They're all still in here.



Hey, why are you not
even dressed to go to my party?

The taxi's on its way.

I'm not coming.

Oh, yes, you are, young lady!

It's my birthday, and that
means no arguing with me.

You've got exactly two minutes
to get dressed. Go on.

I know that the police
closed Aliya's case.

So you need to tell me why.


It was three weeks
after she disappeared. Why?


Taxi's here.

No, Gran.


Just tell me the truth.

OK? It's sending me crazy,
not knowing.

I know that missing person
cases are never closed,

so why did they close Aliya's?

Please just tell me. Just
tell me. Why won't you tell me?

OK, stop. Stop, stop.
I'll tell you.

Your sister...

...she contacted me a couple
of weeks after she disappeared.


She said that she was safe.

But that she wouldn't be
coming home.

She wouldn't ever
be coming home.

Aliya's alive?

Yes. What, she called you

and then you didn't tell me?
Let's talk about this tomorrow.

No, Gran. You're not going
anywhere. OK?

You're going to tell me
what's going on,

cos this is not fair.
Now, why...

...why would you not tell me that?

All this time!

We could have... We could have
gone out there looking for her.

We would have found her and
we would have brought her home!

She didn't want you
looking for her.

She didn't want
ANYONE looking for her.

You let me believe she'd died.

That's not true. You lied to me!

I never lied!
You did lie! You let me

believe something
that wasn't true!

It's the same thing, isn't it?
I just...

...I just...| just
don't understand.

I just don't understand.

Why? Why would she not
want to come home?

Is it because she thought
that you didn't want her?

What? No!

Why would you say that?!
Oh, I don't know!

Maybe because when Mum died,
you got two more kids

that you didn't want,
that you didn't need!

Oh, you stop right there!

I did everything
to protect you! Both of you!

You think it's been easy,
all these years,

me keeping this to myself
and not telling you the truth?!

Let me tell you something.
It's been hell!

I did it because I love you!

And because you've suffered.

And I couldn't bear
to see you suffer any more.

I'm sorry, Simone.
I'm going to have to go.

Just go, just 90. Just go.


Thought you were supposed to
be at Gloria's party tonight.

I thought you were meant
to be on a hot date.

Nice dress. You think? Yeah.

So, where's he taking you, then?

It's a surprise. Mmm.

You OK?

What? Don't.

I've messed up.

And now everyone's mad at me,

You should go,
or Jack will be mad at me too.

I didn't know you had a sister.

No? Well...

...thought she went
missing when she was 16, but...

...we don't talk about her.

Did Johnny explain
what happened?

He did. Yeah.

I just thought
he'd got it wrong.

You know, like I thought maybe
she'd got in an accident,

or she was taken, or...
I don't know.

But it turns out I got it wrong.

She just...


Do you know why?


It's like all my memories of
her, they get all mixed up,

and I don't know
which bits I've made up

and which bits are real.

Everything I... thought I knew
about my past is wrong.

I think you need
to give yourself a break.

Sometimes we rewrite our past
to protect ourselves —.

Until we're strong enough
to deal with it.

Yeah, but what if
I'm not strong enough?

Give yourself time.

Speaking of which... please...


Think of it this way.

This morning you thought
your sister was dead.

Now she might be alive...

...out there somewhere.

That's exciting.


Now, would you please go?



Welcome to Dine In The Dark.
This is your table.

Your friend is already here.
Oh, great, thanks.

Jack? Nikki? You made it.
Where are you? I'm here. I'm here.

Oh! Whoa, careful. Sit down.

Oh, there we go.

Wow! Here we are.

You look so handsome.
Thank you. Thank you.

Er, you scrub up
pretty well yourself.

This is an interesting choice.

What happened to Proust
and seeing with new eyes?

I actually can't see anything.

Yeah, yeah. Well, you know,

we see so much of each other
at work,

I thought you're probably sick
of the sight of me.

I don't think
that could ever happen.

That's sweet of you
to say, but give it time!

Um, Nikki,

I'm not going to lie, I'm
having a mild panic attack.

Um, I'm being serious.

I'm...|'m sweating. Er...

You're serious? Yep.

Can we get out of here? Give us
your hand, give us your hand.

Is that you?

No. That's... What's that?

No, that's not my hand.

That feels like a human hand.
MAN: Er, that's MY hand. Oh!

Is that you? Is that you? Sorry!

Let's go to the pub. Pub, yes.

Why didn't I think of that?
Let's go.

Will do. OK. Bye.

Nice. If you're here to see the
girls, they're still asleep.

Actually, Darryl,
it's you I want to talk to.

I'd like to know what
you were doing on Wednesday

before you picked the girls up.

I was working. Oh.

Except that... we called
your florist's,

and they said
you never showed up.

OK, if we're done
with all the questions,

I've got some things to do.

I'd like to know more
about your brother.

Or were you more interested
in Florence?

Oh, I can't blame you.

She's a very attractive woman.

You called her on
Wednesday morning, didn't you?

What did you talk about?

That's none of your business.
Time to go.

Did you talk about the fact
that Richard had just found out

the truth about his daughters?

About who their real father is?

Well, go on!

I'm going to show you
a CCTV image

taken on Wednesday morning

on a road just round
the corner from Belle Walk.

Can you confirm to me that
that is your car?

No comment.

I know it's your car!

But where is it going?!

No comment.

The boots that were found
on Darryl's boat

don't match the prints
from the kitchen.

So why did he run?

Did the police search
uncover anything?

They found his partially
burnt work uniform, which is

a match for the denim fiber
I found on the back fence.

But there's still no match
for the fibres found...

PHONE CHIMES ..in Florence's samples,
and on Richard.

Darryl may well have gone
to Belle Walk on Wednesday,

but I'm not convinced
he's our k*ller.

Could Florence have got rid of

whatever those fibres came from
en route to the police station?

It would have been quiet
on the roads at that time.

Fair point.

Now, then, results are in
for the bedbugs

that you pulled
from Florence's mattress.


No, I was right.
It's not Darryl,

but... we do have a match.

Two boys? That's a lot of work.

Hello, Hugh.

This is forensic scientist
Jack Hodgson.

Now, as you are aware,

we are investigating
the m*rder of Richard Clarke.

And we have reason to believe
that you and Mrs Clarke

had close sexual contact,

round about the time of Mr Clarke's
death. Would that...?

Can we do this somewhere else?

Of course.

Would you also be willing
to provide a DNA sample

so that we can establish if
you are the biological father

of those two girls over there?

Your DNA's on the
database for a driving offence.

Be quicker if you agree,
but we can get it either way.

I'll do the test.

But there's no need.

I'm their dad.

Florence and I hadn't been
on our own together for years.

We bumped into each other.

We got chatting and she invited
me back to the house.

And you had sex?

Yes. I hadn't intended to,
and I'm not proud of it.

But if that's leading you
to some insane belief

that I k*lled Richard, then you are
way off the mark. I didn't.

You've just admitted that
you are the biological father

of those girls.

I am.
But you have to understand,

it was never
supposed to be like this.

Like what?

I loved Florence.

We loved each other.

When the girls were small,
we'd made a plan —.

To tell Emma and Richard
the truth,

to be a family.

So, what happened?

On the day I'd planned
on telling Emma

the truth about Florence...

...I lost control of my car
and went over an embankment.

Emma was with me.

When they cut her out,
she was unconscious.

She stayed like that
for over a month.

I thought I'd k*lled her.

I felt so guilty.

I called it off with Florence
the next day.

Until this week.

I told you. I met her by chance.

We had sex. I left. The end.

I think you're lying.

I had a council meeting
on Wednesday morning.

You can check.

It's the truth.

I'm going to need you
to come to the station

and make a statement.

Oh... And we'll need the clothes

you were wearing on Wednesday.

This would've been
Florence's route...

...to the police station
from her house.

So it must be somewhere
around here.




Hello, Mr Dog Rose.


...what's this?

Hello, you.

The blood is a match
with Richard's.

The blue fibres found
beneath Florence's nails

and embedded in Richard's wound

are consistent
with the school blazer.

And the spatter is consistent
with the void in the blood.

Tell me what happened.

The truth this time.

When Richard found out
about the girls,

it was like a switch
went off in him. He...

He was like a wild animal.

Help! Help me!


He pinned me down,

he put his hands around my neck,

and he was squeezing
and he wouldn't stop squeezing.


He would have k*lled me
if it hadn't been for Ellie.

Ellie came in
and she stabbed Richard?


Ellie was just trying
to make him stop. I k*lled him.

Florence, you've just told me
you were pinned to the floor.

There's no way you could
have reached that knife.


Ellie grabbed the knife...

...and then she passed it to me...

...and I k*lled him.

DI Campbell entering the room.

There's nothing
to be afraid of, Ellie.

I just want to ask you
a few questions.

Why don't you start
by telling me

what happened on Wednesday?

You had a half—day at school

and then you were supposed
to meet your friends,

but you went home instead.


I'd forgotten to feed Myrtle.

Myrtle? My rabbit.

So I went home and I grabbed.

Dad's wellies
that were by the back door.

Then I went out
to pick some leaves.

And then what happened?

Get off her!

Dad was struggling with Mum.

I just wanted him to stop.

Your mum told me
that you helped her,

that you grabbed the knife,
you passed it to her,

and then she... k*lled your dad
with it.

Is that right? No.

Then what happened?

I was trying to stop him.

And I grabbed the nearest thing
I could find.

I didn't mean to hurt him.
I—I didn't.

You stabbed him?


Mum didn't know what to do.

So she pulled the knife out.

You have to understand,

she was trying to help him.

But she just made it worse.

And what about
your Uncle Darryl?

Where was he in all this?


I...| don't really... um...

It's kind of a blur.

He helped me over the fence...

...and we drove back
to his boat.


DI Campbell entering the room.

Ellie has told us everything.


...you'd have gone to prison
for a very long time

for something you didn't do.


Do you have children,
Mr Campbell?

I have a son.

So then you understand.

That's your job, isn't it?
You protect your child.

You shelter them from
the things that will hurt them.

There isn't a parent
on this planet

who wouldn't make
the same decision.

Am I right?

Has anyone told Ellie the truth

about her father?


Can I be the one to tell her?

Of course.

Hugh is still in the station.

Now, it's absolutely
Ellie's call,

but if she wants to see him...

...he's here.


♪ It was done

♪ When the benediction had been sung

♪ Firelight

♪ Gently woke us from
our golden night

♪ By surprise

♪ I could turn to see your open eyes

♪ And I know

♪ You are alive

♪ I know that smile

♪ And nothing more... ♪

So, what's going
to happen to her?

There's a strong case that
she acted to defend her mum.


The CPS will decide
whether she gets charged

or not.
But...| think she'll be OK.

I also think
a large whisky is in order.

That would be lovely.

You care to join me?

There's something I have to do.

Oh, if you get any more leads
on that sister of yours

and you think I can help,
you just call me.



You really don't ever
stop looking, do you?

♪ Is the only face you see

♪ When you're after

♪ Ever after

♪ There is laughter, afterneath... ♪

Want some help?

♪ Oh, when you're after

♪ Ever after

♪ There is laughter

♪ Afterneath

♪ Oh, oh, ooh, oooh

♪ Oh, oh, ooh, oooh

♪ Oh, oh, ooh, oooh. ♪

Armed police! Armed police!

Drop the g*n!
Hands on your head! Now!
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