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04x14 - sh**t The Moon

Posted: 02/21/13 18:06
by bunniefuu
Neal: There is no security on this earth, only opportunity.

Sara: That is not what I want to hear from the man I'm asking to consult on my security.

Well, you got to love irony.

What's the event?

It's tomorrow's launch party for Parfum Bijoux's new fragrance line, inspired by the blend wore by Marie Antoinette.

Where else would the new line be-headed?

Oh. Yeah.

Well, at least you didn't ask if it smells like cake.

Eh, that's too obvious.

They're displaying the original formula in its original atomizer on loan from the Marquise de Tourzel, and fully insured by Sterling Bosch.

You have a date to this little soiree?

Would it matter if I did?

Not at all.

We agreed to keep this casual.


We did.

[ Laughs ]


Amis-amants -- "friends who have fun."

[ Sighs ] The French have a word for everything.


I might stop by afterwards.

I might make you a late dinner.



That's how this whole thing got started.

I wanted to thank you for helping with the Delancy case. - Oh.

See, I thought the thank-you was what came after dinner.

Then you'll have to thank me for helping with the security.


I better not mess this up. Don't.

[ Both laugh ]

Okay, should I be thinking five-star restaurant or Cape Cod clambake?

Yes. Honey, come on! One hint!

Hon, the whole point of a surprise getaway --

It's a surprise, I know, but do you really want to be lugging around my entire wardrobe for two days?

Well, luckily for you, I have the upper-body strength of a Norse God.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, and you don't mind if we go by the Parfum Bijoux event, right?

Just for two minutes.

Two minutes? No. Two hours? Yes.

Oh, honey, it's really important to Sara.

Yes, and she's a big girl, and it's not nearly as important as you and I finally getting some time away with no distractions.

I know. You're right.

We promised each other no work talk.

[ Knock on door ]

Who's that?

Oh, that's Jones.

He's here to... not talk about work?

I'll make it quick. Mm-hmm.

And don't bother looking in my bag.

I pack to deceive.

What do you have?

Ellen's tax returns.

Keep the bureau out of it?


Diana's contact at the IRS came through.


Well, what do you think?

Did she hide the evidence box in the Empire State Building?

Her first job after WITSEC that moved her to New York has this employer I.D. number here -- Griffin-Moore.

Private security firm.

Perfect way to satisfy her inner cop.


And one of their clients was a tech startup in the Empire State Building.

That's got to be it.

Well, the question is, how do we search it?

We don't. We keep our distance and let Neal search on his own.

Does he know where to look?

He will.

All right, I need you and Diana to keep an eye on Neal.

Neal while you're gone.

We always do.

Between the car accident and everything else, El and I really need to get away.

No, I understand. Thanks.


Your phone just buzzed.

Might be the hotel. Do you remember the area code?

My phone's on me, hon.

But nice try.

She still hasn't figured out where you guys are going, huh?

No, she hasn't, but she's conducting a very thorough investigation.

I'm sure she is.

Sara: And then this is it.

Neal: Wow. Look at that.

I can see why you wanted my help.

Do you love it?

I do.

Peter: Hello.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Neal: Hey.

You two ready to kick off your romantic weekend? - Yes.

She doesn't know where we're going, so nobody say anything.


Is it safe to mention the earrings?

Are those emeralds?

They're beautiful.

Well, thank you. They were my grandmother's.

[ Both chuckle ]

Oh, speaking of beautiful...

Elizabeth: Oh, my gosh.

From Marie Antoinette's bedroom in Versailles.

[ Gasps ]

Does it smell like cake?

Cake. What?

Oh, nothing.

I'm gonna check in on the staff.

I'll take you back. Great. and Sara?

Deduce that all by yourself?

I did.

Shouldn't you be leaving for your bed-and-breakfast soon?

Enough. Remember, I'm only to be disturbed --

If someone dies. I know the drill.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Oh, the Rusty Egret.


Must be checking in for our confirmation.


[ Sighs ] Well, everything's under control.


Now you two can relax this weekend.

I hope you can, too.


Don't play innocent.

I know you've been dealing with a lot, and me asking you to lie to Peter only added to it.

I understand why you want to keep him out of this.

I just want him safe.

No argument here. Keep him far away.

Peter: Well, our check-in is confirmed, but our dog-sitter just canceled.

Oh. Let's call the Bermans. Busy.

I'll watch Satchmo.

What? No.

What? You don't trust me with your dog?

I don't trust you with my house.

All right, I can bring Satchmo over to my place.

Perfect. A vacation for Satchmo.

[ Sighs ]

All right. Here.

Oh, no need.

I'll use the one in the fake rock in your flower bed.

[ Laughs ]

Instructions are on the table.

Our valuables are inventoried, and the second we're back, we're changing the locks and resetting the alarm codes.

I would expect nothing less.

And maybe Sara could drop by and check in on Satchmo, as well?

Hmm, what?


Yeah, sure. Why not?

Yes, of course. Yeah.


Go, have a great weekend. Come on.

Neal: Satchmo's in good hands. He's covered.

They know. Yeah, they know.

Hey, listen, can we go by that new coffee shop?

I want to get an iced latte.

Unless we're going someplace cold.

Get the ice.

I'll get the hot chocolate.

[ Chuckles ]

Sara: So, this is the security setup.

It's fairly simple, but it should do the trick.

Nice field of vision.

Decent lux parameter.

I only see one problem. Hmm?

You're being robbed. What?


[ Gasps ]

Everybody, be cool!

This is a robbery.

Do as we say, and no one will get hurt.

You, get over here. Get down.

Hey, you, big boy, hand your piece over to the lady nice and easy.

All right, everybody, eyes to the floor.

[ Laughing ] Oh.

No heroes today, folks.

Babe, I can't get it.

Oh, God.

Yeah, you got it babe. You got it. Just hit it.

She's gonna be upset if she doesn't get that perfume.

Not as upset as her boyfriend.

Everybody stay down or you're gonna eat a b*llet!

He's gonna k*ll somebody.

Sara, wait!

I leave for two minutes, and it's a costume party?

Shut your mouth and get on the floor.

Down! Sara, do what he says.

[ Laughs ] What does she think she's gonna do with that?

Get out.

Attitude like that will get you some serious time in the cottage, honey.

Penny: Oh, my God. Let's go.

Thank you, everybody.

[ Laughs ]

We're blocked in.

You're such a gentleman.

For you, my dear, anything.

Damn van.

This way.

[ Whistles ] Hey.

Give us the keys.

My wife is in the car.

I don't care.

You're making a very big mistake right now.

It's huge.

One more word and somebody gets hurt.

Come on.

That's right.

Get in.

Baby, we don't need them.

They saw our faces. Drive. Get in.

[ Engine turns over ]

Was this a part of the surprise?

Peter: What is this?

Some kind of substation?

Oz: Abandoned by the city. It's ours now. Move!

I'm only gonna say this one more time.

My wife, Elizabeth, and I were leaving town for a getaway weekend.

That's all -- Shut up!

Empty your pockets.

Do it!

Peter and Elizabeth Burke, Warren Street, Cobble Hill, just like they said.

Oz, we are not kidnappers.

Peter: Listen to her.

You let us go now, you're looking at armed robbery.

But if you keep us here, you're playing in a whole new ballpark.

You watch too much "Law & Order."

We let them go, and they go straight to the cops.

Just let us walk.

We -- we promise -- we're not gonna --

You'll what?

Dummy up?

We look like amateurs to you?!

Penny: S-s-stop!

Okay, we just need a second to figure this out.

Baby, you need to relax, okay?

Yeah. Yeah. All right, all right.

We'll just make sure our fish don't swim.

Neal: Thought they were Bonnie and Clyde.

They came in with these masks --

Jones: We officially have ourselves a new case.

Both: Nate "Oz" --

Oh, you go ahead. Oh, no, ladies first.

Why not guys first?


Nate "Oz" -- Nate "Oz" Osbourne was serving a 15-year sentence for assaulting a police officer when he escaped Hudson Correctional last week.

We cross-referenced Caffrey's physical description -- thank you, Caffrey -- against former Hudson inmates, and we got our guy.

Osbourne and his lady friend abandoned their getaway car at the scene.

NYPD cordoned the area, but so far, no trace.

The perfume wasn't their first target, either.

Their M.O. matches a theft from Weatherby's two days ago -- the wedding ring Joe DiMaggio gave Marilyn Monroe.

It made its way on to the finger of Osbourne's better half.

Well, nothing says commitment like a stolen wedding ring.

Any information on the girl?

Not much.

We got her prints off the guard's g*n, but no criminal record.

They left the guard's g*n behind?

She dropped it in a champagne bucket.

Could I see the ballistics report from the shot Oz fired?

Kid's barely old enough to vote, and he thinks he can thr*aten you?

The second I get you out of here...

He's in over his head.

Way over.

I don't think they want to hurt us.

Peter: Maybe not her, but him?

"Dummy up" and "Fish" are prison slang.

He's done time.

Or watched a lot of TV.

Shut up down there!

She's a calming influence.

Maybe if I talk to her, appeal to her on a personal level.

I don't know.

I have done this before.

That makes two of us.

Well, at least this time, we get to be tied up together.

Oz: Good news.

With a slight adjustment, our third act is back on track.

So Penny here is gonna babysit while I take care of business.

Be safe.


If you're ditching our car, we have bags in the trunk.

What makes you think I'm ditching your car?

All that "Law & Order" I watch.

Elizabeth: If we're gonna be here for a while, it'd be nice to change our clothes.


"Change our clothes."

Cobble Hill.

How long have you two been married?

[ Penny laughs ]

We have a love for the ages.

I mean, why do we need some stupid contract to tell us what we already know?

For starters, health insurance, homeownership, shared cellphone plans.

[ Clears throat ]

Uh, what Oz and I have is much bigger than all of that.

He's a really good guy with a really, really big heart.

You'll understand if we don't see him that way.

Well, you don't know him, so...

Right. He is good.

And, sure, his cousin talked him into stealing car parts, but that doesn't make him a bad person.

You don't serve hard time for stealing rims.

What happened?

[ Sighs ]

It was his first time.

The police showed up.

When they told him to raise his hands, he accidentally dropped a battery that he was holding on the cop's foot.


What else was he supposed to do other than drop it?

I mean, the guy had a g*n in his face.

The officer didn't see it that way?


The cop lied to the D.A.

They charged him with as*ault on a police officer.

You can get 15 years for that.

That's exactly what the judge gave him.

[ Chuckles ]

I mean, he didn't deserve that.

So he was released early on good behavior.


He escaped, and you helped him.

The cop lied. The judge wouldn't listen.

What else were we supposed to do?

I mean, the system failed him.

All we have is each other.

I mean, I'm sure there are a ton of people out there who are worried about the two of you right now.

You have no idea.

Uh, this is Esther from the Rusty Egret.

I thought we were confirmed you'd be here by noon, and it's almost 3:00.

I'll try your cell again. [ Answering machine beeps

Wait. The Suit actually gave you access to his house?

Yes, Moz.

Unwise. We should teach him a lesson.

I'm thinking micro cam in a lampshade.

He'll find it, of course, but that's the point.

We're picking up Satchmo and we're leaving, all right?


I don't see why you'd want to pass up a prime opportunity such as this, but whatever.

Whoa! Seriously?

Boxed wine?

We got to get out of here.

You mind picking up Satchmo's water bowl?

It's over by the desk.

And no snooping. Uh-huh.

Whoa, the Suit left Ellen's IRS forms out here for anyone to see.

Hey. No. I said no.

They're from when WITSEC moved her to New York.

Well, any insight into her life from that time could help us isolate where she hid the evidence.

It's a long shot.

So is blindly searching a 2-million-square-foot building.

Excellent point. Here. Allow me.


You know, it's not too late to hide that micro cam --

Not gonna happen. Okay.



Jesus, baby, what took you so long?

[ Laughs ] Well, I acquired us a new vehicle and I finished up recon for our third act.

And you went to Gristedes?

Yeah. Well, we got a big day tomorrow.

Can't do it on an empty stomach.

You are too good, baby.

[ Oz chuckles ]

You have to admit -- they are kind of sweet together.

I hope that's the Stockholm syndrome talking.

Burkes of Cobble Hill, keep up the good behavior, there might be some of my famous chow-hall casserole in it for you.


You sure they didn't give you trouble?

Penny: Sure.

Hey, hon.

I see it.

The second they realize they've kidnapped a federal agent, all bets are off.

You packed your g*n.

Do you think you can get to it?

Not without help.

We're gonna have to do this together.

There is still a chance that we can get the atomizer back before the event tomorrow, right?

Yeah, we're on it. Okay.

You okay?

Diana: Ballistics is still on scene, but we got a hit on Osbourne's sidekick.

Jones: I had Hudson Correctional pull his correspondence and visitor logs.

Sara: So we've got a name.

Yeah, Penny Chase.

Clean record.

She works as a copy editor for a book publisher specializing in paperback romance novels.

What is her connection to Osbourne?

Prison pen pals turned soul mates.

Copies of the prison letters right here.

They met while he was in prison?

Diana: And it wasn't by chance.

Penny was a longtime subscriber to Mugshot Monthly.

Apparently, she liked Osbourne's mug and wrote him.

Their relationship took off from there.

This is not a real magazine.

Oh, yeah. Women who fall for inmates -- it's a thing.

They're called prison bunnies.

Oh, God. The weird gets weirder.

Says the only woman in the room who's actually dated an inmate.

Hey. It is not the same. Neal.

Wait. Are you familiar with this phenomenon?

During my prison stay, I may have had a few admirers.

Jones: More like a few hundred.

But didn't you respond with a form letter?

Only after the carpal tunnel.


[ Chuckles nervously ]

I let them down easy.

Right. Let's get back to the case, huh?

I skimmed a few of their letters.

You know, it's like they think they're characters in some great love story or something.

Take a look at this.

Osbourne promises to make her an honest woman after his release.

I mean, it's possible he lured her into this.

Well, he made her an honest woman by getting her a ring.

He kept his promise.

If he made her any other promises, it might lead us to their next target.

Are these all the letters?

Diana: There's about 700.

Ooh. All right.

Let's get started.

Elizabeth: Oh, no, no.

D-don't add the onions raw like that.

You should sauté them. They're much sweeter that way.

Oz: Fine.

What do I do?

Well, y-you get a sauté pan, and you heat up some butter.

The silver one.

Oh, that's... way too much butter.

You want to come in here and do this?

Well, I do sort of run a catering company.

[ Click ]

May I do that?

I don't think so.

You do have a g*n.

[ Knife clatters ]

It's the proper knife.

[ Chuckles ]

Damn, Lizzy Burke, you got some skills.

You know, Harriet van Horne said it best.

Cooking is like love.

You either approach it with abandon or not at all.

Love and abandon.

Kind of dig that. I thought you might.

The first time I made this for Penny, she said I cooked better than her own mother.

[ Sighs ]

Oz: She was lying through her teeth.

But it was really cute.

[ Laughs ]

So, where were you gonna take her?

To a bed-and-breakfast in the green mountains.

Nothing but nature, my beautiful wife, and a couple of good crime novels.

Would have been amazing.

No, seriously, like... where were you gonna take her?

[ Chuckles ]

You've kidnapped me.

You don't get to judge me.

Come on, don't you think that sounds boring as hell?

No, I think it sounds relaxing as hell.

Different strokes, I guess.

I mean, the part about the book sounds okay.

I like romance novels.

But true crime is good, too.

Most of them don't have happy endings.

No, but the romance books do.

That's why I like reading them.

[ Chuckles ]

So, that's how I got the idea to start the...Ooh.

Oz: You okay?

Yeah, I think I just got some garlic powder in my eye.

You want to wash it out or something?

Um...actually, uh, I think I have some eye drops in my bag.

Hey, Pen, you help Lizzy out with her bag?



[ Grunts ]

Should be right on top in the toiletry bag.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, this is beautiful!

It's a classic Von Furstenberg.

You should try it on.


There's some shoes in there, too.

[ Clears throat ]

Oh. I wasn't sure how to pack.

[ Laughs ]

Peter, hey, uh, three things -- nobody's dead, Satchmo's fine, and I changed your alarm code, which I'll gladly give back to you in exchange for some maple syrup.

Tell Elizabeth I say hi.

How are the Burkes?

Maintaining radio silence, as promised.

I'm just calling to let them know it's all quiet on the Satchmo front.

You find something?

Yeah, too bad Peter's not here.

He'd love this.

Last August, Oz promised Penny to treat her like a queen.

The Marie Antoinette perfume bottle.

We were right.

He's stealing to fulfill a promise.

Right, and I might think it was adorable if they didn't snatch my perfume.



What are you not telling me?

It's me.

I'm up for a new job, Neal.

Running the London branch of Sterling Bosch.

Wow. That's...

My chances were excellent.

But if -- if you lose the perfume bottle...

I lose all of it.

I probably should have said something sooner.

I -- No, no.

I mean, why -- why would you?

We're just, you know --

Amis-amants. Right.

Well, it's not like I'm running away to an island or something.

Well, technically, Britain is an island.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]


[ Chuckles ]

You think Oz will like it?

[ Chuckles ]

I do.

It's just, you know, with everything that he's been through, I-I just want to make him happy.

You really believe the system failed him.

I know it did.

After Oz told me his story, I looked into it.

Turns out it's not the first time this cop lied.

He has a history of dishing out trumped-up charges.

Did you show this to the D.A.?

Yeah, his public defender wouldn't listen.

I mean, he said we didn't stand a chance.


This looks damning to me.

I told you.

He got a bum rap.

Oz: Soup's on, baby!

Coming! Hope you're hungry.

If you don't eat, I'll be offended.

So, what do you think?


[ Laughs ]



I was just wondering how I got so lucky.

[ Chuckles ]


We should probably untie his hands.

Hands only. And just for dinner.

All right?

Thank you.

Is that a Jayer Echezeaux?

Is that how you say it?

All I know is -- a case costs 12 grand.

Don't worry. We didn't pay for it.

[ Laughter ]

Now, I'll go out on a limb and say Penny's ring wasn't a hand-me-down from grandma?

It was Marilyn Monroe's.

[ Sighs ] I love Marilyn.

You know, it's funny.

I spent two years behind bars just pissed off that life screwed me over.

And then I met Penny, and she made me realize that you only get one life.

And you better live it.

And this crime spree is what you call living?

Three years of my life has to be worth something.

The world owes us that.

What happens when the world catches up to you?

We won't let it.

So, Peter, uh, Elizabeth tells me that you are a professor at Columbia.


What do you teach?


Now, I'm guessing, by the age difference, that, uh, Lizzy here was your student.

A little "hot for teacher" action, huh, Liz?

Am I right?

Guilty as charged.

[ Both laugh ]

Neal: Still nothing on the Ellen front?

Mozzie: Well, apparently, the IRS codes its forms differently for people in WITSEC.

That or Ellen spent three years as a ribbon dancer in Circus Vargas.

[ Chuckles ]

I think I'd go with the first one.

Availing yourself of federal resources could speed along the process.

Yeah, I can't.

I promised Elizabeth I wouldn't involve Peter.

And once you find the box?

I want my father to come back and live a normal life.

Ellen's evidence can give him that.

And while we're on the topic of items just out of reach...

Ah, the perfume search.

If we find it, there's a good chance Sara's moving to London.

And you're ambivalent about what that means to the two of you.


Don't give me that look.

I know I said we wouldn't get serious again, but --

Looming expiration date is forcing you to wonder if you should.

Neal, it's just a fantasy.

For guys like us, the only regret is permanence.

That's just how it is.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Diana, what's up?

You said Penny Chase was wearing hoop earrings, right?

Yeah, why?

E.R.T. found an emerald earring up the street from the boutique, but what's strange is the backing was attached.

Elizabeth was wearing emerald earrings when they left.

So she took it off on purpose.

If she and Peter were delayed for a few minutes...

You heard from him?

I tried him an hour ago. It went to his voicemail.

I'm sure they're fine.


Oz: Look, all I'm saying is that compared to you, Peter here seems a little boring.

Please. I wish he were boring.

I hate this conversation.

Wait. So, you're telling us that he's not?

You know, some of the stories he's covered have been incredibly dangerous.

Some nights, I lie awake and I can't sleep, worrying.

The point is -- I like boring, and there's no one I'd rather be boring with than this man.

So, two nights in an old house in Vermont is your idea of a party?

The Rusty Egret.


I guess it is. You're a wild man, Petey.

[ Laughs ]

Drop your dish.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, I'm gonna clean up.


I'm sorry. No, I'll get a broom.

No, no, it's -- I'll help.

Oh. I'll get it, I'll get it.

Penny: Do we have a bag?

Hey, honey, can you please get me a --

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Special agent Peter Burke?

Everyone listen up.

Our BOLO turned up agent Burke's car at an impound in Flatbush.

We found Peter and Elizabeth's cellphones in a dumpster two blocks from the boutique.

We're ordering the J.O.C. stood up until further notice.

We have to assume they've been taken.

Simpson, I want your team to stay on the letters.

Foster, pull the traffic-cam footage in the area where the car was recovered.

And flag any missing-vehicle reports.

Chase and Osbourne are gonna need a new getaway car.

Let's go. Peter's counting on us.

Neal, how could this happen?

Wrong place, wrong time.

But there's a bright side.

A bright side to kidnapping?

Yeah. Ballistics came in.

Oz is sh**ting blanks. Why would he do that?

They don't want to hurt anyone.

But it doesn't mean they won't.

No, it doesn't.

What can I do?

Help us comb through these letters.

If we beat them to their next target, we find Peter and Elizabeth.

But Oz buries his promises in romantic symbolism, and he is open to interpretation.

[ Sighs ] Then let's get to interpreting.

Where do you want to set up?

My place has a hungry dog and a wine-drinking speed-reader.

Your bring the photo copies. I'll bring the coffee.

Penny: Oz, this doesn't have to change anything.

We just kidnapped an FBI agent.

Yeah, but we didn't mean to.

You think they care about that?

Penny's right. This is a mistake.

Oh, we are through talking to you.

Oz, listen to me.

This has gone far enough.

Your best option -- your only option -- is to let us go and turn yourselves in.

That's your advice?


I just got out, and you want me to walk back in?

We're never gonna be together.

No. No.

We're gonna work this out, okay?

It's gonna be fine.

Do you still want to go for the third act?


Yeah, we get it.

We skip town, just like we planned.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, what about them?

We can't let them go now.

Maybe they could be of some use to us.


Mozzie: I've been through this entire pile twice now.

It still reads like a bad romance novel, with more misspellings and redactions.

They don't have spell-check in prison.

What they lack in technique they make up for with heart.

Do they have to write every day?

"I love you. I adore you. I worship you."

How many ways can they say the exact same thing?

This many ways.

[ Satchmo whines ]

Moz, will you, uh -- Yeah, I'll get him.

Fresh air -- the antidote to sentimental drivel.

Come on, Satchmo.

[ Door closes ]

[ Sighs ]

So, London. Hell of a city.

It is.

I spent the summer there when I was younger -- with my sister.

My parents warned us to stay away from Islington, 'cause that's where the bad kids hang out.

So, of course, we were there every night.

Of course.

Smoking cigarettes with the street artists and flirting with the bad boys.


Well, I don't smoke, but I do flirt.



You're also a very bad boy.

I don't know what you're talking about.

[ Both laugh ]

I hope you get the job.

Not because I want you to leave -- because I want you to be happy.

I have to admit -- it has been a lot of fun spending time with you up in the clouds.

But the ground beckons.


"There is no security on this earth, only opportunity."

[ Chuckles softly ]

Send me a postcard?

Yeah. More than one. Less than 700.

[ Both laugh ]

Does that mean I get a poem?


Will you use spell-check?

[ Chuckling ] Stop it.

"In the clouds."


Neal, Oz says multiple times that his favorite childhood memory is when his father took him to the Kennedy Space Center.

Yeah, something about wishing he could fly through the clouds and off to the moon.


And then two days before he gets out, he writes this.

"Give me your love, and I'll give you the moon."

So what if he's going to give her the moon?

I mean, not the whole thing, but --

Maybe a piece of it.

Okay, Neal, there's only one moon rock in town -- from Apollo 17.

Yeah, we see it.

It's on display at the New York Hall of Science in Queens.

You really think he's gonna steal her a rock?

Yeah, Oz's final promise to Penny was to give her the moon.

We got a hit on Peter and Elizabeth.

10 minutes ago, a stolen car used its E-ZPass at the Midtown tunnel.

We got a shot of it on the security camera.

It's them. They're hitting the museum.

I'll mobilize SWAT. Let's go!

All right, we're on our way.

Get museum security on the phone.

Let them know what's coming.

Peter: FBI! Please open the door.

Good morning, agent --

Oz: Don't move. I mean it.

Special agent Peter Burke.

Do as he says and you won't get hurt.

Get in.

Hey, baby, we're inside.

Open your coat. Come on.

Take his g*n. Hmm?

Yeah, get the g*n.

In the chair. Come on.

Oz: What's the code for internal security?

Guard: 37294.

I told you -- you don't need Elizabeth.

Keep me as your hostage. I won't cause any trouble.

Yeah, you won't cause us any trouble because we got your wife.

Hon, I'll be okay.

Yes, she will, as long as you do exactly what we say.

Sara: They're already inside.

Guard: We're being robbed.

Call the police! We got to find another way in.

Neal, we need to wait for the FBI.

Look, it's Peter and Elizabeth.

I'm not waiting. Neal!

Oz: Hands.

[ Peter sighs ]

You are only making this worse for yourself, Oz.


Have a seat, both of you.

That moon rock's the most valuable thing in this place.

Sara: Neal, at least tell me you have a plan.

Look, if they've got Peter and Elizabeth and the FBI shows up, this turns into a hostage situation, unless...

Unless what?

You have a bargaining chip?


I'm gonna steal the moon.

Not alone, you're not.

It's Peter and Elizabeth.

All right.

That's it?

That is it.

Well, as far as priceless objects go, I'm not impressed.

It's 4 1/2 billion years old, 200,000 miles from home, and worth 100 times its weight in gold.

Penny: 37294. That did it!

[ Both laugh ]

Good job, Pen.

Hey, Oz, isn't that --

Yeah, from the perfume shop.

They're stealing the moon rock.

What the hell is going on?

Hey, you -- you're coming with me.

I'm not leaving my wife.

I beg to differ.

All right, if anything goes wrong, just meet me in the lobby.

Pen, look at me.

This is what we wanted, remember?

All right.

Now, Burke.

Come on.

You don't have to go through with this.

You know that.

I kinda do.

I've never actually seen you steal anything before.

Well, that is one of the perks of being my plus-one.

Let's go.

Hey, Sinatra, you want to tell me why you and Baton Girl are stealing my rock?

Oh, your rock?

That's funny, because according to Article VI of the 1967 U.N. Outer Space Treaty, it's not yours.

Neal. I got this, Peter.

Oh, you two know each other. That's cute.

Now give me the damn rock.

I don't think so.

Neal. What?

He has my g*n.


So, what's it gonna be?

Sara, your baton.

I'm warning you.

And I'm educating you.

The moon has no atmosphere, no free oxygen, and no surface moisture.

That's why this rock is vacuum-sealed in nitrogen.

Once it's exposed to our atmosphere, it crumbles to dust in a matter of seconds.

Sara. I do like to smash things.

Yeah, and I'll sh**t both of you.

Not before one of us smashes your rock.

Let Peter go and it's yours.

Everybody wins.

[ Chuckles ]

Have it your way. Sara.



[ Sighs ] Matter of seconds, huh?

I may have exaggerated a little bit.

It would have turned to dust in another billion years.

He's not making it out of here.

You and Sara exit the same way you came in.

Let the FBI know that Penny and Oz are both armed.

Peter, where are you going?

To get my wife back.

[ Sighs ]

You've been a criminal less than a week, Penny.

I don't think you're cut out for this.

It's better to burn bright than slowly fade away, like you --

Like what?

Peter and me?

We are not boring.

[ Laughs ]

Hell, this is not even my first kidnapping.



Every morning my husband walks out the door, a part of me worries if he ever walks back in.

Do you have any idea what that feels like?

Yeah. I do.

Then stop him before he gets hurt.

You didn't stop Peter.

I tried.

But whether I like it or not, people like you happen to people like us.

That's life.

Elizabeth --

You know, I'm supposed to be on a romantic weekend with my husband right now, and instead, I'm stuck here with you, living your moment.

Which, by the way, just caught up with you.



Penny, it's over.

Oz is going back to prison.

No, he is not going anywhere.

We promised each other that we would not get caught.

If it is over for him, then it is over for me, too.

I was never gonna sh**t you, just like you're never gonna sh**t me.

[ Chuckles ]

I guess neither of us are cut out for this, huh?

I never wanted to be good at this.


Neal: Hey.

Caffrey! Where the hell did you come from?

Inside. I'll explain later.

Peter and Elizabeth are in there.

So are Penny and Oz, and they're armed.

With Peter's g*n.

Jones: Okay, you guys hang back.

Diana: Let's move in!

Let's go!

El. Penny and Oz just went out front.

It's okay. Building's surrounded.

That's just it -- I think they're planning on going out there like Bonnie and Clyde.

Honey, what are you doing?

What? They need our help. Come on.

No, they're not -- damn it.

Penny: Hey.

Come out peacefully with your hands in the air.

Oh, my God.

It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I got you the moon.

Come out quietly. Raise your hands.

You ready?

We don't want to hurt you.

Just stay close, all right?

Maybe we can --

Penny, Oz, come on.

Stay back, Liz. You can't go out there.

You know what's gonna happen. Just tell him.

Penny, don't listen to her, okay?

We have a love for the ages.

Peter: Oz, listen to me.

There's a SWAT team out there with a*t*matic weapons and body armor.

You try to sh**t your way out of there, and they will k*ll both of you.

Yeah, not if I k*ll them first.

Don't be a fool, Oz.

This isn't you.

I know you served three years for something that should have been a misdemeanor.

You got a bum rap, and I'm sorry.

You were using blanks so no one got hurt, but that's exactly what's about to happen out there for both of you.

You love her?


Do you really love her, Oz?


Real love... is fighting like hell to hold on to every moment you have with her.

It's making a life together and making it work no matter what happens.

You want a love for the ages?

I think that's great.

Prove it.

Make it last.

[ Voice breaking ] Listen, they're just gonna take me away from her.


They can take away a lot of things, but they'll never take away what you two have together.

You go out there, and it ends.

Give me the g*n, Oz.

Peter: It could have gotten pretty ugly back there.

You understand why I --

I do.

I'm just glad you're okay.

Diana: Take him away.

So, what's gonna happen?

She'll get probation, and this time, he'll get a fair trial.

Write me?

Every day.

Man: Come on, sir.

We still have to give our statements, but it's not too late to try and get away.

Maybe not the Rusty Egret, but --

I just want to go home.



They found it. Mm-hmm.

[ Chuckles ]

Thanks, hon.




Hey. Hi.

I just gave Sterling Bosch the good news.

Well, here's some more.

Isn't this evidence?

Nobody's gonna miss it, as long as it's back tomorrow morning.

How would you feel about being my plus-one tonight, no strings attached?

You know I like a good party.

Thank you.


[ Laughs ]

Peter: You asked Neal to lie to me.

You have every right to be upset, but you understand why I did it.

To protect me. I get that.

I knew you wouldn't let it go, even after the car accident.

But, hon, the one thing that truly scares me is losing you.

I had to do something.

Neal and I will always have secrets, but you and I -- we don't.

No more secrets.

Starting now.

There was a file that indicated where Ellen might have hidden the evidence box.

I checked it for prints.

It was here in the house.

Neal found it, like I hoped he would.

You wanted him to dog-sit Satchmo.

I'm helping his search without putting myself in harm's way.

And you didn't want me to know --

Because I didn't want you to worry.

No more secrets.

So now that we're on the same page, what about you and Neal?

He took the bait. Now what?


Neal: You cracked it?

It's a government code. Of course I did.

It turns out that employer I.D. number is for a security company named Griffin-Moore, which is linked to the 50th floor of the Empire State Building.

Let's get that box and bring my father home.