14x01 - A Guilty Mind: Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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14x01 - A Guilty Mind: Part I

Post by bunniefuu »


Dr Silverlake, are you OK?


Hi! I'm looking for my dog.

Small, brown, cuddly,

and badly behaved.

- You haven't seen him?
- No.

What a shame.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.

I think maybe he went over there.



Are you ready to start?

Never look in their eyes.

What is the point of you?!

Look at yourselves! Don't drink!

- Look! Look!
- Oi!

And you! You're just as bad.
You're drinking, you're smoking.

Don't! What possible contribution
do you think you're making?!

Don't you see
you're destroying yourselves?

You're destroying us! Why?

Why? Why do we waste our time? WHY?!


♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪

Morning. How is everything? OK?

Crash cart!


OK, stand clear.



There's not much more we can do.
We should stop.

Time of death, 8.03.

I'll look for
next of kin in his records.



We need a doctor, please!

- Three deaths overnight.
- Three?


Blue bloater.


Drug user.

Morning. Detective Constable Catina.

- Dr Harry Cunningham.
- Professor Leo Dalton.

Three in one night seemed unusual.
Thought it deserved a look, yeah?

This is Detective Inspector Skipper.

You two the body snatchers, are you?

- That's our official title.
- Dr Harry Cunningham and
Professor Leo Dalton.


Does this stuff really work? Yes.

Hey, Cat? You want some of this.

That MRSA thing is deadly.

Not nearly as bad as C-difficile.

- Yeah?
- Well-named. Very nasty.

I really don't like
going into hospitals.

Sure way to get sick.

Now, it's possible that
they all just popped off on
the same night, nothing untoward.

- Why's she crying?
- She's the night supervisor.

- They died on her watch?
- Yes.

When was the last time
a doctor had a look at them?

- I'll check the notes.
- Thank you.

Hasn't she seen dead people before?

She works in a hospital,
for Christ's sake. Sorry, sorry.

Did I offend anyone
with that language?

- He didn't mean to offend anyone.
- That's all I need,
someone to make a complaint.

- Can you catch MRSA from
a dead person?
- Yes.

Oh, great. Now, then, I haven't decided
whether this is a crime scene or not yet.

I mean, maybe it's not.
Maybe it was just a very
unlucky ward last night.

It could be that
it's not so unusual to lose
three patients on the same ward.

You're a walking advert
for the NHS, aren't you?

They did all have
challenged immune systems.

- Challenged?
- Buggered.

Thank God for plain English.

Could you stop crying, please?

Sorry, Cat. You're going
to have to take her statement.
I just won't cope.

I want you two boys now to review
the medical notes of the deceased.

See if you can find out
what happened last night.

That is what we generally do.

What do you want to do -
cut first or read first?


'Bodle's solicitor
is raising mental health issues.'

- Based on what?
- Apparently Bodle had some sort of
brain surgery a couple of years back.

Allegedly it made him
prone to mental illness.

If it goes that direction I may
need you to walk the judge through
the postmortem at the hearing.

Just take a couple of deep breaths.

I'll be right back.

The registrar saw all three of them
on his ward rounds yesterday morning,

Nothing unusual noted.

Hm. I'll need to speak to him.

How do you want to deal with this?

- Let's establish medical condition and
take it from there, shall we?
- Yeah.

- What do you think?
- I haven't had chance
to read anything yet.

No, no, no, about the nurse.
Cat doesn't like her, do you, Cat?

- All that crying,
like she needs all the attention.
- Something shifty about her.

That's not racism or anything,
cos I went out with a Filipina once.

Maybe she was Thai...

Maybe the nurse is Thai.

Maybe she's British.

Yeah, maybe she is. Yeah, yeah.

I didn't realise we had the
queen of political correctness here.

I'll ask for her passport
before I jump to any conclusions.

- Can we make sure we've got copies
of these notes, please?
- OK.

- You don't like me, do you?
- I'm not sure yet.

Fair dos.

Do you think the nurse did it?

How would we know?

No, I'm asking what you think,
not what you know,

because I find that
what you think can point you
on the way to what you know.

She's on all night, she has
three dead patients in the morning.

- Not great, is it?
Wouldn't want her wiping my arse.
- She'll be relieved.

Cat thinks she's got
that Munchausen by proxy thing.

- Don't you, Cat?
- Yeah.

Probably better if we look at the
evidence without preconceived ideas.

Keep an open mind.


Well, whatever works for you.

He restores my faith in the police.

The blow to the head
crushed her skull and caused
widespread cerebral haemorrhaging.

She would have been rendered
unconscious from the blow
and died within minutes.

How big is the TOD window?

Her body was discovered at 4.32pm.

I arrived at the scene at 5.47.

Her eyes were open,
corneal clouding.

Body temperature suggests death
occurred at least two hours before.

Two hours? 3.47.

- It's not exact.
- She was walking home from school.

Her class teacher said
goodbye to her at 3.30.

That leaves less than 17 minutes
for her to be approached,
abducted and r*ped.

Mucosal lacerations and
disruption of the muscular fibres.

She was dead when she was r*ped.

Small mercies.


We have physical evidence that Jason
Bodle was the one who r*ped her?

Semen. DNA should be back tomorrow.

That proves the r*pe.
What about the m*rder?

- We've got the girl's blood on him.
- He found her body,
that's what he's saying.

There's no witness.
Not that we've found.

No m*rder w*apon? It was a rock.

I am right, Doctor?

- It was a rock?
- Uh?
- It was a rock?


But you don't have the rock?

We're looking for it.

Nobody is doubting
the pervert did it, right?

Only a jury
if we can't tie him to the m*rder.

We have him on the r*pe.


He just finds an
eight-year-old girl dead
with a head injury and r*pes her?

That's what he's saying.

Eight-year-old girl.

Which is worse, r*pe or m*rder?

There's a sickness,
seriously, an illness out there
that produces this kind of...

He's insane, yeah? Got to be.

Don't say that to me.
Don't tell me he was ill.

I mean, you can think it
all you want, but don't say it.

No way he gets off.

You m*rder and r*pe
an eight-year-old girl, you want
a hospital, not a prison, don't you?

- If he goes to a hospital...
- Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea.

The act does not make a person guilty
unless the mind be also guilty.

He'll never have to give evidence
or explain his actions unless
we can prove he has a guilty mind.

Bodle's going to a prison,
not a hospital.

Dr Alexander? You're coming back?


Hi, Daddy. You OK?

What can I do to cheer you up? Hm?

It's not your fault.

Everyone knows that.

Would you like me
to remove your liver?

- No, thanks.
- Kidney?

- I'm OK for now.
- Two for one offer.

Bargain. I can whip
your brain out in a second.

Tempting, but you look like the sort
of bloke who's good at taking things
apart, not putting them together.

This room was prepped and ready
for me and now it's contaminated.


What are you doing? You some kind
of mystery shopper or something?

Are you doing the PM on one of
the bodies from the hospital?

Not going to give me
any explanation?



Go! Go!

Respiratory failure may have been
caused by nosocomial pneumonia.

We're testing for it.
Positive, Professor.

Ah, well,
the deceased test positive.

Are all lab results back?

Yes, they're on your desk.

So not withstanding he had a
challenged immune system... Buggered.

..he had type two respiratory failure
and pneumonia would have
tipped the balance.

Did someone commit
a crime, Professor,

or am I just collecting data
for the Health Protection Agency?

I haven't finished my investigation.

But it does bother me
that no-one seemed to notice his
failing health between 11.30am,

when he last saw a doctor, and his
time of death which we estimate to
be around 2 o'clock in the morning.

I mean, that's more than 14 hours.

The night nurse told us he was last
seen by a doctor at around 10pm.


That's not what it says in the notes.

It's not what
they told us in the hospital.

Ying McCoy said a doctor came in
to check on the patients around ten.

A doctor would have spotted
his need for immediate care.
Is she absolutely certain?

It's what she said.
Maybe you should speak to her again.

Well, she's made
herself hard to find.

She's gone off to Filipino Land,
or wherever they come from.

Should I apologise for that?
Just to be safe.

She's in the park!



Come on, guys. Quickly!

Stay down. Stay down. Stay down.

sh*ts have been fired.
Weapons authorised.

Start your team across the road.
Let's go!

Zak, could you prep
the cutting room? I have.

I know, but could you do it again?
It's been contaminated. How?
No idea.

Sorry, Zak.

Who's Leo talking to?

Detectives from the hospital.

She's too pretty to be a detective.

I thought she looked a bit like you.

Was that an insult?

Have you finished the PM? No,
not yet. Equipment problem. Why?

Cat, do you have the name of the
doctor? Yeah, I've got it here.

A doctor made a ward visit
at approximately 10pm

the night all three died
and didn't notice they were ill.
Who was the doctor?

She said the doctor's
name was Silverlake.

RADIO: MP from Juliet Six. Received.

Put the g*n down
and lie on the ground!

Target on.

Target on. Permission to sh**t?

Authorised. Fire, fire, fire.


Does this make my vanishing Oriental
nurse more or less guilty-looking?

If a doctor checked
those patients at 10pm and
they died four hours later...

We should wait to complete
all three postmortems.

Of course.

What I think? Of course.

How could you know?
Very guilty. Harry!

He wants to know how she looks.
You're getting the hang of this.

That is how she looks.

Yep, that is how she looks.

What kind of doctor is Silverlake?
He's a consultant neurosurgeon.

Neurosurgeon? Brains, yeah?

He is a brain surgeon.

It's so much easier
when you explain it, you know.

He's a professor of neurosurgery.

A professor? Like you. Yes.

He's a professor and a doctor.

You can be both, can you? Yes.

But only if
you're very, very senior. Very.

And you'd have to be highly
specialised? Oh, yeah, absolutely.

10 o'clock at night
on a general ward.

What's he doing there?
Skip, we've found Dr Silverlake.

Multiple haematomas, left arm.

Oedema on the lungs.


Did you know him?

By reputation.

Why does
an eminent professor go postal?

Cos he knew
you were looking for him.

SIO says he came out in an
aggressive manner and raised his
shotgun like he was going to sh**t.

Is there another body,
anyone else injured?

No. He was stopped
before he could...
Where's the g*n? Seized and secured.

Was it loaded when he came outside?

There were no cartridges in the
g*n when they found it and there
were none discharged by the body.

Excuse me. Can you tell me what's
happening, please? I'm sorry.
We can't tell you anything.

My parents are residents.
They're number four.

It doesn't make any difference if
the g*n was loaded or not, does it?

I mean, how were they to know?

A man aims his g*n.
They did their job.

Yes, they did.

And very well, too.

He has a shotgun.

He discharges it. No-one
was k*lled, no-one was injured.

No, no. No. Why? Why?

Professor Silverlake
committed su1c1de.


su1c1de by cop.

Why did they have to sh**t him? Why?

Yes. It's him.

Thank you for waiting on me.

I don't think my daughter
could have done this.

She was very close to her father.

We'll complete the
postmortem as soon as possible.

He couldn't get past it.

I knew it as soon as it happened.

As soon as
they found that little girl,

and it was Bodle.

The idea that Nigel might have
saved the life of a m*rder*r,

I knew he couldn't get past it.

It made a lie of his whole life.


20, looks older.

Drug addict, needle user. Hep C.

Jaundice. Tox results show
confirming heroin.

Type two respiratory failure,
nosocomial pneumonia.

Outcomes you'd expect.

An unlucky night. Yeah.


Pneumonia? Which means that he
should have had a high temperature.

Nothing in the notes. So?

He has respiratory failure.

So he should have
an extremely high temperature

which Silverlake should have noted
when he checked on him at 10pm.

If he was on the ward.

There are no notes
by Silverlake in this file.

None in mine from Silverlake.

Why would she say Silverlake?

Why him by name unless he was there?
Hang on.

My chap did not
test positive for pneumonia.

And? He was on steroids,
high-dose steroids.

So he'd have been
extremely susceptible to
catching anything flying around.

If pneumonia caused
your guy's respiratory failure,

then your man would have
been extremely contagious.

How long was he on the ward?

Five days. Five days!

Where did he get the heroin?

And when did he inject it?

Do you have a time of death?

Hospital was warm. I'm guessing
he'd been dead at least seven
hours by the time we got there.

So he gets up in the middle
of the night, injects himself
and the nurse doesn't notice?

This night
gets more and more unlucky.

We've got one more body to look at.
50-year-old woman, alcoholic,
a history of crack addiction.

I'll need some images of this
and run the bloods.

Internal and external labs?

Yes, please.

And the rest of her?

Stitch her up.


Anything? It's not good.

You going to tell me or make me beg?

The begging sounds interesting.
Will you have to get on your knees?


I'll tell you without the begging.

Ying McCoy
has not turned up for her shift.

She's the only witness
we've got so we need to find her.

There looks to be a problem with her
work papers. Hospital admin have
contacted the agency that sent her.

They don't have copies
of her passport or her visa. Right.

Have we got Silverlake's phone
records? By the end of the day.

And his diary. We've got to find
a way to place him in the hospital.

Are you all right?

I have a fitness-to-plead
hearing tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, I've done one of them.
Nothing to it. Very straightforward.

We all have things that happen to us.

The waves that crash.

But it's the undertow.

You can't see it.

You don't expect it.

OK. Is it me or you?

Because I am listening
and you're not making any sense.

I did the postmortem on an
eight-year-old girl the other day.

Oh, yeah. I remember.

It's the k*ller's hearing. Alleged.

Yeah. I'm trying
to understand why it bothers me.

Why does this one bother me so much?

Why her? It'll pass.

There was something
so evil about it all.

It felt contagious,

sucking me under.

I struggle against it
and it just makes me tired.

You're an eminent doctor,

a professor, and you've worked
all your life to improve
the lives of others. Silverlake?

Not a lot of public recognition
for it, but that doesn't matter.

It's for the common good.

You remove a tumour
from a man's brain, save his life.

You've done this before
very successfully.

You're recognised as an
expert, feted by your peers.

And the man you healed,

the one whose life you saved,

kills and r*pes
an eight-year-old girl.

God's perverse little joke.

It has nothing to
do with God, Nikki.

Jason Bodle
has at least two victims now,

an eight-year-old girl
and Nigel Silverlake.

It's so evil.

It's like an infectious disease.

There's no cure for it.

And tomorrow a judge will
decide whether he's fit to plead.

Silverlake k*lled himself.

He couldn't bare to live with this
little girl's blood on his hands.

He obviously thought that he had
created the monster that k*lled her.

He gives us these gifts and then
conspires for us to use
them to destroy...innocence.

What do we do, Harry?

How can I help?

Do you ever have the feeling
that everything we do is pointless?

God has already decreed the verdict
and all we do is figure out
how he did it.

I'm so tired.

We need to keep an eye on Nikki.

Not herself.

She's been working hard.
She always works hard.

Something's got hold of her.

The post mortem on this
m*rder*d girl, I think.

Well, children are always difficult.

She's testifying tomorrow.

Fitness-to-plead hearing.

Nobody can say it, but
Jason Bodle must have been
sick to do all the things he did.

It seems to have triggered some
maternal thing in her or something.

It's pretty rough stuff. Maybe you
or I should have done it.
She's a professional.

What are you saying?
That there are some cases she
shouldn't be assigned?

You could be more
sensitive, you know.

Lab results on your girlfriend.

If you want to run any more,
we'll need to take more
fluids from the body. Thanks.

Right, I'm supposed to be
meeting up with a friend,

one of those haven't seen you
in a while friends,

so I'm about to head off.
Are you going to want to run
any more? I don't know.

You want me to hang
around, don't you?

Just in case. Thanks.


So I could be more sensitive?


You could be less sexist.


Sexist! Come on, that's not sexist.

You don't really know when you're
sexist, do you? That, I suppose, is
the litmus test of being sexist.

I say you could be a little more
sensitive and get hit with sexist?

In fact, I worry about a
colleague and I get called sexist.

What kind of messed-up world
am I living in?

Harry? That's a cheap shot.

How did contestant number three die?

She wasn't the picture of health,
as you can see, but nothing obvious

either internally or externally
presented itself.

She was an alcoholic so
there was severe damage to the...

Central pontine myelinolysis.

..pons, yes.

Look at her vitreous sodium level.

Way too high.

Look at her hospital file. When she
came in her sodium numbers were low.

They re-corrected? Fatally.

Possibly. That's why the nurse runs?

What about your heroin addict?

Anything on his bloods? I think...

Six-monoacetylmorphine, heroin.

What are you looking for?

No codeine. It's pure.

Medicinal? Pure diamorphine.

That's medicinal heroin.
Where did he get that?

Coincidence or calculated?

Alcoholics have a low sodium level.
If you know that then perhaps
you know that if you

re-correct the sodium too quickly
you'll k*ll the patient.

Heroin addict - you give them
medicinal heroin,
it looks like an overdose.

What about the blue bloater?

Type two respiratory failure
and pneumonia,
but nobody else contracts it

and he shows no other
symptoms before he dies.

If this is calculated,
how would you k*ll him?


Assuming that doesn't work.

Type two respiratory failure.
He needs oxygen.

He also needs carbon dioxide.

Pure oxygen would k*ll him.

100% oxygen mask.

In type two respiratory failure
you need carbon dioxide
otherwise you cannot breathe.

So they were all m*rder*d.

Looks that way.

Then you are a genius.
An insensitive genius, but a genius.

Insensitivity is the litmus
test for geniuses, isn't it?

Must be.

Dr Alexander?

My external examination identified
multiple lacerations to the scalp

indicating more than one impact.

So in your expert opinion,
Dr Alexander,

what could have caused the injuries
depicted in the photos?

It is my opinion that these
injuries were caused by multiple
impacts with a heavy blunt object.

Fragments of stone were
recovered deep within the wounds,
embedded in the skull and brain.

This would suggest the use of
a large stone, a rock.

Dr Alexander? Dr Alexander?

The mucosal lacerations and
disruption to the muscle fibres
indicate that the girl was dead

when she was r*ped.

Thank you for your
assistance, Dr Alexander.

You are released. Thank you.


Morning, Dr Alexander.

Morning. How's it going?

Good. You?

Life sucks. Sorry to hear it.

But you feel better
talking about it, right?

Morning. Yep.

It is.

When do you intend to cut
the evil bastard up?

I'm sorry?

Should I apologise for that?
Probably not.

Silverlake kills a number of his
patients, then gets himself shot
like you said, su1c1de by cop.

He's the whole package, eh?

An evil m*rder*r and a coward.

You find something?

We think the hospital
deaths were m*rder.

We just went through it with
Skippy and Julia.

Julia? Detective Constable Catina.

Of course.

Looks like it all fits together.

Professor Silverlake?
That is what it looks like.

Skippy? I like that.
Yeah, I just made it up.

Everything OK with you?

Oh, shit. Harry's been talking
to you? Harry's always talking to me.

How did the hearing go? Fine.

And you're all right?

Couldn't be better.

When do you know the
outcome of the hearing?

Today or tomorrow. They won't go to
arraignment until the judge rules.

Dr Alexander,
there's someone here to see you.


I'm Naomi Silverlake.

I know.

I saw you at the hearing.

I don't know why I went.

To represent my father, I guess,
in some sort of odd pointless way.

I'm sorry. It's fine.

You know, I was there.

Nothing will ever
be worse than that.


Please, sit down.

How can I help you?

When you do the post
mortem on my father

look for something that can,

I don't know,

explain it.

Explain what happened to him.

I can only report what I find.

Have you seen what
they're saying about him?

"Doctor Evil."

He was the least evil person I've
ever known. "The Evil Doctor Death."

I've seen them.
Where do they get this from?

He spent his life
saving people's lives,
some that didn't deserve to live.

It overwhelmed him that he could
heal people, that he could
change the course of so many lives.

That's not evil. That's...
It's human.

What can I do?

They say
he k*lled those three patients.

I say it wasn't him.

It's for the police to decide.

How does anyone know
he actually did the things
they're accusing him of?

They write these things,
but he's dead.

He can't defend himself.

They don't know. Do you see?

The police are investigating.

Do you call this investigating?

No. This is judging.

He's now guilty forever.

If you put my father's
name into Google now,
you know what comes up first?

A photograph of him and Jason Bodle,
arms around each other, smiling.

My father's success story.

A tumour removed, a life saved.

They're now locked
together for eternity.

I know he isn't evil.

There must be another explanation.

When I was little,


five or six,

my father used to
joke that there was a spot
on my head, right about here,

where all the bad things came from.

If I had been naughty,

he would kiss at that spot
over and over and over again

until he made all the bad
things go away.

He was hurting.

It was almost as if he'd
hurt that girl with his own hands.

If he felt that, why would
he m*rder someone else?

Even if he was responsible,
maybe something was wrong with him.

Either way, it can't
have been him, not the real him,
not the real person.

This is what people
have to understand.

Sometimes things happen and
it's like another person does them.
Do you see?

I can only report what I find.

Jason Bodle r*pes and murders
an eight-year-old girl and
it's my father that's called evil.

Help me.

That's all I'm asking you to do.

What does she want
you to find, a tumour where
the bad things come from?

She's desperate.

I'm not exactly sure
how to handle her.

She wants an excuse,
something that allows her
to believe it was an aberration.

And if you do find something,
what will that change?

Practically? Nothing.

I guess it might do her
some good and it might do his
reputation some good.

What are the chances
of you finding something?
Well, very, very slim.

Virtually none.

He's dead.
She adored him. She's in pain.

If she wants to cling
to the possibility that some
outside factor

or external force coerced
him into doing evil, then...

Don't prove there wasn't.
Do her that favour.

You know, I forget sometimes
how decent you can be.

Are you OK?

Yeah. Do you know you're OK?

Of course I know. I worry about you.
Thank you for that too.


He died very quickly,
if not instantly, and I'm quite
sure he didn't feel any pain.

No. Of course not.

He left that for us.

Was there anything? A tumour?

We found nothing that would indicate
the presence of disease. Nothing?

Nothing immediately obvious.

I'm having a complete
set of lab tests run.

I'll have the results soon.
The tests may tell us more.

But you think there was something?

I'm sure there could be something,
but it may not be something
that we can ever prove.

He had such dark moods.

And the silence, there could be
days of silence. Do you remember?

I think we should go.

And when he was angry... Naomi.

The court ruled
Bodle unfit to plead.

He's being held
under the Mental Health Act.

Sent him to Castleton
Psychiatric Hospital.

Defence blamed
the medical treatment he received
for changing his personality

and making him unaware of
the consequences of his actions.

Nikki? I'm sorry to disturb you.

My mother and I,
we forgot to give you this.

It's records from
his private doctor.

I don't know that
it will mean anything.

I can't thank you enough.
Thank you.

He was fit. Fibrous tumour, benign.

Skin complaint.
Nothing of consequence.

In remarkable health for someone
of his age, but ten years ago
he sought help for depression.

Ten years ago. Then
the illness and the treatment stops.

No mention of it again.
Perhaps he got better.

Maybe he didn't want it
to hurt his career as a doctor
so he stopped getting treatment.

Maybe he began to self-medicate
to avoid having a mental
condition on his medical records.

Perhaps he thought being mentally
ill, even temporarily, would be

so damaging to his career
that he had to cover it up.
Wouldn't that be ironic?

Can I say something? Yes. OK.

I'm going to say something
and because we're friends you're
not going to get angry, right?

Depends on what you say.

I think now that
what you're doing here

has got nothing to do
with giving the daughter hope,
or allowing her doubt.

It has got nothing to do
with science or the pursuit

of truth, cos all these things
can only be conjecture, can't they?

So far I'm not angry. There's more.

In fact, I now think

that what you're doing is selfish.

And I get it, I get it.

It's a sort of
emotional flak jacket.

Now you're starting to cut close.
An emotional flak jacket so
you can feel comfortable that

there isn't pure evil in
the universe and that it's all just
God's manufacturing error.

I'm doing this for Naomi
and the Silverlake family.

You're doing it
because you're scared.
It's relevant to his post mortem.

You're trying to make sense
of something that is senseless.

And you can't. We can't know what
was going through his mind

to make him do what he did,
and anyway,

no explanation will change
what happened. Just let it go,

because it doesn't matter.

It has to matter.

I told them when they were had the
house redone not to use limestone.

So hard to clean.

I have a lot of wonderful
memories of this house.

Where do you live now?

Well, at the moment,
of course, I live here.

I didn't want to leave my
mother on her own. Of course.

I know the chances of us finding
something are very, very slim.

I want you to know that
I'm not hoping for a miracle.

Well, I am,
but I'm not expecting one.


You doing this for me...

..you don't know me, not really.

The fact that you're even trying,

I'm very grateful.

What is it?
Medication for depression.

That would explain his moods.

It might explain a lot of things.

Silverlake is guilty, yeah?

Has to be.

Ying McCoy names him.

The crimes all require a
certain level of knowledge.

He tops himself. Has to be guilty.

But his widow says he
never went to the hospital.

Of course, she could be lying.

But I don't see him on any of
the tapes going into the hospital

the night Ying McCoy
tells me he came to see the victims.

She's given me a time, yeah?

It should be easy.

I can't find him anywhere, any time.

Car park, front entrance,
A&E entrance. He's not there.

I can't prove he's there
without the nurse
and the nurse has gone missing.

You see how disturbing this is?

Any luck? No. I'm waiting for
the discs from the day before.

I checked Silverlake's
mobile phone records. He hasn't
used his phone for over a week.

Who does that?

Somebody with two phones?

Yeah, that's possible, I guess.

We need to speak to his wife.

Like she's going to know. Mm.

I've got to be honest,
it's making me a tad anxious.

I haven't felt this way since
the first time I bought condoms.

You know, that queasy feeling
you get in your stomach

that you can't get rid of
as you walk towards the counter
in the chemist.

Shall we talk about my first
sexual experience or Dr Silverlake?

Dr Silverlake. Good choice.

There's more to talk about.

I mean, why would Silverlake sh**t
up his neighbours' lovely homes?

It's guilt, right?

He k*lled his patients.

It seems a fair conclusion to draw.

To draw, but not to prove.
But do we have to prove it?

No. Silverlake is dead.
You're over-worrying this.

Your eczema's going to come back.

Yeah, you're probably right.
I am right. Let it go.

OK. You're right.

I'll let it go.

Do you think Ying McCoy
is her real name?




Both prime suspects dead.

This has not been my best week.



Hello, Julia, you are
looking very lovely today.

Hiya, Dr H. Thank you.

My husband is meant
to have k*lled her as well?

Well... I mean it's possible,
I guess.

But we did find something else.

You seem to want to defend the dr*gs.
What's in it for you?

Have you got a research
grant hanging in the balance?

Are you threatening me?

Why would suggesting that you act
in your own interest be a threat?


♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium... ♪
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