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02x04 - It's Impossible

Posted: 02/13/24 11:21
by bunniefuu
["It's Impossible" playing]

It's impossible

Tell the sun
to leave the sky

It's just impossible

It's impossible

Ask a baby not to cry

It's just impossible

Can I hold you closer to me

And not feel you
goin' through me?

Split the second
That I never think of you

Oh, how impossible

Can the ocean
Keep from rushin'
to the shore?

It's just impossible

If I had you

Could I ever want for more?

It's just impossible

And tomorrow

Should you ask me
for the world
Somehow I'd get it

I would sell my very soul
And not regret it

For to live
without your love

It's just impossible

Can the ocean
Keep from rushin'
to the shore?

It's just impossible

If I had you

Could I ever want for more?

It's just impossible

And tomorrow

Should you ask me
for the world
Somehow I'd get it

I would sell my very soul

And not regret it

For to live
without your love

It's just impossible



[Bernard] It looks pretty much
the same as last time.

See the lower right lobe?
This tumor should be shrinking.

And the spot on the spine,
that's not great.

[Babe] I hate the radiation.

Then why keep doing it, Bernard?

Babe, we have to make sure
that this metastasis is stopped.

I hate it too,
but it's what we've got.

Isn't there anything else?

Look, there's a guy
in Philadelphia

doing high doses of interferon.

And even if you do try that,

at this point,
you can't stop the radiation.

Why not?

Babe, if the tumors
grow in the spine,

the radiation
is keeping that in check.

But unchecked, I can't let you
have that kind of pain.

It's stopping the pain?

Bill wants you to do
some trial in Paris

that I haven't even heard of.

Peach pits or something.

Well, it's not up to him.

Everyone handles it differently.

He's used to running the world.

Nobody runs cancer.

I'll-- I'll talk to him again,
but I can't bullshit you, Babe.

I think...

[phone rings]

How long do I have?

[phone rings]

[phone rings]

Take the call. [chuckles]

[theme song playing]

[Slim] I said,
"Think again, Kitty.

Lana Turner got everyone wearing
turbans back in the '40s.

Everything comes back around
again and again."

Well, there is another
reproduction on the horizon.

Truman has got it in his head to
revive the Black and White Ball

and do a sequel.

Are you-- [scoffs]

You're kidding, right?

He told me yesterday

between bites
of shrimp scampi, table two.

[Truman] Really.
Oh, Truman. Shut up.
Are you nuts?

I will invite all my swans

and it will be
a kind of grand reunion,

a treatise
on the power of friendship.

Maybe The Plaza.

Maybe I fly everyone
to Buenos Aires, or to Rio.

Truman, those days are over.
They're gone. Finito, kaput.

I think you're wrong
about how much they miss me.

Oh, we all miss you. Doesn't
mean you're coming back, babe.

The guest list includes
Princess Margaret,

The Who, Richard Nixon,
Totie Fields,

and Fidel Castro
if you can believe it.

And of course, us.


He's a cockroach.

I mean, you try to
stamp him out, but his legs
just keep twitching.

I'm not going to
let this happen.

But it'll blow up before
he even pulls it together,

so don't do anything.

He should just let Jack
export him to Switzerland.

Take the g*dd*mn cure
in the Alps once and for all,

and quietly
never publish another word.

Look, I told him
it was a bad idea.

CZ, I know you still love him,
but it's not going to stand.

I'm from rancher stock
in California.
We don't turn the other cheek.

I don't see what your upbringing
has to do with any of it.

[footsteps approaching]

Hello, ladies. [sighs]

I think spring
may have come early.

The sun is just dazzling today.

CZ, how's your
winter jasmine doing?

To hell with my winter
jasmine, darling. How are you?

Happy, honestly.

Well, I've got
just the cure for that.

CZ says that the imp
is throwing another ball.

Of course, none of us are going,

but the real trick
is to make sure nobody does.

Please, can we just enjoy
our meal together?

Life is literally short,
and I rather like balls.

I feel like
I haven't danced in years.

So if I'm invited,
maybe I'll go.

After everything we've done?

After everything
you've done, Slim.

You've controlled this circle--

this situation
for far too long now.

You really think Truman
deserves your forgiveness?

[chuckles] You know,
it's funny with forgiveness.

You give it to someone,

but the real gift goes to
the person doing the forgiving.

Am I not allowed to give
that to myself before I die?

Alexander, were those, uh,

sautéed morels
I just spotted cruising by?

Let's do an order.
Yes, ma'am.

And, uh, another bottle of the
Coche-Dury and a pack of smokes.

I've been a ding-dong and left
mine at home. [chuckles]

Walter Cronkite, Walter Matthau.

Am I missing any other Walters?

[John] Disney?

[Truman] Deceased, I'm afraid.

I'm doing the potpies.

Barbara Walters!

How about putting the
San Diego Rooster on your list?

Enchanting, but no. The only
birds admitted will be swans.

That's called enabling.

I read about it in a book.

Yeah. How about you invite
that little starlet, uh,

Jodie what's-her-name?
Ooh, Jodie Foster.

That's it.
That's a good idea.

Or Linda Lovelace
from Deep Throat.

No, not Linda Lovelace
from Deep Throat.
Mm-hmm. All right. f*ck it.

The president of France,
Giscard-- Gis-- Gishcrang.

Giscard d'Estaing.
Yeah, that's it.

I said that. That's nice.

Giscard d'Estaing.


Can you believe I haven't had
a real drink in almost a week?

I can feel a clarity returning,
and I can see in color again.


And you have
a very cute pink ear.


How about we invite
Catherine Cooterman?

Catherine Cooterman?
That's a great name.

Mmm. Mm-hmm.

Who is she?

Someone you're dating?

Not dating, no.

You're f*cking?

I don't know.


Why would you say that to me?


Come on, Truman. I gotta have
someone there I like.

All you famous people,
you never turn off.

Cathy is plain folk.

You love to see me hurt,
don't you?

Jesus Christ,
you're f*cking girls again?

You told me you only wanted me.
You swore fidelity.

That mattered to me deeply.
Mm-hmm. You know what?

If you've also
invited Jack Dunphy

to give me
the stink eye, cut him.

Well, he makes sure
I'm still breathing,

and he sure doesn't drink
around me when I'm--

[John grunts]
[Truman winces]

It's my f*cking nature, huh?

You think
I'm just gonna f*ck you?

I'm just gonna f*ck you, huh?
Huh? Huh?


f*cking you
is like f*cking a fish!

Okay. You know what? Go ahead.

Go ahead. Hit me, baby.

[winces, breathing heavily]

Jesus f*cking Christ.

[breathing heavily]

You know, after three marriages
and one Truman,

I've come to a conclusion.

Solitude is what I've been
looking for all along.

To be alone and content,
no greater luxury.

[Bill] I can think
of greater luxuries, Slim.

I'm having more fun,
worrying less.

Mmm. [inhales sharply]

Having much better sex.
Well, that's a good thing.


Hey, I heard you retained
Cravath, Swaine.

Who are you going after?

I'm suing Truman for defamation.

Be careful, Slim.

Truman's clever.

And the state that Babe is in,
I'm afraid that she might
let him back in.

He's her addiction, you know.

I can feel it stirring in her.

William, come here.

Now, listen, I will handle this.

I will make it clear to Babe
what the agenda is here.

You just have to trust me.

That's an order.

[Slim chuckles]

And as for Truman, have you ever
known me to lose a fight?


I never have.

None of us are going
to that g*dd*mn party.

He's finished.

[Bill moans]


Pierre. Pierre.

Chicken schnitzel.
And box it up to go, will you?

[sink water running]


Thank you, David. [chuckling]

Thank you.

[Slim] Truman.
What are you doing here?

Axed from
the Lollipop Guild too?

[laughing] Slim.


Ooh, mustn't scrub
too hard, big mama.

Lord knows you have
such thin skin.

And you are positively

[Truman chuckles]


Isn't it fun to banter
with an old friend

who really knows how you tick?

It must be so dreadfully boring
being a woman alone at your age.

Not alone. Liberated. [chuckles]

I miss you, Slim.

If I'm truthful,
I miss Babe more, but--

Truthful? [chuckles]

How about this for truth?

I'm suing you for defamation.

And if you want more legal woes,

send Babe an invitation
to your sorry little party.

I dare you.

Slim, get real, dear.

You were all
immortalized by me.

Admit you actually
appreciate the--

Appreciate the what?

The philandering men?
The idle, shallow,
pornographic women?

You told more lies to hurt
people than-- Who does that?

You never let the truth get
in the way of a good story.


What are you living for
if not the spotlight?

Have you ever left it
for one second? [sniffles]

And I held that spotlight
right on you

and illuminated every pore.

You think you can get back in
before she dies

and all your sins
will be forgotten in tragedy,

washed away by shared grief,
and back you'll be,

sitting pretty in a cottage
on Long Island?

I assure you
this will not happen.

Babe loathes you, Truman.

You're not in the picture.

You're not in her life.

You're not in the will.

And none of that
will ever change

because you are incapable
of change.

[footsteps recede]


[clears throat]


If you've come
for a free dinner,
you're too late.

I closed my tab.

[chuckles, sniffles]
I'm not here for dinner.

Your neurologist
from Mount Sinai called...

...hoping that I could
make you listen.

The CAT scan that you did?

Your brain is shrinking
from all the booze.

And before you reach for
the right bon mot,

ask yourself
if that's how you want to die.

Mentally impaired
with your faculties gone.

I'm not drinking, Jack.

It's strictly orange juice.

Vitamin C is good
for the complexion.

[Jack sighs]

With just a little Stoli
to get it down.


If you want to pull out
of this kamikaze dive...

I can help.

Silver Hill has a room.

I've packed a bag for you.
There's a car waiting outside.


Or I'm done.

You can't expect me
to sit around

watching as your f*cking brain
turns into mush.

I won't do it.

I see. [sighs]

And John O'Shea,
he goes. He's out.



Jealousy does not
suit you, dear.

[Jack sighs]

Do I look jealous to you?

What I am is f*cking angry.

I don't want this
in my life anymore.

I-- I'm not--
I'm not accepting it.

So, just-- You choose.

I can try.

No, it's--
it's just not enough. No.


[Truman] All right.

I'll do it.

And I'll get rid of John.

[Liz] Now, Slim, I'm just
not comfortable with this.

But, Liz, all I'm asking you
to say is that Truman's attempt

to throw another ball
is shaping up to be

the social disaster of the year.

Don't tell me what to write.

-I'm not telling you
what to write.
-Oh, my flowers are here.

-Hold on, just one sec.
-No, no, no.
Don't put me on hol--

-[phone beeping]


[whispering] Eight, seven.

[Liz] Now, where were we?

Yes. As I was saying, it is the
opinion of all of us invited.

[scoffs] I hear
that CZ feels differently.

Well, yes, CZ feels differently.

She was not slandered,
so it's not the same.

Okay, Slim. I'll write it
on Tuesday. [sighs]

Thank you.

Oh, and, Liz, just the one item.

So he knows how foolish
you find it.

All right, you owe me.


[Babe] What did Liz Smith say?

What were the invitations?

[Martha] Well, sources say
invitations to his second
party of the century

will be going out any moment.

And the guest list
includes Mrs. Paley and--

Right, yes. Got it.

Thank you.

Oh, I'd love some tea in the
bedroom, please, Martha.


Oh, and if any sort of
invitation arrives, please,
please bring it to me.

Not Mr. Paley.

Really, it's very important.


I would like to respond,
not Mr. Paley.

[Truman] Isn't the cafeteria
just marvelous?

Better than La Côte.

[chuckles] They'll make you
anything you ask for.


Ravishing as usual.

My nurse.

She was downright icy
when I got here,
but I warmed her right up.

What are the pills for?

They do something to your system

so that if you dare
sneak a drink or even a sip,

you instantly vomit.

It's some new,
exciting science. [laughs]

It's all so fascinating.

We have individual sessions,

and we have
group meetings, and--

[patient] So, i-it
all started when I--

[Truman] The stories one hears,
my God. [chuckles]

[patient] I always felt
like I had a hundred voices
competing in my head.

And-- And I looked for a way
to block them out,

but I'd always been so
compulsive that I started to...

[Truman] It's marvelous

It's the stuff of a really,
truly great book.


That man over there
in the brown sweater.
Don't look.

He's an obsessive.

He picks fuzz off his socks
and rolls it in little balls,

-and he sticks it in his ear.

The doctors removed a wad
the size of a kiwi.

That's obscene.

He's also hung like a Pegasus.

[both grunting]

[Truman, Joanne laughing]

CZ, are you gonna
finish that pie?

[CZ] I don't think so.
Ooh. Give it to me.

We're going for a walk.

I'm learning how to meditate.

Let in the golden light.

There's something to it.

You know, Tru, when you get out
of here, you should come to LA.

I have a guy who does
the most incredible Rolfing
and meditation and colonics.

I'm telling you
it was a godsend.

Yay, colonics.

[all laugh]

[Truman] Hi.

I come bearing pie.

[art teacher] My hero.

Esme, these are my dear friends.

This is Joanne.

And this is CZ.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Esme and
her kingdom of art and crafts.

[Joanne chuckles]

[Truman] This is Alex
who loves to paint.

-And this is my station.

Are these yours, Tru?

[Truman] Uh, yes.
All of this is mine.

[Joanne] They're so festive.

[Truman] There is a combination
of the formal
and the less formal.

And the less formal is really
the result of mistakes.

[Joanne] I see that.

[Truman, Joanne laugh]

Mistakes which-- But that's--
You can't really
make mistakes in art.

-[Joanne] Wonderful mistakes.
-[Truman chuckles]

[Joanne] You know,
we could put together a show.

[Truman] In Brentwood?

-[Joanne] Maybe.
Would you like that?
-[Truman] Malibu?

[Joanne, Truman laugh]

[Truman] I would.

We-We're not allowed newspapers
and magazines.

They don't want us distracted
by outside issues.

And of course,
Esme gets me whatever I need...

["Habanera" playing]

[giggles] ...for my projects,
naturally. [chuckles]

[CZ] I need to ask you
a serious favor.

I told you, I'm not getting
the Roger Lucas Cartier ring.

It's too chunky for me.
You can buy it.

That's not the favor,
but, gee, thanks.

No. I need you to stop planting

those hideous little
blind items about Truman

in the paper.

And Liz and Suzie.

About his party? It's not me.

You didn't speak to Liz Smith?

Or Rona Barrett?

[CZ sighs] Please, Slim,
he's trying to get sober.

Give him a break.

I think I'll go to it.
His party.

I'm trying to protect you
from spectacle,

from the insanity
of a Truman ratfuck.

[scoffs] Well,
I appreciate that, Slim,

but you decide for yourself,

and so will I.


[song ends]


Well, somebody's
been cleaning in my absence.

Yes. You'll also notice

I removed whatever
temptation I could find.

[inhales] Um, I've stocked
the refrigerator
with matzo ball soup,

papayas, and roast chicken
from Polls.

Thank you, sir.

Well, now that I'm sober again,

I suppose
I should face the demon.

[smacks lips] Oh, dear.

Well, this is a mess.

What am I to do?

You could come to Sagaponack
with me like we used to.

We both work during the day and
reconvene at night for dinner.

No, I need to stay here.

Were you really gonna
give up on me, Jack?

And why haven't you?

'Cause of whatever we are.

And what's that?

I don't-- [chuckles]

You don't know?

Well, boyfriends doesn't seem
quite right at our age.

You're my friend.

You're my good, great friend.

Maybe something... [inhales]

...more like a brother.

I don't know.


You are just the most important
person in the world to me, Tru.


And I need for you
to remain intact.

"Intact," eh?

[clicks tongue]

Well, this is impossible.

I don't know
the proper etiquette.

What's the appropriate gift

for someone who's given you
the whole world back?


If you just...

Listen, finish the book,
and let's be done with it.

[Truman chuckles]

[Truman chuckles]


[sighs] Sorry I'm late.

Mmm. I, uh--

[Slim chuckles]
I had a thing.

Oh, God save us
from all the things.

I ordered us a very serious
bottle of Chardonnay.

Order another.
You might need it.

I might?

Is something wrong?

I sense your customarily
hidden temper is just
under the surface today.

Oh, well, your powers
of observation are intact,
if not your judgment.


Mrs. Radziwill,
may I pour some wine?

Oh, may I taste it
first, Julien?

Lady Keith and I
seem to have divergent tastes,
so I've noticed.

Oh, boy.

Mm-hmm. Mmm.

[Lee chuckles]

[Julien] Enjoy.
Thank you.

I'm asking you, very politely,
to stop attacking Truman.

Why are you leaping
to his defense too?

Does everyone have amnesia?

Slim, this is going to be
a brief part of our lunch,

and we won't discuss it again.


Let me say this very clearly.

You don't need to avenge
everyone. It's beneath you.

Truman is a sick,
desperately unhappy man,

destroying himself without any--
any help from you.

I'm just so angry.

What he did to Babe.

To Babe.


at least he isn't
f*cking Babe's husband.

It's over. No more Bill.

No more compensating for
your guilt by squashing Truman.

Do you understand me?

I just--


But Bill?

It's mostly, I don't know.


And it's more of a friendship
than an affair.

Please don't
look at me like that.

Nobody's looking at you.
I'm talking to you as a friend.

Who knows about Bill and me?

[whispers] No one.

No one who doesn't love you.

God, Lee.

I'm so tired of being strong.

You get no credit for it at all.

Everyone just expects it.

This is lonely work.

Whatever it is I'm doing here.

Uh, we love you, Slim.

You're right.
You're the center of all of us.

We can't do this without you.

There are so few of us
who can share this,

so don't turn yourself
into some 19th-century villain.


Okay. Thank you.

Okay. The thing with Bill
and me is done.

Trust me, it's done.

[sighs] We both know that.

And you want me
to lay off Truman?


What if Esquire
was just the first slice?

And he keeps going,
chapter after chapter,
turning all of us into--

What will you do, Lee?

What will you do when he gets
to the Lee Radziwill chapter?

I ask you
because it hurts, okay?


Where's the waiter?
I need more wine.

Julien. Thank you, dear.

Oh, I didn't
hear you come in.

Oh, the board meeting went long.

How was it?

Third place in the ratings.

60 minutes, M*A*S*H

and All in the Family,
and we're third.


We haven't been
at third place in decades.

ABC is trouncing--

Ah, forget it.
It doesn't matter.

How are you?

A good day.

The Cézanne looks good there.

I didn't think it would work.

You didn't like it
on the island?

Well, I know you like it,
so I had it brought in.

[Babe] Ah.

We're here more now.

[Babe sighs]

["It's Impossible" playing]

It's impossible

Tell the sun
to leave the sky

It's just impossible...

What's this?

This is your favorite song.

Come on, let's dance.

We haven't done this
for a while. Come on.

Ask a baby not to cry

It's just impossible

[Babe chuckles]

[Bill singing along]
Can I hold you

Closer to me

And not feel you
Going through me

Split the second
That I never think of you ♪

Oh, how impossible ♪


[Babe] This is good practice.

[Bill] For?

You're taking me
to Truman's ball.

No. We-We can't. No.

We can, and we will.

[sighs] I'm too tired
to be angry anymore.

Should you ask me
for the world...

[Babe sighs]

I'm too close to the end
not to forgive.

No. Stop. Stop.

...sell my very soul
And not regret it...

Listen, Paley, another thing,
since forgiveness is on my mind.

I don't want you
to be alone after I'm gone.

Can the ocean...

Slim is good.

She's smart, witty,

reliable, solid
and she gets you.

She won't let you
push her around.

If I had you

Does that mean
you forgive me too?

Could I ever want for more?

It's just impossible

And tomorrow

Should you ask
me for the world

Somehow I'd get it

I would sell my very soul

And not regret it

For to live
without your love

It's just impossible



[song ends]

[keys clang]

[Jack] Tru?

I got the samples
for your invitations.

Who knew how many different
kinds of paper stock there were?

That stationery store,

God, it's cruisier than
the Christopher Street Pier
after midnight.

There's a boy working there

who looked like
one of those, um,

Sound of Music kids, you know?

Kind of bookish, doe-eyed Aryan.

I wanted to take him
to Switzerland with us.

[Truman laughs]

[Jack] Anyway,
I went to Bombay Palace.

Got us some stuff.

That lamb vindaloo that you--

Is there enough for three?

[Jack sighs]



You know, what's f-- funny
is how little it means anymore.



I don't even feel it.

[Truman] No, Jack.

Oh, my God. It's just
a little roll in the hay.

Come back, Jack.


[door slams]

Oh, or don't.

It's no bother. [laughing]

[Bill] I can't tell you
how she knew, but she knew.

Did you do some Freudian thing?

Give it away?

Did she say she knew outright?

Do any of you ever
say anything outright?

She's my wife.

I know her better than anyone.

She knew.

Is she livid?

[chuckles] No, no, she's not.

That is the point.

She's happy for us.

Listen, Slim. This has to end.

Of course this has to end.

You thought I would
sleep with you after this?

I'm sorry. I--

Yes, you-- You're right. Y--

[stammers] I just don't know
how I'll face seeing her.

I don't know
how I'll face not seeing her.

[opera music playing]

[CZ] I mean,
what's the guest list, Tru?

The city isn't as glamorous
as it once was.

It's always the same
hundred people.

Invite some Brits. They're fun.

I can't decide.

-Should I invite Ed Koch?
-Ed Koch?

That closeted little shit.

What is it, a bar mitzvah?


Where's Jack?

I don't think Jack is coming.

He f*cked off to Switzerland.

I mean, part of me feels
I was literally goaded
into having this party,

so I can't even finish the list.

Well, you goaded
yourself, as usual.
[door buzzes]

Z, I gotta call you back.

I ordered some sesame noodles
and all the fortune cookies
in New York.

Bye, darlinghissima.


Kerry O'Shea, what a surprise.

Keep the change, please.

But your father isn't here.
I haven't--

I'm not here to see him,

I'm here for you.

I'm sure he's off
drunk somewhere.

He said he's going to Carlsbad,
wherever that is.

Oh, it's near San Diego.

Hot mineral baths.

S-Silent movie stars
used to go there to dry out.

[both chuckle]

Can I take your coat?

You want tea?

Um. No. [chuckles]

Sesame noodles and those crab
cream cheese monstrosities

or some nice fortune cookies?

I love them.

No, thanks. [chuckles]

[Truman chuckles]

It's-- It's nice to see you.

And I always love seeing you,
but as far as your father goes,

I don't have anything
to do with him anymore.

So please don't ask me
to take him back

or to help him.
I don't want him either.

Well, I know you think
I split up your family

and that he left
you all for me.

I'm glad you took him.

You've seen how he gets.

Well, we had years of that.

One day, funny and sweet,

and then suddenly
a shark is in the room.

I need you to help me.

Well, do you wanna take a seat?

I need someone to learn
from, to come to.

I read Other Voices,
the copy you gave me,

and I want to write like that
and live in the world you do.

[Truman chuckles]

Stuck with a mom
who drinks now too.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kerry.

I'm not meant to be
in this stupid little town

in the middle
of Long Island, Truman.

And he doesn't
give us any money.

I need a job.

You know so many smart,
important people.

Find me a job with one of them.

I'm still in school,
but I need the money for us.

Well, we can take care
of the money part right now.

And you know, Kerry,
school isn't everything.

Smart people-- and you're
one of them-- don't need school.

I never even graduated.

And you're utterly beautiful.

I know beauty.

You could model.

One call from me to Wilhelmina,
you'll start booking instantly.

And you can learn from me
the writing thing.

So when you model in the city,
you can stay here.

But if you want to write...

you have to have...

Start taking notes.


All of it.

The people you talk to, what you
think, what you see and hear,

the hidden sounds
underneath all the talk
humans never stop doing.


where all the secrets live.

[both chuckle]

I think I'm getting
somewhere new.

Once I accepted that,
despite all the treatments,
it's almost over.

But now I have
all this work to do.

To connect to
what I've disconnected with.

Something happened
when John's daughter
came to me asking for help.

I had made her life harder

and suddenly I got her
a modeling agent right away
and she's got jobs.

They had to change her name
to Kate from Kerry

'cause there was another
Kerry Harrington on their books.

She is a delight. I...

I sort of thrill
when she comes over.

[Babe] It's a battle, you know.

If you're your own
work of art... [chuckles] can't crumble at the end.

You have to go on.

The show must go on.

I do the makeup,
the hair, the jewels.

But inside...

inside I'm laughing.

You know, I used to keep
this book of everything
I could do better.

I threw that away.

[Truman] I don't know
if there's hope for me.

The only hope I have
is finishing this
cocksucker of a book,

and that's
a very hard redemption.

I'm being punished.

I'm being punished
for stealing fire
from Zeus to give to mankind.

Chained to a rock.

Every day, an eagle comes
to eat part of my liver.

The eagle's called vodka
in my case.

Then it grows back at night
and on it goes.

And this is my eternity.

No, it was funny because what
he really meant was you're bad.

[both laughing]


[Babe] I have dreams
of a lunch between us.

We meet in Paris.

There's nobody around,
it's snowing...

and it goes on into the night.

And we-- we walk.

His funny little walk.

You'd look good in one of those.


Maybe I'll wear one f--
for your big party.

Oh, I canceled that.

I was waiting
for the invitation.

I pictured it.

The paper,
the font, the edging.

How you were gonna
get it right without me.

[laughs] Well, I would.

[both chuckle]

Just as well.

You never want
to repeat yourself.

Never go backwards.

And that, that was a very
special night we all had.

Wasn't it?

And no, never backwards.

How are you doing?

Well, I seem to have inherited

a sort of very precocious
daughter from John O'Shea.

The only good thing
to come of him.

I'm taking her to meet
d*ck Avedon. [chuckles]

I hope you're working.

I'm trying.

It's the most important part,
the trying,

because who ever really
succeeds in the end?

I should go.

Bill's waiting for me.

Are you okay?

I'm trying.

Take care of that little girl.

She looks like
someone who needs you.

Or vice versa.

You should buy
that dress anyway.

So what if there's no party?

Who needs parties anyway?

[Babe] He was
the love of my life.