22x04 - Lift Up Your Hearts: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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22x04 - Lift Up Your Hearts: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

CT scan indicates he's a white male,

approximately 40 years old. Injuries
were multiple. Blast and burns.

He resembles a b*mb victim.

So he was close to the seat of the blast?

Which is consistent with him
making methamphetamine.

Second victim? Darren Jameson. Age?

15 years old.

So sad. Young person. Potential.

Jack: You didn't want to tell him
his student was a drug dealer?

I don't want to leap to
conclusions. It's not much of a leap.

If I have nothing to sell, they're
gonna go somewhere else.

I've got spice I need to get rid of.

Sell it to the meth-heads.
They will get more.

Please help her.

Who is it? My mother.

Oh, God.

You need to work more
with the blacks. Get a crew.

Let them run for you, sell for you.

Do you want to make some
money? How good, blud?

Dance fever. They've got to
have it. Blows your head off.

Who's that boy? No-one.

Well, Faith seems to like him.
She needs to stay away from him.

She doesn't want to get involved
in all that. Involved in what?

You want to give this to them?!

Why would you just squander
your own opportunities?!

Just...and you're gone.

St Hugh's?

A St Hugh's woman?

I am so proud.

So proud of you!

Babe? Come on, babe, wake
up. What's wrong with her?

Hey! Come, come, come.


The exact amount of a
narcotic that constitutes

a lethal dose will vary
depending on age, size and weight.

Individuals who are
hypersensitive to opiate dr*gs

may experience lethal
effects from low amounts.

Individuals who have developed tolerance

may experience lethal effects
from extremely high amounts.

The lethal dose for heroin is
generally between 75 and 375mg.

Let me see that.

A lethal dose of morphine for an average

healthy person is 200mg.

And for fentanyl, the drug
found in Faith Taylor's blood,

the lethal dose is 2mg.

To put it in perspective, the
average paracetamol is 500mg.

Divide that into 250 pieces,
and one of them would k*ll you.

Concentration in her blood?


It can be unpredictable and lethal.

Cause of death?

Hypoxic brain injury from
respiratory depression,

induced by opioid toxicity.

Her respiratory system slowed down

until it stopped.

Do you have any witnesses?

Uh-uh. Is there a crime here?

Other than terminal stupidity?

Did she take pills? Did she inject
it? How were the dr*gs delivered?

No needle marks.

Nothing in the contents of her stomach

that suggests she ingested it.

She didn't vomit at the scene?

She did this to herself.

Sometimes people need to be
protected from themselves.

They need to take responsibility
for themselves. William...

If she knowingly and willingly took the drug,

what can we do? Hold on, we don't know...

Faith Taylor is a tragedy,
but she did this to herself.

We don't know that.

This is a suspicious death. We'll
treat it as a possible m*rder

until the investigation proves otherwise.

Of course we will.

What did you do, bruv?

Nothing. Nothing?

The ho's dead, bruv. Don't call her that!

Hey, hey, relax! The police are all round you.

Now I don't want them round mine.

Hey, you, man.

It's mental what
happened, yeah? Really sorry.

Anyone asking questions,
you don't say nothing.

What am I gonna say?

That's attitude. I don't want no attitude.

I need to worry about him? No, he's calm.

I got some baggies, yeah? Easy.

Sell 'em at schools.

Did you know your daughter used dr*gs?

She didn't use dr*gs.

Do you know who she was with?

Girlfriends. Good girls... from college.

Erm, there may have been others.

Do you have any idea who may
have supplied the dr*gs to her?

She didn't do dr*gs, so, no,
we wouldn't have any idea.

Darren Jameson's mother didn't
realise her son was a drug dealer.

Darren Jameson sold dr*gs?

And that's the problem.

You can't always tell by looking.
Book and cover, and all that.

May I look in Faith's room, please?

I can't.

There. Thank you.

Does your son take dr*gs, Mr Taylor?


He's 16.

You sure about that?

What has this got to do
with my daughter's death?

I'm just looking at the victim's
lifestyle and her access to dr*gs.

She is not a victim.

Sorry. You're right.

I shouldn't have said victim.

Guys, go to your next lesson.


Mr Taylor?

Are you OK? I want this cleared up.


So you went outside? Yeah.

Faith was with you?


We shared a ciggie.

Glen came out looking for her.

Glen? A guy that liked her.

She was talking with some other guy.

And then she just
collapsed, like... So, who is he?

I don't know him.

What did he look like?

Hair kind of... scraped back.

I think he had tats.

Are you sure? I don't remember that.

Literally saw him for, like, two
seconds. He was just hanging around.

Would it be OK if we
took a strand of your hair?

Each of you? Why?

It's a standard test for drug use.

I've smoked weed.



Any other dr*gs?


Just a little.

Everybody uses
something. It's not a big deal.

Unless you die.

Did you give Faith any dr*gs? No!

Where do you get the dr*gs from? Guys.

We don't buy it.

We'll need to look in your lockers.

You didn't take my calls?

Yeah, no, I was in the middle of something.

I meant to call you back. Sorry. Jack... Hmm?

Let me make this easy for you.

I want to sleep with you.

I'm not looking for anything else.

Good talk. We're just coming.

Where did she get the dr*gs?

I don't know.

You wouldn't lie to me? No.

Had she done dr*gs before?

I don't know. No, I don't think so.

Someone gave them to her?

I guess.

I wasn't there.

I came home.

I wish I hadn't, but...

...I came home. Come here.

It's OK. It's OK.

Why did you come home?

She wanted to go with this guy.

I didn't want to be around it.

What gUY?


Police! Police! Glen? Glen!




Not exactly house-proud, is he? No.


No fentanyl or any dr*gs downstairs.

What do you think this is?

What are you doing?

Well, no-one's going to come in.

I could report you.

Report me?

It was just a bit of fun. I
thought you were interested.

Who do you think they're
going to believe, Jack -

me or you, after I file a
sexual harassment claim?

What? You're joking?

I'm done with this.


You OK? Yeah.


Man down!

Someone call a paramedic!

Put pressure on the wound.

He's gone out the window.

We went to arrest Glen Cole, but
we were unable to detain him.

We are doing our best to find
him, but I wanted to let you know.

Do you think he's the one
who gave Faith the dr*gs?

That m*rder*d her?

We did not find fentanyl or
any other opioid in the flat.

We need to find evidence that
shows Faith did not make a free choice

to take the drug.

That wasn't a free choice.

I know it wasn't.

The drug dealer that provided
the illegal substance can't,

according to the law as it
stands, be charged with m*rder.

Criminal law accepts that there is free will.

Informed adults who are
deemed to be of sound mind

are free to make their own choices.

We want to get the drug
dealers off the street.

The law doesn't make it easy.

If we can prove who sold it to her,

we might be able to ask the CPS to
look at involuntary manslaughter.

Proving it is very, very difficult.

I don't want to get your hopes up.

I have no hopes to raise.

What do feds want with me?
Who would snitch you up?

Think about it, blud. Who
would know to tell 'em?

I didn't do nothing. You
stabbed one of them, bruv.

They not letting that go.

What do I do? What
were you thinking, bruv?

I was charged up.

You gotta leave the ends, man.

Where am I gonna go?
How much money you got?


You're alive? Yeah.

Of course I'm alive. In hospital.

If I wasn't alive, I'd be, you know, at work.

You're OK?

Yeah. Walked into a knife. Not smart.

Thank God you're OK.


Come here.



Thanks. Thanks, bye.

Pfft! Apparently he's OK.

Flesh wound only. No internal injuries.

He refused to be admitted.

He didn't want to take a bed.

That's Faith Taylor's mother.

Wants to speak to the doctor who
did her daughter's postmortem.

I can do it if you're busy.

No. I've got it.

Mrs Taylor? Yeah.

Thank you for seeing me.

My daughter didn't use dr*gs.

And I need to know how those
dr*gs got into her system.

Do you know?

Not yet. Will you ever know?

If it were your daughter,

and you thought her
behaviour was out of character,


If all of this...

...you couldn't explain...

would you want to know?


When it was someone else's
daughter, I used to think to myself,

"How did their mother
allow that to happen?

"Where was their father?

"Why didn't anyone protect them?"

But the only question I have now...

...how did I fail her?

Think of her as your daughter.


Help me understand.

I found a high concentration of fentanyl

in the mucous membrane of the mouth.

I thought it was likely to
have been delivered by

transdermal fentanyl patch,

but there was an even higher
concentration in the nasal passage.

Results from the hair sample show
Faith wasn't a habitual drug user.

There's nicotine in the blood.

Signs to suggest she was a light smoker.

Lungs show some deposit.

Her cilia are largely intact.

She inhaled the fentanyl.

Do you think she knew
what she was smoking?


But how can we be certain?

I can't prove it.


He could have died.

He didn't.

Yeah, well, they didn't even
catch the guy who did it,

didn't even recover the knife.



Faith Taylor.

Firm, dr*gs overdose. Fentanyl Right.

Did you recover any cigarette butts
from the area where she collapsed?


It's possible the fentanyl
was delivered by a cigarette,

so if we can find a trace...


I've found something!


Test the powder?

I'll see if we can get DNA from the filter.

See if Faith was smoking it.


All right?

Are you OK? Fine.

She's the... Yes.

We didn't help her, did
we? Think you could have?

Why would I do this job if I didn't?

Are you sure you should be here? Yeah.

I thought you were going to interview her.

I tried to interview her.
She wouldn't co-operate.

You weren't expecting me
to babysit her, were you?

Hold on.

Don't walk yet.

Something's not right.

Looking at it, can't see
it. Something's not right.

Shoes are on the wrong feet.

Heel's loose. She wouldn't
be able to stand on that.

Nah. She didn't walk here.
Someone put her here.

Scratches moving downwards. Yes.


A ligature was used to strangle her.

Fingernail marks and
accompanying abrasions of the skin

can be found here, either
side of the trachea and larynx.

Abraded mark on the neck
lies across the hyoid bone.

It slopes upwards, suggesting
the ligature was pulled upwards...

from behind.

Who would want her dead?



Sir, maybe you should take a few days?

For yourself. Be with your family.

A lot of work to do.

I need to work.



Sorry I missed school, sir.

So am I.

Can I...

May I come back?

Yes, you may.

Mr Taylor.

We haven't told her yet.

I wanted to speak to you first.

You need to tell her.

I intend to. She needs to see.

Everyone needs to see
what this is doing to us.

To all of us.

Are you OK?

Yeah. Of course.

She came on to me and
she actually kissed me.

No! Out of the blue.

Why would anyone want to come on to you?

Cheers. You come to me for the truth, Jack.



...I thought you'd given up.


Hmm. You reckon you can
grab DNA off that skirt?


Probably more DNA than... than we want.

The stain is a body fluid
here. Will you swab it?

Mm-hm. I'll send the heels off for DNA.

Hey, Lysette.


Call the police.

Make sure nobody hears about the money.

Hear me? Leave her alone.

Or what?

I won't allow this in our community.

Huh? What community is that?

Your community?

You aren't like us, you know.

You may look like us, but you ain't us.

Who do you think you are?

You think you're better than
me, innit? That's what you think.

We've already called the police.

See ya in a bit, Lysette.

Did he hurt you, Lysette?

He gave me money.

For what?

To be nice.

How do you know him, Lysette?

My mother.

And how did she know him?

It's light.

We need some cash. We'll
make it up later, blud.

You don't decide that.

Are you threatening me?

They said they will pay the rest later.

You remove the filter...

...place the powder in here...

...then you replace the filter.

That's how the fentanyl
was delivered to Faith.

Would she have known?

I think it's unlikely.

She was m*rder*d?

It's an extremely toxic opioid.

She may not have known.

95. Yep, that's perfect.

You're very kind, madam.
Thank you. Thank you. Bye.

We have dr*gs. We have knives.

15 years of knife crime.

More people dead now than ever.

Never forget where you're
from when you're on your way

to where you're going.
We are soldiers, Noah.

That's what we are.

Fighting the good fight.

Is that who I am?

I used to live here.

What do you want?

I used to live here when I was your age.

OK. OK. Thank you.

Yo, fam, what the...?

What are you doing here, bruv?

We've alerted marked and
unmarked units to be on the lookout

for a stabbing suspect.

Victim's this way.


A stabbing. Dead before
the paramedics arrived.

How many paramedics were here? Two.

How quickly was the crime scene sealed?

As soon as the police attended. Why?

The k*ller may have
tracked blood as they left.

There's nothing on the body.

Was it robbery?

There's more blood over here.

These footprints could be your k*ller.

Detective Inspector?

Little something for you.


Nikki? m*rder w*apon.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me.

Are you OK, sir?

Yes. Hands out of pockets.

Would you mind taking
your hood down, please, sir?

Can you tell me why you've stopped me?

You match the description of someone
who was seen committing a crime.

Of course.

Mr Taylor?


Do you remember me? Danny
Tresca. GCSE history, Raynes Park?

Danny! Greatest history teacher ever.

He could connect
everything. You still teaching?

Head teacher at Cerrington Academy, yeah.

That's totally cool. Congratulations.

Those kids are very lucky.

I hope they think so.

Well, Danny, you've done well for yourself.

Thank you, sir.

Can we give you a lift somewhere?

No, no.

I'm not going too far.

Good to see you.

Safe. You got one for you?


Look, you know we got to do
this? Right? This is our ends.

We got to keep it us. Yeah?

Let's go.

Let them know you're
here, so they respect you.

They've got to respect you.

It just doesn't feel right, bruv.

Don't bottle on me.

Let's go.

We've got the CCTV. OK.

Multiple s*ab wounds.

Won't be able to tell
you which one was first,

but I should be able to tell you
which one was fatal. Pockets?

FK Partizani.

Another stabbing.

The other body's through there.


Have a look.

The CCTV from the club.

Rudi was there the night Faith died.

I think he might be a person
of interest. How about you?

The deceased is named Andre Craven.

21 years old.

Multiple bruises and lacerations to the face.

I need your help, Jesse.

I'm sorry about your sister, innit?


What does "innit" mean?

My sister's dead cos of you!

I didn't do nothing.

I swear to God, fam.
You think I wanted that?

You gave her the dr*gs!

I didn't, I swear.

Please, Jesse.


Zeno Keller.

We've got prints on the m*rder
w*apon that match Rudi Kola.

And these footwear markings
found at the scene of crime -

they match Rudi Kola's trainers.

So Rudi was the m*rder*r of Zeno Keller?

Yes, so the evidence would show.

And tests indicate the knife
that was used to k*ll Rudi

had two distinct DNA profiles on it.

We found traces of Jack's
blood under the hilt.

Glen Cole m*rder*d Rudi?

We know the same knife was
used to s*ab both Jack and Rudi.

Retribution killings?

Maybe. We found an encrypted phone,

1,000 pounds and this on Rudi.

The constituents that
we found of the fentanyl

match that which we found
in the doctored cigarette.

The DNA on the filter matches Faith Taylor.

So it's very likely that the
drug came from the same batch

that k*lled Faith.

And CCTV footage places
Rudi at the club on the night.

Ruth gave her the fentanyl?

Possible, not certain.


Did you forget something?

Come in.

Are you hungry?

Shut the door.

You let him into our house?


I brought him.

I didn't hurt your daughter.

I've never hurt her. Why are you here?

I've got nowhere else to go.

I want you to leave.

Please, eat. Grace!

I believe him.

Mr Taylor. Sorry to disturb you.

May I come in?

What do you want?

We think we've found the person
who gave the dr*gs to your daughter.

He was k*lled, but we can
match the dr*gs in his possession

with the dr*gs administered to Faith.

I believe Glen Cole is our
main suspect in that m*rder.

I believe your daughter knew him.

Victim Support will be in touch.

He's chatting shit. I didn't k*ll nobody.

I never gave her the dr*gs.

I'll go to prison, because that's
what happens to people like me.

They're not gonna touch
him. And you're OK with that?

Who gave you the dr*gs?

And where do I find him?

Thanks. Bye. Bye.

All right? All right.

Want to make some money?

What kind of money?

The blood on the heel of Pamela's shoe?

It's a hit. Matches the DNA
in four unsolved r*pe cases.

And matches the DNA found
on Andre Craven's body.

That's huge. Yeah.

Where are you going?

Just stay here.

The attacker here also r*ped

and potentially m*rder*d Pamela.

Hold on. Can I see that again?

Nikki, would you get my laptop, please?


Look at the man with Rudi Kola.


Same man?

Could be.

That tattoo on his neck...

You and me, we can do business.

I'm gonna make you rich. Come.

You work with me.

I teach you.

I show you how to rise.

Come on.

Try this.

Blows your head off.

Powder is the thing, yeah?

Give it to a girl, they smoke it, they gone.

You can do anything you want to them.

You think I don't know you was
there when they stuck Rudi?

You think I don't know you were part of it?

Let him go!

The police are on their way.

There's enough time to k*ll him.

You won't hurt anyone again.

And then you.

You think you're going to stop me?

Stop now!

Now is your chance.

I'm your escape.

I'm your excuse.


Run! You're not part of this.

Go! You don't belong here.

Go! Please.

Police! Please put your
hands above your head.

Get down!

Thank you all for your
messages of condolence

and your prayers.

Tomorrow, I bury my daughter.

Although she had boundless
energy, I will lay her to rest.

And I will do that in the
knowledge that I did not...

protect her well enough.

I failed her.

I want you to turn to
the person on your right

and the person on your left.

Tell them...

that you will not fail them.

Do it.

I promise not to fail you.

We all hope and pray for a just world.

A fair world.

A kind world.

But we must recognise there
are consequences for everything.

Nothing is free from consequence.

Your chains are in your
minds and in your hearts.

They are your fears.

And your temptations.

She scratched her neck trying to free herself.

It'll be her blood on the back of the belt.

He strangled Pamela Trill.

Didn't she have a daughter?

You all have within you
the capacity to be heroic...

...to surpass yourself...

...because you are...

The stuff that dreams are made of.

"Save us," screamed the..."

Remember it? Fleshlumpeater.

"..Fleshlumpeater, thrashing about m...

"..madly." Good.

Yeah, that's a foot in a pizza bag.

Right, let's see if we can
find the rest of this body.

Dismembering a body by hand is hard work.

Takes time, not to mention a mess.

What you're looking at
is an lrezumi body suit.

So no identifiable DNA,
but we do have the tattoos.

Does this tattooist have a name?
This is his unique signature.

A carving butterfly.

What can you tell us?


We'll find out more when
we do the postmortem.

By the smell of it, someone's
been using a lot of bleach in here.

Akito Amon?


I had a beautiful girlfriend,

and I was on the brink
of an amazing weekend.
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