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03x13 - Neighborhood Watch

Posted: 02/02/12 22:14
by bunniefuu
Woman: Honey, if you can pick him up after school, it would help a lot.

Man: Car 14, can you please return to the station?

Car 14, return to the station.

[ Static ]

Man #2: Reporting a 10-50, Court and Degraw.

Court and Degraw?

That's right around the corner.

What's a 10-50?

Noise complaint.

This scanner picks up anything within a couple blocks.

Probably those hipsters with the band.

Oh, hipsters. Are you gonna arrest them?

Well, until they start skimming off album sales, they're out of my jurisdiction.

[ Radio chatter ]

Honey, you're working from home today.

Oh, this surveillance equipment is from the Lebowski stakeout.

I was gonna take it in, but the car's at the office.

It's okay. Satch and I can live without a coffee table for a few hours.

Yeah, and I guess the bureau can live without an IMSI GSM scanner for a few hours.

Oh, sexy tech talk, Inspector Gadget.

You like?


Well, if I'm late tonight, I'm probably dealing with a wireless XD5 Intel motherboard thingy problem.

Mm. Very hot.

Have a good day. You too.

[ Muttering ]

[ Satchmo barking ]

Satch, do you need to go out?


What's going on? Hey.

Oh. Huh.

Oh, Peter left this on.

Oh, nice ears, buddy.

Man: He's leaving our trash on the sidewalk again.

I can't stand it.

Woman: I bet she's having an affair.


Woman #2: I knew it!

She gets way too many bikini waxes for a married woman.

Well, Fred's devastated.

Man: Bottom line -- I can't afford a third strike.

Man #2: You got to stop thinking "prison" and start thinking "payday."

Whoa. What is that?

Yeah, it's easy for you to say.

That's why we do it right. I'll see you at noon.

47th and Park.

And don't worry. I'm thinking "payday."

Agent Westley didn't graduate from Quantico so that he could write your case reports.

Peter, I know how important those reports are.

You always say, "if it happens in the field --" it happens in the file. Yes.

And writing them takes practice.

I gave those reports to Westley as a gift.

A gift?

One he can invest in his future.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hey, El.

Elizabeth: Hey, hon. How you doing?

Hey. What's up?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but I --

I think there's gonna be a robbery today.

A robbery? Why?

Well, when you left this morning, you forgot to turn off the scanner.

And I overheard a conversation with two guys, and I could swear they were planning a crime.

What did they say?

Ugh, something about not wanting to go back to prison.

You know, doing it right this time?

Well, that's not your normal neighborly gossip.

No, and whatever they're doing, it's gonna be on 47th and Park at noon.

Look, it -- it could be nothing.

Or it could be something. I'll look into it.

Okay. Will you let me know?

I will. Thanks, honey.

47th and Park. Everything okay?

El may have given us a lead.

I'll tell you about it on the way.

And pay attention, 'cause I'm gonna need a report.

[ Inhales deeply ]

[ Clears throat ]



Maybe they saw us and called off the job.

Seems unlikely.

Maybe El misheard.

Over static, "noon" sounds like a lot of things.


Balloon. Saloon.

Well, a lot of people chatting about saloons these days.

And "I'll meet you at balloon" makes complete sense. - Yeah.

[ Sighs ]

She's still shaken up after what happened with Keller.

That could be.

Look, I'm impressed at how well she's handled it, but you can't blame her for being a little...


Yeah. And curious.



[ Smooches ] [ Clears throat ]

What are you doing here?

Well, I didn't want to bother you with a call, and the suspense was kind of k*lling me, so it's way past noon.

It is.

No robbery?


No. See, those guys were definitely talking about a crime.

I saw that look.

What look?

What are you talking about?

I know what I heard.

And whoever said it lives close to us.

Well, Peter speculated the robbers may have seen us and called off the job. That's exactly what I said.

You know, we can check in with these store owners, take a look at the security cams.

Yeah. Okay.

I don't need your pity. I'm -- I'm gonna go.

No, honey, honey, let me have an agent take you home.

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll...

I'll see you later.

[ Radio chatter ]

No one believes us, Satch.

But I'm gonna find somebody who does.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks for coming, Moz. I know it sounds crazy.

Oh, our survival hinges on assuming total destruction is a hairsbreadth away.

Never ignore your instincts.

Well, I normally am a "look on the bright side" kind of person.

Oh, a slightly different world view.

I know what I heard.

I would normally let aspiring criminals do their thing, but for you, I'll make an exception.

This is the scanner.

It's on the same channel as before.

Oh, it's important to keep indisputable records of anything that is disputable.

Robeson: It's the trash that lures them. I secure them.

That's Mr. Robeson. He's declared w*r on raccoons.

Oh, filthy creatures.

Ironically, their taxonomy is procyon lotor, or "washer dog."

We might be here a while. Um, darjeeling or oolong?

Surprise me.

Woman: Did she say how long it's been going on?

Woman #2: Apparently quite a while.

Poor Fred.

How could it get any worse?

Oh, I think Fred knows more than he's letting on.

Man: I'm just getting home. We did good today.

Man #2: What'd I tell you? Like clockwork. That's them! That's the voices!

Any luck with the work order?

I'm still waiting for them to call me back, but it'll be in place tomorrow by 2:00.

[ Car door slams ]

[ Gasps ]

They're right outside!

Tomorrow. 2:00. We're set up for good.

All right, later on.

Mozzie: A visage for the voice.

Oh, great.

Elizabeth: What do you think's in the duffel bag?

[ Gasps ] Is that a --

Mozzie: A g*n!

You think?


Definitely a Sig Sauer P227...

Or a Tony Award.

Feeling brave, Mrs. Suit?

Have you seen him before?

No, no, the house was empty a month ago.

Well, whoever he is, he's definitely being cautious.

You know, I think it's time I met my new neighbors.

Tomorrow, 2 o'clock. We're set up for good.

So, who's Woodward and who's Bernstein?

They're waiting on a work order.

It could be anything.

And a duffel bag could be filled with gym clothes.

Mm. There are no certainties in life.

Well, here's one. If you saw a g*n, you should let Peter know.

Neal, I saw the way Peter looked at me today.

He thinks I'm paranoid after what happened with Keller.

No, he's just --

Neal, stop it. He does.

I don't want him to see me as a victim.

Look, he worries about you.

And I'm worried that the new neighbors are up to something.

Look, this is exactly when having a husband in the FBI comes in handy.

Not until I know more.

On the off chance that I might be wrong, will you help?

Moz and I will take a look around, see if there's anything Peter needs to know about.

Thanks. Wait.

We're not talking about breaking and entering?


Mozzie: Of course not.

There won't be any breaking.

Or entering.

[ Chuckles ]

Got it. Anything?

We talked to businesses at 47th and Park.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Midtown north detectives canvassed a five-block radius.

Fistfight, guy stiffed a cabbie out of his fare.

Phones went down briefly in an office building.

Tip jar was looted at a coffee house.

And an ATM malfunctioned.

Bank manager said it was nothing, didn't lose a dime.

[ Sighs ]

I appreciate the diligence, and so does Elizabeth.

Hey, look, my mom's convinced that her dry cleaner's part of the mob.

Christie was positive one of her patients was on the "Most Wanted" list.

Well, glad to know El's paranoia is run-of-the-mill.

[ Chuckles ]

And, from the looks of it, it's all good in my 'hood.


I can't really pull that phrase off, can I?

Not even close.

You're under a lot of pressure. It's okay.

All right, keep an eye on the approach.

I'm gonna get a closer look.

Careful, the churlish fellow we spied before could still be here, and he may or may not be armed.

He's got a lock-pick set in there.

No gunman, but I see the duffel bag.

You got a knife handy?

We said we wouldn't break in.

I'm not breaking in. I'm reaching in.

Moz, the bag is right here.

I need something sharp to pry the window.

Mrs. Suit made me leave my tools.

We don't have time. Come on.

There's nothing in here but old tofu boxes and sprout containers.

Never mind. I got something.

Careful! This neighborhood is rife with tetanus.

[ Mozzie imitating bird call ]

I don't know what that means!

It means to hide, obviously.

Uh, hello?

Huh. Paper in the green bin.

Excuse me, that's for paper.

Uh, not paper towels or napkins.

What are you doing in my trash?


I don't think so.

I'm the founder of the Cobble Hill Recycling Bureau.

I don't care who you are. Get off my property.

Don't come back. Oh, fine.

I do not suffer repeat offenders.

Well, whatever he's planning, he's got the tools to break in.

I saw an Elite III lock-pick set in there.

These people are environmental t*rrorists.

Can you focus? Please?

Right. An Elite III pick set. Strictly government issue.

Yeah, or black market.

Yeah, you convinced yet?

What kind of lock-pick set?

Look, the bottom line is it's illegal, and if Peter sees it, he can confiscate it and get a warrant to search the rest of the house.

Okay. How do we get him to see it?

Well, that's the problem.

Well, I don't think Peter's gonna be peeping through windows.

No, he can't.

But if he's invited inside the house and sees it in plain sight...

Great. How do I get an invitation?

"Meet your neighbors" dinner party.

Okay, if my neighbors are criminals, do you really think they're gonna host houseguests?

Judging by their trash, they're a couple of health-food nuts.

How's your garden doing?

[ Knock on door ]

Hi. Elizabeth Burke.

My husband and I live right down the street.


We saw the moving trucks a couple weeks ago.

Um, housewarming present?

Summer peas from my garden.

You grew these.

100% local organic.

Thank you.

[ Chuckles ]

Rebecca Ryan. Hi.

Ben's gonna love these -- my husband.

We'd normally have you guys over for dinner, but we're actually renovating our kitchen.

Well, when your reno is done, we'd love to come over.

Oh, the peas will be dead by then.

It's so sad when you grow such healthy things and you're not able to use them.

Are you enjoying your kitchen?

You want to come over for dinner tonight?

Do you like quinoa?

We love quinoa.



It's delicious -- a super food.

And I thought you were getting dressed up for me.

You know, I heard some new lingo from cyber crimes that I could whisper in your ear.

Oh, you can...

we have dinner with the Ryans.

I don't know about new neighbors.

You know, it starts with dinner, then the next thing you know, one of them still has my belt sander.

Aw, I know, honey. I know.

At least when crooks take your stuff, you can arrest them.

Well, who knows?

Maybe the Ryans are crooks, and maybe you'll have to arrest them.

No, I'm not telling them what I do.

You know they'll start asking me to make their parking tickets go away.

Okay, well, just remember two things --

We're redoing our kitchen, and you love quinoa.

We're redoing our kitchen?

Or we can invite them over, and you can give Ben a private tour of your carpentry cabinet.

Babe, the Burkes are here.

Ben: 6:30 already?

Um, Rebecca, this is my husband.

Hi. Peter.

Always glad to meet new neighbors. Hi.

Hey. Ben.


Hey. Elizabeth. Hi.

So, I was just finishing cleaning up in here, but, uh, why don't you come on in, have a seat?

Mm. Lovely house.

Oh, we're still in boxes, but it's coming.

Well, we brought you some rosé.

Thanks. Let me open this.

There's a corkscrew in the side table.

I'll be right down.

They get dinner, and we're trapped here in the car.

Oh, Mrs. Suit thought of that.

She packed a meal.

And out comes the deviled ham.

No, wait.

No foul odors of mayo or flaked pig.


A nice beaujolais.

Oh. Peter gets apple juice.

[ Chuckles softly ]

She made croque-monsieur.

Oh, one with gruyère, one sans.

Definitely a notch above the typical FBI stakeout.

[ Chuckles ]

Merci for stating the obvious.

[ Woman singing in French ]

Oh, Peter always puts on the game.

I don't know if you want to...

Oh, nine innings --

The same number as Dante's circles.

You know, if you play your cards right, your days of deviled ham may be coming to an end.

If my sentence gets commuted?


That's true.

No more long nights in parked cars.

[ Chuckles ]

Small mercies.


I don't know.

Sometimes Peter will tell a story about a bust or an old case, and those nights are all right.

You're bordering on nostalgia.

Elizabeth: This is delicious. Thank you so much for having us.

Your peas really make the meal.

Let's call it a group effort.

Rebecca, by the way, what did you do to this tofu?

Rebecca: Nothing. That's the beauty.

We let the food speak for itself.

[ Chuckles ]

So, Ben, what do you do?

I'll let you guess. Hand model?


Commercial painter.

Running rollers 14 hours a day is a grind, but it pays the bills for now.

Rebecca: Maybe Ben can look at your kitchen after the renovation's done.

Elizabeth: Oh, that's not necessary.

Yeah, don't want to start using you for your job.

I hate it when neighbors do that.

Damn straight.

To good neighbors.

To good neighbors. Cheers.

[ Glasses clinking ]

So, Rebecca, what do you do?

I'm a dancer.

Mm. A dancer? Broadway?

Way off Broadway.

I'm thinking about retiring, looking for a change.


How about you, Peter?

Me? Oh, I'm boring.

I want to talk more about dancing.

Come on. Now you got me curious.

Really, it's -- it's not that interesting.

[ Both chuckle nervously ]

Nice teeth. Good smile. Orthodontist.


No tan.

I'm guessing office job.

Honey, come on. Give them a hint.

I like Vikings.


Elizabeth: Excuse me.

Um, where's your restroom?

Rebecca: We're doing some work on the ground floor, so all the way upstairs, third floor.

So, Vikings.

Yeah. Pillage and plunder.

Yeah, you know those long ships with the dragon heads?

Love 'em.

Rebecca: I know.

You're a professor.

Of Nordic History.

No, but close.

[ Floorboards creaking ]

Ben, did you hear that?


House still settling?

Or a rat.

You know they outnumber New Yorkers 10 to 1?

I've heard that.

I'll go check.

[ Sighs ]

I don't think that's a surrender flag.

All right, stay here, Moz.

I need to save Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's been gone quite a while.

She's probably just checking her makeup.


So, she's the one who tries to get you to eat healthy.

You got me. I --

I'm more of a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy.

Ben used to be.


No rats.

Could be a chipmunk. We had one.

Kept stealing my dog's kibble.

I found tiny footprints right by Satchmo's bowl, so I stayed up one night.

Caught the thief with his cheeks filled.

Ah, you revel in the small victories.

I'm gonna check on my wife.

Elizabeth, I can't get through these bars.

You're gonna have to pick the door lock yourself.

I can't pick a lock!

It looks like a Birmingham, okay?

It's perfect for a beginner. Can I see the pick set?


Okay. Use that hook -- the second one from the left and the little L-shaped tension wrench.

[ Knock on door ]


[ Sighs ]

All right, now, keep the pressure on the wrench, okay?

Neal, I don't think I can do this.

Just focus on the tip of the pick.

Think of it as an extension of your hand.

[ Sighs ]

I feel the pins.

Good. Good. Now tiny, little upward motions.

You'll feel the pins lock into place.

[ Gasps ]

I got it.


[ Chuckles ]

Hey, El.

Hi, Neal.


What are they doing up there?

Can somebody explain to me why my wife is holding a government Elite III lock-pick set?

Honey, it's Ben's.

This is the reason why we're here.

I wanted you to see this.

Peter, there is no legal way for him to be in possession of an Elite --

Don't! Don't tell me about legality.

Be at my house when I get there.

Let's go. I've suddenly lost my appetite.
[ Footsteps ]

Everything all right?


Elizabeth's not feeling well.

She's been fighting something.

Oh, no.

You didn't get any pie. Fresh rhubarb.

Ooh, save me a piece.

[ Chuckles ] Well, thank you for a lovely dinner.

Start at the beginning.


I invited Mozzie over to listen to the scanner.

We heard the same men planning something for tomorrow.

Mozzie: One of those voices was Ben, who was across the street with a g*n.

A g*n?

We think it was a g*n.

Or a Tony Award.

You see a hypothetical g*n, then decide to call in the cavalry.

El wanted to make sure she wasn't crying wolf.

I was embarrassed about what happened earlier.

Oh, yeah, well, I know the feeling.

My wife recently used me as a patsy.

Yeah, and operation dinner roll was a success.

Operation what?

You saw the Elite III.

We thought if you saw the lock picks, you'd want to investigate.

Investigate what?

There was a duffel bag.

I-I found the duffel bag.

It had a phone company uniform inside.

A phone company uniform?

And some repair equipment.

The phones went out in a building on 47th and Park today.

Some security systems are connected to phone lines.


There is something.

Vindication is thine, Mrs. Suit.

[ Sighs ]

Will you look into Ben?

[ Sighs ]

Returning the surveillance gear.

Well, because of this, my C.I. spent an evening teaching my wife the finer points of lock-picking and B&E.

I heard.

He came in early to follow up with the phone company.

Atoning. Good.

Have we run Ben Ryan through indices?

I did. It's not good.

Ben served 4 years at Five Points correctional facility for possession of stolen property.

Even when Neal's not around, I end up eating dinner with grand larcenists.

Only 4 years for armed robbery?

He was caught with some of the haul, but they couldn't prove he pulled the job.

Says he had a partner.

Neal: Yep. And he still does.

That building where the lines went down does have a phone-based alarm system.

Overriding it is a two-man job.

You can cut the trunk line as long as a bypass line is connected simultaneously.

They circumvented the alarm but didn't steal anything.

I think it was a dry run.

Making sure it'll work for whatever score they have planned.

Diana, track down a list of known associates.

Maybe we'll get lucky and find his partner.


[ Sighs ]

El was right.

You're living down the street from a criminal.

I know. I need to call her.

[ Footsteps ]

[ Growls softly ]

[ Telephone ringing ]

[ Knock on door ]


No answer?


I'm sure she's busy.

Just in case. Yeah.

Jones, call up the 76th Precinct.

Ask the C.O. to get a patrol car to drive by my house.

Just came to return your dish.

Oh... [Chuckles] Well, that's, um, very neighborly of you.

After the warm welcome you gave us, we were sad to see you go... out of nowhere.

You feeling better?

Yeah. Much.

Yeah, I'm sorry we deserted you before, um, dessert.

That's cute.

You and Peter make a great couple.

And you and Rebecca.

Rebecca and I are trying to make a go of it.

There are challenges.

Hey, boy.

Oh, there's always challenges.

[ Whimpers ]

Thought you were remodeling your kitchen?

Oh, yeah.

Well, these things never really get done.

So you lied... to get inside my house.

Your husband at work?

Ben, I'm not -- I'm not looking for trouble.

[ Sighs ]

People never are.

[ Sighs deeply ]

Okay. I promise.

Love you, too.

Ben was at my house, Neal.


He threatened my wife.

All right, go home. We'll cover things here.

El swears she's fine.

She says she wants us to get this son of a bitch.

You could put a detail on the house.

No, she'll be peering out the window all day.

She'll notice the car.

Well, I think she'd understand you're looking out for her safety.

She'll know I'm worried about her.

If she knows I'm distracted, then she'll worry about me.

It's the last thing she needs.

I'm sure Mozzie would swing by.

Tell him to keep his feet off the furniture.


I need eyes on Ben Ryan. I want to know what he's doing.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Well, we could drag him in, show him how the bureau does threats.

There's been no crime.

We don't have anything to thr*aten him with, plus if we bring him in, we'd only be firing up flares.

And I don't know if I can restrain myself if I had him alone.

[ Knock on door ]

Peter, the tail we put on Ryan --

We got something.

So, that guy Ben's talking to is Connor Bailey.

He's got his own lengthy rap sheet. Ben's partner?

That's what I'm betting. The two of them go way back.

Maybe Ben could use a new friend.

What are you thinking?

Well, crime is a fraternity the same way law enforcement is.

I mean, wouldn't you be more inclined to open up to someone if he was MI5?


So maybe Ben will let something slip if he thinks I'm a criminal.

You know what I mean.

The question is, how do I make Ben think I'm one of him?

Meeting Connor is a violation of Ben's parole.

I could give his P.O. a call.

Good. Then I show up at the parole office as a fellow ex-con struggling to stay on the straight and narrow.

A role you were born to play.

You tell me I am not allowed to talk to my friend?

Not when your friend has a record and shows up at your job.

I wasn't doing anything wrong.

If you're gonna violate your terms, at least have the decency to do it in private.

Whatever, man. We done here?

Think of this as a chance to enjoy my company twice a week instead of just once.

Two dates a week.

I'll have to take you ring shopping soon.

Neal: No, I can't come back tomorrow.

How am I supposed to keep a job when you keep dragging my ass down here all the time?

Don't look at me like --

You know what?

Call my supervisor, okay?

He's gonna fire me.

W-- you got nothing to say to that?

All right, you know what?

See you later.

The screws on the outside are worse than the screws on the inside.

Yeah. You got that right.

Nick Halden.

Ben Ryan.

You know where to get a drink around here, Ben?

I was just headed over to my buddy's place.

You want to take a walk?

I'm not supposed to be palling around with ex-cons.

Yeah, me either.

If I had a dime for everything I wasn't supposed to do...

I'd call it a steady gig.

[ Chuckles ] You like strip joints?

[ Dance music plays ]

♪ I know you want to be with me ♪

Listen, I'm not real flush at the moment, so...

Hey, relax. I got you covered.


Hey, baby. Hey, honey.

How long you been out?

Long enough.

You got something going on?

Doing all right.

You need a wheelman?

Now, see, there you go.

Just 'cause I did time, you assume I'm a lifer.

Isn't that the way it is with guys like us?

You've been to Lompoc, you're guilty.

At some point, you got to say, "If the world sees me that way, it's who I am."

I'll let you know if I need a wheelman.

[ Both laugh ]

I knew it. I knew you had something.

Yeah, I ain't admitting nothing.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Yeah, you got it?

Listen, I got to go talk to a friend of mine.

Why don't you order a drink?

I'll be right back.


♪ I like the chase, boy, can't you see? ♪

How you doing?

I'll be on stage in five, baby.


Listen, um...

I like your eye makeup.

It'd look good on my girlfriend.

Want to part with it?

You gonna tell her where you got it?

Our little secret.

Thank you.

♪ I know you want to be with me ♪
♪ put your hands all over me That's a bright eyeshadow. What color would you call that?

Kingfisher. What?

It's in the turquoise family. Oh.

Made yourself right at home at the Stardust.

Well, when you do a rubbing at a strip club, your options are limited.

Oh, I'm tempted to make a "rubbing at a strip club" joke.

Floated it right across the plate for you.

You did. I'm glad you're above it.

I am. What do you think it is?

I'm betting that it's the work order they've been waiting on.

My thoughts exactly.

I called the strip club's owner.

Evidently, Connor is their daytime manager.

What, they hired an ex-con?

Off the books.

[ Telephone rings ]

This is Burke.

Yeah, Jones. What do you have?

Midtown telephone. Thanks.

Phone company work order?

Midtown crew's on site now.

I bet Ben and Connor are close by.

In their uniforms.

You and your eyeshadow may have cracked this case.

Look at that.

It's a match.

I'll get a work stoppage until we know what's going down.


It's almost 2:00.

Why would Ben need a work order for this job?

What if they cut the line and called it in to Midtown Telephone themselves?

Then Ben gets a call back with the order number.

The phone company alerts the businesses in the area that they're gonna be doing repair work today.

When our boys show up in phony uniforms with a work order that checks out...

They walk right in. Lions for lambs.


They're gonna hit somewhere close.

Fan out.

Check to see who's talked to a phone repairman today.

We're on it.

Yeah, but where?

I've seen this paint before.

That's the color that was on Ben's hands.

Sean Loomis, head of security.

How can I help the FBI?

Do you recognize him?


He's one of the painters working on our remodeling.

Is anyone from the phone company here right now?

Yeah. But my assistant already spoke to them.

Their credentials check out.

Pick up your phone.

Line's dead.

Jones, bring the team to the Drakemore Hotel.

The robbery is taking place here.

Where are those repairmen?

The junction room.

What else is back there?

The house safe.

How much is in it?

How much?

$7.5 million.

There's a gem convention in town.

A lot of our guests wanted us to keep their cash in our strong room.

Our safe is impregnable.

You sure about that?

[ expl*si*n ]

Oh, I guess they couldn't crack the safe.

So they took the whole damn thing.

FBI! Stop!

We're outgunned.

Yeah, I think so.

[ Tires screech ]

You guys okay?


Except my neighbor just took off with $7.5 million.

Peter, we found the van abandoned a half mile away.

No sign of Ben, Connor, or the money.

These guys know what they're doing.

They had this planned to a "t."

Ben got a job as a painter to case the place.

They had a drop car lined up.

They even did a dry run on the same alarm system the hotel has.

What, you gonna start a fan club?

No, I'm just saying they didn't leave anything to chance.

Right, and they're already long gone.

I don't think so.

Ben bought a house. He's putting down roots.

They're not going anywhere.

No. He's gonna be smart about it.

He's not gonna start driving a Bugatti.

He's gonna pay his mortgage...

Sit on his cash, put up ugly curtains, play his music too loud, and borrow my tools.

To hell with that.

Well, if we're right, we can still catch him.

[ Dice roll ]


[ Chuckles ]

Your Sakhari Freedom Fighters have rebuffed me again.

[ Chuckles ] You know, I know what you're doing, Moz.

Impossible. My cheating is undetectable.

Peter sent you here to protect me.

I am simply enjoying the Napoleonic tactics hidden in a game that some would call child's play.


I'm my own man, but the suit may know I'd be dropping by.

So you're my sakhari freedom fighter?

If the shoe fits.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hey, hon.

El, Ben and his partner robbed the Drakemore Hotel.

They did?

I knew it. Did you catch them?

Not yet.

We need to find them with the cash.

Well, what if you don't?

We think they may be sitting on the money.

Wait, so they could still live down the street?

Don't worry.

Not gonna happen.

I have squad cars en route, but I need you to keep an eye on the house.

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

So, should I get you some moving boxes?

It's just stuff surrounded by walls, El.

Some of us are prepared to disappear on a moment's notice.

Well, not me. They're not scaring me out of my home.

Rebecca's on the move! Alert the suits!

No. No, no, no. No.

If she gets away, we're gonna lose her.

We got to go. Come on.


You're a bad influence.

Neal: Hey. Hey.

Roadblocks and BOLOs?

When in doubt, stick to the tried and true.

Fair enough.

We got an exact dollar amount from the hotel.

Good. We find the same amount in Ben or Connor's possession, should be enough to put them away.

[ Telephone rings ]

Could you get the speakerphone?


[ Button clicks ]

Peter Burke's office.

Elizabeth: Oh, hey, Neal.

El, any movement on the house?

Uh, yes, definitely.

All right, we're on our way. Just stay back and be careful.

Uh, it's a little late for that.

Mozzie: We tailed Rebecca. Moz?

Elizabeth is like a terrifying amalgamation of Danica Patrick and "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."

You were supposed to just keep watch.

But you said, "Be safe."

And the only way I'm gonna feel safe is when Ben and Rebecca are behind bars.

Does Rebecca know you're following her?

No, no, no.

I had a secure distance, and I had a buffer car.

I taught you those maneuvers to skirt a tail, not become one.

Isn't it the same principle?

El, these guys unloaded on us with a*t*matic weapons.

They are not messing around. Where are you now?

The Stardust Revue.

Oh, damn it, El.

That's where Ben's partner, Connor Bailey, works.

Rebecca's heading inside right now with three empty duffel bags.

They're gonna divvy up the take. After that, it's gone.

Then we got to hurry.

El, get out of there now, please.

We are on our way.

Moz, how long is it gonna take for them to count that much money?

With bill counters -- like 10, 15 minutes.

Peter's across town. He'll never make it in time. But the Suit said to leave!

Are you gonna bow to the will of the establishment?



I can't let you do this.

We have to stall them.

Fine, then let me do it.

No. I have a plan.

I'm gonna tell them I'm FBI.

That is the worst plan I've ever heard, literally ever.

They won't buy it. Why not?

You don't carry yourself like a fed.

Well, I've been married to Peter for over a decade.

I can do this.

Okay, let me see your G-man impression.

[ Clears throat ]

Elizabeth Burke. FBI.

I want to ask you some questions.

Okay, first of all, lose the hands on the hips.

You look like Wonder Woman. Good.

Now I need to see more hatred in your eyes.

You should exude pure evil, born of a blackened soul.

That's how they look to me!

All right. I can do this, all right?

What are we gonna do about you?

Oh, are you referring to my anti-Brooks Brothers vêtements?

Ah. An idea forms.

[ Dance music playing ]

Oh, there's Rebecca.

That must be Connor.


[ Clears throat ]

Connor Bailey.

Lady, I'm busy right now.

Well, you need to make some time for me.

Elizabeth Burke. FBI.

Haversham -- Special Agent Haversham.

You need to come downtown with us.

We have questions about the Diamond Midtown Hotel.

I don't know what that is.

Tell it to the judge, scumbag.

Why don't you go back there and collect your things and come back out?

Okay, good, yeah. I'll, uh -- I'll do that.


And, Bailey, don't get any funny ideas.

Backup's on the way.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Bill counter beeps ]

You all right?


I got people claiming to be feds out on the floor.

What? Right now?

They know about the job.

[ Sighs ] You idiot.

They probably followed you from the hotel.

We got to pack up.

We weren't supposed to have to run.

Well, we do now.


That's not a federal agent.

That's that nutjob who was going through our trash.

You sure?

That's that damn neighbor woman.

Connor: Well, whoever they are, they know too much.

Oh, the jig may be up. We should go.


I might be able to buy us some time.

Not much.


The Stardust Revue is giving away seven free sexy, sexy dances right through that door in the champagne room.

First come, first serve. Ask for Connor Bailey.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Record needle scratches ]

Can we go?

You're done, you weirdo.

[ Groans ]

Mrs. Suit!

You can thank me later.

Peter: FBI! Drop your w*apon.

Drop your weapons, or I will put you down!

You are FBI?

Well, I'm -- I'm close enough.

Thought you were one of us.

I was.

I think I'm just gonna --

I don't remember.

Is quinoa on the menu at Five Points?

Honey, you all right?

Yeah, I was just, um, trying to help.

Did you impersonate an FBI agent?

I happen to know that's illegal. Just saying.

Spousal immunity?

You made that up.

She has spousal immunity.


You helped put dangerous folks behind bars today.

Congratulations on closing your first case.

Elizabeth: Well, they don't call me "Mrs. Suit" for nothing.

I might be able to get a desk for you at the office, right next to Neal's.

I think I'll stick to keeping our street safe.

Speaking of, the brown house -- do we know them?

The walkers?

Uh, Patty and Sam.

They have matching bicycles.


They're not criminals.

Still, I don't know.

It might be worth questioning them about the case of the missing belt sander.

Mm. Mrs. Suit.

[ Chuckles ]

Shut that blind.


You got it?

Yeah, I got it.

I got it.

I brought home my servo-powered XLG3.

Mm, what's that do?

[ Both laugh ]