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01x03 - The Catacombs Below

Posted: 02/13/24 17:56
by bunniefuu
Oh, orders from above, is it?

"Prepare to march."


Off with you, then.

We'll be ready.

[Tink] Nobody else
in Glipwood does T.H.A.G.S.

Why do we have to?

You don't have to,
you get to.

All right.

Why do we get to?

Because Esben would
have wanted you to.

Your father isn't here,

but that doesn't mean
you're not his children.

You're Igibys and Igibys
learn their T.H.A.G.S.

What's so special
about being an Igiby?

Yeah, it doesn't feel special
being locked up inside

for the last two weeks.

Kalmar Igiby,
if you don't want to study

the Three Honored
and Great Subjects

then you can just
help me fold laundry instead.

No, I... I didn't say

I didn't want
to do T.H.A.G.S.

I just asked
why we have to.


How do you spell ho...

Where did you hear
that word?

It was in the song I sang
with the dragons.

But those weren't
even real words.

You were just making them up.

And I heard the dragons
speak it.

But dragons don't sing
real words!?!

-Right, Grandpa?

I never yet met one that did.

Boy could it roar though!

I bet that roar could blow

all the Fangs
right back to Dang!

Wait, do dragons eat Fangs?

Dragons plague the sea.

Fangs plague the land.

Neither troubles the other.

Now no more talk of dragons.


Alright, then.

I'll be outside
making the rounds.

Yarrrr. Fang Attack!

[Tink] Toothy cow stampede!



It's been two weeks.

They need to get
out of the house.

It's not safe.

Agh. No Fang has so much
as shown their face

this side of the bridge.

We've hid long enough.

In fact, it's time
we get back to normal.

I'm going into town tomorrow

and I'm taking
the children with me.

Oh, but Papa...

Just for a game 'a zibzy.

-It's far enough outside of town

that no one'll trouble 'em.



Who are you?!

We are Fangs!!

Fangs from where?!

Fangs from Dang!!

And who do you serve?!

The mighty Gnag!

The Nameless One
who has no name!

Shut yer gobs!

Pitiful lot, you are.

You call yourself Fangs?!



You're not Fangs!

Fangs are fearsome.


You are...


I might even have
to move up your re-Fangings.


Might need to make it
two re-Fangings for ol' Slarb.

Ahhh yes.


Humiliated by the Igiby-piglets
and their mutt.

Those runts never thrashed me!

A rock conked my skullbone
from above.

Probably that Florid Sword!

Come all the way
from Dugtown

just to conk your noggin,

Well, we just got orders
to be ready to march,

and marchin' usually ends up
in fightin',

and fightin' is what gets
a Fang promoted!

If we impress General Khrak,

our next assignment
might just be in Torrboro

and that place
is swimming in maggotloaf!


Go prepare your gear.

Sharpen your spears.

And kiss your
ugly mamas goodbye.

What's so funny?

Fangs ain't got no mamas!


Not you.

You're being reassigned.

The Black Carriage
rolls into Glipwood tonight.

I'm putting you
on Carriage duty.

Whoa, Danny.

Janner, keep an eye out.

And stay clear of the Forest.

Yes sir.

Come on.

Come on!
Let's play!

But we can't start
without her

if she's a team captain.

Sure we can.

I'll pick who I want,
and she can have the leftovers.

You weren't gonna start
picking teams without me,

were you, Bunce?

You made this?


It took me two weeks
to get it perfectly stuffed.

This is amazing, Sara!

Aw thanks, Janner!

No, thank you!

Be quiet.

I didn't say anything.

So how long a match
are we playing?

Three game-blocks?

Make it ten!

And losers have to eat
a bowl of boggle-worms.

Whoa. The kind that glow?

The kind that glow.

Ten it is.

First pick.

I got Tink.

Hmm, I want Leeli.

Good luck.

We get Janner.

Sara, you know
I'm not that good at zibzy.

I've mostly just sat
on the side-lines

and watched it all my life.

That's exactly why I picked you.

You know every rule
in this crazy game,

and that's going to help us win.

You ready to be scally-walloped?

I've never lost as captain.

You've never been captain.

Like I said.

All right.
Let's do this.

Winger, Winger, Tom-Dinger!

[All] Mushmeal cakes
and Hogpig bacon!

Run to the trough,
it's here for takin'!



Ah, hey.



You know, at some point, Podo,
you're going to have to let

old Buzzard Willie
off the hook.

Ah! It's not me.
It's him!

And it was almost

Let bygones be bygones.

I'm an old man, Ferinia.

All I got are me bygones.

Well, ain't that the truth.

What can I get you, Podo?

I'll take
the "Torrboro Special."

You looking for bad news,
or worse.


[Kids] Hey, Im open.

Over here.

Dragon striiiike!

Good knockablock, Tink!

-Two points!

I got bomnubbled!

I'm froze!





-Middlest Wumbly-Tick!!

Three points!

Hey, nice pass, Leeli!

Working up an appetite

for those boggle-worms,

Circle up, team!

Tink, you're the best banger.

Stay in goal this time
and bounce their slingers.

I'll bolt hard

like I'm whooshing
their screechers.

When they mook their whackers,

I'll jake those beans
cross-field to Janner

who'll already have skittered
round their hounders.

You'll only have Sara to beat.

Janner gets woozy around Sara!

Come on, Bunce.
Give me the shot!

I do not get woozy!

Janner will make the shot.

Hey guys, am I still frozen?!

So, you think something's
brewing with the Fangs?

Seems to be.

Heard your grandkids got into
a tussle during the festival?

Oh, maybe a lil' scuffle,
but they got clear.

Well, you should know

that Gnorm's got your family
marked for protection,

thanks to Nia's
tasty maggotloaf.

Aye, my Nia,
she's a clever girl.

Oh, and that wily Fang.

Those Crimson Climber starts
are in the back corner,

-Miss Dirgle.

Fine weather today,
aye ma'am?

Yes, fine.

That Fang Slarb,
who messed with your grans?

Gnorm gave him a dust-up

and put him
on Black Carriage duty.


That'll keep him away
to Fort Lamendron then.

Mhm, for a bit anyways.

You ready to buy those now,
Miss Dirgle?


[Kids] Dragon striiike!!!

Hey, this isn't saddle zibzy!

You never called it!

Too late now!

-He's kind of right.



Mash-plonker, three points!

We win the first game-block!

Jebb can't unfreeze yet.

That was a rule-break.

I was about
to be trampled to death

by a gambloat!

Good point, Leeli.

Jebb broke his freeze.

That's four points for us.

We win the first game-block!


Great job, Tink.

You lost the game-block
and Sara's new ball.

I'll get it.


The woods are dangerous.

This is different.

I'm doing it to help someone.







Youngiby Iggyfeather!

Heyyy... Peet?

What are you doing here?





Hi, Mr. The Sock Man!

[Podo] Igiby's!

[PODO] Come along home,

Your mother'll be worried.

Uh, Sock Man or not,

just you wait
'til next game, Janner Igiby!

This match goes on
for eight more blocks!

[Rand] ...No way.

[Podo] Oy, Tink!

Let's go, lad!

Bye, guys!

[Nia] I see you got
the 'Torrboro Special'

at Ferinia's again.

I also found out
that troublesome Fang

was reassigned
to Carriage duty,

so he shouldn't be a problem
around Glipwood for awhile.

We can relax.


No more of this layin' low
an' creepin' about.

So... I can go in to help
Mr. Reteep tomorrow?

It's Fourthday.

He'll want me to unload
the new shipment of books!

All right.

But stay clear of any Fangs.

I will!
Thank you!

[Nia] And take with you.

I'm going there to work.

I can't watch him
the whole time.

And Leeli.

Leeli and I
have some business of our own

to attend to.

Well, then.

That settles it.

Another shipment?

Careful, brother.

Those aren't flowers
you're loading.

They're going to the Manor, yes?

[Driver] Indibnibly...


The Manor.

A place no sane person
would want to visit.


Travel well, old friend.

Thanks, Mr. Shooster!

Zouzab will love this.


Mr. Reteep?


You summoned?

Is Mr. Reteep around?

Young Janner.

He's out back.

Mr. Reteep?

Ah, here, Mr. Reteep.

Let me help.

Ah, Janner!

A most timely arrival.

I knew a shipment
was due today.

Clever boy.

Ever so observant!

Why don't you
unload these crates,

and I'll sort them.

Mr. Reteep, where do you get
all of these books?

From all over Skree.

And beyond.

After the great w*r,

many of the folk from across
the Dark Sea came here.

As they've passed through,

I've collected and preserved
everything I could.

As the great librarian
Gheeta Puttlestuphf once said,

"Behind every epic victory and
crushing defeat is a librarian

who told you
which aisle it's in."

I wish I could go on adventures,
searching for books.

The furthest I've ever been
is to the field

beyond Buzzard Willie's garden.

And that was for a picnic.

If there's one thing I learned
in all my travels, lad,

it's that some
of the best journeys

happen at home.

Picture it.

A warm fire,
tucked away with a good book.

What I'm trying to say

is that for as much as
you want to see the wider world,

don't forget the glow of home.

Don't forget this place.

One day I'm going to need help
running it, you know.

Heh, that's still
a long way away.

Here, I'll help you
with the next crate.


Oh... that.

That's nothing.

Why don't I finish up here
and I'll meet you at the front.

Run along.

Quiet, boy.

Grandpa, what are we doing?

Dumping these scallawags

where they can't steal
our totatoes anymore!

But why Buzzard Willie's farm?

'Cause he'll think it's funny!

Here, give me a hand.

He'll think it's funny
when thwaps steal his totatoes?


Fifty years ago,
Willie and I were best friends,

but both sweet on the same gal.

Willie swooped in and stole

Merna Bridgeholler's heart
afore I could woo her.

And you're still mad about it?


Naw, I don't reckon
I'm still mad.

We just kinda got in the habit
of payin' each other back,

prank upon prank.

And after awhile I...

Oh, I know it sounds strange,

And after awhile you
were having so much fun

pulling pranks on each other

that you almost started
to feel like friends again?

Well, I... I never said that!

No one steals my Grandpa's girl
and gets away with it.


[Willie] Hey!


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Me and Zou...


That's weird.

What is it?

[Janner] A map.

But to what?

Treasure probably!

Oh, or... or a secret hideout
for Fang fighters!

Put it back, Tink.

It's not ours.

And if it is Fang fighters--

If what is Fang fighters?

I... uh... uh...


We... were like...

What do you have there?

-You mean this?

"The Art of Itching"?

Or this...

Give it to me.

The itch book?

The luscious juicy...


That was close.

What was close?

Is everything all right?


You're hiding something.

Your secret is safe
with me, child.

But if you wish to cure
a vexing rash,

there are more
helpful books than this.

Believe me, I've read them all,
if you know what I mean.

Oh, I do know
what you mean, sir.

I recommend you begin with
the classic diagnostic manual

"Pimples, Dimples,
Scabs and Scars."

If you have a moment,
I'll fetch it.

Unfortunately, we don't.

We're already late.

Promised our mom

we'd be home
to help with dinner.

In that case,
I'll pull some books.

About itches...

And have them waiting
at the desk

next time you come in.

[Tink] Uh, thanks?


"A Beginner's Guide

To Scratching
Unreachable Places..."

...might aid that
suffering child.

Leeli, dear.

I made you something.

To replace what you lost.



A sailor earns her sea-name
by her brave deeds.

I'd say you earned this one
when you fought the Fang!

And we're very proud
of her for it.

But, just the once.

Right, Leeli?

Fangs are like toothy cows:
better not to meet them at all.


Thank you, Grandpa.


Now those Fangs'll be quakin'
in their scales

at the sight
of the mighty Leeli!

How's that itch, Tink?

[Podo] What itch?


Mister Reteep got it in his head
I had a rash

so he tried to give me
books about itches.

Why would Oskar think that?

Now mark my words, boy,
if it's sort of reddish-green,

and your toes swell up,

you can take the fatty gut parts
of a swindle-fish

and you grind em' up--

[Nia] Papa!

That's not appropriate talk
for the table.

[Podo] I'm only saying.

If the boy has a rash,

he might be too embarrassed
to admit it...

I don't have a rash!

Why does everyone
think I have a rash?!

I told you to put it back!

I couldn't
because of nosey Zouzab

and then Oskar's itch crusade!

We barely got out of there
without getting caught.

It's not ours, Tink.

Do you think
it's Mister Reteep's?

I don't know,

but if it has to do
with resistance fighters

then it's important
and someone needs it.

We have to put it back.

But right now, while we have it,
couldn't we just follow it

to see what secret it leads to?

And then put it back?

It's not ours Tink.

If there's a secret,
it's not our secret.

All right.

But can't we just
look at it at least?


But just for a minute.

Hey, doesn't that look
a lot like Fingap Falls?

Which means this...

would be where Glipwood is...

[Tink] And Ferinia's Flower Shop

is here where
this special mark is.

So, then all of this dark part
is the forest.

Then what's that

right in the middle
of the woods?

Anklejelly Manor, I think.

I've heard of that!

Isn't it haunted by
the ghost of Brimney Stupe?

Nah, probably just a story.

I don't know anyone
who's ever been there.

So why is a map
to Anklejelly Manor

stashed in a secret spot
at Books and Crannies?

Is Oskar secretly
a treasure hunter?!

-Or a Fang fighter?!


You barnacle-scrapers
asleep yet?

Yes sir!

Didn't know my grandsons
slept standin' up.

Candles out.


[Janner] Night Grandpa.

[Tink] Night Grandpa.

It could be treasure.

Or Fang fighters.

Rise, my child.

Would you sing
the song of stones?

[Fangs] We wish the power
to be our own!

Then let it bend
both shape and form.

[Fangs] And make us fierce
as fire and storm!

The Nameless One
no longer believes

the Jewels of Anniera
are in Skree.

He means to march west,
beyond the edges of the map.

Why does the mighty one
continue to seek these jewels?

Would you question the wisdom
of Gnag The Nameless, General?

When we sacked Anniera,

many writings of Wingfeather
were found.

He spoke of the Jewel's
ancient power.

Power that makes
many things possible

with more... pliable souls.


Which is why he has ordered us
to seize the brats of Dugtown.

Yes, my child.

But it is not enough.

The Carriage must
now travel nightly.

For Gnag!

Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!
Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!

Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!
Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!

Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!
Gnag! Gnag! Gnag!