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03x08 - As You Were

Posted: 07/28/11 04:17
by bunniefuu
Oh, my God.

[ Knock on door ]

Neal: Sara? The door is locked.

Uh, just one second.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ]



What's going on?

Are you leaving?

The renovations on my apartment are far enough along that I can move back in.

Doesn't mean you have to head out right this second.


I'm leaving. Done.

A few hours ago, we were fine.

Now you're walking out?

What happened?

Well, the inevitable happened, Neal.

I mean, we didn't think this was gonna last.

I didn't know we were a fait accompli.

Come on.

This was fun...

But we're two very different people.

Oh, come on, Sara, you've always known who I am.

Yeah, you're right.


I guess you figured out everything I have to offer.

We could be good together.

[ Sighs ]

I know.

Neal, you live in the clouds...

And I live on West 69th.

I never promised you anything else.

I know.

[ Sighs ]

Well, you found your way out.

I'll figure out the rest of my things.


Caffrey, please take care of yourself.

Peter: She walked out, just like that?

Just like that.

Was it, uh... mutual?


What did she say?

That we're different people.

Well, of course you're different.

That's what makes life interesting.

What's next?



Just let her go?

It's not like we were star-crossed, all right?

It's over. For good?

For the best.

Okay, whatever you say.

Morning, sunshines.

Any movement from our suspect?

Walked his dog twice.

What's that smell?

Tuna sandwich.

This half is up for grabs. Pass.

Why'd you bring Caffrey?

I brought him for his expertise and his company.

He likes to poke me with sticks. I do.

Hey, why don't you head out?

I can catch up Peter.

You sure?


You've got that look, like you're dying to get out of the van.

You have no idea.

You're welcome. Thank you.

Freeze! Hands where I can see them!


Easy, easy.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.

Take off your mask.

Look, I don't want any trouble.


[ Siren wails ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

Either you forgot to clean up for company, or that was quite a fight.

Tell me about it.

Guy was trained in Kali.

Definitely a professional.

I was able to get a shot off that hit him in the right shoulder.

Your attacker's a ghost.

NYPD's got cruisers and choppers searching the area.

No trace.

What was he after?


Guy breaks into an apartment to steal a postcard?

Jimmy a friend of yours?

Yeah, Jimmy Wilson. Old buddy from Annapolis.

Cryptic postcards from old friends mean trouble.

In my experience.

Last I heard, he worked for Barrett-Dunne security.

Private military for hire? Yeah.

It's postmarked Pretoria, South Africa.

That's a long way from home. Mm.

May I?


There's something under the stamp.

Do we have tweezers or... Yep.


Thank you.


It's a microdot. Old-school.

Yeah, but all you need is a film camera and a pair of scissors.

Break-ins, mercenaries, secret messages.

Just another day, huh?

Welcome to life outside the van.

Great news.

You've been no help at all.

I'll be up in a few minutes.

Lab's finished enhancing the microdot.

They're sending it over.

Barrett-Dunne confirmed Jimmy's an employee but won't say where he's stationed or in what capacity.

All right.

What else do we know about this private-mercenary outfit?

They make Blackwater look like a YouTube cat video.

They've been linked with rogue k*ll teams, death squads.

Sounds like a fun group of guys.

Doesn't make any sense.

Jimmy's one of the good guys.

What's the story with the two of you?

Oh, we met at the Academy.

He was like a brother to me.

A brother you haven't talked to in five years?

Well, we served our tours together.

He stayed in the military.

I went on to Harvard Law.

Well, whatever trouble he's in, maybe his wife can shed some light.


She's here?

Yeah. She came in this morning.

She's upstairs, giving Diana a statement.

That a problem?

No, no.

No problem at all.

Diana: Peter.

This is Isabelle Wilson.



It's,'s good -- it's good to see you.

Yeah, you too.


Uh, so, um, anything from Jimmy?

I told agent Berrigan everything I know.

And if it turns out he's fine, I'm gonna k*ll him.

[ Chuckles ]

I take it you two have met.

C.J. and I were a little bit almost married once.

It's kind of a...

Long story.

Did she just call him C.J.?

Mm-hmm. Isabelle, this is, uh...

Agent Peter Burke. Peter Burke, yes, and, uh, Neal Caffrey.

Hi. Agent Burke, C.I., not to be confused with his C.J.

No. Ignore him.

Thank you for coming in, Ms. Wilson.

No problem.

So, uh, I'll walk you out, okay?

Nice to meet you.

Look at you.

Law degree, FBI agent.

[ Sighs ]

You always were an over-achiever.

And you.

Linguistics professor at Princeton.

I may have looked you up.

You look good.

You're not looking so bad yourself.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Listen, if, uh, Jimmy's in trouble, we'll sort it out.

Let's just hope he isn't.

Two months ago, Barrett-Dunne dispatched Jimmy to shore up security at a palladium mine they own and operate in Pretoria, South Africa. Neal?

I've never been near that mine.

No, could you highlight the finer points of palladium, please?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Palladium is used in cellphones, computers, auto parts.

It's also 20 times the value of silver and not a bad name for a London theater.

Jimmy was sent there by a man known to Isabelle as Striker.

She met him once, briefly, but didn't get his real name.

Apparently this Striker was bragging about securing contracts in India and China.

We've requested Barrett-Dunne’s employee files and photos.

But they're not cooperating -- Surprise, surprise.

Diana: In Isabelle's last conversation with him, Jimmy believed the company was keeping a close watch.

Monitoring his personal calls, his outgoing mail.

Explains the microdot.

That was the only way he had to get information out.

Speaking of microdots -- Jones?

This is what our technicians extracted.

Neal: It's a schematic of the palladium mine. Yep.

And this is a schematic of the same mine filed with the Department of Mineral Resources six days ago.

Notice anything different?

Diana: There's an entire annex that isn't on the official map.

Neal: If Jimmy's pointing us there...

Then someone at Barrett-Dunne, possibly Striker, is going to great lengths to stop him.

Our best chance at finding Jimmy is to figure out what Striker's up to.

I want a team looking into the mine.

Jones, dig up what we can on Barrett-Dunne.

We need an in.

Anything I can do?

Stay close.

Diana: What's going on?

Our patience may have paid off.

D.C. Art Crimes uncovered a new Cézanne in a Baltimore storage vault.

Does it match either of the Cézannes on the u-boat manifest?

No word yet.

Either way, I want to see it myself.

Kramer is sending over photos.

This is our first potential hit off the list. Mm.

If you wait long enough, your thief will make a mistake.

[ Sighs ]

Everything okay?

Yeah. Staying close.

Good. All right.

For what it's worth, I'm really sorry about Sara.

She has an infectious joie de vivre.

And she looks terrific in pant suits.

Promise me you'll never speak at my funeral.

You were gonna have to cut ties with her eventually.

Our days here are numbered.

Providing we find a way to start selling off the art without alerting the feds.

Yeah, speaking of, Peter and Diana are up to something.


Up to something?

Quelle surprise.

Yeah, two closed-door meetings in as many days?

I videotaped their conversation.

Ah, gutsy.

Mm, well, desperate times.

[ Beep ]

Can you tell what they're saying?

Oh, something "paid off."

Wait. The Suit says, "new Cézanne."

You sure?

Or possibly "Rue McClanahan."

I'd go with "new Cézanne."

We've got a pair of Cézannes in our stash.

"Bridge Over a Pond" and "The Mount of Saint Victoria."

Not good, Moz.

Peter's still looking into the art from the u-boat?

Yeah, he's not one to give up.

I thought he handed the investigation over to D.C. Art Crimes.

He may have handed over the partial manifest, but he wouldn't let go of the investigation.

Think you can find out what he's up to?

I'll do what I can.

Last week, the manager of the palladium mine reached out to a local reporter.

She wanted to talk about something illegal going on there.

Only before the manager could talk, she was k*lled.

Smells to me like a cover-up.

Jones, if Jimmy's involved in m*rder --

Peter, he's not.

I mean, he sent me that postcard to expose the truth, not to cover it up.

Trust me, Jimmy is on the right side of things.

Only one way to make sure.

We need to find our elusive Striker.

Neal: He may not be as elusive as we thought.

Take a look at this.

Barrett-Dunne’s hosting a reception tomorrow.

Open to invited guests and all active and retired military personnel.

Neal: There's a good chance Striker will be there.

Good. Isabelle's seen him, so she can make the I.D.

And as former military, you can go.


[ Clears throat ]

So, you, uh, you want me to ask Isabelle to the reception?

[ Clears throat ]

If --

Unless it's a problem, given your history with her.

O-okay, guys, look.

Isabelle and I met my last year at Annapolis.

Stayed together through law school.

I chose the FBI. She chose Jimmy.

Anything else we got to clear up?

No, I'm good, I'm good.

Neal, Diana, you're good?

About C.J. --

Is that a special pet name only she calls you, or can we call you that?


You asked if I was good. It was rhetorical.

I want to ask him. Okay, apparently, I'm good. Shush.

He's good. Any questions?

No, no, not at all.

Teaming up with my ex-fiancée to confront a dangerous man to find her missing husband --

Should be fun.

Peter, I'm in.


You have eyes on Isabelle?

Sweet lord almighty.

I'll take that as an affirmative.

Yes, sir.

[ Band plays "Anchors Aweigh" ]

Lieutenant Jones. Wow.

I haven't seen you in dress whites since...

Your wedding.

It's been a while.

You okay doing this?

If you're okay, I'm okay.

Yeah, I'm -- I'm okay.

[ Sighs ]

The commander coming in --

That's him. That's Striker.

Excuse me.

The commander -- Who is he?

Henry van Horn, C.O.O. of Barrett-Dunne.

Thank you. Peter, you get that?

Yeah. I'm having Diana run the name.

Looks like he has a couple of bruises on his neck, as well.

You think he's the guy who att*cked you?

We're about to find out, aren't we?

[ Clears throat ]

Afternoon, commander.


Have we met?

I don't believe we have.

Ah, Clinton Jones, FBI.

[ Grunts ]

How you doing?

[ Sighs ]

I'm looking for Jimmy Wilson.

Don't have any idea where he is, do you?

Why don't you ask his wife?

He already did.


Your husband abandoned his post.

And by the looks of things, you're not far off from abandoning your husband.

Jimmy wouldn't have disappeared without a reason.

Jimmy has a nasty habit of getting in over his head.

Tell me I'm wrong.

[ Cellphone rings ]

If you'll excuse me.

Peter: What'd you find out?

Son of a bitch owes me a flat-screen.

You're sure it was Jimmy?

Then find him.

He could blow the whole thing.

What's going on, Jones?

Van Horn's leaving this party, and fast.



We need to talk.

You can't protect me.

No one can.

Jimmy, don't...

Jimmy, don't run, don't run. Jimmy!

Why did Jimmy run?

If he turns himself in instead of pulling a Jason Bourne, he'd be safe.

The FBI would have protected him.

Izz, look, Jimmy doesn't think so.

Barrett-Dunne is powerful.

He came back to try to expose what they're up to.


Jimmy isn't the hero you think he is.

Whatever van Horn is up to in that mine, Jimmy is a part of.

At least, he was.

What are you talking about?

After he got back to the mine, he started sending cash -- a lot.

How much?

Close to $100,000.

He said it was some kind of bonus.

Izz, you know, this is something that you might have wanted to share with me.

I know. I felt like I had to protect him.

He's my husband.

How the hell did he even get involved with this company?

Because he's Jimmy.

He's always pushing to do more, to be a better provider.

He's never stopped comparing himself to you.

To me?

You're the gold standard.


You know, I work in a van. I live under the stairs.

I -- You're way too modest.

Like it or not, you're a good man, Clinton Jones.

That's kind of a rare thing.

Diana: Hey, boss. Hey.

So, good news, bad news on the Cézanne.

Start with the good news.

D.C. says it's the genuine article.

Dates back to the 1870s.

But it's not number 9 on the sub's manifest. No.

Number 9 is listed as "Bridge Over a Pond."

Pond but no bridge.

Hence the bad news.

[ Sighs ]

What if, after all this...

It's not out there?


I'd be relieved.

Hey, did you get those files?

Yeah, I got everything.

Ooh. I got it. Thanks.

Thanks, Diana.

I got some news.

Peter requested photos from D.C. Art Crimes.

Why would he do that?


I think he still has a copy of the u-boat manifest.

Our ticket to paradise.

You think he'd keep it at the FBI?

Well, if he suspects me...

Which he does. ...It'd be risky.

But possible?

It's possible.

I'll go back tonight and look around.

Won't that look suspicious?

I'm a criminal.

We keep odd hours.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

You still here?

Jimmy's b*llet came back from forensics.

What do you see?

Brass casing.

Nothing strange about that.

Look closer.

It's filled with palladium.

Exactly. Doesn't make sense.

Walk through it with me.

All right.

Van Horn personally sends Jimmy to the mine.

Jimmy gets involved in something illegal there.

The manager of the mine says she's gonna talk. She's k*lled.

And now Jimmy wants out because he didn't think it would escalate to m*rder.

Or Jimmy's involved in the m*rder, and he ran because he's guilty.

Do you always presume guilt?

Guilty people do guilty things.

Am I wrong?

For the sake of argument, let's go with my version.


Jimmy wants out. Mm-hmm.

Van Horn realizes Jimmy's thinking of leaving, so he sits on him.

Probably starts monitoring his calls, checking his mail.

That's when Jimmy sends Jones the microdot.

Jimmy slips back into the country...

And gives me that.

Why make a b*llet out of palladium?

High-tech werewolves?

Keep thinking.

Van Horn said Barrett-Dunne had contracts in China and India.

Countries with a high demand for palladium.

Yeah, but it's not illegal to import palladium into those countries.

No, but there are tariffs.

It's a tax dodge.

m*rder, break-ins, fake b*ll*ts, all so our soldier of fortune can save a few tax dollars?

Oh, try tens of millions every year.


Glad I don't pay taxes.


[ Laughs ]


We're good at this.

We are.

What now?

I think it's time van Horn and I had a little face-to-face.


Van Horn's on his way up.


No. It's really not.

Henry: Afternoon, agents. Let's see it.

"In the interest of national security, "all Barrett-Dunne interviews to be conducted by, and scheduled through, the U.S. attorney's office."

My friends over there say they're busy, although they may be able to fit you in sometime next spring.

You got the D.O.J. in your pocket.

You must think you're pretty special, huh?

Agent Jones.

I almost didn't recognize you without your best friend's wife on your arm.

This doesn't end here, van Horn. Not like this.

You got friends in high places?

So do I.

I almost considered having my attorney deliver the news for me.

Glad I didn't.

This was fun.

Come on.

Peter: Jones. Jones, Jones.

You know what kind of fun we're gonna have?

We're gonna find Jimmy, and then we're gonna take you down.

[ Sniffs ]

Hmm. I'd suggest using less cologne.

You wouldn't want Jimmy smelling you on his wife when he gets back.

Hey. Easy.

Let him go. Come on. Come on! Let him go.

Let him go!

[ Henry chuckles ]

You got stones. I respect that.

Tell you what.

You get tired of cheap suits and government wages, you give me a call.

You're above this.

So, how we gonna get this guy?

[ Sighs ]

Good news.

We're clear to wiretap van Horn's cellphone.

How'd you get a warrant?

I got a friend at the U.S. attorney's office, and I bought an ungodly amount of her daughter's band candy.

You can never get enough band candy.

No, you can't.

I just wish they had something else besides those damn chocolate bars.

That's it.

Behold -- A copy of the Suit's key, fashioned after your chewing-gum mold.

What is it?

Well, your instincts were correct.

It opens a Rabbiner 10-28 key-lock combination wall safe.

Top of the line.

Those have only been on the market a couple months.

Yeah, it means the Suit recently acquired something that needs upgraded protection.

The art manifest?

The timing works out.

If he's hiding it in his house...

Find the safe and crack it.

We have to break into the Burkes'.

Okay, how about I lure the Burkes out and you break in?

Oh, I do the dirty work?

I have to smile into their faces.

That work is plenty dirty, my friend.

Um, do we have to worry about your anklet?

No, Peter's house is exempted.

It won't trigger an alert.

If you don't give him any reason to check in, we're golden.

Neal... No one said this was gonna be easy.

I know, Moz.

And the timing couldn't be more perfect.

With Sara no longer, what's keeping you here?

All right, Friday night is Peter's poker night.

Let's plan it for Friday.

What about El?

I'll take care of it.

[ Door opens ]
[ Knock on door ]

Caffrey. What are you doing here?

We got the wiretap on van Horn.

Yeah, I heard.

So now it's a waiting game.

Yeah, so, while we were waiting, I thought maybe you could use a drink.

Come on in.

I'll get a couple glasses.


I screwed up.

Aw, a little bit.

But you're a good man, Jones.



Then why did I let van Horn get to me?

Mm, same reason that landed me consecutive 4-year prison sentences.

What, an almost sociopathic need to tell lies of omission and get something for nothing?

I was gonna say "passion."

Mm. Passion. But...

Yeah, it makes the world go 'round.

Passion to get what we want, passion to keep what we have, passion to get back to things we lost.


I left Isabelle...for a reason.

Which was?

Which was, if we had stayed together, she would have been miserable.

She would've had to quit her job, move to the city, and you know the hours that I keep at the Bureau.

We never would have seen each other.

So I made a choice.

To leave?

To leave.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sighs ]

We can't have it all, right?

Well, why not?

Why not?

Why not?

Why not?

Why not?

[ Clears throat ]

Well, because choices are sacrifices.


And, inevitably, that means giving up something that you want for something that you want more.

So, now I have to ask...

What does "having it all" mean to Neal Caffrey?

Never having to worry about money. Hm.

Um, doing something that's meaningful, being surrounded by people I care about and respect, you know.

That's pretty much the dream.

Screw you.

Screw me?

Screw you.

You're already living the dream. Oh, come on.

Now you are the damned dream with a tracking anklet.

[ Chuckles ] Am I wrong?

Well, screw you back, Jones, 'cause you got the same things I do.

Yeah, well, maybe not the same living arrangements.

Am I right?


I guess I do have it pretty good, don't I?


Guess we both do.


[ Knock on door ]

Expecting somebody?

No, I'm not.

Is this gonna be somebody else who knows Kali?

[ Chuckles ]

I hope not.

'Cause you just got the place cleaned up.

I hope that's not the case.




Hey. How are you?

Listen, I was actually just on my way out, so, uh, you two have a good night.

Hey, is everything okay?

Peter told me what happened.

I'm sorry you got dragged into this.

No, don't be.

Gave me a chance to buy new furniture.

And I got a chance to see you.

Eight years.

Everything around us has changed.

Everything except us.

[ Cellphone rings ]

I should get that.

You should get that. I, uh...

[ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ]

It's, uh, work.

Yeah, Peter?

I'm on my way.

What is it?


They kidnapped Jimmy.

I've planted evidence all over this city.

You k*ll me, it goes public.

The m*rder, the smuggling -- All of it.

Henry: You're bluffing. You willing to chance it?

Gentlemen, whatever it takes to get Mr. Wilson to talk, do it.

I'm on my way in.

Our techs picked this up an hour ago.

How'd they find him?

We intercepted an e-mail chain a half-hour too late.

Jimmy thought he was meeting a whistle-blower.

And van Horn set him up.

Now Jimmy's somewhere inside Barrett-Dunne.

The place is a fortress.

Lots of men with lots of g*ns.

How do we do this?

Peter: With speed and precision.

Van Horn's a k*ller. He sees us coming --

Could turn into a hostage situation.

Or he could k*ll Jimmy before we get to him.

Claim it was self-defense.

What if we can figure out where Jimmy is before going in with a warrant?

That would help.

Diana, you still have friends in the State Department, right?

Yeah, a few.

Powerful enough to convince van Horn to take a meeting first thing tomorrow?

Sure. Who with?

A high-ranking naval commander who's looking to do business with Barrett-Dunne.

I poke around, find out where they're holding Jimmy.

We move right to him before van Horn has a chance to try anything.

Peter: Can you do it?

I was an admiral.

Royal Navy.

I didn't hear that.

Nobody heard that.

Pencils down.

Don't write that.

Peter: You've got how it works?

I get van Horn's security-access card near the wrist pad, and it clones the data.

Turning it into your very own Barrett-Dunne all-access pass.

Hey, Peter, I'd like to lead the team in.

No, you're sitting this one out.

Peter, I can do this.

I'm not sure you can.

I screwed up.

I let things get personal. It won't happen again.

I --

I promise you that.

As you've seen, commander, we're a top-tier facility, in the equipment we provide --

And in the men you train.


That's right.

Sorry to run off, but I have business. You can show yourself out.

I appreciate you fitting me in on such short notice.

[ Faint beep ] Who am I to say no to the State Department?

I'll be briefing my people this afternoon. We'll be in touch.

Woman: Access granted.

Did you get it?

Neal: I did.

There was a staircase off the eighth-floor elevator.

Van Horn avoided it. I want to check it out.

Be careful.

Anything goes sideways, say the word, and we move in.

Guard: Mr. van Horn, your helicopter's inbound.

Get Jimmy ready for transport.

Then call Teterboro and tell them one passenger for Johannesburg.

Just the one, sir?

Mr. Wilson will be getting out somewhere over the Hudson.

Peter, the ninth floor's completely deserted, except for an armed guard outside a room on the west hallway.

You think it's Jimmy?

[ Sighs ]


It's got to be him.

Blue team, move in.

Red team, surround the building and watch all exits.

Let's go.


We have a warrant to search the premises.

Fan out! Cover the basement!

Check all exits!

Jones: Tell your men to stand down.

Tell the pilot that I'm almost --

Sir, check your comms. FBI's on site.

Damn it.

All right, tell operations I want every radio transmission in and out of here jammed.

Then disable the elevators and give me time to get Jimmy to the chopper.

Yes, sir.

Eagle to base.

An immediate R6&E shutdown per Striker.

Guard: Roger that, sir. What the hell?

And inform the guard outside 907 that he will no longer be needed at his post. Yes, sir.


The FBI might hear g*nshots.

But they won't hear this.



Neal's tracer -- signal's out.

Neal, what's your 20?


Oh, they're jamming us.

The elevators are disabled.

We got to get up there.

Lead the way. Ninth floor.

You're relieved.

Striker's request. Come on.

Yes, sir.

All right, the guard just left his post.

Peter, you copy?

[ Static ]

[ Arrow strikes ]

Picked a bad day to break into my world.

I got to say, nothing beats the thrill of sh**ting at a live target.

Make your move, commander.

[ Alarm ringing ]

Did I mention what this puppy can do at close range?

How about I take your word for it?


Lower your w*apon. Now.

Don't move. Drop it. Now.

Secure the w*apon. Got it?

[ Sighs ]

Are you okay?

[ Sighs ]

Just another day.

[ Sighs ]

Nice work, Jones.

Let's get to Jimmy.

Go get him.

Man: Secured floor.

Jimmy. Jimmy, you good?

I take it you got my postcard.

I did.

Cost me a flat-screen.

[ Chuckles ]

When are you headed back?

Tonight. Car's picking me up in an hour.

How you holding up?

I'm using phrases like "copped a plea."

Oh, and "conspiracy to commit smuggling" popped up today.

That's -- that's a new one.

Well, Jimmy got out before the m*rder, and he helped us take down van Horn, so we should be able to get him a reduced sentence.

Well, he jumped into something without considering the consequences.

Happens to the best of us.

You two gonna make it?

He'll do time, and I'll help him through it.

After that, we'll see.

He's a lucky guy.

You're pretty lucky yourself.

I should probably...


I got some deviled ham.


What's going on?

Our repo trader might be making his move tonight.

And Neal's complaining about another stakeout.

Oh, no, no. I'm not complaining.

I'm stating a fact.

I would rather pound my thumb with a hammer than do another stakeout.

I'll do it.

What, pound his thumb?

No, do the stakeout.

Peter: Really? You don't mind?


Not at all.

As a matter of fact, uh, kind of miss it.

Thank you. Thank you, Jones.

You sure you want to miss poker night?

Yeah, I don't mind.

I kind of enjoy these all-nighters, whereas some choose to complain about it.

You know how I get in the van. I get anxious.

I sweat. I do know. I do know.

You have a good night.

You too.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Hey, Moz, Peter's pulling an all-nighter in the van.


I'm en route to the Suit family estate right now.

We don't have to like it, but it has to be done.

Yeah. I know.

Good luck, my friend. Godspeed.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Well, so, we have an art exhibit and dinner.

I think you pulled a fast one.


Come on.


Takes months to get in there.

Oh, it's nothing.

I know a guy who blackmailed a guy.

Something about spandex.

I don't ask questions.

Well, it means a lot to me that you thought of me, so thank you.

No, really.

It was, uh, spandex.

[ Chuckles ]

All right.

[ Beeping ]

Okay. Satch, you be good.

You stay. No, no, chop-chop.

Okay. Don't want to be late.

Okay, okay.

[ Beeping ]

[ Beeping intensifies ]

[ Rapid beeping ]

[ Beeping stops ]

Here you go.

[ Clicking ]

[ Whimpers ]

Don't look at me like that.

[ Sighs ]

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Cellphone buzzing ]

Hey, Peter, how's the stakeout?

Jones is on a coffee run.

Listen, that call you made before you left the office tonight...


Was it Sara?

[ Sighs ]

She hasn't been taking my calls.

Aw, man.

That's got to be weighing on you.

You have no idea.

Listen...You and I have been through some stuff, and we've had to keep things from each other.

But...if you want to talk, and I -- you know, I mean, really talk...

I'm here for you.

Is this the loneliness of the van talking?

Maybe, maybe.

But, uh, I -- you know, I think you deserve some happiness.

And I, uh -- whatever I can do to help you with that...

Let me know.

Thanks, Peter.

That means a lot.


No problem.

See you tomorrow, Neal.

See you tomorrow.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone buzzing ]

[ Sighs ]


The suspense is k*lling me.

Did you find the safe?

I did.

Did you get in?

I did.


The manifest wasn't in there, Moz.

I'm sorry.

Listen, we both knew this was a long shot, right?

Well, yes, but I --

Listen, I got to get out of here. Let's talk tomorrow.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]