17x01 - Commodity: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x01 - Commodity: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Where did we get out?

Did we liquidate everything?

Great. Great result. Yeah!

The Garner algorithm works.

No, no, the trip was good.

They were impressed
with our trading results.

They're absolutely going to do some
business with us. They like metals.

Hey, look, can you make
Thursday night?

I don't know. It's for
sick kids or horses or something.

What if they were Jewish horses?

What if they were Jewish
horses with cancer?


Great, I'll tell Rachel.


I'm home!

Is there anything to eat?



No, no!

Go on, City!

Part 1 of 2

Come on, you Reds!

Thank you.

Mate, ready for you.

On y va.

Are you the one
that's going to do it?

-Rachel's my wife.

My son,
my beautiful son, Nathan.

I don't want this.
This postmortem, I don't want it.

-I'm very sorry for your...
-I don't want people seeing them like this.

I don't want people looking at them.

Cutting them apart.

I don't want it!

But you do want them to have justice?

Hey, Mousa.
You OK?

Hope your boy does good today.


Hi, David.
Good food?

My client needs more love.

Oh, we all need more love, Mousa.

Two months ago you were
calling me three times a day

wanting to talk contract extension.

Two months?
Time flies, eh?

-Isaac doesn't feel appreciated.
-I know.

I've been meaning to talk to you,

our new owners want to
make some changes.

We're going to move Isaac on.

I come here to get
him a new contract

and you tell me he's out?

It's a tough business, Mousa.

He needs a new environment
in order to reach his potential.

The fans will hate you.

I don't know, Mousa.
The fans are fickle.

Besides, they already hate me,
which frankly

-makes my job easier.
-He has to agree the move.

I know. I'm hoping
you'll convince him.

-He doesn't want to go.
-Mousa, hear me.

He's playing his last game
for us today.

The Twitter thing wasn't good. Our new
owners are from your part of the world.

-You know what I mean.

Your client isn't popular in Riyadh.

He's popular when he scores goals.

Not any more.

-Cheer for Daddy!
-He did it, Mummy! He did it!

He's not moving, David.

You break our contract,

we'll get the FA
in to sanction you.

-We'll take legal action.
-OK, Mousa, let's not get overexcited.

We both know that's
not going to happen.

What we need to do is work together to get
the best possible price for the transfer.

Your client's quite
good at football,

but he's an arsehole

and we don't want to be
associated with him.

Stop! Stop!
Turn it off!

-Get up, you Jew bastard.
-What did you say?

What did you say?

Say that again. Say that again!

You heard exactly what I said.

I didn't hear you, mate,
I didn't hear you.


Can you get these to the lab, please?


OK. Text me the location.


-Forensic Pathologist?
-Nikki Alexander.

Very nice to meet you. I'm
Detective Inspector John Leighton.

-The body of the deceased is over here.

-Apparently it's a young woman.
-Have you been able to identify her?

No, unfortunately not yet.

Her face has been
badly d*sfigured.

Who's the wing nut who put
the blanket over the body?

Your forensic colleague
is already here.

One of the constables
felt it was wrong

-to just leave it for everyone
-to see. And you let him?

I saw the merit in it.

This is a crime scene.
I'm confused.

Are you meant to protect it
or contaminate it?

Son, I'd be grateful if you'd
adjust your attitude a little.

You'd be grateful?

You think I've come down here
to win your gratitude?

Could we get a screen up,
please, Detective Inspector?


You just ooze charm.

Well, it's going to be hard enough
to get something - anything -

that has forensic value,

then they put an old blanket
over the body?!

What are you doing?


Why are you breaking his balls?

-I'm not breaking his balls.
-You're breaking his balls.

What's wrong with you?

I hear all this chat for a year

about how you don't
want to be the boss

and now, suddenly,
you want to be the boss!

-I don't want to be the boss.
-Then why are you acting

-like you want to be the boss?
-You are so wrong.

Why am I wrong?
Because you're the boss?

We've got a job to do.
Can we just get on with it?

You don't think that sounded
a wee bit bossy?


Put the blanket back down.


You can train here until
we find you a new club.

I don't want you to worry cos...

we'll find you a better opportunity.


I used to love the smell of
fresh-cut grass when I was a kid.

This kind of kills the nostalgia.

Isaac! Isaac! Can I have
a photo with you, please?


-Did you like the game?

-Give me five.

-You're my favourite player.
-Thanks, mate.

-What's your name?

What's up, Mahmoud.

-Isaac! Isaac!

-Isaac! Isaac! Can I have your autograph?
-Yeah, sure.

Rubbish trucks arrive
and are emptied.

Body is dumped in the amenity,
no-one sees it.

The claws mangled her body

when they picked it up
to deposit it on the barge.

Yeah, I can see that's
what happened to her body.

What happened to her face?

Almost every sponsor's gone.

Shoes, clothes, watches...
no-one will renew.

All we've got left is underwear

and that's because
the owners are Jewish.

Sami, could you get me a coffee?

-Espresso? Two sugars?

and make sure Isaac's OK.

He's a good boy.
How's he getting on?

He's getting on fine.
Helpful. Thoughtful.

-A little quiet.
-He's shy.

He gets that from my sister.

Mousa, I'm worried that

-if you don't do something...

He keeps the car
to the end of the season,

-but they've k*lled the ad campaign.
-Don't say anything to Isaac.

-You think he doesn't know?
-Can we replace them?

Everyone knows he's
being forced out of City

because of what he said.

All the sponsors and ad buyers
are talking to each other.

What he did on Twitter
was like firebombing their brand.

-He didn't mean what he said.
-You don't joke about Mohammed.

Ever. You don't mention religion.
You don't mention race.

The only thing he should be writing on
Twitter is how much he loves the fans.

Yeah, I'd like to try and put
a name to her as soon as possible.

I've had tissue sent for DNA.
We'll see if she's on the database.

-And if she isn't?
-It could be a struggle.

We're taking moulds of her teeth,
although some were damaged.

We can try to identify her
from the shape of her ear.

-You can do that?

But we'll need to match it to
something. Do you have anything?

No. No missing
person reports.

Nothing found at the scene.

I'm relying on you.

-I'll speak to you tomorrow.
-OK. Thanks.

-You got to the scene quickly.
-I wasn't far away.

-I had a couple of seats at the football.
-Who did you go with?

-Girl I met.


-How did you know?
-You never complained.

If you had a date with
a girl you met in a pub,

you would be hopeful
you might get lucky.

The call to attend
would have crushed that hope.

You would complain.

You could have taken me.

-I didn't know you liked football.

-Because I'm in a chair?
-Chip? Shoulder?


Yeah, OK.
I'll be there. Thanks.

We need a list of every rubbish
truck and driver that used

Smithy Environmental
last night and this morning.

I get the best seats
at the football when I go,

and the carer goes free.

-Something to keep in mind?
-I'm not your carer.

Don't I know.

We normally only
allow immediate family.

"Sister" isn't immediate enough?

Her husband didn't mention
that she had a sister.

I was her sister long before
she was married to him.

I'll be her sister...


You can stay as long as you'd like.

Thank you.

She looks very peaceful.

They didn't...

you know...

..as*ault her sexually.

-I'll give my report to the coroner.
-Did they r*pe my sister?


How did they k*ll her?

Do the police have
any idea who did this?

You should speak to them.

Actually I need to
get back to work.

-I have a meeting.
-And Nathan?

How did they k*ll him?

Nathan has no marks
on his body whatsoever.

His bloods contained a fatal
amount of benzodiazepine

and a very large amount of oxycodone.

We searched the house.
We didn't find any...

He died of a drug overdose?

A six-year-old?

Their son was autistic, apparently.


Well, is benzodiazepine used
to control autistic kids?

Well, it's used for
quite a few things.

Did his mother k*ll him?

Is that what this is?

You know, she's sick of him.
She's sick of her life.

Gives him too much of the dr*gs.
Remorse kicks in.

You read about this a lot. And then
she can't live with what she's done.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the head.

I found firearms residue
on her hands and clothes.

Well, then, there's no question.

Well, it doesn't mean, in and of
itself, that she fired the g*n.

It was an enclosed space so there'll
be residue throughout the room.

Maybe the overdose was accidental.

I mean, she saw no way out.

Shall we just go through
what we know?

The entry point is here
and it took

-very little...
-Doesn't this affect you?

It took very little of
the front of her head away.

Has your forensics team
found the slug?


It wasn't in the bone of the skull?


Then no.
Not yet.

There was no sign of forced
entry on the ground floor.

There was a window broken
in the bedroom.

It could have been
the point of entry

but the glass fell on the outside.

Mr. Freedman says
he has no knowledge of it.

Why isn't the Lyell Centre
doing the forensics?

I heard things about your man.

Leave it.

Have you found a g*n?


If Rachel was responsible,
where was the g*n?

Husband comes home,

he discovers bodies,
is horrified.

He can't accept that his wife
might have done that, so...

takes the g*n, disposes of it.

And then he breaks a window to make
it look like someone broke in.

Most victims know their K*llers.

You've ruled out her husband?

How long do you think
they were dead?

More than 36 hours. Rigor had
passed, putrefaction had begun.

Mr. Freedman was away
on a business trip.

Why did he tell me that
he didn't want a postmortem?

Well, he loved his wife.
He didn't want her body...

-you know.
-She's dead.

His alibi stands up.

I mean, it could
have been a burglary,

but home invasion is very rare.

-She wasn't sexually assaulted?

Based on the entry wound,
could she have pulled the trigger?

Yes, but someone else
could have as well, so it's...

You'll have the full
postmortem for me soon?

Has her sister spoken to you?


Well, she came to see the bodies.

Anxious to know
if we knew how she died

or whether we had
any idea who'd done it.

Just seemed odd to ask me
rather than ask you.

Haven't identified the body.

Face and fingertips
were burnt away by acid.

Might know something later.


-How are you?

-I'm fine. How are you?
-I'm good. You look absolutely great.

-You look good. Are you well?
-I was thinking about you.

Yeah, I was asking around
about you actually.

-Everything OK?
-Yeah. Fine!

I heard you got your promotion. I
hope you're not working too hard.

Well, you know.

-Are you still with...?
-No. Well, yes and no,

but mostly no.

-And you?
-I'm... Yep, same.

-See you.
-Yeah, see you around.



Nikki, have you seen
this press release?

I saw it.

Is it wrong to like things
that are familiar?

It's not wrong, is it?

My life has too many moving parts.

It squeaks.

My life?

-The chair.

Needs oil to run smooth.

Now we're talking about my life.

-Still the chair.
-It's funny how the oddest things

can remind you of someone.

I don't want anything
in this room to change.

It already has.

When did it arrive?

This morning.

I need to see you.

You're making me so hot.

You come that way
out of the box, baby.

Come on.

For Mousa?

-How much does she want?

For a sex tape?

His value goes up
if she sticks it on the net.

In the note that came with it,
it says she has footage

where he beats the woman up...

-for fun!
-Beats her up?

Not really the family man
your sponsors love, is he?

Can I just say,
I don't believe my client

-was involved in...
-He makes jokes about religion,

then he beats up a
woman during sex.

This will wipe out
his transfer value.

If people find out about this,
we'll never find him another club.

Isaac Dreyfus is toxic!

My Chairman thinks that
what Dreyfus has done

is no different than
stealing from him.

-What can I do?
-What can you do?

I'll tell you what you do.

You pay her the 120 grand
and you find him another club.


Morning, Papa.
How are you?

I am very well.

Grande forme.

Come on in French, Zara -
comment ca va?

Comment ca va?

-Grande forme.
-Grande forme.

Mousa's looking for a new club.

It's my own fault.

In England?

France, Germany...

It won't be the Middle East.

What about Zara's school?

What about the nanny?
I was going to hire one this week.

They don't stay very long anyway.

Papa! Papa!
Regarde ce que j'ai fait!

Tres beau, Zara!
C'est magnifique!

-C'est qui?
-C'est moi!

Unidentified young woman.
Caucasian. Mid to late 20s.

Ligature marks around
the circumference of the neck

over the thyroid prominence.


Can we photograph the hands?

Thank you.

-Calcium carbonate.

Does that look like
a type of ryegrass to you?

Jack, does it look as though my life
has had much to do with grass?

Can you send samples over
for genetic tests?

The clippings look to be
a mix of different types.

And check what kind of grass
they use in public parks.


They look as though they're
confined to the South East.

No hard-and-fast rule,
but most of the drivers

use Smithy Environmental Services
when they collect in that area.

I'm isolating the lorries that
delivered first thing that morning.

And look at the last deliveries
the night before as well.

Did you think I wouldn't?

-Their rubbish went out on the midnight barge that night.
-You're sure?

Why don't you trust me, Jack?

The hob was on...
There was a pan out, butter in it.

I went upstairs.

She wasn't there
so I went to check on Nathan.

I've told you all this
over and over.

Why would I want flowers?
Why do they send them?

Give the money to a charity.

You weren't worried
you hadn't heard from her?

I was gone for three days.
I left messages.

-She knew I was busy.
-Did she have trouble coping with your son?

What are you talking about?
Nathan was no trouble.

He might have been
a little slower and quiet,

but they were joined at the hip.

We found firearms residue
on her hand.

-Do you own a firearm?
-Absolutely not.

Be ashamed of yourself for
thinking that. Be ashamed.

She loved our son.

They hear the word "autism",
I know people think like that,

but shame on you.

You don't like that, do you?

-You don't get it.

You see, I think it's beautiful.

Rachel thought it was beautiful.

We look at Nathan and
we don't see what you see.

We get him.

We think he's beautiful.

Maybe your wife was overly tired.


Did she have help?

We had au pairs, nannies,
whatever you want to call them,

to help with Nathan.

But none of them stayed very long.
They couldn't cope, I guess.

The last one quit after a few weeks.

-And Rachel could cope?
-Yes. She could cope.

She loved our son.

She loved him. She coped.

How often did her sister help her?

Rachel doesn't have a sister.


Can I help you?

You weren't really asking
if you could help, were you?

-Not really.
-You were asking,

-"What are you doing in this office?"

I'm asking the same thing,

probably without
the same sort of edge.

Thomas Chamberlain.
Consultant Forensic Pathologist.

Jack Hodgson.

You're the new gaffer?

I saw the press release.

You're coming in to, what was it,
"restore confidence in the centre".

I didn't know we'd lost
anyone's confidence.

-I didn't write it.
-Course not.


What are you?

Forensic science.

Been at the Lyell Centre 15 months
and accounted for
27% of its profits.

If you say so.


Clarissa Mullery,
this is Thomas Chamberlain.

Hello, Clarissa.

Hmm. What are you?

Are you kidding me?

Do you know how offensive that is?

-No, not particularly, no.
-You're that insensitive?

=I don't consider myself
-"What are you?"!

-Do you think I'm some sort of monster?
-I'm beginning to.

Clarissa works with me.

Forensic Examiner.
That's what she is.

That is what I do.
That is not who I am.

Two separate things.
I am what I do.

That must make it
easier to keep track

- of...
-Clarissa Mullery.

You are
"insightful, analytical,

"and your perspicacity is

"fundamental to the success
of the Forensic Science team."

-Who told you that?
-End-of-year assessment.

-You said that?
-I didn't mean it.

I'm confident the
torso disfigurement

was a result of the lifting claw.

The disfigurement
of her face and hands

are a consequence of
hydrochloric acid.

-To prevent identification?
-I can't tell you the motive,

but it could suggest that
it was a m*rder with forethought.

I think that a plastic bag
was put over the victim's head -

the marks are where it was tied.

And I observed small pinpoints,

haemorrhages within
the sclera of the eyes,

which may be suggestive of asphyxia.

However, I don't think
that she was dead

when the acid was poured on her face.

The raised red lines
around the acid burns...

as well as evidence of
acid burns in her mouth,

throat, oesophagus and airways,

suggest that she was still alive

when the acid was
thrown in her face,

and she was gasping for breath.

-How could they do this?
-Practically or morally?

Practically - I think that
she was drugged and then m*rder*d.

The fluid in her stomach had
a high diazepine concentration.

I think that the drug was
dissolved in fluid and then ingested.

So she was knocked out,
strangled, d*sfigured.

I haven't had the bloods back
but I'm expecting them today.


Well, there is no answer, is there?

I will do everything that I
can to help you get the person

or people who did this,

-and bring them to justice.
-She was drugged?

-Was she r*ped?


Then why?

Why would they?

You know the world's
a desperate, tragic place

when the fact she wasn't r*ped
is scarier than if she was.

-Dra. Alexander?

Sorry to disturb you.

-Thomas Chamberlain?
-That's right.

I'm replacing
Professor Dalton.

No, you're not.
You're taking over from him.

Well, actually, I'm, er,
I'm taking over from you.

I didn't want the job,

but if you want to say that
you're taking over,

if it makes you feel better,
then fine.

Knock yourself out.

I saw the press release.

-We're not getting off to a good start.

The whole team seems to have
some sort of a

thing going on.

It must be very difficult
to work together.

-We don't seem to struggle.
-It's just me.

-It was that word "replace".
-I need to shower and get changed.

It wasn't the right word. Perhaps
we could talk about it later?

Unless you're intending
to stay here and perv.

That was not an invitation.

Yes, I got that.

I'm sensitive.


Come on in.

It's a great strike,

and that's a fantastic goal.

-You need

to speak to the people
who make this, Mousa.

I'm much faster than this!

I'm as fast as Bale or Walcott.

Go on, go on.

I mean, seriously, you've got to
get them to fix that.

They're disrespecting me, man!


I was about to score.


Can you have a look at the lot number
and serial number on these?

We can check them
against the EU Register

and find out who they belonged to.

See you.


You know Ron McNally from the club?


You helped us with
that Twitter stuff, right?

-I tried.

I had like maybe
15,000 death threats.

-Yeah. That was funny.

Own goal, wasn't it?

I don't know where
my brain was on that one.

Must have been
the steroids I was taking.

Just messing with you, Mo!

I don't take that shit.

Makes your bollocks shrink
and turns you into a monster.

Where's Monica?

Interviewing nannies.
Yeah, the last one quit.


she's picking
an ugly one for me.

What is it, Mo?

You have a DVD player?

Serial Number: FR34728.

Lot Number: 10-15-90.

And the lot number is 10-15-90.

We're looking for the name of the
patient who received the implants.

The Lyell Centre.

Oui. Un moment.


Dr. Chamberlain?

European Register of Prostheses.

They want to speak to a doctor.

They're French.


Thomas Chamberlain,
Docteur de pathologie.

Vous avez le nom.
? oui, un moment.

Eva Liron.

-How much does she want?
-She wants 120,000.

-Is she crazy?
-Do you know her?

You saw the tape?
Of course.

She was an au pair.


Don't be so stupid.

The note says she has footage

where you beat the woman up.

Then show me!

I've never beat up a woman.

-I think you should pay.

-You don't believe me?
-They can do things to videos.

And next week, hmm?
How much will it be next week?

-150? 200?
-We're trying to get you a new club.

-We've lost almost every sponsor.
-Then what?

Miss a penalty? Get sent off?
For a sex tape? Never.

Beating up women doesn't
raise your value in the market.

There's no tape of me
beating up a woman.

Do you want to take a chance?

There's no tape of me beating up
a woman because I never did.

Tu comprend ca?

You know I don't care
about these things, Isaac.

-I really don't.
-Hey, Mo,

why aren't you asking if the club
is doing this to get rid of me?

-That's what you should be asking.
-That's ridiculous!

The club wants to get rid of me
and suddenly...

-..this shows up.
-Nobody wants

-to see your value drop, Isaac.
-This is because of the Twitter.

-This is the payback.
-I'm not going to listen to this.

-Ron, wait!
-Maybe they knock women around in Riyadh.

-I don't care if...
-Maybe that's how they get off.

-I don't do that!
-What you do is your business.

Just get out of my house.
All of you.

Get out!

Are you OK?

Yeah. I'm fine.
Everything's fine.

That sofa's to go.
A couple of smaller sofas here...

Rachel Freedman
doesn't have a sister.

Who was the woman
that came to see her?

She called herself Ruth.

That's all we've got.

Why would she come here?

To get information.

Well, how would she find out where Rachel's
and Nathan's bodies were being kept?

Adam Freedman?

She asked him?

She followed him.

We're working from the theory
that Eva Liron's body

was transported to the amenity
site by a rubbish truck.

Or a skip.
I think it was a skip.

Yeah, could be either.
Both use Smithy Environmental.

-It was a skip.
-The rubbish trucks in this area

-won't collect garden waste.
-The public parks use skips.

-The amount of organic material...
-Organic material?


..makes me think that it must have
come from a large open space,

not a private garden.

Eva's body was in a skip
covered by grass,

-which prevented its discovery.
-And possibly masked any odour

that could have alerted
someone to its presence.

So you think the deceased
died in a public park?


This is the approximate catchment
area for Smithy Environmental.

There are more than 40 open
spaces that we estimate

could account for the volume of
grass we saw at Smithy Environmental.

We had to find a way
to narrow the location.
How did we do that, Clarissa?

-We looked at the grass.
-Were we surprised?

We were surprised.

We found that the grass
we sampled was a blend of?

Bizet perennial ryegrass,

Verdi perennial ryegrass

and Limousine smooth-stalked
meadow grass.

And this combination
of grasses is used for?

Professional sports pitches.

-Not parks?

And we found another substance
on the blades of grass.

-A white substance.
-Calcium carbonate, which is...

The white chalk they use
to line a pitch.

We checked the list of skips

that had been delivered on
the morning the body was found,

and discovered
that a skip came from?

Duchess Meadows.

-And what is in Duchess Meadows?
-You're just showing off.

It's where City have
their training ground.

You're a City fan?

Since I was a boy!

-Hey, Lucy.

-Sami, you all right?

I need to speak to Mo.


Come in.

Pay her.

Hi, it's Nikki.

Bloods on the child,
Nathan Freedman.

Could you run them again,

We can get a fresh sample to you.
I'd prefer that.

Eliminate any possibility
of contamination.

Isaac would like to pay what
they want to make this go away.

They gave you details of
how to make the transaction?

Your son was difficult to control.

He didn't react well to strangers.

He hit out at them?

Yeah, and might try to bite them
if he was very, very scared.

And to you? He was never
very, very scared?

Did you use any kinds of dr*gs
to try and calm him down?


No benzodiazepines? Painkillers?

-Well, just to take the edge off him?

Are you mad?

Would you give your child dr*gs
to calm them down or shut them up

-because you couldn't cope?
-I don't have children.

Which explains the stupidity
of your question.

-Detective Inspector.
-Mr. McNally.

-Nice to meet you.
-I asked Bazza Numan,

one of our groundsman,
to join us.

This way.

25 years with the police, I was.

Can't say I enjoyed
every one of them, but...

I am proud of them.

-How often do you cut the grass?
-Every day.

Training ground and stadium.
Sometimes two or three days if it's been raining.

Doesn't grow so fast in the winter.

-And you put it in the skip there?

That's the way
they want it done.

Is the gate normally locked?

If the skip pick-up is very early
in the morning, they'll...

They'll leave it open.

-Not here.

Training ground, player areas -
of course.



It's just another name
for hydrochloric acid, isn't it?

I don't know, sir.

-What do you use it for?
-Clean the cement.

Gets rid of grime.
You have to wear gloves.

May I speak with
Dra. Alexander, please?

Hi. Sorry to trouble you.
Do you know this woman?

No, sorry.

Could this have
d*sfigured Eva Liron?

The same chemical.

Undiluted, it would be capable of
inflicting the injuries we've seen.

Hi. Sorry to trouble you,
Mr. Dreyfus.

Would you mind signing this?
For my daughter.

Yeah, sure.

-Thanks. Really appreciate it, mate.
-You're welcome.

Erm... Do you know this woman?

-Why? What happened?
-She was m*rder*d.

No. I'm sorry.
I don't know her.


The clippings are so fine,
the body sinks,

gets covered by
fertilisers, nitrates -

you know the sort of stuff,
snail k*ller...

And it's in a confined space.

The chemicals in the grass will change
the rate of decomposition of the body.

Grass will insulate,
but it'll also produce its own heat.

Which could speed things up
and cause burns and charring.

But if there's not enough air
then it will slow the process.

We're really pinning this down!

Hi. Erm, sorry
to trouble you, Carlos.

-Do you know this woman?

She used to work for Isaac.

Eva Liron's dead.


-How did she...?
-She was m*rder*d.

My God.

I... I have to call Isaac.

-Where is your husband?
-He should be home soon.

My God. Is that...
Is that Isaac Dreyfus?

-I have to see Mousa.
-Hey, Isaac. He's not here.

-Where is he?
-I don't know...Sami?

At a meeting?

-Have you tried to call him?
-He's not answering his phone!

I'll...let him know, yeah?

She was highly recommended.

Her references were very good.

I liked her very much.

And then she just disappeared.

It was strange.
She seemed happy.

I tried to contact her,
but she never answered her phone.

-She just disappeared.
-Why didn't you call the police?

To say what?

"Our nanny quit"?
I couldn't even get the police to come

when I thought someone
broke into our house.

You OK?


I had to collect Zara.


-Detective Inspector John Leighton.

-City fan?

-I prefer rugby.

Are you OK to answer
a few questions?

Sweetie, why don't you
go upstairs and play, OK?

When did you last see Eva Liron?

Ten days ago?
Yeah, just...

Just before
the match in Newcastle.

-And you have a clear memory of it?
-Yeah, of course. Imean,

Monica panicked when
Eva didn't show up for work.

My wife had never been
to Newcastle before

and she was going to go with me.

But she couldn't come.

No idea who would have
wanted to do her harm?


Thank you.

Forensics believe that her body
was dumped at the training ground.

That's why we were there today
and why we were asking people

if they'd seen Eva
or knew who she was.

Why did you pretend not to know her?

Well, because it made me look guilty

I'm not guilty.

Yeah, of course.

Do we need a solicitor?

-No. No.
-Should I call my father?

Don't worry.
We'll be good.

Are you coming to bed?

I slept with her.

I slept with Eva.

I slept with her
and she made a tape.

She was trying
to get money from me.

I'm sorry.

How could you do this to us?

How could you be so weak?!

-In my bed?
-No. A hotel. An away match.

She followed you to a match?!

-Did you...?
-No! Of course not!

I-I didn't know she was dead
until today.

I was going to pay her...

You have to believe me!


-Do you love me?

I'm sorry.

Every girl should have one.

Every girl secretly
wants to be a WAG.

Why wouldn't you?

Let your whole existence
be defined by a bloke.

Excuse me, please.

Come in.

Well, what do you think?

I think it's...

and marks you out as a man
of incredible taste and vision.

-Do you think she meant that?


Do you think Isaac Dreyfus
has anything to do with it?

I need evidence. I need motive.

How many nannies
do you know with a...?

Breast augmentation.

That just trips off
the tongue. How many?

-What's your point?
-There isn't always one.

-You think Eva Liron targeted him?
-OK. She pursues him.

Probably just for fun at first.

She gets him to sleep with her.

She decides, "That was easy."
"I'd like the rest of that lifestyle as well."

He says, "No". She threatens
to blow up his life.

-He kills her.
-A bleak world-view.

He's 26, right?

For each one of those years, he's
been told he's marvellous, special.

He doesn't know what's
right or wrong. He just does.

-Although the cliche is attractive...
-It's a cliche

because we all know it happens.

Now, his window of opportunity is
limited because he travels so much.

So I need you to be very precise
about Eva Liron's time of death.

Trying to estimate her time
of death won't be easy.

She will have died
at least a week ago.

There are no fly eggs on the body

and there is evidence
of putrefaction,

marbling along blood vessels...

Can we get within a day?

I need to be able
to limit any alibi...

A day is fairly exact...
Oh, we should be able to do that.

We presume that she was m*rder*d
at the training ground,

but we don't know.
The environment in the skip is

but we don't know how long
it was in the skip.

The acid will have caused
a rise in temperature...

We can play with
the information we've got

and give the Detective Inspector
what he needs, can't we?

You have the skills and resources,
don't you, Dra. Alexander?

I'll be at my desk.

Magistrate's given us
a warrant to search his house.

-Thanks for your time.
-Thank you.


Did I say something...?

She doesn't "play with information"
and she doesn't lie.

Asking if she "had the skills"?

You're lucky you can
still pee standing up.

Great leadership, by the way.
Restored my confidence.

-What's going on?
-Morning, Mrs. Dreyfus.

I have a warrant
to search your house.

Sergio, you take upstairs.
Peter, in there.

James, Eddie - kitchen.

Come on!
Why are you doing this? Why?

-Zara, come on.

Let's watch TV, OK?

Where are you?

The police are here
searching my house.

Call me back.

You're just trying
to make yourself famous.

-Is that what it is?
-Yeah, it was always my dream.

C'est pour moi, tout ?a?

-Hey! Stop it!
-Detective Leighton!

Can you...?
Yeah. Thanks.

Detective Leighton,
you need to see this.

I didn't k*ll her.

Are you listening?
I didn't k*ll her.

Monica, call your father!


You know each other?


I needed to see both of you.

His father says
they didn't use dr*gs.

Some families don't.

He admitted that Nathan could be
violent and strike out at strangers.

Well, I don't think that the presence
of benzodiazepine in Nathan's bloods

has anything to do with his autism.

The cocktail of anti-psychotic dr*gs
and painkillers

used to k*ll Nathan Freedman

is the same as those found
in the bloods of Eva Liron.

It may not mean anything,
but it is highly unusual.

I can't explain it, but...

I think you may be
looking for the same k*ller.

Well, we've already got a suspect.

Mousa Rashid's dead.

I'm not all the things
you think I am.

-I didn't k*ll the girl.
-I'm not the one who'll judge you.

Please! I don't know what to do.
I'm so scared.

I need more physical evidence.
I need you two to step up.

-How have we not stepped up?
-Leighton called.

-Says Jack assaulted him.

She allows herself to be photographed
but leaves no DNA and no prints.

Someone went through my files

and photocopied a highly
confidential document.

And you think that was me?
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