02x09 - Alien Devastations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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02x09 - Alien Devastations

Post by bunniefuu »

A great deluge, nearly wiping out
every living thing on our planet's surface.

Cosmic battles, waged over
the skies of Germany.

And geologic cataclysms, threatening
the future of humanity.

For centuries, mankind has faced
almost every calamity imaginable.

But are we at the mercy of natural forces?

Or is there an even higher power at work?

The aliens that apparently created us had

the ability and the desire to
keep human beings disunited.

They can control
us, and we cannot control them.

That makes us a second-class species.

If anything, they
may be more violent than we are.

Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

If so, were they out to control
us, to exterminate us or to

prepare us for the future?

# Ancient Aliens 2x09 #
Alien Devastations
Original Air Date on December 23, 2010

Tortuguero, Mexico.

Within this archaeological site
lies the ruins of a Maya city

that once thrived from 250 to 900 AD.

Among the many artifacts
discovered here are examples of

Maya script, also known as Maya
hieroglyphs, a fully-developed

written language.

In April 2006, Mayanist scholar
David Stuart deciphered

inscriptions that were found
on what's known as Monument 6.

Researchers believe the translated text
provides further proof that the Mayas'

Long Count calendar will
end on December 21, 2012.

According to Maya tradition, the gods

will return at that date.

And you can read... chiseled in
stone... will descend with glory,

god Bolon Yokte.

Bolon Yokte was one of the Maya creator
gods who created human intelligence.

The ancient Mayans were attuned to higher

wisdom, higher knowledge, and
their forecast of December 21,

2012, the winter solstice, as
a major marker in the Age of

Earth was a true insight
into what's coming.

It is a marker of a change into a new age.

The Maya civilization,
established as early as 2000 BC, produced

highly advanced architecture,
agriculture, mathematics and astronomy.

But ancient astronaut
theorists believe the amazing

accomplishments of the Maya may
be due, in part, to contact with

early extraterrestrials.

And the ultimate proof, they say, is
in the creation of the Maya calendar.


Scholars agree upon one date
when the calendar allegedly

started, and that was the
11th of August, 3114 BC.

In 3114 BC, the Maya did not
even exist, so what compelled

them to start their calendar in 3114 BC?

According to the Chilam Balam
book, which is the Book of the

Jaguar Priests, at that time,
the road to the stars descended

from the sky, and the 13 and
nine gods came to Earth.

Right there, we have a direct
reference to someone that has

arrived from outer space.

The Mayans were one of the
civilizations that reported a very strong

extraterrestrial presence.

Their alien gods were very much involved
in their society and their sciences.

The thought here is that maybe
this is a prophecy that was put

there by the aliens, through
the Mayans, in this calendar...

that the world is going
to end in the year 2012.



The End of Days.

Embedded in numerous ancient
cultures and religions around

the world is the idea that
civilization as we know it will

come to a tumultuous end.

Such apocalyptic beliefs are the
driving force behind the final

chapter of the Bible, called
the Book of Revelation.

According to the text, an angel
of God appeared to the apostle

John on the island of Patmos and
shared with him visions of the

future... that God would return in End
Times to pass judgment on all humanity.

The Book of Revelation tells the future of

mankind, where angels
appear over the Earth.

And the angel will punish mankind.

And earthquakes... thunderstorm...
gigantic floods...

and catastrophes on Earth.

Further evidence of
a prophesied Apocalypse was

found in 1947 in arid caves
high above the Judean desert.

Archaeologists discovered
nearly 900 documents believed

to have been written in the time of Jesus.

They are the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Among them is one called the
w*r Scroll that spells out in

chilling detail a future apocalyptic w*r
between the forces of light and dark.


The Dead Sea Scrolls are talking
about a w*r between good angels

and bad angels.

Invariably, in almost every
ancient literature, you end up

with these cosmic fights between
the forces of good and the

forces of... of evil.

The idea that somehow the gods have

different factions and they
fight against each other has

sometimes given rise to ideas
like, uh, maybe there was an

ancient, uh, w*r between alien
factions visiting the Earth.

That would have provided the
visual imagery and the basic

ideas for some of the ancient mythology.

In Judeo-Christian and Islamic
tradition, there was an idea

that there will be some kind of
final warfare when God defeats

Satan once and for all.

That's been interpreted by some
people to say that the aliens

will come back and they'll fight
it out again one final time.

But have these warnings of imminent w*r on

Earth actually come from God?

Or could they have originated
from somewhere else?

And if the forewarned Apocalypse
were to occur, might it simply

be part of a recurring cycle
of natural phenomena?

The Toba supervolcano, Indonesia.

75,000 years ago, this massive
volcanic lake erupted,

triggering a major climate change
that nearly obliterated mankind.

When you have one of these massive
volcanic eruptions, what you have to

worry about is the dust in the
upper atmosphere, because that

shields the sunlight, and
the planet can cool.

And if that lasts long enough,
you can really mess with the

life cycle of the organisms
that are around at that time.

Scientists call
this an example of a genetic

bottleneck... a catastrophic
event that dramatically

decreases the genetic
diversity of a species.

At least twice, h*m*
sapiens experienced such a

genetic bottleneck effect where
the worldwide population

dwindled to as few as 3,000
h*m* sapiens around the world.

The same patterns of
history just keep repeating

themselves over and over again.

And behind that pattern, we
continue to see possibly an

alien influence causing some
of these events to happen.

The flood stories are
really very interesting.

You find them in the Bible.

What they all say is that this
extraterrestrial race... the

angels, the gods, whatever we
want to call them today... they

basically just got tired of humanity.

They became noisy, rebellious.

And it was just time to wipe them out.

It's very possible that
the aliens decided that in

order to cleanse the planet,
they needed to do things of

huge magnitude, like the flood that
the Bible talks about as Noah.

God came down to him and said
he was going to punish mankind.

"Noah, you are good, and I want
you to build this massive ark

and collect all these animals,
a male and female, and you put

them in this boat and you float away.

And you start all over again."

When we come in
the Bible and we see Noah, we

find that he somehow knows the
future, whereas nobody else on

Earth seems to know this.

But specifically, he has been
given blueprints, somehow a

device whereby he can
survive this catastrophe.

Now, that is something very
specific, which singles Noah

out as being a person who might have
had exposure to ancient aliens.

Maybe the extraterrestrials
created some type of a catastrophe.

But it's also possible that the flood
itself was a natural disaster...

and extraterrestrials warned the
local population about this

impending massive flood.

Extraterrestrials ensured
our continued survival.

Could there be a
reason why humans have survived

such disasters time and time again?

And is it really possible that
the great flood and other

cataclysmic extinction events
were caused by extraterrestrials?

If so, who are these destructive beings,
and what is their ultimate purpose?



A massive underwater earthquake
produces a tsunami that kills

over 230,000 people in
14 coastal countries.

It was one of the deadliest natural
disasters in recorded history.

Geologists determine that the
violent movement of tectonic

plates on the floor of the
Indian Ocean created lethal

tidal waves measuring a
height of nearly 100 feet.

Tsunamis are basically super tidal waves.

And it really comes down to, at
its simplest level, is how much

energy is put into the ocean at the
point that generates the tidal wave.

And the water gets displaced,
and it actually forms a wave

that can be very coherent and
travel for large distances, and

will eventually hit the shore somewhere.

But just days before the disaster, several

eyewitnesses reported seeing
strange unidentified flying

objects to the India Daily newspaper.

People were reporting seeing bright lights

in the sky prior to and
during that tsunami.

Scientists think that that's
just maybe the tectonic plates

are rubbing each other, and
that there's so much friction

that they're giving off a glow.

Known as earthquake lights, mainstream

scientists have been studying
these phenomena since they were

first photographed in Japan in the 1960s.

But although there are many
theories as to their cause,

there has been, as yet,
no viable explanation.

What is becoming very apparent is that UFO

activity and tectonic
activity go hand in hand.

Now, there are an awful lot of
questions to be asked here and

science needs to answer
an awful lot of them.

The central question is this:

Is this UFO phenomenon just a
byproduct of the tectonic activity?


April, 2010.

One of the country's largest
volcanoes erupts for the first

time in nearly two centuries.

In the aftermath of the blast,
Sky News captured footage of an

unusual V-shaped flying object
amongst the plume of smoke and ash.

An awful lot of video material
was taken of this volcanic eruption.

And some of it clearly shows
an anomalous object hovering

roughly around the volcano.

This object is clearly under
intelligent control.

And from what we see on the
video, it's also apparent that

this isn't birds, as some skeptics
have been trying to argue.

According to
scientists, volcanic eruptions

are natural events that occur
when rocks deep within the

Earth become so hot, they
melt and form magma.

Basically, you build
up a lot of pressure in the

magma in the location where the
volcano is, and it has a point

where it can release, and then
that magma and the hot gases

and the hot lava all kind of
erupt out through the top.

Still, some researchers believe there is a

high correlation between catastrophic
events and the appearance of UFOs.

The fact that we have
UFOs before and sometimes

during these events, whether
it's tsunami or earthquakes,

clearly shows that something is present.

Now, the question is: are they
just monitoring it or are they

actually somehow involved with it?

Are they causing it?

Is there a way that
you can trigger a volcano?

For example, let's say it's
sort of on the verge anyway.

Is there something you can do
technologically to either

trigger it or to make it worse?

We don't know.

We just see this apparent foreknowledge
of an event like that happening.

The UFO shows up, the event happens.

According to ancient astronaut theorists,

alien spacecraft have been
spotted at or near the sites of

so-called natural catastrophes
since ancient times.

But why?

Is it possible
extraterrestrials are merely

curious about geologic events on Earth?

Or could there be another, perhaps more
sinister, motive for their interest?

April 14, 1561...
Nuremberg, Germany.

Citizens awoke at dawn to the
spectacle of cylindrical

objects appearing in the sky
from which red, black, orange

and blue disks emerged.

According to eyewitness accounts
recorded in the Nuremberg

Gazette, tubes resembling
cannon barrels also appeared and

the objects began to "fight one another."

After about an hour of battle,
the entities seemed to catch

fire and fell to Earth,
where they turned to steam.

Five years later, Austrian
architect Hans Glaser created a

woodcut detailing what he
observed during the famous event.

In that woodcut and
in the eyewitness reports,

we actually see UFOs in battle.

They were reported actually fighting
each other, sh**ting each other down.

If you look at the bottom
right-hand corner of the

woodcut, you will actually see
a couple of circles in the

ground, giving off smoke.

They've obviously crashed.

They have been shot down.

That is very interesting,
because it shows that the

pattern of aggression amongst the UFOs,
has been going on for a long time.

To some ancient astronaut theorists,

the 540 year-old woodcut is
evidence of an alien cosmic w*r.

And in fact, they claim similar hostile
events have occurred in human history

for millenia.

The evidence from the
record, from eyewitness testimony,

shows a connection between the
UFO and a thinning effort,

where there's apparently a
wanton intention to wipe out

or thin out the human race.

For example, during the plague years,
there were a lot of UFO reports about

bright lights in the sky
that were spreading gas.

And people were reporting that these gasses
were actually the cause of the plague.

But could there really be a connection

between eyewitness accounts
of alien space wars

and the recent sightings of UFOs

during Earth's so-called
natural catastrophes?

And is there any proof that
alien visitors are involved

in creating cataclysmic events in
a sinister effort to control

or "thin out" Earth's population?

Perhaps the answer can be found in Florence,
Italy among the diaries and secret

papers of one of the world's most brilliant
and mysterious men... Leonardo da Vinci.

2005, Florence, Italy.

Beyond a hidden staircase in
the Santissima Annunziata convent,

researchers from Italy's
Military Geographical Institute

discover the secret
workshop of Leonardo da Vinci.

He was the true
archetypal Renaissance man:

brilliant painter, brilliant
inventor, brilliant

poet, ambidextrous, could write
with his left hand and his

right hand at the same time.

Wrote backwards instead of forwards.

A very interesting guy.

Though da Vinci is renowned for his public

paintings like the Mona Lisa
and The Last Supper, ancient

astronaut theorists are more
intrigued by his private

notebooks that contain sketches
of futuristic military

technology, including machine g*ns,
tanks, helicopters and even submarines.

It clearly seems that Leonardo
da Vinci was privy to a series of

secrets that had been handed down
for many, many thousands of years.

Da Vinci may also have actually been
contacted by human-like extraterrestrials

who either spoke to him in person or
perhaps telepathically and inspired

him to do so many different things.

We do know, for example,
that one of his inventions was a

circular car.

It looks kind of like a UFO.

Now, he's also into inventing weapons.

And did that come from the fact that, the
UFO has demonstrated, basically, some

aggressiveness, and did some of that
maybe in some way rub off on him?

Were they trying to give him weapons that

could be used to destroy life on Earth?

That could have been possible.

But if Leonardo da
Vinci did have knowledge of

advanced weaponry, might he have learned
of it through observation and study?

Or was this knowledge given
to him by another, perhaps

extraterrestrial, source?

There is this book
of prophesies which is a very

rare book, and in there are some
type of descriptions that could

indicate some type of an
extraterrestrial visitation.

There are references in
which da Vinci himself says

that he's had these encounters,
these visions of God and angels.

And of course, according to the
ancient astronaut hypothesis,

that wasn't God, it wasn't angels.

They were extraterrestrials.

Is it possible that over the
centuries, extraterrestrials have been

partnering with human collaborators;
human beings entrusted with the kind of

advanced scientific knowledge
that would allow mankind to leap

over centuries of normal
intellectual evolution?

To ancient astronaut theorists,
the fact that mankind had gone

from the horse and buggy to the
Moon in less than 100 years

makes such a notion not only
possible, but entirely probable.

In our development, all of
a sudden we've made a quantum leap,

where we were sitting in caves
munching on bananas, and the

next thing we do is we're building
pyramids, virtually overnight.

And so that quantum leap can be explained
with a direct extraterrestrial

intervention of our past.

And the visitors are
the ones who are revered as

gods, who seem to come on flying shields
or silver boats or any of the various

descriptions of extraterrestrial
technology that you see in these ancient

legends, and they consistently
are trying to cultivate

humanity in a direction that's
beneficial for everyone.

There are many who
believe extraterrestrial

visitors might have provided
intellectual inspiration to men

like Albert Einstein, whose
theories of relativity opened

the door for the possibility of future
travels through space and time...

J. Robert Oppenheimer, whose
research in the field of

theoretical physics resulted in the
development of atomic weapons...

Werner Von Braun... whose
innovations in advanced rocket

technology led to the
modern- day space program.

When we look into the
lives and the motivations as

to Werner Von Braun and to why
he wanted to take mankind into

outer space, we are confronted
with the fact that he was

absolutely convinced that we
had gone there before or that

an ancient civilization had
come from there to Earth.

These people were motivated, and
specifically, they wanted to

take us to space because they
were convinced that somehow

they would find something which would
completely change planet Earth.

Then there is Nikola Tesla,
whose experiments with electricity led to

everything from satellite
technology and robotics to what

some would term a "death ray."

The Tesla death ray, Tesla said, could

annihilate an army of 100,000
soldiers at once, and could

melt an aircraft engine
from 250 miles away.

When the FBI investigated Tesla's m*rder,
they found documentation that the

Tesla death ray was in development at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1943.

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1943?

Where was the Roswell flying saucer taken?

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

So we have a connection to that w*apon.

Is it possible that
Nikola Tesla's scientific

achievements could have been
influenced by alien intelligence?

Might other human geniuses
throughout time have served as

human gateways, allowing
extraterrestrials to jump-start

our technological advances?

If the answer is yes, then what
are we being prepared for?

And might there be a connection
between mankind's intellectual

and scientific advancements,
and the so-called natural

disasters that thr*aten to wipe entire
populations off the face of the Earth?

The Omo River, Ethiopia.

Flowing south 400 miles into
Lake Turkana, the banks of this

river are rich in hominid
fossil fragments, including

those of chimpanzees, gorillas
and early humanoids.

Here in 1967, paleoanthropologist Richard

Leakey unearthed two partial human skulls.

The remains date as far back as
195,000 years ago, making the

fossils the oldest evidence of
modern humans, or h*m* sapiens.

We are constantly still finding new

breakthroughs and either more complete
skeletons or a more complete site.

If we look at the fossil record,
at some point eventually you

find common ancestors with chimpanzees.

You go back really close and you
have Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man.

And we came out of Cro-Magnon man,
and the Neanderthals die out.

And it's a really interesting
mystery to try and piece

together why were we more
successful than they were.

We are the only one who came
out of the family tree with culture.


Evolution says by coincidence.

We have adapted as best.

I say no.

It was an artificial mutation
made out of the family tree.

And then overnight, we were building

pyramids, Sumeria was created,
all those different high

achievements were done
virtually overnight.

So this quantum leap in
development, this big bang of

knowledge or intelligence,
all of a sudden happened.

And the ancient astronaut
theory suggests that this is a

direct result of extraterrestrials
tampering with our DNA.

So we're half human and
half extraterrestrial.

We're hybrids.

We have an incredible wealth of

information, in stone, preserved
from ancient times, that can

lead us in a direction of really
knowing that the ancient

ancestors of modern humans were
not simply born on Earth but

came here from somewhere else.

But if extraterrestrials arrived here

in the distant past, who were they?

And why did they come here?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe
answers exist in early Sumerian texts.

In 1849, British archaeologist
Austen Henry Layard discovered

22,000 clay tablets in the
ancient Sumerian city of

Nineveh, in an area now known as Iraq.

The tablets contain cuneiform
script, believed to be the

earliest writing system, created
by the Sumerians 6,000 years ago.

Author Zecharia Sitchin
spent more than 30 years

translating these Sumerian clay tablets.

In his 1976 book The 12th
Planet, Sitchin claims the

cuneiform texts describe an
alien race named the Anunnaki,

who came to Earth from an
undiscovered planet in our

solar system beyond Neptune called Nibiru.

They explained to the
Sumerians that through their own rise to a

technological culture, they
damaged their atmosphere.

And they came here seeking gold
and precious elements to repair

their planet's dwindling atmosphere.

According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki first

visited Earth 450,000 years ago,
during the age of Neanderthals.

And they created h*m* sapiens
through genetic engineering to

create a species to work and
mine precious minerals for them.

Our forefathers
believed that they were gods.

And they were here on purpose.

They wanted to make our primitive
generation, at that time, intelligent.

They wanted to plant
curiosity into our brain.

And we became more developed in technology,
in astronomy, in every field.

That's what they wanted.

The question is: why?

When you look at the
ancient creation stories,

you find that what they said about our
position as h*m* sapiens is that we were

created to be a sl*ve
race, or a work race.

According to Sitchin's
interpretation of the

ancient tablets, the human
civilization in Sumer was set

up under the guidance of the Anunnaki.

And to disguise alien manipulation,
human kings were inaugurated to provide

intermediaries between mankind
and their so-called gods.

Then, around 3,000 B.C.
, humans began building stone

monuments, such as Stonehenge
and the Egyptian pyramids.

For mainstream historians, the
physical ability and know-how

to construct these megalithic
sites remains a mystery.

But ancient astronaut theorists
contend that megaton stone

monuments were erected by human
laborers aided with alien technology.

And what do the ancient
texts say about ancient Sumeria?

That none of this could've been
possible without the help of

the gods, or in their case, the
Anunnaki, which means "those

who from the heavens came."

Many cultures had a time when
they interacted with their living gods.

So who were those gods?

In my mind, they were misrepresented
advanced extraterrestrials, and they

brought forth the technology to
build the monuments we see, such

as Giza or all across Bolivia,
Peru and South America.

Sitchin's interpretations of the
Sumerian tablets further claim the

ancient Anunnaki astronauts carried out
breeding experiments to improve the

species of laborers.

But to keep the human
population at bay and correct

genetic mistakes, the aliens orchestrated
so-called natural catastrophes.

The Anunnaki saw the
Neanderthal man naturally

evolving here on Earth and just decided
to put their genetic marker on it.

Meaning, they took 80% of their genes and
20% of the hominoid that was here and

created us in their image
and after their likeness.

And this was essentially when
modern humanity was born and starts

to show up in the fossil record.

It wasn't until 75,000 years
ago that you have this super

volcano that goes off in Lake Toba.

And in the aftermath of that
great cataclysm, it appears that

we went through further
genetic modifications.

Very, very powerful ETs
came in and upgraded our DNA.

They probably figured,
"You know, there's something

wrong with this species."

So, they probably create these
disasters like the flood.

And then of course, there's
always that biblical

perspective, and people
believe God did it.

Well, God could have been the
extraterrestrials, could have

created that somehow.

It's very possible and very
likely that in order to

eradicate a species, that they
may have genetically altered

themselves and screwed up with,
that they needed to get rid of

them and start all over again.

The ultimate proof for the
ancient astronaut theory will not be in

a megalithic site.

It won't be finding a crashed spaceship.

But it will be found
deep within our genes.

And that is exactly what the ancient
texts are saying... that we were created

in the image of the gods.

Though more than 20,000 genes have been

identified in the human genome,
scientists worldwide have only

begun to understand the origins of man.

As geneticists continue to
study our DNA, might they find

traces of an alien species in our genes?

And if h*m* sapiens were genetically
engineered by aliens, might they continue

to shape our existence?

Elbert County, Georgia.

Four 18-foot-tall granite
stones form a mysterious

monument some call the
American Stonehenge.

Engraved in the giant stones in 12
languages are ten guides or commandments

suggesting how to rebuild
civilization after the apocalypse.

Known as the Georgia Guide
Stones, the monument was built

in 1979 by an unknown man going by
the pseudonym "R.C. Christian."

Some people have a
theory that whoever put those

guide stones up was either a
Freemason or that the name

R.C. Christian was really a way
to parrot the fictional founder

of Rosicrucianism centuries earlier.

When you trace them back to the ancient
gods who wore the same symbolic aprons,

they were the ancient aliens
that we now talk about.

Was the monument
secretly built by followers of

Rosicrucianism; an ancient
society of mystics and

philosophers who were inspired by
the religions of the Far East?

If so, might the stones contain
coded messages intended to

prepare us for the imminent apocalypse?


But to some ancient astronaut
theorists, warnings of an

impending apocalypse are meant
to caution human beings against

the very real prospect of an
alien invasion... or worse.

Perhaps the examination, vivisection
and eventual annihilation of all human

life on our planet.

Since the late 19th century,
modern reports of aliens

abducting and probing humans have
numbered in the tens of thousands.

Researcher David M.
Jacobs has spent more than 40 years

studying so-called abductees
and their alien encounters

through the use of hypnosis.

The preponderance
of evidence of person after

person saying the same thing to
me, things that I could never

have imagined being thought up...
then I began to realize, "Oh, my God, this is

actually happening."

And I was dumbstruck by the fact
that this was convincing evidence.

What Dr.
Jacobs has reported is that what the

aliens seem to have been doing
for these least 40 years,

perhaps longer, is that when they abduct
people, it's not just an experiment.

They are actually engaged in a
very intense, very involved

program of genetic breeding where
they are breeding hybrids.

The abductees that he's been
talking to... according to him...

have gotten to the point of this
massive program of creating

hybrids where now the hybrids
look like us quite a bit.

But behaviorally, psychologically,
they are still alien.

Jacobs claims alien-human hybrids
can communicate telepathically and

dictate human thoughts neurologically.

These beings can put ideas,
images in people's minds quite easily.

Therefore, what people describe
is that they can be controlled

on a number of different levels by
the minds of these other beings.

Since 2003, abductees have supposedly been

reporting to Jacobs that the
hybrids were being integrated

into society, unnoticed by humans.

To me, this is possible
evidence of the plan to

do another thinning; to kind of
make room for this new jump from

modern h*m* sapiens to whatever we're
gonna call this new h*m* sapiens.

That is the potential future apocalypse
involving the alien presence.

And that's where I see some danger signs.

Some people think that these
beings are benevolent, that they are here

to help us, to stop w*r, cure
cancer, that they are here for

reasons that have everything to do with
us and very little to do with them.

I don't see benevolence here.

I don't see malevolence.

But I see the furthering of an alien
agenda of which we do not know the future.

Some people have theorized
that the creation of an alien hybrid

race might be a way of accomplishing
a better age on Earth.

And there are some abductees who
even bring back predictions

that there will be a time
called "The Change" when

there will be aliens and humans
living together on Earth as

if it were a return of
the age of paradise.

There are others who think that they
are coming to create a better Earth.

Some think they are coming
to take over the Earth.

We really don't know the alien agenda.

We do know that they have been
telling abductees for a long

time that soon everybody will be happy.

Soon everyone will know their place.

Soon we will all be together.

This has been going on for
thousands of years with the creation of

h*m* sapiens.

I mean, from the very get-go.

So to suggest that now is the
time where, you know, a new

hybrid extraterrestrial h*m*
sapiens will emerge in this

new age of consciousness...
No, no, it won't.

We already are hybrids.

We already are part
extraterrestrial and part human.

Human and alien hybrids?

Extraterrestrial engineering designed to
weed out excessive population growth?

Or perhaps to exterminate
inferior genetic strains?

Might geological catastrophes
and meteorological calamities

be the work of unseen,
perhaps alien, hands?

For skeptics, the answer
is a resounding "no".

But with the end of the Mayan
calendar looming in 2012,

could all of our questions about
the alien agenda finally be answered?

Perhaps only those of us who survive on
that date will ever learn the truth.
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