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04x01 - Wanted

Posted: 07/12/12 16:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

Moz: I moved your portion of the treasure out of the country.

It's still worth more than either of us could ever spend in a lifetime.

I don't want to run anymore, Moz.

I'm -- Agent Kramer.

Head of the bureau's D.C. Art Crimes unit.

So you're the one who taught Peter everything he knows.

Peter: Neal's my C.I. He's also a friend.

"The U.S. probation office is convening a hearing to discuss the commutation of your sentence."

You could be a free man.

Woman: You've already served two years of a four-year sentence while confined to a tracking anklet.

I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

This is my home now.

Kramer: Caffrey's got a lot of secrets.

But if I keep digging, who knows what will turn up?

If Kramer digs up these things --

Neal could get the maximum.

He could go back to prison. For a long, long time.

You're covering for him.

You box him in, he's gonna run.

These marshals are here to take Neal Caffrey into custody, and he'll work for me in D.C. permanently.

You understand this is best for everyone, don't you?

Peter: I do know that he has a good heart.

[ Anklet beeps ]

Woman: Do you think Mr. Caffrey is reformed?

As long as he's on that anklet, we'll never know.

As long as we treat him like a criminal, he'll always think that he is one.

Should Neal Caffrey's sentence be commuted?

Yes. Neal should be free.

[ Siren wails in distance ]

Peter: I'm saying Neal should be free.

Neal: I can tell you one thing --

I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Diana: Peter, Caffrey's cut his anklet.

Neal's gone.

Peter: That person you saw on Roosevelt Island --

Who was it?

Hughes: Kramer thinks you know more than you're saying.

Until the dust settles, keep your head down, close some cases, and forget about Neal Caffrey.

[ Water pouring ]

Jones: Peter.


Jones. Hey.

What'd you bring me?

Work-up on another mail fraud.

Foreign lottery?

Magazine sweepstakes.

Oh, variety -- spice of life.

Collins: Is this where Caffrey sat?

Who's that at Neal's desk?

No idea.

Well, it looks like he knows you.

He's got quite the swagger, doesn't he?

You didn't blink first, did you?

No, I didn't. Oh.

I've been invited to the party.

Hughes: Peter, this is agent Kyle Collins.

He's with O.I.A.

What brings the Office of International Affairs to White Collar?

Neal Caffrey.

It's been six weeks, and the bureau hasn't turned up one lead on its poster boy for reform, which is why Caffrey needs to be captured and locked away for a long, long time.

As you're aware, we've got agents flipping over every mattress Caffrey's ever slept on.

But those other agents aren't Peter Burke.

[ Chuckles ]

I've given my statements.

Everything I know about Neal is in the file.

Everything that's official, maybe.

But agent Kramer seems to think that you may have left out the good stuff.

Kramer sent you.

You know, he shed quite a bit of light on your relationship with Caffrey.

Agent Collins, if Burke says it's all there, it's all there.

"Neal Caffrey has 27 known aliases, "speaks eight languages, "including conversational Swahili.

He'd avoid countries with extradition."

That's helpful.

"He has a weakness for beautiful women and..."

[ Chuckles ]

I love this bit of insight.

"He runs."

Hmm. Yes, he does.

Are we done here?


Agent Burke, I'm gonna find Neal Caffrey.

And you're gonna help me do it.

[ Up-tempo Latin music plays ]

Buenos días, Rodrigo.

[ Laughs ] Señor Maine!

¿Está listo?

Sí, señor Maine. Está listo.


Eres un genio. [ You're a genius. ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Bell rings ]

[ Horns blare ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Thank you.

Here you go.

Woman: Thank you very much.

Thank you.

[ Laughs ]

Hey, you didn't pay for that!


For his papayas, Hector.

Oh, thank you, señor.

See you in a little bit, buddy.


[ Guitar playing ]

Perdóname, uh, usted conoce "Mi Velero"?



[ "Mi Velero" playing ]

Buenos días, Maya.

Oh. Hello, again, New York.

"Mi Velero."

That's the last time I tell you one of my favorites.

That almost sounds like regret -- something you said you didn't believe in.

After a few caipirinhas, I say a lot of things.

Moz: Ha!

Oh, your usual table has ears.

Oh, Barry?

He's harmless.

He wants to unionize my servers.

Viva healthcare!

More or less harmless.

Say yes to dinner tonight.

I'm sorry. I have to work.

You're the proprietor.

I like you, James. I do.

But men like you are trouble.

Men like me?

Men who come here to escape their past.


I think you're confusing me with the guy who steals Hector's papayas.

[ Chuckles ]

And if you are, I'm offended.

Estoy también!

So you're an honest man who has nothing to hide.

Open book.

You're from New York. That's all you've told me.

It's the best city in the world.

Then why'd you leave?

To live here.

In paradise. I'm sorry, New York.

Your open book is a work of fiction.

Maya, come on.

One moment of honesty. That's all I'm asking.

Maybe then I'll consider dinner.

[ Sighs ]

If it isn't Barry Soetoro -- carefree treasure hunter.

Just so I'm clear, you can have any woman you want, and the one woman you choose is the only woman in the entire archipelago who doesn't want you.

You have your pursuits, I have mine.

Well, she has no reason to assume we're hiding anything.

Except the fact that this island has no U.S. extradition treaty and we showed up with limitless wealth.

[ Chuckles ]

You miss it?

Of course.

But what's regret gonna get me?


And you're James Maine -- rich, carefree island resident.

Neal Caffrey, on the other hand, is --

Is a wanted fugitive.

Too bad the FBI won't forget that.

You think he's in Milos?

Sparta maybe?

You know, there's nothing in his file about an affinity for Greek philosophy.

'Cause you're not gonna find Neal studying trinkets.

And why is that?

He disappears through reinvention.

The man you're looking for isn't the one who sat at that desk.

[ Chuckles ]

The day Caffrey fled, you said you followed him to Roosevelt Island.


You claimed you didn't know why he was there or who he met with, and yet you had agent Clinton Jones flag the name E. Parker, but you failed to mention the part about E. Parker in any of your official statements.

We couldn't confirm the details.

You tried to go through WITSEC?

No help.

I'll let you know if that's true.

Did you leave out anything else?

He likes Tanduay rum.

Nope. I've got people on the ground in the Philippines.


Then clearly you know more than I do.

Elizabeth: Aw, that's a shame.

I liked picturing Neal and Moz touring the coconut palace.

Well, if Collins has his way, you can start picturing Neal in sing sing.

That's if he's lucky.

You want me to kick Collins' ass?

Hmm. Six weeks.

Six weeks of chasing down leads.

El, he's my responsibility.

If anything were to happen to him...

Honey, Kramer backed you into a corner.

You had to let Neal go. You know that.

Yeah, and now I know that Collins has access to WITSEC.

He's got a leg up.

You still think this E. Parker knows where Neal went?

My gut's telling me that Parker is the key to all of this.

And you don't think you can get to Parker first?


You know, but maybe I could come in a close second.

By following Collins.

Yeah, if Parker knows where Neal is, maybe I can warn him that Collins is coming.

Well, that's a big "if."

Yeah. Right now that's all I have.

And if all else fails, you can kick Collins' ass.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Latin music plays ]

You know, most normal people make sand castles out of sand.

When have you ever considered us normal people, Moz?

[ Laughs ] Your point?

Language is fluid.

Oh. So is your linen shirt.

All right. You mind hanging out while I change?

Or I could go meet Dobbs by myself, save you the trouble.

We're paying the guy 25 grand a month for safe haven.

I think that's earned me some face time.

As you know, I vetted a lot of locations for our final refuge, and with our very specific demands for lifestyle and security, it's a short list.

Big enough to blend in, small enough to limit exposure.

I know, Moz.

If we cross Dobbs in any way, our only other option is Isla Paradiso.

Sounds nice.

It's a leper colony!

And contrary to popular opinion, I do not have the compassion of Jesus.

I'll be a saint.

Oh, I got this for Dobbs.

And this would be?

Oh, a good first impression.

It looks like Dobbs is doing okay for himself.

[ Chuckles ]

He's got the whole island wired.


[ Chuckles ]

She's beautiful.

This one took me almost a year.

Half the challenge is finding materials this far from the mainland.

Mr. Dobbs, I'd like to introduce you to my associate, James Maine.

Mr. Maine.

The names we choose can be very telling.

Where does yours come from?

The U.S.S. Maine.

Didn't the Maine shipwreck in rough seas?

[ Chuckles ] Suffice it to say, it wasn't a planned retirement.

[ Chuckles ]

Thought you might appreciate a new canvas.

Look at this.

Dimple whiskey. 1935.

Not easy to come by in these parts. How'd you find it?

Well, how we emptied it is the better story.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm sure it is.

I assume you have something else for me?

Wow. Built all these yourself?

I've been on this island almost 20 years.

It's important to have hobbies.

Well, I have to admit, I don't know much about ships in bottles.

Well, planning is critical.

When all the pieces are set, it only takes one pull of the string to bring them to life.

But if all the pieces aren't perfectly linked together --

Moz: It all collapses.

I've...heard this story before.

Paradise comes at a price, Mr. Maine.

You pull the strings.

And I keep everything tied together.

Please have a seat.

[ Clears throat ]

25 grand -- what assurances does this guarantee us?

It assures you the local law enforcement won't divulge your presence here, nor will they hassle you.

If you have any disputes, problems, issues, bring them to me.

Extradition or not, this money guarantees that we stay invisible to the outside world.

That's right.

I only ask that you respect the sanctity of the island.

And if I have concern, I come to you.

Anytime, day or night.

But I doubt he'll have any.

But I do. Please don't.

There's a boy in town -- Hector.

He runs a fruit stand.

One of your men has been taking his papayas without paying for them.

From now on, Brody will pay for his papayas.

And the ones he's already taken?

[ Chuckles ]

I'll see to it the boy is compensated.

All right.

Then I think we will be very happy here.


[ Clears throat ]

Moz: Papayas? Seriously?

It's about justice, Moz.

And if a certain café girl gets wind of your little good deed?

Added bonus.

Just so you know, Hector makes a k*lling off that fruit stand.

Think about that the next time you give me an embolism.

[ Safe door closes ]

Gentlemen... It's been a pleasure.

[ Horn honks ]

[ Door closes ]

Perfect timing. Collins is in there now.

E. Parker?

Female. Mid- to late-50s.

What'd you bring me?


[ Chuckles ] Deviled ham.

Oh, Neal hated this.

That's because he had a nose.




Oh, stakeouts with Neal were the worst.

How so?

Well, he'd --

He'd always want to listen to public radio or talk about chiaroscuro in Roman imperial manuscripts.

You miss him.

Yeah. Yeah, right. Especially the way he'd run off after I told him not to.

Oh, drove me crazy.

You know, if it makes you feel better, I could come up with an excuse to get out of the car and go eavesdrop on Collins by...

I don't know, zip-lining across the drainage pipe with grappling hooks made out of expensive Forzieri ties.

It might make me feel a little better.

You're the best wife ever. You know that.

[ Chuckles ] Ooh, ooh.

-Look at that. Rejected. -I've got nothing to say to you.

Man on deck.

Actually, I was on deck.

Now I'm up to bat, technically.

Ah. Right.

The best wife ever would have known that, wouldn't she?

She would.

[ Clears throat ]

Good luck.


[ Knock on door ]

[ Door opens ]

Ms. Parker, my name is Peter Burke. I was --

I know who you are, and I've already told your partner I've got nothing to say.

Agent Collins and I aren't partners.

I'm Neal's friend.

You need something more original than good cop/bad cop.

I've played that game myself, and you're not very good at it.

No, I'm trying to help him.

Were you trying to help him when you locked him up the first time?

I was, but that --

Then I'm pretty confident he doesn't want your help now.

Ms. Parker, I don't think you understand what -- - No.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Come, misses! This way!

Where are we going, Hector?

[ Sighs ]


Don't tell me the guy who steals Hector's papayas offers you wine and chocolate.

Out of nowhere, he paid Hector back today.

I wonder if you have anything to do with that.

I'm flattered that you think I would.

Come on. I'll show you the view.

Hmm. Right this way.


[ Gasps ]


How did you do this?

Plaster molds and a lot of sand.

[ Gasps ]

It's the view from my old building.

This is amazing.


I'll never be an open book, but New York was a pretty big chapter.

Are you going to be honest about it?

You asked me for a moment of honesty.

I'm gonna give you 20.


20 questions.

So generous of you.

Well, I'm a generous guy.

Ask me anything you want about my life there.





Do you miss it?

Every day.

I lived there off and on since I was 18, so...

Why did you go there?

I had to leave the place I was from.

Where was that?

St. Louis, but that's not a New York question.

Tricky. Okay, then, it doesn't count.

All right.

[ Chuckles ] Okay.

Um...Did you know anyone when you arrived?

Not a soul.

Who was your first friend?


He doesn't look like a Barry.

[ Laughs ]

Do I look like a James?

That's why I call you "New York."

I can live with that.
Hey. Hey.

Are you alone?


What's going on.

Well, I made a grappling hook out of Forzieri ties.


Call me Ellen.

For the record, your wife does a very good "good cop."

Yes, she does.


We need to talk about Neal.

He doesn't know it yet, but he needs our help.

I'm curious.

What exactly did Neal tell you about me?

Nothing. Not even a name.

You were Neal's father's partner.

You talk the talk. Partners are like family.

That's it, isn't it?

Agent Burke, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm in WITSEC for a good reason.

I'm not so sure this was a good idea.

I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

I gave Neal the signal to run.

The day of his commutation hearing, the day he would have gone free, an agent with a grudge decided Neal didn't deserve that freedom, so he was gonna be hauled off for life.

Prison... An anklet in D.C. --

Something that he didn't deserve.

So I gave him the signal to run.

You set him free?

And now he's out there somewhere.

And the other agent who came to you --

Agent Collins?

He won't stop... until he brings Neal back -- alive or... or otherwise.

Ellen, if anything were to happen to him, I...

I don't think I could live with it.

I sent Neal out into the world once.

Told him a truth he wasn't ready to handle.

Six years ago, when the feds were closing in on him, Neal and I exchanged pagers.

In case something happened, we'd use them like emergency flares.

Ellen, you won't regret this.

Protect our boy.

[ Pager buzzing ]

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Buzzing continues ]

[ Buzzing continues ]

[ Buzzing continues ]

[ Beep ]

[ Thunder rumbling ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Click ]


Hi, Neal.

[ Chuckles ]

Guess this makes you 3 and 0.

2 and 1. Haven't found you yet.

Ellen gave you the pager number?


Yeah, she sends her best.

I'm sure. What do you know?

Neal, the D.O.J. has got someone looking for you.

Well, if they didn't, I'd be insulted.

He means business.

"He" meaning "you"?


[ Bell tolling ]

Then I'm not worried.

How bad did I leave things for you?

Eh, the bureau beat me up a little, but I'm handling it.

And Elizabeth?

She's good.

The agent who is after you, his name is Collins.

He's with the Office of International Affairs.

He's dangerous.

And he won't stop until he finds you.

I'm safe here.

And I'm happy.

We had a good run.

It's not over.

Yeah, it is.

You're an FBI agent. I'm a con man.

There are only a few ways this could have ended.

This is one of the best.


You understand this has to be the last time.

New York and I are done.

I get it.

Please watch out for Collins.

I will.

It's good to hear your voice.

Yeah. You too.

Goodbye, Peter.

Goodbye, Neal.

[ Beep ]

[ Cellphone closes ]

[ Beep ]

[ Cellphone closes ]

[ Thunder crashing ]

Thanks for coming. Any sign of Collins?

Jones: Not since yesterday.

My friend in Quantico slipped the recording to the digital evidence exploitation unit.

She isolated three distinct background elements of Neal's call.


[ Bell tolling ]

Church bells.

Four in a row. There's more.

[ Waves crashing ]

Ocean tides. Rhythmic.

They were audible during the call.

Listen to that fourth wave again.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

It's off rhythm.

It's not a wave. It's thunder.

All right.

We've got church bells and a storm.

It's a start, right?

All right. I'll make the coffee.



[ Chuckles ]

I did some precursory digging into this Collins.

What'd you find?

Well, think dog the bounty hunter, sans the bleached mullet and bel esprit.

Seems he'd rather bring home his captures in body bags than not at all.

The call was untraceable.

The beeper and the burner phone are in the bottom of the Atlantic -- it's done.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure, Moz.


Oh. Vitamin "C."

[ Clears throat ]


Hey. You're up.

Hey. Hey.

Can I get you some breakfast?

Thanks. I should get over to the café.

Can I see you tonight?

I'd like that very much.

See you, Barry.

Moz: Setting down roots.

Spicy ones at that. I support this.

A hard beginning maketh a good ending.

I'll have Hector keep an eye out for Collins, just to be safe.

To good endings.

Yes. [ Sighs ]

Good endings.

[ Glasses clink ]

Peter: The call came in at midnight.

The bells rang four times.

Let's assume it was 4:00 P.M. where Neal was.

Vanuatu -- waves, churches, no extradition -- it works.

Ah, it's no good.

The only storm activity at 4:00 P.M. in UTC plus-11 occurred up near Vladivostok, Russia.

Yeah, Mozzie is afraid of bears. Let's try 4:00 A.M.

A little early for church.

No, not necessarily.

I served my tour near a Chamorro village in Guam.

Local chapel had a 4:00 A.M. service for the fishermen who went out before dawn.

Puts him in UTC minus-1.

Cape Verde islands.

No extradition.

Isolated thunderstorms throughout the Atlantic, but, I mean, there must be dozens of tiny islands.

Diana, what about the bells?

Well, analysis says they were Spanish brass, but the islands in that area were colonized by Portugal, not Spain.

Dead end.

We need Spanish bells.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

Wait a second. I think I may have something.

In 1798, a bell was dredged from the wreckage of a Spanish ship named the Trinidad.

It was hung in the church of St. Christopher in the port city of Santa Maria on the northernmost coast of Cape Verde.

And you got to love the Internet, because I have a tourist video with the bells ringing.

[ Bells tolling ]


Already on it.

[ Tolling continues ]


Oh, you got to love the sound of Spanish brass!

We got him!

What now?

Go back to the office and figure out a way to bring Neal home.

[ Knock on door ]

Elizabeth Burke. Yes.

Agent Collins.

Uh, my husband's actually at the office.

I know.

Well, then, what are you doing here? My job.

You can't just walk in like this.

Does agent Hughes know about this?

He will.

I'm calling my husband.

Sir, take a look at this.

No need to bother your husband, Mrs. Burke.

I found what I was looking for.

[ Chuckles ]

Collins was in my house.

He had absolutely no right to be there.

He had every right.

You were withholding information on Caffrey's whereabouts.

I was speculating on my free time.

I saw the map. You circled Cape Verde.

Is he there?

I don't know.

[ Sighs ] I think so.


He was on the first flight to Cape Verde.

Does he have jurisdiction?


Then how do you think he's gonna bring Neal back?

Caffrey's fate is out of your hands, Peter.

I don't accept that.

Well, you better.

Pending review of the situation, I've been instructed to put you on leave.

Do yourself a favor.

Use this time to get some perspective.

Think about what's important.

If you decide it's Caffrey...

I understand, but I can't protect you.

Do you understand?


Señor Maine, señor Soetoro!

I think I saw that man at the aeropuerto!

He fit the description?

Solo Americano in a diplomatic line.

Had very small luggage.

Tienes una foto?

Sí, sí, sí. I have one.

[ Sighs ] This sure looks like his file photo.

How did he find us?

Peter said he was good.

Good work, Hector. Thank you.

Keep eyes. Okay. I keep eyes.

Thank you, Hector. Don't worry.

We have maybe 24 hours. What do you want to do?

What choice do I have?

This island's burned.

Collins is making his way to Santa Maria.

We're on borrowed island time.

Say goodbye to the last traces of James Maine.

[ Sighs ]

Even though they're forgeries, this still hurts.

I really thought I was done running this time.

We should get to the airport.


Collins is only after me. You don't have to go.

You run, I run. That's the deal.

Then let's run.

[ Latin music plays ]

[ Brakes squeal ]

[ Horn blares ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Como puedo llegar a San Cristobal?

Ah, sí. The church?

Sí, the church.

Muchas gracias.


Hey. Buenos días, señor.

[ Chuckles ]

Are you looking for a particular type of hat?

[ Chuckling ] Oh, no.

Actually, I'm, uh -- I'm looking for a friend.

Oh! Señor Maine.

Yes, señor Maine. Yes.

Skinny brim, about 25 vueltas, classic ribbon.

Ah, señor Maine loves the classics.


Do you know where I can find him?

He also loves coffee.


You see?

[ Chuckles ]



His biggest weakness.



[ Chuckles ]

You have a good day, sir.

[ Rattling ]

So, what brings you to the island?

I'm looking for a friend.

Dark hair, I think blue eyes. He's annoyingly persuasive.

Maybe you've seen him.

Mm, nope.


Oh! Shh! It's Collins!


Has he done something?

Not at all. I owe him an apology.

It's a long way to come to say you're sorry.

He's a good friend. He's worth it.

Well, looky here. Agent Burke.

Never mind. I'm sure you haven't seen him.

Collins: I wonder.

What could you be doing so far from home on a tiny island?

I imagine the same thing that brought you here.

Getting the best orange grogue for the price.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, it took me a day to find Caffrey's island hangout.

What'd it take you -- five minutes?

Something like that.

The Suit's here with island suit.

It's a double-barreled suit.

That's how Collins found us.

No. No. They're not working together. They can't be.

You're good, Burke. I'll give you that.

But I haven't played my trump card.

Señors and señoras! Your attention, please.

What the hell are you doing?

You may know this man as James Maine.

His real name is Neal Caffrey.

Con man, art thief, forger, fugitive.

Vamanos. We have to go now.

It won't work, Moz. They're not gonna give me up.

I'm offering $500,000 American for the capture of this man.

You bring him to me, and the money's yours.

Unless they're paid to.

All right?

Now, take a good look at his face.

I don't care what condition you bring him to me.

Just bring him to me.

Collins, what's that about?

[ Chuckles ]

We all have our methods.

Were you ordered to bring him back alive or just bring him back?

Oh, I'm sorry, did I not specify "alive"? Oh.

Go ahead. Arrest me, agent.

Oh, that's right. You can't.

You have no jurisdiction here.

Neither do you.

That's why I need the help of these good people.


[ Chuckles ]

That's my wallet, kid!

Hey, if you need cash, I know how you could make half a million!

[ Groans ]

No, no.

[ Sighs ]

Neal: You know, I used to take pride in being able to steal your wallet.

[ Exhales sharply ]

But if a kid can do it...

How are you, Peter?

[ Sighs ] All right.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Damn good to see you.

You too.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Look, Neal, I --

Moz: Awfully convenient, Suit.

Neal calls you, and the next day you're sharing piña coladas with the Super-Suit on our island?

It was the only way I could warn you.

Collins is dangerous.

We noticed. He's turned half the island against us.

Which is why we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

All right. The airport's burned.

They'll be looking for us there.

Then by sea it is.

My associate Lorenzo has a charter boat.

Can his silence be bought?

Oh, please. I officiated his daughter's wedding.

He can drop us over here.

Neal: Nitsae Island.

We can lay low there for a week or two.

Yeah, then what?

I do know a place -- upside, beautiful black sand beaches.



Welcome to paradise. All right, listen.

Word is spreading with every passing minute.

We have to move now.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

Neal: Did you --

Peter: I did.

Didn't take long.


[ Grunts ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Nice shot, Cassius Clay.

It'll be easier on my own. I'll meet you at the wharf.

No, it's too dangerous.

Worst case, I'll hide out somewhere, meet you before dawn.

Neal, the Suit isn't wrong.

Can't you just say I'm right?

Rather not!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Groans ]

[ Engine revs ]

[ Engine shuts off ]

Are you sure you're gonna be safe here tonight?

Yeah, if Dobbs gives me protection, I can head to the docks after sundown.

Look, know I promised you I wouldn't bring trouble.

Thank you for being an open book, New York.

It was a fun read.

Actually, it's Neal. Neal Caffrey.

Be safe, Neal Caffrey.


[ Soft music plays ]

James, come in. Is everything okay?

You said to come to you anytime, day or night, right?

I did.

Have a seat. Let me get you a drink.

What's going on?

I need an escort off the island.


[ Bottle thuds ]

Really, Lorenzo?

We ate conch together. Does that mean nothing?

That's my price for transport, señor Soetoro.

Take it or leave it.

Fine. Take.

But this is highway robbery --

By sea. Seaway robbery!

That went well.

Well, we have our way off the island.

Now all we need is our half-a-million-dollar man.

I'm sure he's on his way.

Or there's the worst case.

[ Sighs ] Right.

This may be a long night.

It's almost sundown.

With your men's protection, I think it's safe enough --

Transport's still en route. What's your rush?

Thank you again for all your help.

It's what you pay me for, isn't it?

Keep the local government out of your hair.

Oh, but wait -- this wasn't the local government, was it?

It was the United States government.

On my island.

I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.

And yet you did, Neal. You did.

Thankfully, I've made a few calls and cleaned up your mess.

I never told you my name was Neal.

But I did.

[ g*n cocks ]

Hello, Neal.