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03x09 - On the Fence

Posted: 08/04/11 18:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

To our best and final score...

What is it?

Part of the original German u-boat manifest.

You still think Caffrey has the art?

I don't know.

Whoever stole it, if a single item on this list shows up anywhere -- We got 'em.

Yeah. We got 'em.

Did you find the safe?

The manifest wasn't in there, Moz. I'm sorry.

Neal: Oh, come on, Sara, you've always known who I am.

Sara: Yeah, you're right.

I guess you figured out everything I have to offer.

Caffrey, please take care of yourself.

Van Dyck -- "Portrait of a Boy."

Where are you?

There it is.

Degas -- "Masked Dancers."

Oh, come on.

Moz, thank God you didn't sell it.


Moz: They know about the treasure.

They're on to us.

What are you talking about?

What happened?

"Ghost ship found with Hitler clones"?

"And priceless art."

Our priceless art. Ooh, ooh.

They're also on to a vegan vampire ravaging community gardens.

Look, there's no need to hit the panic button.

Neal, this is where our treasure has reached what Malcolm Gladwell would call a "tipping point."

Forensics doesn't talk, nor does Peter.

Yeah, but the suit and his suit cohorts brought in D.C. Art Crimes, one of whom was willing to spill the n*zi beans in a hotel bar.

Uh-huh. She thought I was Interpol.

My point exactly.

I get it, Moz. Secrets can't be kept forever.

But no one can trace this to us.

Except Hale, who I've already lined up to fence the Degas.

Oh, and Sara, the half-suit who suddenly broke things off.

I'm gonna see her today. I'll find out what she knows.

Skip it. Let's just go.

VĂ¡monos. We don't have the means.

We will if we sell the Degas.

No. That is too high-profile.

The FBI only has a partial list.

The odds are miniscule that the Degas is even on it.

But if it is and we sell it --

We'll be long gone before anyone can say "Degas away with it."

And wherever we go, I am telling you, the FBI, Peter, will not stop until they find us.

But we can't leave until we have that list. All right?

Much as I'd love a candy-apple set of lock picks, I thought you might want this back.

Thank you.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm late for a meeting.

Was it the passports?

No, it wasn't.

Then what was it?

I know you, Sara.

You wouldn't have cut out like that unless you had a reason to.

Okay, fine. It was the passports.

You had brilliantly forged I.D.s, and it dawned on me -- you're a con man.

Are you happy?


I want the truth.

Neal... I saw the treasure.

I saw it on your laptop. You hid it from me.

You hid it from Peter, and you're hiding it from the FBI.

And now you're here to find out if I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

It's not as cold as that.


Then what is it?

Now you owe me the truth.

Were you gonna say goodbye to me?


Sara. What?!

Would you have come with me?

Would I have come with you?

How would that have worked?

We'd just go.

The whole world at our feet?

I came so close to asking you.

But you didn't.


Well, then, there's your answer.

Peter: Sara.

This explains why Neal isn't picking up his phone.


I would hate to keep Neal from his crime-solving duties.

Take care, Sara.

It's good to see you, Peter.

You too.

You've come to collect me in person.

I'm hesitant to ask, but why?

We got word on Matthew Keller.

Matthew Keller -- Neal's ex-partner.

That's stretching it.

As most of you know, last year, Keller broke out of prison during his transfer to a maximum-security facility.

He also arranged to have you kidnapped.

I remember that. Unfortunately, he got away then.

But up until this week, his trail was cold.


Keller recently turned up on some security footage in Egypt.

Apparently, he's been taking advantage of the political unrest in the region.

While the people and police take to the streets, he takes priceless pieces from museums.

Classic Keller.

Well, this time, he did well for himself.

He stole this -- You're looking at a one-of-a-kind 3,500-year-old amulet.

Once in the tomb of Narmer the First.

The amulet of the lost pharaoh.

The new Egyptian government considers it a national treasure and, obviously, irreplaceable.

Do we have any leads on where Keller may be?

He's off the grid again, but the Egyptians believe the amulet's been smuggled into Manhattan.

The bureau wants us to find it and return it.

We exercise extreme caution, given Keller's involvement.

He's in our city -- We bring him to justice.

Neal, let's talk.

What do you think Keller's up to?

It's too early to tell.

Whatever we think he's doing, he's probably three steps past it by now.

Why risk doing business in the U.S., with someone in New York?

Oh, he's always been brazen.


[ Chuckles ]

Think they're on to us?

[ Chuckles ]

Has Keller contacted you?

No. Why?

As hard as we've tried, versions of what happened to Adler's sub have leaked out.

It's hard to keep a secret that big.


Keller's a smart guy.

He starts putting those rumors together...

You're wondering if he made the same assumption you did.

If he's thinking you're in possession of $1 billion worth of lost artwork, that's a reason big enough to draw him back.

For it, and for you.

If he thinks I stole the treasure, let's use it to take him down.

We found it -- the New York connection between the Egyptian stolen amulet and Keller.

Great. Anybody we know?

You tell me.

The Egyptians believe the shipment was sent to an ancient-civilizations expert in Soho named Raquel Laroque.

I know the name. She's an egyptologist.

Apparently, that's her day job.

She's a fence?

And a damn good one.

Check out her concealment technique.

The shipments she gets look like Egyptian gift-shop tchotchkes.

But in reality...

They're highly durable X-ray-proof molds built around real, priceless artifacts.

The mummy returns. Sexy.

Thought you might like that.

Ms. Laroque has put out word that she's in the market for a restoration tech.

She needs someone to extract the artifacts without damaging them.

It's challenging work.

Mm. Know anyone who can pull it off?

Talk to your crime super-friends and make it happen.

We get this amulet, we're one step closer to Keller.

All right.

Hey, what do you know about Raquel Laroque?

Not much beyond she's an egyptologist.

I hear she's spicy.

What does that mean?

I don't know. Not all my information's helpful.


[ Laughs ]

What's up, man?


I heard Moz did some work on your mobile office.

Yeah, I'm still learning all the bells and whistles.

Mozzie refuses to write down instructions.

Obviously, we don't want any public record of our modifications.

I'll settle for that Degas you keep promising.

It's coming. Soon.

Yeah, we had a minor complication.

What if we could get you something better?

Well, my buyer has his heart set on that Degas --

Before we can move any of it, do you know a fence named Raquel Laroque?

I do.

She has this intricate concealment technique.

Yeah, that's what I'd like to talk to her about.

She's in the market for a new restoration tech.

If you get the job, that will help eliminate your delay with the Degas?

Uh, yes. Uh, you vouch for Neal, it will expedite the sale.


It will.

All right, then. I'll set up a meeting.

[ Tapping ]

Your guy's very late.

He'll show. Hale is very reliable.

[ Tapping ]

You and Sara?

Yes. Me and Sara. Over?


So what I witnessed...

Return of the breakup bag.

All right.

What happened to you guys?

And don't give me the "we're just different people" routine.

We are very different people.

Not everybody can be Peter and Elizabeth, okay?

Ah, speaking of, since Hale's running late --

[ Beep ]

[ Rings ]

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Beep ]

Hey, honey. How's the stakeout going?

Uh, that's why I'm calling.

Looks like it's running longer than expected.

Oh, no.

I hate to say this, but I don't think we're gonna be able to make Tray and Sheila's barbecue tonight.

Wow, that's too bad, 'cause I was ready to walk out the door.

Aw, I'm sure you were.

She can't stand Tray and Sheila.

But, you know, you could go without me, unless, of course, you're already settled in with a cup of tea and a new book.

I know thee well, as well, which means you're gonna make up for canceling on me when you get home, mister.

Oh, honey, do you know you're on speaker?

Oh. Hi, Neal.

Hi, Elizabeth.

All right, well, crack this case soon, will you?

We will. We both will --

Sorry, El. Got to go.

Okay. Well, you owe me.

Okay. Love you.

[ Beep ]

Why'd you cut me off?

Well, I just didn't want you talking with El about the case.

Oh. By "the case," you mean you don't want me to mention Keller?

She got pretty riled up after I was taken.

There's no need to mention Keller's name to her when we don't even know yet if he's on the continent.

Ahh. There's Raquel.

Love how she picked a mob hangout.

Safest cafe in the city.

She won't stay here long. Any way of contacting Hale?

I paged him. Old school.

Yeah. You'd like him.


I don't want to lose her. She's our only link to Keller.

Hale's already laid the groundwork.

She knows she's meeting me.

Let me make the approach. Then you try to bust us.

Once we successfully evade your evil clutches, I'll gain her confidence.

That's a plan.

Or...You make the approach, I arrest both of you, and release you two together after a grueling interrogation.

When she sees you didn't flip on her, she'll embrace you in her evil circle of trust.

Yeah. Early in a relationship, it's better to experience a win.

Okay. Tell you what.

When you're an FBI agent and I'm the ward of the federal prison system, we'll do it your way.

All this time, I thought we were partners.

We are. It's just, tie always goes to me.

You ready?

You're the boss.

Diana, Neal's making his approach.

"Hail my heart. Hail my heart.

Hail my transformation."

Book of the Dead, Chapter 30B.

I'm impressed.

It's inscribed on the back of a 3,500-year-old scarab amulet recently removed from the Egyptian National Museum.

You know that, and yet no Hale.

Our friend told you a lot more than he should have.

He trusts me.

Then where is he?

He'll show.

Thank you.

May I see the piece?

You think I'd bring it on a first date?

I still have half a mind to k*ll you.

I'd rather you didn't.

But if you do...

...I'd really like to see the amulet of the lost pharaoh before I go.

Why don't we start with this?

Egyptian faience...

Composed of crushed quartz, sand, calcite, lime, and alkalis.

I'd describe it as a late-middle-kingdom shabti, buried with the pharaohs to protect them in an afterlife.

It's not middle kingdom.

The plaster's modern, and it has a higher calcium content, probably to protect whatever's inside it.

It's very hard to get to what's inside.

I could put together a restoring process in an afternoon.

I like your confidence and your passion.

But I still need to talk to Hale.

Until then.

We're both walking into the unknown without Hale.

But sometimes you trust your instinct.

My instinct says walk away.

I see you brought company.

The feds. Yeah. What's our story?

I'm not talking to them. Not with Airport Shabti on me.

All right.

I'll get us out of here. Come on.

Feds. FBI raid. Raid.

FBI. What's he talking about?

Feds? Where?

Whoa, whoa. What is this?

I'm trying to have a nice lunch here.

I'm in the middle of my rigatoni. We're not here for you, all right?

There you go. Then take me, officer.

Don't take him. He's nobody. Forget him.


Watch your mouth.

The tie was supposed to go to me.

You're resourceful.

Team effort. You picked the cafe.

Still, my last partner --


Restoration tech.

He created the molds around these pieces in Egypt.

What happened to him?

Well, he wasn't as resourceful as you are.

He'll be in an Egyptian prison for a long time.

Well, at least he shipped you the amulet before he was arrested.

So he says. No way of knowing until we unwrap it.


[ Sighs ]

Keep your schedule open.

I'll let you know when and where.

How can I get in touch?

You can't.

No, no. No dusting off. No smiling.

Don't come in here with a grin on your face.

But I'm in.

Yeah, but the plan was for me to haul you and her in to the FBI.

I was good with that plan.

And yet you yelled, "FBI raid."

Look, she had an artifact on her.

Raquel wasn't about to turn herself in.

Oh. Raquel, huh? Hmm.


Oh, nothing.

Mysterious, gorgeous, she wears a hat.

She's an expert in a certain subject that you find particularly sexy.

What are you talking about?

Just wondering why you ditched me.

I told you, Peter, she's a thief.

And you are...

Someone who escaped your capture in a crowded restaurant by saying two words -- "FBI raid."

Don't get cocky.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

May I?

Yes, you may.

It's Moz.

[ Beep ]

What's going on?

Hale didn't show today.

Neal, he had a reason.

What is it?

Hale's dead.

I'm sorry, Moz.

Hale didn't have any enemies.

He was the last of the gentleman fences.

We'll find out what happened.

They have any idea who did this?

No fingerprints, no blood splatter, nothing.

Did you check the security feed?

Security feed?

Yeah, he installed it.

Why didn't you tell anyone?

I tried to. What do you need?

All I need is a laptop and a USB cable.

Ticktock, everyone.

The feed is sound-activated.

It only records when someone's talking.

Hale: I might have that piece of art for you.

Talk to you later.

Get out.


You okay?


How did Keller know Hale?

He didn't. I would have known if he did.

So Hale's death is somehow connected to Raquel and the amulet.

[ Sighs ]

Unless it's something else.

Peter, I wish I knew.

I'm shutting down this operation.

I can't take the chance that Keller knows that you're going under with Raquel.

Keller doesn't know we've seen him.

He thinks he sanitized the car.

Keep me under with Raquel.

No, not until I know more information on how Hale died.

We may lose her by then, Peter.

If this is Keller's plan, Raquel is the best way to draw him out.


I want Keller stopped.
[ British accent ] Sara.

Sara Ellis, right?

May I help you?

Yeah. Agent Sloan, Interpol.

We need to talk about Neal Caffrey.

I'm sorry. Today's not a good day, so perhaps some other time.

Afraid not.

And, uh...

I know about the treasure.

Excuse me?

I don't follow.

Come on, Sara.

Can I call you Sara?


[ Chuckles ]

Look, this doesn't have to be antagonistic.

We've been following Mr. Caffrey ever since we learned of the suspicious events surrounding Vincent Adler's death.

The fire and the sub, that's public knowledge, but...Neal Caffrey's extravagant lifestyle while serving time is something we think you can help shed some light on.

Well, Neal Caffrey and I are no longer seeing each other, so we're not in contact.

See, that is news, 'cause we saw you two together the other morning.

There you both are, what, purchasing four helicopters.

What does one do with four helicopters?

Sterling-Bosch has some pretty strict rules about theft recovery, Sara.

Your boss, has he mentioned anything about an internal investigation?

No. That's right.

Probably because I haven't mentioned this case to him yet.

Well, I honestly don't know what to tell you.

Yeah, you do.

Just give me something.

Give me something, and maybe Neal skates on a light sentence.

But if not, Caffrey goes down hard, and I've got enough to make you an accessory.

Simple piece of information, Sara.

It's your choice.

Thank you very much. We'll do our best.

Appreciate it.

They look important.

From the Egyptian Embassy. What do you have?

Heard from Raquel.

So, when is the rendezvous?

2:00 tomorrow. Her lab.

Good. We've got her place staked out, and her phone's tapped.

No more leads on Keller?

No. But I wasn't expecting any.

Listen, you may want to say something to El now that we're sure Keller's back.

[ Sighs ]

Neal Caffrey suggests that someone shouldn't keep secrets from their partner.

Where's this coming from?

Someone who keeps a lot of secrets.

[ Laughs ]


Let's nail Keller this time.


[ Knock on door ]

Where's Neal?

Oh. Hello to you, too.

No, Mozzie. This is important.

Did you try calling him?

I can't.

You don't want to, or you're not physically capable of dialing a telephone?

Okay, do you still sweep this place for bugs?

What do you think? You may speak freely within these walls.

I know about the treasure.

What treasure?

Mozzie, I saw it on Neal's laptop. Oh, damn it.

He wants you to run away to the island with us. So Neal told you.

He didn't tell me. Oh. Did I tell you?

Mozzie, there is an Interpol agent who is on to you and Neal.

He has been following me for weeks, and he knows about the treasure.

Did you tell him anything?

Well, I had to give him something.

Oh, to protect yourself.

No, to protect all of us.

He was gonna drag us all in.

Neal was really gonna tell me everything?

Yes, but I talked him out of it for the exact reason that you're standing here right now.

What did you tell the agent?

I never said that you two were involved, but I had to give him the I.P. address for the treasure-cam.

How long ago?

I don't know. I --

How long?

40 minutes ago.

I didn't give him the password.

I assumed it wasn't easily hacked.

U-unless you're Interpol!

I-I have to shut down the feed.

Well, you already know about agent Sloan.

That's who you met?


And you gave him the I.P. address?

Mozzie, what?

It's the one man who wants Neal dead.

Hey, Mozzie, what's going on?

Keller's been posing as an Interpol agent.

He met with Sara. What?

She had no idea who he was.

Is she okay?

Yes, but she did give up the I.P. address.


I reset the feed.

Is it secure?

It is now.

All right. If he's seen the feed, he knows the treasure is real.

Look -- even if Keller did get a glimpse of it, there's no way he could trace it back to the warehouse.

Like there's no way a swatch of my canvas could have survived the fire?

I'm going to put a backup plan for Keller into place.

You take care of securing the art. I'll handle Keller.

[ Beep ]

No, no, no, no.

I'm gonna stop Keller once and for all, okay?



Thank you.


Here you go.

[ Sighs ]

Jones, we have to stop meeting like this.

I bet you say that to all the agents.

Turn it off only if she sweeps for bugs.

If I lose contact with you for more than a minute, I'm coming in. Got it.

And the password for the day is... inscription.

No chances. Keep it simple.

The instant you know it's the real scarab amulet, you call us in.

Here we go.


Not so fast.

My wand.

To make sure we're alone.

Of course.

[ Beep ]

[ Wand beeping ]

[ Sighs ]

Well, that was fast.

He'll come back online.

In 50 seconds, we move in.

Very nice.

Wasn't so painful.

Without it, we'd have to work in the nude.

[ Whirring ]

Ancient spirits?

Air conditioner.

It has a life of its own.

[ Beep ]

This is what I want you to see. Jones: He's back.

[ Sighs ]

In 8 seconds, I was gonna move in.

We can expect Keller to strike in a window that small.


Looks like a $20 paperweight.

Let's hope it's not.

Be careful with it.

This one's special.

Bless me, father, for I'm about to sin.

We all are.

You found me. What do you want?

I need your help with a problem.

Matthew Keller. $6 million?

He k*lled a friend of mine.

Now he's threatening others close to me.

This is a lot.

You got a particular client in mind for the job?

Contact all of them. It's open season on Keller.

Spoils go to the victor.

You got an address?

Let your people earn their money.

They can find him.

Yeah. Leave something in the collection plate.

Let's see how this works.

[ Whirring ]

The A.C. isn't working.

I'm gonna shut it off.

Can you survive a little sweat?

It's the thrill of New York in the summer.

Look at this.

You can see the hieroglyphics indented in the mold.

It's a beautiful language.

It's an art, really.

You ever heard of the papyrus seven scrolls?

Of course.

It's a shame they were proven to be forgeries.

Only after a dozen different egyptologists weighed in.

I know. I was one of them.

Those were a work of art.

That was you?


There is that speculation.

A forger, a restoration tech, an escape artist.


The things we could do together.

Come on, Neal. Just uncover the damn amulet.

And there it is.

I've waited for this one my entire career.

Have you ever experienced the thrill of discovering a real treasure?

All right. Let's get ready to move in.

Caffrey should give us the signal any minute.

I'm experiencing it now.

Let's suit up.

You read the inscription?

Keller: [ American accent ]

"You have come forth to the beautiful place to which we run."

It's remarkable, isn't it?

Who are you?

Matthew Keller.

I'm an old friend of Neal's.

We were something, but we were never friends.

Then think of me as the man who stole that amulet from the Egyptian Museum.


Impressive, huh?

Now I kind of want it back.

What are you worried about?

Don't worry about the boys in the van.

The feds ain't coming.


Oh, let me guess. He didn't tell you?

Yeah, he's a criminal consultant for the FBI.

Right, buddy?

You're Neal Caffrey.

Well, look at that. You're famous.

Raquel, this man is incredibly dangerous.

Don't believe anything he tells you.

You should listen to some things I tell you.

Oh! Hey!

This is spicy, huh?

I don't know what's going on between you two, but I'm not sticking around to find out.

That's a good idea, sweetheart. This is just guy talk.

Boys will be boys.


I trusted you.

[ Chuckles ]

She seems nice.

What do you want?

Come on, Neal.

I want the treasure.

You set this up.

You stole the amulet and had Raquel's restorer arrested in Egypt so she'd need someone new.

Too bad you didn't put that together before now.

Someone put a hit on Keller?

Man: Yeah. Big one. $6 million.

How much?

Rockie, keep your distance.

He's at my place right now.

This is not the time for you to be getting into this.

No. He owes me.

[ Beep ]

Must be something pretty important in that warehouse.

Turns out, Neal, you're sitting on one of the greatest treasures never discovered.

I don't have a treasure.

I know you don't.

I do.

[ Whirring ]

That's the air conditioner.


Jones: Yeah?

Didn't she say she turned off the A.C.?

Yeah, I thought so.

Play back the audio.

[ Keys clacking ]

Raquel: The A.C. isn't working. I'm gonna shut it off.

Can you survive a little sweat?

The thrill of New York in the summer.

She shut it off. We're on on audio loop.

All agents, I want a visual.

Surround the building. We're moving in.

[ Keys clacking ]

Come see what I found.

There it is.

I wanted to see your face when you figured it out.

I won, Neal.

[ g*nsh*t ]

Peter: sh*ts fired!

Distance, Caffrey.

Damn it.

You know, you should be proud.

Hale -- he didn't want to give up the knowledge on the Degas.

And Sara --

Pretty little Sara, whose heart you broke --

She didn't want to betray you, either.


You made friends.

I can't wait to take you down.

[ Chuckles ]

Peter: FBI! Open up!

[ Pounding on door ]

They took their time.


Oh, the amulet. Consolation prize.

[ Pounding continues ]


Peter, it's Neal! I'm alone and unarmed, okay?

I'm unlocking the door.

What's going on?

Keller was here. He's armed.


Where'd he go?

That door.

Jones: I'll check upstairs.





Where the hell did he go?

Jones, get Caffrey.

A rabbit hole.

Yeah. That's where he went.


He's gone.

He's off anklet.

Find him.

All right, I'm almost at the warehouse.

We need a solid plan, Moz.

Okay. It's coming up.

Wait. Neal.

What is it?

He's not in the warehouse.

Wait. His men are gone?

What did they take?

Hold on. Let me check something.

Let me look at the old feed.


They're there, but they're not there there.

What are you saying?

It's a fake warehouse.

The treasure room on cam -- it's not ours.

Keller must have hacked the feed.

He faked it?

Apparently he couldn't follow the signal to the real location, so he made a replica.

And the only reason he showed up at the lab was to get me to lead him to the real warehouse.

Off anklet. Damn it.

The FBI has no idea where you are, so he can take you down.

Are you being followed?


All right. I got an idea.

Lead him someplace else, and then hide there until help arrives.

Exactly. What's around here?


Okay, uh -- The palace.

The palace. Always a fan favorite.

Uh, father.

I have an address that you will find useful.

Have you ever heard of the palace?

Hey. Caffrey's GPS is back on.

Where is he?

5 Beekman.

Let's go.

Matthew: Come on, Caffrey.

I know you're not keeping the loot on an upper level.

Neal: I'm not keeping the loot in this building.

You're as predictable as everyone else, you know that?

The moment you saw your precious cargo had been hauled away, you dodged the feds and led me right to it.

[ Wings flutter ]

Or I figured out your plan...

Brought you here instead.

Yeah, I don't think so. Show me where it is.

Let's just work together on this one, huh?

What do you say?

Let's be honest -- it's your only chance at survival.

Peter can't ever know that you stole the goods from under his nose, Neal.

It'll break his heart.

So I can help relieve you of this burden.

You can continue your criminal-consultant life here in New York -- I mean, it's win-win.

You're as predictable as everyone else, Keller.

Your arrogance.

Your greed.

You're trapped.

Nobody's coming, Neal.

But what I can't understand is why you would sit on the treasure for so long.

I mean, it seems to me you either sell it, you turn it in, or you run, right?

Or the feds are on their way and I don't have it.

You don't deserve it.

You don't even have what it takes to hold on to it.

You're not the only one who knows where it is.

I'll tell Mozzie you said hi.

FBI! Drop your w*apon.

I didn't lie to you, Keller.

I don't have the treasure.

It's good to see you again, Burkey.


[ g*nshots ]

Where's Keller?

There he is.

[ g*nf*re ]

All units, pursue suspect on the northwest side of the building.

I got the sh**t.


Why did you run?


Keller escaped. I went after him.

You had a dozen federal agents at your side.

Why did you cut your audio feed and your GPS?

What did Keller want with you?

You were right. He thought I had the treasure.

I led him to the palace, the kind of place he'd believe I'd hide it, I turned on the GPS so you could follow me --

After you escaped.

Otherwise you would have shown up before I got there.

Keller would have fled. Peter, it worked. We had him.

Until she took a shot at him.

I don't know why she did that.

Maybe because someone put a $6 million bounty out on Keller.

$6 million?

I guess we're not the only ones who want him.

Guess not.

[ Sighs ]

Bring her in.

Give me your foot.

[ Sighs ]

You can go.

You had me, Caffrey.

Look -- Peter's a good agent.

He wants Keller more than you do.

That bastard took my scarab.

See you around, Raquel.

Peter: Sit down.

[ Elevator bell dings ]


What are you doing here?

Peter called me in. Oh.

To make a statement about my meeting with Keller.

I'm glad you're safe.

I had a long talk with Mozzie.

Your secret's safe with me, Neal.

I hope you don't forget everything between us.

Well, no. Not everything.

I won't forget about that Raphael you stole.



[ Chuckles ]



Did you catch any bad guys today?

A couple.

Oh, good. I can go back to sleep now.


Come to bed.

[ Sniffs ]

[ Sighs ]

Honey, you okay?

There's something I need to tell you.

Okay. I'm listening.

One of the guys we were pursuing --

He got away.

Are you concerned?

It's Matthew Keller.


Keller's in New York?

Hon, I was gonna tell you.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because we weren't sure. Then we had him cornered --

Honey, this man had you kidnapped.

I know. We're gonna find him.

FBI has got him on the most-wanted list, the U.S. marshals are out in full force, and there's a bounty on his head.

I should have told you.

I'm sorry.

Don't do this.

I can handle it. You know that. I know.

What I can't handle is finding out after something happens.

Nothing will.

I promise.

So they have a bounty on him, huh?


All we know at this point is that they're willing to pay $6 million to make him go away.

The Van Dyck. Good.



Where's the Degas?

Mozzie, what did you do?

[ Knock on door ]


We arrested Keller.


Except as we were cuffing him, someone shot him.

Winged him.

And in the chaos, he escaped.


Someone put a bounty on his head.

A $6 million bounty.

Now, that's roughly the black-market sale price of the Degas.

No. That's exactly the sale price of the Degas.

You fenced it.

You should have asked me.

Well, you should have told me Sara knew about the warehouse.

I guess we're in the habit of keeping secrets now.

You took out a hit on Keller?

He k*lled Hale.

He went after Sara.

Keller wasn't gonna stop till he destroys you.

I told you not to sell it.

It was all set up. I didn't have time to fence anything else.

It's on the list, Moz! It's on the damn list.

Excuse me?

Where did you get this?

You told me when you broke into Peter's house the list wasn't there.

It was.

You lied to me?

We got bigger problems, all right?

When the Degas turns up -- and it will -- the FBI is gonna know the treasure didn't burn.

And we're the prime suspects.

Why didn't you tell me?

Look, it doesn't matter now. Who did you fence it through?

We have to get it back.

Or we're done, Moz.

We're done.