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01x10 - Einstein: Chapter Ten

Posted: 02/13/24 13:48
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

76-year-old male.

Cause of death:

internal bleeding

resulting from rupture

of preexisting

abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Physiology otherwise

un... remarkable.



(whirring stops)

Brain: 1,230 grams.


Are you mad?

My father's wish

is to be cremated.

And he will be.

All of him.

Dr. Einstein,

this is one

of the most astonishing objects

in the universe.

Studying it could unlock

the mystery of genius.


you are a man of science.

He was a man of science.

In the end,

doesn't his brain belong

to science, too?


♪ Happy birthday ♪

♪ Dear Albert ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪


- Speech!

No, no, no, no.

Yes, well, the person

most bored to tears

by my babbling is me.

So I shall politely

refrain and thank you all

for coming.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

I seem to have stumbled

onto the wrong gathering.

I was meant to attend a

birthday party, not a funeral.

Did you see what Halpern's wife

asked me to sign?

That? It's

from last year.

So what? It's my face

on the cover of Time magazine

in front of a mushroom cloud.

It's a wonderful


You're the one who

actually built the damn thing.

But, still,

everybody blames me.

Albert, we have quite a

surprise in store for you.

The only gift I want

from you, Niels,

is an admission that

quantum mechanics is incomplete.

(scoffs) What fun

would that be?

Yes, well, we have to find some

other excuse for our squabbles.

But the current

situation is absurd.

Reality cannot be described by

two theories which do not agree.

Unified field theory is not

the answer though, Albert.

It will be the final

chapter in physics.

You'll see. I will

solve it before I die.

Die? No, you'll never die.


No, you'll be chiding post grads

long after the sun

has burned itself out.

And besides, it's bad luck

to be so morbid

on one's own birthday.

I have been trying

to tell him that.

Birthdays cause

a man to reflect

on what little he

has accomplished.

You have achieved more

than almost anyone

in human history.

And yet, if I died tomorrow,

I'd be remembered

as the man who ushered

in the nuclear age.

Well, be happy with what

you have accomplished, Albert.

It's quite a lot.

What are you looking for?

My good name. It seems

to have gone missing.


I'm forming

a council, Oppie.

The Emergency Committee

of Atomic Scientists.

Albert, you have guests.

Go enjoy yourself.

If my legacy is to be tied

to the atomic b*mb,

it will be

for preventing its use.

I need you to join me.

I'm running the

Institute now.

I can't get involved

in politics.

What are you

so worried about,

the wrath of

university administrators?

I'm worried

about Hoover.

He probably knows what color

socks I'm wearing right now.

It's not safe for me.

You? Don't be ridiculous.

It's not safe

for you either, Albert.

Trust me.

Aha. There you are.

You are not

to be smoking.

Isn't this the one day

I should be allowed to smoke?

Come. Your grandchildren

want to wish you

a happy birthday.

(speaking indistinctly)


Are you enjoying

my party, Evelyn?

Yes, Grandpa.

I'm pleased.

Bernhard has some news he'd

like to share with you...


- Yes...

(clinking) - BOHR:

Professor Einstein.


Please, everybody.

(clears throat)

Our young prodigy here,

David Bohm,

has helped assemble

this high-fidelity radio.

(oohing, applause)

We all thought

it was time to drag you

kicking and screaming

into the modern era.

Many of us here today

are the beneficiaries of

your generosity.

Some of us, like

Dr. Oppenheimer,

are colleagues

who sharpen our minds

coming up against yours.

Others are

former students

whom you've treated with the...

patience and selflessness

of a father.


But all have blossomed...

TEENAGE HANS: I told you

this was a ridiculous idea.

He isn't coming.

The weather has delayed

the trains. He may come yet.

Eduard was the one who wanted

to go traipsing

through the Alps.

And now he's terribly sick.

Would you like to trade places

with him?

Your father has wanted

a holiday with you

for quite some time.

You owe him at least that.

Why do you make excuses for him?

Because we all make excuses

for ourselves,

and we should be good enough

to make them for others.

People are complex.


You're going

to tell him then?

I don't know.

Mm, it would be one thing

you both have in common.


EINSTEIN: Thank you.

Let's have a look at this.

Come on.

We're going. - Ah.

- But Grandpa's present...

Leave it.

Oh. Huh.



A few more items

before you retire.

The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios

are asking

for your approval

for the script they sent.

Is it still a movie about

the making of the atomic b*mb?

It is.

- Then I do not approve.

There are a number

of speaking invitations:

uh, Harvard, Cornell,

University of Chicago...

I've decided to accept only one.

Lincoln University.

Do you have an opinion

on this matter?

Of course not.

You never do.


The sun's gravitational pull

is sufficient

to bend light itself.

And bend light it does.

That is how I

finally found proof

of the theory of

general relativity.

Most scientists


I was mad.

Funny, isn't it, how

progress can provoke

such an emotional response?


of course,

this idea is not foreign

to most of you.

Many believe that young

men such as yourselves

do not deserve the same

opportunities as everyone else.

All because of the color

of your skin.

How absurd.

What do I know

of it? After all,

look at me. I'm an old

white Jew with crazy hair.


But I, too, have

been disparaged

for how I look.

For my heritage.

We all share the same

decent humanity.

The same curiosity.

Hopes, dreams.

The same God.

HOOVER: He consorts

with dangerous types.

Communists, Negroes, anarchists.

I have to say, sir,

I'm surprised

Einstein is the target

of an investigation.


Einstein's office

is already bugged,

but I have decided

to inject new blood

into this case.

That's why you're here.

This could be a rewarding

stepping stone

for you, McKee.

You'll be on the front lines

in the next w*r.

w*r, sir?

Communism is an existential

threat to our great republic,

and Einstein is on the

side of the enemy.

Find what I need

to put this son of a bitch

in jail.


at least send him

on a one-way trip

back to Germany.

Yes, sir.

(door opens, closes)

Is it worth it, Edgar?

Going after the world's

most famous scientist?

Einstein humiliated me.

Could've lost my job.

I almost did lose my reputation.

What is it that

the scientists say, huh?

For each action

there is an equal

and opposite reaction.

Nuclear weapons

are the obstacle to world peace,

not its solution.

But they exist.

Well, I think the best way

to ensure they're never used

is to give control of them to

the scientists who made them.

Not the American military.

You think the Red Army

is going to leave

the b*mb to their scientists?

Harold's right. The Soviets are mad.

Which is why

we must push for containment.

That is a fantasy.

- Exactly.

The U.S. and the Soviets

will continue to build

their nuclear stockpiles.

And perhaps they should.

What the hell are you talking about, Leo?

- Are you crazy?

Perhaps what will

ultimately save us

is two superpowers

with the ability

to completely destroy

one another.

Atomic use leads to

atomic retaliation

and that retaliation

leads to more retaliation

and we end up

at reciprocal annihilation.

Which is why

neither side will ever dare

to use even one w*apon.

I cannot believe my ears.

I'm sorry, Leo, but I cannot.

That is lunacy.

Whether by accident

or idiocy or the will

of a tyrant,

these weapons will be used.

And when they are, not even

God can help us.

What is it you suggest, Albert?

A world government.

It would sit on top

of all existing nations

and, as adjudicator

in all disputes,

would make world wars

a thing of history.

No nation would give up

its sovereignty.

We are dealing with a threat

to the basic existence

of humanity.

In my own work, I find

when I'm faced

with an audacious problem,

an audacious solution

is usually the answer.

So let's put

our prodigious heads together

and see

what we can come up with.


Professor Bohm to see you?


Of course.

David, come in.

I've just read your paper.

It's remarkable.

Well, hopefully it'll

give you some amm*nit*on

to fire back at the

quantum contingent.

EINSTEIN: It does, and it came

at just the right moment.

I've been stalled

on unified field theory

for months.


So you'll recall the idea

of hidden variables from my paper.

- Ah.

If we assume both a quantum particle,

for example, (phone rings)

an electron,

and a guiding wave

that governs its motion...

(sighs) He's not at

the office, either.


I've been admitted

to Zurich Polytechnic.

I'll be following

in your footsteps.

This is wonderful.

This will be

an extraordinary adventure.


But why?

Engineering is the future, Papa.


You've been sold a story.

It isn't science.

It's tinkering.


Hans, trust me.

This is beneath you.

You have a gift.

You've always excelled

in science.

Target your ambitions,

and then aim higher.

Engineering is my ambition.

It isn't science, Hans.

I don't want you

to give up on science

like your mother did.

Give up?

She sacrificed herself

for all of us.

For you, most of all.

She's no martyr, Hans.

She made her own choices.

Don't squander your talents

like she did.

There are nobler pursuits

for a brain like yours.

No, you mean

a brain like yours, Papa.

I want to do

something different.

Ah. It's days like today, Helen,

that I'm reminded

that science

is primitive and childlike.

Thank God for that.

What is it?

Thank you.

I'm sorry for your loss, my boy.

My loss?

That's an interesting way

to put it.

Tell me,

what were you doing earlier?

Before I arrived.

I was working.

And yesterday

when I couldn't reach you?

I was at the office.

No, I called the office.

There was no answer.

There are moments

when I get absorbed

in what I'm doing, Hans.

You know that.

Yes, I certainly do.

But I have always

hoped that once--

just once in my life--

you'd be absorbed

with your family

instead of your work.

But we're just a burden to you.

That's not fair, Hans.

- Isn't it?

I think you're relieved

she's dead.

How could you

say such a thing?

You'll never again have to worry

about her money problems

or feel guilt

for what became of her.

I thought we had put aside

all this bitterness years ago.

That is because

you are completely oblivious

to the feelings

of those closest to you, Papa.

You're so kind

to so many people.

But you have been so cruel

to your own family.

I have accepted

a teaching position at Berkeley.

We won't have to see

each other again.

Hans, wait.

Don't leave like this.

Not today.

You treated her miserably,

and you should be ashamed.

I'm only angry with myself

for taking this long

to say that to your face.

Don't contact me, Papa.


The neutron itself

was discovered

by Chadwick, an Englishman.

The cyclotron by Lawrence,

an American.

And the splitting of uranium

was detected by Hahn, a German.

Don't blame it all on me.


Would it be possible for you

to go and see

President Roosevelt yourself?

But I have a cold.

And besides,

I do not know

Mr. Roosevelt very well.

I'm sure the president

knows you, sir.


It will be more polite

if I just write him a letter.


Thank you, sir.


The acting was abominable.

The science, completely wrong.

And I don't really talk

like that, do I?

Well, at least they implemented

some of the changes

you proposed.

Well, to my mind,

it certainly didn't improve...


- Professor?


The pain is likely due

to an aneurysm of the aorta.

Basically a small bulge

in the artery.

Is it serious?

Not if he doesn't smoke,

cuts out sweets

and avoids

strenuous activity.

That does include

sexual congress, Dr. Einstein.

I see. To live long,

I must forego

anything worth living for.




Where is everybody?

They're terrified,


Of what?


It's a subpoena.

The Un-American Activities


What could be more un-American

than an inquisition?

I'm scared, Albert.

You'll be all

right, David.

You have the First Amendment

in this country.

Stand up.

Tell the truth.

Say, "Yes, I was a communist."

It is not illegal

to have been one.

And then what?

I-I won't be able

to get a job.

I'll be ruined.

They cannot force you to speak.


Mr. Bohm,

are you now,

or have you ever been

a member of

the Communist Party?

On the...

(camera shutter clicks)

On the advice of counsel,

I invoke my right

under the Fifth Amendment

not to answer, on the grounds

I may incriminate myself.

(excited murmurs)

Order! Order!

How could those bastards

suspend a man

for attending

a few meetings?

You know it's

out of my hands.

I'll offer to

pay his salary.

He can be my

personal assistant.


If David Bohm sets foot

on the Institute's grounds,

he will be arrested

for trespassing.

And you and I will

soon thereafter be

polishing our résumés.

The United States


sees Bohm as a threat,

and no matter what

its flaws...

I still believe a man

must put his country first.

You are a coward.

- Albert.

This is a man's life.

If we sit on our hands,

they'll come after us next.

They want to intimidate

us into silence.

That way we become

easier prey.

Don't do anything

rash, Albert.

Don't worry, whatever I do

will be quite deliberate.

You think it's foolish,

I know.

Yet again,

I'm inviting controversy.

So why not say it,

just this once?

You truly are

a sphinx, Helen.

Elsa had opinions, advice.

Elsa had strategy.

I am not Elsa.

No, you certainly

are not.

The only thing

you show enthusiasm for

is keeping my pipe from me.

You haven't seen it, have you?


Hello and welcome.

I'm Eleanor Roosevelt.

On today's program,

I'll present a special segment

from renowned physicist

Albert Einstein.


Good evening.

The arms race

between the United States

and the Soviet Union

has assumed

hysterical proportions.

On both sides,

means of mass destruction

are being perfected

with feverish haste,

and behind walls of secrecy.

And now the production

of the hydrogen b*mb

will be accomplished.

If these efforts

prove successful,


of all life on Earth

will have been

brought within the range

of what is possible.

Outside the United States

we establish military bases.

Inside the United States...

Inside the United States,

the loyalty of citizens

is carefully supervised

by a police force growing more

powerful every day.

People of independent thought

are being harassed.

The public is indoctrinated.

Get me McKee.

With one television interview

he humiliated the Bureau.

We must move on him

before he does

more damage.

I'm doing all I can, sir.

- Do more.

Search his mail,

tap his home phone,

follow his acquaintances.

You have discretion to do

whatever it takes.

McKEE: I'm just wondering

what evidence

persuaded a judge

to sign a warrant

for such an extensive operation.

We cannot wait

on the slow wheels of justice.

I'm not sure I understand, sir.

Look at Bohm.

Nobody would hire him

after his hearing

and now he's in Rio

with diarrhea and a sunburn.


And you can bet your Brazil nuts

he spends every waking moment


"Why did I stonewall

the Bureau?"

I have confidence...

you'll get the results I need,


(car door closes, engine starts)

Until we are left

with a unique modification

to my previous

"guiding wave" proposal,

because this wave can influence

a quantum particle

without becoming...

- Albert,

we've been down this road many times.

No, no, no, no, no, no.


- This is different.

It seems that the more the rest

of physics accepts my work,

the more you resist it.

Because it's all conjecture.

Where is your proof?

Y-You sound just like one

of those stodgy members

of the establishment

who said the same thing

about general relativity...

Are you actually comparing

quantum mechanics

with relativity?

Albert, tell me,

what do you have to show

for all this time

you've spent chasing

unified field theory, huh?


if you'd just let

go of your ego

for just a moment,

you could admit

that you're simply wrong.

You're as bad as those fools

in Washington,

trying to ruin anyone

who comes up against you.

You think I'm trying to ruin you?

You make me out to be

a laughingstock,

a has-been.

Anyone who doesn't

follow your decree,

is a traitor or an imbecile,

and I've had enough.

Albert, you've

lost yourself.


Like one or your

unobserved particles.

I'm not even here.


I think you should go.


This is a CBS news bulletin.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

have been found

guilty of conspiracy

to commit espionage.

Under federal law,

the Rosenbergs are eligible

for the death penalty.


A country which

prides itself

on freedom of speech

must not commit

the most barbarous act

of retribution on those

who disseminate information.

That much, Your Honor,

should be self-evident.

Is that all?


I'd like

my pipe, please.

It's the one thing left in this

world that gives me pleasure.

I cannot help you with that.

As true as the moon

pulling the tides,

here we find

ourselves again.

You want to say my little

controversies are pointless,

but you will not say it.

Silence again.

Silence always.

As though it were a virtue.

It is no virtue, Helen.

Pull the page

and let me sign it.

There are controversies,

and then there is

absolute stupidity.

You do understand

I'm speaking out

against a clear wrong.

Did you not

ask my opinion?

This isn't like speaking

at a n*gro college.

This is about meddling

in the affairs

of the United States government.

My own son will not speak to me.

I'm made to feel like a dinosaur

in the physics community.

I've completely stalled

on unified field theory.

And I have no idea

where my pipe is.

I'm getting old, Helen.

I'm sick.

My voice is all I have left.

♪ ♪

(Hoover chuckles)

This is precisely what we need.

Yes, sir.

But we intercepted

Einstein's letter

before it reached

the judge.

Seeing as we don't

have a warrant...

Oh, be creative, McKee.

Reseal the letter.

Have it sent to the judge.

Then pay him a visit.

"Have you received


from Albert Einstein?" you ask.

"Whatever would give you

such an idea?" he replies.

"Confidential source,

you answer.

"But if you are a good American

"and you believe in

our institutions,

"I'm sure you'll aid the Bureau

in this quite sensitive matter

of national interest."

You want me to intimidate

a federal judge?

Who said anything

about intimidating?

There is no evidence

of a crime here, sir.

Has Einstein actually done

anything illegal?

Einstein is a fox.

And we have him

up a tree.

It's time to pull

the trigger.

I'll find someone to make noise

with that letter.


Here it is,

in his own hand, a letter

trying to influence a

federal judge on behalf of spies

and pinko subversives

who delivered our

closely-guarded atomic secrets

right up the steps

of the Kremlin.

This so-called genius,

he would replace

the stars and stripes

with a hammer and a sickle

without breaking a sweat.

Congressman Rankin,

over here, sir.

How did you come to be in

possession of the letter?

Judge Kaufman himself,

a true patriot.

Now, are there

any other questions?

HOOVER: The Washington Post,

The Chicago Tribune,

The Philadelphia Inquirer,

even this commie rag

has denounced him.

You just earned yourself

a promotion, McKee.

(clears throat)

Close the case.

My assignment was to

amass evidence

and either charge him criminally

or find grounds

to have him deported.

Have you assembled evidence

so that I may charge Einstein?


Have you brought me grounds

by which I may deport him?

Not yet, sir, but...

Then you have failed.

Men like Einstein

confuse an unstable nation.

And such confusion

is as reprehensible

and is as punishable

as any other crime.


I found a way to punish him.

And this is it.

Your solution is

to humiliate a man?

To silence him?

Einstein has spoken out

with impunity for years.

It was time someone

shoved a gag in that mouth.


When you question the integrity

of the Bureau's actions,

you question the integrity

of my actions.

And such questions...

they can get a man

in a whole mess of trouble.

(door opens, then closes)


Let Einstein speak out,

and he'll be drowned

by the patriotic citizens

of this fine country.

It takes a man a lifetime

to build his reputation,

and yet a mere moment

to scuttle it.

That's a version

of relativity Dr. Einstein

ought to have learned

long ago.

Perhaps now Einstein

will retreat

to the laboratory,

where he belongs.

In the meantime,

all good citizens would do well

to turn a deaf ear

to his subversive screeds.

We should instead pay attention

to the patriots

who have lived all their lives

in this great country.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Uh. Huh.

HELEN: It's time

to get out of the house.

Is there somewhere

I'm meant to be?

Go to your office. You haven't

been there in months.

I haven't had

an original thought for so long,

I've forgotten

what it feels like.

If I went

to my office,

I'd only stare at the walls.

The wallpaper is

much nicer here.


What's an eight-letter word

that means "frozen treat"?

P, something, P,

something, something,


something, something.

I'm going to the market.

Dr. Einstein,

my name is Alice Edwards,

and, well,

you are the smartest man

in history, sir.

All the papers

say so, and all

that stuff you said

about the universe and whatnot.

Well, it's really important

to kids all across America.

And that's why

your brain is critical

in helping me with my

long division, which...

I have cookies.

If you could kindly

fill in the answers

here, here and here,

I'll work backwards

and get the gist.

That's kind of how I learn.

Why do your teachers

make you study mathematics?


What good is stupid

math anyway?

Here's a strange thing.

Almost all flowers in nature

have a certain number of petals:

either five,

eight, 13, 21,

34 or 55.

It's called

the Fibonacci Sequence.


And the Fibonacci Sequence,

in turn,

(door squeaks open)

is related to the Golden Mean.

Sounds like

an Agatha Christie book.

- Ha.

And who are you?

My name is Alice

Edwards, ma'am.

Dr. Einstein was kind enough to

help me with my long division.

Well, Miss Edwards,

Dr. Einstein

isn't taking visitors

at the moment,

despite his willingness

to accept bribes.

Out with you. Come.

Gee, she's a real charmer.

I wish my teachers

were more like you.

You make this stuff sound fun.

It is fun. Thank you

for reminding me of that.

You can keep this. Count them...

before next time.

(door opens and closes)

(chuckles lightly)

Where on Earth

are you going?

You told me to go to the office,

so I'm going to the office.

(door opens and closes)

Was that

Dr. Einstein?

BOHR: Rumors of an

Einstein sighting on campus

made waves very quickly.

Had to come see if it was true.

How are you, Niels?

In my own little world,

marking time.

It's good to see

you're back at work.

I'm muddling my way through

unified field theory again.


You know, there...

there is a bit of an anomaly

i-in your work.

I beg your pardon?

That-that, uh, derivative?

It can't be third order.


Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Yeah. Hmm.


What anomaly?

My God, you're right.


I'd have gone on

fumbling my way through that

for another week if you

hadn't pointed it out.



How about a stroll?

Ah. (chuckles)

I read the manifesto you

and Bertrand Russell wrote.

It was very impressive.

And yet no one listens.

I fear my influence on the use

of atomic weapons is long past.

If only I could turn back

the clock to when people

actually cared about

what I had to say.

Well, time travel.

Perhaps that could be

your final triumph, Albert.

There are many moments

I'd like to relive

and many ills

I'd like to fix.

Time is a tricky thing.

You taught me that.

People have missed you here,


Purely selfish on their part,

to be sure,

but they need you

to keep their minds sharp.

Well, I need you.

Not just to keep my

mind sharp, but...

...for this.

What are you looking for?

Uh, an equation.

Well, half-formed.

It's more of a scribble.

Maybe ten, 15 years old.

If you can give me

anything else to go on?

It must be here.

It's very important.

Niels and I have been

talking abou...

♪ ♪

You kept these?

I keep...

everything, Professor.

(door opens)


You have a visitor.


Hello, Alice.

Thank you, Helen.

So I looked up

that "Finobacci" thing

in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Here's what I don't get.

The flowers, how do

they know the math?

I mean, does a flower realize

it's supposed to have

a certain number of petals?

And why the heck

does it care, anyway?

That's a very

interesting question, Alice.

Hmm. Let me

show you something.

I think I might find

an answer for that.

I'm sure it's in

this book somewhere.

What's this thing?

That was a gift...

...from my grandchildren.

It's strange.

If you hadn't noticed it, I...

might have forgotten it existed.

That's probably because

you're getting old.


Finished already?

He said he's not feeling well.

Asked me to come back tomorrow.

So, see you later, I guess.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

It's time.

For what?

Call him.

That door is closed.

Are you really such a fool?

I'm a realist.

I know when there's

nothing more to be done.

I see.

And yet you never gave up

on nuclear proliferation.

You did not find it

too daunting

to speak at a n*gro college

when no one else would dare,

or to defend convicted spies.

You have compassion

for so many people.

You fight

for so many people.

Why is it you cannot fight

to be reconciled

with your own son?

I think I liked you better

when you kept your thoughts

to yourself.

I am certain you did.

Hans told me

that he wants nothing more

to do with me.

You care so much

about your legacy,

about how you

will be remembered

by the world,

but the world begins and ends

in your own family.

Hello, Hansie.

Hi, Grandpa.

Hello, Evelyn.

Come in. Come in.

Hi, Grandpa.


Come in, my boy.

HANS: You're helping

a ten-year-old girl...

with long division?

She's very bright.

You're good with other people,

with your colleagues,

the cleaning woman,

taxi drivers.

But you made me...

feel inferior.


When I was young,

my father told me that physics

was a waste of time.

I only realized

at the end of his life

that he wasn't being cruel.

He was terrified for me.

And I forgave him for it...

...only too late.

I'm proud of you, Hans.

I hope you know that.

You're a brilliant engineer.


Bernard, it's your turn, go.

And a far better father

than I ever was.

What about Eduard?

I love Eduard as I love you.

I wish I could've

spent more time

with both of you.

And Mother?

You made her feel

inconsequential, Papa.

You told me she wasted her life.

Your mother was the blood

in my veins,

but I was the thorn in her side.

She was a great scientist, Hans,

insatiably curious.

I would never have achieved

anything without her.

She was the love of my life.


Stop, you're cheating!

It's not cheating. I'm winning.



♪ ♪

(Einstein groans)

♪ ♪

EINSTEIN: Oh, did they

make their flight?


Hans said he hopes

to be back in a few weeks.

I don't have a few weeks.

Look deep into nature.

Then you will understand

everything better.


You are a blessing.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

HANS: His brain--

you want to, what,

slice it up and gaze at

it under a microscope?

What's the alternative?

Cast it into a furnace?

Before us

is your father's

last great gift to the world.

Do what you will with the brain.

But if you think you can

comprehend who my father was

or why he was so brilliant by...

looking at his brain

under a microscope,

you are sorely mistaken.

It is just a thing.


that is not the man.


What is time?

And, for that matter...

what is space?

EINSTEIN: The goal of scientific

pursuit should not merely be

to make use

of the world around us.

It should be to understand it,


No matter what use it might be.


From the smallest molecule

to the largest galaxy,

every question must have

a definable answer,

and, well,

I intend to find those answers.

What is it, Papa?

It's a compass, Albert.

With it, you will

never be lost.

But why does the needle move?

Something called "magnetism."


What is that?

There is a field all around us.

Invisible, but very powerful.

A field? What's that?

And how can it be so powerful

if it's invisible?

And how does a magnet

know how to talk to the field?

ALICE: So, how'd you get

so smart, anyway?

I have no special talent,

but I am very, very

curious, Alice.

All I do is ask questions,

just like you do.

That's the most

important thing.

Anybody can do that.

ALICE: You know, I was looking

up at the moon last night

and wondering, why doesn't it

come crashing down?

And is it true that

it causes the tides?

And if that's true,

then how come my cat's milk

doesn't slop out of the saucer

and spill all over the floor

when the moon's flying over?

And where did the moon

come from, anyway?

I mean, I know it's not

made of cheese or anything,

but it had to come

from somewhere.

It has to be

made of something, right?

The stars and all

the planets, too,

how did they get there?

(fading): How many of them

are there, anyway?

♪ ♪