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01x05 - Fruit for Zouzab

Posted: 02/13/24 17:57
by bunniefuu
[♪ musical swirl ♪]

-[Nia gasps frightened]

Bread for the nasty piggies.

What’s wrong with the fat one?

Did we scare him to death?

[Podo groans]

Wakey, wakey.

[Velp groans]

[cell door opens]

[Gnorm groans]

I’ve half a mind--

Don’t flatter yerself!

Ye’ve got nowhere near that.

[Gnorm scoffs]
Behave yourself, old man.

I could make this painful
for both of you.

Just having a bit o’ fun.

[Velp moaning]

Go sleep it off.

You had me fooled, woman.

I thought you were just
a pitiful soul

hoping to keep her brats
out of the Black Carriage.

That’s exactly what I am.

If we need to adjust
the maggot loaf arrangement--

Maggot loaf won’t save you.

Not when we know about
the jewels of Anniera.


You really think
my mother’s old trinkets

are the jewels of Anniera?

[Gnorm scoffs] You know more
than you’re telling.

If we found these,
we’ll soon find the rest.

That was all the jewelry I had.

Ah, perhaps those wee brats
of yours

will have something more
to squeal about

when we catch them?

Those kids know nothing
about any jewels!


Then cut a deal
while you can!

The Black Carriage
comes for you tonight.

Nothing will stop that.

Tell me about the jewels.

Or keep your little secret,
and the Black Carriage

will be taking your piglets
away as well.

Lay a hand on those children
and I'll skin you like a snake.

[Gnorm scoffs]


[Velp grunts]

At least they haven’t
found them.

Thank the Maker for that.

They’ll’ve made it
to Oskar’s by now.

Don’t worry, lass,
he knows the plan.

[Oskar] That’s not the plan!

Fangs will be hunting for you.

I’m to keep you hid
'til I can smuggle you out!

Ferinia said the Black Carriage
is coming tonight!

After that...

...We’ll never see
mama and grandpa again.

It’s true, Oskar.

If we have a move,
we make it tonight.

But one can’t just stroll
into a Fang jail

and spring the prisoners!

We could lure the Fangs out!

The cell is locked!

-We could steal the keys!
-[nugget yelps]

There aren’t enough of us!

We could ask our friends.

-Right, Nugget?
-[Nugget barks]

In the words of
Fripsky von Chiggatron,

“Impossible things
are seldom possible.

Especially this!”


What if we did something

like in "The Mildly Unpleasant
Adventures of Nearly Eleanor!"


She lost three toes!

Four, if you count her thumb.

Not that!

The part where the gunkee
wore Eleanor’s cloak

and tossed berrybuns
from the tower.

It was plumyums,

but yes, the grobblins
scurried from their hole--

And swarmed the tower

while Eleanor snuck into their
hole and stole back the plotus!


I see your point,

but I can’t let you kids
set foot in that jail.

As Colonel Inklepoy said,

[Oskar sighs relenting]
What I mean is,

no, I can’t let you.


I’ll do it.

If someone’s
sneaking in to the jail,

it should be me.

Ferinia, we’ll need
your cunning.

The Fangs have orders to
arrest the Igiby kids on sight.

So we’ll give them a sight.

[door creaks open]

[Oskar gasps]


You scared me, Zouzab!

Fangs came calling on
Mister Oskar today.

They what?

Well, that would explain
the stench of rot and mildew.

What did they want?

Little Igibys.

But Zouzab said he had not seen
Tink or Tink’s berries

for three days,

so he thinks perhaps the
children were eaten by dragons.

Very good.

Well, I need to prepare
the wagon for another,

er, shipment.

More books from Dugtown?

Odds and ends, Zouzab.

Odds and ends.



You three toady-wogs!




My name’s Critch.

I see a CRUTCH
and a girl with it!

It’s them Igibys!

Get out here!

Come on!

[keys jangling]

Here kitty, kitty!

Be good pets and we
won’t break all your bones.

Maybe just a few.


[Orble giggles]

-[crashing in distance]
-[cat's meow]

[keys jingle]

-[Critch groans]
-[Orble hisses]


-[Critch groans]
-[Orble groans]

[keys jingle]

[Nugget yelps]

[Nugget yelps]

[Nugget barks]

[Nugget barks]

Good boy.

Where’s Oskar?

He was supposed to hide the
wagon and be back here by now.

He must have seen something.

Maybe a Fang patrol.

Or a signal from Ferinia.

He’ll be along soon.

-[Orble] Oy!
-[kids gasp]

[Fangs laughing]

We got you now!

[Critch groans]

Sorry, who were you
looking for?

Oh, these ain’t even Igibys!


You run down the wrong uglies.

The boss won’t be happy.


[Orble groans]


The guards are coming back?!?

We can’t go in
without Mister Reteep!

It’ll be too late!

He’ll be too late.

We have to do it!

We can’t go in alone!


[exasperated sigh]

Let’s go!

We shouldn’t be in here!

Well, neither should mom
and grandpa!

Can you help?

[children groaning]


[cell door creaks open]

Have ye lost yer--

[keys jingle]

[low growl from Nugget]

Get out of here!

I love you, but GO!

We will.

Once you’re out.

-Got it.

Where in the world is Oskar?!?

Did he send you in here
on yer own!?!


He was supposed to--

Can we talk about it
after we’ve escaped?

Fangs are on their way.

Here we go.

[crows caw]

[low whimper from Nugget]

Hush, puppy.

Alright, stay close.

[Fangs laugh]

Many thanks, Igiby-pigibies.

You’ve saved me so much trouble.

Now you’re all here together,

ready to take a midnight
Carriage ride.

You miserable--


How did you know?

O, I have eyes and ears
all around this town.

Surprising what you can get
for a bit o’ nasty fruit.



[Podo] You beady-eyed scoundrel!

I will twist you into
a carnival-cart-twirly-cake!

Lock them up.

[Fangs laugh]


[outside cell door slams]

[Nugget whimpers,
barks and growls]

What were you thinking?!


We had to do something!


Why didn’t you three stay hid
like you were told??

Ferinia and Oskar
helped us make a plan.

And it almost worked.

Except for the part where Tink
ran right into Gnorm’s trap

and I had to follow him.

Well, how is that my fault?

Tink, how are you untied?!


So you picked up a trinket while
you were at Anklejelly, did you?

We went to get help for Sara.

We thought the
Florid Sword was there.

We’ll talk about this later.

And can we also talk about why
I had to read a dusty sword

to find out my father’s name
was Esben Wingfeather?

Mind your tone, son.

Tink, cut us loose.

Why are we called Igiby?

Because our name is Igiby.


Your grandpa’s family
were Igibys.

They’ve lived around Glipwood
for generations.

After your father died
in the w*r,

I took up the name.


I didn’t want
to draw any attention.

But why would...

[Orble] Oy!
Quiet down in there!

You’ll ‘ave plenty o’ time for
a chat in the Black Carriage!

[laughing uproariously]

Once they have us
in the carriage,

it’ll be too late.

Enough spilling
of family secrets.

Right now, we need a plan.

For what?

Well to escape, of course!

We’re still going to escape?

If we don’t,
it won’t be fer lack o’ tryin’.

Pass me that blade, boy.

The Fangs have swords
and spears though.

Sometimes all it takes
is a wee pebble,

to start an avalanche.

[Black Carriage rumbles]

[crows caw]

[Carriage creaks]

[whip cracks]

[crows caw]

[Nugget whimpers]

Yer grandpa’s been in
tighter scrapes than this.

Remember, ships and sharks.

There’s always a way out.

When the time comes,
crouch down,

scoot back and stay
out of grandpa’s way.

Try to look upset.

I am upset.

[outside door creaks open]

[cell door creaks open]

A pity we have to break up such
a cozy little rat's nest.

[Fangs laugh]

[Gnorm groans]

-[Fang hisses]
-[Nugget whimpers]

It’s your last chance
to bargain.

Tell me where all those
pretty jewelsss are--

I say it’s a fine day

for a ride
through the country, eh, lads?

[Fang groans]


[Nia groans]

After them!

He’s getting away!
Don’t let him through!

-[Podo groans]



If you strike him,

I swear I will take my secrets
to the grave.

[Podo groans]

Nia, no...
tell them nothing.

[Fang groans]

[Fang hisses]

[shrieking in distance]

[Pete shrieking]

Mister Peet!

[Fangs groan]

[Gnorm groans]

I need to help papa.

Protect each other.

Hide if you can!

Thank ye, dear.

[face smash]
[Fang groans]

Why, my thanks again.

[fighting sounds]

Get out of here!

Where do you think you’re going?

[fighting sounds]

[fighting sounds]

-Fang growls]
-[Nugget barks]

[Fang groans]

[Fang groans]

[Janner grunts]

[fighting sounds]

Behind you!


[fighting sounds]

[Podo groans in pain]

[Gnorm laughs menacingly]

[fighting sounds]

[Podo groans defeated]

[Gnorm laughs menacingly]

Grandpa! No!


A boy?!

[Janner gasps]

[Podo groans in pain]


[distant melody]

-[violently whips the horses]

Stop him!


[horses whinny]

Well flung, lad!

You alright then?

Is anyone else hurt?

Where’s Nugget?

[Nugget whines]


Oh, no.

Oh Nugget,
please be alright.

[Leeli weeps]

[Nugget whines]

Where’s Mister Reteep?

Mister Reteep?

Are you here?

[Nia gasps]
[Oskar groans]

[children gasp]


Tink, run to the inn
and fetch the Shoosters.

Quickly now!

[Oskar gasping]

[fabric rip]

Oskar, can you hear us?

Zouzab...Zouzab tried to stop me
from going to the wagon.

We had a scuffle
and the creature stabbed me.

He betrayed us to Gnorm.

Alright old man,
don’t worry now.

We’ll take care of you.

No time!

The ridgerunner whistled
a message to Fort Lamendron.

A whole garrison
of Fangs is coming.

You have to go.



Addie, can you look after Oskar?

Of course.

Thank ye’ old friend.

Heal fast.

Addie and Joe’ll tend ye.

[Oskar groans]

Don’t worry, young sir.

To paraphrase
Vilmette Oppenholm,

“My middle-section
is likely to mend.”

Goodbye Mr. Reteep.

[Janner cries]

[Oskar groans]

[Janner cries]


What’s going on in there?

Oskar was stabbed by a traitor.

That ridgerunner, Zouzab.

Will he survive?

I expect.

He’s tougher’n dried hen.

Why did you attack the Fangs?


What were you thinking?

The Igiby’s will bring the whole
Fang army down on Glipwood!

If you’d gone in the Carriage,

they’d have left
the rest of us alone!

We can't fight the Fang army
by ourselves.

[talking all at once]


We didn’t mean
for any of this to happen.

But if you want
to blame someone,

blame Gnag the Nameless.

Blame the Fangs!

There’s nothing for it now
but to run, and fast!

We plan to be long gone before
any of these critters arrive.

[low murmuring]

Ah, I’m stayin’ put.

No lizard’s gonna
run me from my home.

And bibes are free
for all who stay!

I reckon you cain’t stay here.

You might never come back then.


Got to keep my young’uns safe.

Podo, I never told you proper,

I’m sorry I stole
Merna Bidgeholler from ye.

Oh, it’s water
over the falls, friend.

I’d like to give ye this.

To make amends.

Thanks, Willie.

Now go get you
and yours to safety,

afore this storm breaks hard.

Same to you.

Maker keep watch.

[Willie bursts into tears]

-[carriage creaking]
-[horses whinnying]

Got you a ride outta town,
old man.

[horse trotting]


[Slarb hisses]

I knew you’d bring them
right to me.

Everyone laughed.
[Tink groans in terror]

Told me I was crazy.

Who’ssss laughing now?

Don’t hurt the boy!

We’ll give you
anything you want.

[Tink gasps frightened]

I want what’s in that box.

And if I wanna
hurt the little toad,

I’ll do that too.
[Slarb hisses and giggles]

[Slarb hisses]

None of your tricks,
old man.

Set it down.


[Slarb hisses]

[Nia groans frightened]

The Jewelssss of Anniera...


[Slarb gasps]

[thwaps squawk]

[Slarb squeals in pain]

[Tink grunts]


[Slarb groans]

[Tink grunting and gasping]

[Slarb grunts]

Papa!! Stop.

We have to go.


[crowd murmuring]

Giddyup, Danny!

[horse whinnies]

[Leeli sobs softly]

[Leeli continues sobbing]

Stout heart, lad.

Stout heart.

[triumphant music]