23x01 - Deadhead: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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23x01 - Deadhead: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

The UN's talking about
getting refugees back,

but there's no water,
no electricity, no work.

There's nothing to go home to.

So we should focus on
basic infrastructure.Yeah.

Jun0537, London Centre.

Climb and maintain
flight level 130.

Route direct to Ashwood Airfield.

Come on, come on.

So you want to come see
the flight deck? Can I, Mum?

Come on, come on.

Right, go.

Jun0537, London Centre. Radio check.

Jun0537, climb and maintain
flight level 130.

Adjust your altitude, Jun0537.

Hey. Open up. Come on!

Jun0537, London Centre.
Climb immediately,

repeat, immediately
to flight level 130.

Hey, kiddo.

Dad! Dad!

Mum's hurt!

Where is she? They couldn't
get through the door!

Jun0537, London centre.

Dad! Please, help!

Adjust your altitude, Juno...

Help us! Please!

Climb immediately, repeat,
immediately to flight level 1...

# Testator silens

# Costestes e spiritu

# Silentium

♪ Testator silens. ♪

Dr Alexander? Yes.

I'm Jess Fisher, AAIB.Hi.

So who was on it?

A couple of pilots -
Alex Vitarnen and Rowan Cole.

Passengers were Miriam Heller,
head of a charity -

the Global Crisis Committee.

Her son, Ezra, along for the ride.

11 years old.

And Jonathan Kraft.

The Jonathan Kraft? As in
ex-US Ambassador Jonathan Kraft?

He was onboard?

Hi, this is Matt.
I can't get to the phone.

Please leave a message.

Matt, can you give me a call?

As soon as you get this.

Love you.

The coroner's on her way.

Our priority is body recovery.

Which is for us at The Lyell
and the police to co-ordinate.

Yeah, absolutely.

Have all the bodies been
accounted for? Not all.

The captain is still
in the left seat,

and there was a second non-flying
pilot hitching a lift

back from Amsterdam,
the originating airport.

The passengers are
harder to identify.

There was a child on board,
11-year-old Ezra Heller.

We haven't yet identified his body.

Both the adult passengers
were public figures.

Miriam Heller was
the public face of an NGO,

which is why they were in
Amsterdam for a conference,

and Jonathan Kraft, obviously,
so we need to rule out foul play.

So body recovery.

Minimum recoverable tissue is what?

In the past, we've worked on
five millimetre cubed and up.

New guidelines are
to recover everything we can.

Of course. We done?

Can I ask that we restrict
the site to UK personnel only?

I don't want a tug-of-w*r
over bodies.

Thank you.


The Embassy called.
What's happening?


Jonathan didn't make it.


I'm so sorry.

He was on a target list.

He's been getting t*rror1st threats
from fascist groups in America.

Do the police know?

They'll be following that up.
Not if they don't know,

and they won't know unless somebody
tells them. I'll come down.

Maybe wait.

They're restricting access
at the moment.

What about his family?

I told the Embassy I'd call Louise.

She's in Washington.

Their son...

..Charlie's at Caltech.

I love you.

I better go...

..make that call.

so we need to make sure

all the markers are
in the right places.

Significant damage to his head
and neck from the collapsing roof.

I'll say.

His hands are still
on the control yoke, too.

Body's relatively intact.


I think it's because
of the angle of impact.

Plane came down, I think,
nose pointing up.

The tail hit the ground first.

Looks like a straight fuel fire.

First impressions.

Aw, can you take a look, Jack -
see what you think? Sure.


No, as in he was a Finn.
It's on the manifest.


The boy's phone.

Mr Heller.

Mr Heller. Look, I know.

I understand,
but it's a restricted area.

I know it's hard, but now you're
here, let's go and talk over here.



Was he thrown clear
or did he move himself?

Open comminuted fractures

with a traumatic amputation
of the right leg below the knee.

No blood trail, so that would
suggest he was thrown clear.

Hey, Jess? Do you know if
any of your AAIB people

approached the site
from this direction?

Not to my knowledge, no.
We all came in from over there.

What about emergency
services personnel?

They came from the west, same as us.

You sure no-one came in this way?

Why are you asking?

Hey. Where are you?

Hi. Edge of the woods by the nose.

Listen. Someone's accessed
the site from the east,

the woodland there.
Can you look in to it, please?

Yeah, I'll check with
the first responders, yeah.

Thank you.

We've got the cockpit voice recorder
and flight data recorder.

They're still in the tail section.

It was a work thing for Miriam.

I wasn't invited.

But Ezra was?

We've got friends in Amsterdam.

His best friend, Noor.

He sent a cheeky e-mail
to Jonathan Kraft

to ask if he could
hitch a ride over.

He was really nice about it.

Ezra called me from the plane

when it was in trouble.


Wanted me to help them.


we need to know if
it was a deliberate act.

Did Ezra say anything
about the plane -

about what was happening?

that Miriam was hurt, and... they
couldn't get through a door.

A door to the flight deck?

There was another pilot
on the plane.

A non-flying pilot.

Did Ezra mention him?

Was he on the flight deck?

I don't know.

I wasn't there.

Is that the black box? It's orange.


I think it's the boy.

We need a HEMS teams over here
right away, please!

Ezra. Ezra, it's going
to be all right.

Get some Fire Service down here!

We need cutters.

Nikki, it's the boy. Talk to him.

Ezra. Jess, how we doing?
On their way, Jack.

It's going to be OK

We're going to get you out of here.

Fire, down here! Jess,
I want to get in here.

No, Jack, wait! They're almost here.
No. I'm not waiting.

Get me something! Are you sure?
No, I'm not waiting.

Can we get Fire in?!

Let them do their job.

11 years of age.
Pulse tachycardic at 140.

Ezra? He's not responding.

Blood pressure 80 over 50.


Ezra, can you hear me?

What software are you using
for the drone mapping?

KiteTech.Clarissa's recommendation.

Better not slag it off, then.

How did you
get into this AAIB business?

I was a pilot
on commercial airlines

then studied aeronautical

Clarissa came and gave a lecture
on aviation forensics.

Did she now?

Any joy with the bootprints,
by the way?


I'll check our crew again for you.
It may have been one of them.

Stepping on the wreckage?
Why would they do that?

Well, I've asked.
Nobody's owning up to it,

even when I put the screws on them.



Miriam Heller.

Jonathan Kraft.

We've ID'd body parts
as well as we can at this stage.

Dental records?

Got Miriam's, and we're waiting
for Washington to send over Kraft's.

There's a vertical laceration
over the frontal bone,

distal radius fractured on
both arms, obviously displaced.

That's why I think high-impact
trauma rather than heat damage.

What, some sort of reflex action?

She puts her hands out
when the plane goes into a dive?

I wanted to let you know

that counter terrorism
are gathering prints and DNA

from ground crew for elimination.

Jack's on it.

Dutch police are doing
the same thing their end.

I'm working on Ezra's phone.

OK, great. Anything else,
let me know, yeah?

OK.Thanks. Bye.

I thought maybe...

..I should identify Jonathan's body.

I could come tomorrow.

Surely the Embassy
can take care of that?

It's Louise.

We're receiving reports
of a business jet

coming down in woodland a couple
of miles east of Ashwood Airport.

Emergency services have been
on the scene since first light,

and we're still waiting for
more news on the crew

and the three passengers on board,

one of whom, we've been
informed, is a child.

More on that when we have it.

So the plane comes down nose-high,

hits the tops of the trees there,
and as it hits the ground,

the rear fuselage
breaks away with Ezra inside.

The impact causes
these deep furrows. Then what?

This section breaks away.

There's aviation fuel everywhere.

The ATC radar shows it in
a steep dive before it disappeared,

but there must've been an attempt
to pull the nose up

because the tail of the aircraft
hit the ground first.

The rest of the aircraft
slams into the ground.

It slides another
50 metres further west.

The front of the aircraft separates
and rolls further forward.

The plane comes to rest
in three distinct sections -

we've got the cockpit, passenger
cabin and the rear fuselage,

the rest of it in woodland on
the east side of the debris field.

And the flames?

Fuel tanks,

ignited by sparks from the fuselage
and the wings, most probably.

Or expl*sives or incendiaries.

The flight data recorder
should help with that.

Absolutely. We're still
trying to download that.

We've seen no evidence
of blast damage.

It all seems consistent
with ground impact and fire.

So possibly not a deliberate act.
Is that what we're saying?

Some instrument, mechanical
malfunction? An accident?

All to be investigated further,
but that's the initial picture.

The pilot, Alex Vitarnen,
Caucasian male, aged 32.

Soft tissue loss
over both shoulders and clavicles.

Query seat belt abrasions.

Considerable trauma to
the left side of the head and neck.

Blunt force trauma to the torso.

Patterned abrasion on the chest.

Might represent the steering yoke.

From the position of the bodies,

we think Ezra would've been at
the back left-hand side of the plane

or in the toilet
when the plane went down.

Dad! Dad! Mum's hurt.

Jonathan Kraft would have
been somewhere here.


Miriam Heller...

I don't think she's OK!

..and obviously Alex Vitarnen.

So where was the non-flying guy?

Rowan Cole.Rowan Cole.

The child's seat belt.

Unfastened, is that right? Yes.

Well, did he leave his seat
for some reason? Possibly.

Dad! Help us!


When the nose came
sharply up before impact,

he would have been
thrown against the floor

and backwards to the tail
of the aircraft.

Air traffic control says that,
after the initial dive,

it levelled out for 60 seconds.


Went into a dive again.

An attempt was made
to pull up at 1,000 feet,

but, by then, it was too late
to rescue the aircraft.

Was autopilot ever engaged?

We'll see. The flight data recorder
should tell us.

Hiya. Anything?

No obvious signs of
a natural cause of death

that would have led to the crash.

Looks like something got spilt
on his hands and clothing.

Maybe coffee or tea?

You find any cups
on the flight deck?

I'll check the AAIB records,

see what they've catalogued.

Hi.I've got another body, not
directly related to this but...

Does it have to be now? We've kind
of got our work cut out here.

Of course. I'm just flagging it up.


Commander Reed
is asking for you specifically.

OK. Text me the address.
I'm on my way.

You OK to hold the fort
for an hour or so?

I'm needed elsewhere.


Peter Sachs.

First impressions,
he's tilted his head back

and shot himself
through the roof of the mouth.

Wife didn't see it coming at all.

Wow. Was she here when he did this?

No, she was up in town
for the whole day.

Came back and found him.Oh.

You do realise, right, any
pathologist could have handled this?

Thomas, will you
come with me for a sec?

So there are a couple of possible
connections to the air crash.

We found this
in Peter Sach's browser history.


This group have endorsed
far-right terrorism.

Miriam Heller and Jonathan Kraft
both received death threats.

From this organisation?
We're not sure.

It could be a coincidence,
except for this.

Peter Sachs was tracking
the flight Jun0537, and...

..he was tracking it in real time.


Obviously, we need to check it out,

but we want to keep it under wraps
until we know more.

OK, I'm with you now.

Just the one shot, I think.

I'll confirm that or otherwise
in postmortem. Mm-hm.

Well, we found a single b*llet.

Passed through his head
and into the wall.

And the w*apon?

1980s handgun,
don't know where he got it from.

The serial number's
been scratched off.

Check for g*nsh*t residue.
Right or left-handed, do we know?

I'll check with the wife.

His wedding ring. Where's that?

Right-handed, yeah.
Is that relevant?

I think, at this stage...
Yes, anything might be relevant.

Um, I was at work,

and I got back
and he'd locked the garage door

and the door from the kitchen
through to there,

and he'd put a note on it saying not
to come in but to call the police.

Siobhan, had he been
low in the past?

Um... he got better.

But then when it came back
this time, the melancholy...

We called it melancholy to try
and take the sting out of it.

It was like... it was like he needed
to get me to love him for it.

Does that make sense?


And what caused this melancholy?

Was there a reason for it?

His mother, she...

I mean, it's all on file, but...

I suppose, put simply,
you'd say she was abusive,

so he struggled to
make relationships with women,

and when he did,
he said he felt trapped.

By you?

By your marriage?

I'm sorry to ask.

I'm not like his mother,
and I think he...

He had an affair.

A couple of years ago.

He wanted to hurt himself back then,

and I think that was
his way of doing it.

But you worked it out? Yeah, yeah.

We did.

Yeah, we got to the heart of it...

..I thought.

Do you mind me asking,
did he always wear a wedding ring?

Had he taken it off?

He'd taken it off?!

Peter Sachs, presumed su1c1de.

Face and head.

Exit wound
to the upper occipital region.

Ragged edging.

Bruising to the lips.

Radial tears around the mouth.

We have multiple parallel linear
scarring to both inner thighs.

More pronounced on the left.

Appearances of differing ages.

Some scars deep enough
to have been sutured.

Top of the left arm also.


Consistent with self-harm.

Minimal back spatter
to the dominant hand.

Yeah, and to the left hand, too.

Not unusual.

Hm. Fresh scarring
on the inside of the left wrist.

Like a smiley shape.

Two eyes and an upturned mouth
branded into the skin.

The non-flying pilot - Rowan Cole.

Aged 52.

Multiple injuries.

Lacerations and extensive bruising
to the torso and the head.

No marks of external damage
to the neck or shoulders.

No seat belt abrasions,
unlike the pilot Alex Vitarnen.

Right leg, traumatic amputation
below the knee.

No signs of
expl*sive damage to the body.

Right hand,
fractured thumb and wrist.

Tears to the palms.

Same on the left hand.

We have marks here.


Two eyes and a smiley face.

I think made by a cigarette
lighter held to the skin.


I found the same marks on the
su1c1de victim - Peter Sachs.

DI Rosen.

Hi. It's Thomas Chamberlain.

Look, I thought you should know,

both Peter Sachs and
the non-flying pilot Rowan Cole

have identical cigarette
lighter burns

to the inside of their left wrists.
So not a coincidence, then?

It'd be extraordinary if it was.

I don't know what it means, but it's
another connection between them.

Do you think they knew each other?
Not that we're aware of.

There's nothing concrete
to confirm that.

Maybe there is now.

Hi. What's going on?

Louise can't face
coming over here on her own.

Charlie's flying to Washington
to be with her

so... she's asked me
to identify Jonathan's body.

Matt... It's what I'd like to do.


I promised I would.And I said no.

This isn't going to be
a straightforward ID.

We're going to have to rely on
dental records and DNA.

It's not for anybody who loved him.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

I'll get my stuff.

If it wasn't for Jonathan bringing
me over here to run the Embassy,

you and I never would have met.

Thank you, Jonathan.

Thank you, my friend.

God, this...

..this sort of thing kind of
brings up some stuff, huh?

Like what?

You know, the conference
in Amsterdam...

..Jonathan was talking about Syria,

and we were there for
a couple of years, 2016,

on a diplomatic assignment

cos I know a lot about Syria...


..that's why I was...

Why you were...?

Let's go somewhere else, no?
I want to go somewhere else.

Let's go.

What else have you got?

London air traffic control tried
to communicate with the aircraft,

but there was no response.

Is this after the aircraft's
initial dive or before? Before.

There was no response
from Alex Vitarnen,

so my question is,

is there anything from his
postmortem that could explain that?

We're still waiting on toxicology,
but, so far, no.

What about the Peter Sachs case?

Clarissa, anything on that g*n?

The exhibits officer
is processing it.

Paperwork, eh?

The UN's talking about
getting refugees back,

but there's no water,
no electricity, no work.

There's nothing to go home to.

So we should focus on
basic infrastructure

before we talk about
moving people back in numbers or...

If we can get other countries
to do that, then...

This is before the first loss of
altitude? Yeah. I've time-coded it.

So you want to come
see the flight deck?

Can I, Mum?

There are other files,
but they're corrupted,


Ezra! Ezra, are you OK?!


..where was the non-flying pilot
during that?

Flight deck?

Alex Vitarnen
had seat harness burns,

shoulder and collar bones,
but Rowan Cole didn't.

So Cole was, what, on the flight
deck but not buckled in,

or back in the passenger cabin?

Is his voice on
the cockpit voice recorder?

No, nor Alex Vitarnen's,

not for the last
22 minutes of the flight.

Here. This is what it picked up.

Hey, everything all right?

Hey! Open that door!

What's going on?!

100, 500, 1,000, 2,500.

Jun0537, London centre.
Climb immediately.

Repeat, immediately.

- Pull up!

Pull up!

I've been running toxicology
on the coffee.

The results, there's caffeine,

and this is what's
really important -


Wow.OK.I don't understand.

It's a class of drug

used to treat a variety of
conditions including seizures.

And anxiety.

I'll see if his bloods are in yet.

Yes, it was present
in his blood sample.

0.3 milligrammes per litre.

That's enough to sedate him,
maybe even knock him out.

OK. OK. Thank you.

Alex Vitarnen's not registered
with a GP in the UK,

and his doctor in Finland
has no record of him

being prescribed anything regularly.
Never a benzodiazepine.

You can buy them on
the street easily enough.

He was anxious so he bought
meds on the street to treat it?

They wouldn't show up
on his medical records that way.

And, what, he took them on
the flight, got the dosage wrong?

Maybe. All we can say for sure
is that he took enough medication

to knock himself out -
whether by accident or design.



How you feeling?

I have to go back Washington.

When? Today.

My flight's in four hours.

Really? Yeah. I don't want to,
but I have to.

Are you OK?


Oh, my taxi's here, though.
I better go.

I'll call you when I land.

These came from the galley.

Right. Are these
the same kind of mugs

that the pilot Alex drank from
on the flight deck?


He didn't leave the flight deck.
Are we 100% sure of that?

There's nothing
on the CVR to suggest it,

and autopilot
wasn't engaged at any time,

and Rowan Cole wasn't
cleared to fly this trip,

so, yeah, Alex would have
had to stay on deck.

Now, then.

The coffee.

That was stored somewhere
in the passenger cabin, wasn't it?

No, the cups and mugs and coffee
were all stored in the galley

at the rear of the aircraft.

I see.

Before we talk about
moving people back in numbers or...

If we can get
other countries to do that,

and that's a big if,
there's this massive tussle

between what's politically
expedient and...

And what's morally right.

So you want to come see
the flight deck?

Can I, Mum?


What if Rowan Cole laced the drink,

closed and locked the door
of the flight deck,

just him and Alex in there...

..and one drugged coffee.

Now, why would a man do that?

You all right?

Hiya, Mum.

Where've you been?

You know where we've been.
I've been worried out my mind.

Don't do this again.

Every time.
Go to your room, darling.

Everything I do. You know
I was just taking her climbing.

Not till this time.

Just pick up the phone,
that's all you've got to do.

I can't even walk in my own home
without all this.

Just pick up the phone, Kyle.

Go to your room.

It's all right, darling.
Listen to your mum.

Go to your room.

Say it.

Say it's my fault.

Say it.

Tommy's not here any more
and he's never coming back.

His dad's responsible, yeah?

That's what you think?

You don't even trust me
with Ella any more.

10 minutes late and you're already
pulling out your hair.

What do you think I'm going
to do - hurt her?

Cos I'm a k*ller?
Is that what you think?

Go on, say it.
Is that what you think?!Yes.

That's what I think.

It's exactly what I think.

You don't know how right you are.

You don't know the half
of what I've done.

What are you talking about?

You don't want me here, do you?

Just be honest, Kate.
You might as well carry on.

All right.

Do I want you here?

Not like this.



Then I'll go.

I'll find somewhere else.

What are you looking at, darling?

Nothing. Just outside.

Why don't you
come downstairs for dinner now?

I'm here.

All right?

Dad'll be OK.

Hi, this is Matt.
I can't get to the phone.

Please leave a message.

Matt, please, will you give me
a call when you get this?

Let me know you're OK.

So none of this can be proved.

All we know is that
Rowan Cole made coffee.

We don't actually know where
he was when the plane came down.

He may have been on the flight deck
or he might not.

Toxicology's confirmed that neither
Alex Vitarnen or Rowan Cole

were affected by an excess of carbon
monoxide or any other toxic gas,

and no other victim had
benzodiazepine in their systems.

So Alex Vitarnen could've been
in and out of consciousness,

lost control of the aircraft,
then wrestled to get it back.

I don't think Alex
left the flight deck.

But we know the non-flying
pilot Rowan Cole did,

and he brought the coffee with him.

So say for a minute
he spiked the coffee in the kitchen.

He goes through with the kid
to the flight deck,

gives Alex the coffee,
and he returns the kid to his seat.

On his way back...

..he closes and locks the door.
Excuse me.Why would he do that?

Because Jonathan Kraft
was a far-right target.

Sorry, that was my team.

Rowan Cole was seeing
a psychotherapist.

I saw reports of the crash online,

but they didn't mention
Rowan's name.

He was a private client.

What was he depressed about?

This is an ongoing investigation.

No need to worry about
patient confidentiality.

Did something trigger
his depression?

No single incident, no.

Mm, what can I tell you?

He lived alone.

Was never married,
never had a partner, no children.

He'd spent most of his working life
flying around the world.

Living out of hotels
so he had no roots.

Nowhere he felt he belonged,

and the thing that
he did have, his job,

was under threat
because of his mental health.

He didn't report that.

Did you report the state of his
mental health to the authorities?


I'm not medically trained, so,

unfortunately, they wouldn't
take my word for it if I did.

So you don't prescribe
medication? No.

That's a psychiatrist.

Did he express
suicidal thoughts to you?

Not to me.

Rowan was driven
more by anger than despair.

Mostly at live news updates
on his phone that he'd get

just to have something to rail at,

something other than
what he perceived to be

his own inadequacies.

Friends? No.

He was entirely disconnected.


Like I said, news and politics.

That was the limit of
his regular conversation.

And where would you place him
on the political spectrum?

Oh, right-wing.

Quite definitely.Right-wing how?

Attila the Hun right-wing?

Mussolini right-wing?

It's nothing to be flippant about.

I am not being flippant.


I mean...

Some men don't have clear
societal roles any more.

They feel that they're
no longer listened to...

..which leads them sometimes
into extreme associations

or extreme behaviour.

That anger has to go somewhere.

Sometimes it's directed inwards,
an impulse to self-destruct,

and other times
they look for others like them.

They look outwards.

Online, maybe?

Yes.Did Rowan Cole do that?
Did he look for others online?

I believe so.

From the things that he said,
groups he associated with, yes.

Men like Rowan can be easy prey
for extremists.

They're the rallying point
for that anger.

They stoke it and give it direction.

And that anger, specifically
in terms of Rowan Cole

and your sessions with him,

that anger was aimed at...



You OK? You're not knackered?

We were out late.
That's not like you.

Matt's struggling a bit.


I can't seem to help him.


The type of benzodiazepine in
the coffee Alex Vitarnen drank.

It's Alprazolam.

Rowan Cole. Let's see.

Browser history deleted.

Shall we check out the slack space?

We've managed to recover some
of Rowan Cole's browsing history.


Hey. Where are you?

I haven't been
completely honest with you.

About what?

Not honest how?

I don't know. I just feel like
I'm in the way.

What are you talking about?

You know, our thing is supposed
to be fun and easy.

I don't know. Maybe I just need
some time to myself.

I need some time to think...

Look, I understand you're upset,

but please, don't take
this out on me. On us.

That's not fair.

I'll call you when I get home.
What do you mean? Are you...?

They're boarding the plane.
I have to go.

I'll... I'll call you
when I get home.


Hi, this is Matt.
I can't get to the phone.

Please leave a message.

So we have a drugged pilot

and a second pilot suspected of
spiking his coffee, hm?

After which he takes control
of the aircraft

in order to m*rder
a former US Ambassador.

I don't know.Plus, we have online
activity linking the two events

and matching burns,
deliberately administered,

to both Sachs' and Cole's bodies.

OK, but there's this, too.

I think this is
massively significant.

It's also from Rowan Cole's
search history.

Somewhere he spent a lot of time.

It's a chatroom

for people who
struggle with suicidal thoughts.

How many people are on here?

Looks like about a dozen regulars
who come and go.

They talk about
wanting to end their lives.

Not using their real names.
Cole's posting as Ridley33.

So these are all handles? Mm-hm.

Manfred068? Yeah.

Manfred is a frequent poster.

"It is not seen as insane
when a fighter, under an attack

"that will inevitably lead to his
death, chooses to take his own life.

"How is it any different when you
are under attack by your own mind?"

So he's not just supporting them.

He's actually encouraging them
to take their own lives.

Desperate men
looking for someone to trust,

and he's preying on them.

Can we scroll back
to the conversations

before the plane came down? Sure.

Yeah, around here. It's Rowan Cole.

"I want to knock myself out
and let my aircraft take me."

"Do it. Stop hurting." "With you."

This is incitement to su1c1de.

Can't the police stop it?

Just shut it down!

We shut one site down
and another one pops up,

and the online filters
just can't catch everything.

And if you close
this chatroom, that's it.

We'll never be able to trace them,
and we need to track this guy down.

So who is Manfred?

More details have emerged
of the passengers onboard

the Juno Airlines flight which
crashed near Ashwood Airport.

One of them, Jonathan Kraft,
was the US ambassador to the UK

during the time of President Obama.

He and his fellow passenger,
Miriam Heller, were both k*lled.

The third passenger, Mrs Heller's
11-year-old son, is in hospital.

His condition
is said to be critical.

You think it's a good thing
he k*lled himself?

Police, please!

Manfred's on the move.

People struggle and people recover.

Hi, this is Matt.
I can't get to the phone.

Please leave a message.

Matt, please let me know
you're OK.

# Testator silens

# Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪
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