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04x15 - The Original

Posted: 02/28/13 07:43
by bunniefuu
Your dad told me that our department is filled with dirty cops and they set him up.

And he's right about one thing.

There are dirty cops.

Peter: Senator Terrence Pratt.

You said Pratt could hurt you.

My brakes -- I don't have my brakes.

You need to leave New York.

Mozzie has a safe house outside the city.

It turns out that employer I.D. number is for a security company named Griffin-Moore, which is linked to the 50th floor of the Empire State Building.

Let's get that box and bring my father home.

Man: 13 bucks for an ice cream?

Gluten-and dairy-free -- you won't find that in Kansas.

Yes, I will.

Forget it.

Nothing like a happy customer.

Ooh. I have to change my prices.

The tourists are still bothering me.

Makes it tough to do recon.

So, where were we?

On the 50th floor.

By "we," of course, I meant "me," because you can't get off-leash.

It's casing an office. I think you can handle it, Moz.

Okay, then you man the cart.

No, I can't stick around that long.

Peter's checking my tracking data.

We can't give him any reason to believe that we know where Ellen hid the evidence.

I got a good thing going here.

Oh. I had a good thing going here.

Neal: Mozzie has a permit.

I'm sure.

I'll take a pistachio, please.

13 -- 15 bucks.

I should arrest you for your prices.

For an officer of the law, it's on the house.

That's bribery.

Then pay.

So, this is where you set up your recon, huh?

Oh, that's good.


You believe Ellen hid the evidence on the 50th floor, right?

Peter, there's no need for you to get involved in this.

Neal. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't.

You can't because Elizabeth told you not to.

Elizabeth told you?

Come on.

Scram. Just 17 bucks a scoop!

You have to understand the position I was in -- you were in the hospital, Elizabeth was worried about you --

Until she realized that forcing you to keep a secret from me wasn't gonna make the situation any safer.

How long have you known?

Since the accident.

[ Chuckles ]

I actually thought I was ahead of you this time.

Getting that evidence isn't only about vindicating your father.

It's about bringing Pratt to justice.

He forced Hughes out of the FBI to keep that box hidden.

I want to see what's inside it.

And we're gonna find it.

Callaway: For those of you that I have not had the good fortune of meeting, my name is Amanda Callaway.

Did we miss something?

And I am very excited to...

[ Sighs ]

Amanda Callaway -- ran the Atlanta White Collar division.

She's replacing Hughes?

There were a lot of people ahead of her on the list.

And New York's a big step up from Atlanta.

[ Sighs ] After you. I loved Atlanta.

I really did, but Atlanta is no New York.

And I know that there are a lot of case loads...

She was asking for you.

In a good way?

Hard to tell.

Callaway: I can never replace Agent Hughes.

I don't want to.

I will run this division differently.

I plan on taking a more involved approach. Uh-oh.

We will make New York White Collar the pride of the bureau once again.

I don't like her. Shh.

Thank you.

[ Applause ]

That should be you, Peter.

You should be leading White Collar.

[ Scoffs ]

I couldn't agree more.

They're right.

Well, the bureau chiefs know I love the field more than a desk.

And besides, they can't let my little jaunt to Cape Verde go.

Where, by the way, you captured one of their most wanted.

Well, after my demotion to evidence, I'm just happy to be in the division.

Callaway: Agent Burke.

Agent Callaway, congratulations.

Oh, my gosh.

I was so happy to hear that you were still here at New York White Collar.

13 years.

That's amazing.

Neal Caffrey. A pleasure.

Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Agent Callaway.

Thank you.

And when I heard about the opening here, I researched your division and found out you guys really get it done.

In no small part due to Reese Hughes.


He was a very supportive boss.

Yeah, I noticed. I like results.

Speaking of which, I like to get them above board, so let's keep that in mind for your next case.

Which case is that?

Well, you two have a knack for closing art-forgery cases, and there have been some suspicions about the new Bernini discovery.

That's a multi-million dollar sculpture.

And if it's fake --

We can bust the seller, have a quick, high-profile win right out of the gate.

It's a wonderful way to show the bureau that this division is back on track.

Didn't think we were off track.

Well, somebody did, or else I wouldn't be here.

[ Sighs ]

Did you mention the Empire State Building in your file on Pratt?

No. I left it out of the report.

You're worried Callaway might be connected to the senator?

Well, she was nice to me.

When people are nice, they're usually working an angle.


I'll look into Callaway.

In the meantime, let's just try and get her that quick win she asked for.

[ French accent ] Monsieur Caffrey.

Neal: [ Laughing ] Henri. Bonjour.

[ Both speaking French ]

Ah, there's a hillside village in the French Riviera known for sculpture, and --

You're old friends -- I get it.

Peter Burke, his handler.

Leslie: So, you think it's real?

Scuff marks here.

Peter: They look like rope burns.

Yeah, cotton-braided rope was the preferred method to pulley and move sculpture during the Napoleonic w*r.

There's added plaster in the plinth.

Neal: Bernini did that himself when his patron, Marcantonio Borghese, moved the piece to a larger entryway... in his home.


Neal, you can browse when we're done.



What sold me was the seal on the 1842 shipping orders from the Port of Bordeaux -- that red pigment is impossible to find today.

Trust me.

As far as the aesthetic, Bernini was the first and only artist of his time to explore the idea of metamorphosis in marble.

This is the real Aphrodite.

Excellent. Then --

As for the one over here --

Ah, the Dubois.

"Hand Over Hand" -- one of the four remaining pieces in his catalog.

Yeah, it just sold at auction last week for $6.5 million.

It was.

Yeah. They're gonna want their money back.

It's a fake.

We are the exclusive dealers of Olivier Dubois' work.


This piece has already been authenticated and sold.

That doesn't make it any less of a forgery.

Why don't you explain exactly why you think it's a fake?

Well, technically, all the style elements are there.

I mean, it's a brilliant forgery -- it's too good.

It's subtle, but these lines where the hands meet feel ever so slightly forced to dimension, where a Dubois would flow more easily, less exact.

Dubois may have changed techniques just as he shifted motifs in his final years.

Every Dubois contains his unique signature -- a hand-written note inserted into the center of the marble.

What's on it?

Well, supposedly, he exposes the heart of the piece, but no one knows exactly.

That's part of the mystique of his work.

We verified with X-ray diffraction. Ah.

A scroll is inside.

Are you familiar with chicken sexers?

No, I don't believe I am.

Baby chickens need to be sorted into males and females.

The sorters are called sexers.

The only problem is baby chicks look identical.

This will loop back to the Dubois?

The Japanese developed a fool-proof technique, but the only way to teach it is to pick up a chick and place it in either the male or the female bin. - Neal.

Now, at first they're just guessing.

A teacher will stand behind a student and say "Yes" each time they guess correctly.

But after a few months, a student is able to sort the chicks correctly 100% of the time, and to this day, no one is able to articulate why.

There is a scientific basis for instinct.

And as Dubois-esque as this seems, it's not a Dubois.

Who sold you the piece?

Dubois' protégé, J.B. Bellmiere.

Until Dubois' death last year, a man named J.B. Bellmiere worked as his apprentice.

He's the man who authenticates Dubois' work.

He's considered the ultimate authority.

Peter: Agent Callaway.

Agent Burke. Please, don't let me interrupt you.

Diana: Peter was just explaining that if the Dubois is a forgery, then Bellmiere would be our prime suspect.

I see. And this is based on Caffrey's highly critical chicken sexer theory?

He...may have mentioned that.

[ Sniffs ]

At the time of Dubois' death, there were four sculptures in his catalog that had never gone to market.

"Hand Over Hand" is the first one to surface.

Are you suggesting that Bellmiere, as his apprentice, could have forged it?

I am.

Interesting theory.

Peter, when you're finished here, will you see me in my office?

Of course.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hey. How you holding up?

Mozzie's safehouse is a 10-by-10 underground b*mb shelter in the middle of the woods surrounded by a pig farm and a bog.

I take it you're ready for a change of venue?

I'm ready for my freedom. Any updates?

Yeah, we're getting close.

How close?

Weeks? Days?

I can't say yet.

Listen, Peter's involved now.

That doesn't sound good.

Well, it is.

Listen, I should be there. Let me help.

No, we can't risk it.

We got a new boss at the bureau -- she's keeping a close eye on us.

I'll let you know the minute we locate the box.

Do it soon.

I want you to move off the Bellmiere case.

What? Why?

There's just not enough hard evidence.


Look, if you want to dig into this in your own time, feel free.

Just don't do it on the bureau's.

If Neal's right -- and I trust his hunch -- we're dealing with a world-class forger.

But we have a growing stack of cases with conclusive data we can work.

You and Neal are an impressive team, but you're too impulsive.

Focus your energy on cases we can close.

Efficiency is our most important tool. I get it.

We want a quick, high-profile win to impress the bureau.

There you go.

Elizabeth: You're gonna drop the case?

No, I can't let a multi-million dollar forger go just because it might not be an easy win.

That's why they should have given you the job.

They're gonna realize that.

I don't want it.

It would have been nice to be asked.


[ Knock on door ]

[ Silverware clatters ]

Hey, Neal. Hey.

Come on in.

What was so urgent?

Well, how would you like to meet the man behind that magnificent forgery you spotted?

You found more information on Bellmiere?

Yeah. His real name's Jeff Blatnik.

Well, you can't fault him for changing his name.

A lot of artists change their name.

So do con artists.

I'd buy a Bellmiere over a Blatnik -- that's all I'm saying.

But he didn't sell a Bellmiere. He sold a Dubois.

Mm, true.

The second Dubois in his catalog...

Or is it?

That's so close.

Bellmiere has an incredible eye.

It's just -- it's not a Dubois.



While you look for J.B., why don't I find out what his students have to say?


[ Snaps fingers ]



I'm gonna say the wires represent industry -- an endless loop spiraling downward.

You get me.

[ Chuckles ] I've been following the Bellmiere school for a while.



I run the Haversham Gallery in Portland.

Oh, I'll...get Mr. Bellmiere.

Oh, in a little bit.

I want to see if any of the other pieces speak to me like yours does.

Bellmiere: Knock it over.

Come on! Break it!

It either works, or it doesn't.

Last chance.

Now you can start fresh.

[ Cries ]

[ Clears throat ]

Dubois taught me that.


Destruction is part of creation.

Who are you?

I'm Peter Burke, FBI. Need your help.

Let's cut through the facade, Agent Burke.

You're here because you want to know if the Dubois that I sold to the Tibedaux is a forgery.

Any information you have on the piece would help.

Who suggested it was a fake?

One of their experts.


I am the expert on Dubois.

Of course.

The complaint was that somehow the lines lacked a certain subtlety found in other Dubois pieces.

"Hand Over Hand" may not be as inspired as some of his earlier works, but perhaps that's why he gave it to me.

He gave you a $6.5 million statue?

I gave him 10 years.

Where can I see some of Mr. Bellmiere's work?

Oh, he doesn't have any on display.

Really? Nothing?

Well, he's...been spending a lot of time in his private workspace -- off the hallway.

You seen what he's been working on?

Oh, no one has. He works alone.

It's his process.


Maybe I can convince him to give me a sneak peak.

Good luck. Thanks.

Out of curiosity, what does your work sell for?

I'm taking my time to define what makes a Bellmiere.

So, you don't have anything on the market, huh?

Mm. Thank you.

Hey. Hey.

Did you see any of Bellmiere's work?

Yeah, two partially completed sculptures.

Oh. He really is taking his time to find his own vision.

Is that what he told you?

Oh, "Some ideas come fully formed.

Others take years."

Well, he's fully formed ones come from Dubois.

So, he's forging the last two catalog pieces.

The same rare marble, technique, style.

Well, we can't make a bust until he tries to sell one of them.

Bellmiere's already made millions off "Hand Over Hand."

He could sit on the other three for years when their value skyrockets.

[ Sighs ] Is there any way he'd want to sell them earlier?

I could encourage him.

But I'm gonna need about 500 pounds of marble.

All right.

[ Knock on door ]

Entrez, Moz.


Good to see you, too, kid.

[ Sighs ]

It's too risky for you to be here.

I can't take Mozzie's safehouse anymore.


He's a very weird dude.


So, what am I looking at?

Dubois' "Devolution."

I'm sorry, but you got to go back.

Listen, you've been looking for that evidence box for, what, three months now?

I've been after it for 30 years.

Now you say you're close.

When WITSEC moved Ellen to New York 12 years ago, they gave her a job at a securities firm.

She had access to the 50th floor of the Empire State Building while it was under renovation.

You think she planted it there?

Moz has been casing the place all day.

We'll know soon.

So...we wait.


We wait.

I've heard of Dubois.

Yeah, well, one of his pieces just sold for $6.5 million -- it was a forgery.

So, you're doing this for work?

Yeah, I have to pass this off as a real Dubois.


[ Cellphone ringing ]

Hey, Moz.

As fond as I am of the Japanese culture, I could go the rest of my life without hearing "Chiizu" again.

Japanese for "Say cheese"?

Among other things.

Hello, Mozzie.

Is that James?

You're on speaker.

James, what happened?

He was going stir-crazy.

At my cabin?

But it's so picturesque.

There are no windows.

Insufficient motivation.

However, your premature arrival is actually well-timed.

Me and my photos will be there momentarily.

Neal and I visited his studio off hours -- as you suggested.

I did not suggest for you to spend 15 grand of this division's money on rare Italian marble.

That was well within my discretionary budget for developing investigations.

I will look into the discretionary budget later.

Right now, explain the marble.

We believe Bellmiere is forging the remaining two Dubois.


But he could sit on them for years, so Neal is sculpting one of the two.

Once it's authenticated --

It'll drive Bellmiere crazy because it'll be millions of dollars out of his pocket. - Right.

Neal reaches out to Bellmiere, offers his skills, and we draw a confession from collusion.

It's risky.

It's efficient and high-profile.

Did Hughes authorize you to go after these types of operations?

He trusted me.

It cost him his job.

I like this job.

I don't want to lose it.

Reese didn't lose his job over a $15,000 expense.

No, he lost it because he approved you to go after someone you couldn't beat.

You read our file on Senator Pratt.

I did.

Is that investigation still open?

She asked you to close the case against Pratt?

No, she closed the case against Pratt.

She's got to be in his pocket.

I haven't found a link.

But if you were sexing chickens --

Callaway is ambitious and pragmatic.

She knows that our investigation into Pratt forced Hughes out, so she may just be protecting her job.

She's reading your logs pretty carefully.

Yeah, it's gonna be a challenge to keep the Empire State off her radar.

Especially with my father back in town.

[ Sighs ]

Send him back -- immediately.

I tried.

If we force him, he'll just go rogue, which will be even more problematic.

[ Sighs ]

I guess that answers the age-old question of nature versus nurture.

Peter: Our authenticators are in deep discussion.

Neal: They better go for it.

Man: Have you seen the provenance?
What is Bellmiere doing here?

He wasn't supposed to show up until after the piece was authenticated.

If he claims it's a fraud --

His word may supercede the experts'.

He can't see you. He's gonna smell a setup.


J.B., I didn't want to trouble you with this until we had it authenticated.

If a Dubois is coming to market, I know about it.

Someone's claiming it's the second of the four remaining pieces.

The exploration of figurative techniques wasn't until he met his fifth wife.

It's hard to tell from the catalog photos, but it certainly tracks with the timeline.

Did you check the palm?


Dubois left the palms untouched in his abstractions.

2004 -- he made nothing else that year.

And inside?

That's what convinced us. We ran the X-ray.

No. This is not...a Dubois.

It is the Dubois.

It is the height of his mastery and his seminal work.

Who are you?

Neal Caffrey. I own this piece.

I'm very curious, Mr. Caffrey.

How did you come to own "Devolution"?

I imagine much the same way as you came to own the Dubois you sold last week.

Yours is a fraud.

Are you questioning the experts?

I wouldn't.

That would make it much more difficult for you to sell the remaining three -- excuse me, now two Duboises.

What do you want?

There is an arrangement where we each sell one.

"Sisters" is already on display in my loft.

Everyone knows that.

But no one's seen "Courtship" yet, have they?

Come to my studio tomorrow -- 2:00.

Good instincts.

Yep. Trust the chicken sexers.


Yep. That it is.

Any ideas on the box?

Well, I'm developing a theory.

When Ellen and I were partners, we busted our fair share of hideouts.

When it came to finding stashes, we had a saying --

"Walls move, ceilings and floors don't."

Well, the floors are marble.

You think she hid it in the ceiling?

Well, if I was a betting man...

All you got to do is scan 1,000 square feet of ceiling tile.

We've narrowed our search from all of Manhattan to a ceiling in the corner of a building.

We're gonna find it.

Optimist. Ah, good mood.

They must have bought your sculpture.

They did.

What did they say?

They said it wasn't a Dubois -- it was the Dubois.

You're kidding.

They called it his seminal work.

[ Laughing ] I knew it! Attaboy!

[ Sighs ]

Full disclosure.

That helps explain what I found while you were out.

Such as?


Such as a van Dyck...

...and this Degas.

They're forgeries.

They're flawless.


You have a tremendous gift, Neal.

Your original work must be extraordinary.

I don't have many original pieces.

Why not?

I don't know.

Well, that's a shame.

Because if you can do this... you're capable of anything.

All right, here's my proposal -- we finish "Courtship," split the profits 50/50.

Well, let's be clear -- forgery is a federal offense.

This is a Dubois replica.


The contours and planes complement each other well.

I'm impressed.

A shame I have to destroy it.

What's the point of making a replica of a piece you've already sold?

Dubois used to say, "Don't get attached to your work."

[ Stone clattering ]

Neal's figured out a way to nail Bellmiere on forgery.

You promised me a confession.

Now I'm promising you hard evidence.

[ Sighs ] Keep talking.

Dubois put an original, hand-written note into the heart of each piece.

Yes, I know. The Tibedaux X-rayed it and found it.

The X-ray only verified its existence, not what was on it.

Yeah, if the scroll contains Bellmiere's handwriting and fingerprints and not Dubois', then it's a forgery.

What are you suggesting?

That we smash it open?

Well, there's probably a --

Fortunately, we have another option.

A high-resolution imaging scanner.

The new magnetic tomography scanners are portable and powerful enough to pick up fingerprints on a g*n through a brick wall.

It's still Neal's word against Bellmiere's.

I don't think a judge is gonna approve a warrant.

We don't need one.

You have a confidential informant who has access to the sculpture.

All right.

But I'm gonna go with you -- I'm gonna oversee this.

And it's not because I don't trust you, Peter.

It's because I don't trust him.

You said this was a high-profile case, and you're right.

I want a clean conviction, no detours.

Have you got it, Neal?

He's got it. I didn't ask you, Peter.

Got it.

Okay, great.

Then we shouldn't have any problem.

I know that look. I don't like that look.

What are you thinking?

I know how we can find the box in the Empire State Building.

The scanner.

Yeah. No.

That little device is worth a small Dubois.

I can't just check it out like a library book.

I'll use it while I'm supposed to be in Bellmiere's loft.

Did you miss the part about no detours?

Callaway's gonna be in the van.

Okay, there you go. Thanks.

I'm not gonna jeopardize our first operation.

She won't know a thing.

This is not a wink and a nod.


I hear you.

I don't think you do. What?

I need you to say, "I will not use the scanner to search the Empire State Building."

I will not use the scanner to search the Empire State Building.

"Or Mozzie or James."

Neither I, nor Mozzie, nor James will use the scanner for such a search.

Little pinky-swear action?

Moz, meet me at my place.

I got a way to find the evidence.

Here is your surveillance watch du jour.

This is one an artisan might wear while sculpting.

Keep those upgrades coming.

Audio's good. I've calibrated the scanner.


I'll keep it safe.


[ Clears throat ]

No. Let's leave it on.

This is an undercover operation.

Bellmiere's an art forger. He's not airport security.

He won't be patting Caffrey down.

Standard procedure is to remove the anklet.

We're less than 500 yards away, and we've ears on him with the watch.

Would you stand up?

[ Clears throat ]

There. You're a very talented con artist.

You'll figure out how to keep that covered.

No problem.

Mozzie: Well, the views are impressive.

This high up in the Empire State Building -- location is everything.

That's exactly what I tell my customers --

I run an ice-cream franchise.

Security was a bear getting up here.

Yeah. Metal detectors in the lobby, cameras at the entries and exits, visitor registration and access-control systems.

Check-in desk every floor -- it's very safe.

Oh, yeah. I can imagine.

It would be next to impossible to sneak up, like, a -- I don't know -- a metal...scanner or something.

[ Both laugh ]

Now, that office is directly below.

Does that pose any noise problems?


They've got 20-foot ceilings, and we've got three inches of marble --

I think you have something on your shoe.

Oh, my.

[ Scoffs ]

Oh, my. I am so sorry.

[ Sighs ]

W-what is this?

No -- stop.

I'll take care of it.

[ Cellphone speed-dialing ]

Yeah, hi.

I'm gonna need the marble buffed on the rental floor.


This afternoon -- before the next showing.



All right.

Listen, if you don't mind. I like to work alone.

Just...part of my process.

I'm the same way.

I'm gonna go grab some coffee.

[ Chisel clinking ]

[ Clinking continues ]

I always wondered when we'd go out for ice cream.

Mozzie calls it "mint chocolate tracking chip."

All right, I re-set the scanner so that the tracking signal won't reach the van.


Ah, here comes our custodial accomplice.

Harv's the man they call.

Is he O.C.D.?

Yeah, that's what makes him so thorough.

Loves dogs. Has a niece named Daisy, right?

You got it.

[ Chuckles ] 'Scuse me!

'Scuse me. Yeah?

[ Panting ] Uh, sorry to bother you, but you... you seen a Collie run by here, about yea big, got a magnificent brown coat?

Goes by the name of Daisy?

Oh, no. Daisy?


That's my niece's name.

No kidding?


Well, I was walking her down Fifth Avenue.

She just up and ran away. Just bolted -- just ran away.

Does she have tags?

'Course she's got tags! You sure you haven't seen her?

No, I haven't seen her.

No? Oh, man!

What a day to forget my [chuckling] glasses!

[ Clinking continues ]

This could take a while.

I know how busy you are. You don't need to stay.

Oh, I started in the field. I like being out here.

Me, too.


James: It's been 45 minutes.

How do you know when we've scanned the box?

Neal: We won't until we take it back and match the results to the floor plans and the dimensions of the box.

You guys ever run a con like this before?

Can't say I've ever used a buffer to run an X-ray scanner across a floor.

That doesn't look good.

Uh-oh. We're having a technical difficulty.

The image is breaking up.

We lost it.

He finished 90% of the floor.

Let's hope the box is in there somewhere.

That scanner has to be completely intact when I return it to the FBI.

[ Clinking continues ]

What are you doing?

I'm checking on Caffrey. Something's not right.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

You're pulling up his tracking data?

We can hear him.

We can hear chiseling. We can't hear him.

I can't tell you why, but I get the feeling Caffrey's up to something.


I.T. must not have activated your I.D. yet.

Type in yours.


Hmm. Must have made a typo.

I'm pulling it up right now.

Right where he's supposed to be.

[ Clanking continues ]

All right, Bellmiere's gone. I'm scanning now.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

What are you doing?

Oh, I was just...looking at your handiwork again.

Dubois' handiwork.

Stick to the ones in back.

All right.

Here it is.

The calibration's off. It's completely unreadable.

Yeah, I'm pulling him out of here.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

[ Clears throat ]

I'm gonna get some fresh air.

[ Bag clangs ]

You know what?

The initial carving isn't working for me.

That's exactly how I did it for Dubois.

Didn't you tell him to abort?

He was happy with that? Yeah.

But he never let you finish one.

He obsessed over every detail.

Yeah, and he made you start over -- several times, if I recall.

You have no idea.

Oh, I do. I went through his notes.

He didn't want to destroy his work.

You left him no choice.

He had to start over because you weren't good enough.

Oh, please. He never knew what he wanted.

He'd start over...20 times.

He'd blow everything up at the last minute and leave me to fix it!

I made him what he is!

Whenever you look at a Dubois, you're lookin' at me.

Then why isn't your name on it?

Callaway: Get him out of there!

He's going for a confession.

You hide behind his work, you live off his name, but without Dubois, you're nothing.

You don't exist.

[ Both grunting ]

Let's move.

I'll monitor from here.

[ Grunting continues ]

Diana: FBI!

Drop it! Drop that w*apon!

Okay! Okay! Thank God you're here.

This con artist, Neal Caffrey, just broke a $10 million sculpture.

[ Panting ] It's a fake. I can prove it.

Right there.

I stand corrected. You do exist.

Peter: You once told me every forger finds a way to sign his own name.

Mr. Blatnik, why don't you come with us to the bureau?

The sad thing is, you're more talented than Dubois.

I wonder how this scanner got so scratched up.

Must have fallen out of my pocket when he att*cked me.




How'd it go?

Oh, forensics confirmed it was a forgery, as well as the one he sold at the Tibedaux.

That's great, but I was talking about the Empire State Building.

We found it.

You found it?

Mozzie found a rectangular object the exact dimensions of Ellen's evidence box on the southwest side of the ceiling.

[ Laughing ] Well, let's go get it! No, there's nothing we can do tonight.

It's not easy access.

Well, does Peter know?

No, not yet. I'll tell him tomorrow.

Well, now that we know where it is, let me go get it, keep you two guys clean.

No, I can't do that to Peter.

Well, you just ran a con on him.

I'm not doing this without him.

Listen, you promised me that you weren't gonna do this.

He's been more of a father to me than you ever were.

We're doing this with Peter.

Okay. You're right.

I'll see you tomorrow.

You asked me why I don't have original art?

I've had three different names and a dozen different aliases because of you.

And to be an artist, you have to know who you are.

You're my son.

And I'm very proud of that.

You know, Neal was chiseling away for a long time, but I never actually saw any carving in evidence.

I'm sure there's a reason.

You both agreed -- no detours.

[ Sighs ] We did.

I get it now.

What's that?

Why Hughes approved so many of your unorthodox operations.


You gave me a big win, but I don't need anyone looking into whatever it was Caffrey was doing.

[ Chuckling ]

I'm sure it's not that bad.


Is any of this gonna blow back on me?


Let's keep it that way.

You continue to give me more wins, and I will give your team everything it needs.


Agent Watson, did you find anything?

Scanner's damaged pretty badly.

I see that.

And scrubbed data off the hard drive.

Were you able to recover any of it?

About 20%.

Whoever used the scanner was searching a building.

Take a look at this.

Is that a serial number?

Yep. It's a cable junction box.

This particular model was used in only one place -- floors 33 to 61 of the Empire State Building.

Thanks, Agent Watson.

Thank you.

Oh, will you shut the door on your way out?

[ Dialing ]

[ Ringing ]

Senator Pratt, please.

Amanda Callaway.

I think I may have your answer.