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03x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/13/24 10:19
by bunniefuu
ALEX: Worst floods in a century.

Tell Paul he has to
do something about it.

Oh, for God's sake, we've announced
a disaster package for the states

so can you please just
calm your farm?

Don't tell me to calm down!

Your minister also failed to
disclose a financial stake

in Exebuild group of companies,
which owned and operated

the detention facility
where Miss Maclean died.

Kathleen Sloane.
I should have recognised you.

I've spoken to people who've lost
everything, and they're all asking,

"Why isn't anyone coming to help?"

We're meeting with Nick Pearce soon.

The think t*nk's finalising
$20 million in campaign finance.

Do you even trust him?

We're putting youth justice
on the back burner.

This is non-negotiable, Paul.

We have to cut Alex loose.

We run the risk of her
costing us government,

and I'll be f*cked if I'm gonna
sit back and let that happen.

SONG: ♪ Slow down, you crazy child

♪ You're so ambitious for a juvenile

♪ But then, if you're so smart

♪ Tell me
why are you still so afraid?

♪ Mm-mm

♪ Where's the fire?
What's the hurry about?

♪ You better cool it off
before you burn it out

♪ You got so much to do

♪ And only so many hours
in a day... ♪


Please come through.

Alex, the echo shows
you have a condition

known as mitral valve stenosis.

Now, the symptoms are similar
to a panic attack -

the chest pain, palpitations...

..shortness of breath.

Your mitral valve leaflets
are scarred.

Unfortunately, a simple throat
infection in your childhood...




In your case, it's caused
by your mitral valve leaflets

being scarred and thickened.

They're neither opening
nor closing properly.

Now, this reduces
the amount of blood

that the left ventricle can pump

and, as a result,

you end up feeling
breathless and exhausted.

Is it treatable?

We'll use an antiarrhythmic,

but you will need
a surgical procedure.



Minimally invasive.

You will, of course, have to have
time off to recuperate.

How much time?
Two to three weeks.

Perhaps a bit longer
to get you fully back to speed.

What if I don't have surgery?

Alex, right now you are at real risk
of having a sudden stroke.

And, left untreated, I can guarantee
you will go into heart failure.

My honest advice is to
book the procedure immediately.

I think I have time on my list
next Tuesday.

I don't know. I, um...
have to check my schedule.


We'll be at the court in 15 minutes.

I've changed my mind.

I'm not going to the sentencing.


Emotional scenes today

at the release
of Brendan Anthony Cullen

for the stabbing attack

on controversial federal MP
Alexandra Irving.

In ordering the release
of the 49-year-old army veteran,

Justice Hamid described the case
as a clear example

of what happens to vulnerable people

when media outlets seek
to inspire hatred and division.

Veterans Affairs has denied
that they breached duty of care

in their treatment
of the troubled veteran,

describing his case as

MAN: We'd like to thank the judge

for recognising Brendan's years
of service, his exemplary character,

and for showing him compassion today
with her ruling.

CULLEN: There's a lot to say.

I have mates
who will never come home.

Other mates who came back, but...

..not really.

I think about them all the time.

But thank you to my legal team.

Thank you to the judge.

and to Miss Irving,
I would like to say...

..uh, um...

..I'm sorry.

I know how much hurt I caused you.

And also, I'm sorry to your brother.



TEACHER: Is it too much to ask you
to pay attention, Eddie?

I was, Miss.

So, how about
you answer the question?

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,
established 1949,

was a military alliance
between member states

committing to defend each other
against att*cks from third parties.

The 12 original members were
Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy...

And what's your assessment of NATO's
performance since it started?

I don't know.
It's done f*ck all for my mob.


Alright, alright. Back to work.


[SIGHS] Sorry.
RACHEL: Oh! Hey, darling.

Took a bit to get through
this morning.

Mwah. Mwah.

Oh, those protesters -
aren't they feral?

We're just lucky
we have g*n control.

Decaf, soy, extra hot.

Oh! Lifesaver.

So, where are we?

Polling's back.

Lennox is tight, but you've got
a strong personal vote.

I've lost the party loyalists.

Not all of them,
and you're holding the centre.

You wouldn't have done that
if you'd stayed.

Draft constitution.

We took on board your feedback

and the Centre for Democracy's
pledged $20 million

for the Alliance.


Any sitting members moving?

Matthew Kohli.

How close is he?

I don't know.

He's telling everyone
how unhappy he is.

What'll it take to move him,
do you think?

He's a decent guy.

Something that'll wake up
his conscience.

What about Alex?

She hasn't said no.

You seem keen to have her on board.

Do I?

Well, she brings Queensland,
First Nations.

I guess she's hard not to like.

Why? What do you think?

Oh, Alex is born for a third party.

But it comes with a lot of noise.

We could use the noise.


I'm amazed you've still
got the appetite for all this.

We could hold the balance
of power for a generation.


I've got the appetite.

So, what ARE the numbers?

Sitting members, um, four or five.

They won't move without Matthew.

Alex, maybe. Me.

You, if...'re still with us?


SHARON: Oh, the f*cking media
still has our balls in the blender

over the disaster relief
and the emergency services cock-up.

Alex Irving sh**ting her mouth off
at every waking moment

isn't helping any.

Question Time's
gonna be a bloodbath.

What can we give them?


Regional health care reform.

All the ACCHOs would back it,

say we're revolutionising
community-controlled health care.

It's an easy media win.

We're copping it
over aged care again.

Damien's cut millions
out of the sector.

Our problem now.
And we talked about reform.

Yeah, we talked about
Indigenous health too, remember?

Paul, you've seen the latest
Closing the Gap.

Mate, Ausnews
is k*lling us right now.

Well, maybe we should've done
media reform when we had the chance.

Do you hate old people, Charlie?

Because that's what every f*ckin'
editorial in the Ausnews universe

is gonna say.

Aged care speaks to a wider demo.
Thanks for that, Catherine.

Economic modelling on IndiMed

shows a massive
return on investment, Paul.

I've been working on this
for a year and a half.

The numbers add up.
Sorry, mate. It's not the right time.

No, it's 200 years too late!

Why do you and your sister
have to be on my arse every day?

Because this is important.

Hey. It's awesome, Charlie.
Don't get us wrong.

It's just that, you know,
we need something more vanilla.

Sharon, are you serious?

Oh, Jesus Christ.
Beige, then. Pistachio.

Whatever f*ckin' colour
is inoffensive these days.

Sorry, Charlie.

Look, set up a working group
with Health and Aged Care

and get back to us.



Speaker. It's fine.
I'll go and sort her out.

No. Last time you did that,
she didn't speak to us for a week.

I'll go. Thank you, everyone.

JOELY: Can you CC me in on that?
WOMAN: Of course.

Sweet. Thanks.

I heard.

Yeah, well...

Where are we at
with emergency housing?

Sloane Holdings came through -
materials, labour, like clockwork.

Beats me how the government
can't get its shit together

but one chick with a helicopter can.

Get someone to track down
every dollar of federal funding

earmarked for flood relief
over the last 18 months.

I wanna see where every cent
has gone, and who's profiting.

Hey, don't get too comfy,
'cause you're due on the floor.

PMO's been riding me to make sure
you're there for that vote.

Yeah, I'll be there.


Have you got anything
for a headache?


Why? Are you OK?


Never been better.


It's just a headache.

Crap sentence.

May as well have given that bastard
an Order of Australia.


Madam Speaker. How are we?

Prime Minister.

We're fine.

But the PMO's responses to the
opposition's questions in writing

are not.

Well, we've sent two
versions already.

Just the one, really.

Your first attempt was essentially

a raised middle finger
and refusal to engage.

Well, we've responded now.

Not in a way that satisfies
the standing orders.

Oh, come on, Paul.

Do I have to explain the concept
of direct relevance to you?

Well, you know Damien's
time-wasting on this.

Opposition 101. We all do it.
I know that.

But if I allow this to stand,

I'm setting a precedent
for all future parliaments.

I've got no intention of...
Oh, God.

Did you just roll your eyes at me?

Sorry. It seemed like
a reasonable response.

I know I'm only here because

you couldn't spare someone
from your own side.

No, you're also here because we knew
you'd take the office seriously -

which I'm regretting right now.

I bet you are.


You give a direct answer
to parts three, six and seven,

I'll allow the response.

And tell Sharon
that Damien can expect

the exact same standard
of impartiality.

She knows.
She was insinuating otherwise.

Sharon can be a blunt instrument.

Thank you, Phillipa.
Thank you, Prime Minister.


The Morning producer
is still chasing you

for their cookery segment.

Oh! For God's sake.

When are we gonna become
a mature democracy?

I've said that we'll decline
impolitely if they ask again.

Now, what about the funding meeting?

Nick's asked to reschedule,

but he hasn't come back to me
with a new time yet.

Slippery bastard.
We've gotta nail him down.

We're not gonna get people onboard
if we can't announce a major backer.


How's Helena?
Solid, as always.


I'm on it.
I know.

Madam Speaker, this bill not only
streamlines tender processes,

but it means all future
federal infrastructure projects

will be aligned with the nation's
carbon emission targets.

To be eligible to tender
for government contracts,

a company must first prove
its clean energy credentials

and capacity to boost
our regional economy.

Some have argued that
this places an undue burden...

Is he still talking?

The word is he's positioning
to be the next PM.

That was my reaction.

They all dream, don't they?

You alright?
Yeah, fine.

LIDDELL: I commend the bill
to the House.

MEMBERS: Hear, hear!

The Leader of the Opposition
has the call.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

This is yet another example
of the Murphy government

not knowing its head from its arse!

Oh, point of order! Madam Speaker!

The Leader of the Opposition knows
that language is unparliamentary

and I ask him...
But, Madam Speaker...

The Leader of the Opposition
will stop pretending

he's unaware of standing orders.

But, Madam Speaker, it's obvious
to anyone with half a brain

that this is greenwashing
at its worst!



The Leader of the Opposition
will withdraw without reservation.

I'll withdraw, Madam Speaker, but...

Without reservation.

The Leader of the Opposition
will refrain from disorderly conduct

or he'll leave the chamber.

MEMBERS: Oooooooh!

Oh, really? [TUTS]

I withdraw without reservation.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

If this legislation is passed today,

how many companies will be locked
out of government contracts?

I'll tell you, Mister Speaker -
too many.

Rubbish! Rubbish, mate.
What? Isn't one enough for you, mate?

Order on my right.
What if we have one?

Members will cease interjecting.

And the Leader of the Opposition
is reminded to use my correct title.

Apologies, Madam Speaker, but, uh...

..I'm distracted by the incompetence
of the benches across from me!

This bill is prohibitive
to any company out there

who fails to live up to
the ridiculously onerous criteria

imposed by the tree-huggers pulling
the strings in this government.

Shame on you, Bauer.

Shame on you, Bauer!

This isn't red tape, Madam Speaker -

this is green tape!

Oh, you wouldn't know
red and green tape...

I think he WANTS
to alienate the moderates.

He doesn't care.

DAMIEN: I've had legal advice
that, under the proposed guidelines,

so few companies will be eligible...

Remind me why
you're opposing this again?

Its intentions are good,

but I'm with Damien -
it's badly designed.

It's a bad bill.

And, uh, playing nicely
with capitalists

has gotten us such lovely results
on climate in the regions so far.

Oh, please. Spare me.
Spare us all.

They've had
more than enough warning.

And Paul's got the numbers.
Only thanks to you three.

I hope you're all getting
flowers and chocolates.

..healthy competition
to hell in a hand basket!


The Australian voters have a right
to send their money

where they want it, the good
causes they want to support.

PAUL: Have you read this, Damien?!

Madam Speaker,
he wouldn't know healthy...

There's an unacceptable amount
of noise in the chamber today.

Next person who speaks
without the call

will be ejected, under 94A,

without warning!

She would've been wasted
on the crossbench.


The question before the House

is that the bill
be now read a second time.

All those in favour, say aye.

Against, no.

Division required.
Ring the bells for four minutes.

Alright, we'll go...

Are you sure? It's not too late.

No chance.

Lunch Thursday?



Now, every cafe went mad
for cruffins and cronuts

and they thought,
"What else can we make a cross of?"

They got the Danish, and they think
you can call it a cranish.

But I'm thinking,
the pastry's the same.

It's the same... So I don't know
if it warrants a special name.

It's just a Danish.

Order. Result of the divisions -
ayes 76, noes 74.

The matter is resolved
in the affirmative.

Hear, hear!

Fight another day, Rachel.

Second reading of the Sustainable
Procurement Practices Act 2024.

The Bill will now move to
consideration in detail.

the government passed

its Sustainable Procurement
Practices Bill.

Companies must now prove
their green credentials.

before they'll be eligible to tender
for government contracts.

PAUL: My government is committed
to our 2030 emissions targets

and today we've taken
a significant step forward.

This bill ensures that
businesses we partner with

to deliver major projects
and services

are also helping to deliver

a cleaner, greener future
for all Australians.

Yeah, no, I think you're lying.
Bub, I'm home.

I am not.
I sent it to you.

Yeah, I know you can delete
whole rows of the little squares.


I just don't know how
you got in two.

Well, why would I bother cheating?
[SCOFFS] 'Carom' is not a word.


Hey, Bub.

Hey. What's up?

Oh, nothing.
Where are you?

I'm going to stay
at Ash's tonight.

Got a physics assignment.

Oh, I bet you do.

I saw the sentence that n*zi got.

You OK?

Ish. You?

Yeah, they're all arseholes,
you know that.

Mind your language, hey?
I did.

I was gonna say "f*cking arseholes".

What are you having for dinner?

Some kind of Moroccan lamb thing.

It smells amazing.
Better than your cooking.

Oh, well, that's a shame,
because I just cooked a pizza.

I guess I'll just have it to myself.

Ha, ha.
ASHLEY: Oi, Eddie, your turn.

I got to go.
See ya.



Do you think you should?


It's not my business.
Yeah, no, you're right.

But you need to look after yourself.

I think you should
leave now, Dominic.

What did the cardiologist tell you?

You've had a series of tests
the past couple of weeks.

And this morning
you met with a Doctor Carrera.

You spying on me?

You can barely keep your eyes open
in the car.

You get breathless, chest pain,
now you're seeing a cardiologist.

You don't f*cking know me.
You understand?

You don't know anything.

And you don't tell me
when I can have a f*cking drink.

Do you understand?

Yes, Miss Irving.
Who else have you told?


Goodnight, Miss Irving.

Oh my God, have you cooked?

Don't get excited.
It's just a curry.

That smells amazing.
How's bub?

Been trying out
for the NRL all day.

Hey, check this out.
Give me your hand.

It's gonna kick when I say
"Go, Raiders!"

Oh, no!

No, we agreed to raise them
a Broncos fan.

Uh, no we didn't.

[WHISPERS] Broncos.

Did you day get any easier?

They rejected IndiMed.

Sorry about that.

Yeah, it doesn't help that the
Left's too busy eating itself

to hold Damien to account
for anything.

Leaves Ausnews free to go
pore over anything progressive.

It's an impossible situation.

He's so lucky
to have you in his corner.

Yeah, tell him that.

Did anyone ask you
about the sentencing?

You go chill.
I'm gonna put some rice on.

You sure?


Thank you.







Charlie's right.

Look, we know it's bad.

It's f*cking catastrophic.

We've gone backwards in just about
every Indigenous health indicator.

Well, none of it's a surprise.
And that makes it worse.

I let the Right run the agenda
because they own the media.

I let everyone
talk me out of doing anything

because we're frantic
about risk.

I'll get crucified
when they read this, and rightly so.

We can always delay releasing it.

Oh, yeah, that'll help.

Who the f*ck am I?

You could go ahead with
Alex's youth justice bill.

Then WA and Queensland
will lose their shit

and we'll lose the states.

So what do you want to do?

We announce IndiMed.


Well, that's an expensive policy.

Last figure I saw
was $3.9 billion a year

for keeping blackfellas in prisons.

Happy to point that out to anyone

who says IndiMed's
a bad use of public money.

Are you sure?

Yeah. I am.


Charlie! In here.

What's up?

We're announcing IndiMed
today before Question Time.

You're on.

What happened to aged care?

Well, apparently old people
aren't closing the gap.

Can you do a speech by 1:00?

Jesus. Yep.


Not a dry eye in the house.

Come on, brother.

ASH: What are you doing
for the break?

Going home to Winton.
Can't wait for some decent weather.


You could come.
We've got a chalet.

You ski?

I've never seen snow.

MAN: [DISTANT] f*ck,
I didn't steal shit.

Just let me look in the bag.

Nah, bro.
Let me just look at it.

Get away, bro.

Give me... Oi!

Give me the bag!

What the f*ck?

Hand it over! Just hand me the bag!

Hey, don't move. Hey,
now you don't have a choice, hey?

See what happens.
Give me your bag.

Check that.

Stay there.
OFFICER: Hoodie off, mate.

You need help?

f*ck off! Ah, f*ck!

Did they ask
if they can search you?

Hey, mate, give him his privacy.
Yeah, because that's what he needs.

You don't have to
tell him anything, bro.

Alright, mate,
I'm asking you to step back.

He a friend of yours?
You two in this together?

Yeah, I've seen him hanging
around before.

Well, what's your name then?
I don't have to tell you shit.

Just wanna have a chat, mate,
just wanna know who I'm talking to.

Wanna tell me who I'm talking to?

Constable Pollard out of
the Canberra City Police Station.

Now move on.
ASH: Eddie, don't get involved.

Are youse arresting him?
Come on, Eddie.

OFFICER: Eddie, is it?

You think it's fun to obstruct
police work, Eddie?

What are youse arresting him for?

Did you find anything on him?

They're not allowed to arrest you
without telling you why, bro.

You're under arrest
on suspicion of theft.

On what ground?
Cause he's black?

Tell him his rights.

You want a lift
to the station as well, Eddie?

No, thanks, Constable Pollard.

You want to get arrested?
I haven't done anything.

We've asked you to move on.
You're obstructing an arrest.

If you keep giving us trouble,
we'll charge you with resisting.


Get off me, hey!


f*ck! Ah!

Alright, everyone,
give us some space.

ASH: What did he even do?
Move along, please.

He didn't even do anything.

Wait here.

You're under 18, right?

Yeah. You?

They can't question us
without an adult present.

I know that.

What've they got on you?

Seccie said I was lifting.

And he didn't find anything?
That's not gonna stop them.

But, bro, what the f*ck?


Why'd you have to
stick your nose in?

Why'd you care?

Hey, but you saw them.
They were totally packing it.



You're f*cking mental.

RACHEL: Restoring
the single parent benefit

is key to lowering
domestic v*olence rates.

Well, I'm guessing the treasurer
has shut you down over this.

No, we've sent it
to you first, actually.

Yes, we thought perhaps the
crossbench could get some traction.

Have you spoken with
Shaun and Helena?

Helena's waiting for her adviser.

Shaun is canvassing the party room.

Great. Well, that's...


I'll circulate
the report to the mods.

That's good news. Thanks, Alex.
Do you want me to get that?

No, it's all good.

I'll just speak with Helena.
Alex Irving.

Tell her you'll keep her informed.

I'm sorry?


Sorry, I have to deal with this.

Joely, can you
set up another meeting?


Um, I'll send through a
list of, um, options.

Thank you.

Uh, Joely,
have you got a minute for a chat?

Yeah, is this about the Alliance?

Yeah, actually.

I'd like you to be involved.

Does old mate know
that you're moving him on?

Oh, Peter?
Oh, no. He's a keeper.

Would you be interested in
running as a candidate?

Come on, don't look at me like that.

You're an excellent communicator

and you helped Alex win
an unwinnable seat.

And you want people to know
that the Alliance

isn't just for middle-aged
white feminists, right?

I am not being tokenistic
about this.

You know how Canberra works,

and I think
you'll keep me on my toes.

I think you could win Noonan.


It's next door to Freeman,
you've got family there.

You started the women's shelter.

What, you been stalking me, Rachel?


Actually, we commissioned
some polling.

It's very positive.

Does Alex know about this?

No, but I assumed you'd tell her
if you want to.

I'm really flattered, Rachel.

But Alex is the reason
why I'm here, so...

You want to have a read
before you make a hard decision?


No need.

But thanks.


I hope Alex
appreciates your loyalty.



You alright?
Yeah, Mum.

You have my son. Eddie Irving.

POLLARD: Can I help you?

Yeah, you want to tell me
what he did?

He hindered an arrest.
Before that.

He was filming.

Well, that's not a crime
and you know that.

He was told to move on,
and he refused to comply.

Obstruction of police business.

And the store security guard
has had issues with him before.


Eddie, show me. Come here.

VIDEO: We've asked you to move on.
You're obstructing an arrest.

If you keep giving us trouble,
we'll charge you with resisting.


Yeah, I don't know,
but if I was his lawyer,

I'd be advising he file
as*ault charges, wouldn't you?

He wasn't cooperating.

Do you have any evidence
he committed a criminal offence?

Besides the word
of a r*cist security guard?

Well, he hasn't been charged.

Sometimes all these kids
need is a bit of a scare.

Oh, these kids.

Come on.

You got someone coming for you.

Well, come on then.

Come on.

Is this it?


See you.
Later, man.

Do you want me to come in
and chat with your mum?

Hell, no.
All good.

See ya.

Thank you, Aunty.

Why weren't you at school?

Teachers' strike.

You go to a private school.

Ash and I was out in solidarity.


Is he a friend of yours?
Just met him.

But I know the security guard
that collared him.

Picks us off.

Doesn't pick on the white kids.

VIDEO: Ah, f*ck!

Don't you dare post that.

Why not?

Do you know how much grief
I'd get if that got out?

The press would hang me out to dry.

So I should just let the r*cist cops
do whatever they want?

I didn't say that.

Stop being a dickhead.

You chose to be here, not me.

What, in Canberra?

I'm not always going to be here
to bail you out.

Why? Where you going?


Just be a good idea if you could
think before you act for a change.

Cause that's what you always do.

Stop with the attitude, eh?

I didn't break any laws.

I was standing up
for what was right.

You've got a chance to do
whatever you want to do.

Be whoever you want to be.

Just don't f*ck it up.

Coming from you,
good advice, Mum.

Stay here till I get back.

What about school?
Are you going to tell 'em?

I don't know, see how I feel.


JOELY: Hey, you right?
Yeah, no, we're fine.

All good?
Yeah, I'm coming back.

I'll see you soon.

Stay, OK?


Parliament House, Dominic.

MARION: I tell you,
if you start quoting Seneca,

I'm leaving.
Oh, you're safe,

because I broke up with him
for Marcus Aurelius.

[LAUGHS] No, of course you did.

Oh, thank you so much for agreeing
to meet with me and...

Oh, of course, of course.
How long are you back for?

Oh, probably for good.
My dad's not well, and...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, I also got sick of the Brits.
Well, Britain.

Surprised you were there so long.

Irish breakfast?

Look, you know this is not
going to be a puff piece, right?

Why would you start now?

OK, so I'm just going to tape
all our conversation.


And if anything's sort of
off the record or I'm briefing,

you just tell me, OK?
Of course.

And of course,
you'll have right of reply.

Thank you.

Uh, Rachel Anderson, Monday 29.

Alright, here we go.

So, uh, that talk.

Yeah, that stirred things up,
didn't it?


It's very interesting,
this idea of the Alliance.


So how are you going to, um,
compete with the majors on funding?

Oh, God. Uh, you know,
the usual suspects,

uh, ethical corporates,

high net worth individuals
with a passion for climate change.

And, of course, you know,
grassroots engagement.

There's a real hunger
for that kind of buy-in

which we saw at the last election.

And will the think t*nk be involved?

Uh, what think t*nk?
Oh, sorry, the...

The Futures for Democracy
think t*nk.

The one run by your campaign...

Well, your former
campaign manager, Nick Pearce.

Oh, and he's an interesting
character, isn't he?

[LAUGHS] He is certainly, uh,
broke the mould with that one.

Have you met him?
No, I'm trying to.

So did you know that he's, um,

consulting for this development firm

that's with alleged links
with organised crime?

No, I did not know that.

But it is Sydney.

It's the only city in the world
where the sons of the drug importers

go to school with
the sons of the media barons.

[LAUGHS] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, I think his ties are a little
bit deeper than the school ones.

So this think t*nk,

it funded all the independents,
including you?

Not sure what you're digging
at here, Marion,

but if you're suggesting
there's been illegal donations,

it's a registered entity
and we all declared, so...

What are you writing exactly?

No, it's just... It's...
It's like a sort of gut feeling.

I just...

I think there's more to Nick

than his newfound love
of independent women.

So these, uh...
The think t*nk's candidates,

they're all on the crossbench.
That's right.

It was set up to identify
and back centrist women

and really to address
the gender imbalance in Parliament.

It's done a great job.

So why has Nick wound it up
if it's been so successful?

Um, a few weeks ago, I think.

I take it you didn't know that?

Listen, Marion, I know the crossbench
are easy clickbait, but...

..I hope you've got
your facts straight.

You're going to have
right of reply when we publish.

I really don't appreciate the ambush.
I think we're done.

PETER: Uh, Nicholas Galloway,
Serena Marchant?

Nick, hi.
It's Rachel again.

Could you please return my call?

I would really appreciate knowing
what the hell is going on.

Uh, hi, it's Rachel Anderson.

Yeah, um, I'm trying to
track down Nick Pearce.

It's a matter of some urgency.

Has he been into the club
in the last week?

Right, right.

..I understand that this is
an emergency...

OK. Uh, yeah, yeah, that...
that would be great.

Have you got my number?
It's come up. OK.

And what time?
Thank you.

Thanks so much. Bye.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.
I'm gonna have to call you back.

What is happening, Peter?

Like, what the actual f*ck
is happening?

Has he taken the money
and shot through?

I don't know.

Well, he's meant
to be bankrolling us.

Yes, well, we can always deal
with the funding shortfall.

Can we?
Yes. There are contingencies.

What worries me more

is the money that's
already gone into the candidates.

And if there's an issue there...
What do you mean an issue?

Like what? What kind of issue?

I don't know,
and that's what concerns me.

Well, do we tell the girls?
Helena, Philippa, Alex?

No, not until
we have something concrete.

In the meantime...

Um, Marion,
could you ask her what she knows?

She's not going to tell me.
Well, she might.

You don't know her.

Yes, Peter Solomon.

No, I can't.

How's it going, Chuckles?
Yeah, nearly done.

We're on in five.
Yeah, I'll be there.

Where is it?
He said it's on its way.

I've made all those changes.
About time.

Thank you, brother.

Good afternoon.

I stand in front of you today
with great pride.

This historic
and groundbreaking initiative

has been a long time in the making.

As Prime Minister
of this great country

and a proud Butchulla
and Mananjahli man,

this initiative
is close to my heart.

My colleagues
and I wanted to get it right,

and I believe, after extensive
consultation, we have.

IndiMed is a comprehensive
healthcare package

which will address the criminal
neglect of previous governments

when it comes to protecting
the health of our people,

and in particular,

the health of
our First Nations people.

IndiMed will provide all Australians
in remote regional centres

with the independence
and self-determination in healthcare

that will translate to
improved child mortality,

increased life expectancy,

and better health outcomes
across the board.

JOELY: About time.

More than that, it will translate
to a vital economic boost

for regional and remote communities,
Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

Good on you, brother.

Prime Minister, how much
is this going to add to the deficit?

We'll release
costings in the budget.

This is a fiscally
responsible package.

Is it true the Close the Gap report

shows the gap between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous outcomes

is widening under your watch?

Well, we're confident
that this suite of initiatives

will redress the previous
government's failure.

And you have the policy report,
so please read them.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister.

Last question, Kirsty.

Prime Minister, can you comment
on the police incident earlier today

involving the Member for Freeman's
teenage son.


Our sources say Alex Irving

harassed officers
at Canberra police station today.

A teenager was taken into custody
alongside her son,

Edward Irving,
just this afternoon.

Oh, shit.
I can't comment on that case.

I didn't tell anyone.

Are you aware that Alex Irving,

the crossbencher who holds up
your government

used her position as
a member of the parliament

to get her son released...
We're done here. Thank you.



Yeah, what the f*ck?

Yeah, well, we might've...

Yeah, too late.

What the hell was that?!

Did you know about this?

No, of course I didn't.
Well, get her in here, now.

I don't know how it got out.

Right, because the police
never leak to the media.

It wasn't his fault.

He was standing up
for the other kid.

Eddie's not the issue.

They picked him up
because he was black.

You know what's going on here.
Yes, Alex, I know it's racism.

I know it's a beat up and calculated
to do maximum damage to both of us.

But what I don't know
is why you didn't warn me.

Because if you'd done that,
I would have changed my strategy.

And you mouthing off at a cop
wouldn't have steamrolled

the best announcement
we've made for blackfellas all year!

You're the one dragging
your heels on raise the age.

You just don't know
how precarious this is, do you?

If it wasn't this, they would
have found something else.

That's just it, isn't it?

There's always something
else with you.

You start fires wherever you go.

Well, I'm sick to my gut
of putting them out!

What happened to pulling
your head in?!

Alright, I've drafted
this press release...

Close the door.

"Private matter
between mother and son.

"Harmless teenage shenanigans.
No charges were laid.

"No privilege was abused...

Get onto the National Secretary.

I want polling done in Freeman.

Focus groups on the quiet.

I want to know the numbers
and how she's going.

Well, it's marginal,
and we're running a distant third.

We'll throw everything
we have at it.

I don't care what it takes.

We'll take her f*cking seat
in the next election.

Alright, but you...
You can't ice her out yet.

We need... You will still need
her seat on the floor.

We won't say or do anything
to make her suspicious.

Keep communication to a minimum.

She knows she's in the doghouse.

When the time comes,
we'll cut her loose.

And Charlie. What do I say to him?


I want him kept onside.

Alright, well,
I better get this out then.

Anything else?

Say whatever it takes
to make it go away.

SONG: ♪ Slow down, you crazy child

♪ You're so ambitious
for a juvenile

♪ But then, if you're so smart,

♪ Tell me,
why are you still so afraid?

♪ Mm-mm

♪ Where's the fire,
what's the hurry about?

♪ You better cool it off
before you burn it out

♪ You got so much to do
and only so many hours in a day

♪ Hey

♪ But you know that
when the truth is told

♪ That you can get what you want
or you can just get old,

♪ You're gonna kick off before
you even get halfway through

♪ Ooh

♪ When will you realise?

♪ Vienna waits for you. ♪

What did Paul say after
you asked him to loop me in?

He said he was changing the comms
process with the crossbench.

And that didn't sound like code
for f*cking me over?

What exactly do I get
for my $20 million?

You get a better country.

Is your boss trying
to freeze me out?

Paul keeping me in the dark
isn't an accident.

For f*ck's sake, Alex,
some things are just cock ups.

They're not conspiracies.

Listen, you should have told us

you were commissioning
polling for Freeman.

We could have
helped you out on that.

What are you talking about?
