18x06 - Protection: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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18x06 - Protection: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I have to prevent vulnerable
children from being hurt.

I failed Lizzie Craddock. She's
missing because I'm too late.

Do you have any doubt that Dale
Barge was abusing Lizzie Craddock?


Johnny Craddock, I'm arresting
you in connection with

the death of Dale Barge and the
disappearance of Lisanne Craddock.

~ How did your son get these bruises?
~ I don't know.

~ You didn't get angry with him?
~ No!

I don't know how he got them.

We need to talk about your son.

Did you run away from that home?

I'm 16, Gramps, I walked away.

You should know this - we think it
was Daniel got your sister pregnant.

He caused us so much pain.

I'll get rid of Daniel.
I'll make him go away.

Tell me the truth.

~ Who told you this?
~ Tell me the truth!

If I wait for evidence,
it can be too late.

♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪

The victim is Daniel
Garvey, 33 years old.

Police are trying to track
down his wife, Niamh.

Time of death?

I would estimate eight
to ten hours ago.

Stomach contents will give
us a more precise idea.

~ We got a w*apon?
~ No.

Most likely, it was a knife.

His throat was cut, it was a clean
wound starting high under the ear,

cutting the carotid artery.

Was that cause?

Mmm, I'm not sure yet. He bled
out less than I'd expect.

Did you know that Dale Barge was
sexually abusing your daughter?

~ No. Who's saying that?
~ We are.

We're saying it.

We're sure of it.

And we think you knew.

~ No, I love my daughter.
~ That's why you k*lled him.

Why aren't you out looking
for my little girl?

You know where she
is, don't you, Johnny?

Why don't you help us?

Tell us the truth.

A paedophile hurting your daughter -

you did what any man
would do, didn't you?

Please, just look for Lizzie.

You know, I don't understand
why you don't just tell us?

It's your defence -
"protecting my child".

Now, the only reason I can think of

is that you and Dale
were in it together.

~ Piss off.
~ Are you a paedophile, Johnny?

They can't say that!

You didn't mind sharing her
with him though, did you?

Where is she, Johnny?

How does it work? I
mean, what do you do?

Take pictures? Share
them with others?

Or do you prefer to just
watch while he abuses her?

Shut your mouth!

~ Did you pimp your daughter?
~ That's enough.

Did you k*ll her?

I would never hurt my daughter.

I think you'd better leave.

Maybe it was an accident, yeah?

Maybe Dale went too far?

The CPS have warned me
that we don't have enough

to charge him with the
m*rder of Dale Barge.

He's not the one that's
going to break.


The majority of bruising is on the
right side, just under the arm.

And this might be a little bit cold.

Oh, it's on.

I've run liver function tests

~ and clotting screen.
~ Leukaemia?

Platelet count is normal.

~ Is the spleen enlarged?
~ No.

~ And the mother brought
the child in by herself?
~ Yes.

The father didn't arrive
until some time later.

There appears to be appropriate
bonding between parents and child.

No previous convictions.

She can't or won't
explain the bruises?


The injuries are non-accidental.

Child abuse.

That baby should not leave
the hospital with its parents.

Can we eliminate all
other possibilities?

They present themselves
as loving parents.

Yeah, well of course,
of course they do.

Trouble is they lash out -

all of a sudden, they become
filled with regret

or they're worried they may have
done their child serious harm.

So what do we do?

Take a risk they aren't what
they seem or protect the child?

It's Fitzpatrick's law -

"The science doesn't lie, people do."

The child's been abused.

I'll ask for an Interim Care Order.

That would be wise. Don't discharge
the baby until she's got the order.

It's possible air entered
his circulation

and he died of an air embolism.

That would reduce the
volume of blood found.

It's a left to right
draw across his throat.

You can see the abrasion from
the bolster of the knife.

The assailant would
have applied pressure,

suggesting that he
was behind the victim.

You said no-one heard
screams, raised voices?

If the blade sliced
through the trachea,

the only sound would have
been an aspirate hiss.

To sever the windpipe, he's
going to need some leverage.

The k*ller must have been behind
him, maybe slightly to his right.

Leans forward from the back
seat and cuts his throat.

There's blood outside the car.

~ Driver tries to raise the alarm.
~ k*ller pushes his body back inside.

Do you think that's what he did?

Yeah, we've got a clean hand print

and some motion of the body in
the car once blood was present.

~ The rat...
~ Hamster.

Whatever - did it belong
to the driver?

~ We don't know.
~ Why is there a hamster in the car?

To cut through both the carotid
artery and the windpipe,

one wound, the k*ller knew
what they were doing.

Did Daniel know his k*ller?

Did he owe money?


I don't know.

It's over to you.

I don't understand what
you're accusing us of.

We have concerns about a
non-accidental injury to your son.

We have a duty to
investigate the situation.

Why are they doing this, Robert?

I never hurt my son.

At present, we are concerned
about the risk to your son

if he were to return home with you.

We will be applying to the courts
for an Interim Care Order.

Carol brought Ricky in because
she was worried about him.

That's evidence of our care.

It's important that you seek legal
advice and get a solicitor.

Please don't let them
do this, Robert, please!

You will be given the opportunity
to challenge our recommendations.


We're not leaving here without Ricky.

We need to keep Ricky here
for further observations.

You don't want to deny him
the care he needs, do you?

What if I want him moved
to another hospital?

We have a choice over his care.

For clinical reasons, I can't
agree to discharge him.

~ We'll make sure he's safe.
~ I want another doctor.

I want another doctor
now, do you hear me?

I'll ask you not to thr*aten me.

I'm not threatening you. I'm
asking you for another doctor.

What is going on here?

This is wrong.

Mr Mansfield, why don't
you and your wife go home?

Right, um... come on.

I'll get a solicitor,
we'll sort this out.

It's just a misunderstanding,
that's all. That's all it is.


See you soon, my little baby.

How far along are you?

Jack, are you lonely?
Is that the problem?

Couldn't you not have
got a dog or a fish?

~ Or a girlfriend?
~ Below the belt.

Did you have to get a rat?

Hey, it's a hamster.

It's also evidence.

~ Well, you're not keeping it here.
~ Where are we keeping him?

I don't care - Nikki's
office, just not here.

All right, we've got
to feed him once a day

make sure he has plenty of water.

Are you sure it's a he?

How do you tell if
it's a he or a she?

How do you think, Jack?

Thanks for coming.

I know you would never
hurt your daughter.

You tried to take her away from me.

I was worried about Lizzie,

I need you to understand that.

We both want the same thing.

We don't want any
harm to come to her.

If Johnny is responsible,

I want you to know
we will protect you,

but you need to tell us.

Johnny didn't do nothing.

Did you know that Dale was
sexually abusing Lizzie?


When did you find out?

I don't know.

When you told me.

We've just told you now, Cheryl.

You don't seem too surprised.

Why is that, Cheryl?

Why don't you seem surprised?

You're trying to trick me.

You're always trying to trick me,

just like when you made
me send Johnny away.

Now, we both know what
kind of temper he has,

perhaps he lost his temper.

Just like when you tried
to take Lizzie away from me.

Please, Cheryl, don't protect him.

Just... tell us what happened.

Do you know where Lizzie is?


Does Johnny know where she is?

I just want to be a mum.

That's all I want.

Why couldn't you let me be that?

We have the phone records
for both Cheryl and Johnny

from their service provider.

They called each other repeatedly
the night Lizzie disappeared.

They would, wouldn't they?
Their daughter's missing.

How quickly would you
report it to the police?

A few hours, I guess?
I'd look myself first.

She didn't report it to the
police until the next day.

Can we get the physical phones?

We've got a log of their calls,
why do we need the phones?

Cell site analysis.

~ Well, we've got Johnny's.
~ I need both.

~ Did Lizzie have a phone?
~ Does - DOES Lizzie have a phone?

Her mother said she didn't have one.

I thought every kid of
that age had a phone.


How's it going?

Good game?

~ Yeah.
~ Yeah, looks like fun.

~ We didn't have mobile phones
when I was a little girl.
~ You didn't?

Now everyone's got them.

Yeah, you must be old.

Are you champion at that game?

I'm almost as good as Lizzie.

~ Did she play on her phone or on yours?
~ Hers.

Have you got her number?

Service provider tells me

it's a pay as you
go that's in credit.

There's been no calls made or
received in the last three days.

Why would Cheryl say
she didn't have one?

We're running out of time.

We can bring in a forensic archaeologist

or try ground penetrating radar
to help to find her body.

Her body? Am I ready
to say that she's dead?

There's been plenty of sightings.

Mostly in London, one in Sydney.

People aren't ready to
think she's dead, not yet.

We should start around
the allotments.

If you're going to bury her body,
why would you burn her clothes?



'It's Deirdre, the police called.

'Daniel Garvey was found
dead this morning.'

'Louise? Are you there?'


He loved you so much.

Mrs Garvey?

~ It's my daughter.
~ Hi.

I'm so proud of her.


Do you want to follow me?

The identification is a formality.

~ I understand.
~ We can do it from a photograph.


I want to do this.

I want to see him.



Nikki? Sorry to bother you.

Your colleague, Thomas, said I'd
find you here. I need your help.

Actually, I need information or
maybe I need to give information,

Louise, slow down.

The man they found dead
today, Daniel Garvey?

~ Why don't we speak in my office?
~ How did he die?

It's not something
that I can discuss.

I'm asking for a
professional courtesy

because I may have some information.

Louise, there are issues
of confidentiality

~ that I need to respect...
~ What are you doing here?

~ I came to...
~ To what?

.. to offer my condolences.

You ruined our life.

You made people think
he was a bad man,

~ you made his children think he was evil...
~ Mrs Garvey.
~ Mum!

~ Mum, stop!
~ He was not evil!

Mrs Garvey, let go.


Nikki, get her out of here.


It's all right.

The Garvey family were... clients.

We had to ask the Family Court to
intervene to protect their children.

Was Daniel m*rder*d?

Can you tell me?

We think so.

Can you tell me what happened?

It's an ongoing investigation.

Oh, I appreciate that. I will keep
it in the strictest confidence.

Daniel was a mini-cab driver.

He was found in his car.

At the moment, we don't
know what happened.

It could have been a robbery,
we just don't know.

OK, good.

Thank you.

And thank you for trusting
me with the information.

Why so anxious? What is it?

Obviously, the family
are known to me,

and I worry about them.

Their eldest son,
Kevin, was in care -

~ I'm telling you this in confidence.
~ Of course.

Kevin sat in front of me and
said, "I'll get rid of Daniel."

In those words.

I didn't make a note of them,

I didn't take them seriously,

I didn't tell anyone.

I didn't want to put Kevin
in difficulty with the police.

He left the office agitated,
so when I heard the news...

You thought Kevin had
k*lled his father?

It's not his biological father,
it's his step-father, but, yes.

I was concerned.

He's just a teenager
who wants security.

That's a long way
from being a k*ller.

He's not a bad kid, he's a victim.

Why's this here?

Jack, why is the hamster in here?

Oh, Clarissa was being difficult,
she didn't want it in the lab...

No, I mean why do you have
a white hamster in here?

It was in Daniel Garvey's
car when his body was found.

~ Kevin was in the car.
~ Are you sure?

Oh, my God.

I've issued a description of Kevin
and put out an order to detain him.

He told me he was staying
with his grandparents.

We'll check the
grandparents' house first.

Is there any way you can prove
the hamster belonged to him?


We can't prove it belongs to him,

but we may be able to place
it in his possession.

If we trim some of the fur and
place it in an aliquot of water,

Kevin Garvey's DNA should
be on the fur and claws.

We'll need a good clean sample
of Kevin's DNA to get a match,

both to the hamster fur and any contact
DNA that we find in the car.

Do you have his fingerprints
and DNA on file?

No. No, he's never been
charged with a crime.

Right, well, we can build a DNA
profile from family members.

~ Take samples from his mother and father.
~ Father's unknown.

Well, if he was staying at his
grandparents', perhaps we can

we find a proxy sample
of Kevin's DNA from there.


I'm Detective Inspector Rory Drennan,

Dr Nikki Alexander.

All right - is this about Daniel?

~ We're trying to find your
grandson, Kevin Garvey.
~ Why?

You don't think that he...?

Is he staying here?

He was.

He didn't come home last night.

It's my fault!

How is it your fault?

The boy's been in care.

I told him why -

the concerns the social had
about his mother and Daniel.

What concerns?

Well, their ability to look
after the kids properly

if Daniel was living with them.

Obviously, there was
some worries about him.

That's why Kevin was taken into care.

I thought he was ready to hear it.

Could you show us the
room he stayed in?

Yeah, of course.

~ Gloves?
~ Yeah.

On the evening that
Barge was m*rder*d

and Lizzie Craddock
disappeared, there...

~ There was an unusual pattern of calls.
~ Thanks, Clarissa.

~ I did the work!
~ Was GPS enabled on their phones?

No. But we can use
cell site analysis.

We can see the movements
of the device

from the cell sites it connects to.

At 19:47, Lizzie Craddock
calls her mother.

This is the last call
Lizzie Craddock makes

but her phone stays on.

Cheryl Craddock called
Johnny at 20:11.

Both of the calls were made from
this mobile phone cell here,

about a mile from Johnny
Craddock's flat

and the Duke Of Cumberland pub.

In this part of London,

the cell sites are

quarter of a mile apart,
maybe a little more?

The cell from which both calls were
made covers the adventure playground

where Dale Barge's body was found.

The strength and angle of
the signal to the cell site

puts Cheryl and Lizzie
in the same place,

~ which we think is here.
~ At the crime scene?

That's right. After that,

Cheryl's calling Johnny
again and again,

and we can see from the movement
between the cell sites

that he looks to be on
his way to the playground.

The last call at 20:26

was both made and received
in the same cell.

From 20:26 to 20:58,
there are no calls.

20:58, Cheryl calls Johnny again.

He remains in this cell...

~ Which contains the playground
and the allotment.
~ Right.

Call Drennan, tell him it's urgent.
Where does Cheryl's call come from?


Somewhere in that cell on the
other side of the allotment.

We can put Johnny Craddock
near the scene of the m*rder

but there's no other physical
evidence to prove he was there.

Cheryl made six calls to Johnny
over the past three days

from the same location she called
from the night Lizzie disappeared.

But she only calls early in
the morning and late at night.

~ She's alive.
~ I think there's a very good chance,

and I think she's being held
somewhere within this radius.

She's alive. Is she being trafficked?

Barge was part of the g*ng,
Johnny fell out with him?

Cheryl's calling from the same place
they're holding her daughter -

I mean, would she really
be part of this?

If they tell you they will k*ll
your daughter, what do you do?

~ Your complicity keeps her alive.
~ So what's the best thing to do?

We try and seal it off, send
in an army of search teams...

You'll be letting them
know we're closing in.

If they move her before we
find them, we've lost her.

~ Has Cheryl made any calls today?
~ We've got her phone.

We cloned it, put a tracker in it.

Watch Cheryl, she'll
take us to her daughter.

Gently's best - we don't
want to alert them.

Miss Marsh?


I've continued to run tests
on Ricky Mansfield.

Did Dr Fitzpatrick authorise them?

They are clinically indicated,

and based on them, I've
reached the conclusion...

I thought we'd reached a conclusion.

Ricky Mansfield has been abused.

I've put in motion
the court proceedings.

Ricky Mansfield seems to have a
quantitative deficiency of the vWF protein

which is affecting
his platelet adhesion.

That presents itself as bruising.

I've got a written report
from Dr Fitzpatrick.

He's on the management committee
for the British Paediatrics Council.

~ You're saying he's wrong?
~ He didn't have all the information.

Does he know you're doing
this behind his back?

~ I'm trying to protect my patient.
~ So am I.


Are you home? I've got your phone.

Have you seen her?

I love it when a plan comes together.

What do you want to do?

Wherever Lizzie is...

.. he doesn't look worried, does he?

You have to have a conscience
to look worried.

They're taking Mary away

but I'm not going to let them.

I'm going to sort it.

I'll go get her and we'll get
out of here, the three of us.

My father's dead.

Somebody k*lled him,

that's what the police think.


OK. Well, we'll just go and
get Mary and we keep going.

~ I can't!
~ We have to. We have to go now.

~ Don't you care?
~ Yeah, I care. But...

I don't know, maybe he deserved it.

~ What are you saying?
~ Look he didn't give a shit about me, or you.

~ How can you talk like that?
~ Look, maybe I'm not upset that he's dead!

Maybe I'm tired of him
messing up my life.

Maybe I don't understand why
you don't feel the same way.

I know everything about it, OK?

About what?

About what he did to you.

He didn't DO anything to me!

Shut up, I know about it. When
you got sick, you weren't sick,

you were pregnant and
he did it to you.

~ No. No, he didn't, Kevin.
~ Why are you protecting him?

He's the one that caused all this - Mum
doesn't want to admit it, I get that.

It's messed up, but I get it.

Just please stop pretending
cos I know it was him.

~ It's not true!
~ Look, we're going to get away
from here, the three of us.

We don't need them.

~ Let's go get Mary and get out of here...
~ Who told you?


Gramps told me.

Gramps and Nan.

Let's just go get Mary.

Gramps did it to me.


Gramps got me pregnant.

I never told no-one.

I didn't want anyone to know.

It's my fault, that
Gramps did that to me.

I made him do it.

That's what he said,

I made him.

Everything is my fault, what happened
with the social is my fault.

It wasn't Dad's.

It was mine.


None of it was your fault.

Kevin, where are you going?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Cathy told me about Gramps.

What did she tell you?

About what he did to
her when she was sick.

I thought it was Daniel that did it.

I blamed him for everything
and I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, Mum.


~ Hi!
~ Sorry to bother you.
I have a quick question.

Well, come in.

I have a child, a year old,

who has unexplained bruising
along the side of his body.

Are there medical conditions
that might explain it?

Rather than abusive
parents, you mean?


Large purple bruising?

Oh, I have some photos.

Dozens - meningococcal infection,
leukaemia, von Willebrand disease,

um, some medications,


But they are rare?

Statistically, yes.

There are 50,573 children on the
Child Protection Register right now.

I have a consultant who
tells me it's child abuse

and a young doctor who tells me it's
a problem with platelet adhesion,

parents who say nothing happened...

I have to protect a child.

Who do I believe?

I would err on the side of caution.

Which side is that?

~ Are you OK?
~ I am very experienced.

I'm good at my job.

I've seen so many damaged children,
so many abusive parents,

I know what is right, I know it.

In here, I know it in here.

Did you know?

Did you know what he did to Cathy?

How could I have let that happen?

Did you know he was a monster?

Did you know what he did to me?!

Did you know all along?

I'm your little girl.

You're meant to protect me.

Miss Marsh?

Kevin, I... I'm so sorry,
I have an appointment.

~ Where's my sister Mary?
~ I can't stop.

Please, please, don't do this.

Tell me where she is.

No, I can't tell you,
I really can't tell you.

~ Make this easy!
~ Let me get you some help.

I don't want help! Just tell me
where I can find my baby sister.

~ I know you want the best for her.
~ Shut it.

The family she's with
love her very much.

~ Give me the address.
~ I can't do that.
~ Look...

Give me the address.

I don't know it.

62 Campbell Street, SW9.

You say anything to anyone,
I'll come back for you.

What's he doing?

He's buying two train
tickets to Dover.


We're in the cell.

They've got to be here.


~ I'm going.
~ We need backup.

No, I'm going.

Oh! Requesting backup, please.

She's gone, Johnny! She's gone!

Where is she, Cheryl?

I don't know! She was here
and I came to bring her food,

~ but now she's gone.
~ Stop crying.

~ She's gone, she's gone.
~ You stop crying! You stop!

~ Come on!
~ Easy, easy.

You kept her here?

What the hell did you
think you were doing?

Protecting her.

They thought you'd take their
daughter away, so they hid her.

Find my girl, please!
Make sure she's safe!

You didn't find her?

Been through the entire
building, she's not here.

Where is she?

Where would you go if you
were an eight-year-old girl?



~ Lizzie!
~ (Lizzie...)

I'm across the road.

I got Mary's address
- 62 Campbell Street.

All right.

Where's your gear?

I've got to wait till they
go to bed, so they don't know.


~ I saw Mum.
~ Is she OK?

No, not really.

Do you think they'll let us live
with her, all of us, together?

I'll go and get Mary, and we'll
all just go and live with Mum.

Run, Kevin.


Hey! Kevin!

Right, OK - we need to go back over
all her friends, all her family,

anyone that we've spoken to before,
she's got to be with one of them.

Her parents don't know where she is

but she has been seen
not that long ago...


She wouldn't go home
- she'd be playing.

Hi, Lizzie.

Remember me? I'm Louise.

I'm going to look after you
and make sure you're OK.

I know who you are. You're
the one who tried to steal me.

No, we just want to help you.

Hi, Lizzie.

Hi. Where's my mum and dad?

They're here, in the police station.

We just need to do a very quick
checkup on you first. Is that OK?

Yeah. Are you a doctor?


~ Do you have lots of patients?
~ Yeah.

What's wrong with them?

My patients have already died.

You're not a good doctor.

I try to find out why they died.

I'm alive.

Yes, you are.

Have you ever seen dead people come
back to life, like in the movies?

~ No, I haven't seen that.
~ Really?

I thought you would have.

Did you try to find
out why Dale died?


He said I was his girlfriend.

Do you think Dale is going
to come back and get me?


I'm absolutely certain he's not.


That's good.




Yeah, speaking.

Oh! Oh, really?


Hello. Yeah. Sean Patrick here.

Look, I need a plate glass
for the front door.

Yeah, top panel. How
soon can you get here?

Yeah, that's fine,
I'll be here. OK, bye.

I did a full medical.
She's in good health.

Was she r*ped?

Not vaginally or anally.

She's alive, you should be happy.

~ Maybe she's young enough to forget.
~ You've given her a chance to.

Oh, yes - a chance.

I've, er... I've organised some
emergency foster parents for her.

That's something I didn't
think I'd be doing.

I should be happy.

~ Who would want to do your job?
~ Me, I wanted to do it.

I always wanted to do it.

I thought I could make
a difference to people.

At the beginning, it's just odd...

It just surprises you that
people can be so cruel.

When you begin to find
that cruelty normal...

.. it's like a long winter and
you forget spring will ever come.

Spring is here. She's alive.


Perspective, thank you.

To care about other people
is a noble thing.

~ You think?
~ Yeah.

And if you ever start to forget it,

give me a call and I'll
give you a pep talk.


Butcher's hook has completely
crushed the skull.

Got catastrophic injuries

to the parietal and occipital
lobes of the brain.

He answered the alarm
call, came over,

surprised his assailant?

Surprised him? Or was he lured here?

~ Can you pull prints off the hook?
~ If they're there, I'll find them.

It's Kevin Garvey's grandfather.


Did you tell your mum what happened?


What happened to Dale?

I'm not meant to say.

You can tell us.

If I do, you'll take me away.

We printed a 3D model of Lizzie's
hand from photographs.

The finger bruises were
made by a small hand...

.. the same size as Lizzie's.

And I found skin and blood
under Lizzie's fingernails

that belonged to Dale Barge.

So I followed them to the playground,

and I took the screwdriver with me.

When I saw what he was
doing, I went crazy,

so I stabbed him.

I had to protect her, didn't
I? I'm her father.

So I stabbed him.

I cleaned up.

Lizzie had blood all
over her clothes...

I took her clothes
down to the allotment.

I didn't want them to take Lizzie.

She means everything to me.

Cheryl and Johnny both
claim to have k*lled him.

Is there any clear evidence
who stabbed him?

The angle of the wound suggests
that the person who stabbed Barge

was facing him.

It's... unusual.

Close proximity, face-to-face.

He forced her to perform
oral copulation.

Lizzie struggles...

.. grips his arm hard
to force him away,

scratches him, bites him.

He doubles over in pain
and grabs her hair.

Her head comes up sharply,
catching him under the chin.

He slumps from the pain.

She... plunges the
screwdriver into his back.

It is completely down to chance
that the blade misses bone

and cuts the aorta.

Lizzie Craddock k*lled him.

TEARFULLY: Now, will
someone please tell me

what is in the public interest here?

Bye, baby.

Bye, Princess. You, um...
you look after yourself.

See you soon, OK.

Victim has suffered a major trauma
to the rear of the skull.

We found two sets of
fingerprints on the meat hook.

One is smudged, impossible to match.

The other matches prints
I took from the hamster box

Nikki collected from
Kevin Garvey's room.

Places Kevin at the scene.


Now all we have to do is find him.

~ Jack?
~ Huh?

I need you to double-check something.

You don't think I have
enough to do? What is it?

There was dried blood trapped
between the bolster

~ and the handle of this knife.
~ Yes, from a butcher's.

It was human DNA -

Daniel Garvey's human DNA.

I have Kevin Garvey's
prints on the hook,

but not on the brick that went through
the window, not on the wall.

The m*rder w*apon and nowhere
else - seem odd to you?

Oh, and Daniel Garvey's blood
on a knife in the shop.

Well, from what I understand,

it's unlikely Daniel would
have gone into the shop.

Kevin needs to put the m*rder
w*apon back, breaks in,

Sean catches him writing
the graffiti on the wall.

Looks like it was done
with soft material -

a dense sponge or a rag?

Well, we couldn't find
any rags at the scene.

A piece of meat?

Ooh, that's a good shout.

A pig's heart.

Worth a look, eh?

We might be able to get DNA off it.

We need to compile a database
of fingerprints and DNA

for employees, frequent
customers, suppliers.

Let's start by eliminating
Sean and Delores Patrick.

If he was a r*pist, who did he r*pe?


Kevin's already been here.

Mrs Patrick?


'The DNA we were able to extract
from the pig's heart'

belonged to Delores Patrick.

Fingerprints, DNA,

at the scene and on
the m*rder w*apon.

She wanted to get caught.

Kevin Garvey had nothing to do
with his grandfather's death.

The DNA we found on the minicab
was a half match to Kevin -

a parent, not a grandparent.

My father r*ped me.

I didn't tell anyone.

Who'd believe me?

I lived with it.

Then my daughter...

He r*ped my daughter
and my granddaughter

and I did nothing.

I let him lie.

I let him destroy us.

I couldn't live another
day like that.

We matched the DNA to Sean Patrick.

He was Kevin's father as
well as his grandfather.

Daniel was the only one who
knew what had happened to me.

He helped me, loved me.

Daniel came to see Sean...

.. about the lies he told Kevin.

They argued,

and then they drove off, together.

Sean Patrick k*lled his son-in-law.

The evidence points that way.

And Kevin Garvey?

He's innocent.

Dr Fitzpatrick believes

there is no clinical
explanation for the bruising,

which leaves only the
explanation of the parents,

and, as I understand, they
have no explanation.

We cannot rule out forensically

that Ricky's bruises were
caused by parental abuse.

They may have been.

I have seen harrowing
injuries to children

that could have been prevented.

I have dealt with parental deception

and I have seen terrible
errors in judgment

in which inaction was a death
sentence for a child.

Both my instinct and
expertise beg the court

to make an Interim Care Order

to protect the wellbeing
of Ricky Mansfield.

Carol is a good mother.

But you're not with
her all of the time.

No, of course not, I work.

So there are lots of hours of the day

that you're not able to
observe whether your wife

is abusing your child.

That is out of order.

Carol adores our son.

That is bang out of order.

It's like her saying parents
lie. I'm not lying.

~ I can see you're angry.
~ Of course I'm angry.

Do you ever get angry
around your son?

Maybe when you're looking after him?


The fact that the parents
cannot explain the injuries,

and that a medical
expert is confident

they are a result of a third party,

convinces me that the threshold
for an Interim Care Order

is reached.

This will be for an initial
eight-week period,

reviewed thereafter on
a four weekly basis.

Until then, I place Ricky Mansfield
in the care of social services.





Ms Marsh?

What happened in there?

They didn't hurt their child.

Dr Fitzpatrick thinks otherwise.

I ran tests that confirmed
that Ricky Mansfield

has von Willebrand disease which
causes unexplained bruising.

What did you say in there?

~ I was looking after Ricky.
~ The science doesn't lie!

You decide if you want to be a liar
or not, but be careful what you do
because I'm going to tell them.

You can't discuss this case!

I have to tell them so their child
receives the medical care he needs.

I won't release him to
you until I know he will.

If there's any child abuse
involved here, it's by you.

out to destroy anyone's life.

'I hope you know that.'

May I speak to Nikki
Alexander, please?

'This is Nikki Alexander's voicemail,

'please leave a message.'

Hi, Nikki.

I guess I'm just calling
for a pep talk.

Stupid I know,

I know I'm stupid.

I'm just not strong
enough. I'm sorry.

I thought I was.

I thought I could take
responsibility for others -

look after those who
are weak or vulnerable,

to help them,

cos that's what communities
do, don't they?

That's what makes us stronger

than our weakest neighbour.

But I wasn't strong enough.

I failed Lizzie.

I failed Kevin.

And now I've failed Ricky Mansfield.

And I was meant to protect them.




I need an ambulance.

Hurry, she's dying!

62 Campbell Street, SW9. Hurry!

Ms Marsh!

Don't you die.

Don't you die!


~ Hi, Louise.
~ Hi.

Oh, sorry.

It's OK.

I heard you were coming back.

I got your voicemail.

I'm sorry.

I was obviously not
well when I left it.

Look... you didn't fail Kevin Garvey.

He saved your life.

And you can still protect
Ricky Mansfield,

make sure he gets home safely.

You reached out to me,
I'm reaching out to you.

~ Welcome back.
~ Thanks.

Do you make mistakes?

Of course.

Do you forget them?


I learn from them.

Hey, Kevin?


~ This is my sister, Cathy.
~ Hiya.

Mum's at the solicitors,
trying to get Mary back.

~ We got no chance.
~ Maybe if we was rich or
important or something...

I'm sorry.

Here he is.

~ Ah, sweet.
~ Thanks.

~ No worries.
~ Can I hold him?


~ Ah, what's his name?
~ Lily.

Lily? It's a her?


How did I get that wrong?


There we are.



We missed his first steps.

Sofia Teplov, registered nanny.

According to the party hosts

she looked after Anastacia Bazhanov,
daughter of Maksim Bazhanov.

You know the men and women
who own these apartments,

they're some of the richest
on this planet,

and when they come to London
they require two things -

privacy and security.

Do you really believe I would put
our own daughter's life in danger?

Well, who else knew I would be there?

I don't give a shit what
goes on behind closed doors,

but two people are dead and
I want to ask Mr Bazhanov why.

Have you got kids?

A little girl, Lucy.

She's a terror. You?

No, never met the right woman.

My apologies, Mr Milton, I
wanted to talk to you alone.

There is something, someone, I need
access to in the Elysium building.

Politicians may have
given London away,

but we're going to take
it back, piece by piece.

How much would it cost for
you to tell me what you know?

♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪
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