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03x15 - Stealing Home

Posted: 02/23/12 04:41
by bunniefuu
Peter: Any family in the area?

Neal: None to speak of.

Marital status?


You and Sara are getting along again. Maybe you eloped.

Vegas is a little outside my radius.

Do you have to fill that out right now?

Your commutation hearing is in a week.

I put this off as long as I could.

Would you say you have a girlfriend?

That's really on there?

Neal, the board is deciding whether to release you from your anklet -- from me -- permanently.

They want to know who's in your life.

Are they a good influence, or are they gonna steer you back to the dark side?

And you think Sara could be an angel on my shoulder?

As opposed to that little devil you have on your shoulder now.

Mozzie's more of an imp than a devil.

Hmm. But I was released into your custody.

Ultimately, what you say at the hearing will carry the most weight.

[ Horn honks ]


Target approaching.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Gordon Taylor.

He sure knows how to make friends.

He's one of the most beloved cons in the world.

And no criminal record.

He's a pro.

Makes me wonder if that would be you --

If you hadn't caught me?

I'd like to think so.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Peter: If Gordon Taylor's in town, it means he's here to do a job.

He's a key suspect in some of the biggest heists in the past decade.

Wow. Antibes. That the location of his last job? all the way across the Mediterranean.

That's not true. Reminds me of college.

Regardless, Taylor is a contract thief.

We need to find out who hired him and what they're planning to steal.

How is it Taylor doesn't have a record?

Oh, he has a saying --

"Nobody gets caught. Everybody gets paid."

And so far, he's lived up to that.

He also has a very loyal following, and it helps that the public loves him.

Even his victims say nice things.

Check this out.

Oh, this was a heist he ran in Paris.

He dove out of a second-story window onto this guy's Peugeot.

Two weeks later, Taylor sends a check to the owner to cover the damages.

Claimed he heard about the car on the news.

Because he's popular, it's difficult to find witnesses willing to talk.

He's careful, and he's smart. This isn't gonna be easy.

We need to find out what he's hitting and when.

He hires locally.

Neal, talk to the street, figure out what kind of crew he's putting together.

Diana, follow the money trail surrounding his trip.

Jones, cover surveillance on the hotel.

I want intel on everyone he meets.

You got it.

Boss, you got a minute?


Can I speak freely?

Of course.

When Agent Kramer was here last week, he told me he doesn't think Neal deserves to have his sentence commuted.

Kramer told you that?

He wanted to know what I planned to say when I testify at Neal's hearing.

He didn't say anything to me.

He knows you consider Neal a friend.

Can I ask...

What am I gonna say at the hearing?

I haven't decided.

Kramer's sending some of his people to pick up Neal's old prison letters.

His letters to Kate?

We always suspected they contained codes, but we could never crack them.

Maybe he thinks he can.

Give Kramer what he wants.

If he asks me to go behind your back?

I can't imagine he would. If he does?

If he does, do it.

But I want you to tell me about it.

I may be jeopardizing a wonderful career opportunity back in D.C.

I thought Christie hated D.C.

She does. And I work for you.

"Without leaps of imagination, you lose the excitement of possibility."

Are you quoting Gloria Steinem?

She's not just for feminists.

She has unlocked what's missing in our lives.

We need jobs.

If she only knew who she inspired.

Oh, she does.

But not any job. A good job. A big job.

Well, I have to be careful about taking those kind of jobs at the moment, okay?

Look, I know this is risky with your big hearing coming up, but this is too good to pass up.

You are looking at the first man hired to be part of Gordon Taylor's next score.

No, no, no, Moz. The FBI is after Taylor.

Peter and I are chasing down his crew.

Me! You're looking for me. I'm his crew.

Pull out. You're gonna get caught.

Taylor never gets caught, and everybody gets paid!

Have you already said yes?

Yeah, of course I did. No one says no to Taylor.

And he asked me about you to be his possible point man.

He asked about me?

Point. Man.

All right, there's a way we can still do this, but you're gonna have to work with us.

"Us" -- you mean the suits?



You're already in.

Taylor's going down one way or another.

Yeah, I don't want to be the one to bring him down.

Look, if we do this right, no more anklet, no more prison.

I'll be free, Moz.

Look, Neal, I -- I want to help you.

R-really, I do, but not in this way.

Come on. The guy's a legend.

All right, how about this?

You keep your integrity intact.

You said Taylor was asking about me, so set up the meeting.

Then you've done your part.

If he takes you on, I will not wear a wire, I will not testify, and I will not lie to Taylor.

You won't have to. It'll be like we're really doing the job.

Yeah, without the fun.

Or the threat of prison.

Like I said.

This case takes us home, Moz.


That's an apropos analogy, considering the target.


What's the target?

[ Whistles ]

Taylor's gonna hit Yankee Stadium?

It's a good job.

Got to hand it to you.

Took you all of 24 hours to find out Taylor's target.

Well, not only that, but as an added bonus, I've figured out a way to work Mozzie into his crew.



Are you in his crew?

Not yet.

But I'm thinking that's the way to go on this one.

Me and Moz on the inside.

Any idea what Taylor's going after in there?


I don't know what you're planning, but you are one week away from freedom, and you are really playing with fire here.

You're welcome. Mm-hmm.

Peter: Let's go to the ballpark.

Neal: You're in a good mood.

My dad took me to a day game when I was 8.

Decided then and there I wanted to play for the Yankees.

Yeah, you and every other 8-year-old at the game.

Yeah. I did end up getting pretty good.

Oh, I'm sure you did.

I imagine a shelf somewhere loaded with little-league trophies.

Wow. Yankee Stadium.

New house that Ruth built.

New cathedral of baseball.

The new Bronx Zoo.


You must be Geoffrey, head of security.

Special Agent Peter Burke.

Neal Caffrey.

Well, thanks for the heads up.

Looked over the file you sent.

He's never used a w*apon or a threat of v*olence?

No, but we can't relax.

We know Taylor intends to strike somewhere in the stadium.

We're trying to identify the likely times and targets.

Well, the vaults below are secure, but we handle millions in cash from concessions every game.

You should vary the pick-up and drop-off times.

And of course, the public has easy access to the museum.

I think we should see that for ourselves.

All right.

This is awesome.


You know, we can't even place a value on most of these pieces of history.

They're each one-of-a-kind.

Is all your memorabilia in this room?

Well, most of it's concentrated in here, but we also have championship trophies and retired jerseys throughout the building.

Got to be millions of square feet to cover.

We should get blueprints.




Uh, could we trouble you for building plans and a chart of the display cases and security cameras?

Sure. Why don't you wait here while I pull it all together?

I, uh -- I get the feeling you'd like to look around a little more.

Thanks, Geoffrey. Sure.

Go ahead.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

Being here, all this... reminds me of watching games with my dad.

Your dad take you to a lot of games?

No. Mostly we'd watch them on TV.

He'd run an extension cord out to the porch, put on our Yankee caps, crack open a beer.

Way to go, dad.

Well, root beer for me.

During commercials, we'd throw the ball around.

Sounds like something to go home for.

It is.

And when I go back, we still do it.

Except now I drink real beer.


Oh, man.

What I'd pay to have that bat in my collection.

I bet it's a lot of money for that piece of wood.

"Piece of wood"?


I mean, take away the fact that DiMaggio swung it, it's just a bat.

But some guy named Pollock can splatter paint on a canvas and you think it's worth millions of dollars.

"Splatter paint on a canvas"?

You stand in front of one of Pollock's works, the chaos fades away and you see the discipline, the balance of restraint and abandon.

Like when DiMaggio stepped up to the plate.

Great art has a broader meaning.

It captures a time, a place, an emotion.

This bat was used to set the all-time hit-streak record the same year Hirohito bombed Pearl Harbor.

For four, five at-bats a day, Joltin' Joe let Americans forget that we were going to w*r.

A time, a place, an emotion.

This bat, those balls, these pennants got this country through some tough times.

They still do. Gives us something to root for.

And if you work hard, swing for the fences...


...anything's possible.

That's how you feel about baseball?

That's how a lot of people feel about baseball.

Yankees security is sending over more surveillance footage.

Great. Where's Caffrey?

Prepping for his audition for Taylor's crew.

A bit like putting a drink in the hands of an alcoholic.

Reformed alcoholic, I know.

And it's more like a bottle.

But putting Caffrey side by side with someone like Taylor is the best way to nail him.

Here's some surveillance from the hotel.

[ All groan ]

Yes, I know. It's Mozzie.

He's Neal's in.

How convenient. Mm-hmm.

So long as he stays on our side, we don't ask questions.

We've granted Mozzie immunity.

To preserve his street cred, you want us to arrest him if we catch him?

And make it look real. Oh, I will.

Same for Caffrey.

Taylor knows a lot about Neal, but our backstop has held up.

That he was released two years ago but remains a person of interest in a number of elegant high-profile crimes.

Any other questions?

Good. Let's make the Yankees proud.

Billiards. Couldn't be a better audition.

Don't get cocky. The man is unparalleled.

He has won the Taylor World Championship so many times they named the tournament after him.

Are you jealous?

I'm ecstatic for him.

It gives me hope knowing that Taylor and his villa on the French Riviera even exist.

Of course I want to be him.

I assume his game is eight ball.

Oh, it is.

Winning is important, but more so, he says he can learn everything he needs to know about you by how you play pool.

Hmm. How competitive you are, what risks you take, your level of confidence...

Did you get any more info on what he's after?

Oh, Taylor is true to his rep.

He promises no details until the game is afoot.

It's a good way to keep a crew honest.

Yeah. We could learn a lot from him.

Oh, and when you meet him, he's gonna give you a big bear hug.

It seems like he's just being effusive, because he is.

But what he's really doing is -- giving me the pat-down.

Exactly. Got it.

[ Knock on door ]

Oh, that must be your cue.

To do what?

No, I mean your new cue.


Hi, June.

Now, while I still have serious reservations about your participation, I felt compelled to give you the best shot at success.

Gentlemen, may I present Lord Byron.

Neal: June, I love you.

[ Chuckles ]

I mean, Byron must have run the tables with this.

You know, for some reason, every great con man in the world needs to master the game of pool at some point in his life.

I was 9 years old.

There was a pool hall on my way home from school.

A pool hall in St. Louis, Missouri.

Must have been full of hustlers.

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah. I was one of them.

Neal. Mm.

Thank you.

Hi, Peter. Hi, Sara.

What's going on, aside from that mustard stain about to happen?

Oh. Thank you. Can I get you anything?

[ Laughing ] No. Here you go.

No, that's all right.

The board is putting together a list of character witnesses for Neal's commutation hearing.

I'm sorry -- his what?

He didn't mention that to you?


Commutation hearing?

So Neal might be set free?

It's possible. And why would they do that?

After Keller's arrest, the board of corrections recommended an early release for Neal.

Well, good for him.


Only Caffrey, huh?

Well, could be. It's far from settled.

How do you think it's gonna go?

The board knows that you testified against Neal at his trial.

Yes -- I was very upset about that Raphael back then.

Oh, but somehow, you were able to get past that far enough to start dating him.

So if I testify, my relationship with Neal is likely to come up as public record?

It might get a little uncomfortable.

No, no, no. It's not the relationship, Peter.

It's why we broke up that poses the problem.

I'm gonna assume pleading the fifth is not ideal at these hearings.

No. No, it's not.

[ Chuckles ]

Honestly, I don't know where Neal and I stand right now.

You might want to think about it.

Here comes your 2:00.


Neal Caffrey.

[ British accent ] Welcome.

So, uh, you're a pool player.

Yeah, I like to play.

Of course, I don't know if I'm in your league.

Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?

Let me just finish up.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You're up.

So, Neal, tell me about yourself.

When did you get out?

18 months and 17 days ago, not that I've been counting.

I've never been to the big house, myself.

It does not look like fun.

It certainly forced me to be more cautious.

I can tell.

You haven't given me very many choices.

C'est la vie.

So, what do you think, Neal?

Let the boss win so you can get the job?

Absolutely not.

Correct. I prefer honesty over ass-kissing.

Thought you might appreciate the challenge.

Of course, I don't mind the occasional puckering up.

[ Chuckles ]

Excellent effort.

Except you've left yourself with no shot.

Eight ball, corner pocket. What if I can make that shot?

I don't think you can.

If I make that shot right now, will you hire me on the spot?

Listen, Neal, you play aggressively, but with grace.

You think ahead, and if half of what I've heard about the u-boat treasure is true, then I definitely want you on my team.

But you're over-reaching, and that is a very bad sign.

I can make the shot.

You make it, you're in. You miss, you walk out the door.

All right.

[ Exhales deeply ]

[ Light applause ]

Welcome aboard.

Same place tomorrow morning, we'll go over the plan.

I'll be there.

[ Knock on door ]

It's open.

Hi, Neal.



This is a surprise.

Yeah, today is that kind of day.

Oh, you need my help on another case?


Peter told me about your commutation hearing.

Oh, yeah. That.

Yeah, that. Congratulations.

Thank you. How long have you known about it?

A while.


You didn't say anything about it when we...reconnected.


Look, I didn't bring it up because I didn't want to ask you to appear at the hearing.

You didn't trust what I would say?

No. We worked together, and it went really well.

Yeah, I thought so.

I didn't want you to think it was because I needed you to say nice things about me.


Well, I appreciate that.

[ Sighs ]

Don't do it again.


Neal, what are we doing right now?


Yes, we're talking. We're being open with each other.

That is what we need to do.

I don't need you to protect me by hiding things from me, all right?

'Cause that's where we got tripped up last time.

That, and a multi-billion-dollar u-boat treasure, you know, expl*si*n.

[ Laughs ]

All right. Tonight, you and I are gonna talk.

Not about your hearing, but we are gonna talk.

What do we talk about?


Quid pro quo.

I am an open book.



I think I know where to start.

Of course you do.

[ Clears throat ]

How many other former fiancés do you have?

[ Chuckles ] Okay.

And do they all practice tai chi?

Stop it. It was just the one. Really?

It was the one. Are you sure?

Is your real name Neal?

That is a very long story.

It sounds like a really good story.

It's really boring, and I'd prefer it, frankly, if you started with something a little more innocuous.

Gonna have to work into it?

[ Siren wails ]

[ Knock on door ]

Hi! Good morning.

Peter will be down in just a second. Come on in.

You, uh, want some breakfast?

I would love some. Good.

Thank you.

[ Chuckles ]

This place looks great, by the way.


[ Chuckles ]

You're, uh, awfully chipper this morning.

So are you.

Peter: El, you are a tigress! A tigress!


Oh, I know when you --

Hey, Neal. You grab some breakfast?

Hey. I'm not hungry anymore.

You're early.

I'm excited to get started on this case.

Excited to work with Taylor?

Excited to bring Taylor to justice.


Have you ever heard of Robert Withrow, Jr.?

Wealthy, entitled son of Robert Withrow, Sr., and owner of the Withrow Hotel?

The one and only.

Diana followed Taylor's money trail back to him.

That would explain why he's staying at the Withrow Hotel.

Well, his passion for baseball raised some eyebrows.

He collects priceless baseball memorabilia.

The Yankees say he's tried to buy some of their most significant pieces over the years.

But they're not willing to sell. Enter Taylor.


[ Cellphone ringing ]

That's Geoffrey, from the Yankees.

Why don't you finish your breakfast, then we'll wire you.

Geoffrey, good news.

I never realized how much Peter loves baseball.

Well, you know, the twins drafted him.

Wait, he played pro?

He had an amazing slider.

Played in the minors right after college.


And two weeks into spring training, I blew out my rotator cuff.

Honey, I'm sorry. I thought Neal knew. It's okay.

I'm gonna finish getting ready. You guys, have a good day.

All right. Love you.

Love you. See you.

So, that's it, huh?

You only got to play for two weeks?


I went under the knife, and they were able to repair it.

Three months later, I was back in the rotation with the triple-A club.

So you still had the slider?

Yeah, but that was the problem.

I could throw it, but the doctors said if I continued, I'd destroy my arm for good.

That was in my head every time I pitched.

So I left.

I had a choice -- I could continue down that path or find a new passion.

It's a tough call to make.

You never look back and wish you played in the majors?

Oh, of course I do.

There's no bigger dream than playing in the show.

[ Chuckles ]

Standing on that mound, right in the middle of the stadium, listening to the crowd chant your name.

[ Sighs ]


In hindsight, if I'd kept playing, I would have destroyed my arm.

Then I never would have been able to pass the FBI physical.

And I never would have caught you.

Come on. Time for our show.

Caffrey's anklet's off, he's wired, and inside the billiard room.

Jones, when you played ball, did you ever imagine having walk-out music?


You know, walk-out music, to get the crowd going when you walk out to the mound.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I know what it is.

I never set my sights that high. I take it you did.

"I go to work," except it'd be "I go to Burke."

[ Chuckles ]

Kool Moe Dee?


Yeah. Yeah. I was a closer.

"I go to Burke." That's definitely old-school.

It works. Yeah, it works. Uh, they're in.

Smitty: As I of yours.

That thing at the Del Monico a few months back...

Was that just Neal, or was it the both of you?

He's not one to brag.

Oh. I respect that.

It was me, not him.

Looks like our cover story's working.

They think Caffrey was involved with the Del Monico diamond heist.

You know, Kramer actually asked me about it.

He ask you anything about Neal's old prison letters?

Diana said he's sending a team in to scour them for codes.

No, just about Neal's old crimes.

By the end of the conversation, he had me thinking twice over whether we'd be doing the bureau and Caffrey any favors by letting him out early.

Mozzie, they were out of the Gosset Brut, so I had them open a Grand Cuvee '96.

Oh. '96 Grand Cuvee.

My usual.

Neal, I know how much you love the Caspian Osetra Caviar so they're bringing up an ounce.

Neal: Much appreciated.

You think this is what his life will be like?

Who? Neal?

When his anklet's off.

There is that chance we'll be hearing this same conversation.

Yeah, only then it'll be a lot harder to monitor him.




Let's talk outside.

Robert: No, that's nonsense.

I wanted to see what my money's bought me.

Gentlemen. What's going on?

This is a friend of mine. I'm your boss. Who are you?

[ Beeping ]

What's going on over there?

[ Humming ]

This is a jammer.

Without it, we only talk about the weather.

Every frequency's k*lled.

We almost had Withrow and Taylor on tape.

Instead we're out here with nothing.

Okay. Here's the deal.

The only thing I know about you guys is that you're a bunch of professional thieves, so I'm sure you won't take it personally when I say that I don't trust any one of you.

But you hired me.

It's my job to deliver on our agreement. Yeah.

And I know that you will, because Paul here's gonna make sure by going with you.

This isn't working for me.

g*ns get you caught, hurt, 10 to life.

No g*ns. No outsiders.

It's non-negotiable.

Then this is where we part company. No hard feelings.

Gentlemen, thank you very much indeed.

I'll be in touch shortly to pay you for your time.

I hope we can work together again soon.

Hold on. Hold on. You can't just walk out of here.

They know who I am.

That's because you waltzed in here and introduced yourself to everybody.

Nobody's leaving.

[ g*n cocks ]

Robert, please.


If the feds can't hear us, this may turn into the last 10 minutes of a Tarantino film.

If they could hear us, they'd be here already.

Yeah, and we die in a slow-motion hail of b*ll*ts while Nancy Sinatra plays ironically in the background.

All right, don't zip up your boots yet, Nancy.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

It's all right, Neal. I've got it under control.

Understood, but I just had a thought.

It seems to me if Mr. Withrow trusts Paul, then we should trust him, too.

Use him as our breaker, so long as he doesn't change the plan.

And Taylor has a good reason for the no-g*ns rule.

Stadium security does not mess around.

We'd need weeks of additional preparation, and even then, it's not worth the risk.

Paul joins us, but we leave the weapons here.

That's just my two cents.

Are you willing to put Paul on your crew?

I've got men on every exit. What now?

Keep monitoring from here in case they come back online.

I'm gonna check in with Yankees security to get an op order for today's game.

I have a feeling this is going down soon.

We'll let you know the moment they move.


Yankee Stadium. The museum.

What's our target?

George Herman Ruth's first official home run ball, hit against the Yankees on May 6, 1915, at the Polo Grounds.

It's priceless, not for sale.

Mozzie, you're first up. How'd the hunt go?

Oh, good. This ball is from 1921.


Your job will be to detail this to perfection.

Neal, how's the Babe Ruth signature?

He couldn't tell us apart.

That's what I like to hear.

When Mozzie's finished, you sign the ball.

Then at the stadium, you make the switch.

They're gonna catch on it's a forgery.

Yeah, Neal's right -- I can make this passable, but an expert will nix this on closer observation.


We want them to know that it's stolen, just after we're gone.

Duran, you're gonna play lookout while Smitty sets up the video feed.

Paul -- trustworthy Paul -- you now have the most important job.

You'll pretend to admire the Babe Ruth ball... smash the glass...

...and run away, leaving the ball there.

Security will pursue.

That would be me.

And Neal will switch out the real ball for the fake ball.

And meet me in the upper-deck hallway in a camera-blind spot to make the pass.

And then you'll give me the ball at parking K-5.



Nice watch.

Thank you.

Take it off.

You're a security guard. They don't wear $5,000 watches.

In fact, all of you, cellphones, watches, communication devices in the bucket.

From now on, no outside contact.

Thanks for the update, Diana.

Kramer's people are here.

I wasn't invited in.

You let me know if you hear anything.

Peter, I've got the op order.

They've approved two additional teams.

All right. Great.

If we don't hear from Caffrey in two hours, we move in.

Yes, sir.

Sara. Peter.

Is this a bad time?

What's up?

I've made a decision.

The burnt amber is calibrated ever so slightly warm.

Oh, here. Practice.

I need to get a message to Peter.

He's inspiring, Neal.

He's skilled, strategic, magnanimous...

Commutation, Moz.

I thought a lot about what you said, and I want to testify on his behalf.

Okay. The cost of freedom.

What do you want the note to say?

I'll hide it under the stitching.

We talked. A lot.


While he is never going to be a model citizen, he's also not the brazen thief that he was six years ago when I went after him for that Raphael.


[ Cellphone rings ]

Excuse me. Yeah.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Yeah, Jones. What's up?

Tail them and stay low. I'm on my way.

What's going on?

Neal's about to rob Yankee Stadium.

Gather 'round, gentlemen. It's game time.

I want to see this ball that I'm paying for.

I don't want any of you walking out with the real one when I'm stuck with the fake.

Let's see.


Uh...of course.

[ Sighs ]

Unh-unh-unh. Fingerprints. Come right over there.

If they find Peter's note, then cue up Nancy Sinatra.

It's good.

Wait, what's this?

The two red stitches in a row.

Uh, t-that's for your benefit.

It'll fool most of the experts, and of course it's not on the real ball.

So you'll be able to tell the difference.

Nice work, Mozzie.

I knew you were the man for the job.

All right, gentlemen. Let's go.

Hi, Peter. Game on.

Diana, I'm at the stadium. What's our status?

We got this place covered.

Any sign of Taylor and his crew?

They're here, used the V.I.P. entrance.

Taylor and Mozzie are holed up in the Delta Suite.

Is Withrow with them?

Negative. We believe he's still at the hotel.

What about Neal and the others?

They spread out in the crowd.

Geoffrey's got extra men at every hot point we identified, so as soon as they surface, we got 'em.

All right. I'll meet you in five.

[ Beep ]

[ Beep ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Beep ]

Man: Here's the pitch. Right on schedule.

They may be on to us.

Looks like there's additional security.

Guess we'll have to give them someone to catch.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Paul: Batter up.

Hey! Stop right there! Get him!

I confess. I confess.

We've got a vandal in the museum.

Secure the room.

No, no. I got it. You guys can take him in.

All right, everybody. Clear out of here, please.

Okay? Can you back up?

Thank you.

Looks like he broke clean through the glass.

Get everybody out of here.

Runners on the corners.

Like clockwork.

I-I have to tell you, Mr. Taylor, this is a first-class operation from top to bottom.

Well, you and Neal are a pleasure to work with.

You're not having nearly enough fun, Mozzie.

Oh, I cloak anxiety with indifference and reserved chatter.

You know, I might have some work coming up later in the summer.

How do you feel about Paris?

J'adore Paris, mon frere.



You're up.

I don't know anything about any heist!

Last chance. You sure?

I accidentally bumped into the case.

Get him out of here.

[ Scoffs ]

Well, he's got to be the decoy.

This just doesn't add up.

I mean, why didn't he take the ball?

Because he left it for someone else to take.

I want to see the ball that's in that case now.

All right.

I'm on deck.

Okay. Good luck.

Thanks. See you around.

Westley: Agent Berrigan, someone's approaching the suite.

Diana: Description?

5'10", brown hair, slender build, wearing a jacket and cap.

Moving in now.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

False alarm.

They just don't have the bats to put runs on the board.

Come on, Peter.

What do you make of that?

The pattern on the stitching's off.

Yep. It's supposed to consistently alternate red, blue, red, blue.

This patch here, it's red and red.

Is that a common mistake?

No. But I'll have to check this ball's documentation.

You know, it's nearly 100 years old.

That'll take too long.

What are you doing?

[ Sighs ]

Bear with me.


Ohh, I can't believe you did that.

Thank you, Neal.

We don't have much time. Come on.

Caffrey took a real chance writing a message in that ball.

Oh, Neal may be the expert in spotting forged paintings and bearer bonds --

And gems.

Antiquities, counterfeit money.

Pretty much any kind of document.

Anyway, baseball's my thing.

There's Withrow.

There it is. Go. Go.

FBI! Hands in the air!

[ g*ns cock ]

Moz: I was just scalping tickets.

Taylor, turn around slowly.

I'll take that. Hey, now.

Careful with that thing, man. It's priceless.

Yeah, it's gonna cost you four to six years.

I have a well-maintained reputation as a crook.

Make my arrest look real.

Say "Ow."


Where's Taylor?

He called an audible and sent us instead.

Did Neal tip him off?

Now, that's an ungrateful thank-you from the cynical eyes of the law.

Have you ever considered there are some criminals who are too smart to get caught?



Neal: What are you doing, Moz?

Taylor: Pantomiming his wholly unexpected capture, I'm sure.

[ Engine turns over ]

It's not just the New York summer heat.

The air thickens when things don't feel right.

Mozzie said something, didn't he?

Everyone gets paid.

I hope this little operation of yours has built up enough good will that you'll be joining Mozzie in Paris in a few months.

You still think I'm a thief?

Fish don't do well out of water.

Agent Berrigan, I think you should take a look at this.

Neal coded his letters.

And we cracked it.

Don't know what they mean yet, but we will.

They cracked Neal's letter code to Kate.

This isn't good.

[ Knock on door ]



Thought we were meeting at the office.

Can I come in?

Sure. Come on in.

[ Sighs ]

You okay?

You seem a little tense.

Yeah, just got some things on my mind...

One of which is Taylor.

How do you think he got away?

He runs a pretty good game.

He does. You want to know what I think?


He's not the most brilliant criminal, and his thefts aren't high-tech.

But he knows people.

I think he charmed Mozzie, the same way he does everybody else, and in the end, Mozzie liked him too much to see him get caught.

That's one theory.

But you got Withrow.

And you saved the baseball.

Which reminds me, I got something for you.

You sure you're okay?

[ Sighs ]


I'm okay.

Get ready.


[ Laughs ] That's my rookie card.

Sure is.

You know, I got to say, knowing you played pro ball, I don't know, made me see you in a whole new light.



There's a lot more to Peter Burke than I know.


How did you get this?

I have my ways. Hmm.

I got something else for you, too, for saving a piece of baseball history.

Come on. You're gonna love it.

Can I keep this?


Not that expensive.

How did you arrange this?

I have my ways.

You ready?


Let's go to Burke.

I'm standing on the pitcher's mound... in Yankee Stadium.

I know.

[ Sighs ]

Thank you.

Why didn't you tell me you played pro?

Ahh, there are things in the past that live in the past.

Not my life anymore.


Some of the things we've done are pretty hard to forget.

Honestly, Peter...

Hmm? I have a shot at commutation?

[ Sighs ]


You know, the one thing that I took away from my injury is that, on days like this, don't worry about the future or the past.

Enjoy the moment?

♪ Work, work, work Yeah.
♪ Work, work Yeah.
♪ Work, work
♪ Work ♪

I go to work Whoo!

Got some sauce on it!

♪ Work ♪

I go to Peter Burke

All right, are you ready?

I'm ready.