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04x04 - MLK: Watch the Throne

Posted: 02/13/24 14:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Genius...

about Daddy took on the Klan?

CORETTA: And where the hell
did that get him?

His people appeared only
in sheets and hoods.

MALCOLM X: I've joined
the Nation of Islam,

so has Ella Mae.

I would like to make you

the national representative
to the Nation.

MALCOLM X: Absolutely.

Betty, will you marry me?

We heard you was looking for us.

MAN: Well, here we are.

DR. KING: We achieved what
everyone thought impossible,

but what I think will be best
if you go to Atlanta.

Now it's time to
take on the world.

[crowd cheers and applauds]

[crowd cheers and applauds]

DR. KING: Yeah.
You can see that, right?




How you doing?

Thank you all for coming.

There you are.

Thank you for coming.

♪ You know I'm cool
'bout myself ♪

♪ Years have passed
and I think for the best ♪

♪ Time goes by and
the truths collapse ♪

♪ Even though it's my guy
but I got your back ♪

♪ You think you're just... ♪

DR. KING: Well.

♪ All the things
you got are gone ♪

♪ Your heart is still
in the eye of a storm ♪

You doing okay, Doc?

I can shut this down
if you want.

DR. KING: I'm, I'm okay.

A few more won't hurt.

Come on over.

Are you Martin Luther King?

DR. KING: That's what
they call me.

WOMAN: Have you been conspiring
with the Communist party?

DR. KING: I'm sorry?


WOMAN: You ruined my life!

[crowd screaming]

Martin Luther King and
the NAACP are no good!

OFFICER: We should take it out.

Don't touch it!

If we take it out,
we'll k*ll him.

DR. KING: Everything's
gonna be all right.

[heart beating]

Martin, stay with me, brother.

[distant shouting]

[camera flash pops]

[camera flash pops]


[child giggling]

DR. KING: Is that Martin I hear?

MARTIN: Ha ha!

DR. KING: Yes, it is.

Good morning, man.

MARTIN: Good morning.

DR. KING: Good morning.

Ready to brush your teeth?

MARTIN: Mm-hmm.


DR. KING: Alright.



CORETTA: Oh, see now,
that's how bad habits start.

Mm-mm. Let me get my son,
come on.

Oh, here we go.

Go play over here
with your toys.


CORETTA: First day back
at work. You nervous?

DR. KING: You know, as much time
as Ralph, Stanley and Rustin

spent here in
the last few months,

it feels like
I already been back.


CORETTA: Well, the kids
are gonna miss you.

It's been nice having you home
these past months.

DR. KING: Yeah? Maybe I should
get stabbed more often.

Sorry, bad joke.

CORETTA: Getting that phone call

was the worst day of my life,

If that deranged woman's blade

had been a millimeter
to the left,

or if you had even sneezed...

DR. KING: But it wasn't.
And I didn't.

And I'm okay.

CORETTA: You promise?

DR. KING: Yes.

But if you need me to do
a little something-something

to prove it to you, I can.


CORETTA: Boy, stop,
that's how we just got

that mini you over there.

DR. KING: Yeah, well, the next
one will be a mini you, then.

And if not that one,
then the one after that,

or the one after that.


CORETTA: And when I'm raising
this little castle of Kings...

DR. KING: Yes.
CORETTA: Where will you be?

DR. KING: Well, I'm gonna be
at the French Riviera

with Dorothy Dandridge,

but we'll be sure to send you
a postcard or two.



Well, Ralph mentioned
you're still low on SCLC staff.

And I'd love to fill in
wherever needed.

I can take a break
from unpacking

and the kids can go
to your parents'.

DR. KING: Yeah. Well, I don't
want you to be worried

about getting caught up.

Besides, I'll be home by
the time you have dinner ready,

and I'll help you unpack.

CORETTA: Sure thing.

Oh, by the way, Sepia Magazine
reached out again to reschedule

their cover sh**t they wanted us
to do a few months back.

If you're still up for it, I
could call them with new times.

DR. KING: Sure. Let me just
check my work schedule,

and I'll let you know.

CORETTA: Alright.
DR. KING: Alright.

JOURNALIST: Minister, did you
meet with foreign dignitaries

during your travels?

What diplomatic efforts

is the Black Muslim movement
creating abroad?

MALCOLM X: I express gratitude
to the people of Africa

and the Middle East

for providing extraordinary
hospitality during my travels.

My time was transformative
to say the least.

what are your thoughts

on the stabbing of Dr. King,
the leader of Black America?

I wish no harm on anyone.

I hope the best for the Doctor,

but it's only an indication
of where our country is going

and how it will affect
our so-called leaders.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I see my wife.

JOURNALIST: Minister, are you
gonna reach out to Dr. King?

OFFICER: Get back.
Get back, please.

MAN: Alright, folks, that's it.

I've missed you so much.

MALCOLM X: I missed you more.

You look beautiful.

How are you and our little one
holding up?

BETTY: Besides my feet
swelling up, we're fine.

Grant's been nice enough

to take us to and from
our doctor's appointments.

So your boats are swelling.


MALCOLM X: I can fix that.

BETTY: Really? How?

MALCOLM X: You know
I have hands of magic.


BETTY: Okay, Houdini.

But first you need to eat,

and when we get home, I want to
hear everything about your trip.

MALCOLM X: You'll hear
everything, but right now,

someone is waiting for me
at the temple.

Grant's going to drop you home

and then take me
straight to the office.

It shouldn't take me too long.

BETTY: You just got off
a 12-hour flight

and you've already
scheduled something?

What about our time?

MALCOLM X: Our time is
plentiful, okay?

But this needs to be addressed.

Once done, I'll be home
and it'll just be about us.

Now do you want to feel
these hands of magic?

in partnership

with AFL-CIO Vice President
A. Philip Randolph,

are announcing a massive
nonviolent picketing

of the upcoming Democratic and
Republican National Conventions.

The recently passed
Civil Rights Act of 1960

does not meet
our repeated demands

of abolishing
second-class citizenship

for Black people
in this country.

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
and then you wrap up with,

stronger legislative measures
are needed,

and these protests
will bring our demands

to the doorsteps
of both parties.

And now you applaud.

Thank you.

MAN: Bravo. Bravo.

DR. KING: Alright, let's change

"does not meet
our repeated demands"

to "does not meet our needs."

We don't want our allies
feeling like

we've got a g*n to their heads.

Stanley, what do you think?

STANLEY: You'll ruffle feathers,

but it's nothing we shouldn't
be able to handle.

DR. KING: Ms. Baker,
what do you think?

ELLA BAKER: Oh. Well, I really
liked the blah, blah, blah part.

Changing laws and bills
is necessary,

but in my extensive experience,

the only way real change is made
is at the grassroots level,

not standing at
a podium or pulpit.

Four Black students from
Greensboro, North Carolina,

staged a nonviolent sit-in
at a Woolworth's

and successfully desegregated
their lunch counter.

This is the kind of actual
direct, nonviolent action

we need to support!

RUSTIN: It's only
a matter of time

before this reaches
Atlanta, huh?

BAKER: It already has.

Students from Black colleges
in town have reached out to me.

They're calling a meeting
to establish contacts

between the universities,

and they want to know,
Martin, will you be there?

DR. KING: Are we sure
associating them

with the movement
at this unpredictable stage

is a good idea?

It's important that the SCLC
be seen as credible,

especially in the eyes
of Washington,

if we hope to champion
legislation through.

BAKER: Important for
the SCLC...or you?

DR. KING: Set the meeting
with the students.

In the meantime, Bayard, go
ahead and release the statement

and start coordinating
the convention protests.

[clears throat]

That's all, everyone.

[door slams]

So, what am I looking at?

MALCOLM X: American propaganda
would have us believe

that our brothers and sisters
in Africa are barbaric savages

living in huts in the jungle.

But on my travels,
I didn't see any jungle,

and I didn't see
any mud huts either.

We are beautiful,
intelligent and powerful.

But the devil doesn't
want you to see that,

because once you do,
the lie cannot hold.

LOMAX: So what's your point,

The truth of who we are.

One of the truths my father
told me as a young man

that always stuck with me

is that if they won't
give us some land here,

then we can go back home.

LOMAX: That's quite incendiary,

MALCOLM X: To you, maybe.

And I believe it won't be
to our brothers and sisters

in this nation if they simply
are exposed to it.

LOMAX: Well, I've been following
the Muslim movement

for a few months,
and if nothing more,

it could be worth
writing up a story.

MALCOLM X: And I've been
following you for some time,

Brother Lomax.

You're a fine journalist,
so, while appreciated,

I have ideas of something
bigger than a writeup.

I've been making small movies
of my travels

and screening them at
the temples where I lecture.

I see how the images move folks.

A film on television that
could help many lost souls.

So far, there's only been
one narrative

the so-called n*gro
in this country has heard,

laid out by Uncle Tom
leaders in the South.

I want to offer another one.

The true one.

LOMAX: And what's that?

MALCOLM X: True freedom.

Freedom rooted in pride
and dignity within self.

It rests in each
one of our souls.

You know, if there's
any credit to give

those Southern preachers,
it's the way they use the press.

And besides, if I'm being frank,

getting this piece will be the
biggest thing for you to date.

LOMAX: Alright. Alright.

Don't ever let anyone tell you
you aren't a great salesman.

I've been doing some work with
this news anchor, Mike Wallace.

He's been looking
for a good story.

But he isn't gonna be interested
unless I have full access

to your temples and organization

and your leader,
Elijah Muhammad.

Without him, this doesn't work.

MALCOLM X: I'll make it happen.


[knock at door]

You okay, Dr. King?

DR. KING: I'm fine. Thank you.

Is that pecan pie I smell?

DOROTHY: Indeed it is,
though, none of it is for you.


DOROTHY: Miss Juanita
came round yesterday

and said you are on a no-sweets
diet until further notice.

ABERNATHY: Well, she ain't
the boss of me.

And I'd be careful, Martin,
you ain't no Greek god yourself.

DOROTHY: I think you look
just fine, Dr. King.


DR. KING: Oh, thank you,

Have a good evening.

ABERNATHY: What is it?

DR. KING: "Democratic
Congressman Adam Clayton Powell

denounces the upcoming
convention protests

by fellow n*gro Reverend King

and claims King is being
manipulated behind the scenes

by Bayard Rustin."

Tell me why the hell
is Powell doing this?

He's supposed to be
one of our biggest allies.

Why is he saying all this?

ABERNATHY: You know Powell,
he's always playing an angle.

Whatever he's up to,
clearly taking you down

will make him look good
to someone.

DR. KING: Yes. Well, I don't
have time to engage in all this.

I'm gonna write him a telegram
demanding a retraction.


You doing okay?

You seemed a bit off all day.


DR. KING: I'm fine.

Everybody just needs
to stop checking on me.

Think I'm gonna head on home.

I'll see you in the morning.

[distant dog barking]

WOMAN: [echoing]
Are you Martin Luther King?

[dog barking]

Are you Martin Luther King?

Have you been conspiring
with the Communist party?

You ruined my life!

[breathing heavily]

DR. KING: Oh, God.

CORETTA: Martin?

Wait! We need to lock in a date

for the Sepia Magazine


Martin, if you're not up for it,
I can push it off.

It's not that big a deal.

DR. KING: We can wait.
Just, just give me a minute.



Brought you your favorite.


Look good, don't it?

MALCOLM X: Thank you.
BETTY: Mm-hmm.

MALCOLM X: What do you think?

BETTY: It's good.

This part is
especially convincing:

"The broadcast will
illuminate millions

of lost so-called Negroes
to your message.

The dead will rise
across America."

Who is it for?

MALCOLM X: The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad.


BETTY: Nothing.

It's just a big ask.

I hope he receives it
with warm ears.

You know, Malcolm,
this child is due any day.

We really need to consider
a new home.

MALCOLM X: The house is fine.

It just needs
a fresh coat of paint.

BETTY: The floorboards
are coming up,

and the plumbing seldom works.

It needs more than a paint job.

And I would like you home to
make sure it happens correctly.

MALCOLM X: That home was gifted
to us through donations

from our followers.

We can hire someone
to fix the issues,

but there is no necessity
to relocate.



MALCOLM X: You okay?

BETTY: The baby,
it's, it kicked.


Active, right?


Just like they mama.

Listen, baby, I understand
this is all moving so fast.

I do.

But it's moving in the direction
we both wanted, right?


MALCOLM X: Alright, then.

So, let's keep walking
our journey together

and keep adding to it, okay?

I'm inviting the Messenger
to dinner

on his next visit to Harlem.

Can you work with some MGTs

to ensure the meal
is to his liking?

BETTY: Yes. No problem.

MALCOLM X: You are
right on time.

Are you ready?


♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ Don't let me go ♪

♪ Who cares what they see? ♪

♪ Who cares what
they know? ♪

♪ Your first name is Free ♪

♪ Last name is Dom ♪

♪ We choose to believe ♪

♪ In where we're from ♪

♪ Man's red flower ♪

♪ It's in every living thing ♪

♪ Mind, use your power ♪

♪ Spirit, use your wings ♪

♪ Freedom! ♪

♪ Freedom! ♪

♪ Freedom! ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

♪ When a baby first breathes ♪

♪ When night sees sunrise ♪

♪ When the whale
hunts the sea ♪

♪ When man recognizes ♪

♪ Freedom! ♪

MALCOLM X: It's all thanks to
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

♪ Freedom! ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

LOMAX: Thank you, Minister.
♪ Freedom ♪

MALCOLM X: Absolutely.

CLYDE X: What's all this?

MALCOLM X: This is
Mr. Louis Lomax.

He's a journalist doing a piece
on the Nation for television.

CLYDE X: Television?

Minister, has the Honorable
Elijah Muhammad approved this?

MALCOLM X: I'm in the process
of securing his approval

any moment now.

LOMAX: Minister, you haven't
received approval yet?

MALCOLM X: Like I said,
in the process.

LOMAX: I actually, I think
we've gotten enough for today.

I'll be in touch with you later.

MALCOLM X: Thank you.

CLYDE X: Listen.

I understand your passion,

But I've been in this
longer than you.

I remember the old heads telling
me about Detroit in the '30s,

when our teachings went out
to the larger world.

It almost destroyed us.

We came back stronger,

and this time, the Nation
is controlling the story.

CLYDE X: You have faith that the
TV devils will do right by us?

MALCOLM X: Of course not,
but I have faith that our Nation

and its message is
incorruptible, undeniable.

We can't allow fear
to prevent us

from reaching those who need it.

CLYDE X: Those who seek faith
shall find it.

MALCOLM X: How are they
going to find it

if they don't know
where to look?

How are they going to know it
if we don't tell them?

I believe once the Messenger
sees what this can be,

he will agree to it.

CLYDE X: Well, you're gonna
get your chance

sooner than you think.

He just arrived in Harlem today,

and he'll be joining you
at your home this evening.

BETTY: [sighs] Your daddy
needs to come fix this house,

or I will lose it.

What do you say, hmm?

No response.

Just like your father.

[knock on door]

Ella Mae.

ELLA MAE: The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad is here

earlier than expected.

We need to prepare the dinner
for tonight.

BETTY: Uh, tonight?

But the house is a wreck.

I can't host under
these conditions.

Thank you for helping me.

ELLA MAE: I'm not here to help
you; I'm here to help Malcolm.


JULIAN BOND: Our fight is not
against the White man,

but against the corrupt system
he built.

STUDENT: Yeah, that's right.

BOND: A system our fathers
and our fathers' fathers

were unable to destroy.


BOND: Well, I say let's take
a battering ram to that system

one segregated lunch counter
at a time!





Mr. Julian Bond,
seeing leaders like you

gives us hope for the future.

BOND: We appreciate that,

Ms. Baker's taught us
that strong people

don't need strong leaders.

She also helped us come up
with a name for ourselves:

the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee.

DR. KING: The SNCC. "Snicc."
It has a nice ring to it.

But I want you to know that
you have the full support

of the SCLC with you
in your struggle.

BOND: Thank you, Dr. King.

We actually wanted to ask

if you would join us in
our first scheduled sit-in

at Rich's Department Store?

DR. KING: Well, I don't know.

You managed to do so well
without us,

I would hate to be in the way.

BAKER: I'm sure Martin
understands just how important

seeing him in action
would be to you all.

ABERNATHY: It's something
we'll definitely consider.

Uh, meantime, why don't you
show me where you train

your fellow students
on nonviolent practices?

DR. KING: You knew
they were gonna ask that,

and you didn't say anything.

BAKER: Damn right I did.

These kids are risking their
lives on the front lines

while you're entertaining
the bourgeois club

and the good ol' boys.

You've lost sense
of the struggle!

DR. KING: It's a strategy and
a necessary legislative one.

Whether we like it or not,
the road to real equality

in this country runs through DC.

And I haven't lost sight
of anything.

BAKER: Yes. You have.

Because the people
you need to connect with

aren't on Pennsylvania Avenue,
they're in that room.

Right now, you are the voice
of the Civil Rights Movement

to them, but you can't lead
from the sidelines.

Soon, they'll find
another voice to lead them.

[Dr. King chuckles]

DR. KING: Not everyone has
the luxury of being reckless

like you, Ms. Baker.

BAKER: Why are you so afraid of
being confrontational, Martin?

DR. KING: Don't tell me anything
about being confrontational!

I was att*cked!

While we all appreciate
your work

as our interim
executive director,

the board has been asking me

about finding
a more permanent solution.

I think it's time
we do just that.


I think it is.

MUHAMMAD: Oh, Sister Betty,
this meal is delightful.

I trust my early arrival didn't
cause you too much hassle?

BETTY: No, sir.

It's always a pleasure
to have you fellowship with us.

CLYDE X: Don't tell
Sister Grace this,

I know how proud she's of hers,
but your bean soup is perfect.

BETTY: Oh, please.

Sister Grace taught me
everything I know.

MUHAMMAD: It is so beautiful
to bear witness

the beginning of your journey.

By virtue of Allah,
you are blessed,

to bring new life
into this world.

The Black woman is the mother
of civilization.

May Allah bless your fruits.

BETTY: Thank you, sir.

I, um, I must admit,
it's been challenging for me

to navigate this new path.

We are so grateful for our home.

Uh, however, with the conditions
we're under,

bringing a child
into this environment,

it will be difficult
to maintain.

MALCOLM X: I think what Betty
is trying to say

is that we still have
some nesting to do

before the baby arrives.


What I'm saying is
just as it is important

we represent Allah
inside the temple,

it is equally important we
represent Allah inside our home,

which means ensuring
the best temple for worship

and the best home
for growing a family.

Wouldn't you agree,
Your Honorable One?

MALCOLM X: Betty, could you and
Ella Mae please prepare the tea?

ELLA MAE: Why would you think
running off at the mouth

to the Messenger
was the solution?

BETTY: Malcolm is so
thick-headed about this house.

Everything's breaking.

ELLA MAE: You must
understand your role.

Creating conflict for your
husband will serve you no good.

Focus on that baby and keeping
this house presentable

at the very least.

BETTY: How can I possibly
maintain a proper home

when everything's falling apart?

ELLA MAE: You have no idea
what he's up against.

He's under immense pressure
to make this film a success.

It'd serve you better
if you were less needy.

BETTY: So what am I
supposed to do?

Stand here and not stand up
for my family?

What he doesn't understand
is what I'm up against.

And why am I in the wrong
for saying what I believe?

ELLA MAE: Your job is
to support Malcolm,

not to focus on yourself.

Do that first, and everything
else will work itself out.

[tea kettle whistling]

[inhales, exhales]

MUHAMMAD: Brother Malcolm,
from your letter,

it sounded like you wanted
to propose a project to me,

but after talking
to Brother Clyde,

it appears you already started.

MALCOLM X: Sir, I know you're
not pleased with my enthusiasm,

but I would at least
like to show you

the work that we've captured.

Sir, this is your kingdom.

Black men and women
who were lost,

but by the power of your divine
teaching, by the grace of Allah,

they have been saved,
like I have been saved.

And there can be more of it.

This broadcast will bring our
message to a national audience,

and we can dramatically
increase followers

and build more temples.

MUHAMMAD: Minister,
I must admit,

these images are quite powerful.

CLYDE X: Sir, while I think
Minister Malcolm

has a compelling idea,

I fear the Minister is
stretching himself thin.

MALCOLM X: Thank you for
your concern, Brother,

but I can do it.

I am a national spokesman
and used to a packed schedule.

CLYDE X: I beg you, sir,
to please consider

the repercussions of allowing
our doctrine onto the airwaves.

Exposing our protocols
could lead to wicked spirits

entering our temples.

You won't be able to control
how the film is edited.

MUHAMMAD: Do you trust this
brother you had in your office?

MALCOLM X: Sir, as much as one
can trust a person

who is not a believer in Allah.

CLYDE X: A lie don't care
who tells it.

All this gallivanting he's doing
will not benefit the Nation

if the only thing
that comes from it

is we get ambushed
by the police again.

Sir, while Clyde is right

there will be a subtle backlash,

the benefits are far greater
than the risks.

MUHAMMAD: I will permit it.

But I caution not to fall
for any tricknology.

If this reporter betrays us,

there will be
grave consequences.

MALCOLM X: Thank you.

MUHAMMAD: Sister Betty,

thank you
for this wonderful meal.

And I hope this will help
with any issues

you're having nesting.


And when's the baby due?

BETTY: Uh, any day now.

MUHAMMAD: Inshallah.

I was going over the plans

for the convention protest,
and I think they're really good,

but what do you think about
initiating the protests

the night before
to build more of a groundswell?

DR. KING: Yeah, I don't know.

CORETTA: Everything okay?

DR. KING: I already told you
I'm fine.

CORETTA: You don't look fine.

DR. KING: I said I'm fine!

[doorbell rings]

Come on in, welcome.

Welcome to our home.

Come in, come in.

Hi. Hello, hello. Hi.

I'll get the kids.

[flash bulb popping]

While my call to ministry

is through the desire
to serve God and humanity,

unyielding faith guides us
through any quarrels.

CORETTA: Well, my role as
a wife has been an adjustment.

And then I had to adjust
to being a minister's wife,

which is quite the task.


DR. KING: Many confuse passive
resistance with non-resistance.

Fundamentally, it's weak
to lay g*ns in the hands

of desperate men when there's
more power in mobilizing.

We must all strive to be
ambassadors of human dignity.

As I've personally experienced
att*cks on my life,

I can attest to God's
divine intervention.

CORETTA: Martin has transformed
into quite the celebrity.

And while I'm very proud of him,
there isn't a second

that I'm not thinking
of a way to protect him.

[distant dog barking]

RUSTIN: So, what was
so important

that you needed me to come now?

I'm off to Los Angeles tomorrow
for the Democratic Convention.

DR. KING: Well, um...

You need to cancel
the convention protests.




This some kind of joke?


Congressman Powell says if
I don't cancel the protests

and sever ties with you,
he's gonna go to the press

saying that he has evidence
that we are sleeping together.

RUSTIN: Well, we know damn well
he doesn't,

because it's completely untrue.

Besides the fact that I am
totally out of your league.

Do you know why he's doing this?

DR. KING: Power.
Influence within the party.

I don't know,
and it doesn't matter.

RUSTIN: It does matter!

I've been dealing with
this sort of thing

since I was six years old.

I didn't roll over then and
I'm not going to start now.

Powell is a bully.

And when a bully threatens you,
you don't walk away.

You ball up your fists
and you swing

until you can't lift
your arms anymore.

Listen, protesting
those conventions

is the morally correct
thing to do.

What if, what if I resign? Hmm?

Just to get him off our backs.

DR. KING: Maybe that's
not a bad idea.



I'll have my resignation letter
to you in the morning.

You know, after everything
we've been through together,

I never pegged you for a coward.

[phone rings]

MALCOLM X: Betty, I'm so sorry.

BETTY: It's fine.

It all happened so quick.

So the okra recipe worked?


Attallah was a champion.

Didn't give mommy any troubles.

MALCOLM X: Beautiful.

Let us pray.

In the name of Allah, the most
beneficent, the merciful,

all praise due to Allah,
lord of the world.

Cover us as we embark
on this new path as parents.

Shield our baby girl from all.


BETTY: [exhales] Ameen.

the medium-priced cars,

car for car across the board...

MALCOLM X: Excuse me, ma'am.

Would it be possible to get some
additional blankets for my wife?

We're just across the hall
in 804.

NURSE: Of course, sir.
One moment.

MIKE WALLACE: Good evening,
I'm Mike Wallace.

Tonight, the study of the rise
of Black racism,

of a call for Black supremacy

among a small
but growing segment

of the American
n*gro population.

We'll talk about what can be
done about the rising tide

of racism among this segment
of the n*gro population.

So now, The Hate
That Hate Produced.

But of even more interest
to New Yorkers is Malcolm X,

the Muslims' New York minister.

He is a remarkable man, a man
who, by his own admission,

was once a procurer
and dope peddler.

He served time for robbery
in the Michigan

and Massachusetts
state penitentiaries,

but now he's a changed man,
he will not smoke or drink,

he will not even eat
in a restaurant

that houses a tavern.

He told Newsbeat that
his life changed for him

when the Muslim faith
taught him

no longer to be ashamed
of being a Black man.

Reporter Louis Lomax
asked Minister Malcolm X

to further explain the Muslim
teachings of Elijah Muhammad.

LOMAX: Mr. Elijah Muhammad
also says, and I quote,

"So-called American Negroes
are descendants of Allah."


LOMAX: Is this your
standard teaching?


He teaches us that the Black
man, by nature, is divine.

LOMAX: Now, does that mean
that the White man is,

by nature, evil?

MALCOLM X: By nature,
he is other than divine.

LOMAX: Well, does it mean
he is evil? Can he do good?

MALCOLM X: Well, history
is best qualified

to reward all research,

but historically,
we have no example of them

collectively as a people
doing good.

CORETTA: This man is
gonna get people k*lled.

LOMAX: Dr. Martin Luther King
has been a visible...

[phone ringing]
...Baptist leader
in this country

since the Montgomery
bus boycott.

MALCOLM X: A boycott built
on the back of a Black woman,

Sister Rosa Parks.

LOMAX: And you do not agree
with his stance on nonviolence?


It is criminal to teach a man
not to defend himself.

LOMAX: Is Martin Luther King
the Uncle Tom you refer to?

MALCOLM X: Yes, Martin Luther
King is an Uncle Tom.

DR. KING: Huh.

[journalists shouting]

[journalists shouting]

MALCOLM X: I've got
hundreds of people

stopping me on the streets,

asking if we're preaching
hatred towards White people.

Why would you allow them
to run with that title?

LOMAX: When we agreed to this,
I cautioned you that Wallace

would have final control
of the broadcast.

MALCOLM X: You allowed
a White man to twist our words.

Even the Uncle Tom preachers
down in Georgia

are calling us
Black supremacists.

LOMAX: Wallace is the producer.

You should have fought

to not derail our message!

LOMAX: Malcolm, you and
Mr. Muhammad's words were clear.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

[clears throat]

ABERNATHY: What are you doing?

Just the other day, you were
completely against joining this.

DR. KING: I changed my mind.

Changed your mind? Why?

DR. KING: It doesn't matter why.

All that matters is
it's my choice.

I don't have to run
everything I do by you.

As a matter of fact, you do.

It wouldn't just be you
crossing that line.

You'd be dragging
the entire SCLC

and all the political goodwill
we've built up

across that line with you.

This gets out of hand,
there's no going back.

DR. KING: Well, if you
believe all that,

then why are you even here?

ABERNATHY: Because I don't
have to agree with my friend

to stand at his side.

♪ I ♪

♪ Oh, flame ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Mmmmmm ♪

♪ This world ♪

♪ Going up in flames ♪

♪ And nobody wanna
take the blame ♪

♪ Don't tell me
how to live my life ♪

♪ When you never
felt the pain ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

BOND: We'd like to order lunch.


♪ Ooh ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ They don't hear me cry ♪

♪ Ooh ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ They don't hear me try ♪

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ They don't hear me cry ♪

WOMAN: You don't belong!

You ain't allowed here, boy.

Get up!

Get up, boy! Get up!

MAN: These seats ain't for you!

Nobody wants you here!

♪ They don't hear me cry ♪

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ They don't hear me try ♪

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Don't stomp on that light ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

MAN: Eat it! Eat it!

♪ Oh ♪

MAN: Get up!
MAN: Get up!

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

POLICEMAN: Come on, let's go,
we got this. We got this.

POLICEMAN: Let's go. Time to go.

Let's go. Let's go.

POLICEMAN: Time to go. Come on.

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Gotta make it, baby ♪

POLICEMAN: Let's go.
Come on. Let's go!

Come on. Come on.


y'all have really outdone
yourselves this time.

Dr. King's girl Friday.

CORETTA: Mm-hmm.

JUANITA: Oh, girl,
I'm surprised you got the kids

to sit still for so long.

You and Martin just
look so...perfect.


What's wrong?

[phone rings]




Where are they taking them?

DR. KING: [softly]
Lord, I need Your guidance.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of losing
my allies...

...the movement... life...

...of earning more enemies.

God, please see me through.

CLYDE X: Your car is ready,
Your Honorable One.

Brought you some
reading material for the road.

It appears Brother Malcolm
achieved his goal.

I'll be in the car.

♪ Something bad is 'bout
to happen to me ♪

♪ I don't know it,
but I feel it coming ♪

♪ Might be so sad,
might leave my nose running ♪

♪ I just hope she don't
wanna leave me ♪

♪ Don't you give me up,
please don't give up ♪

♪ Honey, I belong with you,
and only you, baby ♪

♪ Only you, my girl,
only you, babe ♪

♪ Only you,
darling, only you, babe ♪

♪ Only you, my girl,
only you, babe ♪

♪ Only you, darling, only you ♪

♪ Something bad is 'bout
to happen to me ♪

♪ Why I feel this way,
I don't know, baby ♪

[trumpet fanfare]