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03x04 - Dentist of Detroit

Posted: 06/30/11 21:06
by bunniefuu
June: I think I would like to take the ushanka hat spy cam.

Oh. It's good for the New York chill.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, in that case, may I interest you in this nuclear-winter lantern?

Oh! It generates vitamin "D."

Always good to be prepared.

I'll take it.

Thank you so much.

Please tell all of Byron's old friends.

I need as many buyers for my sleight-of-hand-me-downs as I can possibly get.

You know I will. Mwah!

Thanks, dear.

Send them?

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

Bye, June.

Bye, darling.

See you at home.

You know she doesn't actually need a Russian-surplus spy-cam hat.

She's a wonderful woman.

Are you sure you want to sell everything, Moz?

I mean, I know how much some of this stuff means to you.

Well, can we sell our treasure?

We know it's from Russian museums.

It's not tainted. It'll sell quick.

With the sub's manifest locked away at the D.C. bureau?

You know we can't risk it.

Well, then, yes, I'm gonna sell all of my treasures.

Oh, come on.

Is it really that dire, Oliver Twist?

Oh, it's worse.

Remember I told you about Mr. Jeffries?


Your old headmaster from the group home in Detroit.

Yeah, well, they lost all their funding because of the economy in Detroit.

I'm sorry, Moz.

I sent an anonymous donation last month, but that's not gonna last very long.

The orphanage is Mr. Jeffries' entire life.

Those kids need him.

All right, I will spread the word about the sale...

And I'll buy the banana.

Excellent choice.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Peter: Guys, quiet down.

Quiet down. Let's get through this.

Blake, follow up with Bellevue about those fake insurance cards.

Jones, stop texting.

[ Cellphone thuds ]

Put a smile on your face -- another IBF.

I'm smiling.

Diana, copyright infringement.

Not another one. What was that?

Yay, another one.

That's what I thought I heard.

Neal... Here.

...Help Diana if she needs it.

All right, I saved the best for last.

Organized crime is asking us to keep an eye out for any financial movement from the motor city.

Apparently, the Detroit mob's in town.

This guy, Frank de Luca, has been spotted poking around our local criminal hot spots.

Organized crime thinks that he's looking for somebody.

Do they know who?

No, but last night, this numbers runner met with an unfortunate accident after somebody tried getting information out of him.

O.C. suspects it was de Luca doing the asking.

We got Al Capone on tax evasion.

Maybe there's a financial angle that we can play de Luca.

That's it. Meeting adjourned.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Sounds like we've got an easy day.

We do. Please don't complicate it.

I would never. Can I take an early lunch?


Something wrong, boss?

Neal just complicated my day.

Have organized crime get those files on the Detroit mob.

You got it.

Okay, you degenerates, listen up.

There are great opportunities here.

We've got ultrasonic stun-g*n binoculars, cane swords, cattle prods, morning-star maces.

This iron do anything?

Oh, you ever need a multi-directional mike with optional tear-gas dispenser valve?


Who's this little guy?

Oh, no, no, no. No, it's not for sale.

Can't have that. Here, uh, try this.

No, don't eat this. Trust me.

Moz, I need to talk to you.

Not now, Neal. This is important.

Did you talk to a numbers runner recently?

Uh, yeah, Eddie Nine-Ball. Why?

He's dead, Moz.

Hey, listen up, New York underworld.

I'm Frank de Luca Jr. from Detroit, and I'm here looking for a man who's known as "the Dentist of Detroit."

[ Light laughter ]

So you think the Dentist is a myth, huh?

No one man could do everything he's done.

Well, I'm here to tell you -- the Dentist is real, and I have good reason to believe he's right here in New York City.

And so, surely, one of you knows who the Dentist is.



Tell the Dentist that I'm making an appointment, and if he doesn't keep it...

...He can say goodbye to his friend.

That's Mr. Jeffries.

What's going on, Moz?


I'm the Dentist of Detroit.

Peter: This everything from organized crime?

Including a map of de Luca's suspected movements around the city.

What do you know about him?

De Luca Sr. was gunned down five months ago, leaving his son Frank to take over the family business.

Leo Mazzera -- drives the car, scares the people.

Jones: We got Caffrey's tracking data cued up.

What did he do now?

Took an early lunch.

Yeah, remind me to stay on your good side.

You notice him perk up when Peter mentioned the Detroit mob?

Yeah, but we've been tracking Caffrey for seven years.

He has no Detroit ties. But Mozzie does.

Jones, overlay Neal's tracking data with de Luca's.

De Luca's in red.

Look at that --

Neal's movements, de Luca's movements.

Looks like de Luca found who he was looking for.

Neal: You're not meeting de Luca.

I'm not going alone.

I'll have this in the sky to scan the area's weak spots while you go to a higher-ground position with your laser -- Moz!

Are you actively trying to die?

You can't take on de Luca.

Neal, I'm on a rescue mission! Mr. Jeffries is in trouble.

Let's keep talking this through.

How did de Luca find you?

Well, he knew I was connected to the group home.

He must have tracked my donation.

Did you shore up your account?

I had to transfer the cash immediately --

Only had time to dummy back one account, not my usual four.

Mm-hmm. There you go.

[ Bell rings ]

What are you doing?

In case it's de Luca.

I'm gonna stand behind you.

That's wise.

That looks remarkably like Peter.

Hey, guys. What you doing?

Oh, just being oppressed by the man -- the usual.

Something for the crazy man who has everything?

Oh, that's Sweet Darnell, my taste-tester.

You can never be too careful.

You in danger, Mozzie?

I live in danger, Suit.

This wouldn't have anything to do with Frank de Luca, would it?

Come on, guys.

Organized crime's been following de Luca.

I know he was here.

He's forcing a meet with Moz using an old friend as leverage.

Neal. Why? What does he want with you?

I-I'm a man of many secrets, but I am going to that meeting.

Absolutely not. De Luca's dangerous.

I-I'd like to see you try and stop me.

[ Siren chirps ]

Consider yourself a protected witness.

You can't do this! Oh, I can.

What does de Luca want with you?

He wants --

Don't say it, Neal.

De Luca wants Mozzie because he's the Dentist of Detroit.

Neal! Et tu, Brute?

Et tu?!

I'm sorry. It's to keep you safe.

Mozzie is the Dentist of Detroit?

I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

You know, I resent your judgment and your misguided misunderstanding of things you do not understand...

[ Siren chirps ]

Neal, the Dentist is linked to hundreds of crimes going over decades -- some really bad stuff.

Mozzie's a lot of things, but he's not bad.

Can you protect him?

I can...

But I can't ignore what he's done.

[ Cellphone beeps, ringing ]

Diana: Yeah, boss?

Diana, get me everything you can find on the Dentist of Detroit.

We've got our next case.


Hunger strike!

What's going on, Neal?

Vow of silence!

It's not what you think. He got on the bad side of the mob.

I didn't know he did it as the Dentist.

I didn't.

He told me some of the story. Let him tell you, too.

I know why the caged bird sings!

How many suits do you have hiding out there?

No. I ask the questions.

Did you find Mr. Jeffries yet?

Does he even hear me?


Detroit Police searched his home and office.

They didn't find much, but his car is missing.

It's a good thing, Moz.

De Luca probably came around asking questions, and Mr. Jeffries fled.

The Dentist of Detroit -- suspected mastermind in at least three major securities frauds.

I've also got a litany of violent crimes -- as*ault, battery, aggravated as*ault, as*ault with intent to intimidate -- page after page of this stuff.

Are you the Dentist?

No comment.

[ Sighs ] Neal's convinced me to hear you out so I can decide whether or not to book you.

Talk to him, Moz --

If not to help yourself, then to help Jeffries.

Just tell him the story.

We talk about Jeffries first.


Start talking.

Detroit, 1969.

We just put a man on the moon, gas was 35 cents, and I was orphaned.

Hey, there, little man.

Mozzie: Isaac Jeffries found me.

Shh, shh, shh.

It's okay. It's okay.

Hey, there.

You want your little friend?

[ Crying ]

He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I see his name is Mozart, huh?

Shh, shh, shh!

You're gonna be okay.

[ Children shouting playfully ]

As you can imagine, growing up an orphan in 1970s Detroit wasn't all gumdrops and unicorns, especially for a small kid with thick glasses.

Don't let him get it!

Throw it in the mud!

[ Distorted laughter ]

Look, his eye came off.

Now he needs glasses like you.

That bear was the only thing I had left of my real parents.

You're having a hard time with the other kids, aren't you?


Well, they're intimidated 'cause you're smarter, and they know it.

"There is no knowledge that is not power."

You know who said that?


Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Now, you strive for knowledge, use what you learn, and you'll always stay ahead of them.

Mr. Jeffries fixed it.

He was the one person who looked out for me.

There you are, good as new --

Well, maybe with a bit more character.

[ Chuckles ]

Character defines personality, and in that department, your cup runneth over, little man.

From that day on, I read everything I could get my hands on --

Emerson's "Self-Reliance,"

Thomas Pynchon's "V.,"

Erich Fromm's "Escape From Freedom,"

Du Picq's "Battle Studies."

I took Jeffries' advice and used that knowledge to fight my own wars.

Seriously, I don't have any money for you, Billy.

Try Kenny Nussbaum.

I saw him stealing a $20 out of locker 9.

Oh, wait.

Locker 9's yours, isn't it, Billy?

Let go of my hair!

Kenny: Or you'll do what?

Those with no eyes to read readily are doomed to the worst errors...

To paraphrase Du Picq.

I didn't take your money!

[ Grunts ]

[ Children chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" ]

Jeffries saved me.

He gave me a life, and he told me how to live it.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

Well, we exchanged secret messages over the years, but...

Wait, when they searched his house, did they find any stuffed animals?


Yeah, they, uh -- the cops thought it was odd until they realized he worked at a group home.

Right here -- elephant, tiger, bear.

The -- the bear!

The bear is me.

It was holding an apple.

He's coming here to warn me.

You're...sure about that?

I think I am.

The FBI will find Jeffries, and we'll put him under protection.

What if they find him first?

I have to go to de Luca's meeting.

No, Mozzie, de Luca may have already k*lled one man.

We don't want to add you to that list.

They don't know what the Dentist looks like.

I could go in Mozzie's place.


You'll never pass as the Dentist.

I could be his assistant.

This isn't your fight.

No, it's not.

But you are my friend.

Stay put.

Man: North sn*per team set.

Man #2: Ground unit moving into position.

Man #3: South sn*per team set.

Peter: All right, sn*pers are in position.

We have Jones standing by with S.W.A.T.

You'll be transmitting through this.

Any problems, Mozzie's waiting by the phone.

Got it. Don't worry, Peter.

I'll be watching from the car.

All right.

[ Car doors close ]

Mr. de Luca?

We've got eyes on de Luca.

You -- I remember you from the warehouse.

You're too young to be the Dentist.

I'm not the Dentist. I'm his lip man.

Oh, you're his lip man.

He's his lip man.

Well, I do my own talking.

And my message goes directly to the Dentist, not to some flunky, so no Dentist, no deal, all right?

He's a no-show. Jeffries will be mortified.

Hey, hey, all right, all right, all right.

Hey. The Dentist is here.

Neal, what are you doing?


Black sedan, north side of the street.

Well, that could be anybody.

I'll need some proof.


Ask him a question.

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

Diana, have Mozzie take over this call.

The Dentist is in.

Mr. de Luca has a question for you.

Ask him...

...what's his favorite ice cream?

Neal: Mr. de Luca would like to know, what is your favorite ice cream?


Bubble gum.

Bubble gum.

Dentist pulled a con -- a big one -- on my father.

I want him to pull the same hustle on this guy here in New York who, uh, wasn't so friendly to me.

Who's the mark?

Patrick O'Leary.

Irish mob.

All the details are in there.

De Luca thinks O'Leary's responsible for his father's death.

Rule number one -- don't mess with the family.

He came all the way here to put the Dentist in the middle of a mob w*r.

Mozzie gets caught in the crossfire.

Two birds, one stone.

What sort of con did Mozzie pull to have de Luca so pissed?

I don't know, but it involved stealing 500 grand from de Luca's dad.

No wonder they've got it out for the Dentist.

Who they think is you.

What's that look?

I don't like that look.

De Luca wants the Dentist to run a con.

If you go through with it...

And put the cash in de Luca's hand, we got him on extortion.

De Luca goes down, and Mozzie and Jeffries are free.

That's why we pay you the big bucks...

...if we paid you.

Think we can get Mozzie to tell us how he did it?

You thr*aten him with a future of toilet wine, and he will sing like a canary.

I can scare him pretty good.

Before I tell you anything, I want complete immunity and the truth behind DARPA's --

No and no.

You are still a suspect in a dozen other crimes.

Start talking.


But the statute of limitation protects crimes committed by a minor.


How long ago did this happen?

When I was 12.

You were 12 when you stole 500 grand from the Detroit mob?

Gifted child.

There's your immunity. Talk.

Look, when you're an orphan, a-a family is like your holy grail.

Mr. Jeffries worked really hard to find me one, and he did, a wonderful urbane couple from Sterling Heights.

They taught me about all the finest things in life -- music, art.

They were quite decent...

...for people who wore suits.

What went wrong?

They had a son -- an only child.

Their son -- he got jealous, so he stole a priceless family heirloom and pinned the crime on me, and I got scared...

Ran away.

I hit the streets.

I got a job making book for a numbers guy.

Before long, I knew the business better than he did.

I'm tellin' you, Biggie, if we open a policy bank, we can centralize where runners report bets, we can hire more people, and we can triple our profits.

Ah! Get lost, kid.

Biggie? Seriously?

Problem was, who's gonna trust a kid?

Adults like to feel superior.

They want to think they're smarter than everyone else.

So I learned the art of the con.

Dang, Bruno, six in a row!

Sometimes I wish I worked for someone who knew what he was doing, someone with some brains, you know?

Like you.

Oh, Bruno, not the hair, man.

You got yourself a patsy.

You use what you learn.

I talked Bruno into opening a back office in a betting parlor.

He was the public face of the Dentist.

I was the brains.

Why "the Dentist"?

I was 12.

A Dentist was the scariest thing I could think of, worked.

Together, Bruno and I ran the biggest street lottery in town, had runners working for us all over the city.


The Dentist is busy. Come back later.

People loved us...

Except the ones who owed us money.

That's when de Luca came in.

He didn't like me cutting into his profits.

Frankie Jr., stay by the car.

De Luca caught wind of the Dentist, threatened Bruno into closing shop.

What are you looking at?

Mozzie: I wanted payback, so I got de Luca Sr. on a wire con.

He went in for 500 large.

How'd he find out you were the kid behind the curtain?

Bruno sold me out.

He told them I was the Dentist.

I had to retire the moniker -- no more Dentist.

I took the money, left for New York, and became a new person.

All right, what about everything attributed to the Dentist since then?

De Luca didn't want the world to know he'd been taken by a prepubescent grifter.

He started the rumor that the Dentist was Superman.


The Dentist became the perfect patsy for every criminal in the northeast.

You're a living conspiracy theory.


They do exist.

Jones: Ohio turnpike clocked Jeffries' car running a toll a couple of hours ago.

Mr. Jeffries would never run a toll.

He's a very conscientious driver.

Wait! That's another clue!

Do they have a photo?

It's on its way.

Look, Mozzie's given us everything we need to run the con on O'Leary.

What are you gonna do with him now?

[ Sighs ]

I'm gonna check and recheck every case in this file.

Your story better hold up.

It will.

You're in danger, and you're a liability to us on the street.

Jones, take him to a safe house.

An FBI-monitored safe house?

That's legalized t*rture!

It's that, or I set you in lockdown until this is over.

Ah, safe house it is.

But -- but I have demands.

My atopic eczema requires custom-made silk pajamas.

Reading glasses, slippers, sleep machine -- all vital.

Oh, and -- and I have soft gums, so I'll be needing my electronic toothbrush.

Do we look like your errand boys?

Fine. Then no complaints when I'm forced to sleep in the nude tonight.

Make a list. I'll make a list.

Jones: You're giving me a headache.

This isn't exactly the Plaza of safe houses, is it?

The mattress isn't hypoallergenic.

I saw a dead mouse on the bathroom radiator.

Ah, lucky bastard got out while he could.
[ Door opens ]

All right, here are the items you requested, Moz.

Oh, great. Right here.


Oh, you touch anything, and you'll be hearing from my lawyer.

You are your lawyer. Scared?


Got pictures of Jeffries at the toll.

Oh, let me see that.

Look what's on the dashboard.

Neal: Yeah, a book, a CD.

A particular book, a particular CD.

"Escape From Freedom."

A masterpiece.

And the CD -- "La Femme."

Freedom. Femme.

Lady Liberty. Yes!

He'll be going to the Statue of Liberty when he gets here.

I-I guess it's worth checking out.

You guess?

You see what I have to put up with because of you?

How long do I have to stay in this Stygian limbo?

You won't be safe until we run the con and get de Luca in cuffs, okay?

I beg of you, hurry, for the sake of my sanity.

And mine.

Peter: This is our mark -- Patrick O'Leary.

Those of you from organized crime know him well.

De Luca plans to scam O'Leary for half a mil in a wire con and pin it on the Dentist.

This is our chance to take them both down and stop a mob w*r.

De Luca is coercing the Dentist into running the con for him.

Now, unfortunately, de Luca wants his guy present at the scam to make sure things are running smoothly.

Which means we'll have to go through with the wire con if we're gonna put the cash in de Luca's hands.

I'll need a half dozen flat screens, professional satellite equipment, and video-delaying software.

We're gonna build a betting site to rival the competition.

How do we get O'Leary there?

Eliminate the competition.

[ Siren wails ]

Come on, guys.

Enjoy your ride downtown, gentlemen.

What's this -- some kind of bust?

Illegal off-track betting. Site's closed.

Anonymous tip was called in.

You a customer?

Innocent bystander.

Besides, your car looks filled up.

We can make some room.

It can tow up to 5,000 pounds.

[ Chuckles ]

Come on, big fella. Watch your head.

[ Engine turns over, sirens wailing ]

Sorry to hear about your place, O'Leary.

If you need something new...

You're the rat who probably called the feds.

That would be my boss.

He's trying to drive business his way.

Those were my friends. Tell your boss he'll be sorry.

Sure thing...

Or I could help you send a stronger message.

What does that mean?

My boss has me picking up strays on the sidewalk like a bench advertisement.

We have our differences.

So you're on the outs with your boss. What do I care?

Because I can help you take him down.

Who are you?

A lip man trying to move up in the world.

How 'bout we take this conversation somewhere a little more private?

I still can't believe you've got Mozzie in an FBI-monitored hotel.

We call it a safe house, and Diana's headed there for company.

[ Chuckles ]

Ooh, muffins.

Ah, ah, no. These are for Mozzie.

Oh, seriously? You really feel that bad for him?

Him, Diana cooped up together in that room...

You're amused by all this.

[ Laughs ]

You just want to go there on your own, don't you?

Yeah. Can you blame me?

No. But you'll need permission from the head agent if you want to see him.

Oh, really?




Permission granted. Thank you.


All right, now, on a serious note, this case that you're doing with Neal -- is it dangerous?

No, it's more fun than dangerous.

You saw "The Sting," right?

Yeah, something to do with horses and betting.

Mm-hmm. - If the mob's involved, how could it not be dangerous?


[ Knock on door ]

Door's open, Neal.

Hey. Hey. Hey!

Who knew the ball and chain cleaned up so nice?

Ah, you don't look so bad yourself.

So, who's Newman and who's Redford?

I'm Newman. He's Redford.

Did you talk to de Luca?

Yeah, he's dropping Leo at the parlor in an hour.

We should go. Oh, wait. Before you go, hold on.

I got to get this.

All right, prom picture.

Say "cheese."

Both: Cheese.

Beautiful. Be safe, please.

We will.

What do you say, Newman?

You ready to scam half a million dollars for the Detroit mob?

Let's go, kid.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Not a bad setup.

Glad you like it.

Building it was like pulling teeth.

Dentist humor.

You're enjoying yourself. Yeah.

Looks like we got company.

There's de Luca's guy.

All right, I'm on it.

Looks like the kind of place someone could lose a lot of money. Mm-hmm.

O'Leary close?

Yeah, our guys clocked him leaving his office 10 minutes ago.

Well, by the time he gets here, there's gonna be five races left on the card.

That's five chances to get the money.

Can you do it?


[ Glasses clink ]

You know, you could have at least baked a file into these.

Oh, please.

I don't think they have love seats in the joint.

Oh, the joint?

Oh, do you know your way around the big house, do you?

I may have spent some time in jail once...

Or twice.

A repeat offender?

The first time, I got caught with a fake I.D.

"Allegedly." Never confirm.

Right. And the second time?

Second time, I allegedly streaked across campus.

Mrs. Suit!

[ Chuckles ]

Well, it was college. I lost a bet.

Does the husband know about this?

He might know about one of them.

I'll let you guess which one he knows.

[ Chuckles ]

All right, so, tell me...

About these de Lucas that my husband's meeting with, huh?

He's a k*ller.

I-I was 12, and I can only imagine what they would have done to me, given the chance.

That's why I left Detroit and changed my name.



So, you just kept running from the de Lucas?

I mean, have you thought about confronting them?

Putting an end to this whole feud for good?


I hadn't.

But now they're threatening people I care about.

If anyone should be taking a b*llet from de Luca, it should be me.

[ Door opens ]

I miss anything?

He set the bed on fire?

No, no. He behaved.


I'm gonna -- I'm gonna get going.

Elizabeth, um...

Peter will be fine.

Yeah, I know he will.

[ Chuckles ]

Bye. I'll call you.

[ Door closes ]

I need some fresh melon.

[ Wand beeps ]

Mr. O'Leary, delighted to have you.

My regular place was shut down.


We'll need to check your briefcase.

[ Briefcase closes, latches click ]

My associate will show you around.

Have a good time.

So, walk me through this.

I installed a worm on the central computer that delays every feed.

We'll get the race results three minutes before my boss, giving us a small window to place the bet.

He's bound to realize the feed's delayed.

Yeah, which is why we have to hit it hard and fast if we're gonna do this.

Desktop Dan's about to make a break in the final furlong.

Announcer: It's Turncoat Jenny in the lead, with Jackboot Bob hot on the heels of Desktop Dan.

And Desktop Dan's making a break on the inside!

Turncoat Jenny still out front, but here comes Desktop Dan.

They're one, two. Now neck and neck.

And it's Desktop Dan for the win!

[ Laughs ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Second place goes to Turncoat Jenny...

The hatchet to win at Finger Lakes with Poinseddia coming in second.

A straight exacta bet of 20 G's will net you $600,000.

Five races left and counting. Are you in?

Finger Lakes, seventh race, straight exacta.

Hatchet to win, Poinseddia is second.


$5,000 wager.

[ Latches click ]

All bets are closed.

5 grand's the minimum bet.

You got a lot more than that on you.

Slow and steady wins the race, right, boyo?

And they're off!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Sighs ]

Any word on Mr. Jeffries?

We've got agents continually checking the Liberty ferry -- nothing so far.

My melon's late.

Yeah, well, we've got better things to do than worry about your scheduled feeding.

I need my afternoon respite.

I can't sleep without partaking of melon.

Then you can't sleep.

[ Knock on door ]

Please let that be your melon.

Hey. Hey.

Sorry I'm late.

The first two places I went were out of cantaloupe, so...

For the love of God, I need a coffee.

You're on watch. You got this?

Yes, ma'am.


Of course, mein Kommandant.

It's time for my nap.

[ Whales singing ]

The, uh, mating call of the beluga whale -- helps put me into a deep R.E.M. sleep.

Thanks for the update.

[ Whirring ]

[ Singing continues ]

Here I come, Peter.

Wish me luck, melon me.

It has been a long time since I had a clandestine meeting.

Here are the things that you've asked for.

You are a beacon in a storm, June.

You bet your ass. How did you escape?

Let's just say I used my head -- Well, a version of my head.

I think I bought enough time to get a jump start on them.

Okay. All right, yes. I'll see you, darling.

[ Singing continues ]

Mozzie's voice: I'm still reposing, fed.

He even sleeps annoying.

Announcer: And it's Raincloud Jim by 3 1/2 lengths, followed by my ex-best friend and Goldhoarder's folly!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Four in a row.

Must be the luck of the Irish.

Must be. I think I'll put another $5,000 down.

O'Leary's still betting the minimum.

Can you blame the guy?

He's cautious.

Mm. Mm.

[ Sighs ]

One race left.

If O'Leary doesn't bet big, the FBI's out 100 grand, de Luca won't be happy...

And Mozzie will never be safe.

[ Sighs ]

I'll talk to O'Leary, see if I can -- You're fired.



By me, right now.

Look, I-I don't know who is stealing the money from the registers, but it's not me.

No, it is you. It is you!

You know what?!

Come here! Okay?


You were trouble ever since you came to work for me with your glossy smile and those annoying little hats.

You love my hats.

The hell I did!

All right, you're insubordinate, you never do what I tell you to do, and every time I turn my back, you're off doing who-knows-what with God-knows-who!

I'm sorry, folks. I'm sorry.

You know, you ungrateful bastard.

I have had your back since day one, and anytime anything goes wrong, I'm the first person you blame!

'Cause you're a con!

It's who you are, and it's all you'll ever be.

No, no, no, no. Hey, hey.

You're fired! Get out of my sight!

You know what? With pleasure. Good.

And the next time your hot wife gets lonely...

...tell her to call me.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

You know my number. Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's it?

You're just gonna walk out?

What the hell was that?


You heard the guy. I'm done here.

There's one race left.

I can't take this guy down without you.

You can't take this guy down with a minimum bet.

All right, all right, I'm all-in.

It's too late.

I cut you in 30%.

[ "First Call" plays ]

All right.

Saratoga, ninth race.

$800,000 -- Soverow's Shame to win.

Yes, sir.

[ Singing continues ]

[ Imitating whales singing ]

[ Rapping ]

Thug life
bitch life, ho life
tell me now, which one of you living a straight li--

[ music stops ]

Mozzie's voice: Hey, I'm sleeping in here!

Thug life
bitch life, ho life

Blake: Um, agent Berrigan?

Damn it, Mozzie!

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hey, Diana. Everything okay?

Mozzie pulled a Ferris Bueller. He's out?

Yeah, that's not the worst of it.

Announcer: Soverow's Shame in the lead, but coming up on the outside is Amazon Eddie!

Amazon Eddie moves into the lead!

Now might be a good time to slip out.

Tell de Luca I'm ready.

Nice work. He'll be expecting you.

Now two lengths!

Soverow's Shame trying her best to make up ground, but it's too little too late.

It's Amazon Eddie for the win!


I was set up.

This whole damn thing was a setup.

You did this. What?

Hey, is there a problem?

There's a problem.

He had his guy lure me here to get my money with a delay.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're damn straight you do.

You know who I am, and you know what I'm capable of, okay?

So you tell your associate --

My associate is a con artist, which is why I fired him.

So listen -- I don't want to cause another scene here.

So how about I just give you the money that you came in with, you walk out of here, and we'll call it even?

Hey. You get O'Leary calmed down?

He went for it.

Jones is escorting him and his money out back.

That's one problem down.

We have another problem?


I got your text.

You'd better have a damn good reason for changing the meet.

As my moniker suggests, I'm a big fan of bridgework.

I don't have time for games. Give me O'Leary's money.

Frank de Luca Jr.

We meet again. Long time, Frankie.

Who the hell are you?

I'm the man your father spent 30 years looking for.

I'm the real Dentist of Detroit.

[ Tires screech ]

Jones: S.W.A.T.'s still five minutes away.

I want a perimeter around the bridge.

What the hell was Mozzie thinking?

No clue.

All right, so the guy from the meeting a couple of days --

Works for me.

I'm the man who scammed your father.

No myth -- the legend of Detroit. Guys, guys.

It ends here, today, on this street.

Seriously, who the hell are you?

1981, Brush Park.

You knocked my bubble-gum ice-cream cone onto the ground.


That was you?

You made a fool of my father?

And your father had a thing for blood feuds, and he ended up six feet under because of it.

Yet here you are, doing the exact same thing.

I thought you wanted to be your own man, Junior.

Can't make out a w*apon on de Luca.

Should we move in?

We've got nothing on him unless de Luca picks up that briefcase.

That O'Leary's cash?


But we both know this isn't about the money.

This is about taking me down, only it didn't work.

Well, I can take care of that right now.

Yeah, you could.

Come on, Moz. Give it to him.

And then my people could go after you, and your people could come after mine.

You see where this is going?

What the hell is Mozzie doing?

Fighting his own w*r.

We can end this.

You could just walk away, and the suits can't touch you.

What do you mean -- the suits?

You talking about the feds?

Yeah. Only you know them as my lip man and his boss.

You set me up?

You set me up, you freakin' weasel?!

Aw, someone got double-crossed in this?

We should all be shocked.

That's what happens.

I'm gonna turn and walk away.

You can be smart and do the same thing, or you can make the same mistake your father did.

Your decision.

Pick it up. Pick it up.



My father would have wanted it this way.


Drop your w*apon! Drop your w*apon!

[ Siren wails, tires screech ]

Drop your w*apon!


Drop it, drop it! Drop it! Freeze!

Drop your w*apon!

[ g*n clatters ]

Now I've got you on extortion and attempted m*rder.

You should have listened to him.

Hope it was worth it, de Luca.

Please don't go rogue on me again.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You should have let me handle this.

De Luca's always armed, and he's good.

S.W.A.T. or not, he most likely would have shot you, Suit.

And if we hadn't shown up?

I knew you would.

Thank you, Peter.

You guys ever tried bubble-gum ice cream?

[ Door opens ]


You got your stuff from the feds.

Yeah, complete with FBI taint.

You doing okay, Moz?

I know how hard it is to give up everything.

I-I couldn't do it.

I kept a part of Jeffries with me, and I know I'm lucky I get to do that.

And I know your connection to the FBI, but it's not who we are.

When we do finally get to sell our art, we really have to remember that.

What are you saying?

Oh, you and Peter --

Enjoy it while it lasts.

[ Knock on door ]

Hope you don't mind -- I brought a friend.

Mr. Jeffries?

[ Laughing ]

You're okay!

[ Jeffries chuckles ]

Your FBI friends found me at Lady Liberty.

I'm glad you got my clues.

I told you, Suit.

You haven't changed at all, except for a bit more character up there.

Oh, well, father time has a cruel sense of humor.

How's everything down at the group home?

I know my donations weren't much, but...

They were enough.

The smallest good deed is worth more than the grandest intention.

Oh, Duguet.

Good deeds are the seeds to good actions.

[ Laughs ] Temple. "Action is eloquence."


"False eloquence is exaggeration -- true eloquence is emphasis."

[ Laughs ] Alger. Good one.

Are they really having a quote-off?

Oh, yeah.

My goodness.

Is that Mozart?

[ Chuckles ]


He loved this little bear --

Couldn't pronounce his name, though.

Kept calling it "Mozzie."

[ Chuckles ]

A sentimentalist.


I can't believe Mozzie kept tabs on Jeffries all these years.

Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye.
