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04x11 - Family Business

Posted: 01/24/13 16:34
by bunniefuu
Neal. Ellen.

You and your father.

Neal: But you told me the truth.

He was a dirty cop... and he's not dead.

You grew up in Witness Protection.

I was 3 when the marshals took us away.

Ellen agreed to help me look into my father before she disappears into WITSEC again.

We found a g*n with your dad's prints on it.

He k*lled a cop?

He confessed.

Neal: Ellen! They found me.


Trust Sam.

I was undercover with the Flynn organization.

They were a local crime family with some PD on the payroll.

Including my father?

Dennis Flynn Sr. died in prison. This is his son.

Maybe he's here for revenge.

[ Grunts ]

Sam's blood. Run his DNA.

Peter, he's here.

Something you have to know, Neal.

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That you're my father.

Why didn't you tell me?

Why did you lie to me?

I had a feeling that after everything you'd heard about me, I'd be the last person you'd want to see walking through your door.

Well, that's a big assumption to make.

[ Scoffs ]

Did you k*ll a cop?

I'm a lot of things, Neal, but, uh... not that.

No. Not that.

All right.

You tell me what did happen.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

That was your third birthday.

You remember?

No, I don't.

It was the hottest March in years.

Ellen and I had just gotten off duty.

Dad! Neal!

You didn't think I was gonna miss the cake, did you?

Sam: I had made detective three months earlier.

Next thing you know, the two of you will be on patrol together.

I didn't wear the hat anymore, but you always loved it.

Things were good then.

What changed?

I was young, driven, confident I could take on anybody.

Ellen: All right, police! Hands in the air!

She said hands in the air!

Man: Drop it!

Sam: Ellen would have said I was arrogant.

She probably would have been right.

Well, that's great, but I want to know what happened to our family.

I'm telling you.

I was a good cop.

Son of a bitch! Ellen and I were on a tear.

All the bad guys were afraid of us.

You have to understand something, Neal.

I loved you and your mother very much, but we weren't rich.

It's not easy raising a family on a cop's salary.

We hit these g*n runners, taking down their major suppliers.

Let's go.

One operation, I find myself alone, staring at a crate full of cash.

One bundle was three months' salary.

What did you do?

I've thought a lot about that moment.

I could have gone either way.

Flip a coin.

Heads, I take it. Tails, I don't.

And you took it.

Yeah. I took it.

Hey, Bennett. Oh.

Sam: That's when everything changed.

We got to talk.

Sam: Your supervising officer sees you taking money from a crime scene, that should be the last thing you ever do as a cop.

But he said he'd look the other way if I did a couple favors for him.

And if not, you went to jail.

That's how I ended up working for the Flynns.

Let's go, guys! Let's go! It's a raid!

They started me off small.

Let's go!

Making sure their guys got out the door before a bust, that sort of thing.

Police! Hands in the air!

Ellen had no idea.

Police! I was her partner, her best friend.

Where the hell is everybody?

I was in her blind spot.

Pretty soon, opening doors for the Irish mob wasn't enough.

I was also taking down a lot of the Flynns' competition.

That's when things got bad.

[ Door opens ]

Neal, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You're James Bennett.

I understand you have every reason not to trust me right now, Burke.

You told us you were Sam Phelps.

No, you assumed I was Sam Phelps. I didn't correct you.

[ Sighs ]

Did Ellen know that she was in contact with you and not Sam?


So you lied to Ellen, too?

When I went into WITSEC, they sent me to Montana -- alone.

After about 10 years, I was going nuts.

I-I couldn't take it anymore.

They wouldn't tell me where you were, so I went back to D.C.

The only one who would talk to me was Sam.

He told me how he and Ellen had gotten very close to making a case against the people who framed me, but the only connection he had left with Ellen was a P.O. Box -- a way of getting in touch in case of an emergency.

And Sam gave you the P.O. Box.

He was about to retire.

If Ellen reached out, he wanted somebody to be able to help her.

Then one day...

...this showed up.

That's Ellen's e-mail.

I was gonna tell her the truth when I got to New York, but I didn't get the chance.

Listen, I've been here over a month, and I got nothing.

I don't even know who att*cked me.

Dennis Flynn.

That's impossible. He died in prison.

This is Flynn Jr., the son who's trying to revive the family business.

We think he k*lled Ellen.

We plan to bring them down -- for good this time.

Let me help you.

[ Groans ]

How bad are you injured?

Ah, it's just a bruised rib.

It's nothing I haven't slept off before.

I'll be in touch.

Have fun in school. Okay.


[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Sighs ]

You okay?

No. I'm not.

Do you believe him?

Right now, I want to focus on taking Flynn down.

This is Dennis Flynn Jr.

Years ago, the Flynn crime family was dismantled.

He's spent the last 10 years trying to rebuild it.

According to organized crime, Flynn did so by moving into the white-collar world.

His latest venture is personal.

The Flynns started making money by bootlegging whiskey.

After prohibition ended, they moved into counterfeiting and used the Conroy family for distribution until they had a falling out.

I have Google, too.

Flynn doesn't normally get his hands dirty.

But because of the family history, he's handling this himself.

It's a decent fake.

The relief on the lettering is a little shallow, but if you've never held a bottle before, you wouldn't know that.

True test, however, is in the palate.

If you're pouring, I'll take a dram.

For Flynn, this venture symbolizes everything that once was great about the family.

It's not about profit. It's about pride.

Even so, there's always money in good fake booze.

[ Clears throat ] Which this is not.

It's bottom shelf mixed with caramel coloring.

Counterfeiting is all about creating the closest simulation to the real thing at a fraction of the cost.

Flynn needs better taste for a low price.

I can make a better product for him, gain his trust.

Of course your résumé includes whiskey counterfeiting.

Well, basic alcohol counterfeiting.

Once you know the fundamentals, you can --

Good, we can get him on distribution of counterfeit items.

What are you talking about?

Thanks, guys.

[ Clears throat ]

We arrest Flynn for distribution? That's it?

We don't have enough evidence for m*rder...yet.

But if we can prove distribution, he'll be locked up, and we'll be able to collect evidence.

You're the boss.

I want you to teach Jones everything you know about whiskey counterfeiting.

You can't bench me on this.

Yeah. I can.

It would take me a month to teach Jones everything I know, and you need me to make a good counterfeit.

Are you ransoming your skills?

Look, if it were easy to do, Flynn wouldn't have such a hard time finding a good one.

You're too close to this.

You really think you can keep a smile on your face when you're standing in front of that guy after what he's done?

Yeah, I do... Because I have to.

What are your thoughts on approaching him?

Mozzie: I must have lost my mind.

I went to New Jersey of my own free will.

If you want to get flavor extracts or find a discount tanning salon, there's no better place.

Six different factories conveniently lined up for clandestine tasting.

Just this one vial could make the entire Hudson River taste like...oh, bacon.

Add that to your to-do list.

So, have you decided what brand we're gonna forge?

Shackleton whiskey.

Ah, the Shackleton -- dug out of the Antarctic ice after Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated journey came to an abrupt end.

Probably because he brought more whiskey than supplies.

They say you can taste the frozen tundra in every bottle.

What do you think that tastes like, Moz?

Penguin feathers.

I have no idea. My only bottle of Shackleton... was lost in a bet to me.

Yeah, only because you cheated.

Illegal usage of gum drop lane.

You lost a $200,000 bottle of whiskey playing "Candy Land"?

High-stakes Candy Land.

Darling, the next time, would you please read the rules more carefully?

Thank you.

We have a deal?

Oh, we'll make you a couple bottles, I promise.

Thank you so much.

Hey, are you going into the counterfeit-booze business?

No, no. I'm getting a head start here on my Christmas shopping.


[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]

Remind me to check the bottle of Barolo she got me last year.


Look at that.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sniffs ] Mmm, quite the bouquet of fruit.

Hmm, I taste, uh, apples and peaches.

Plus toffee and caramel, with a hint of cinnamon.

No penguin feathers.

It's a complex mix. This isn't gonna be easy.

All right, I finished charring the oak.

Okay, that should add some body to this cheap whiskey.

[ Sniffs ]

Ooh, we got a lot of work to do.

We have a lot of work to drink.

If we're gonna match that flavor, we're gonna have to taste the wares -- repeatedly.

[ Chuckles ]

In light of recent events, that will not be a problem.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Both laugh ]

You know, whiskey comes from a Gaelic word mean--

[ laughs ] What?

You said "Gaelic."

[ Laughs ]

A Gaelic word meaning "water of life."


Now I understand that.

Yeah, and tomorrow morning, we are gonna find that name painfully ironic.

[ Laughs ]

Mmm, a touch more Ceylon cinnamon.

Oh, come on. It's perfect. I think.

You just want me to keep drinking so that I'll talk about my father.

I admit nothing... unless it's working.

I don't know whether to be mad or impressed that my own dad conned me.

Well, at least you learned where you inherited that particular skill from.

[ Laughs ]

I keep thinking I should have known it was him.

That even after all these years, a man should know his own father when he's right in front of him.

And here he is, yet you seem hesitant to seize that opportunity.

To do what, Moz?

Go out in the backyard and throw a baseball?

He doesn't get to come back here and make up for lost time.

[ Sighs ]

This is ready.

[ Inhales deeply ] Okay.

So, we just add the coloring to our faux Shackleton, and --

We're not gonna add the coloring.

Then it will obviously be a fake.

Which is part of your plan.

Did you tell me that already?

On the seventh tasting.

Look, Flynn is looking for a counterfeiter, right?

So we have to prove to him that we can make something that's close to the real thing.

Without making it appear that you just used the real thing.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Ah, so, once you convince him of your skill, then what's the plan?

Peter wants to take Flynn down for counterfeiting.

[ Exhales sharply ]

For counterfeiting, Moz.

Ellen deserves more than her k*ller getting a slap on the wrist.

So one way or another...

I'm gonna make sure he goes down for m*rder.

Neal Caffrey hung over -- didn't think it was possible.

Taste testing is a necessary part of counterfeiting whiskey.

[ Horn honking ]


[ Chuckles ]

You sacrificed for the greater good. Mm.

Here's your reward.

What is that?

Pickle juice.

I'm not drinking that. Well, you should.

It's an old Burke family hangover cure.


It was either that or raw eggs and butter.

Now you're making stuff up.

Is your batch ready?

It is. I tested it this morning.

Ah, hair of the dog -- also a good cure.

I don't know about the cure part.

How'd your end go?

This afternoon, Flynn will be at a micro-distillery tasting for event planners and liquor distributors.

How'd you find out -- organized crime tip?

Organized wife tip.

She has access to the guest lists for these types of things.

She's not gonna be there, is she?

Yeah, she will. She'll be fine.

Flynn is a very successful businessman.

He wouldn't do anything at this event to tarnish that reputation.

Can she get me a booth?

Already did.

So, drink your pickle juice. I need you on your "A" game.

That's it.

And then when we're done, we'll, uh, need to finish our conversation with James.

Would you mind handling that without me?

Neal, he's your father. You have to talk to him.

He's a man we need information from.

And I know you'll ask all the right questions.

Stop staring. You're hurting my head.

If that's what you really want.

It is.

All right, I will.

Thanks. Yeah.

You know, it's tough enough to read you even without the sunglasses.

Hmm, maybe I'll keep them.

How you doing today?

Thank you.

Let me get set up here.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Excuse me.

Mr. Earnhart, glad you could make it.

Thank you.

You know I never pass up an opportunity to get paid to drink good whiskey.

Well, I think you're in luck.

We have a lot of amazing micro-distillers here today.

Enjoy. Thank you.


You ready for a tasting?


It looks like the pickle juice worked.

Always does.

The hangover's gone, but what about when Neal sees Flynn?

Jones is there to step in Neal's way if he needs help.

Plus, Elizabeth is armed with a very disapproving look.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Soft music playing ]

I've got eyes on Flynn.

Peter: Great.

Once he's near Neal's booth, you guys are up.

All right.

Let's see how well you know your whiskey, shall we?

Mm-hmm. - In one of these, I have poured Shackleton whiskey, and in the other my own private micro-distillery.

Let's see if you can tell the difference.

You think you can replicate Shackleton?

No, I did replicate it.

You familiar with Shackleton, sir?

I consult for Mackenzie Distillers.

Ah, who made the Shackleton replica a couple years ago.

It wasn't bad. No, it was perfection.

No, this is.

But don't take my word for it. You tell me.

Flynn: I'd like to try the other one.

Be my guest.

Mmm, elegant, light, with a taste of Orkney Islands peat.

This is definitely the Shackleton.


No, this is the Shackleton.

It's the kind of whiskey a man would freeze to death for.

Well, there's only one way to solve this.

Let's find out who's right.

Now, we all know Shackleton is renowned for its light amber color, so...

After you.


Elegant and light.

Gentlemen, I work at a micro-distillery.

You really think I can afford Shackleton?

I'm impressed.

We'll be in touch. All right.

How did you distill it?

Must have cost you a few bucks.

Oh, if I answer that question, you wouldn't need me, would you?

[ Chuckles ] I get it.

Thank you for the dram.

He didn't take the bait.

Seems Caffrey was too legitimate.

I think I can fix this.

You shouldn't be here. Excuse me.

I'm sorry?

This is not a real distillery license number.

You forged the document.

Listen, I-I think there's been a misunderstanding, okay?

I filed the paperwork already.

I should have it in a couple months.

Well, until then, this is illegal.

Please, don't call the cops, okay?

I won't. But you should get out of here before someone else does.

All right.

Got to say, I'm surprised a guy with your skills would need to fake a license.

Yeah, well...

Give me one of your business cards.

I'll be in touch.

[ Sighs ]

I love it. My wife saved a sting.

I didn't save it. I just gave it an extra push.

Which saved it.

[ Both laugh ]

Are you still meeting with Neal's father tonight?

I am. I wish Neal would change his mind.

Whatever my opinions of the man, James is his father.

Neal should hear everything from him.

Can't imagine what Neal's been going through.

This is his chance to break the cycle.

If what James says is true.

About being framed?


Do you believe him?

I'm willing to hear him out, and I think Neal should, too.

Ask Neal again.

But this time, tell him we'll do it at our house over dinner.

A home-cooked meal with a con man and his long-lost, dirty-cop father?

Yeah, exactly.

Maybe what this needs is a little normality.

Good idea. I'll call him.

Neal: Look, Peter, I told you -- I don't want to be there, all right?

Yeah, I'll think about it.

Tell Elizabeth thank you.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

I have discovered a new hobby.

Drinking is the opposite of a new hobby for you.

Hmm, I'm thinking about counterfeit tequila next time.

You should stock up on limes.

I'll get right on that.

So, what did the Suit want?

He invited me to dinner. How dare he.

He also invited James.

Ah. Huh.


You should go.

Et tu, Moz?

Have you ever stopped to think about why he conned you?

Yeah, to find out what I knew about the evidence box.

Or maybe to get to know you.

You don't know that.

Would you have spoken to him if you'd known who he was?

I wasn't given the opportunity.

He conned his son into bonding with him.

It's hardly a Hallmark moment.

I didn't say it was noble, but it was human and dare I say... something you might have done.

Look, every orphan wants to know their parents.

I know I'd give anything to know mine.

You can, Neal, right now.

Don't throw away that chance.

[ Clears throat ]

Well, I, uh -- I appreciate the thought, Peter, but I don't think he's coming.

Well, he's always late.

No, he's not.

That much I've learned about him, so it'll have to do for now.

You know, I-I'm very grateful for you guys being a family to him.

It's nice to know he's got people like you two in his life.
[ Knock on door ]

Mm, I'll get that.

Hey. Hi.


Is this real or fake?

Oh, that's real.

I've had my fill of counterfeit things lately.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm glad you're here. Thanks.

[ Siren wails in distance ]


[ Clears throat ]

[ Laughs ]

Hon, what's so funny?

It's nothing.

It's just, um, the two of you are sneaking pot roast to the dog in the same way.

You're putting it into your napkin and then palming it to the dog -- it's very funny.

I'm sorry. Sorry, Liz. Satchmo looked hungry, so I just...

No, um, Peter cooked the pot roast.


I mean, it's a little -- it's a little dry.

[ Laughter ]

Uh, yeah, it is.

I was hoping Satchmo would take some of mine, as well.

Perfect segue into dessert, yes?

Yes, yes. Yeah.

Uh, I'm actually gonna go walk Satchmo, as well.

All right.

Thank you very much. Mm-hmm.

Get that out of your way. Thanks.

[ Sighs ]

Elizabeth: Satch, come on.

[ Satchmo whimpers ]

I hear you're going undercover with the Flynns.

I am.

You have no idea how dangerous those guys are.

I've dealt with worse people.

I don't think you have.

Then maybe now is a good time for you to finish your story.

When did you first encounter the Flynns?

When I tried to get out.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I got tired of lying to your mother and to Ellen.

I was dreading the day that you'd find out that your father was a crook.

I'm out.

You don't get to make the terms of this, James.

I don't care. It's too much.

I'll tell you what.

But Flynn Sr. knew I was valuable.

He threatened me, showed me a g*n he'd used to k*ll a cop.

He kept the m*rder w*apon on him?

In an old whiskey box.

It was his way of showing that he was untouchable.

But I was adamant, and, uh, eventually, he relented and said that he'd let me out if I did one last job.

What was it?

He told me that my supervising officer would have it.

But when I got there, I thought they were gonna k*ll me.

[ g*nsh*t ]

Everyone not in the family is disposable to them, after all, including my supervising officer.

They'd k*lled him with my spare firearm.

They'd stolen it out of my locker.

Ellen: James?

See, they timed their frame perfectly.

Drop the g*n.

Even Ellen didn't believe me at first.

But you convinced her.

The truth convinced her, and I'm hoping that once I have this box with the evidence she found, it will convince you, too.

Can you show me one piece of that evidence now?

Ellen believed me.

Well, she's dead, so I'm gonna need a little more than that.

Neal. No, he already conned me once.

And I know better than anyone, the stories are meaningless unless you got something to back it up.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

Excuse me.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Yeah. All right.

I'll be there tomorrow.

Thanks for dinner, Peter. I got to go.

What? Where?

To prepare. Dennis Flynn's got a job for me.

Looks like I'm back in the family business.

Have you heard of the Flynn family?

Can't say that I have.

See, that's a problem.

Back in the old days, everybody knew our name and what it meant.

What did it mean?

[ Chuckles ] Whiskey.

It was prohibition.

We were the biggest game in town.

What happened after prohibition ended?

Ah, we moved on to other things, built an empire.

And then the feds tore everything down.

Trumped-up charges, of course.

Of course.

I've been rebuilding it ever since.

My old man would have been proud.

What did your father do?

He was a cop.

You didn't follow in his footsteps.

[ Scoffs ] No.

I thought about it, but...wasn't for me.

Well, fathers can be a tough thing to live up to.

Probably best that you went your own way.

You're telling me.

Is that an F-520 column still?

Yes, sir.

Can't wait to play with that.

You know, actually, I'm a little more interested in your, uh -- your knack for imitations.

How soon can you start?

Oh, I can get the bottles of Shackleton going right away.

How are you gonna sell them?

Don't be too eager, Neal.

Once he indicates he intends to sell the whiskey, we can move.

No, I-I'm not gonna sell them.

That would be illegal.

This is just, uh -- it's just a hobby.

[ Scoffs ] It's a really expensive hobby you got there.

Yeah, well, the best ones are.

Oh, and, uh, you won't be making Shackleton.

You'll be making the booze my family used to sell.

McCann. That's $100,000 bottle of whiskey.

They only make 55 a year.

And I'll need 55 more. Can you do it?

Hey. [ Snaps fingers ]

Are you listening to me?

Can you do it?


Yeah, sorry, I got distracted by the...Higgins-Barrow.

I've never seen one in person before.

Yeah, there it is.

Yeah, I can do the job.

That's great. We'll, uh, start in a few weeks.

A few weeks?

Why wait?

Well, duplicating a McCann isn't just about what's inside.

Each of the bottles has to be hand-blown.

Uh-huh. For your hobby?

Yeah, that's right.

There's no reason to have one if you're not gonna do it right.

I'll call you when I find someone.

I can do it.

Neal, don't push it.

Can he make the bottles?

I have no idea.

You're telling me that not only can you perfectly imitate the booze but you can blow the bottles, too?

Well, I need some help from a friend.

The air quality in here is abysmal.

Do you know the effect that can have on the cooling glass?

And you call that a furnace?

Flynn: It's the best money can buy. Yeah, exactly.

Furnaces should have character, like the pieces that are born from them.

Are you saying you can't do the job?

Of course I can do the job.

These will do fine.

I'll also need newspaper.

I prefer The New York Times.

Planning your restroom breaks already?

You dampen the paper and char it, then use it to shape the piece.


He's the best.

Yeah, he better be.

You do realize I haven't blown glass since before they faked Reagan's death.

I'm a little out of practice. You'll be fine, Moz.

Oh, I'm gonna miss my eyebrows. Along with my bangs.


Oh, great. Now he's also big brother.

Well, we're an investment.

Let's show him he made the right choice.

And once he leaves his office, I'm going in there.

Why would he need to get into his office?

I don't know, but whatever the reason is, I know I'm not gonna like it.

Good job, Moz.

Not so out of practice after all.

Yep, like riding a horse.

You're allergic to horses. Whatever.

You got this for a second?


I'll, uh, just stand here, holding molten glass.

Yeah, just give me one sec.

Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!

What the hell is he doing?

Uh, I told you, I'd never seen a Higgins-Barrow in person.

And I've definitely never tasted it.

You think you can just come in here and drink my booze?

All agents, be ready to move in.

Neal may not make it out of this one.

I was gonna share.

[ Both laugh ]

Flynn: You're crazy. You know that?

And you really love your whiskey.

Well, that's the reason that I'm so good at making it.

Celebrating a little early, don't you think?

No, the glass is coming along well.

We'll have the first of 55 ready in an hour.

Once we've perfected the mold --

Uh, I actually don't give a crap.

How long will the rest take?

A day. Maybe two.

One day it is.



Thanks for the taste.

You broke into his office. The door was unlocked.

Don't play semantics.

James was telling the truth.

What'd you find?

Flynn has a g*n in his whiskey case.

It's a Browning P9R, the same model used to k*ll Ellen.

Flynn Sr. was arrogant enough to hold onto a m*rder w*apon.

You really think his son would do the same?

He wants to be just like his father.

He's obsessed with the family's history, getting things back to how they were.

The same model doesn't mean the same g*n.

It means my father was telling the truth.

Don't go off book again.

If we stay the course and arrest him on distribution, our warrant will allow us to seize everything in the warehouse.

Including the g*n?


Okay, but how?

Flynn's playing it safe with me.

But he'll talk to the Conroys.

The family that used to run their whiskey distribution?

But according to the files, they haven't spoken in years.


Bringing the families back together again fits right into his sweet spot.

Does organized crime have someone undercover with the Conroys?

They do.

He agreed to contact Flynn, set up a meet, and vouch for one of our agents.

Who are you sending?


Peter, you can't. It's too dangerous.

Says the man who broke into Flynn's office and stole a drink.

This is our best shot at getting them on record.

And it allows you to be there to keep an eye on me.

Hmm, guess you're right.

Your cover better be airtight.

Which means I need to talk to an expert on the Conroys and Flynns.

[ Sighs ]

But they didn't check his boot.

Conroy Sr. had a Snubnose tucked in there.

Problem was, when he went to grab it, he couldn't pull the damn thing out.

[ Laughs ]

That's when the Flynns cut off ties with him.

Conroys were lucky that's all they cut off.

This is all very helpful.

I know.

All right, I'm gonna study up on this, and, uh, I'll see you later. Mm-hmm.

I should get going, too.

Uh, hang on a second.

Can you stick around?


Have a seat.

I saw the whiskey container.

There is a g*n in there -- the same kind used to k*ll Ellen.

We get the g*n, we get Flynn.

I should have taken it.

No, no, no. You did the right thing.

Peter has a good plan. You should stick to it.

Make sure they don't get away with this.

Do you believe me, Neal?

I want to.

But there's one thing I don't understand.

Ellen said you told her you were innocent, and then you confessed.

Why would you confess to a m*rder you didn't commit?

I've never told this to anyone, not even Ellen.

A couple of days after I was arrested, she came to see me.

She'd done some digging, and she realized that I was framed.

She also realized that the Flynns didn't have the cops in their pocket.

They were working for the cops, some people very high up on the force.

And for the first time, I had hope.

But then I got a phone call, and the man on the other end of the line wanted Ellen to stop investigating immediately.

He threatened to k*ll everybody I cared about --

Ellen, your mother, you.

The only way to protect everyone was to confess and turn state's evidence against the Flynns.

The marshals immediately pulled you and your mother into Witness Protection.

What about Ellen?

The same.

They were worried the Flynns would try and get to her, too.

I thought I'd join you and your mom in WITSEC, but, uh, she filed for divorce.

She wanted separate locations.

I don't blame her. She thought I was cop k*ller.

So you gave up everything to keep us safe.

I gave up everything the minute I took that cash.

Do you know who was on the phone?

I don't.

But you don't k*ll a cop and get a phone call unless it's somebody very powerful.

Police chief maybe.

Never could figure that part out.

But Flynn would know.

Look, if we find out, you can stop running.

I can't even imagine what that would be like.

I'll be meeting with Flynn as Mark Conroy.

He's the most camera-shy of the family.

Few know what he looks like, and he's about my age.

Neal's at the warehouse now, working on the bottles.

I'm scheduled to arrive there in an hour.

Once Peter uses the trigger phrase, "We have a deal," we move in.

What's your response time?

We'll be two blocks down to avoid any chance of being seen, so I'm guessing a minute, 90 seconds tops.

Great. Let's move out.

There's something about the art of crafting a piece from within that's exquisitely challenging.

Okay, Chihuly, good work.



Man: Hold still.

You know how it is. You can't be too careful.

You should tell them to go ahead and check my boot.

[ Chuckles ]

That's water under the bridge.

Glad to hear it.

Check the boot.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

Is this McCann or your forgery?

You can't tell by my smile?

[ Laughs ]

And the glasswork?

We could make a lot of money on this.

Oh, I agree. They did great work. Mm.

And, luckily, we won't be needing them for too much longer.

What do you mean?

Well, we've recorded their process.

We can use the video to train our own guys.

But why get rid of them?

Are they becoming a problem?

Eh, well, they've seen too much, including you now.

It's just best to be safe.

How many bottles are they making for you?


That's right.

They're finishing up bottle number 55 right now.

Take care of them.

You know, I'd love to meet them before you do.

This is great work.

Nah, it's best if you don't get too familiar.

Never good to name them if you're not gonna keep them, you know?


Then it looks like we have a deal.

That's our signal. Everybody move.


We haven't even talked numbers yet.

Oh, with this quality work, I know we'll come to an understanding.

I'd like to try some of your other whiskeys.

Do you mind?

Uh, help yourself.

Oh, this is fantastic, yeah.

FBI. Call your men off now.

Call them off -- right now. I don't know what you're talking about.


[ Grunts ]


[ Grunting ]

Diana: FBI!

Jones: On the ground!

Man: FBI! Check it!

[ Grunting ]

I'm gonna check on Peter.

Dennis Flynn Jr., you're under arrest for intent to distribute counterfeit items and attempted m*rder and whatever crimes you may have committed with this w*apon.

You planted that g*n.

I've never seen it before in my life.

Bet your dad said the same thing.

Hey. Did forensics come back?

Ballistics matched Flynn's g*n to Ellen's m*rder w*apon.

So we got him.

We did.

What aren't you telling me?

Somebody else got him, too.

Flynn was being escorted to a transport car when he was stabbed to death by a prisoner with a shiv.

Someone wanted him dead awfully fast.

Very few people knew he was there.

We need to find out who had access to Flynn's release documents.

I'm on it. It's not a long list.

But the bad news is, we lost Flynn and whatever he knows.

Well, he must have been working with someone, looking for Ellen's evidence box.

Someone who knew that Flynn's only angle in prison would be to turn on them, so Flynn had to die and fast.

Now, the good news is, we forced someone to play their hand.

And like Diana said, it's not a long list.

But whoever it is has an incredible reach.

Neal, if they can get to Flynn like this...

James is right.

He isn't safe here.

I can't send him away.

Only for a little while, until we know more.

He'll be back.

You don't know that.

Talk to him.

[ Sighs ]

Ellen: Goodbye, Neal.

Until we meet again.

[ Click ]

Seeing her again.

Thank you for sharing this with me.

Ellen said that whatever's in that pendant is the key to finding the evidence box.

And hopefully to clearing my name.

So, how do we do it?

Well, I'm listed as her next of kin, so now that the Flynn case is wrapped up, it'll be sent to me.

Great. Once we have the key --

Once I have the key.

I don't understand. I-I thought you believed me.

I do. It's not about that.

You need to leave New York. No.

It's not safe for you here.

No, I've left you too many times.

They got to Ellen. They got to Flynn.

They almost got to you.

Mozzie has a safe house outside the city.

It's completely off the radar.

You can stay there.

All right.

I want you to be a part of my life.

Thank you.

All right, uh...


Look, once Peter and I figure this out, we can take them down together.

He's waiting outside to give you a ride, so...

I thought I'd never see you again.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ]



Bye, dad.

See you soon, buddy. Okay.