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17x16 - Preacher Jimmy Wilde

Posted: 02/13/24 17:43
by bunniefuu


♪ Nearer my God to thee ♪

♪ Nearer to thee ♪

♪ Then in my waking thoughts ♪

♪ Bright with thy praise ♪

♪ Out of my stony griefs ♪

♪ Bethel I'll raise ♪

♪ So by my woes to be ♪

♪ Nearer, my God, to thee ♪

♪ Nearer, my God, to thee ♪

♪ Nearer to thee ♪

- Praise the Lord, amen.

[ALL]: Amen.

And now we have a treat
for you fine folk tonight:

Words of devotion and inspiration

from Preacher James Wilde.

- Please give him a warm Canadian welcome.


I'm troubled, friends.

A man racked with confusion
and worry and doubt,

and I'll tell you why.

I thought when I crossed the
border into your fine country,

that I would be entering
into the good Lord's dominion.

Cool clear water,

northern air and
majestic mountain peaks.

[WOMAN]: Amen.

But I don't see any of that here!

No siree.

You know, I heard tell
that you all call this place

Toronto the Good.

[CHUCKLES] But it sure
don't seem that to me.

All I see is a lusty temptress

and not much good at all! So...

I have to ask myself:

Who am I talking to here?

Am I talking to a room full of sinners?


I said am I talking to
a room full of sinners!?

- [CROWD]: No.


Well, then, I guess I must be talking

to a room full of liars...

Because I'm a sinner.

Not proud of it. But it's the truth.

You a sinner, Sister Mary?

- I am.

You hear that, friends?

Now, you would think
that there was no one

on God's green earth as pure
as Sister Mary Ellen Marks,

and yet you heard it from her own lips.

She has fallen for the temptations

of little Lord Lucifer himself.


But there ain't no
shame in being a sinner.

Even the godly sin.


Who out there's a sinner?


I'm a sinner, Preacher James.

Just like you.



Look at that there! [CHUCKLES]

Seems I don't need to go
looking for that Diogenes fella

and his lamp to find an honest man.

Seems I got one standing
right in front of me.

[WOMAN]: Amen.

Ain't no sin in being a
sinner, friend, no sin at all.

But it is a sin to ignore
the word of the Lord.

Now you been doing that?

- I have.
- You ready to get over doing that?

And are you ready to renounce
Satan and welcome in the Lord?

- Yes.
- And are you ready to accept

the love and judgment of Jesus Christ?

- Are you ready to say,

"So long, Beelzebub! Goodbye Lucifer!"

You ready to kick old
Mammon right out the door?

Yes! Ye...


- Oh!

Oh, ladies and gentlemen,

Jesus Christ has got
one powerful left hook.

[CHUCKLES] You know,

he's more powerful than
the Galveston giant,

Jack Johnson himself.

He's got TNT in his right hand,

- he's got nitro in his left.
- He needs help!

He's not breathing.

Is there a doctor in here!?

I'm a nurse.

He doesn't need a doctor.

What do you mean?

He's dead.




Glory hallelujah!

The Lord has called our brother home.

Called him home after he
accepted Jesus into his heart.

- Praise God.
- [SISTER MARY]: Praise God.

- Praise God.
- Praise God.

- Praise God.
- Praise God, Sister.


Praise... God.


How are you faring?

Oh, fine, Thomas. I've
seen a dead body before.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I saw the banner.

It seemed interesting.

Sister Mary Ellen is quite well known.

Thought I'd give them a listen.

Bloody hell.

Not in here, Thomas!

Oh, uh, you a man of God?

- A police detective.
- Ah.

Then a man doing the Lord's
work. A noble profession.

Although I betcha both of us
have seen our share of sinners.

- Ain't that right?
- What happened?

The spirit of Jesus entered
him and carried him home.

- Oh, he did, did he?
- I saw it myself.


I would prefer a more
scientific explanation.

You have any idea who this man is?

Just a lost soul looking
to find God's love.

You've never seen him before?

Might have. Might not.

Hard to say. I see a lot of people.

[BRACKENREID]: How about you, miss?

- Sister Mary Ellen.
- And, no, I have not.

We only arrived yesterday
in your fair city.

And fair it is. Ha. It's chilly, sir,

but there is the smell
of industry in the air,

the-the sound of progress,
the feel of a city

full of good hardworking people...

Can I see your authorization
to hold this gathering?

We have God's authority.

But you don't have mine. Nor the city's.

Well, I'll talk to your city council.

I'm sure they'll grant me
permission before our next meeting.

You're planning another?

Toronto is in need of saving.

We will be here as long as
people need to hear the good word.

We'll see about that.

By all outward appearances,

the man seems to be in good health.

A bit malnourished, but that's it.

Well, apparently, he
just keeled over dead.

Taken by the spirit
of the Lord, it's said.

Oh, I've seen singing and
dancing at the Baptist Calvary.

I've even seen someone
speaking in tongues once.

No! Good Lord.

I haven't seen anyone fall
over dead for no reason.

Well, what about snakes?

Have you ever seen one of those
preachers who use the snakes?

- I have not.
- Oh, me neither.

Would be something to see, though.

- What are you doing?
- Due diligence.

As I said, this man appears
to be in great physical shape.

Must be a foreign
agent that caused this.

They should both be run out of town.

That's not a very charitable position!

They have no right to be here.

You should have seen it
last night. It was a...

Carnival of depravity.

It seems that everything vile

comes from our neighbours down south.

And how do you know where they're from?

Sister Mary Ellen's been
running her revival meetings

for years down in the United States.

Seems they've decided to take
their show to our fine country.

Without any official permission.

Sir, they are con
artists, plain and simple.

Stealing from the naïve and foolish.

- Just make them leave!
- You have our blessings.

I don't need your blessings.

They have no permit,
so they can't operate.

But I am not running them out of town.

- They are a scourge!
- Is that so?

Seems to me like you lot
can't take the competition.

- I take offence to that, sir.
- Take whatever you want.

But you can also take your leave.

I, gentlemen, have real
work to do. Now, good day.

I don't expect any of you folks

to be as noble as this fella job.

Now, he was a heck of a guy.

Always stood tall. Man lost his wife,

lost all his children, lost everything.

Lived a life of pain,
blistered and bleeding,

yet he never once
cursed the man upstairs.

But that ain't me, folks.

I'll admit there's plenty
of times I've cursed

the man upstairs because sometimes,

he just don't make life
easy. Ain't that right?

It's okay to admit it.
Sometimes life ain't right

and plenty of times it just ain't easy.

And when it gets real
hard, when you think

you just can't bear it any longer,

that's when Satan and his
consort Beelzebub come a'calling.

And then lickety-split,
before you know it,

you're just like that fella, Lot,

falling for the temptations
of worldly pleasures.

But make no mistake.

Our pal, God, our big buddy, God,

he's the one who put those
temptations on this earth

in the first place to test us.

You are a blasphemer.

Oh, am I, sir?

Ain't it true that
God created all things

in heaven and on earth?

- He did.
- So, he created all creatures

good and bad. The
gentle little kitty-cat

and the angry old crocodile.

The pious and the pervert,
the angel and the whore.

Are they not all God's creatures?

- They are.
- Oh.

Good to see you and me agree on that.

Of course, that's where the
similarity ends, ain't it, Father?

We have many more
differences than that, sir.

Oh, we do, we surely do.

See, folks, these Catholics,
they're a funny bunch.

They say they worship God,

but they don't really.

They worship this fella in
Rome, Italy, they call the Pope.

They say he speaks for God.

But he lives in a palace full of riches

stolen from the people.
Ain't that right?

- It is not!
- Oh, of course he'd say that, folks.

He has to, to keep you
all filling up his plate

on Sundays and twice on holidays.

You watch your profane mouth!

Sir, let's just walk away.

He has no licence to do this.

He has no right. Arrest him.

Preacher, do you mind?

Absolutely, Constable.

I have no desire to
create any unrest or upset.

Throw him in jail.

Father, please, let's just walk away.

Nice talking to you, Father.

Oh, dear lady, you again. [CHUCKLING]

What brings you out to listen to
my rantings on such a fine day?

Rantings? Is that
what you consider them?

Many do. I take it
you're not one of them?

I like to keep an open mind.

- Then you are a rare bird.
- Huh.

Your husband is that police man, right?

An inspector.

Ah, well, then, a man of
intelligence and character.

I suppose so.

Then perhaps I could ask you a favour?

It depends on the favour.

May I have a word with your husband?

Me and him got off on the wrong foot.

I'll bring you to him.

But whatever Thomas decides
to do is his own decision.

That is as it should be.

It's good when a man knows his own mind.

Indeed. Shall we?

- Yes!
- Just this way.

All right.

Analysis of his blood revealed

there was an enormous amount
of cocaine in his system.

It could have very well
caused a cerebral haemorrhage,

which was indeed the cause of death.

So, he k*lled himself misusing cocaine?

I wouldn't be so sure of
that, Constable Crabtree.

After examining the body
a little more thoroughly,

I found this injection mark right here.

It's an area difficult
to reach on one's self.

Oh, not impossible, though.

If he injected himself,
why would he choose there?

- Unless someone else did it.
- Who?

Well, that's impossible to know, George,

until we at least know who he is.

- My next order of business?
- Precisely.

Thank you, Miss Hart.

So, you have your
permit. Congratulations.

I must say I'm surprised.

I've never known city
council to move so quickly.

Oh. I'm well practised in the powers

- of persuasion, sir.
- Hmm.

I have to let you know,

you're not everyone's
cup of tea around here.

Those who deliver the truth
are rarely without opposition.

- Thomas,

- this man would like to have a word with you.
- You got the permit.

Your golden tongue has
worked its magic once again.

What do you want?

Sir, I just want to
assure you that neither I,

nor Sister Mary, want
to cause any trouble.

We are only interested in
the business of saving souls.

I don't care what you do as
long as you behave yourself.

That I will do. I will be as righteous
as Isaiah, as pure as Daniel...

- Out of my office now.
- I'm already moving.

You, too.

Hmm. Good day.


I really think he's a good man.

Think what you like, Margaret.
I want no part of him.


How you doin', fella? [CHUCKLES]

You are an abomination.

Uh, you go on now. I'll see
you later. What do you say?

You behave yourself.

I don't want any more
trouble with the police.

I'll be an angel.

A model of dignity, decorum and decency.

A shining beacon of virtue in an
otherwise cruel and godless world.

Staying out of trouble
will be more than enough.

Uh, Constable, a word?

- And who are you?
- James Wilde.

- Oh, the preacher.
- Ha. Guilty as charged.

And what is this poor
unfortunate being charged with?


Oh. The poor lost soul.

Might I speak with her?

She may appreciate my counsel.

Just for a moment.

What are you doing here?

I told you it was over between us.

You shouldn't be here.

Hmm. Is that so?

Well, I am and, as it would appear,

I am now available.

And so, it wasn't what we expected,

but our son, Bobby,
wants to become a priest.

Ooh, that looks delicious. Ha!

I guess you gotta go to
a place called Hogtown

- to enjoy chops as fine as these.

Well, you should try mine sometime.

Well, that would surely be an honour.

Now, Mrs. Brackenreid...

Oh, Margaret. Surely.

Oh, all right.

Now, Margaret,

I have no problem with anyone

who wants to dedicate
his life to the Lord,

but I fear your son is
going down the wrong path.

How do you mean?


you don't want him becoming a Catholic.

I mean, some of them are good people,

but they are being sold a bill of goods.

How so?

Well, like I said in the square,

they're not worshipping God.

They're worshipping a man.

And he gets to be the
living voice of God

for no other reason than a
bunch of his buddies chose him!

Now, does that make sense to you?

They know more about God than I do.

Do they?

Maybe you don't gotta know God.

Maybe you just gotta
feel him in your heart.

You don't need anyone else
butting into that relationship.

are you doing back here?

Oh, I just made bail for
one of your prisoners.

Hmm, let me guess. The pretty redhead.

Bingo-bango, Inspector.

You got a keen eye.

- The lady needs salvation.
- Hmm.

Is that what they call it these days?

[LAUGHING] That's a good one, sir.

Real good one.

Hmm, she sure ain't hard to
look at, I'll give you that.

I thought you men of the
cloth were above that.

Hey, I'm a red-blooded
mortal man just like you.

Ain't no Saint, got no
intention of being one.

I'm just God's servant on
earth so I do the best I can.

The poor young lady's a sinner.

I'm just trying to guide
her toward the light.

I'm sure you are.

And between you and me, I
lay one hand on that girl

and Sister Mary'd have
my head on a plate.

You and Sister... ?

Lot of lonely nights on the road, sir.

Lots of lonely nights. [CHUCKLES]

But you know all about that, I bet.

Ah! How you doing, Detective?

Pleasant morning of genuflecting?

Hmm. I've learned
something very interesting

about the man who died at your...

We like to call it a revival.

Hmm. His body was filled with
an enormous amount of cocaine.

Would you know anything about that?

Mm. Never did care for that devil dust.

Always got me a bit too jittery.

Now, if you'll excuse
me, I have a lady to save.

I think we're done here.

I hear this James Wilde
is a compelling speaker.

Perhaps churches could
use more like him.

Father O'Leary preaches
a provocative sermon.

I don't know about that,

but he's definitely better
than most sleeping tablets.


At any rate,

James Wilde is a sideshow man.

He's not a man of God.

A sideshow man? Like
turning water into wine?

- Sir.
- What have you, George?

I've circulated
photographs of the deceased.

- You got a response?
- I did.

His name is Alfred Starker.

He's wanted by the
police in Akron, Ohio.


Well, that's where those
two started their crusade.

Shall I bring them in for questioning?

Not just yet, George. It's not enough.

But we should definitely
start with a few questions

- about their life in Akron.
- Right.

Well, not without me. I'd
like to see the circus.




Y'all know 'em,

or you think you do.

Wanton lust demons who
destroyed men's souls.

All sinful women,

all beyond redemption.


But is anyone beyond redemption?

I can tell you from my own life

that I sure as hell
hope that ain't the case.

Because if you fall down,
you gotta get back up again.

- [MAN]: Amen.
- Now, you do that,

and the good Lord will
never let you down.

Hell, he'll probably
even give you a-a hand up,

a slap on the back and a good get going.


So, come on up here, sweetheart.

There's no one going to hurt you.


Say hello to Sue!


- Well, look at that, there.

Seems like you're welcome here.

And why shouldn't she be?

Are we not all his children?

Even if we fall off the rails,

even if we surrender to the sins
of the flesh and fornication?

We can be forgiven.

Well, that's good to know.

Are you ready to be forgiven?

I am.

Are you ready to be reborn?

I-I mean, I guess.

- You, Susan Mishkin,

are going to be cleansed of your sins.

Your days and nights of fornication

are coming to an end.

The water and the spirit of the Lord

will wash over you and your sins...

- William.
- I can see. George.

... will be cleansed and
you will be born again!

- And the spirit of the Lord...
- Enough!

... will be born...

Huh. I almost lost myself.

The spirit of the Lord
is a powerful thing.

Are you all right?

he almost k*lled her?

I think he might've, if William
hadn't pulled her out of the water.

- Is he behind bars?
- No.

I didn't think it wise to arrest
him in front of his followers.

You're probably right.

So, should we arrest him now?

I don't know about that.

But perhaps a strong
warning about his behaviour?

[SISTER MARY]: You are
a liar and a fornicator!

to me, Mary, please.

- Get out!
- I will not. Now you listen to me!

- Get off her!
- Ah! This isn't your business!

- We'll decide that.
- You said you were through

- with that harlot.
- And I am.

Thing is she ain't through with me.

She's preying on me,
Mary. She's a Jezebel!

I'm just trying to turn
her into a good woman.

- Oh, I doubt that!
- It's the truth.

I want nothing from her, I
just want to save her soul!

She followed you here
all the way from Akron.

She was your tramp there,
now she's your tramp here.

There's no need to
be uncharitable, Mary.

- All right. You'd best come with us.
- What?

Now, why do we need to be doing that?

All you're seeing here is

two passionate followers
of the good Lord above

having a little disagreement.

What I am seeing here

is a man who attempted
to m*rder someone.


Well, if that isn't the
most fool thing I ever heard!

You'd best keep your mouth shut.

- Let's go.
- Ah...

Good evening, Sister.

I would never have harmed that woman.

You were indulging in a little bit of,

"how's your father?" With
her, though, weren't you?

Oh, no putting one past you, is there?

Tell me about Alfred Starker.

Who's he?

The man who died at your
first revival meeting.

Susan Mishkin's husband.

Never laid eyes on him.

They are both from Akron,
Ohio. They followed you here.

Never said I'd never heard of him.

Only said I'd never laid eyes on him.

All I know is he was a terrible man

who forced his wife into prostitution

and was living off
the avails of her sin.

If there was ever a man
needed saving, it was him.

Saving or k*lling?

Well, it seemed to amount to the
same thing this time, didn't it?

How mighty convenient
for you that he's gone.

I don't follow.

Well, there's no one to get in
between you and her now, is there?

Inspector, Inspector, I got
no interest in Sue Mishkin.

My heart belongs to Sister Mary.

And what about your other body parts?


That's a good one. Yeah.

Can't always control
the other parts, can you?

Thing is, girls like
Sue are a dime a dozen.

I need to get dipped, there
are plenty of honey pots

in every town I visit
that are happy to oblige.

Then why try to k*ll her onstage?

I did no such thing!

The spirit of the Lord got hold of me.

Again, I ask you about Alfred Starker,

the man that died at
your revival meeting.

Like I said, I had nothing
to do with his death.


- Bloody hell.
- That sweet sound?

Ah, surely boss, that is
the furthest thing from hell.

I tell you, I never believed in angels

until I laid eyes on Sister Mary.

♪ Shall we gather at the river ♪

♪ The beautiful, the beautiful river ♪

♪ Gather with the saints at the river ♪

♪ That flows by the throne of God ♪

Well, this is all very nice.

Now, if you'd like to go home?

Not without brother James Wilde.

We are still questioning him.

Then I would suggest you conclude.

You're not in the position
to suggest anything.

Now, please, move along.

I shall not.

Now... now, please,
this will solve nothing.

Sir, I may not have been
blessed with the bombast

of James Wilde, but let me assure you,

my spine is forged iron.

We will not move,

even if you trample these
fine people with your horses.

Do we have enough to hold him?

It's a stretch.

Right, let him go. I'm not
putting up with this palaver.

Thank you, friends!


Oh! The sweet taste
of freedom. [CHUCKLING]

Can you believe it?

Imprisoned for simply
preaching the word of God.

- Constable.
- Hmm.

Please go and fetch Susan
Mishkin from the hotel.

Finally. [SUE SIGHS]

I thought you were gonna
keep me in here all day.


I assume you know this man?

All too well.

Did you travel here to Toronto with him?

No, I did not. He must have followed me.

- You left him?
- Yes!

I thought I should before he k*lled me.

Apparently, he had found God.

[SUE SCOFFS] Sure he did.

He found everything while he
was high on the devil's dust.

Mr. Starker was a cocaine user?


It's the reason I spent half
my life lying flat on my back.


We found an injection
mark on Mr. Starker's body.

Someone injected
cocaine into his system.

And that person would be Alfred.

Oh, I don't believe so.

It would have been very
difficult for him to reach...

He was probably just
trying to hide it from me.

He told me he was
turning over a new leaf.

And you didn't believe him.

I'd seen Alfred turn
over far too many leaves.

And you wanted to be rid of him?

k*lling is a mortal sin.

And I am done sinning.

I'm born anew.

We might have to reconcile
ourselves to the fact

that Alfred Starker's
death was an accident.

Those two are definitely con artists.

That doesn't make them murderers.

They are fleecing innocent people.

They're taking money from people
who are giving it willingly.

After being fed false promises.

You don't feel the need to knock?

Surely you can get
those two out of town.

They have as much
right to be here as you.

Neither one of them is
ordained by any church.

They are selling lies.

Not the only ones, in my opinion.

So, you're going to do nothing about it?

Good day, sir.

[SISTER MARY]: "Even though
I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

your rod and your
staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life,

and I shall dwell in the
house of the Lord forever."

[MURDOCH]: You seem a godly woman.

I am.

Then how can you permit
a person like James Wilde

to preach at your revivals?

He brings in the people.

Is that all that matters?

Of course not.

James believes in his own way

and speaks in words
the people understand.

He tells them that it's all right to sin

so long as they ask for
forgiveness afterwards.

How is that different
than confession? Hm?

We can all fall to temptation...

Even the godly.

Isn't that so?

It's up to the godly
to resist temptation.

Then you are better than
most mortal men, sir.

James Wilde and I are simply
doing our best in the wicked world

and bringing hope to
those that will listen.

While they empty their pockets.

We simply pass the collection
plate as all others do.



I'm sure Preacher James
Wilde will be here any moment.


This ain't your normal night.

Uh, at least not for
yours truly. No siree.

And, uh, I must confess to
a little case of the nerves.

But you know what they say:

A man ain't really a man

until he has the love of a good woman.


Seems like I got that.

So I'd like to introduce
you all to my bride-to-be!


Come on, get up,
everybody! It's the bride.

Come on up here, sweetheart.

I'd like to invite you
all to the ceremony.



Ah, you never know what
joy the day will bring.

Well, that solves that then.

The two of them got
together to k*ll her husband.

But we can't prove it.

That may be, but it's
clear as day, isn't it?

- Ah.



Well, maybe not as clear as day.

Poor girl. Were there any witnesses?

Constables are still
canvassing the area.

- If you find anything else, Miss Hart.

Get off me!

- Sue.
- Mr. Wilde!


- Oh, Sue. My dear Sue.
- That's enough! That's enough!

I k*lled her!

- You did?
- Do what you want with me.

I don't care.

She's dead 'cause of me.

I'm so sorry.

That's enough. Come on. Stevens!

Take him to the station
house. Put him in the cells.

How's that, Murdoch? A confession.


One that makes no sense.

I am no better than Paul.

It was my pride that caused her death.

I thought I could save
her and bring glory to God.

But I was only trying
to bring glory to myself.

Did you or did you not k*ll her?

My actions did.

- The truth please, sir.

You are facing your own death.



I have the cause of death.

A cocaine overdose,
just like her husband.

I see. Thank you, Miss Hart.

I'm charging you with
two counts of m*rder.



For the m*rder of Mrs. Sue Mishkin

and her husband, Alfred Starker.

I did not k*ll Mr. Starker.

They both died by the same method.

I said I did not k*ll Mr. Starker.

Then who did?

I suspect Sue did.

It was her only way to be free of him.

She tried to run.

He always followed.

Why should I believe you?

You are a shyster and a con man.

Believe what you want of me,
but you and I are the same.

We both worship the Lord.

I ask you again:

- Did you k*ll her?
- I did not.

And I have no reason to lie.

I am forsaken...

And will never enter
the kingdom of heaven.

If you thought she did k*ll her husband,

why marry her?

[SCOFFS] Well...

The moth cannot resist
the flame, Detective.

And that is all I am.

A moth.

And what did Sister Mary
think of your marriage?

Not much, I expect.

That devil is a sneaky sort.

But never doubt his power!

Never doubt what he can do
if you let your guard down.

If the devil can possess
a man like James Wilde,

he can possess any one of you.

James has forsaken us all...

For a woman of easy virtue,

a slatternly dame,

a harlot who has turned
James away from God

and taken him in her sinful arms!


She was found this morning.

Our coroner believes
she died last evening.

Just hours after her wedding. A shame.

It must have been quite a shock...

For you to find out about
James Wilde's wedding

right on your stage.

There is little James Wilde could do

that would still shock me.

You didn't look happy
they were getting married.

I wasn't.

So what do you think happened?

Either she, or Mr. Wilde,

k*lled her husband so that
they could be together.

- And then?
- Someone k*lled her.


He betrayed you, did he not?

Turned your revival
into a proper sideshow.

He brought people in here.

More people than I had ever seen before.

James was my main attraction.

And he broke your heart.

My heart belongs to the
Lord and the Lord alone,

Detective Murdoch.

I did have carnal feelings for James,

even acted on them on occasion.

But he never had my heart.

Where were you last night?

The Don River, I believe it's called.

- For what reason?
- A baptism.

I delivered five new believers
into the arms of the Lord.

For the last time.

For the last time?

What does that mean?

With James gone, this revival will die.

I see.

I would appreciate
you not leaving Toronto

- until this matter is concluded.
- Don't worry, Detective.

I have no intention
of pulling up stakes.

This is my home now.

I'm going to start a new life,

one without deception and spectacle.

How do you mean?

I'm leaving this behind.

Joining one of your city's churches.

It was late. There was no one about.

So no one saw anything?


Perhaps the preacher was
here the night she died.

What do you have there?

Too small for fingermarks.

Oh, we won't be needing
fingermarks, George.

I hear congratulations are in order.

You have arrested that vile creature.

[SCOFFS] Please, have a seat.

You wanted to see me?

I did.

I noticed that your cross is missing.

Could this be it?

- I suppose it could be.
- Could be?


Especially considering
where it was found,

right beside the dead
body of Susan Mishkin.

I also read your latest church bulletin.

I see here that Sister Mary
Ellen is your new choirmaster.


I suppose now that
James Wilde is locked up,

there were few places she could go.

Or perhaps she had
simply seen the light.

Is there a point to all of this?


You made your dislike of
James Wilde quite clear.

He was a blasphemer and a fraud.

And half of your congregation
left to follow him.

They were being deceived by a charlatan,

an offensive man who was making
a mockery of all we stand for.

I also found this in your church office.

Liquid cocaine,

the same substance that was
used to k*ll Susan Mishkin.

What were you doing with it?

He was a demon.

A wolf dressed in sheep's clothing

taking people off the path and
forcing them to worship him.

He had to be stopped.

So you k*lled Susan Mishkin

and Alfred Starker and tried
to pin it all on James Wilde.

I k*lled her.

But I didn't k*ll him.

Besides, a harlot and her husband?

They were both destined for hell.

Maybe so.

But that wasn't your decision to make.



Oh. Praise the Lord. Free at last.

You were only imprisoned one night.

Yes, but it felt like an eternity.

But being out here,

I can feel the good
Lord coming back to me,

urging me not to give up on him.

And I don't plan to.

And what of Sue Mishkin?

Well, I've been doing a lot of
thinking and reflecting on that,

and the way I see it,

she left this world an honest woman

after she let the Lord enter her heart.

Mm. You've lost your pulpit now.

Oh, I'll find another.

There's always a place for a man
who's delivering the good word.

If that's what you're doing.

Are you gonna tell me I'm not?

I'm spreading the word
of God far and wide

to those who care to listen.

You say you're a man of God, don't you?

I try.

Well, then you should
be doing the same as me!

Now, there's plenty
of souls need saving.

If you believe,

if you really believe,

that's our job.

Our duty is to proselytize,

evangelicize and sanitize...

I know the teachings. Thank you.

Well, then you should
be loud and proud of it.

You know, a horse ain't drinking
water unless you lead him to it.

- You see, that's...
- That's where you're wrong.

A horse will not drink
unless it's thirsty.

If someone truly, truly needs God,

they'll find him.

They don't need you getting involved.

Oh, hey there, brother.

Have you got a moment to talk
about the evils of this world?

Oh, it's a cruel place, this
damnable old world, ain't it?

No, no, you don't have
to answer right away,

but let me tell you a little story.

A story about a man named Paul.

That wasn't his name at the beginning,

but, you know, he had to change it.


Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

It's been 90 days since
my last confession.

God is here to listen.