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03x01 - On Guard

Posted: 06/09/11 22:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

Peter: Vincent Adler -- He's looking for a sunken U-boat off the New York coast.

I just want to say that if we're gonna continue working together, then we really should not ignore the other night.

Look, it was -- Hot.

The Chrysler Building. Painting it for your girlfriend?

It calms the nerves.

Neal: My God.

You found it.

It's n*zi plunder...

From all over Europe.

This has got to be worth billions of dollars.

Get down!

You did this.

Peter, those were masterpieces.

I would never burn them. You know that.

But you'd steal them. Then prove it.

We've got to hurry.

We're almost loaded.

[ Sirens wailing ]

It's the feds. Let's get out of here.

[ Engines whirring ]

[ Wailing continues ]

Get around the front of that plane.

Team one, flank left.

Team three, flank right. Box him in!

We cannot let Caffrey get airborne!

We're not gonna make it.

We don't have a choice, Moz.

We have to make it.

[ Sirens wail ]

Jones: What color are your eyes?


Are you a criminal consultant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation?



For a baseline, I'm gonna need you to tell a lie.

I've never told a lie.

Great. We've got our baseline.

Ask him about the warehouse.

Shortly before his death, you confronted Vincent Adler outside of a warehouse.

What was in that warehouse?

A U-boat -- German, recently dredged off the coast of New York state.

And inside of that U-boat?

A collection of art plundered by the Nazis.

What happened?

The warehouse burst into flames.

[ Peter chuckles ]

Did you steal the art?


Do you know who did?


[ Sighs ]

Jones: According to the readout, he's telling the truth.

It's 2:00 in the morning, Peter.

You gonna keep me here all night?

Until I'm satisfied.

Next question.

[ Knock on door ]



You look exhausted.

Everything okay?

Oh, just -- long night.

Sara, Peter may come to you and ask some questions. About what?

He thinks the art didn't burn.

How's that possible?

Oh, he thinks you took it.

I was off-anklet when it could have happened.

So you need an alibi.

What is it you're hoping I tell him?

The truth.

About the other night.

You want me to tell him everything?

'Cause that could get really very awkward.

[ Chuckles ]

Skip the good parts. Yeah.

Did you take it?


Do you believe me?

You're a damn good con man.


If that art is out there...

Any idea who has it?

Her name is Lolana.

She from any island in particular?

Whichever one your heart desires.

So, I guess this was from you?

[ Chuckles softly ]


It wasn't easy.

The warehouse?

I worked backwards from the transmitter you wired into the limo.


I got around it with a localized E.M. burst.

And the art?

Adler had it loaded onto a truck.

The swap wasn't hard.

And the TNT we got off the sub was unstable and easy to detonate.

A perfect cover.

You didn't tell me.

Plausible deniability and all.

We finally got our white whale.

[ Sighs ]

Lolana, huh?

In Hawaiian, her name means "to soar"...

Which is exactly what we're gonna do in a very short time.

Well, it's not that easy.

I just spent five hours in interrogation with Peter.

He suspects something.

All the more reason for haste.

How long to get things ready?

Just a few days.

I can lull Peter.

But we don't rush this.

We take our time. We do it right.

To our best and final score.

[ Clink ]

I passed your lie detector.

I've seen you do that before.

Are you saying I cheated?

I've seen you do that before.

All right, if you're not gonna talk to me, let's at least just keep it civil, okay?

Fine. How bout them Mets?

What's wrong? Hmm?

What happened that turned you against me?

I turned against you?

Peter, we're a team.


We did this.

This is our job.

Let's not make a big deal out of it.

[ Horn honks ]


You're smiling.

I am.

Tell me about Gary Rydell.

That's you.

Yeah, it is.

Regale me.

Oh, it was an alias I used years ago.

Rydell was a bit of a playboy with an uncanny ability to wreck expensive cars.

Of course. Anything else?

He was a world-class fencer.


Neal, I've read the file.

And a smuggler.

A world-class smuggler. Yeah, I get it.

You think I might activate my Rydell alias in order to sneak something out of the country, something like a stolen n*zi treasure?

Crossed my mind.

I think this guy is looking for Rydell.

I want to know why.

[ Chuckles ]

David Lawrence.

You know him.

Yeah. We met a few years ago.

He was selling pre-columbian art, and I was -- buying.

Yeah, buying.

Lawrence was also suspected of robbing $60 million from the Federal Reserve.

He fled the country on a commercial jet before we could make the arrest.

We think he left the $60 mil behind.

Well, safe assumption.

I mean, the baggage fees alone would've cost a fortune.

Two days ago, we traced an e-mail he sent to a server here in New York.

Lawrence wants you to help him smuggle the cash out of the country.

You want me to strike up a deal with him and lead you to the $60 million.

We'll let you know when we make contact.

Uh, you really think he's gonna take this risk?

[ Chuckles softly ]

If you were one step away from pulling off the biggest score in your life...

Could you let it go?

Neal: Peter's not playing a hunch.

He knows something. Impossible.

He's breathing down my neck.

He's messing with your head. That's what suits do.

So, there's nothing from the heist that could be tied back to me?


You know that art studio where you keep all the paintings you've done?

What about it?

Now it's just a studio.

You switched my art for the art on the sub?

Neal, you're talented, but Van Dyck has you beat.

I can't believe it.

Look, they ran forensics tests on the burned warehouse.

They needed to find traces of paint and canvas.

Do you know what this means?

Nothing could survive that fire.

Nothing should have survived the fire.

Thank you.

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Elizabeth sighs ]

Honey, you've been staring at that all night.

He took it, El.

I know he took the art.

I'm standing there, watching the warehouse go up in flames, and this floats down at my feet.

It's a piece of the same painting that was in his apartment.

You're positive it's the same?

How many paintings like this could there be of the Chrysler Building?

Actually, you'd be surprised. Art Deco started in Paris, so there was a lot of European interest in the Chrysler.

Yeah, here.

It's been around, what, 80 years?

Here it is.

"Countless artists would interpret the Chrysler's majesty using a variety of styles and techniques."

It was built in 1931.

Could've been on the sub.

Or maybe Neal painted it.

Or maybe you've been chasing him for so long, you don't know how to stop.

Or maybe I know him better than anyone else.

[ Sighs ]

If not him, then Mozzie or Alex.

Neal's involved -- somehow.

Well, there's a way you can find out.

Have the forensics team test it.

If it's from the 1930s, then you know it's not his.

I can't involve the bureau -- not yet.

If I'm right...

And Neal's behind this...

He goes down.

And so do I.

I could have it tested.

You have a lab in the basement I don't know about?

No, the Dearmitt Gallery.

They go through private labs to authenticate work.

It's been years since you worked there.

I keep in touch.

You could call in a favor?

For you?


We made contact with Lawrence through your Rydell e-mail account.

Peter: He wants to meet you at the Gramercy Fencing Club in a few hours.

Why can't guys like you ever just grab a beer?

Imported or domestic?

Just meet with him, lead us back to the cash.

I'm pulling your anklet.

As usual.

Don't get cocky. We'll be listening.

And I'll be close.

Thank you.

[ Foils clanking ]


Good to see you again.

It is good to be seen, Gary.

You know, I missed this place.

Beauty here --

They encourage disguises.

Who are you hiding from?

You never can be too careful.

Is that why I haven't seen you in the last six years?

Oh, I retired to the islands.

[ Chuckles ]

My friend, if you're retired...

Then why aren't we playing shuffleboard?

I haven't heard of you in the last six years, either, Gary.

How do I know you're still on your game?

Maybe I'm that good.

Or maybe you lost a step.

That was my tie.

Come on. Show me you're still as good as the Gary Rydell I used to know.

Well, I'm still using a French grip...

...Still a fan of the depassement attaque.

Let's get to the point -- You stole $60 million but couldn't get it out of the country.

Now you need me to move it for you.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Nice attaque composée.

Feint left, thrust right -- my signature.

I remember.

Get me and the green out of the country, and you will earn 10%.


Well, I'm in no position to argue.

Where's the cash?


Set it up. I'll be in touch.

It is cruel and unusual punishment for you to bring me back here like this.

Yes, but I'm finally smiling.

What's your plan for moving Lawrence's money?

I'll take it out by boat.

Why a boat?

One, we're talking about a large shipment that's easier to move on the water than by air.

And, two, it's easier to pay off dock workers than TSA employees.

[ Sighs ] Sold.

Diana, I want a team at the harbor. You got it.



I've driven you to dumpster dive?

A souvenir of Neal Caffrey's imperfect moment?


Neal: You shouldn't have!

Cindy: Grandma insisted.

Oh, you're both so thoughtful!

Mozzie, you, of course, know June's beautiful granddaughter.

Oh. Hi, Cindy.

Grandma said the two of you have been, uh, up to something in here.

Oh, you know, idle hands and all.

And they brought us coffee!

Oh, and cookies!

I'll be back for the tray.

No. No, no. Don't trouble yourself.

Mozzie: Yeah. We'll bring it down.

Everything looks beautiful.

Yeah. Hey, um...

Thanks again for everything.

Thanks. Yeah. Thank you.

Lovely girl.

I'm gonna miss this place.

Yeah, and the views. Yeah.

All right. Peter's team is setting up a harbor sting.

Oh, well, perfect.

So while the FBI is busy collaring Lawrence by sea, we'll be making our escape par avion...

By air. Hmm.

I have procured our getaway vehicle.

Voilà. Behold --

The 400 series twin otter.

Is it big enough?

Think of it as a Kardashian --

What it lacks in refinement, it makes up for in cargo space.

You're not sold. No, the plane's great.

I'm just -- I'm worried about Peter.

He's holding something, Moz.

If he's got a card he hasn't played yet, we're not gonna get far.

Okay. So, what's the best way to find out what Peter knows?

[ Knock on door ]

Hey, Neal.


Peter's not here. I know.

I want to see you.

I was hoping we could talk.

Come on in. Thank you.

You, um... Want some coffee?

I never say no to good coffee.

Huh. Okay.

Well, then, why don't I pour, and you tell me why you dropped by knowing my husband's not here?


I don't know.

He suddenly doesn't trust me.

I don't know how sudden it is.

I don't know -- breaking out of prison, stealing the music box, almost sh**ting Fowler.

You want me to go on?

Not particularly, no.

Look, he wants to trust you, but you have this -- I don't know -- habit of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

You're saying I'm impulsive but I have a good heart?

Maybe you can try and balance the two?

You make a fair point.

And a great cup of coffee.

But I like a little bit of milk in mine.

Yes. Okay.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Tell me when.


[ Sets down cup ]

To the right things... for the right reasons.

Picked up a copy on the way home.

Mozzie: And you're sure Mrs. Suit was intentionally hiding it from you?


You know, I guess a part of me always knew when push comes to shove, she'd choose Peter.

Well, he's her husband.

Yeah, have they ever swapped ossobuco recipes?

Which apparently means nothing.

Wait a minute.

This has to be it.

The Chrysler Building?

Yeah, Peter was here the night before the fire.

This painting was on that easel. He commented on it.

You remember?

Did you put it on the sub?

You know, in all honesty, i-it wasn't one of your better works.

What if it didn't burn, Moz?

If he had it, you'd be in cuffs already.

No. I know him. He'd want to be sure.

So he gave it to the feds to run some tests to see if the painting predated the sub as opposed to, say, last week.

If the bureau ran the tests, he'd have the results by now.

He doesn't want the FBI involved.

He doesn't want it on the record.

Why not?

To protect me.

Or to protect himself.


So, if he didn't give it to the FBI lab, who else could test it?

Elizabeth? Elizabeth?

Yeah, she comes from an art background, and she knows about the painting.

I should keep an eye on her.

It's worth a shot, Haversham.

[ Chuckles ]
[ Seabirds crying, air horn blows ]

Beautiful day, Gary.

Yes, it is.

I was wondering if you'd show.

I didn't come this far to back out now.

I wasn't ruling it out.

Every day that money sits there, just out of reach.

Comes a point where you finish the job or it finishes you.

You get caught, you lose everything.

Already lost everything.

When I ran, I ran fast. Didn't look back.


How's this gonna work?

[ Chuckles ]

On your go, the Ingenieur Minard will provide you and your cargo safe and discrete passage to the Island of Santo Antao.

All the documentation you may need upon arrival is in that envelope -- I.D., passport, everything.

Getting in isn't my concern. It's getting out.

Four steps.

Step one, we move your money here by truck.

Step two, my inside man at the gate, Mr. Ryan in Customs, looks the other way while we transport you and your cargo to the vessel.

Step four, Mr. Ryan files faux routing papers.

Anyone comes looking for you, they'll start their search in Calais, France, 4,000 miles from your actual location.

Not bad. But you skipped step three.

Step three is the reason you hired me.

Handle your end. Trust me to handle mine.

[ Chuckles ]

Caffrey's pretty savvy at planning an escape.

Yeah. Until Lawrence makes his move, he knows we'll keep his anklet off.

You're gonna let him walk around unmonitored?


You are to check in every two hours on the hour.

You go from home to the office, and that's it.

I know the drill.

You're not off anklet for good behavior.

After Lawrence gets you to his money, take him to the harbor.

We've been over this. Anything else?

Yeah. What's step three?

Step three is you arrest him.

Oh. Good thing you didn't tell him.

I thought you might like that.


Heard you talked to El.

Look, Peter, whatever you think I have done, you and me -- hey -- we're on the same team.



[ Cellphone rings ]

May I?

Yes. Get out! Thank you.

Talk to you in two hours.

And two hours after that.

Peter: That's what I like to hear.

Hey, Moz.

Our hunch may be correct.

Mrs. Suit is chatting up her old boss at the Dearmitt Gallery.

What'd she say?

[ Groans ]

"Oh, what a spring we're having."

Blah blah blah.

Oh, she's asking him about a lab test.

Oh! S-she's giving him a scrap of burnt painting.

Is it mine?

Oh, sweet Elvis Costello! It's your Chrysler painting!

It didn't burn.

Flame is a fickle mistress.

We're gonna have to steal it.

No. No, no, no, no.

Peter will suspect me.

Let them run the tests. We'll swap it out.

Risky but not impossible.

We need a swatch of canvas and some paints from the 1930s.

Which we have in great supply.

All right. Meet me at the warehouse. I'm on my way.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Where are you?

Neal: I've got a tail. What?!

Have you started?

Of course I started, but without you here, I'm not sure which colors to sample, so this whole thing might be an exercise in futility.

Just pull the primaries. I can mix the rest.

I'm not an idiot.

I scraped a titanium white from the Rembrandt, a midnight blue from a Vlaminck.

Oh, you should get a Monestial blue.

You know, I should get a Monestial blue.

If you find one thick enough, feel free to let me know.

Oh, that's right -- You're not here!

Breathe, Moz.

How are we doing on the canvas?

Did you check the Dalí?


Our friend Salvador liked to stretch time but not canvases.

I'll find something.

I know you will.


Yeah, I figured I should have a copy of the Chrysler lying around in case Peter came looking for it.

You get everything?

Some canvas and a spectrum of prewar paint that would pass any wood's light or I.R. spectroscopy they want to throw at it.

The red is from a portrait of Fernande Olivier.

The last person to mix this paint was Picasso.

[ Chuckles ]

We're taking from masters.

Oh, Picasso was a communist. He'd be happy to share.

What's the plan for the gallery?

Ah! The plan for the gallery.

I pried some information from a loose-lipped gallerista.

They're sending our swatch out to an authentication lab at 11:00 A.M. tomorrow morning.

The gallery opens at 10:30, so we have 30 minutes to get inside, make the switch, then get out.

It's gonna be close. Security?

A standard Schlagel on the door, with surveillance cameras.

We'll need a distraction while I pick it.

I can't buy you that much time by myself.

How about a Kansas City mud slide?

You gonna work the jackhammer?


[ Snaps fingers ] Let's run a Phoebe Cates. Who's the girl?

I don't think June would mind if we used her granddaughter.

Well, she's pretty enough.

Will she do it without asking questions?

I'm sure she's up for a little excitement.


Oh -- now on to the bigger question.

How do you plan on losing your tail, outside evolution?

I'll take a page from Magritte.

Ah, you got to be kidding me.


Did I win?

The contest -- "Wear a dark suit, fedora, "come to 23rd and 10th.

Best-dressed wins 500 bucks."

Yeah. Yeah.

You won!

Okay, Moz. You're up.

Hey, I have a delivery for a Thomas Johnson.

You just missed him. Tom took a job in Boston.

His last day was Monday.

Oh, damn. Can't blame him, though.

Boston's a hell of a town.

Something I can help you with?

No, I'm just admiring the view.

Nice, huh?

Oh. Yeah.

Look what I did. I got it all over me.


There is something very seriously wrong with me.

Today of all days. Would you mind holding this?

Mozzie: Oh. Uh, sure. And could you take this?

O-okay, but --

And I'm gonna need you to hold this up for me.


Oh. Of course.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Miss! You can't take your top off here.

Look, I don't think you get it.

I can't be late today, okay?

My boss will k*ll me if I'm late.

C-come on, man. Let her change!

Yeah. I guess it couldn't hurt.

Uh, just be quick about it, okay?

Thanks, guys, really.

You have no idea what this means to me.


Which top do you like?

This or this?

Guard: Uh, th-the second one.

You guys are wonderful.

Yeah, just a couple of working stiffs doing what we can to help out a lady in distress.

[ Chuckles ]

Almost there.

Perfect. We are good to go.


You are a lifesaver.

You too.

[ Smooches ]

Screw Boston.

This is a hell of a town.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Hey, Peter.

You gave Jones a nice runaround.

That was Jones? I thought that could've been Lawrence.

I didn't want to blow my cover.


Why'd you put Jones on me?

You really want me to answer that? You at home?

Where else would I be?

What are you doing?

You know, arts and crafts -- the usual.

Jones will be at your place in 20 minutes.

He's gonna stay on you. You're gonna let him.

No problem. Bye.

[ Chuckles ]

So, I'm getting everything in place at the warehouse.

The plane is fueled and ready.

You know Jones is outside, right?

Yeah. Once I get Lawrence and his money to the docks, I can slip him again.

[ Chuckles ]

By the time Lawrence is being hauled downtown, we'll be sipping champagne at cruising altitude.

So, when's "go" time?

Lawrence's text came in two minutes ago.

Why didn't you tell me?

This is it!

We take our time. We do it right.

Look, you know, everything good must one day come to an end.

Just think --

We're never gonna see anything in this apartment again --

Except you. You can come with me.

Mozzie: Hey. What are you doing?

This is our final curtain call, our big au revoir.

I should say something to June.

Hey. You know the rules. No goodbyes.


I'm gonna miss her, too.


...gonna miss all of it.

Come on.

[ Clears throat ]

I'll see you downstairs. Okay.

[ Scoffs ]

Goodbye, Caffrey.

You wanted to make contact?

I'm on my way to the fencing club to meet him now.

Update me when you have the money.

Jones will back your play if anything goes wrong.

I'm heading to the harbor now.

All right.

Everything in place?


Only thing left is the money.

[ Chuckles ]

The Federal Reserve job -- it was flawless.

Probably the most secure vault in the world, and I walked out with $60 million.

It was Prometheus...

Stealing fire from the gods.

Prometheus got caught.

[ Chuckles ]

Yes, he did.

Yes, he did.

And the FBI closed in -- fast.

Every account, P.O. box, storage locker, friends, relatives, apartments.

They were all over me.

I needed to get out fast, stash the money.

I thought I'd be back in 48 hours to collect it, but the feds were there, waiting.

Instead, I was on a plane headed south of the border.

Every morning, I'd check the news, waiting to hear the report --

"$60 million found in Gramercy Fencing Club."

It's here?

There are five ducts to this room.

I diverted air to two of them.

[ Click ]

[ Air rushing, ducts clanging ]

There it is --

$60 million.

You know how many times I pictured this in my head?

Is this how you thought it'd feel?



[ Laughs ]

What's going on?

Someone knows we're here.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Agent Jones.


What are you doing here?

[ g*n cocks ]

Talk, or I sh**t.

You tailing my friend here?

Answer him.

Were you following me?

I don't know who you are.

I'm on Lawrence.

How many your friends you got out there?

I followed a hunch.

I'm by myself.

Pack of wolves!

They probably know about the dock.

The whole thing is blown.

k*ll him. Dump the body.

W-w-wait a second.

This guy is useless dead.

Alive, he's leverage.

For what?

You forgot step three.

Attaque composée -- feint left, thrust right.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about a backup plan.

When it all goes to hell, this is why you hire me.

I've got a plane.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Now boarding --

Freedom Airlines, Flight number one and only.

I'm here with the client.

We're putting step three into effect.

Step three? Neal, what are you talking about?

The client and I are moving the cargo to the airstrip.


Don't tell me you're talking about Lawrence.

That's right. No. No, no, no.

Don't do this to us.

Make sure it's gassed up and good to go. All right?

Grab your suit and meet me there.

What? No suits. No suits on the island!

Neal --

No sign of Caffrey and Lawrence.

Still no answer from Jones.

This is taking way too long.

[ Cellphone rings ]

You better have a good reason for calling.

I'm in the middle of something very important, Mozzie.

Yeah, you and me both, Suit.

I'm passing on a message from Neal.

He's made a request for our presence, without the slightest regard for the monumental inconvenience it causes us -- primarily, me.

Van Buren airstrip. 30 minutes.

Moving out.

Neal, we got to hurry.

I said, "Suit," not "costume."

Don't worry. The suit got the message.

Lawrence: Load the fed up front.


Why aren't we flying?

You sure you can fly this thing?

[ Engines whirring ]

[ Tires screech, sirens wailing ]

Get around the front of that plane.

Team one, flank left.

Team three, flank right. Box him in!

We cannot let Caffrey get airborne!

Lolana, it wasn't supposed to be like this.

[ Wailing continues ]

Get us out of here.

We're not gonna make it.

We don't have a choice, Moz.

We have to make it.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Lawrence: Climb.

Mozzie: We need more speed.

Lawrence: Climb now!

Watch out!

[ Tires screech ]

[ Wailing continues ]

[ Tires screech ]

Man: FBI!

Come out now with your hands up!

Let me see your hands!

Jones: We're secure!

Lawrence is on the plane!

Diana: You okay?

I'm good.

Peter: You all right, Jones?


Caffrey had my back.

Your timing is far from impeccable, J. Edgar.


Luckily, I was here to save the day once again.

You're a hero, Moz. I'll sew you a cape.

Do that. I look good in aubergine.

Thank you.

Step three, huh?

The part where you arrest him.

Nice work.


Ah, the anklet.

Hey, hon.

Hey. Good day?

Uh, we caught a bad guy, so it wasn't a bad day.

Hmm. Well. Mwah!

This should make you feel even better.

Authentication from the gallery. The canvas is mid-1930s.

So, it wasn't Neal's painting.

Well, unless he painted it 75 years ago.

[ Knock on door ]

Hi, Peter.

I let myself in.

Yeah. Yeah, you did.

Just clearing out some space for storage.

You like that one?


You can have it.

I've already got the view.


[ Sighs ] Whew.

I'm calling a truce.

I may have rushed to judgment.

Oh, you had judgment on speed dial.

I'm trying to be gracious.

You kept my severed tie.

I was pretty pissed off.

And now?

Look at this.

I'm smiling again.

[ Chuckles ] I like it.

[ Inhales deeply ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

I got to go.


Peter... Hmm?

Door's open anytime.


What do you have?

E.R.T.'s still doing a cleanup of the warehouse and the U-boat burn.

They found this about an hour ago.

What is it?

Part of the original German U-boat manifest.

We can make out 22 of the paintings that were on board.

Who else knows about this?

Uh, two people on the evidence recovery team, Jones, and me.

Keep it that way.

We have to sell something.


Well, our first escape was compromised.

We have to fund the second.

You still think Caffrey has the art?

I don't know.

He did have that getaway plane ready awfully fast.

Yeah. Yeah. But you know what?

That doesn't matter.

Patience is our best asset right now.

Whoever stole it, if a single item on this list shows up anywhere -- We got 'em.

Yeah. We got 'em.

Simple question --

What do we sell first?