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02x16 - Under the Radar

Posted: 03/10/11 15:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

Sara, why you helping out?

I like the mystery. Is that all?

[ Chuckles ]

Moz, I know who's behind everything.

Peter: Vincent Adler.

He's rained hell down on both our lives.

I'm trying to reconcile the Adler I knew with the man responsible for ...

For Kate?

For Mozzie?


So let's get him.

I caught you when I found out what you wanted most.

We know what he wants most.

It's a fractal antenna.

And this shape corresponds to an emergency beacon.

You're telling me that if we build a real one of these ...

It's gonna lead us to a boat or a plane or something that disappeared in the 1940s.

Something worth k*lling two people?

It's worth it to Adler.

[ Whistling ]

Uh, hold on a second.

[ Grunts ]

Isn't there a probie who would've benefited more from lugging evidence around?

Hmm, carrying evidence isn't considered valuable field experience. For anyone.

I'm sure you never complained when you were hauling around plasma cutters and borescopes.

When I'm cracking safes, I have a sense of purpose.

Had. Had a sense of purpose.

Now you have a new purpose ...

Lugging these Rolex knock-offs to evidence.

[ Bell dings ]

[ Groans lightly ]

We're almost there.

Thank you. Careful.


Did you... Find something interesting?

On your desk? No.

In the ocean, yes.

This is big, guys.

I'll get the team together in the conference room.

Can I talk to Neal first?

Thank you.

[ Strained ] Oh. I'll meet you up there.

All right.



You look well.

Thank you.

[ Clears throat ]

You too.

Did you change your hair?

No. I like it.

It's got this...


All right, look, before everybody else gets here, I just want to say that if we're gonna continue working together, then we really should not ignore the other night.

Look, it was ...



I mean, I thought so, but ...

No, I know.

The stacks with no A.C. ...

It was like being back in college.

Neal, you didn't go to college.

Well, I wasn't enrolled, but I did spend a lot of time...researching.


Speaking of research, take a look at this.

Ah, more "faux-lex" watches?


These are the nice ones.

Our fence in Alphabet City is trying to move 120 boxes, each box with 35 of these.

At $600 apiece, that's ...

It's $2.5 million street value.

Oh, you've been sitting too close to Caffrey.

When did that happen?

I don't know.

Diana, round up the Harvard crew.

Jones, take this box to evidence.

[ Whistles ]

Okay, people.

What we have today is a chance to take down one of the most notorious white-collar criminals in New York ...

Vincent Adler.

As you know, Adler ran a Ponzi scheme about a half a decade ago that rivaled Bernie Madoff's.

When it folded, he disappeared with a billion dollars.

He's also my former boss.

Sara Ellis, from Sterling Bosch, has come up with a fresh lead.

Adler is looking for a sunken u-boat off the New York coast.

First music boxes, now u-boats.


Sara: This is u-boat 869.

Neal: It was launched from Germany in 1945.

What makes this thing so valuable?

Peter: We don't know.

Germany sent out a number of u-boats towards the end of the w*r.

Their contents were unknown.

Whatever's in this, one person's been shot, and at least two people are dead because of it.

Adler wants this sub, which means we can use it to find him.

If he's looking for this thing off the New York coast, then he's using boats.

He's renting sonars and submersibles.

There's a paper trail here.

Let's track him down.

Diana. Jones.

There is another lead I need to you to find.

Alex Hunter.

She's an old acquaintance of Neal's.

But you already know that.

We're already familiar with Alex.

How's she involved?

There's a lot she may know about all of this.

Find her.


Okay, calling her an "acquaintance" may have been an understatement.

Neal, you don't owe me anything.

I've lived a life, too.

But if there is anything between us [inhales sharply] then don't lie to me.

I would never. Yes, you would.

So Alex?


A long time ago.

Was that so hard?


Lunch tomorrow?

My place?

See you at 1:00.

Mozzie: A sunken u-boat?

What could be better than this?

What do you think's in it?

Ah, that is the question, isn't it?

Plutonium would be an educated guess.

You know they had the b*mb years before we did.

Guess I missed that chapter in world history.

Yeah, of course you did.

It could also contain Hitler clones.

Is he serious?

Unfortunately, yes.

Mozzie, the antenna?

Hold on. It's got to warm up.

Another possibility ...

Let it be a surprise.

The Chrysler Building. That's new.

Almost finished.

Painting it for your girlfriend?

Are you 9?

I'm keeping up my technique. It calms the nerves.

You must paint a lot, then.

I've filled a whole storage room.


[ Radio static ]


How close do we have to be for this thing to work?

Oh, the S.O.S. signal on the u-boat was designed to go into a passive mode, which means we'd have to be right on top of it in order to detect it.

I don't relish hauling you and that thing up and down the eastern seaboard.

If Alex knows as much as we think she does about this thing, could she help us narrow down our search area?

It's worth a shot.

I haven't gotten through on her number, but I'll try again.

[ Dialing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Cellphone clicks ]


Adler: Hello, Neal.


After all this time, you recognized my voice.

I'm flattered.

Where's Alex?

The lady doesn't want to be disturbed.

I know about the u-boat.

I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

Call off your dog.

Let it go.

I can't do that.

After all you've lost ... First Kate, now Alex.

Why keep doing this to yourself?

I'm not gonna stop, Vincent.

Neither am I.

[ Beep ]

Any chance Alex and Adler are working together?

No. She would never work with him.

We can't make any definitive statement about their relationship at this point.

We find Alex Hunter, we find Vincent Adler.


Diana: I ran her aliases by Interpol.

Checking the local fences.


Already on it.

All right, did you find anything on Alex?

She's moved around a lot.

According to hale, she was in town two weeks ago, trying to pawn off some more silver through Teddy Eames.

What's she doing mixed up with Eames?

He's a small-time grifter.

Yeah, one trying to move up in the world.

Alex isn't known for her altruism.

Oh, look, are you really trying to understand Alex at this late date?

I've never understood her.

Oh, really?

I thought your relationship made perfect sense ...

Mutual respect, convenience.


Correct me if I'm wrong.

I want to talk to Eames.

[ Chuckles ]

You're positive Alex met with him?


Eames was the last person to see her before she disappeared.

He might be able to tell us where she was headed. Ooh!

Larceny, possession, robbery ...

He's got quite a hefty rap sheet.

I can lean on him.

He's not gonna chat up a fed.

What, you gonna scam info out of him?

Eames likes selling hot merchandise, anything from stolen plasma screens to borrowed jewelry.

Borrowed jewelry, huh?

Now that you mention it, we do have that box of faux-lexes.

Look, this better work. Relax.

Look, I'm holding five fake Rolexes.

If I get shaken down, I've got a government-stamped barcode on the back of my neck.

Caffrey. What can I do for you?

I hear you're moving up in the world.

Usually I'd bring this business to Alex, but I can't find her.

Well, I would check the Interpol website.

Apparently, she's all over it.

Okay, are we gonna do this or what?

What do you got?

High-quality goods ...

Micro-etched crystal, correct second-hand movement, last purchaser's credit-card slip.

How much?

$300 each. $200.

Come on, you'll flip these for at least $600.

All right.

If I sell this one today, I'll buy as many as you got tomorrow.

Sounds like a square deal.

Hey! Grab him. Oh, nuts!

Get back here! I know a drop when I see one.

You mind emptying your pockets?

You got probable cause?

Yeah, my badge gives me probable cause.

Hands on the table.

What are you doing hassling us?

Shouldn't you be arresting stock brokers or something?

I'll arrest who I want.

All right, your turn.



All right, I want you to pack up and get out of here in five minutes.

You understand?


So I guess I owe you one. Is that right?

I'd say so.

Tell me about the last time you saw Alex.

[ Inhales sharply ]


Eames said Alex was headed to the Conservatory Garden after she met with him.

Jones, check traffic cams for the garden.

See if we can spot her.

You got it.




What money?

The $300 Eames gave you.

What $300 Eames gave me?

Thanks for the help.

Anytime, Serpico.

Buy Jones lunch.

We'll see.

Security tapes show her arriving and walking into the garden.

If she came out, it was on a side not covered by a camera.

Any idea what she was doing here?

Eames wouldn't say.

It's a good place for a meeting or a drop.

Well, retracing her steps may tell us something.

You take the left, I'll take the right. We can meet in the middle.

[ Birds chirping ]



[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Beep ]

Who is this?

Adler: Hello, agent Burke. Nice day, isn't it?


Where are you?

Holster the g*n and get in the car.

[ Beep ]

Adler: Hand over your g*n, please.

Nice to meet you, Peter.

Save it. And Neal.

I can't tell you how good it is to see you again.

I'd be lying if I said the same.

You k*lled Kate.

No, Neal. You did.

You changed her.

The Kate I knew would still be alive.

Where's Alex?

You can ask her when you see her.

What do you want with us?

I want Neal.

But I'll bring you along since I can't let you go.

Peter, you've got a key to Neal's anklet.

Give it to him.

[ Keys rattle ]

Neal, take off your anklet.

[ Anklet beeps, clicks ]

A decision ...

In those glasses is a combination of chloral hydrate, ethanol, and iced tea.

It'll put you out until we get where we're going.


[ g*n cocks ]

Or you can take another route.

We don't do this.

Have a drink, Neal.

You may wake up to find all the answers you've been looking for.

We're not playing this game.

Your turn, agent Burke.


I was looking for you.

Should I?

I think it'll help.

[ Grunts ]

Thank you.

Come on.

Come on.

This is part of a plan, right?

You let yourselves get caught, then the FBI rides to the rescue.

You got the first part right.

You have any idea where we are?

It's a warehouse. That's all I know.

They drugged me, too.

[ Door opens ]

Glad you're awake. Why are we here?

Better if I show you.

My God.

You found it.

Incredible, isn't it?

Adler: The last days of the w*r.

This u-boat was supposed to reach Argentina, but something happened.

The crew had to scuttle it off our coast.

They were gonna retrieve it after the w*r, but, obviously, that never happened.

How do you know this?

Because one of the crewmen survived.

He was my father.

Why do you need me?

The crew rigged the interior with expl*sives to prevent enemy access.

I need someone who can open it without setting the charges off.

Luckily, I already know the best.

That's why you're here, Neal.

And if I refuse?

You won't.

Alex will be with me.

You can pretend you're doing it to protect her and Peter, but we both know the real reason ...

You want to see what's inside.

[ Machine whirs ]

I'll need equipment ...

Carbide-tipped drill, fiber-optic borescope.

I think you'll find everything you need.

Getting the hatch open is a two-man job.

You gonna help me?


I will be behind blast-proof glass.

Agent Burke can help you.

Keep in mind, you'll be wearing a remote camera.

Don't try and play a hero.

Can you do this?


[ Sighs ]

Not Neal.

And you're not a strawberry blonde with a penchant for Voltaire.

I guess we're both disappointed.

Thought you already had that up and running. It is up and running.

I'm trying to boost the reception because I have yet to receive a signal or hear from the suit about a boat.

Are you gonna loom there all day?

I'm not looming. Neal told me to meet him here.

You know...

It's not gonna work out.

What? Getting involved with a con man.

No, no. I am not involved with anybody.

I get it. We're fascinating creatures.

We live a life of danger.

It's exciting, slightly erotic.

But with guys like us, you find yourself always trying to stay a step ahead.

You relax once, let down your guard, and it all goes away.

You paint a very tragic picture.

Ah. One person's tragedy is another person's excitement.


I'm afraid I drank all the lafite.

Oh, all of it except for this bottle you hid behind all the others.

Hmm. There might be some hope for you yet.


Did you say you were meeting Neal here?

[ Glasses clink ]

Mm-hmm. At 1:00.

That was, like, half an hour ago.

Oh, sue me, Mozzie. I'm late.

Yeah. Neal's usually not.

Did you try his cell?

It went straight to voicemail.

It's probably nothing.

Yeah, it's nothing.

We should call the suit. I'm gonna call Peter.

[ Tool whirring ]

[ Tapping resonates ]

You ever safe-crack a submarine?

No. But the principles should be the same.

What do we got?

Looks like a typewriter.

A typewriter?

Yeah, but I don't see any expl*sives.

All right.

Help me get these bolts off.

[ Both grunt ]

[ Hatch creaks ]

This really a two-man job?

I figured I'd save you from a b*llet.

By putting me in front of a b*mb?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Echoing ] Stop talking.

If you don't like it, come do it yourself.

That shut him up.

Here we go.

[ Metal creaking ]

It's an enigma.

Code-breaking machine.

Yeah. I'm sure it's wired to blow up.


That would be TNT.

Yeah. A lot of TNT.

Diana: No answer from Peter or Neal.

This isn't like either of them.

Good thing is your boyfriend is wearing a tracking anklet.

Will you let it go?

He's not my boyfriend.

Strange. Peter took off Neal's anklet.

Jones: It's the Conservatory Garden.

That's the same place Alex Hunter was last seen.

We'll check it out.

Sara, you spoke to Neal last. I want you with us.

Okay, we're still at Neal's, so you can just pick us up on your way.

Wait, "we"?

All right, the enigma uses a series of pins and rotors to encode words.

15 billion-billion possible combinations.

Yes. Thank you for that.

You're good with crosswords. Not that good.

You have a favorite color?

Oh, funny. This is your skill set, not mine.

All right, beige is usually a neutral or bluff wire.

Usually? - I don't know if they bluffed with wire 60 years ago.

The live ones should be the silver or the black.

El's favorite color is purple.

That doesn't help.

I think it's the black. Okay.

Or the silver. Mm.

Or both.

All right, if we cut 'em both, that would work.

Should work.

I'll cut the black, you cut the silver.

Good. Good.

1, 2, 3, clip. Okay.

Wait, Peter.

In case this doesn't work...

Yeah. Me too.

All right. 1... 2... 3.


[ Rapid clicking ]

What's it doing?

I think it's a timer.

How much time do we have?

I don't know, but it sounds like it's moving fast.

How do we stop it?! I don't know, Peter!

It's gonna blow.

Alex: Oh, my God. Now I get it.

I know what it is.

What are you talking about?

It's a legend.

The enigma password is a legend ...

The story of an ancient king
with a golden touch that destroyed him.

Midas. Alex, are you sure?

The radio operator who received the u-boat's final S.O.S. signal was my grandfather.

You're Gerhard Wagner's granddaughter.

He told me to always remember the story.

Do it!



[ Clicking stops ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

That was close. We've cut it closer.

I don't think so.

All right.

You got it?

[ Metal creaking ]

Whoa. Careful.

More TNT. Great.

[ Breathing heavily ]
This better be good.

I should have known you'd be lurking.

Nice gadget, Mr. Wizard. Yes, it is.

If you think I'm getting into that thing with two feds, then you're certifiable.

Fine. Then you're not coming.

Remember, I travel delicately.

Mm. Perfect.

[ Seagulls calling ]

Peter: Tools.

[ Door creaks ]

If I see jars of fetuses with little black mustaches, I'm turning around.

I don't think this is the one carrying the Hitler clones.

Here, watch for trip wires.


All right.

Give me a hand. Yeah.

It's a Van d*ke.

It's got to be worth millions.

[ Wood splinters ]

[ Grunts ]

Look at this.

It's n*zi plunder...

From all over Europe.

[ Grunts ]


Priam's treasure...

Before it turned out to be Troy's treasure.

Either way, it's here now.

This has got to be worth ...


Billions of dollars.

This has to be one of the greatest collections of art that's ever been found.

How do we get out of here?

Adler, you seeing this?


Not anymore.

That bought us some time. You got an idea?

Adler could've only found this sub if the antenna was still working.

Mozzie's antenna.

Obviously, Adler got his to work.

I'll check over here. All right.

Careful. That nitro's unstable.

All right.

That looks like our fractal.


Germans built things to last.

You think Mozzie can find us?

If we can get back to the limo, I can connect it to a power source.

It's a long shot.

[ Door creaks ]

Well done, gentlemen.

[ Laughs ]

A treasure for the ages.

I'm glad you lived long enough to see it.

My God, that's a Rembrandt.

We'll take it from here.

[ Metal clatters ]

You three are going for a ride.


I'm not going back in that limo.


Go ahead, Vincent. sh**t us.

Okay. sh**t them.

Then get a mop or something.

Hold on. Okay.

We'll get in the limo.

There you go. There's a reasonable man.

Get the drinks ready.

I'm not comfortable with this.

We know. We know. We know.

We're not abducting you. Can I get out?

No. Well, then it feels like an abduction.

Does anyone have anything for motion sickness?

Sara: Hey, hey, hey.

I don't know why, but I do like you.

And I don't want them to hurt you, so just do yourself a favor and shut up.

[ Beeps ]

Oh, guys!

She's right. I will hurt you.

All due respect, I think you should listen to me right now.

Really? Why is that?

I'm getting a signal.

Sara: Is it the sub?

I don't think so 'cause it's moving.

Which way?


Peter: Everyone all right?

Alex: For the moment.

Where are we?

Neal: In a dry dock.

What are those guys doing?

I got a pretty good idea.

Adler's taking the whole arch villain thing pretty seriously.

He always had a flair for the theatrical.

Where's the cavalry, Neal?

Moz will be here.

I hope.

Which way?

Uh, make a left.

No, I-I mean right!

Okay, you said left. Well, this time I mean right!

I-I think.

Christ! Left or right?

Uh...Uh, diagonal!

We need to find a way out of these zip ties.

I've got a knife.

Can't say I'm surprised.

The guards searched us.

Not everywhere.

Just like old times.

[ Grunts ]

[ Muffled ] Yep. Got it.


Get down! Get down!

Get behind me. Go.

FBI! Don't move!

Lower your weapons! Put your hands on your head!

[ Exhales sharply ]

Don't think we could have cut it any closer than that.

You saved me again.

You saved me.


No. Adler's men aren't talking.

It's safe to assume he knows we've escaped and that we're looking for him.

Is he accelerating his escape plan?

Alex: No.

I overheard him say he's shipping the art to Europe by boat, but he can't until the end of the week.

Peter: Good.

That gives us some breathing room.

What do you remember about the warehouse?

Wooden beams, pre-w*r architecture, solid steel roll-up door facing west. That would be the loading bay.

And there was clanging at night. Some kind of buoy, I think.

Could be a weather buoy.

Diana, what do you have?

[ Keys clacking ]

There are four along the Brooklyn shoreline and three near battery park.

Neal: That's a lot of real estate.

Yeah, let's get some building plans, see if we can narrow it down.

Adler got that sub out of the water somehow.

Pull satellite. Let's find this thing.

Thank you, everybody.

All right, I'm gonna catch a ride to the waterfront.

No, you're not.

We got good people on it.

You're gonna finish up and then get out of here.

I need you rested. That's an order.

You gonna take your own advice?


I'm gonna go home, kiss my wife, and do at least one normal thing today.

Live to fight another day, huh?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Bunch of feds breathing down your neck ...

Probably not your idea of fun, huh?

It beats being held hostage.

Just barely.

[ Chuckles ]

We haven't been officially introduced.

I'm Sara Ellis.

Alex. Hi.

You're not a fed?

No, no.

Uh, I work with Sterling Bosch.

Insurance. Mm-hmm.

How'd you get wrapped up in all this?

Psst, psst!

[ Coughs lightly ]

Across the room.


So which one you going for?

I mean, I'll be your wing man.

No, I'm good, Jones. You sure?

If I'm not out in 10 minutes, send backup.

Sara. Alex.

What are you two talking about?

I should let you two catch up.

I think she's great.

It's not like that. It's...

Yeah. Yeah, it is.


How long have you known about the sub?

Changing the subject?



I want to know.

You know who my grandfather was?

Yeah, Wagner.

I've known about the sub since I was a little girl.

Grandpa, he'd take me to Coney Island when no one else was around, and he'd point out to the water and tell me that the greatest treasure in the world was right out there, just below the waves.

The u-boat. Yes.

He said the Nazis collected the most beautiful things in the world.

They put those things in a submarine, and when it was crossing the Atlantic, it went down, and no one could find it.

He received the final S.O.S. signal from the sub.


He encoded the S.O.S. antenna design into the music box.

He figured he'd come to America, he'd build a receiver, and he'd find the sub.

But he fled Germany after the w*r, and the box was lost.

But he kept this.

Mm. [ Chuckles ]


I always thought they were just wonderful stories...

About treasure that was just out of reach.

And then on his death bed, he told me, "It's all true, Alex."

And then he proved it.

He gave me the key to the music box.

"Find it," he said.

Your new destiny.


You remind me of this treasure.

Some wonderful fantasy that's just out of reach.

[ Chuckles ]

Take care of yourself, Neal.

Hey. Hey.

Hell of a day.

Another day, another n*zi sub.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone rings ]


[ Beep ]

Hey, honey. Everything is fine.

No, I'll tell you all about it.

[ Sara sighs ]

I just gave my statement, so I'm gonna go home.

Listen...What happened with Alex was not ...

Neal, stop it, all right?

I'm a big girl, and we need to stop kidding ourselves.

We are who we are.


Peter: Hey, there. It's your lucky night.

Elizabeth's making those little chickens you like.

Cornish hens. I know what they're called.

You're invited. That means you're coming.

Both of you.

Is that an order?

Yeah. Yeah, this will be fun.

The contractor's gonna do the weather stripping on the storefront on Monday. And?

Elizabeth: And he said the reinforced foam is much more efficient than the self-stick plastic.

Peter: No! I want a written statement.

Sore loser.

[ Grunts ]

[ Chuckles ]

Yes! Weather stripping.

It's the latest controversy rocking the Burke household.

Imagine that. Wow.

You guys are very quiet.

You want some more wine?

Yes. Please.

Sara: You and Peter are really happy, huh?

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Wife of an FBI agent. That's not easy, is it?

Yeah, I would be lying if I said I didn't worry about him.

But I knew who he was when I fell in love with him.

You never tried to change that?

No. Why would I?

I mean, we're married.

For better or for worse.

And now he's got Neal.

[ Chuckles ]

For better or for worse.

[ Laughing ] Yeah.

But for the record, it's... It's actually better.

You trust Neal?

Wow. That's a loaded question.

[ Inhales sharply ]

I'm guessing you don't?

Well, you said it yourself. I know who he is.

Neal is a lot of things, but...when it counts, you can trust him.

Think I'm in trouble?

No, I'm sure they're discussing shoes.


What do you think they're talking about?


Yeah. Well, you.

You've got a lot to learn about women.

Oh, I've got a lot to learn?

I come home to this every night.

Last Sunday...

I was on that couch, lying with El.

She's reading, and I'm watching the game, and Satchmo's asleep on my feet.

It hits me. Again.

I'm the luckiest guy.

I don't think that's who I am.

You just need to figure it out.

And when you do, then you'll be the luckiest guy.

Hey, nice ass.


[ Sighs ]

I should go.

Look, I know things are complicated.

Well, that's kind of your specialty, Neal.

I could teach a master class. Yeah.

I want you to know I wasn't lying when I said things were over between me and Alex.

I meant it.

At the time.

At the time.


[ Scoffs lightly ]

You owe me a lunch.

[ Both chuckle ]

We've narrowed it down to these 15 warehouses.

We're going in one by one till we find that sub.

Now remember, Adler's men are armed, so eyes and ears.

Let's get to work.

Adler's not getting away, Neal. I won't let him.

I know.

[ Buoy clangs ]

[ Clanging continues ]

Adler: You always were persistent, Neal.

One of the many qualities I admire about you.

FBI's closing in, Adler.

I know.

There's an 18-wheeler just inside there, loaded with a collection of art more valuable than life.

You help me get past the FBI perimeter, half of it's yours.


Sounds like a really good deal.

You must think I'm an idiot.

I think you're an opportunist.

You took everything from me.

Only after you tried to do the same to me.

All's fair in love and w*r.

Tell me why Kate had to die.

If you want my help now, tell me.

The expl*sives on the plane were her idea.

You parachute out over the ocean, the plane explodes, you live happily ever after.

But then she called, said Burke had just arrived.

Then, as now, he threatened to ruin everything.

So you blew up the plane early.

I could have waited another 30 seconds, and you'd be dead, too.

Am I supposed to be grateful?

You were as close to a son as I ever had.


I'm nothing like you!

There's nothing sadder than a con man conning himself.

Come on, Neal.

Let's stop hurting the people we love.

Let's bring this thing full circle. You and me.

Just like old times.

Go to hell.

[ expl*si*n ]

Tell me you got the TNT out!

Something must have sparked. Old wiring. The art is gonna burn!

Come on!

It's clear. Nothing.

[ expl*si*n ]

Diana: Boss?

Where the hell's Neal?

Come on!

Get down!

Any more people on site yet?

Fire department's 15 minutes away!

[ Breathing heavily ]

No, no! Out of my way!

It's too late, Vincent. It's too late.

It's gone.

You did this! No.

I took from you, now you take from me.

No. I would never burn that art. You know that.

You won't get away with this.

Goodbye, Neal.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ g*n clatters ]

He would have k*lled me.

What did he mean, "you won't get away with this"?

I don't know.

I'm glad you're all right.

You okay, Neal?


Come on. We'll get you back.

[ Sighs ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

Damn it, Neal.


You did this ...

The fire, all of it.

You did it.

Peter, those were masterpieces.

I would never burn them. You know that.

No. But you'd steal them.

You don't know what you're talking about.

That long con on Adler, it finally paid off, didn't it?

You saw your chance, and then you took it.

I don't know how.

I don't know what game you are playing.

I have no idea, Peter.

I'm not lying to you now. I didn't steal the art.

I think you did.

Then prove it.

Prove it.

[ Door closes ]