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03x06 - Scott Free

Posted: 07/14/11 11:16
by bunniefuu
[ Utensil scraping ]


Aren't you a little underdressed?

Oh, here we go.

Is that better?

[ Chuckles ] Perfect.

You know, one of the perks of living in New York City is the casual exhibitionism.

Oh, are the neighbors complaining?

Not yet, but the sale of binoculars has gone up since you started coming over.


Perhaps after we eat, we can raise a few window shades.

All right.

[ Knock on door ]


Oh, lately he's been knocking in iambic pentameter.

Or not at all.

Peter: Neal! Peter.

Really glad I dressed for company. Yeah.


Locked door?

There's a lot of crime in this city. So I've heard.

You're gonna love this.

There's this con man running around New York who --

You made breakfast.

Am I not allowed?

Breakfast for two --

Assuming that second plate isn't for me.

Brilliant. You want to impress me with any more of your detective skills?

All right.

[ Sighs ]

Why did I ask?

Ooh. Two fresh head imprints on the pillows.

Champagne ice bucket at the foot of the bed.

Romance is in the air.

[ Humming ]

[ Clatter ]

That's -- Yeah.


And this detective has decided to stop detecting.

Let's see.

Department issue?

Um, I'm s-- those are mine. I'm so...


Neal's teaching me how to pick them.

It's our version of sudoku in the afternoon.


Uh-huh. Morning, Sara.

Good morning.

And before you ask, I do not have a drawer here or a toothbrush.

Did I ask?

We're in that awkward, undefined stage where, yes, we've been on a few dates, but, really, what's that mean?

What does it all mean?

It means we're taking things one day at a time.

That's what I said.

More or less.

Mostly more.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Ah. Our next case awaits.


Well, you two have fun.

No, no. Oh, no, no, no, no! You don't have to --



Bye, Sara!


You should get dressed.


I'm gonna eat.

Yeah, please.

Hurry up!

You can have both.

This guy's a skilled forger, safe cr*cker, lots of panache, and he's only 20 years old.

Think we might be looking at the next Neal Caffrey.


He's a hacker. I don't hack.

You're right.

A Neal Caffrey for the new millennia, then.

When I was 20, I didn't get caught.

We traced him to this apartment.

Is he in there?

There's movement inside.

Peter: Yeah, I see it.

Please tell me I get to break down the door.

Why, when you ask so nicely...

FBI! Hands in the --

Oh-ho! Cute.

You want me to cuff it?

Yeah, we should hold it for questioning.

Why are you smiling?

[ Chuckles ]

He's clever.

It casts a shadow on the door and doesn't move in a fixed pattern.

He realized we were sitting on him and bolted.

Looks like that.

They didn't have robot vacuums in your day?

No, they didn't.

Mm. Look around.

He's got to have an escape route somewhere.

You're enjoying this.

I love tracking the smart ones.

Now that you're on my side, I miss the challenge.

Oh, come on, all he's done are a few mildly impressive forgeries, allegedly cracked a safe, and stuck a vase on a Roomba.



Diana: Boss, you need to see this.

What do you think?

Completely random arrangement of photographs?

All right... Maybe he is good.

Entrez, Moz.


I've come to steal your soul.

Or at least part of it.

You know, I've always found that superstition annoyingly inconsistent.

Yeah, I got to get to the office.

Uh, this will only take a moment.

Now, while I am disappointed we haven't been able to recover Peter's partial list of our treasures, there is a silver lining.

Gives us time to perfectly prepare for our escape.

Mm. Starting with passports?

How long do our aliases usually last?

Peter caught on to "Nick Halden" in two months.

"Steve" survived for a year.

Say "Gouda."


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Imagine not having to look over our shoulders, not having to memorize a new date of birth every few months.

I know where you're going with this, Moz.

A permanent identity that the FBI can never crack requires the birth certificate for a dead infant.

I'm not doing it.

Say "brie de meaux."

What if there was a way to do it that wasn't so...


How's it work?

You'll be stepping into someone else's shoes, even though they or their shoes never existed.

Riddles, Moz? me.

If there is a way...

I'm in.


I'll set it up.

Our suspect's name is Scott Rivers, and he's been on a criminal road trip.

So far, we've been able to link seven of the items in the photos to recent crimes.

We have a warrant for his arrest, but our guy is always in disguises.

He won't be easy to track down.

Hey, how come you never used disguises?

The right smile works just as well, and you don't have to worry that your mustache is on straight.

Oh, this kid did the Hartford Mansion job?

[ Whistles ]

Ooh. Ooh.

He steals items of incredible excess from the wealthy --

Half-a-million-dollar sunglasses, a solid-gold toilet-brush holder --

You get the idea.

And every crime he commits, he leaves this signature behind.

Does he actually leave a donation?

In the victims' names, to a different charity each time.

So, Robin Hoodie here robs from the rich and gives some to the poor.

Robin Hoodie?

I like it.

No, you don't. Don't call him that, please.

Well, you called him that.

It was a bad joke.

What can you tell us about him?

He's a kid.

I mean, he likes shiny things, and he steals them.

He never had much money, but he was around people who did, and he resents them.

He's got morals.

These donation cards are a way to justify his thefts.

He's telling them how they should spend their money.

And he's cocky.

Almost getting caught won't stop him.

Will he get bolder?

That's what I did.

Okay. Neal and I will dig into the donations and the evidence from the safe house.

Jones, Diana, find out where the rest of those stolen items came from.

Let's try and figure out where this guy's gonna hit next.

Hi, honey!


I, uh, saw you got a high score on "Angry Birds" today.

She knows you're here.

Oh, I'm not judging.

Somebody has to stand up to those green pigs.

I'm glad you're working from home tonight.

So, what's the case?

Young con man stealing from New York's wealthy.

Oh, a young Neal?

Touchy subject?


It's not.

This is it.

This is the bank account Robin Hoodie used to make the donations.

Robin Hoodie?

I like it.

He made a donation yesterday, but it doesn't link up to a robbery.

Maybe something that he hasn't stolen yet?

No, he needs to make the donation to get the card.

The theft has to come after that.

Which means it could be happening any minute.

Well, his donations definitely have a sense of humor.

He stole a half-million-dollar bottle of scotch, then donated to the Betty Ford clinic.


This one's to an organ-donation charity.

Maybe he's stealing a rare church organ.

Play on words.

Organ donation -- Makes you think of?

Driver's license. Organ donor.

He's gonna rob the DMV?

There's no real pattern to the things he steals.

It's everything from a diamond-covered cellphone to --

What about a motorcycle?

Hospitals call them "donorcycles."

It's worth a shot.

Let's find out who owns the most expensive motorcycle in New York.

Lock it up.

Mr. Stewart, we suspect you're about to be the target of a theft.

That sucks.

We're serious.

You recently bought a high-end motorcycle?


You didn't?

I bought a confederate fighter, okay?

Calling it a motorcycle is like calling the Queen of England a rich old lady with a funny accent.

But it's still a motorcycle.

Dude, this is so much more.

Have you ever had 100 grand between your legs?

Actually, yes, I have.

Don't. Don't.

We'd like to set up a command post here to catch the thief.

Not gonna happen.

My confederate party's in four hours -- for this confederate.

You really like saying "confederate," don't you?


Who knows about the party?


It's the perfect opportunity for the theft.

My security rocks.

No one's stealing anything from here.

You want to make a bet on that?

Hell, yeah.

I bet you I can steal something worth...

10 grand in the next two minutes.

If I do, you let us come to the party.

Sure. Why not?

Is this a joke?

You're running out of time. You only have...

A minute left. I know.

How much would you say this is worth?

10 grand?

Oh, at least.

I get it.

You didn't say I have to give it back.

Give it back.

Fine. You can set up here.

I got the FBI at my beck and call?

Everybody's gonna love this.

No, the whole point of a covert sting is to not tell people.

No one can know we're here.

[ Chuckles ]

In that suit?


I'll be in the surveillance van for this one.

Can I come with you?




[ Mid-tempo music playing ]

Undercovers are in position.

Agent Davies is at the south entrance.

Agent Westley is...

Getting Chad a beer.

What are you doing?

Chad told me to get him a drink.

I'm undercover as his buddy.

Did he also tell you to double fist it?

No. He said that you need to loosen up?

Come on.

Hi, there.

Chad says you're an FBI agent.

[ Both laugh ]

He's scared of g*ns. Yeah.

Okay, it's time to put the fear of God in him.


Hey, Chad.

I'm not sure how long our cover's gonna last, Peter.

You need to make positive I.D. on our young thief as soon as possible.

Stay alert.

Who knows what disguise he'll be wearing this time?

I'll look for the crooked mustache.

Hey, if you're hunting Robin Hoodie, does that make you the Sheriff of Nottingham?

Oh, I'm not the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Am I?

Chad says you're into body sh*ts.

I am.

Peter: Stay on target, Caffrey.

But not tonight.

Designated driver. Sorry.

I got eyes on a potential Scott.

Why do you think it's him?

He's wearing a suit hoodie.

I don't even know what that is.

All right, confirm it's him, then Jones will move in for the arrest.

You are in so far over your head, and you have no idea, do you?

You say something?

No, I was just admiring this bike.

Sure does look expensive.

120 grand.


Have we met?

Uh, I've seen you somewhere.

Stand by in case Caffrey's been made.

Everybody ready to move.

Maybe Chad's party last week?

Wasn't there.

Oh, man, you missed out.

They had mermaids.

I mean, literally, girls wearing tails and nothing else.

And all he has for this party is a motorcycle?

Poor guy.

Oh, come on, man.

It's a carbon fiber and titanium chassis, 1966 CC engine.

Top speed of 260 kilometers per hour... and not remotely street legal.

It's a work of art on two wheels.

Hi. I'm Shannon.


Excuse me.

It's him.

Peter: You're sure?

Beautiful girl just gave him her name, and he didn't give one back.

There's something suspicious about her.

The fact that she seemed more interested in him than you?

Not that.

Not entirely that.

She just put something in his drink.

Excuse me! Whoa! What the hell?!



Woman: Oh, my God!

FBI! Everybody down!

Lock down the exits. Nobody gets out.

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Engine revs, tires screech ]

You need to tell us everything.

We're gonna find who hired you eventually.

But if you help us now, we can make a deal.

What do we know about her?

She's been a suspect in some heists and robberies.

Attempted m*rder's a new one, though.

So I'm guessing it wasn't splenda that she sprinkled in Scott's drink.

Potassium cyanide.

He would have been dead in minutes.

I didn't buy the ring.

It's a little Gothic for my taste, but I never refuse jewelry.

Now, let me guess.

You didn't know there was poison inside.


How's she connected to him?

This might have something to do with it.

Found it in her purse.

One of the people Scott robbed had a security camera.

He didn't see it.

That's another reason I don't like disguises.

Too easy to get comfortable?

Mm-hmm. It also explains how our girl found him.

So, I guess they took measures into their own hands.


We'll run that photo through, see which item he stole while wearing this wig.

What do you think of him?

He's a kid having the time of his life.

He's impulsive, arrogant, and has no idea how deeply in over his head he is.

Okay, fine.

He bears a cursory resemblance to me.

Think can we bring him back from the dark side?

It's hard to do.

I wonder what would've happened if I'd have caught you earlier.

It wouldn't have made a difference, Peter.

The con is a rush.

It's an addiction.

And you need to hit rock bottom before you can change.

When did you hit bottom?

I never said I did.

Neal: Nice bustier. For you or Christie?

This is one of three items Robin Hoodie stole while wearing that wig.

Are we really gonna keep calling him that?

Sure. It's no "James Bonds."

No, it's not.

And these diamonds are from a heist our lady k*ller was a suspect in.

So, Scott thought he stole an expensive piece of jewelry.

Instead, he stole evidence of a crime.

k*ll Scott, and they eliminate any evidence that leads back to them.

The office in this picture has an unobstructed view of midtown from an upper floor.

Let's see if we can figure out elevation and angles to see where it is.

Done. Look at you.

The office belongs to Thomas Carlisle.

He was suspected of masterminding the heist.

What an incredible coincidence.

I've heard of Mr. Carlisle.

He has been a person of interest more than a few times.

Let's go talk to him.

Neal, see if you can get any leads on Scott.

Oh, you're gonna love this. The street is abuzz.

Someone is looking for you.

No name. He's a kid.

Word is he talks the talk, so to speak the speak.

Did you enjoy that sentence?

Yes, I did.

So he's trying to find me.

Makes your job easier. I want you to get in touch with him.

I will. But first, we have a little identity crisis.

[ Both speaking Russian ]

[ Chuckles ]

This is my associate --

You are about to be reborn.

Names are not necessary.

Mozzie says you can create permanent identities without the baby birth certificates.

Identity farming.

I've heard of it, but only as a theory.

How'd you pull that off?

Years ago, I began filing for a number of birth certificates.

Back then, it was much easier.

The world was more trusting.

We live in cynical times, Alec.

Oh, yeah, this is true.

I treated these identities as if they were real.

As they grew up, I gave them bank accounts, library cards, tax returns.

You created paper trails.

I created lives, one of which you will now step into as if you had lived it all along.

You will be Victor.

I don't know if I'm a Victor. I -- Yes, you are.

Strong-willed, so stubborn growing up.

And he's your age.

Victor Moreau.

Did you plan this?

No. Destiny?

Goodbye, Victor.

Now you.

You are now Bob.

I never liked you.

I like you, Bob.

Diana: A Japanese sculpture, an Italian harp, and framed Spanish doubloons.

Can't really settle on a theme, can he?

I think the point is that everything is really expensive.

No matter what it looks like.

I hope this isn't about that diamond heist a year ago, because you guys have hassled me plenty already, and you haven't found anything.

It isn't. This is a friendly visit.

Great. Let's have a drink.

What's your pleasure, um...

FBI Agents Burke and Berrigan.

Diana: And, no, thanks.

The 7x3000 reinforced titanium.

It's a beauty... And brand-new.

It is.

It's the most expensive model they got.

Any reason you need a new safe?


A man in my position, people try to steal from me all the time.

These attempts get reported?

You know what I mean.

I do?


Instead of working their way up like I did, they try to take shortcuts.

Want to take what isn't theirs.

Anyone stolen from you recently?

If they had, they'd regret it.

How's that?

[ Inhales deeply ]

'Cause you guys would arrest them, of course.

[ Chuckles ]

Of course. That's why we're here.

Do you recognize this kid?

I don't. What did he do?

He took a shortcut --

Took some things that weren't his.

He's been robbing wealthy people in the area who collect...

Items of extravagance.

You certainly fit the bill.

One of your guys called.

They know where he's at.

I gotta go. Is there anything else you need?

Call me if you see him or hear anything, will you?

Of course.

Lovely guy.

He's a peach.

The kind of man who'd be stupid enough to put stolen diamonds on a bustier.

So, that really was Neal Caffrey at the party?

In the infamous flesh.

[ Chuckles ]

I knew I recognized him.

So, you work for him?

Work with him.

Kind of like a mentor.

He learned everything from me.

So, then, how come I've never heard of you?


[ Cellphone rings ]


Ah. Ah, the man himself.

You're being followed.

Look to the southwest.

Your other southwest, Moz.

You know, in my defense, I always carry a compass.

It's Carlisle. You need to stall him.

You ever pull a Scrooge McDuck?

W-What's that?

Step one -- hack an ATM.

How are you gonna get past the encrypted lockout?

Oh, I exploit an unpatched security flaw in their firmware, which gives me admin access.


Then I put it into a test loop, and voilĂ .

What's step two?

Now you run.

Man: Hey, that ATM's spitting out money!

Woman: Hey, check it out!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Holy crap, there's money everywhere!

Slow down.

It's New York City.

Once you get some distance, it's better to blend in.

Sorry. I don't think clearly when people are trying to k*ll me.

Never say you're sorry unless you're running a con.

Whatever. Is the FBI here?


But you should turn yourself in.

You're Neal Caffrey.

Are you really telling me there isn't another way?

Get in here.

[ Chuckles ]

You brought a wanted fugitive into your home.

It wouldn't be the first time. Not helping.

And Peter doesn't know he's here.

What is she doing here?

I was here to surprise Neal with dinner.


Neal: Peter doesn't know he's here yet.

I'm still deciding what I'm gonna do with him.

He's one of our own, Neal.

We have to help him. It's part of the code.

Besides, I kind of like him.

He reminds me of a young...

Don't say it.

What do you think?

Why are you asking her?

I think you should help him.

Brilliant woman.

I think you should help him get out of trouble and then convince him to turn himself in.

Okay, that's absurd.

Give him a chance to live a life, make his mark on the world.

This is your chance to show him there's another way.

Well, I'm not exactly a role model.

You're probably the closest thing he has.

[ Sighs ]

I need your help.

I never stole from anybody who didn't deserve it.

Never hurt anyone.

I figured you, of all people, would understand that.

All right, let's focus on the first part.

We need to figure out how to get Carlisle off your back.

Take a seat, kid.

Scott: So, you and Neal are dating.

Mozzie: Hey.

Sara: Uh, it's complicated.


While Scott's out there hitting on your lady friend, take a look at Bob.


It's truly amazing work.

[ Chuckles ]

No one's ever gonna find us, Neal.

We can be taking off to paradise as soon as we get ahold of that list.

Unless we get arrested for harboring a fugitive first.

[ Scoffs ]

Or Scott pins this on us so he can live to steal another day.

Oh, he isn't gonna do that.

I sense good in him.

Do you, Qui-Gon Jinn?

Well, chaotic good, anyway.

Neal, he's us.

[ Cellphone rings ]

This is Peter.


Hey, Peter.

Any word on the street where Scott might be?

No, the streets don't seem to know where he's disappeared to.

We need to catch him soon.

We catch Scott, we might be able to bring Carlisle down, as well.

I'll keep my ears open.

You got something more important you're working on?

No. I'm sorry, Peter. I'm just distracted right now.

I'm with Sara. At home?




I like the two of you together.

She's a good influence on you.

You think so?


Don't be a bad influence on her.

I'll do my best.

[ Receiver clicks ]

Figure out a plan yet?

I'm working on it.


Are you sure you want to be involved with this?

Whatever we end up doing, it probably won't be legal.

All right, what I do occasionally falls in the same gray area.

This won't be gray.

I have stretched more laws than I care to admit.

That's what I like about you. Yeah?

I'm usually returning things to their rightful owner, though.


That's it.

You're a genius.

Guys, I got an idea.

Show me the glass.

Hey, we got your Keister off the hook.

Don't hold out on us now, kid.

Are you still sure about him?

Not so much.

[ Zipper clicking ]

[ Thud ]

[ Whistles ]

Wow, it's, uh... beautiful.

Looks very comfortable.

You cracked Carlisle's safe to get this, right?


Can you do it again?

Safe has an electronic keypad.

My black box does everything.

Including taking the art out of safe-cracking.

The art was programming this thing, which I did myself.

We need to get you into Carlisle's office so you can put the bustier back.

Then we could anonymously tip Peter that the diamonds could be found in Carlisle's private safe.

Peter moves in, arrests Carlisle, who stole the diamonds in the first place.

It wouldn't even be planting evidence.

We'd be returning it.

Just like you never stole them at all.

I'm not sure the Suit will see it that way.

No. We should not let Peter know about this.

The problem is, they'll have an eye out for anyone who looks like me.

How big is that gray area you were talking about?

You still checking Neal's anklet?

He's at home. Been there a while.

Why don't you drop by?

Because he's up to something.

Something to do with Scott?

I think so. I'm gonna let it play out.

You think he'll lead you to him.

I have a feeling he's working on some kind of plan.

Maybe more than one.

Couple weeks ago, a Degas popped up on the black market.

On the list?

Not sure. It was pulled after a couple of hours.

No details beyond the artist.

But how many new Degases are there?

[ Drawer opens ]

Showed up the same time D.C. Art Crimes came to visit.

Probably coincidence.


I'm gonna move this -- to be safe.

All right, we need to get into Carlisle's office, hack the safe, and return the bustier.

Mozzie, you will keep an eye on Carlisle.

Mozzie: I'll keep all four on him.

Now, it's the weekend, so the only people in the building will be security.

Security will be increased in Carlisle's penthouse.

Luckily, not on the lower floors.

The telephone-junction box is on the second floor.

And that is where we need to get Scott.

Do I have to be the baby?

Mm-hmm. - Standard rule -- the new man on the team is the baby.

The alarm system won't be --

It's state-of-the-art, but give me a couple hours.

I can write an algorithm that can bypass the signal traps.

The alarm system won't be a problem.

How's that?

Because we're not gonna set it off.

Our obstacles are a guard and a security door that only opens from the inside.

Mozzie: All the while, you just have to avoid the cameras.

To get through the security door, we'll need Mozzie's air g*n.

Oh, be warned -- like an Olsen twin, though she seems demure, she packs quite a punch.

[ Metal clatters ]

Hey, you can't have that open indoors.

Oh, I know. It's bad luck. I've been trying to close it.

The catch is stuck. Out.

I'm supposed to meet a friend here.

I don't care. Meet him on the street.

Uh, did you hear something earlier?

I did. Yeah. Thunder.

Once Scott's through the security door, it's Sara's turn.

Sara: Really? A Barbie?

Standard rule.

There are no standard rules.

I would much prefer to be the salt shaker.

Uh, considering your role in this, the Barbie is more apropos.

Excuse me. I'm here for Mr. Carlisle.

I'm afraid he's not in.

Oh, I don't think you understand.

I'm here for Mr. Carlisle.

I'll have to [Clears throat] call his office.

Mm. Do that.

Scott should have hacked into the switchboard by then.

So, Scott -- hello.

Oh. Come on. Stay with me.

You'll be Carlisle's assistant.

[ Ringing ]

Carlisle's office.

Guard: Is Mr. Carlisle in?

There's a woman here who --

About time! He's been waiting for her.

Send her up immediately.

How's she look?


Scott, you'll put the security cameras in Carlisle's office on a loop, especially the one you missed the first time.

Once Sara's up there, she'll let you in.

Eyes front and center, Romeo.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't call me "ma'am."

Then, Scott hacks the safe's keypad again, puts the bustier back, and we're home free.

This is not the same safe.

You can't crack this?

Old school's not really my style.

Okay, and mine is not cracking a safe in my bra, but we adapt.

Out for a stroll?

Taking in the sights?

Peter --

Imagine my surprise when I checked your anklet and found out that you were right outside Carlisle's office.

I can explain. Starting with Robin Hoodie.

Is he in there?

I think it's better if I don't answer that.

[ Sighs ] Better for you or for me?

For Scott.

Look, I've got a plan, okay?

And part of that plan is contingent on you not knowing what it is.

I'm not the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Did I miss a conversation?

I'm not the bad guy.

But Scott can't be allowed to run around like this.

He's gonna get somebody hurt, starting with himself.

I need to bring him in.

I know. Give me an hour.

After that, I think I can get him to turn himself in to you.

You think?

I know.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Look, I have to go.

I'll be waiting right here.

When you come back, you better have him with you.

Thank you.


Running out of umbrellas. What's wrong?

Carlisle updated the safe.

Is he serious?


I increased the sensitivity of the mike on the phone 10 times.

You made a stethoscope happen.

I'm hitting the cylinders. It's not working.

That's because it's a six-cylinder safe with two false gates.

False gates?

Yeah, safe-cracking booby traps.

You hit one, you have to start all over again.

May I?

Of course.

All right, I'll go by touch.

You go by sound.

You two make quite the pair.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Are you done yet?

Uh, we hit a snag, but we're gonna be out soon.

Or not so soon.

Yeah, well, unsnag as quickly as possible.

Okay. Thank you, Mozzie.

Both: What is it?

Carlisle is on his way here.

All right, come on.

Thanks, Jones. I appreciate the backup.

No need to rush here.

I'm not expecting any...


On second thought, go ahead and rush.

All right, that's the third gate.

All right, Carlisle's got to have a security monitor around here somewhere.

That's a gate. Good ear.

Are you saying you didn't feel it?

I'm saying nice ear.

He is downstairs.

Still two gates to go.

We don't have time.

Wait. Peter's there.

He's flashing his badge at Carlisle.

The fed's buying us time? Why?

Because he's Peter.

I have a few follow-up questions from our meeting the other day.

Can it wait?

No. It can't.

Of course. Come, we'll go into my office.

Down here is fine.

But the whiskey's upstairs. I insist.

[ Both chuckle ]

And I insist right here is fine.

Agent Burke, right?


Unless I'm under arrest, I'll answer your questions in my office.

After you.

[ Chuckles ]

Stop. All right, that's it.

That should be the last gate.

All right. Elevator coming up!

We only have time to try once.

It's your go, kid.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Now, what is it you wanted to discuss?

I wanted to talk to you about that diamond heist.

Thought this was about some kid running around robbing people.

It was.

But it got me to thinking what could possibly be in this monster safe of yours.

I guess you'll never know.

You're right.

Because it's uncrackable, right?

Completely. Mm.

You must have left it open by accident, then.

That's impossible.

Those look like the diamonds I was talking about.

You're under arrest, Mr. Carlisle.

Those -- those aren't mine.

Oh, you're alleging that a thief broke into your office to crack an uncrackable safe to give you millions of dollars in diamonds?

Hands in the air.

All right.

All right. Okay.

Unh-unh-unh. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Sorry I'm late.

Damn, that's a hell of a view.

Oh. You're gonna miss this one.

I would like to go put on something a little less breezy.


Go talk to him.

[ Smooches ]

Thank you. Yeah.

[ Sighs ]

So, what are you gonna do now?

Oh, come on.

You didn't really think I was gonna turn myself in, did you?

I was hoping you would.

Would you have when you were my age?

No, I wouldn't have.

[ Chuckles ]

But this isn't about me.

Its about Peter Burke.

He's the smartest man I've ever known.

He caught me, and he will catch you.

Only question is when.

Nobody's that good.

He is, Scott.

If you turn yourself in now, he'll make you a deal.

It's the best deal you're ever gonna get.

You know what?

Keep running.

Always looking over your shoulder, never slowing down long enough to share your life with anyone.

Because you know that the second you do, that is when he will catch you.

Let me help you, Scott.

[ Door opens ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

Where's Scott?

Any sign of Scott?

Nothing. He's gone completely to ground.

I screwed up.

Yes, you did. helped get Carlisle off the streets.

That's a good win.

I actually thought I was getting through to him.

[ Chuckles ]

Disappointing, isn't it?


You think they're listening, and then they go off and do the opposite of what you say.

Now he could be anywhere.

He really could.

But he's not.

He said he'd only turn himself in to you.


This is the guy who caught you?

Believe it or not, yeah.

Glad you're here.

You still have the pieces you stole?

Depends. Which pieces do you know about?

Oh. Hmm.

[ Chuckles ]

The more you cooperate, the better deal I can get you.

You're gonna have to serve some time.

I know.

Can I, um...


So, what made you decide to come in?

Because stealing stupid things from rich people was already getting boring.

Or because what you said got to me.

Whichever makes you feel better.

Thanks for the help.

[ Chuckles ]


Jones, could you cuff him again?

Jones: Real cute.

Let's try it again.

Give him some time.

People don't change overnight.

Believe me, I know.

I work with living proof of it.

But they do change.

You're not the Sheriff of Nottingham.

I know.

I'm thinking more King Richard the Lionheart.

I'll go with that.


Victor Moreau.


Vic Moreau.

Moreau. Victor Moreau.

Nice to meet you.

[ Knock on door ]

Just a second.



It looks like I caught you mid-something.

I was just about to take a shower.


Is that a statement or an invitation?

Yes. Yes.

I'll meet you in a sec. All right.

[ Handles squeak ]