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04x08 - Ancient History

Posted: 09/06/12 03:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar.

Neal: This has to be one of the greatest collections of art that's ever been found.

Jones: Her name's Alexandra Hunter.

Peter: Deals mostly in eastern European antiquities.

Only been arrested once, in France, but all charges were mysteriously dropped.

Diana: She's an old acquaintance of Neal's.

We're already familiar with Alex.

[ Groans ] [ Laughs ]

Said she'd send me a message if she ever needed my help.

Peter: What kind of message?

A flower.

Are you a friend of Neal's?

You can say that, yes.

How do you two know each other?

I'm an FBI agent.

You grew up in Witness Protection.

I was 3 when the marshals took us away.

I was born Neal Bennett.

But in WITSEC, I grew up as Danny Brooks.

We found a g*n with your dad's prints on it.

He k*lled a cop.

He confessed.

Did you believe him?


They found me.


Trust Sam.

I spent the last decade of my life hiding from the truth.

I'm finally ready to face it, and I'll be damned if I'm turning back now because you think I can't help you.



Neal, what are you doing?

Man: Freeze!

Let me see your hands right now!

[ Siren chirps ] Man #2: Put your hands where we can see them!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Hey, good to see you.

[ Chuckles ]

I somehow doubt that.

[ Groans ]

No need for the serious theatrics.

Where's Peter?

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Call agent Peter Burke, okay?

Look, I think there's been a misunderstanding here.

You have the right to have an attorney.

FBI! Stand down!

[ Sighs ]

Thank you. Yeah.

Myrick, he's with us. If he was in the back of your car, he'd be with you.

[ Chuckling ] Oh.

When did you make assistant chief?

I got my second star last month.

That's great.

Look, this is our operation.

[ Chuckling ] Oh, so says you.

But without your help, my officers nabbed four pro thieves carting off a truckful of antiques.

Three professional thieves. Neal Caffrey is a bureau asset.

Uh, while we're correcting semantic gaffes... antiques are what you get when you pull off the highway in Michigan.

Those are priceless, pre-Christian antiquities.

Neal, not helping.

I submitted those op orders over a week ago to you.

Op orders?

My patrol borough gets enough op orders in a week to build a new station house.

Well, I don't care if you could build the kremlin, you still have to read them.

And you're not booking him.

Come on. How's this?

I give you the collars and the seizures, plus, I'll call up your bureau chief and tell him we really like this new guy he's got in Manhattan north.

If you walk with your guy? Yep.

All right, next time you want to operate in my P.B., you get me on the horn.

Yeah. Oh, here you go.

[ Handcuffs click ]

Thanks a lot.

NYPD does not do congeniality.

Not ladder climbers like Myrick.

He's more concerned with commendation than cooperation.

If you're letting him get the win, you got something bigger in your cross hairs, don't you?

Oh, come on. I know that tell.

Tell me. I-I... what is it?

Two weeks ago, we put Neal under with three thieves set to hit the Greco museum.

Yeah, everything went to plan until New York's finest showed up.

I can't believe I missed that.

You really get caught by a patrol officer?

That does not count. I thought they were my backup.

[ Laughs ] But you did cuffed.

They didn't bring him in. Doesn't count.

Thank you. Thank you.

We always believed the job had a patron but never got a whiff until...

Jones. I was poring over UCR for suspects with similar criminal backgrounds, and I found a surprise.

[ Beep ]


But she's in a Greek prison?

She hit about a dozen historical sites before the hellenic police caught up with her.

Diana: Busted her with a collection that would make J. Paul getty green.

They let her go two weeks ago.

In time to possibly orchestrate a high-rent antiquities theft.

Any idea she was in town?

No, I haven't seen her since she was right there, the night before Adler died.

Memorable day.

I want you and Alex to play catch-up, see if she's involved in that museum heist.

We're making a lot of assumptions here.

What if she's clean?

[ Laughs ]

If she's clean, we leave her be.

Can you reach out to her?

Yeah. Do we have an address?

Penthouse at the athenian hotel.

Diana: We are looking at Greek antiquities theft.

She checked into the athenian. I'm sure she's clean.

Neal's gonna need a ride downtown. Let's break.

I guess that's on me. Let's go.

Thanks, Jones.

You owe me a T.B. Shot.

I chased a garbage truck five blocks.

I managed to dig out a receipt from the hotel you followed Caffrey to.

Room was paid for by Samuel Phelps.

I asked around quietly.

Some addresses in and around D.C., a meager credit history, library card.

No other photos?

Just the one you took.

Is there any particular reason why we're not pushing this through bureau channels?

I'm keeping Sam's name off of anything official.

You're secretly tracking Caffrey, but you draw the line at running indices?

I know. I'm walking a line here.

Any idea who this Sam Phelps is?

Neal thinks he was an undercover cop on Metro P.D.'S organized crime squad.

Makes sense there wouldn't be any photographs, but he's not the company Caffrey usually keeps.

It's possible Sam worked with Neal's father.

Implying Caffrey's dad was a cop?

So much for "like father, like son."

Neal's dad was a crooked cop.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, if this Sam character doesn't sit right with you, I can assign a detail.

Not yet. But stay on him.

And let's keep this under wraps.

Mozzie: We need to take evasive measures.

Alex is gonna k*ll us.

Okay, you need to lay off the espresso, bud.

She's been hunting for that sunken submarine since prepubescence.

We stole her birthright.

Technically, you stole her birthright.

And you reaped the benefits.

Your hands are not clean in this.

Well, do we have any of it in town?

Not much.

Some, uh, gold-plated housewares, mostly.

You better not throw a dinner party.

She might be in town looking for it.

Things were so much simpler when she just vanished.

Now I have to hide for the remainder of my natural life.

Your natural life is constituted primarily of hiding.

Exactly. I don't need any supplemental hiding.

I do need a stronger drink.

I wrote to her and suggested she come back to New York.

Oh, did you tell her to come back because we stole her treasure out from under her?

No, that would have been pretty incriminating, Moz.

Look, she skipped town without so much as a goodbye.

She'll understand.

Well, given that you're the one who has to face her, I'm gonna let you enjoy that fantasy.

So good luck with that. Package?

Yeah, June must have brought it in.


Kathryn hill was Ellen's name before she went into WITSEC.

A missive from the grave?

30 years ago, Ellen asked the marshals to give this to me if we never saw each other again.

We ended up in WITSEC together, so there was never a reason to deliver it until now.

They must have been trying to get it to me for weeks, but both our name changes made for a lot of red tape.

Oh, red is not the tape I'm interested in.

What's on that cassette?

It doesn't really say.

But I need to find a Betamax player.

Fortunately for you, I have a stockpile.

I'll bring one tomorrow, and we can watch.


I'm gonna watch it with Sam.

You mean watch it alone with Sam?

Yeah. You don't know anything about him!

I know that, with her dying breath, Ellen told me to trust him.

Exactly... her dying breath.

He could have been associated... stop, all right? This is my call.

Alex could be here any minute, all right?

We're supposed to be in this together.

We are, Moz.

Concierge dropped this off in my room.

You know, a different girl might take offense that you marked this "return to sender."

Well, a different guy might take offense that you got him arrested.

I'd say we're even.

Oh, please.

Not even close.

Last time you gave me this flower, it represented our search for the music box.

Our search for the u-boat treasure.

Given where I found it today, I'm not really sure what it means any more.

I wanted to see you.

And I thought you'd look cuter scowling in the backseat of a squad car.

Instead of smirking on the sidelines with the FBI.

Did I?


I'm glad I could give you that.

[ Chuckles ]

Did you get my letter?

Yeah. After I got out of jail.

I heard.

16 months at women's central prison in Thebes.

Not my most pleasant trip abroad.

So, does the fed know I'm back?

I didn't mention the flower.

Okay. I know your tricks, Neal.

That wasn't a denial.

Are you planning another job?

Would you believe me if I said no?

Probably not.

Then... No.

All right, it's late, so I will see you later, Neal.

Alex, what are you doing tomorrow?

Get lunch with me.


What are you doing?

Siege warfare.

You and Alex aren't playing nice?

We're never quite sure where we stand with each other.

Adds to the charm. Keeps things spicy.

And we've got lunch today.

You're not her only date.

We followed her from her hotel.

And she met with this guy? Yeah.

Well, she might not be our mastermind after all.

This looks like an assignment. Could be.

I don't like the idea of locking Alex up, Peter.

I know you don't, but that's the job.

Well, what if we can get the puppeteer?

If he's pulling the strings, maybe we can work something out.

Okay, after lunch today, I'll finagle an invite back to her place.


Find out what's in at envelope.

And whatever your finagling methods, remember, we'll be watching.

Elizabeth: It's a very... Thoughtful gift, Moz.

That particular Rai stone is among the largest of its kind.

Well, don't you think the Micronesian people might want to see it in a museum?

They're not really a museum culture.

Thatched huttery has certain limitations.

[ Door closes ]

Peter: Hey, honey. Hi. How are you?

[ Both chuckle ]

Mwah. Mm.

What are you doing here?

Moz has a surprise. He got us a gift from...

The island of Yap.


I used to be able to come home, relax, get something to eat.

Yeah, yeah, the 21st century.

Everyone's life is more complicated.

Speaking of complicated, I'm gonna go outside and figure out what to do with this new lawn ornament.

All right, what?

Okay, Neal received a 30-year-old Betamax from Ellen that he would rather watch with Sam than with me.

And you're telling me this because you're jealous?

No. "Jealous."

Look, while I abhor your chosen profession, our unholy union may be the only thing keeping Neal from washing up in Greenpoint.

You think Sam's dangerous?

Of course I do.

Until I'm given reason to think otherwise.

Unofficially, I've put together a file on Sam.

There's not much meat there.

That file is official, not related.

I won't tell anyone.

There's nothing to tell.

Oh, I understand.

Honey, do you happen to know anybody with a crane?

What the hell is that? It was here before I got home.

Well, you are now the 1% on the island of Yap.

That's not staying here.

Well, that's a problem for another day.

Uh, for now, I bid you adieu.

Don't bother telling me he meant well.

Neal: You know, I did see the inside of a cell in Bulgaria once.

So, you've experienced the unpleasantness of a Balkan prison firsthand.

Well, actually, I was breaking someone out, but I can extrapolate from that.

It was a time of political unrest.

The monarchy had fallen. The czar was deposed.

You were rescuing a deposed czar?

Actually, a czar's wife. A deposed czarina?

A deposed czarina's handmaid.

[ Chuckles ] What?

She had a lead on the Dabene treasure in the Karlovo valley.

You'd do the same thing.

[ Laughs ]

All right, Neal's anklet shows him heading our way.

We online?

Just about.

The hotel pegged our system to the lobby and hallway circuits.

But once he's behind the door, he's on his own.

Yeah, I don't like it.

I get the impression Neal and Alex are still on unsettled terms.

"Unsettled" meaning what?

She wants to bed him or k*ll him?

Fine line.

Our job is to stay watchful and try to minimize surprises.

Yeah, I'm not sure we're gonna have a lot to say in that matter.

What the hell is he doing there?

Damn it, he's gonna blow this.

If Neal and Alex get close, call my cell.

I'm gonna pull him out.

Mozzie: Hello?


I've come to refresh your pillow mint.

Oh, it's been a long time since we've had a real, honest-to-God conversation... without ulterior motives.

Well, other than the fact that you're in town to rob a museum and I'm supposed to keep an eye on you?

Other than that.

You know, Neal and Alex just talking... it's a distant memory.

Maybe we continue this honest-to-God conversation upstairs over a glass of wine?

Yeah, uh, it's not a good time, Neal.

Oh, other plans?

None of my plans included you.

Plans have a way of going awry.

[ Knock on door]

Peter: Mozzie!


What the hell are you doing here?

If you've come to help me scout, you're too late.

I made a breakthrough.

You need to get out of here now.

Sam is Samantha. He is a she.

He is definitely not a she.

Well, he's curious.

This is not Sam's suite.

That file listed this as his address.

The file I explicitly told you wasn't Sam's file?

So I've made a tremendous mistake.

That was Alex Hunter's file.

Oh! That explains the brassiere.

It's a shame you have to arrest her, but it does help me avoid an uncomfortable conversation.

You owe me one.

Why the hell were you digging into my files?

I brought you a Rai stone.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Right. I forgot.

You owe me two uncomfortable conversations.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

How close are they?

They're here, but I'm not sure Neal's making it upstairs.

They're stalled out front.

Of course, if anybody can do it...

We're not gonna get eyes on her assignment.

All right, we'll head out the back way.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Come on, this operation's a bust.

Well, her assignment?

What are we looking for?

We're not looking for anything.

I don't have a warrant.

I'm trespassing. Exigent circumstances.

I love how you two think that law was designed as a loophole.

Besides, I can only log what's in plain view.

Okay. Stop.

What are you doing?

Oh! Plain view. Stop.

Plain view. Stop it!

Did you see a manila envelope?

[ Sighs ]

Ah, come on.


I got it.


[ Scoffs ]

Thank you.

The hell?

[ Keyboard clacks ]

Where'd you go?

Where did you g...

That's not good.

[ Cellphone vibrates ] You do know how invaluable I am to you, right?

[ Cellphone beeps ] Jones.

Peter, it's not good. They're right outside the door.

Neal: I know a good wine-delivery service. You're right. That's not good.

Hey! Come up here.

Alex: ...Have a few very good bottles.

Shh! Quiet!

Neal: Oh, some things never change.

Mm-hmm. Any preference?

We need to get out of here.


Neal: Surprise me.

[ Groans ]

So, what's your issue with the Rai stone?

Someday, I'm gonna strangle you.

You go to Greece and proceed to steal historical relics until you're caught, right?



Well, I bought a medieval villa in Sardinia...


...before we found the sub.

Congratulations. But I don't get the connection.

I was suffering the absurd illusion that I'd be moving in with the most incredible art in the world.

And without the sub, I couldn't decorate.

I got you. Yeah.

And why go to pottery barn when you can accent with 6,000-year stolen amphora?


To a long overdue reunion.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

So, that night, I set up at the weigh station near the docks.

I figured I could drop onto Adler's truck as it passed.

And ride until they stopped, then commandeer the vehicle.

Instead, you watched the warehouse explode.

I assumed, if you meant to steal it, you'd let me know.

Well, in all fairness, you did just say that you planned to steal it without us, right?

Right. But I wouldn't have cut you out.


Equal thirds?

Well, maybe not equal.

[ Both laugh ]

I have missed you, Neal.

Me, too.

And in all honesty, that treasure you wanted so badly has been a lot more trouble than it's worth.

Oh, you and king midas... whiners.

And I need more wine, please, if you can.


[ Sighs ]

Hey. You know, I could take that trouble off your hands if you'd like.

Oh! That's gonna stain.

Can I just run to your bathroom really quick?

Go ahead. It's upstairs.

All right. I'll be right back.

Please tell me there is a good reason the two of you are trapped in Alex's bathroom.

We're not trapped. We're, uh, biding our time.

It's a long story, but we got Alex's envelope.

Is it an assignment?

Oh, those are from the Greek exhibit at the Hellerman.

Yeah, it's the Amorgăłs expedition.

This could be quite the haul.

Well, we still don't know who Alex is working for.

[ Sighs ]

Nice. Not yet.

Are you gonna run his DNA? Yeah.

Remind me never to lick anything ever again.

Wherever you found this, you put it back.

All right, when I give you the opportunity, go.

I mean, how... you know what?

Alex: You remember the view from the table Mountain lodge in cape town?

Yeah. We were running a two-handed con on a South African jeweler.

Hmm, yeah.

Back then, we could just be ourselves and not have to shake on it.

Who's to say we can't be right now?

Well, wait, you didn't... you didn't clean your sleeve.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

You were searching my bedroom.

Would it help if I told you I didn't have a choice?

[ Laughing ] Uh, you know what?

For a man who's capable of so many surprises, you're becoming painfully predictable.

Alex, when we first came up here, I... you know what? Just go.

All right.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

[ Horn honks ]

Well, you successfully blew my cover.

You care to explain?

Mozzie showed up. I followed him.

I was looking for Sam.

Why are you both together looking for Sam?

It was a big misunderstanding.

Listen, I appreciate your concern, okay?

But just stay out of it.

Look, the bottom line is we both don't understand why you would choose Sam instead of me.

That's not the bottom line.

But it still seems like a risk to show him the Betamax before we've seen it.

You went behind my back to the feds?

I know. Desperate times, Neal.

What do you know about Sam?

I know he's the only one with answers.

He says he has the answers, but ...Peter, who k*lled Ellen?

Was my father corrupt, or was he set up?

No? Nothing. How about you?

I'll see you guys later.

I don't think he's happy with us.

[ Thunder rumbles ]
We got a hit from interpol, on Hunter's employer.

This is Rasmus Spiteri, Greece's new general secretary for culture and tourism.

According to state, Spiteri's been petitioning for the legal return of plundered antiquities for months.

He hasn't gotten any traction.

This is not a theft for profit.

No, I think it's a cultural reclamation project.

He's commissioning these jobs in the name of national heritage.

If Hunter made Caffrey, I can't imagine she'll still hit the Hellerman.

We've got a team on her. If she makes a move, she's ours.

What do you think, Neal?

Think she'll still go for it?

Oh, I don't know.

I mean, you seem to be the expert at investigating your friends.

What do you think?

Uh, whether she goes for it or not, it doesn't give us Spiteri.

Unless Neal convinces Alex to roll on him.

I told her I wasn't looking into her, and then she caught me red-handed.

That kind of disloyalty stings for more than just a couple hours.

Jones: Guys, you want us to clear out?

We're fine. Right, Neal?

Yeah. I'll talk to her.

There's still a card I haven't played.

[ Horns honk ]

[ Knock on door ]

No need for pleasantries. I'm just here for one reason.

Is this it?

It's all I could come up with on short notice.

Well, as peace offerings go, you know, this is... this is pretty meager.

Unless you want to go back to prison, let me help you.


The only reason that I was in prison is because of you.

I didn't tell you to knock over the acropolis.

No. No, no, no. You didn't tell me anything.

Eight years we scoured the globe together.

And... and you send me one lousy letter.

Oh, I'm sorry.

What was I supposed to do?

Come find you?

How could you? You were too busy buying an island.

Yeah, I heard.

None of this was planned.

Well, you know, like you said, plans have a way of going awry.

How much does Burke know?

Enough to put you away.

He knows Spiteri hired you to hit the Hellerman gallery.

Look, one day Spiteri walks into my cell with an offer... pull a heist or stay locked up indefinitely. he strong-armed you?

Me kheiron beltiston.

The least bad choice is the best.

Well, listen, you have another choice now.

I hate to say it, but it's the FBI.

They only care about the big fish.

You help them get Spiteri, and you walk.

They have nothing to get him on but passing me photographs.

Yeah, exactly.

That's why we are gonna go through with your job at the Hellerman.

What do you mean by "we"?

Well, I think I know what it's like to be beholden to a master.

Let's get you out of this.

Peter: Help me get comfortable with this.

The only way to get Spiteri is to put stolen property in his hands.

Right now we've got no charges.

Makes sense.

I should have told you I was looking into Sam.

Yeah. You should have.

[ Chuckles ]

It never gets any easier.

No, it doesn't.


All right. All right.

Uh, Hellerman's this way.

Yeah, I'm just gonna make a quick stop. For what?

Spray paint.

No. Ugh.

Isn't there a 60-year old retired cop you'd prefer to do this with?

I wanted you here, didn't I?

A minor conciliation.

I would rather be watching the Betamax.

Also, I do not like this plan.

[ Sighs ] Look, it's simple.

The Hellerman gallery's hosting a new exhibit on modern Greek identity.

To which you, as a prominent contemporary artist, will add... Ostensibly.

So, what don't you like about the plan?

Alex. Is she or is she not going to k*ll me?

[ Sighs ]

Diana: Alex parked the box truck out back.

After they load it up, we follow it to the meet with Spiteri.

Hey, do you really feel good about Caffrey going through with this thing?

Last night in the conference room seemed pretty shaky.

We're back on the same page.

Does Caffrey know?

Here we go.

My assistant has arrived.

Alex. You're dead to me.

I still don't see why I can't be the artist.

Remember that memling I forged?

We're not doing a flemish landscape.

Oh, no. We're doing a paint-by-numbers.

I had no express interest to cut you out.

If you set Genghis Khan in front of a manchurian rebel camp, he's gonna do his thing.


It's the same way with me and treasure troves.

I was just kidding, Moz.


This is their real contact information for the Stein agency?

Well, any curator worth her salt would recognize a fake number.

Then they'd better be expecting a phone call.

Oh, they are. Great.

Then let's go rob a museum.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Hi. Um, I'm looking for the curator, miss Graham?

She's right over here.

Uh, I'm Parker Graham. How can I help you?

Yeah, we're here for gallery 2b.

Yes, of course. It's down the hall, second floor.

Is it prepared?

Prepared for what?

Oh, God. What an idiot.

Excuse me?

No, not you. Sorry.

You should have switched agents a long time ago.

My agent didn't call you?

No. I'm sorry. Who are you?

I can't really say.

But my assistant and I were supposed to have full access to gallery 2b today.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, whoever you are, but no arrangements have been made.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

We can come back tomorrow. What do you mean, tomorrow?

We have Berkshire tomorrow.

They gave us a wall at Windsor Castle.

[ Chuckles ] What does that mean, a wall at Windsor?

That's the royal residence.

Don't stroke his ego. Who are you?

Will you please?


You can expect him to "exit through the gift shop."

Does that mean that you're... uh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

And what do you want with gallery 2b?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]


Curator: Is this Mr. Sanderson of the Stein agency?


I'm calling from the Hellerman gallery... oh, is he there already?

I'm afraid he is... With a peculiar request.

sh**t. That's my fault.

I-is there any way he can have the run of the place tomorrow?

Tomorrow he's going to Windsor Castle.

Oh, that's right.

If your client wants to do an installation here at our gallery...

He does.

...then I'm sure we can accommodate him.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Ladies and gentlemen, this gallery is now closed.

Alex: And the cameras?

Sherman, switch off the cameras in 2b.

[ Rattling ]

How much time do I have?

Not long... a couple minutes.

[ Sighs ]

[ Rattling ]

Oh, Aphrodite's a thief now?

Well, she wasn't the sole inspiration.

You know, this plan would have worked even if you hadn't painted anything.

It's only fair. We're cleaning them out.

Couldn't resist, huh?

How often do you have the opportunity to add a piece to the Hellerman's permanent collection?

Diana: There goes the little guy.

Switch to two.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

Boss, we have a problem.

Not again.

That idiot.


Freeze. Put your hands over your head.

Peter: This is the second time you crashed my undercover, Myrick.

And this time, it's too big for you to screw it up.

Screw it up?

Silent alarm sounded.

We got here in time to make our arrest.

That's called good police work.

That's called bull. Get my man out of your car.

No. I don't think I will.

[ Sighs ] I asked one thing.

I asked you to call me personally if you have an action in my district.

I didn't have time, and, to be blunt...

I don't owe you that call.

Maybe not, but now you owe New York county 10 grand.

[ Sighs ] Damn.

Jones, Diana, find Alex.

I got to bail Neal out of jail.

[ Siren wails ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

Thank you.

I don't know what her move is, but Alex put this in motion.

Uh-huh. I watched her disable the silent alarm.

Uh-huh. And the minute the PD showed up, she was gone.

Uh-huh. What?

No, it just used to mean something to say that you caught Neal Caffrey.

But now that the police are doing it all the time... oh, once again, this does not count.

Says the man who spent four hours in a cell with two drunk-and-disorderlies and a shopping-cart thief.

She planned this.

I know. The question is, why?

We're looking at two heists, both of which were botched in impressive fashion.

First, a patrol car is parked across the street during the Greco job.

NYPD dispatch sent that car in response to a "suspicious character" who never existed.

And second, I don't believe Alex failed to deactivate the alarm at the Hellerman.

These jobs were built to fall short.

But why put crews together if you don't want them to get away with it?

Diana: No sign of Hunter, but we got a hit on Spiteri.

He rented a transatlantic freighter set for Thessalonăki.

A freighter?

He's got nothing to ship.

I guess no one told him.

Or he still thinks he's gonna get his score.

[ Cellphone rings ] Berrigan.

But the entire cache is in the...

NYPD evidence warehouse. Yeah.

Jones, get units over to Manhattan north and to the docks at red hook.

Okay. Boss, we're too late. PD just sent this.

They got Alex on tape busting out of the NYPD warehouse.

Alex knew successfully pulling off two heists was a long shot.

And she made sure NYPD put all the antiquities in one place.

Add a bit of cat burglary... a little auto theft... and she makes off with both hauls simultaneously.

Let's cut her off.

Peter: Jones, talk to me.

Jones: Dug into the video NYPD sent over.

I'm tracking a box truck, plate number Ida-union-2-0-0-6.

Traffic cams have it southbound on 2nd.

She won't stay on a street with heavy traffic.

Jones, call the 17th.

Get them to scramble cars through truck routes and industrial thoroughfares.

I'm on it.

How did I not see this coming?

You're an aries, aren't you?

Yeah, march 21st. Why?

[ Car chimes ]

Female voice: Please say a command.

Horoscope. Aries.

Hello, aries. It's a 3-out-of-10 day.

The moon-uranus conjunction in a sign of aries will allow you to see an old acquaintance in a new light.

But don't be fooled.

You will soon revert to old roles.

You checked my horoscope?

I had some time to k*ll while you were in lockup.

And, I repeat, you checked my horoscope?

You have to admit, it's dead-on.

Horoscopes always seem relevant. That's the con.

But if you're gonna start taking life advice from a car... you're no fun.

Well, I'm having a 3-out-of-10 day.

Burke, we pulled her over. We're pulling her out.

I'm done with you.

I hope you didn't get too attached to that second star.

She won't be armed, Peter.

Stand back.

Spiteri, get the hell out of the van.

Put your hands up where I can see them.

Come on.

Where's Hunter?

She's gone. There was another car.

What other car?

I don't know. A black car.

[ Sighs ]

What the hell were you thinking?

That I would take back what was taken from my country.

Peter, you should get back here.

Cuff him.

That's definitely not Greek.

No, I'd say late 19th-century Russian.

This was her angle from day one.

And she's been one step ahead of us the whole time.

She's gone, Peter. She's gone.

[ Siren wails, horn blares ]

You left the candelabra.

I don't know why, but I thought you'd be more sentimental.

Well, if I can't have the treasure, I'll take a treasure.

You used Spiteri.

He was using me to the same end.

And you played me.

Was any of it real?

Yeah, well, there's really a villa in Sardinia that needs decorating.

But we were never just Neal and Alex.

This is Neal and Alex.

[ Both laugh ]

I could call Peter right now.

Oh, but you wouldn't.

Because you owed me a treasure.

Now... We're even.

[ Door closes ]

I don't trust you touching my wires.

Oh, I wouldn't either.

If I find out you've bugged my house... well, that would be easy.

I'm just saying, you've got a mess back there.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Sighs ]

Hey, Neal.

Hey, Peter.

Come on in. Thanks.


Uh, can I get you anything?

No, I'm good. Thanks.

[ Sighs ] Glad you're here.

I'm happy you decided to watch that with us.

You got to pick who you can trust, right?

Well, whatever it is, if Ellen had wanted the whole world to see it, she would have given it to channel five news.

Instead, she gave it to me.

And, maybe if she was still alive, she would have wanted you to see it.

I don't know.

But you don't want to make that decision for her.

No. I want to make it for me.

Whatever's on here...

I know.

You ready to see what Ellen wanted to show you when you were 3 years old?

I am.

[ Click ]