02x08 - Unexplained Structures

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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02x08 - Unexplained Structures

Post by bunniefuu »

Ancient stone fingers
reaching for the sky,

and stretching out over several miles.

People who were basically
one step removed

from cavemen were quarrying

these giant stones, some of them

weighing 100, 200 tons...
even up to 350 tons.

A complex of stone structures
dating back more than 10,000 years.

It just stands there,
asking us to go figure,

"how was this done?"

"What's the background to this?"

Were they meant to be seen
by people in the sky?

Who could have been flying at that
time other than extraterrestrials?

And the remains of an Incan temple,
reported to have otherworldly origins.

They wanted that in the far future, a

"Have you been visited by outer space?"

Millions of people around the world

believe we have been visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help

to shape our history?

And if so, is there an

extraterrestrial explanation for

the earth's most mysterious,

unexplained structures?

# Ancient Aliens 2x08 #
Unexplained Structures
Original Air Date on December 16, 2010

Located more than

500 Miles away from the crowded

streets of Istanbul is Sanliurfa

in southeastern Turkey.

There, in 1994, on a dusty

hilltop, a local Shepherd

noticed the tip of a stone

sticking out of his field.

He began to dig, eventually

unearthing a 19-foot pillar.

Its edges were precise,

and rising from its center was a

relief carving of a strange animal.

Upon closer examination,

it appeared that the

finely-chiseled stone had been

fashioned by talented stonemasons,

working with advanced tools.

When word of the discovery

reached the scientific

community, one fact became obvious.

A kurdish Shepherd had stumbled

upon what is perhaps the most

astonishing archeological

discovery in modern times,

a site known as Gobekli Tepe.

For 13 years, a German archeology team

has been meticulously going into

a hill, and they have been doing

carbon dating as deep as they go.

And it has taken them 13 years

to uncover only five percent of

a gigantic civilization.

They know what's under the ground.

Circles upon circles upon circles.

Perfect circles in stone.

And rising up out of those

stone circles are huge, sculpted

columns, 19 feet high,
15 tons per column.

Test results have

supported the idea that Gobekli

Tepe is nearly 12,000 years old,

almost 7,000 years older than

Mesopotamia's fertile Crescent,

long heralded as the
cradle of civilization.

Gobekli Tepe, the oldest
advanced site now on our planet.

We know of no other site
that is this advanced.

It has now doubled
the history of humanity.

And right there is this gigantic site

with huge, megalithic, circular structures.

It just stands there, a mystery,

asking us to go figure,

"how was this done?"

"What's the background to this?"

We don't know who made them.

They just come out of the

darkness of the last ice age,

where we know nothing, and enter

the stage of history,
already fully formed.

And to my mind, this is

indicative of a major forgotten

episode in human history.

Could the discovery

of Gobekli Tepe radically change

our understanding of human history?

And might proof of an ancient

civilization provide evidence

that mankind's most puzzling

myths might actually be based in fact?

A lot of myths, a lot of legends suggest

that there were past

civilizations of astounding

sophistication at incredibly

early periods.

I think we have little glimmers,

little suggestions around the

world that there was something

going on, much higher, much more

sophisticated at a much
earlier period of time.

To put things into perspective,

Gobekli Tepe is 12,000 years old.

That is several thousand years

earlier in age than Stonehenge

and the great pyramid.

And indeed, according to

biblical tradition, the world

really began in 4000 B.C.

And yet, that is 8,000 years

later than the foundation
of Gobekli Tepe.

So, clearly, we have here

something that contradicts our

normal understanding of the

evolution of civilization.

Curiously, after 13

years of digging, archeologists

investigating the ancient site

have failed to recover
a single stonecutting tool.

Nor have they found any

agricultural implements.

How in the world can you
contemplate 19-foot-tall,

perfectly-sculpted columns

that are 11,000 to 12,000 years old,

and no tools?

The mystery of Gobekli Tepe is further

compounded by the ancient stone

carvings found throughout the site.

They depict creatures like

armadillos, wild boars and geese...

animals not indigenous to the region.

We see various types

of creatures, different animals,

birds, insects, and even

abstract human forms that seem

to come together to create this

very weird menagerie which has

totally baffled the

archeologists who have uncovered this site.

Now what they represent is a

matter of speculation, but it's

my intuition that they may even

represent an ark in stone.

Located less than

350 Miles from mount Arara the

site many biblical scholars

believe to be the resting place

of Noah's ark, the animal

carvings of Gobekli Tepe suggest

a time in the region's history

when the indigenous animal

population may have been of a

totally different anthropological origin.

But do these carvings actually

provide historical proof of the

great flood that was described in the Bible?

Archeologists are

aware that there are more than

2,000 myths of a great flood

which destroyed an earlier civilization.

Some researchers theorize
that the events of a

cataclysmic flood and a story

similar to that told of Noah's

ark was recorded on the stone

pillars of Gobekli Tepe.

If true, that would push the

date of the great flood back to

the end of the last ice age,

far earlier than the biblical period.

There is evidence that this may
have ended quite catastrophically.

There was a lot of things happening.

Um, a lot of migrations.

Possibly waters rising up very quickly.

A lot of rapid changes in lifestyles.

But another,

perhaps even more profound,

question remains.

Who built Gobekli Tepe?

For what purpose?

And how did such an ancient site

remain in nearly pristine condition

for more than 10,000 years?

In the case of Gobekli Tepe,

we find that the site was
carefully placed underneath sand.

This site was buried.

It appears as if somehow the

usage of Gobekli Tepe was no

longer there, and that people

moved on, but had such a

reverence to this important site

that rather than destroy it,

they put it to peace by burying it.

But why would the area's
inhabitants carefully

bury their monuments under 20 feet of sand?

Is it possible that Gobekli Tepe

was deliberately buried in

order to protect it from invaders?

Or might the intention have

been to preserve it, in hope,

someday, to return?

You have to ask yourself,
why is someone

building these massive

structures all over the world?

And many of them are very similar.

It leaves us to think that there

is some connection between all

these ancient sites...

That the builders were all doing

it for a similar purpose.

I do see a similarity across the globe

from megalithic sites where

these past cultures explain that

they were built by the gods.

But were they really gods?

Or could they have been

Perhaps the answers

can be found by examining

another ancient site, one

located half a world away in

the mountains of Peru.

Peru, home of the world's
longest Mountain range,

the Andes, the spine of South America.

Here in a high river valley,

among peaks towering over 20,000 feet,

the Inca established their

capital city of Cuzco, which

thrived for over 300 years...

Until Spanish conquistadors

arrived in the 16th century.

Above Cuzco, at an elevation

of more than 12,000 feet,

looms the ancient fortress of Sacsayhuam?n,

whose immense stone walls may hold secrets

which predate the Inca themselves.

My feeling, very strong feeling,

is that we're looking at a two-phase

construction site in many of the

so-called Inca stone monuments.

And that the Inca structures sit

on top of much more ancient

rock-cut structures and

megalithic structures that we

just don't know who built them.

And this actually fits
with the Incas' own view.

Like many Inca sites,

Sacsayhuam?n features
astonishing stonework...

But not all of it credited to the Inca.

According to conventional
archeology, the Killke

culture built the older sections

of the site approximately 1,000 years ago.

But the Inca themselves believed

the site was constructed by an

earlier unnamed race of

people, led by a powerful God

who descended from the skies.

Throughout time

there has been witness to a God

named Virococha that visited the

South American people and

blessed them and gave them all

types of technology.

And some of his physical

characteristics make him stand

out from the indigenous

population, because he was a

very tall, pale-skinned,

white-haired being.

But did this God
Virococha actually exist?

Could he have been, as ancient

astronaut theorists suggest,

a visitor from an alien world?

If so, it might help to explain

just how the ancient site was constructed.

This rock weighs about 20 tons.

This is miniscule compared to

many of the rocks at Sacsayhuam?n.

Today we have heavy machinery
to move such stones.

But in the ancient times,

especially the Inca, they would

have used massive human

workforces working for massive

amounts of time.

A rule of thumb is it takes

about ten to 20 men
to move a one-ton rock.

So when you're talking hundreds

of tons, you're talking

thousands of men.

What we see is a

culture who have got the

technology to quarry giant

blocks of stone... move them to

the site where they want to

build and then to stack and cut

and articulate these massive

blocks into, in some cases,

almost indestructible structure.

You talk about granite, you're talking

about a composition of
feldspar, mica and quartz.

So you'd need diamond to

actually abrade it or cut it.

We would use diamond today to cut granite.

Those are the kind of

discoveries that lead one to

question whether they were

really using the tools in the

ancient toolbox, or whether

there was something else at work.

Shaman Jorge Delgado

has spent most of his
life studying the mysterious

structures of Peru...

Many built prior to the
rise of the Inca empire.

It's amazing...
all the weight of the stones.

You know, it's difficult,

definitely, for any human to

move, even in groups.

And the other aspect is
how it's put together.

In some stones, we will see,

still now there is like some

marks that it seems
that it was dissolved.

The walls are put together
with blocks of stone

weighing 50 or 100 tons,

cut and shaped like the pieces

of a Jigsaw puzzle, so that they

lock together so tightly that

you can't even get a sheet of

paper between them.

There are signs

in many of these stones that show

very large amounts of thermal

heat have been applied to mold

the stones in such a way that

they fit perfectly.

And so it really does
raise a lot of questions.

If you look at the style the

Sacsayhuam?n wall was built,

the blocks look as if they've

been molded like putty.

If you can mold stone into

place, then all of a sudden, as

crazy as this sounds, it makes

more sense because there is no

mortar that has been used.

According to local legend,

a bird was responsible

for the seamless construction.

Legends say the winged creature

carried a powerful chemical in

its beak... a substance capable

of melting stone.

Sacsayhuam?n means

"the head of the falcon,"

falcon's head.

But maybe it was some falcons or

maybe some bird people who could

connect with the place.

But is it possible,

as ancient astronaut theorists suggest,

that the mythical bird

might actually have been a

spacecraft piloted by alien visitors

known to the locals as space brothers?

I believe that it's a

combination of the space

brothers' technology with other

kind of possibilities.

Nowadays we know, well,

different kind of tools.

We didn't have before these kind of tools.

Or maybe we had more sophisticated.

So the thing is that this place,

Sacsayhuam?n, it continues as a mystery.

So looking at all

these sites with these perfectly

stacked stones, we're looking at

a type of technology that's not

used anywhere else on Earth.

I don't discount human

ingenuity, but that type of

engineering that we still can't

duplicate today must raise a

flag for further consideration.

It's almost extraterrestrial, in a sense.

Someone had to have taught
them these techniques.

But whether the process of forming the large

megalithic stones involve the

use of thermal energy or a

mysterious chemical, one thing is certain.

The ancient builders used
the technique on a vast scale.

But why?

What was the intended purpose

of creating such intricately

built stone structures?

So we can't really

give an answer as to what they

were being used for other than

we know that the
extraterrestrials more than

likely are the source
of what they call "gods".

How did they get here?

More than likely in some type

of craft, and very possibly,

they could have been using these

large megaliths as platforms to land on.

But if Sacsayhuam?n

was in fact constructed by alien

visitors, might there be

additional evidence of their

time on earth at other

ancient sites around the world?

Perhaps there is.

And the path to that evidence

is clearly marked in stones.

Few sites on Earth
are as majestic or as

treacherous as the jagged region

of Brittany located on the

northwest coastline of France.

Here can be found the legendary

Carnac stones... a collection of

over 3,000 massive rocks

arranged in rows and other

shapes and spreading across

more than two miles of french countryside.

You're talking thousands of stones that are

aligned in straight rows,

aligned in circles, aligned in

squares and rectangles.

Why are people doing this?

Why are th putting so much

time and energy into something?

And the short answer, I believe,

is that we really don't know.

According to local legend,

the megaliths were originally
invading roman soldiers

turned to stone by Merlin the magician.

But if it wasn't magic that

created this forest of stones,

who or what did?

Modern archaeologists would say that

people who were one step removed

from cavemen were quarrying

these giant stones, some of

them weighing 100, 200 tons...

even up to 350 tons... and then

somehow moving them into place.

When you first look at the

stones here at Carnac, they seem

to be in haphazard shapes, but

on closer examination we can see

that most of the stones have

been cut on one side or another.

And in fact, these granite

megaliths are magnetized with

the earth, and nearly all of

them come to a point.

Stone magnets?

Is it possible that these stones

were really cut in position in

such a way as to create some

sort of geomagnetic field?

But why?

Carnac as a place is
highly charged with energy.

As you walk down these stone

corridors, you can feel this charge.

Many tourists who come here also

like to touch the stones and

feel the energy coming off of it.

The people who built Carnac must

have been highly knowledgeable

of the earth's energy fields.

According to a concept known
as the "world grid theory",

certain places on our planet contain
higher magnetic forces than others.

An interesting coincidence for all the

megalithic structures we have

around the earth is that they're

placed at specific points that

could be harnessing an
ancient world energy grid.

There are certain spots
around the world which

have traditionally been
sacred, hallowed, vortexes.

Energy feels different there.

The ancient stone monuments
were built to harness

that force and that potential to

create a funnel-like vortex.

When we look at things
like the Giza pyramids or

Machu Picchu or Baalbek in

Lebanon, all of these are placed

at specific geo-coded locations

which relate to this world energy grid.

Could Carnac be one
of these locations?

And might the combination of

geomagnetic properties and the

unique shapes of the stones

themselves have allowed ancient

builders to actually manipulate gravity?

If so, where did this knowledge come from?

And what ultimate purpose did it serve?

It wasn't until we

were able to see these stones

from above, in a helicopter,

that we realized that Carnac was

meant to be seen from the sky above us.

And that is one of only three things
that you can see from outer space.

That's Nazca, the Great Wall
in China and Carnac.

Were they meant to be seen
by people in the sky?

And who could've been flying at

that time other than


At one end of the Carnac alignment,

aerial researchers identified a stone circle

similar to the one found at Stonehenge.

At the other end, investigators

on the ground discovered a

rectangle of stones, one that

had been buried for centuries.

Both groupings appeared

precisely placed to predict

both the summer and
the winter solstice.

And when even more closely

examined from above, the

solstice points and the

alignment of Carnac's many rows

of stones reveal yet another

geometric phenomenon: The shape

of a Pythagorean, or right

triangle, covering many square miles.

But how could the builders of

Carnac have had knowledge of a

sophisticated mathematical

theorem approximately 2,000 years

before its discovery by the Greek

mathematician Pythagoras?

These conclusions about
the pythagorean theorem

doesn't come from me;

It actually comes from quite
advanced mathematicians

who have looked at these alignments

and made the calculations.

We're talking stone age time,

and they knew about a squared

plus b squared equals c squared?

They knew about it, yes, but why?

Who told them this?

At the time, extraterrestrials
told our ancestors,

"put this stone here,
put this stone there",

with the idea that a future generation

would have to stumble across

this mathematical riddle,

that somebody would say,

"hold on a second."

This was erected during the

stone age, yet here we have

advanced mathematics.

"How is this possible?"

Now these extraterrestrials,
they ask themself,

"how could we give them a sign?"

And there was a suggestion made

in French Brittany... kilometers

of stone lines in the form of a triangle.

Gigantic triangle.

So we have the sign.

We have the information.

But nobody looks at it.

It's time to change our
attitude to these things.

I think that these

stones are transmitting energy

that extraterrestrials or others

in airships could pick up this

energy like a GPS system or

some kind of airport beacon

and use it for navigating

the entire planet.

Gigantic triangles made of stone.

Geomagnetic phenomenon.

The possibility of an

extraterrestrial encounter with

humans thousands of years ago.

But if alien visitors did touch

down at Carnac, where else did they land?

And where did they come from?

Perhaps a recently discovered

archaeological site in Armenia

will provide the answer.

The Syunik province,
Southern Armenia.

Approximately 140 miles

southeast of the nation's

capital, Yerevan,
lies the city of Sisian.

Nearby sits a high plateau where

hundreds of ancient stones, some

weighing more than 50 tons,

stretch over a third of a mile.

This is Carahunge, also known as

the Armenian stonehenge.

Estimated to be approximately

7,500 years old, Carahunge

predates the British stonehenge

by more than 4,500 years.

The site is made of 203 slabs of basalt.

At the structure's center stands

the stone circle, or henge.

When most people hear of stone henges,

they think of the Stonehenge in England.

But there are hundreds of these,

uh, henges, or stone circles,

scattered all across Europe.

What they were and how they

were used is still a mystery.

Mainstream archeology still doesn't agree

on who lived there or who the

builders were of that site.

What we do know, though, is that

the entire site is definitely

a part of some type of an

astronomical model.

But how could this

simple circular array of stones

have given early man information

about the stars?

Is it possible that Carahunge

might be the world's oldest observatory?

In September of 2010, England's

Oxford university sent an

expedition to investigate.

What makes this exceptional
megalithic monument

unique are the small holes,

which have been bored into the

rock at different angles.

There are 85 stones with holes.

They're like telescopes.

What we see with these holes is

that they are pointed at

different alignments to

positions, uh, on the horizon or

into the night sky.

Uh, what they're pointing at is

still a mystery to us.

But we can say with certainty

from the archaeological

evidence that they were some

sort of way to connect man and

his life on earth to the heavens above.

That we can say that people were

systematically trying to

understand their place
in the solar system.

This site is also

called the Zorats Karer, which means

"the stones of the powerful."

And what has been determined is

that the outline of these stones

actually does correspond to the

constellation known as Cygnus,

or the swan...

Which, in certain cultures, is

also referred to as the vulture.

Cygnus has always

been seen among cultures around

the world for many, many

thousands of years as a point

of entry and exit into the

sky world... this belief in a

power in the stars, the idea

that we come from the stars and

actually return there in death.

The early greeks,

Chinese and others also believed

that Cygnus had a special power

or unique significance.

But why?

Why would so many ancient

cultures around the world have

similar myths about the same constellation?

The only reason

why I would do this, if I were

on a foreign planet, is to give

a message to future generations

to say, "hey. Nudge, nudge.

This is where we came from."

Although, today, it

is no longer possible to see

Cygnus through the notches of

Carahunge, many theories exist

as to why the position of the

constellation has changed so drastically.

This site dates back

to antiquity, where the earth's

axis was in a different position.

And you had the constellation

visible in the sky at that time

because of the fact that the

earth was on a different tilt of

its axis entirely.

Mainstream scientists have calculated that

the earth's axis slowly changes,

or wobbles, over a 26,000-year period.

But there are other researchers

who believe these shifts happen

more suddenly and dramatically.

They claim that when these

events occur, they cause major

climate changes...

Flooding of biblical

proportion... and the widespread

destruction of life.

But if these rapid shifts did

occur, might Carahunge have been

designed to provide something

of a warning?

It's possible that

the Armenian stonehenge was one

of the initial sites where ET's

came to visit.

And if there had been some sort

of shift on the earth's axis

before, if there were periodic

cataclysms, then maybe there is

a time cycle in which those

cataclysms happen.

And maybe these ancients were

very concerned about watching

the astronomical alignments

because they wanted to make

sure that this wasn't going to happen again.

But could alien visitors
from other worlds have

come to this spot even before

carahunge was built?

Perhaps petroglyphs in the

area... much older than the

standing stones...
offer even more clues.

The petroglyphs go

back to a much earlier time,

so I think my first point is

not to confuse the petroglyphs,

which are from 10,000 years

before Christ, with carahunge itself.

When the stones went up, it was

probably 3,000 to 2,000 years
before Christ.

There are thousands, if not

hundreds of thousands, of images

of humanoid figures on the site.

Some of them are quite distorted

and difficult to understand and interpret.

The Armenian stonehenge also has some

interesting carved wall reliefs

that show humanoid-looking beings.

Now, many people have speculated

that these could be possibly


We look at the very bulbous

shaped heads, slanted eyes.

Very similar to what we see in

a modern-day gray alien.

Look at the eyes,

look at the shape of the head.

What's interesting in this

carving right here, those

extraterrestrials are holding

some type of a disc.

You've got this sphere that's

sort of just floating there in midair.

Is it possible that these here

represent flying discs?

And the answer is yes, because

again, this is a human rendering

of something that they

witnessed a long time ago.

And it had to have been

compelling enough for them to

carve this into stone.

Could these ancient
stone carvings actually

be primitive portraits of

visitors from the sky?

Did ancient astronauts really

use carahunge as some sort of

landing site or early portal?

If so, what secrets did they leave behind?

And could they still be helping

to create stone monoliths,

even in our own time?

Homestead, Florida.

30 miles south of Miami.

This former agricultural town

is home to one of the most

mysterious structures in North

America, a stone garden made of

sculpted blocks of ancient

coral, some weighing 30 tons.

It's called the Coral Castle.

Spread over several acres,

the complex formations and

intricate designs of the stone

walls and sculptures marvel tourists.

But unlike other great

structures around the world,

this site is not ancient.

Coral castle in Florida
is often said to be,

uh, the only modern megalithic

structure ever built.

In 1923, Ed Leedskalnin, a Latvian

immigrant, began building what

he originally called rock gate park.

But believe it or not,

Leedskalnin insisted that he

was not using modern machinery

to build the impressive structure.

He also claimed that he was working alone.

Well, Ed was a hermit,
and Ed was a loner.

And he was a foreigner.

And he was a recluse.

And a scientist.

He was in love with a woman
and he wanted to

build this facility in memory of her.

And he waited for her to come

from Europe, and he waited and

he waited, and she never did.

But the big question is, is how

did this frail little man move

these thousands of pounds of

block by himself?

Barely over five feet tall
and weighing just 100 pounds,

Leedskalnin is said to have
carved, moved and hoisted

huge multi-ton stones
using only a makeshift tripod.

He has a tripod...

three pieces of Florida pine...

and he's got some chains.

And he's now gonna lift 30 tons,

ten tons of rock.

Can't be done.

No one could do that.

He would work at night.

He wouldn't let anybody watch him.

And he said that he knew
the secrets of the pyramids.

But what exactly was
Leedskalnin referring to?

Had he rediscovered the same

advanced technology used to

build megalithic structures

like Carnac and Sacsayhuam?n?

Ed over and over again

would tell people that he

knew the secrets that helped

the Egyptians build the pyramids.

What was he talking about?

Why was he constantly harking

back to the Egyptians?

We don't know.

Leedskalnin continued work on the
Coral Castle until his death in 1951.

In the journals he left behind,

the builder explained that he

had discovered the ancient

secret of transforming stones

into weightless objects.

Ed says this in his

"pamphletmagnetic current,"

that real gravity is actually real magnet.

So if you reverse the magnet

forces with a force of some
kind of electro magnetic radio

perhaps, frequency, you can then

make these rocks not as heavy

as they seem otherwise.

And therefore you can lift them.

But if Leedskalnin had
developed a device that

could modify gravity,
what was his secret?

Some suggest the answer lies in

a mysterious black box that can

be seen in various photographs.

A box that has since disappeared.

The black box sitting on top is the
element that no one has ever seen,

except in those pictures,
and no one has today.

We believe that black box has

something to do with how he got

these massive, heavy, brittle

pieces of rock up in the air in

a way that no one can duplicate.

He had some kind of

magnetic machine down in one of

his other house areas that

has since been dismantled.

But it had a revolving ability.

He may have been having that thing spin.

The whole place could have been anti-gravity.

Probably just pushed these into place.

Levitation is the only way that I know
of to hold up very heavy objects.

Very, very high-speed trains

are magnetically levitated.

These high-speed trains don't

have wheels that touch any tracks.

They're literally suspended

above the track using magnetic forces.

We can speculate at this time that

there are techniques for using

electromagnetism to nullify gravity.

This was the great quest of Einstein.

The motivation for such

technologies, of course, is to

lift a large spaceship out into

space and across space.

Could it be that Ed Leedskalnin
utilized anti-gravity

to levitate and distribute
the enormous rocks

used to build Coral Castle?

If so, where did this incredible
knowledge come from?

And he died, taking
this secret to his grave.

Que question is:
did he invent it,

or did he himself somehow

inherit it or learn it from a

tradition, or maybe from some

visitor from another realm?

The only thing that

is explainable is that someone

with a higher form of physics

and understanding of gravity

has created the ability of one

person to lift stones that

modern technology could not do

the way he did it.

It had to come from a different
place in this galaxy.

The fact that one guy
created these massive structures

is absolutely fascinating.

Am I suggesting that he did this

with extraterrestrial technology?

No, because I don't know.

Am I excluding that possibility?


If aliens visited earth in ancient times,

perhaps the world's unexplained structures

provide clues to unlocking

not only the secrets of our past...

But a glimpse into our future.

I think that extraterrestrials would not

have left our solar system some

thousands of years ago without any proof.

They wanted that in the far future

we start to reflect...

have we been visited by outer space?

Perhaps additional clues still lie hidden,

etched on even more massive stones...

And waiting to be discovered

right before our eyes.
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