03x13 - Aliens and the Secret Code

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x13 - Aliens and the Secret Code

Post by bunniefuu »

Megalithic monuments,

linked together by
electromagnetic energy

Prehistoric ruins

arranged across vast
distances in straight lines

and advanced mathematics
carved into landmarks

more than 5,000 years ago

Or ancient men spectacular structures

built by humans alone

or do they bear evidence
of being designed

and interconnected by
otherworldly visitors

These cultures were doing
something a global scale

interacting, creating a pattern.

The layout of these ancient
monuments could be

a secret code that the ancients
created for later societies.

The ancients placed
pyramids and obelisks,

and other standing
stones at key places.

And they were somehow being
used as navigational beacons

by the ancients and the

Millions of people
around the world believe

we have been visited in the past
by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, did they leave
behind a secret code, one which

reveals mankind's
extraterrestrial origins?

Stonehenge in England,

The Great Pyramid of Egypt--

Teotihuacan, Mexico

and Machu Picchu, Peru.

All around the world, ancient man
built extraordinary structures.

And although separated by vast
distances and thousands of years,

researchers believe that
a secret code, embedded in

megalithic monuments, may
reveal the truth behind

the connections between
numerous ancient civilizations.

When you look at where
the ancients built their

monuments it is clear that they
were marking the places where

the power of the Earth
could be harnessed.

So the question really is can we
still maintain that all of these

sites were simply chosen by accident?

Or is there far more to it than that?

The evidence clearly suggests that
these cultures were doing something

a global scale interacting,
creating a pattern.

which is really unique and
lost to us right now.

Some researchers have
discovered a strong connection

between sacred structures and
powerfully charged areas of the globe

where the Earth's
electromagnetic energy gathers

Electromagnetic energy waves
provide for all visible light

and today's radio and
cellular communication.

As well as microwaves and X-rays.

Energy scientifically is a
property that things have

that we say technically allow us
to do work or make things move

So you think of things like magnetic
fields, electric fields, gravity

things moving, heating things up,
those are all forms of energy.

And the one thing that we know is
that the Earth has a magnetic field.

And the magnetic field connects
different parts on the Earth

And strange anomalies occur like
gravitational anomalies again

and magnetic anomalies, and
even like anomalies to do with

the distortions of vision.

There is a mark, a ***
where they all are,

they seem to form these
kind of geometric grids

It seems that ancient people possibly
with the help of ancient aliens

early on mapped the entire Earth
and noted these special power spots

and vortex areas.

that occur on islands and mountain
areas and jungles all around the planet

It was important to them,

and these places are related by
geometry, and latitude, and longitude.

Known as "the world grid",

ancient astronaut theorists
believe our ancestors

purposely constructed their
monuments on energy lines

that when mapped and connected,
create a significant pattern.

The concept of the world
grid is that the Earth is

like a giant crystal and energy

is flowing around it at little nodules,

and energy paths are intersecting
and moving all over the world.

In the 4th century BC,
Greek philosopher and

mathematician Plato taught that
the basic structure of the Earth

evolved from geometric shapes
now known as Platonic Solids.

Plato left a tantalizing
clue as to possibly

the first mention of the world grid.

He basically described the Earth
as being created from 12

pentagonal faces, and 20 points,
or vertexes, on the surface.

And when you join these together
and mark them on a map,

you realize that there's kind
of geometrical formations

that appear between them.

Plato wrote that there
was a world soul

and in this world soul
he described as a sphere,

that was composed of
120 equal identical triangles

I believed that that model actually
could be applied to the Earth.

To illustrate Plato's
"Sphere of Triangles,"

anthropologist Bethe Hagens
designed a model of the Earth,

divided by 15 circles.

Here you can see a cluster
of ten of the triangles

of the 120 that Plato mentioned.

Besides seeing this as triangles,
you can see it as 15

equators that actually
cut the Earth in half.

You can see they all go around
whichever way you look.

They're all great circles.

It's a geometric model of the

Earth energy grid of what Plato
discovered 2,500 years ago.

But is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

that man was able to capture
and use the Earth's energy

at power centers around the world to
help build their megalithic monuments?

There's fascinating ideas that
they were actually using this for

anti-gravitational purposes.

And they were actually able to
lift, and quarry, and move the

huge megalithic blocks great
distances around the planet.

And so we have to question, was
there something to do with this

grid that they were actually
harnessing, and they were able

to use the energies from it to
move and construct these sites?

But how could ancient civilizations
tap into Earth's energy?

And how could the Earth's
electromagnetic energy fields

have even been known to ancient man?

The ancients clearly understood
that if they located their sacred sites

at these places they would get some
sort of powerful alignment with

the Earth, the universe,
everything would come into flow

and it would be a great place
for their places of worship

The question is where do
they get the information,

is it something that was passed down
to them by a higher human civilization

or was it passed down to them from
somebody even higher than that.

The layout of these ancient monuments
and these celebratory places

because they lie on Earth's
magnetic grid well could be

a secret code that the ancients
created for later societies

containing a secret about
the relationship

of those civilizations
to ancient aliens.

told our ancestors

"Hey, here create this"
on that particular point

and they did that
all around the world

and now when we
connect all those places

when we plot them on a globe
they create this perfect pattern

that would have been
impossible by chance

It's a huge mystery how it was done

unless you take into consideration
that this might've been

a code on code "message" for our
generation that was left behind

by extraterrestrials who visited

our ancestors in the remote past.

Is it possible that early
man learned how to harness

the Earth's own powerful energy
from extraterrestrial beings?

And, if so, might the finding by
researchers of a so-called world

energy grid provide proof of
contact with alien visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer, on both

counts is a resounding yes.

The world grid could've
been used as a source of

free and inexhaustible energy

that was flowing continuously
around our planet.

And they were somehow being
used by the ancients and the

extraterrestrials for energy, and
as even navigational beacons

for their spaceships.

A lot of these ancient
sites on the world grid

are always associated
with UFO sightings.

The UFOs themselves seem to understand
that these are important places.

And, it's almost as if they are
kind of feeding off the energy

of these places, when they
come to visit the Earth.

Did ancient cultures
around the world really

build their monuments using
powerful Earth energy under the

guidance of star travelers, as

ancient astronaut theorists believe?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found by taking a closer look at

the strange link between some of
the oldest monuments on Earth

and their connection to the stars.

The Boyne River Valley,

30 miles north of Dublin, Ireland.

Here, within this archaeological site,

lie the ruins of the
Newgrange Passage Tomb,

built around 3,150 BC.

This is Newgrange which
is Ireland's foremost

monument in terms of its mythical
and historical significance

It was constructed here
by a community of

farmers and astronomers
who inhabited this valley.

And together they enshrined

their spiritual and scientific
beliefs, monumentally in stone.

Constructed with over
200,000 tons of stone

quarried 75 miles away,

Newgrange is known as a passage
tomb because the enormous mound

has one passageway that leads to

a centralized chamber in which
bone fragments have been found.

This is the chamber of Newgrange,

with its massive
corbelled ceiling, which

has kept the chamber dry, completely
bone dry, for 5,000 years.

At the end of the chamber here,
it opens up into this opening

with the three recesses and there
are three very large basin

stones in each of the recesses.

And it was in these basins that
the remains of the dead would

have been placed.

The amazing thing about
Newgrange is what they've

managed to do with these giant
stones is create an opening

in the chamber which accepts

sunlight on the dawn of
the winter solstice.

In fact, the structure's
main chamber remains

in darkness, except for one
day, at winter solstice,

when the sunrise illuminates
the 60-foot long passageway

and central chamber for
a mere 17 minutes.

They saw the other world
as lying amongst the stars

and they believed that in
placing the bones of their

deceased relatives in the
chamber, that the souls of the

dead would be brought into the
other world on the dawn of the

winter solstice when the light
of the sun came in and perhaps

drew the spirit out
into the other world.

The remarkable layout
of the tomb's ground plan

is an achievement many
researchers believe could only

have been accomplished with advanced
knowledge of constellations.

The passage and chamber
are cruciform in shape.

They're shaped like a cross,
which we think is very

significant because it seems to
be based on the shape of the

constellation, Cygnus, which is
the swan constellation of the sky.

Cygnus is one of the most important

constellations to the ancients.

We know it probably better as
the Northern Cross.

And these set of stars seem
to mark where the Milky Way

actually breaks into two.

And universally for prehistoric
societies around the world, this

point in the sky, known as the
Cygnus rift, has been seen as an

entrance and exit into
some kind of sky world.

We call it Heaven today and it

was seen as the point in the
sky of cosmic creation.

Is it possible the ancient
people at Newgrange

received knowledge of our solar
system and distant galaxies from

another, more otherworldly,
source, as ancient astronaut

theorists believe?

And might the ancient builders
have intentionally left a code

for future civilizations to decipher?

If so, what were they
trying to tell us?

They were experts in astronomy.

They were also experts in building.

How they possessed both
I find it to be very uncanny

Because they are supposedly
doing this without high tech

equipment and instruments.

But they did look toward the heavens,

and they tried to copy the heavens.

When we look at the ancient
people themselves, and

ask why they did it, they are

quite straightforward in
answering this question.

And that answer is simply
because this has to do with the

gods and figuring out when the
gods would come in the future.

Throughout the world
there are numerous ancient sites

that were built in precise
alignment with constellations,

primarily Cygnus and Orion.

Perhaps the most famous example
can be found at the Giza Plateau

in the layout of the three
great pyramids of Egypt.

I discovered in the early 80s,
that there was a correlation

between Orion's belt and the
layout of the three pyramids,

you have two large pyramids,
aligned with each other, and the

third smaller one offset
from that alignment.

Well that's the same way
you have the stars.

You have two bright stars and a
third less bright star offset

from the line of the other two.

The correlation is evident.

Other ancient sites

built in close alignment with
the constellation of Orion

The ancient city of Teotihuacan

in Central Mexico,
established in 100 BC,

The layout of ancient Hopi villages
in the American Southwest,

and the Thornborough Henges, a
Neolithic landscape complex in

Yorkshire, Northern England, dating
to between 3500 and 2500 BC.

The Thornborough Henges
are believed to be a copy

of the stars, of Orion's belt.

Their accuracies are just stunning.

Now, is that coincidence?
I mean, it really is exact.

But why were so many
civilizations around the world

focused on Orion?

Constellation of Orion
has a special magnetism for us.

Partly is because it does look like a
man, and certain egyptians claimed

that their gods came from there.

And there is a sense that
this is where we come from.

That somehow the human race
is being implanted on this planet

and that's where our father lives.

Some researchers
believe, in addition to

mirroring the three stars in
Orion's belt, the pyramids at

Giza also encode, in their
placement, a significant

message about the origin
of their culture.

The position of Orion's
belt relative to the

Milky Way is the same as the
pyramids relative to the Nile.

When you look at the two images,
they look the same, except one

is stellar and one is earthly.

What adds to this is that the
alignment, the pattern of

Orion's belt, matches what is on
the ground, not at the time that

Egyptologists tell us,
but in 10500 B.C.

When you look at the
sky in 10500 B.C.,

the lock is almost perfect.

At that same date, the
constellation Leo is aligned

perfectly with the gaze of the Sphinx.

So at 10,500 BC, even though the
pyramids were built in 2,500 BC

we see a terrestrial alignment
of the monuments on the Earth

mimicking the stars in the sky.

So you have two constellation
locking themselves

with two sets of monuments,
the Sphinx and the three pyramids

in 10,500 BC

It cannot be a coincidence

Was it something that they too ***
channelled, or did somebody else,

someone from higher up taught
them all of this stuff

and helped them to build
these monuments and

helped them recreate these
messages from ancient times

to try to get us to
appreciate who we really are

where were really came from
and why are we really here.

Might the builders of
Egypt's pyramids and

of the Newgrange Passage Tomb,
really have embedded in their

structures a secret code telling
us about the otherworldly

origins of the elite rulers of
their societies, as ancient

astronaut theorists believe?

If so, might there be hidden
messages contained in other

ancient monuments around the world?

Perhaps answers can be found by

examining what some researchers
call "ancient flight paths."

Herefordshire, England

June 30th, 1921

While horseback riding through
the British countryside,

amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins

notices that ancient features
and structures across the

landscape appear to be
arranged along straight lines.

Four years later, in 1925,
Watkins publishes The Old

Straight Track, a book
in which he proposes that man's

earliest monuments and megaliths

were linked by a network
of long straight tracks.

He referred
to the most ley lines

but to as to what these were he
could only really say that perhaps

they were lines that were used
by the ancients to communicate

from one place to the next.

You know the words they were
simply markers on a journey.

Ley lines are mostly
found in England and France

They're literally geographic
markings between sacred sites

They might be old
churches, they might be

churches built on top
of megalithic ruins

but you'll see dead
straight lines between

these sites that've been maintained.

The *** Line in England

It is a straight line
and it is measurable.

It's a magnetic field
line that you can measure

and it will be higher than other
areas around it geographically.

In his book Watkins further theorized

that ancient landmarks along ley lines
were deliberately placed by early men

in the purpose of laying
off site navigation

Watkins believed they were
tray routes, originally

But later it was noticed that someone
went over a really obscure terrain

and mountains and *** and streams

and this kind of stuff, so they
couldn't really have been walking.

Seems more like they were a
survey, or a mapping system.

Some researchers
believe that ley lines are

magnetic in nature, and
delineate the lines of Earth's

unseen energy fields.

But if ley lines were useful
for overland navigation to the

ancients, might they also
have been useful for aerial

navigation by extraterrestrial

visitors, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

Something extraordinary
happened along those ley lines

because the ones very physical and
real visit of extraterrestrial beings

has been forgotten.

Trelleborg, Denmark.

Here, along the northern reaches
of the European continent, lie

the archaeological ruins of a
Viking fortress dating to 900 A.D.

For decades, mainstream
historians have been baffled by

the precise nature of Trelleborg's
perfectly circular design--

with a courtyard divided
into four zones,

each with four longhouses and
gateways open precisely to the

north, south, east and west.

Some believe such a strict
geometric design would have

required extensive knowledge
of advanced engineering.

The mystery deepened in 1982,
when pilot Preben Hansson

discovered a direct line of
flight from Trelleborg to three

other Viking fortresses-- all
constructed with a similar design.

Trelleborg was the starting point

40 miles further another fort appeared.

Then he found others, so that
there was a line of four forts

in Denmark.

Given that the Vikings were
basically seafaring people

and these site were spread out so
far over land in great distances

implies that maybe they had some
other way of getting to these places

perhaps they weren't able to fly,

now how they would fly
when the technology was...

It is a good question
but it seems unlikely

they would be able to
find all these spots,

surveyed and place monuments
and structures there

if they were simply a seafaring race

These Viking fortress are
in one straight line

You continue the one line
straight ahead over the Alps

for thousands and thousands of
kilometers and under the line always

holy places from antiquity,
from Stone Age

And the line points directly to Delphi.

Delphi in Greece.

Delphi was the place of the god Apollo.

And mythology about Apollo says
every year, two times, Apollo

took his heavenly chariot, disappeared
in a faraway land the north.

Apollo flies on one straight line.

At several points, he makes a stop.

Wherever he makes a stop, the
Stone Age people start to create

a holy place of it
because here was a god.

Is it possible that the
ley lines that connected

early civilizations were
actually flight paths,

as ancient astronaut theorists believe?

And might such flight paths have

been used by
extraterrestrial spacecraft?

The extraterrestrials in the
past knew exactly that the

future generations would develop
technology, they would fly, they

would measure, they would
photograph their own land.

So by photographing their land,
they would realize something is

strange here on the ground.

How could a straight
line link ancient Egypt, the

pyramids, the Oracle of Delphi
in Greece, and Viking fortresses

that would've been established
thousands of years later.

It made no sense.

But it does make sense if these
installations are long straight lines

across the Earth's grid

And somehow those straight
lines mark navigational grids.

For extraterrestrials, that used them
as markers to navigate the globe

from side to side of it

Is it possible that these
ancient sites along ley lines

were nothing else but refueling
stations for ancient astronaut craft?

And the answer is yes.

Because just like today, a
plane goes in straight lines.

And if a plane needs to refuel,
it lands at an airport that's on

its course and not, you know, a
thousand miles to the east or a

thousand miles to the west.

A plane flies straight.

It was suggested

that UFO's may be
connected in some way,

because it could well be
that they are following

the paths of geomagnetic fields,

the different variations, the
different strengths that exist.

It was often seen that UFO's seem to
either appear or descend or rise.

In connection with where the
ley line seemed to intersect

And this has been seen time

and time again around the world
at different UFO hot spots.

Might the sacred sites
along ancient flight paths

really have been landing points,
or perhaps fueling stations for

extraterrestrial space vehicles?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found by examining the ancient

civilizations that are

connected from opposite
sides of the globe.

Cuzco, Peru

Here lie the impressive ruins of the

of the ancient capital
of the lnca empire

that thrived from the
13th to 15th century.

Long suspected by ancient
astronaut theorists to have

been a place visited by

extraterrestrial beings
in the distant past--

Cuzco is considered
to be an axis mundi,

which in religion or mythology

means the "center" or
"navel of the world"

They are very important sites and
quite often when you start looking at

some site like Cuzco, Cuzco literally
means "navel of the world"

It was the navel of the
empire of the lnca.

So, Cuzco isn't unique, we really
find navel sites everywhere.

And navel sites are often the most
important of a culture, Jerusalem is one

the Giza Plateau is another.

World navels because they lie
along the Earth's magnetic grid.

were places where the ancients created
what can only be called heaven's gates

altars, places where human
beings could communicate

with otherworldly entities.

Evidence can also be found
connecting Cuzco with

another world navel over 2,000
miles away in the South Pacific--

Easter Island.

Although mainstream historians
and archeologists believe the

two places were never in contact
in ancient times, Cuzco and

Easter Island feature strikingly
similar styles of stonework--

with colossal multi-sided stones
precisely fitted as if each

joint was welded together.

The walls at Cuzco are
identical to the walls we

can find in the base foundations

of some of the Moai's on Easter Island.

And those two places are so far apart.

I wonder how was it done?

Either the builders traveled
from one place to the other or

the builders in each culture were
visited by the same teachers.

The teachers from the
stars, extraterrestrials.

These navels of the world might
have been geodesic points,

which you could use to
navigate from the air.

There are interesting accounts about
this. For example from Apollonius,

who lived in Rome in 4 A.D.
that he descended with thunder birds

that he had visited
the city of the Gods.

There he was given a talisman,
which he was supposed to bury.

There is a similar legend from Cuzco.

There the children of the sun

god are supposed to have
plunged a rod into the Earth.

And there are similar
legends on Easter Island.

But if Cuzco and Easter
Island were linked ancient times

by space in travelers,
what might this say

about other "centers of the world"?

Strangely, some ancient
civilizations are located on the

exact opposite sides of the planet.

A line drawn from Easter Island
through the center of the Earth,

points to Mohenjo-Daro,
Pakistan, a once great empire

believed by ancient astronaut
theorists to have been destroyed

by a nuclear blast
thousands of years ago.

And, from Nazca, Peru, a line
through the Earth points to

Angkor Wat, Cambodia-- a site of
great religious significance--

known in ancient myths to have
been built as a landing zone for

sky beings.

And, astonishingly, these four

sites lie on one circle around
the globe-- a circle that also

includes the location of the
Great Pyramids of Egypt.

This is really the end
of line mystery, I think

which is not necessarily why
were these monument built,

for what purpose, but also why were
they built on those specific places?

Because really what we are
beginning to understand

is that all of these monuments
from the past, were not just build

haphazardly on the
surface of the earth,

but were built in very
specific locations.

It appears that ancient people
either mapped the earth

in some *** type of way that we
can't quite comprehend yet

or it was sacred knowledge handed
down over thousands of years.

Might such connections between ancient

sites around the world suggest
that there was some sort of

strategic link between
these civilizations,

as ancient astronaut theorists believe?

And, if so, what could this mean?

Before the advent of
satellite-guided global

positioning systems, the science
of geodesy was used to determine

the exact position of
geographic points on the globe.

One of the oldest of Earth
sciences, the use of geodesy

dates back thousands of years.

There's clear records
that geodesy was used by

the Sumerians in ancient times.

Several of the landing
spots used by the gods

were actually triangulation
points to the landing corridor.

Things like Baalbek in Lebanon,
or Jerusalem were actually

extensive megalithic monuments
with platforms that were used to

launch spacecraft.

And ancient man recorded stories
around these locations of seeing

great smoke, fire, and loud noise
as these ships ascended or

descended from these locations.

It's probably highly reasonable
that the ancients had

systems of navigation.

I mean, we know the Romans
did effectively that.

And that was why they were so efficient
in getting around their empire

in addition to their roads
and keeping track of things

In the early era of our own flight,
pilots used markers which would be

church steeple or mountains, obvious
physical monuments that they could see

Just like that, the ancient aliens,
they were able also use

this world grid, and the pyramids
and obelisk and other monuments

that were built as these special
power places to navigate

It's almost like the ancients
were building these sites

and they were mapping the
planet in vast antiquity,

put it like 10,000 or more years ago

Because of the interaction
between ancient

civilization and ancient aliens,
these ancient societies,

recognizing the importance of
these spots, and the presence of

ancient aliens, place these
monuments as a map for the star

people, for the ancient aliens
to follow and to direct them to

the civilizations they might
well have started by themselves

as colonies.

Is it really possible that many of the

world's most famous ancient
sites were part of an

interconnected network whose
placement on the globe was

planned tens of thousands of
years ago by visitors from other

galaxies, as ancient
astronaut theorists contend?

Perhaps more evidence can be
found among numerous strange

symbols hidden in plain view along
the northwest coast of France.

The Gulf of Morbaha Along the
rocky coast of French Brittany

is the small island of Gavrinis.

Here, lie the remains of a passage
grave known as Gavrinis tomb--

built around 3,500 BC.

Gavrinis is an extraordinary
passage grave

that illustrates highly advanced
mathematical knowledge

dating back to prehistoric times.

What's really amazing about
Gavrinis is that there are spirals

and hand axes and almost things
like look like fingerprints,

that have been carved on
to the megalithic slacks

and mathematicians have determined
that there are hidden messages

hidden mathematical messages

When people came to Gavrinia,
they began to make measurements

on to how the stones were
placed, they began to realise

that these stone weren't
just placed haphazardly

in some kind of coincidental forms

but actually displayed
extraordinary understanding

and knowledge of mathematics.

52 megalithic stones were used in the
construction of the passage grave,

of which 26 are engraved
with unique symbols.

By adding, dividing and multiplying
the numbers of symbols

with significant stones
or groups of stones,

researchers have discovered the correct

spherical size of the Earth,
the number of days in a year,

and the mathematical constant-- Pi.

Pi is a very special
number in mathematics

Pi is a fundamental
property of all circles.

It's the ratio of the circle's
circumference to its diameter

These mathematicians have not only

determined the numerical Pi way,
way, way before it was ever

discovered, quote, unquote, but
also the exact longitude and

latitude of the island.

Now that is sensational because
why would Stone Age people know

about the longitude and latitude
of that particular island?

But do such findings
of precise mathematical

knowledge at Gavrinis, engraved
there more than 5,000 years ago,

suggest that its builders
were leaving a secret

code for future generations, as
ancient astronaut theorists contend?

If so, what might they
have wanted to tell us?

We do see evidence of profound

mathematical knowledge at work.

The big question is did
we develop that ourselves

or is this an important aspect to the
energy ratio that was instilled upon us

by ancient aliens, teaching us about
mathematics because it was important

in the very clear precise
construction of these huge structures

None of this makes any sense unless

the construction was directly
commissioned by extraterrestrials

because they knew that we'd have the
wherewithal to decipher the message.

But is it really possible

that the principles of
advanced mathematics were

brought to Earth and given
to man by alien visitors?

According to ancient
astronaut theorists,

the idea is not only
possible-- but probable.

There is no way that we could
have achieved the moon landing

for instance, without very advanced
knowledge of higher mathematics

that these ancient
cultures seemed to know

way way back, many,
many thousands of years

This may be the reason
that extraterrestrials wanted us

to develop mathematical
knowledge ourselves

Because it's only with that special
knowledge that we're able to

advance into the skies
and to the stars.

If you go back through
history, let's say to Greece

Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Egypt,
where there was clearly

some of the most advanced astronomy,
an emergence of advance mathematics,

When these ancient civilizations
were building hugely complex

pyramids, and beautiful Doric
columns in Greece and the

ziggurats of Mesopotamia, is
it possible that none of those

had anything to do with the
minds of humans at the time?

But were actually the creation
by non humans who have

interacted with this planet for
thousands of years?

The Annunaki that came here as gods

to the Sumerian culture gave them

a math system based on the number 12.

And we see this number 12 being
repeated throughout time

12 hours in a day, 12 inches
in a foot, 12 in a dozen

It spans very much into
different parts of our culture.

There seems to be a single,
universal, mathematical

geometric code for how
the universe works.

And, somebody has been trying to
get us to wake up to this fact

for thousands, and thousands,
and thousands of years.

Because ancient astronauts
were aware that our

development one day would reach
a highly advanced technological

status, they wanted to leave
behind some type of a message,

a type of secret code that needed
to be deciphered by a future

generation that understood, or
would understand what really

happened in the past, and
that generation is us.

The world energy grid--
star alignments--

ancient flight paths--
and mathematics.

Did ancient astronauts really
leave behind a secret code

embedded in the stone
monuments of early man?

One that reveals the extraterrestrial
origins of our world?

If so, why?

Was it to test us, to see if we could
figure the code out for ourselves?

Was it simply to communicate with us?

Or was it to prepare us for
the day they will return?
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