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04x02 - Most Wanted

Posted: 07/19/12 22:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

These marshals are here to take Neal Caffrey into custody.

Peter: I gave Neal the signal to run.

You set him free?

If anything were to happen to him, I don't think I could live with it.

Agent Burke, I'm going to find Neal Caffrey.

And you're gonna help me do it.

The agent who is after you, his name is Collins.

And he won't stop until he finds you.

He's dangerous.

Dobbs: Paradise comes at a price.

And if I have a concern, I come to you.

Anytime, day or night.

Then I think we will be very happy here.

Caffrey's fate is out of your hands.

Do you understand?


I'm looking for a friend.

Maybe you've seen him.

Has he done something?

You can have any woman you want, and the one woman you choose is the only woman who doesn't want you.

Agent Burke.

Never mind. I'm sure you haven't seen him.

Now, I'm offering $500,000 U.S. for the capture of this man.

I really thought I was done running this time.

You run, I run.

Then let's run.

[ Engine revs ]

We were supposed to meet Neal back at the wharf.

By dawn. We waited for him all night.

He didn't show up.

Neal is well aware he's the island's most wanted.

Now, if you had read "Team Thieving 101"...

That doesn't exist.

...which clearly you have not, you would know you do not leave the set rendezvous point.

And if you read "Catching Neal Caffrey 101,"

Barry, what are you still doing here?


My nom de plume.

I thought you left with Neal last night.

That was the plan. I take it you saw him?

Peter. We met yesterday.

I'm on Neal's side.

He is. Back to Neal.

He wanted to meet you both, but there were too many people out looking for him, so he went back to Dobbs'.


Shelter from the storm.

Our resident protector on retainer.

He went there for cover?

He didn't intend to spend the night.

He's probably still there.

Thank you.

Will you let me know when you find him?

Yeah, of course.

One thing I know about Neal-- He knows how to run.

[ Clicking ]

[ Straining ]

[ Nut squeaking ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Squeaking continues ]

[ Squeaking ]

Come on.

[ Door opens, indistinct conversation ]

Dobbs: See?

Just as we left him.

Two more hours, Caffrey.

Then it's only a short flight to the Canary Islands and an easy ride home.


I came to you for help, Dobbs.

Dobbs: I don't know why. I wouldn't harbor a fugitive. I paid you.

To help establish yourself on the island.

You never said the U.S. government was looking for you.

You should get that fixed.

I told you I didn't want him here.

Caffrey, you only had to be good for a couple of hours, and as long as you got two good legs, you're gonna find a way to run. You're a federal agent.

You were in the act of fleeing. You could be armed.

Ohh! God!

No more running, Caffrey.


[ Grunts ]

I'm assuming big brother didn't give you full access to their keyhole satellite footage.

This trip doesn't have big brother's blessing.


Looks like they're setting up a party.

Dobbs' monthly island-wide fete.

It's where Dobbs distributes his payola to the island officials.

Quite the island you've chosen for yourself.

Look, suit, I-I need to ask you something.

Once we get off this island, hypothetically, what are your exact intentions with Neal?

Let's find Neal.

Then we'll deal with the rest of this.

Moz, 11 o'clock.


Best case-- Collins got a tip, and Dobbs is hiding Neal inside.

Yeah, worst case, Dobbs turned him over.

How much protection money do you pay Dobbs?


[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Apparently, not enough.

All right, eventually, they're gonna have to bring Neal out if they want to catch the next flight out of here.

That's when we make our move.

Ohh, God.

Almost got it.

[ Sighs ] There.

How bad is it?

The b*llet lodged in the vastus lateralis, the thigh muscle next to the bone.

No arteries were hit.

That sounds promising.

You gonna sterili--



It's gonna hurt for a few weeks, but you'll heal up fine.

Look away. Focus on the boats.



Claudia, Annette...

What are you saying?

I'm admiring your boats.

Stand up.

Collins is waiting for you outside.

Thank you, doctor.

Oh, God.

Whoa. Stay off your feet.

I mean it.

Do not put any pressure on it, or that wound will open up again.

Well, that's gonna be a little tricky.

You want me to walk to the car?

Believe me, it's the last time I'll ask for your help.

Dobbs: Good.

[ Grunts ]

You didn't have to turn me in.

I just needed to camp out for a couple hours till I could make it to the docks.

Dobbs: This isn't a halfway house.

You jeopardized me, my home.

How much did they offer you?

I don't need money.


No, you need the U.S. law enforcement out of your hair.


They're looking for you, not me.

Let's give them what they want.

Oh, God.

Peter: There's Neal, and he's zip-tied to the dash.

Oh. And there's Collins.

They're hitting the road.

You sure this plan of yours will stop him?

Does a wine have tannins?

[ Conversations in Spanish ]

Collins: What is this?

Don't look at me.

I've been stuck in a cell, shot, and tethered to a dashboard.

[ Horn honking ]

Come on!

Look, those mangos aren't gonna move themselves.

I'm happy to lend a hand if you'd-- Ow.

[ Zip tie clicks ] Don't make me sh**t you again.

[ Conversations continue ]


Get that cart out of the road!

What is this?


[ Conversation in Spanish ]

Excuse me, sir, are you yelling at these children?

Stay out of it.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

Mozzie: You're not from here, are you?

Well, show some decency. Help clean it up.

Come on, let's get this stuff out of the road.

Come on. I got a plane to catch.

[ Hector speaking Spanish ]

I hope you're planning on paying this kid for so-- Sir!

Here, help me with these watermelons.

What took you so long?

Got caught in traffic.

I got a car parked a block from here.

We're gonna have to move quick.

Yeah, quick may be a problem.

You're shot?

Oh, Neal, I expected you to be mobile.

Well, Collins thought ahead.

[ Sighs ]

Collins: Come on already!

Mozzie: Sir, there's a lot of fruit here.


Maybe I should call it. - Hey, there's still some mangoes by the tire.


No. No, I'm not going back to prison.

Let's go. You're okay?


All right. What's the plan?

The marina-- I have access to a yacht.

I stole the keys to Dobbs' boat.

I don't think he'll mind.

We'll have to text mozzie.

He hates it when you deviate from the plan.

And he really hates it when I drive his car.

All right, I'll drive.

Almost done.

[ Grunts ] All right, get it off the road!


[ Indistinct shouting ]

Hey! Hey, Caffrey!


[ Sighs ]

Hector, muy bien.

Peter: Do you know which one is his?

Neal: Nope.

You ditched me. You stole my car.

I had to take a taxi here. Shh!

That was not the plan.

What happened to you?

I got shot.

Oh. Welcome to the club.

It's good to be a member.

And I'm fine. Thank you.

We need to find Dobbs' boat.

Oh, well, the middle one doesn't have deep-sea-fishing mounts, and Dobbs went out last week.

Scratch the middle.

That leaves us about a dozen.

The model boats in Dobbs' library--

They all had women's names.

Yeah, there was, um, Claudia, Annette, Adele...

Esmeralda, Isabella...

♪ Isabella, I can tell-a ♪
♪ Esmeralda, find Adele-a ♪

Peter, this is not the time. What?

♪ Mirabella, so compella ♪

Was there a Mirabella?


♪ Rob's fair ladies ♪

Did he get into the rum?

I don't know.

These were the names of Dobbs' boats?

Yeah. How'd you know that?

Who cares? Why did you just defile a nursery rhyme?

Forget the boat.

I think I have a way to get you back to New York.

I'm telling you, it's Robert MacLeish.

Oh, come on, Peter.

You spot a few boat names and you expect me to believe--

I know it sounds crazy.

Well, you're damn right it does.

MacLeish has been at the top of the most wanted for 20 years, and in all that time, no one's seen him.

Because he's been here--

On an island off the radar with no extradition.

I'm looking at Caffrey's sketch.

It looks as much like MacLeish as my cousin Phyllis.

Because he's had major reconstructive surgery.

Listen to yourself. You're not this man, Peter.

You're grasping at straws, and you know it.

He's here, Reese.

Yeah, well, you're gonna have to give me more to go on than a few women's names.

Hey, Peter, if you can get us a photo, we can run it through biometrics.

Working on that now.

But assuming it's him--

Well, that's a big assumption.

If it's him, what is he worth to the Bureau?

What are you suggesting?

If Caffrey catches him-- Caffrey?!

Yes. If Caffrey catches him and delivers him to you, would justice agree to let him return to New York and reinstate his old deal?

Back on his anklet, working cases?

Yes. Working for me.

Oh, my God. Well, that's a hell of a tall order.

I know.

First, prove it's MacLeish.

If it's him, I'll run it by justice, but no promises.


Thanks, Reese.

And, Peter, next time, take me off speaker.

[ Telephone beeps ]

I didn't think he'd go for it.

Yeah. Well...

I got a promise on a maybe.

But you're giving me a chance.

[ Knocks on table ]

Moz, you get the photos of Dobbs?


[ Beep ]

♪ Isabella, I can tell-a ♪
♪ Esmeralda, find Adele-a ♪ Stays in your head.

It's driving me insane!

Was this like some government experiment in tune implantation?

MacLeish is a required first-year case at Quantico.

The FBI pursued him through a list of many women in his life.

The names of these women were on a test.

The song's a mnemonic device to remember the names.

But the FBI never found him.

So it's like an exercise in harmonic futility, much like "The Macarena."

Yeah, well, we came close with Mirabella, but he wised up.

Or so you thought.


The girl always gives you away.

Feels a little long for biometrics.

A little too long.

Before we take this further, suit, I need to clear the air here.

Moz-- I-I-I know.

But he traveled halfway around the world on an unsanctioned manhunt to track us down.

And now he's trying to move heaven and earth to bring you back to New York.

I think we deserve to know why.

[ Sighs ]

I suspected you having the art from the u-boat, and I brought in Kramer to help me prove it.

You had every right to.

I know. I did. But...

Kramer crossed the line.

He crossed the line, Peter. You didn't.

Neal, you'll be running forever.

But bringing home MacLeish--

This is a way to set things right.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

[ Beep ]

This is Peter Burke.


Thank you.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Biometrics matched. It's MacLeish.

How do we get him back to the U.S.?

Without a lot of help from Hopalong here.

And considering you don't have the power to extradite...

And you have a target on your back...

And you can't make an arrest or carry a w*apon...

Okay, you're both equally impotent.

But... We still have options.

If Dobbs' power comes from paying off local authorities, what if that goes away?

And he can't pay them off?

We steal back the bribe money.

We let the word spread that he's skipping town with the cash.

His party.

Yes! Everyone he's paying off will be there.

They find out that he's leaving town...

Drop in a few key whispers, some damming evidence...

I think we have a plan.

Neal: This is Sheriff Morales.

He's a talker, and his word carries a lot of weight.

Then he's a good person to start hearing some whispers.

He spends a lot of time at the marina.

Great. And he should see someone fueling Dobbs' boat for a long voyage.

Here are the keys to the Esmeralda.

Gas her up and put another 50 gallons in the cabin.

Where is Mr. Dobbs' going?

Far. That's all I know.

Peter, the party-- How are your mixology skills?

You want me to tend bar?

Everybody talks to the bartender.

I tapped a keg or two in college.

Hmm. I'll give you a refresher.

Don't forget your garnish, okay?

That's just as important as the pour.

Yep. Yep.

You know, before you pour, add a little flourish to it, you know?

Spin it around, throw it in the air.

That's good. Go back to your baseball days.

Baseball. Nice.

Yeah, that's-- We can work on that.

Yeah. For sure.

All right, but what about his regular bartender?

Oh, he may have won an all-expense-paid dream vacation that takes place the day of the party.

It could work, but he's not gonna hire me because of my pretty face.


But if you got a recommendation from one of the island's top caterers...


No. I don't want her involved in this, Moz.

What if she's willing to help?

You talked to her?

She's worried about you.

And I'm sure she'll give Peter a glowing recommendation.

Maya: Neal, this plan sounds incredibly intricate.

It is.

What happens if it doesn't work?

It will.

What if you get caught?

Well, then I go to jail for a long, long time.

Or worse.

We're gonna stay a step ahead of him.

I wouldn't have asked for your help unless I knew it would work.

You really think Dobbs will leave the island for good?

That's what you want, isn't it?

That wasn't the only thing on my list.

We'll make it happen.

[ Chuckles softly ]

I hope your friend is a good bartender.

Neal, do we have bitters?


Yeah, you'll get it.


Here you go, Moz.

If you can't nail the quality, go for quantity.

He's working on it. All right.

No, gin. Right.

Yeah, pour it like it's Hemingway's last call.

So, that's the equipment to open a safe?

Yeah. Back to why a generous pour is so important--

He's got a brickman 2-5-10.

You can't crack that, can you?


No, not without heavy equipment and several hours of alone time.

You're gonna have minutes, at best.

Look, all the drunken whispers in the world won't matter if it doesn't look like he's made off with their bribe money.


So, how you gonna open the safe and have it empty?

Well, we do the next best thing.

What, fake and bake?

What's a fake and bake?

We'll make it look like it's empty.

[ Drilling ]

This frame is larger than I expected.

We'll need to find a way to sneak it into Dobbs' library during the party.

How's Hector's aim?

[ Glass shatters ]

Peter: Gentlemen...

To the island's most wanted.

May they be returned to where they belong.

That's not an omen.



Come out with your hands up!

You're too late.

Do you mind?

Go, go.

Burke, is he here?

You tell me. I'm done.

What do you mean you're done?

I came here to convince Neal to turn himself in.

Meanwhile, you got the wild bunch chasing him down like a dog on the street.

I'm doing my job.


Word around town is that you shot him.

[ Chuckles ]

You're a bigger menace to society than he ever was.

Yeah, well, playing by your book only gets you so far.

Which is why I booked a 4:00 flight out of here.

I'm a white-collar agent, not a bounty hunter.

[ Glass thuds ]

Besides, I'm out of vacation days.

It's all yours now!

The bar's open.
♪ Weekends look up from the ground ♪
♪ is this my sophomore sound? ♪
♪ And come keep breathing, tell me, oh, just what you want ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ it's just I feel, it's just I feel okay ♪
♪ it's how I do, it's how I do when you're away ♪
♪ but don't tell, don't tell, I'm okay ♪

[ Soft music playing ]

Peter: Buenos días.

Woman: Appletini.

Appletini. Coming right up.

This is a beautiful party.

Yes. Well, Mr. Dobbs knows how to do it right, doesn't he?

Where's Rajulio?

Oh, so sad.

Rajulio-- He has been detained by the American federal agent.



I'm Kevin.

Thank you.

Did you know that Rajulio's not here because he's been detained by the feds?

Man: No, no, no, no.

No, you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow.

It's Mr. Dobbs. We rushed the order.

You want to give me a hand here?

There must be some type of mix-up.

Mr. Dobbs is entertaining tonight.

Oh, he's having a party?

No problemo. Yes.

I'll fix his window before a guest even notices.

Mozzie: Hey, hey, hey! Eyes on the job.

You want to explain to your boss why he has to pay for this twice?

[ Grunts ]

Mozzie: This window crate is heavy.

No one told me there's a second floor.

Here, l-lift from the knees, muchacho.

I'm concerned about your back.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Thank you.

[ Conversation in Spanish ]

Por favor.

Cuba libre.

Cuba libre. Very good.

What is this about Rajulio?

Uh, I don't want to get him in trouble.

He's not.

The Americans detained him, right?

I'm guessing it's because of all that cash.

Rajulio saw them loading all the money out of the safe into Mr. Dobbs' boat.

Well, that's what he said.

I-I don't know. What can I get you?

Whiskey, please.


Salud, sir.

Man: Something's wrong.

Rajulio saw Dobbs' cash.

Woman: What's Dobbs doing with it?



Let's see here.

Hmm. Going island hopping?

Eh, you been saving that one?

Nope. Just came to me.

All right. We better hurry.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

Excuse me for a minute.

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

All right, how does that look?

Uh, pretty good.

Take a look at the door, will you?

All right.

Oh, just remember--

Dobbs is about 3 inches taller than I am.

Yeah, and the sheriff's about an inch shorter.

Let's split the difference.

[ Wind blowing, windows clattering ]

Any chance we can really break into the safe and steal the money in the next five minutes?


No, but there's a storage room next door.

I just saw it on the way up. Let's go.

Oh, great.


He didn't leave.

[ Sighs ]

And you were in contact with him, so you know exactly where he is.

Are you going to order something?

You do okay here--

I mean, for a woman who's on her own.

I mean, the food is decent. The service is courteous.

But you could really use some upgrades.

I mean, when was the last time you bought some new glassware?

Hell, when was the last time you thought about remodeling?

Why would I remodel?

Because that's what people do when they come into half a million dollars.

This isn't a good time to talk.

Well, whether it's today or tomorrow, Neal Caffrey will leave you.

He has to. He's on the run.

He's bad news.

And I want to give you a chance to say when it ends, instead of him.

$500,000 U.S.

Today, if I capture him.

But tomorrow, if he's already gone, that information is worth nothing.

I know where he is.

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

Ah, Mr. Dobbs, when do you leave on vacation?

I don't. Who says I did?

Oh, my apologies, sir.

I don't remember his name, but he said you had the Esmeralda all gassed up for a long trip.

Again, I-I'm sorry.

What can I get you?

Horchata ponche.

What's your name?

Kevin, sir.



First of all, shut up.

Second, I'm not going anywhere.

And third...

The Esmeralda is not all gassed up.

Henry, I was at the docks when they fueled up the Esmeralda.

[ Scoffing ] No.


And don't be so hard on Kevin, here.

He's filling in for Rajulio.

Who's Rajulio?

Rajulio is your regular bartender.

He's being questioned by the feds right now.

About you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

This doesn't make any sense.

Why would they talk to my bartender?

Because he saw you loading bags of money onto your boat.


You're out of your mind.

Morales: Okay. Let me get this straight.

The Americans are looking into you, you gassed up your boat, and you loaded it with cash?

Nothing you've said is true.

Except I was at the marina!

I saw them fueling up the Esmeralda.

All right.

Your money is where it's always been, and I'm not going anywhere.

Okay. Prove it.


[ Pen clicks, clatters ]

You work for Mr. Dobbs, right?

Listen, if things get bad for your boss in there, I heard that one of Dobbs' friends had a plane leaving the airport.

You know.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

[ Beep ]



Now, this isn't exactly how we planned our retirement.

Neal, the law on our tail, an ocean breeze, a precision heist from an island overlord.

It kind of is.

Dobbs: You have nothing to worry about.

As you--

Wait, wait.

Wait, wait. I didn't do this.

You son of a bitch.

You're trying to skip town with our money!

No, no, no, no.

Look, I-I-I'll give you money.

I'll give you more money.

Let's see the money.

Neal: Sheriff!

Sheriff Morales!

I'm Neal Caffrey. I'm the one with the bounty.

I'm the guy you're looking for.

I came to this island for sanctuary, and this man set me up.

Dobb's here, loaded all his money.

It's not true. Let him finish!

He loaded his money and his valuables onto the Esmeralda and was planning to run while everyone was still looking for me.

You can't possibly be buying this.

He's being hunted by the U.S. authorities.

Well, the bureau changed their target when agent Collins discovered who Dobbs really is.

Who's that?

Robert MacLeish, number four on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list.

That's a lie.

And now they're after both of us.

Get him out of here.

Agent Collins is at the compound right now.

See for yourselves. Get me out of here. We have a deal.

Collins: No sudden moves!

Everyone stay calm.

Let's go, guys.


[ g*n cocks ]

It's over.

You got me.

Move it, Caffrey.

Everyone has their price.

I hope you get everything you deserve.

I'll think of you with every dollar I spend.

Let's go.

We have a plane to catch.

[ Vehicle door closes ]

[ Vehicle door closes, engine turns over ]

[ Radio chatter ]

There's MacLeish. The plan worked.

He thinks Collins is after him, too.

It's just not his day.

Well, he's had more good ones than he deserves.

Last chance.

You can grab a free flight back to New York.

No, thanks.

The world beckons.

Any particular part?


Just don't expect a postcard.

Make sure the feds keep the bargain they struck with Neal.

He trusts you.

I will.

I know.

[ Engine shuts off ]

Collins: Look at this, Neal.

Agent Burke's been worried about you.

Traveled all the way here and almost didn't get to say goodbye.

Good to see you again, Peter. You too.

Congratulations. You caught him.

Plan on taking him back on my charter?

[ Scoffs ]

You're not gonna stop me.


You should know who else is on that plane.

What are you trying to pull, Burke?

Nothing. Henry Dobbs is on that plane.

Had a feeling he'd be needing a flight.

I don't give a damn about Dobbs.

Oh, I think you do, because "Dobbs" is an alias.

You probably know him by his real name--

Rob MacLeish.

Dobbs is Robert MacLeish?

The one and only.

You play this right, and you've landed the biggest score of your life.

Robert MacLeish is on this plane, right now?


Justice Department has been fully briefed.

There will be cameras and reporters when we land on the Canary Islands, which, funny enough, does have extradition.

Now, you can say that you had nothing to do with his capture.

Why give Neal all the credit when we've gone through all this work to include you?

Neal: See the part where you, uh, secretly recruited me to help you take down MacLeish?

That's good thinking.

You set me up.

For the win.

And what do you get out of this, Caffrey?

My old desk back.

[ Chuckles ]

Collins: Well, my job was to bring you back.

What happens to you once you're in the system, that's up to the bureau.

Don't try it, Dobbs.

[ g*n cocks ] Back away from the door, MacLeish.

No more running.

I'm hauling your ass back to New York.

[ Jet engine whirring ]

You hear that?

We're going home.

We're going home.

She'll be out in a week.

You think so?

Maybe. Yeah.

Jones: Caffrey.

Welcome back.

Thank you, Jones.

Thank you both for bringing me back.

You know, I always thought I'd be the one to sh**t you in the leg.

[ Chuckles sarcastically ]

Well, there's always next time.

Well, I hope you get a "next time."

What he did, he did for Peter.


I get that.

Looks like you got something special.

Aside from the beard.


A letter of appreciation.

I'll have to get it framed.

He's mad because I denied him the reward money for MacLeish.


A medal would have been nice. That's all I'm saying.

Well, you know, speaking of medal, Jones--

Yeah, Caffrey.

You do get a medal.

[ Drawer opens ]

[ Jones clears throat ]

And the award for the best foreign capture goes to...

Neal Caffrey.

[ Chuckles ]

May I?

Yeah, of course.

[ Anklet beeps ]


Yeah. Feels like home.


[ Knock on door ]


Oh, don't get up.

I'm fine. It's just annoying.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, it's so good to see you, Neal.

You too. Oh...

So, I made the right decision trusting Peter.

You've always had a pretty good instinct.

You too.

June said she never even considered renting out your room after you left.

Well, she is one of the many reasons that I'm glad to be back.

Want to sit down?

Can I get you something?

The marshals are shipping me off in a few weeks.


Nowhere close, I'm afraid.

There's been too much exposure here.

A few weeks, huh?

Both of us get another new start.


I was really hoping we'd have more time together.

Me too.

Even though I haven't seen you in a few years, you are the closest thing that I have to family.

Oh, that's not true.

You know what I mean.

They don't know about our history.

They don't know about my dad.

They don't need to.

But I do.

That was a long time ago, Neal.

There is no reason to go dredging it up again.

Everything I grew up believing was wrong.


And I ran before I got to hear the full story.

I'm not running anymore.

I want to know who he was.

Before I leave--

I promise.

You promise?

I promise.

But tonight, tell me about the island.

Was there a girl?

Yeah, her, uh-- Her name was Maya.

You spoke with Caffrey on the phone.

You had a map with his location circled on it.

The board wants to know how that came to pass.

Reese, I didn't aid or abet.

I didn't know where he was, so I made the phone call to track him.

Kramer had it out for Caffrey, and then you, after you helped him return the Raphael.

I know.

Caffrey's case has risen to the level of deputy director and inspector general, and a lot of your work is being put under the microscope.

You were expressly ordered off Neal's case.

You broke the rules.

I understand.

And as far as D.C. is concerned, it was Collins who helped Caffrey bring home MacLeish, not you.

Now that Neal is back, I will make sure that both of us stay on the straight and narrow.

Afraid we're past that, Peter.

Neal: So then Maya tells Dobbs exactly where we were.


Yeah. She was in on it.

It was all part of the plan.

Ahh. Wow.

Everything all right?

No. I've been reassigned.

What do you mean?

It means I'm no longer working White Collar.