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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 02/13/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
MARCIE: Open the f*cking door!

GUARD: All right, Maclean.

Suck on this.

CARTWRIGHT: I'm satisfied
that the detention centre staff

gave Ms Maclean every assistance...

- JESS: Somebody help us!

... and acted entirely within the
scope of their responsibilities.

Hey, girl.


RACHEL: The base is the best news
the people of Queensland have had

for a very long time.

CORY: The facility is
designed to accommodate

There's gonna be a
three-kay exclusion zone

surrounding the base.

CHARLIE: These people backed you.

All your bloody promises,
and you broke them.

So don't blame them.

ALEX: It's not my fault, Kelly.

I suppose it's not your fault
you f*cked my husband!

PETER: Kevin Cartwright's
looking for a new chief of staff

and I'd like to recommend
you for the position.

Jonathan, I stonewalled
the Senator's amendments.

JONATHAN: He traded his support
for a promotion to Home Affairs.

Jess Clarke?

JADE: Hey.

I have a way of tracking
her down, though.

CHARLIE: You've got a right to be angry.

I f*ckin' hate them all.

- TOM JR: What do you want?
- Same as you. Payback.

- Bullshit. You're one of them.
- They f*cked me too.

So why don't you do
what needs to be done?

My name is Tom Campbell Jr.

I renounce my Australian citizenship

and I reject the Australian Government.

This land that we stand
on, this land is stolen.

From now on, every whitefella
who wants to come here

has to apply to my people for a visa.

If they fail to do so, I promise
there will be retribution.



MAN: Go, Tommy!

- MAN: Go back!
- We don't want you here!


Get in the truck! Go!



I'm Senior Sergeant Doug Gibson.

Can I get you anything?


We understand you're in shock,
but we have some questions.

So when you're ready,

can you tell us exactly what happened?


REPORTER: The v*olence in Winton
last night is yet another landmine

for a government still trying

to put the instability
of the past weeks...

MAN: No. No. No. We need
to come down hard on 'em.

Long terms in jail, massive fines.

We need the military to keep the peace.

REPORTER: Dramatic scenes
in Winton last night

as a violent mob rioted in the
street and set fire to buildings.

Exebuild employee Cory Gray,

who was on the site only hours before,

had this to say.

There was no warning or anything.

You start to wonder what we're even
doing here if no-one wants us.


REPORTER: Newly appointed Home
Affairs Minister Kevin Cartwright

moved to reassure the Australian public,

saying those responsible for the
attack will be brought to justice.

Alex. Welcome back.

Just give me one moment.

It's good to see you.
We weren't expecting you back.

Not so soon, anyway.

I wasn't gonna come back.

Not after everything.

Alex, I do have to ask you, what
happened up there in Winton?

- I wasn't there.
- Of course you weren't.

I'm not suggesting that
you were involved.

People are angry.

I'm angry.

That's as much as I know.

You think what they did was justified?

I wouldn't have minded burning
the place down myself.

Yeah, well, many in the country

are quite keen to see
heads on sticks over this.

Is that what they're getting?

Alex, you have every right to be angry.

I'm angry too. I put myself
on the line for your deal.

And I've just had to perform an
embarrassing public backflip.

But look who's fighting us,
Damian Bauer and the hard right,

the Sydney shock jocks and
the Melbourne tabloids.

We've gotta be strategic.

I understand the party was divided
over the settlement terms.

There were a lot of voices against you.

- Kevin Cartwright?
- A lot of voices.

Alex, listen to me.

It's so easy to wreck things.

I'm trying to keep this party together

because God help me if I fail.

And I need your help.

All right.

What can I do?

You can reassure the public and
you can reassure the party.

Good. We've booked you
on News Review tonight.

CHARLIE: An interview? Are you serious?

Hang on.

It's a test.

But it's all about the
long game, remember?

So what are you going to say?

Tune in and find out, brother.

Here, look. Here.

We're standing by.

Put Eddie on.

All right. Take care in there, sis.

TV: ... raises issues for you,

you can contact Lifeline or
Beyond Blue for assistance.


Hey. How's Sydney?

Cold. When are you coming up?

I've just got some work to do,
but I'll be home soon, OK?

... the destruction
of the US air base...

- I miss you, Mum.
- I miss you too. I love you.

- ... construction giant Exebuild...
- I love you too.

- Joining me now...
- OK, I'd better go. Bye.

- Bye.
- ... Senator Alex Irving.

Senator Irving, thanks for joining us.


Senator, the attack on
Exebuild properties in Winton

has provoked widespread condemnation.

What do you have to say
to those men involved?

Well, how do we know it's only men?

- I'm sorry?
- Well, we don't know who was there.

We just don't know.

- So, what would I say to them?
- Yes, Senator.

Everyone is angry. Everyone.

But we have all the processes
of democracy for a reason.

So if you don't like what's happening,

you can come here to Canberra
and do something about it.

- JILLIAN: That went well.
- I think the PM will be happy.

Do you have a journo that you trust?

I do.

I want to background them

on the detention centre
where Marcie Maclean died.

What for?

Rattling a few cages,
especially Cartwright's.

It needs to be off the record.

We don't want to put the girl at risk.

- BOY: Hello?
- Is that my little man?

- Sis?
- Is Mum home?

I don't know where she is.

Mum said Marcie's dead.

- Yeah.
- Where are you?

A sh*thole.

Listen, I'm coming to get you,

soon as I get some money for the bus.

- Where are we going?
- Dunno yet.


Just don't tell anyone I'm coming, OK?

- OK?

Spare change, love?

You sure you don't want to
come to Sydney with me?

Gotta go home.

All right. Well, take care of yourself.


Nick Kosta. Jillian
said you wanted a chat.

What are you drinking?

- What are you drinking?
- Rum and Coke.

A shiraz. Thanks.

Sydney's on the way.

You can hang with me
as long as you like.

She says the guards shot
tear gas into their cell.

Marcie suffocated. And this
woman has video evidence.

- Have you seen it?
- No.

So why should I believe it exists?

Because she travelled all the way
from the Territory to see me.

So you've met her?

- Her name?
- No. No details.

Nothing that should identify her.

What you're looking for is doubts raised

about the Minister's account.

Telling me how to write now?

He's a powerful man now, Cartwright.

That's why you're interested.

I'll do some digging.

- I thought you were above all this.
- What do you mean?

'Barefoot Senator',
poster girl for authenticity,

and here she is backgrounding
against her own side.

- MARCIE: I look like a freak.
- You are a freak.

I like it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Do you want to go to the
city when we get out?

Like... Darwin?

Nah. f*ck Darwin.

Let's go to Sydney. Like, the big city.

Hell, yeah.

They got all shops and beaches.

Promise me you'll go?

- Promise.
- Yeah, sweet.

♪ Keep on holdin' out your cup ♪

♪ But only you can fill it up ♪

♪ We're only here for now ♪

♪ We're only here for now ♪

♪ I want to stand right in it ♪

♪ In each and every minute... ♪

KELLY: OK, let's go.

Just hang on a minute.

Come here. You come over here.

Don't you do anything
stupid in there, all right?

Just promise me.


Go on.

Go on, you go. Off you go.

Oh, f*ck.


From now on, every whitefella
who wants to come here

has to apply to my people for a visa.

- If they fail to do so...
- Thank you.

... I promise, there
will be retribution.

This man has been identified
as Thomas Campbell Jr.

He's one of the native title holders

involved in the original negotiations.

He's also chairman of
the local land council.

Oh! Course he is!

And a close friend of
Senator Alex Irving.

- How close?
- Very.



That'll be running as
the top story tonight.

You'd better reassure the party room.

Well, he's making a statement.

Mmm. He is.

To the police right about now.

Exebuild have been offered a
range of emergency measures.

We've increased our security presence

in the town of Winton itself.

The police are examining
all available footage

and are hoping to make
arrests very soon.

BAIRD: About bloody time.

Um, Alex, why don't you tell
us what happened there?

I was in Winton for my mother's
funeral. That's all I know.

Oh, our condolences.

You didn't have any
warning about the attack?

It's disrespectful to bother
someone who's in mourning, so no.

All right. Of course.

Moving on. Now, we may be
facing some press questions

on the death of Marcie Maclean.

Apparently her cellmate, Jess Clarke,

escaped the night Ms Maclean died

and is now the principal suspect

for a vicious attack on a man
at a motel east of Mount Isa.

Ms Clarke has been identified

from photographs taken from
the gentleman's phone.

The Northern Territory News are
running this story this morning.

Now, these two events taken together

could spark a fairly brutal backlash

against our Indigenous community,

so let's be very careful we
don't make this a racial issue.

- Hear, hear.
- Agree?

- Agreed.
- Good.

Thank you, Kevin. OK, what's next?

Jonathan, any luck on that car rego?

Ah, not yet.

Hey, the police are on to Jess Clarke.

We need to talk to her first.

- Is there a problem?
- No.

- Then why the hold-up?
- My contact...

... isn't really talking
to me right now.

Do I need to ask someone else?

I've said I'll get it for you.
Anything else, Senator?

Tony, me again.

It's important.

Can you please call me back?


I'm sorry to disturb you, Senator.

But Jonathan's actually
been working really hard,

especially while you were away.

It's not surprising
he's been distracted...

- Thank you, Jillian.
- ... what with the new job.

New job?

Chief of staff. Kevin Cartwright?

You knew about that, right?

Of course.

Thank you for reminding me.
I really appreciate it.


you have called is not available.

Check out this view.


- Whoa. Check it.
- My gosh!

It's so blue.

It's beautiful.

♪ Dark blue ♪

♪ Deep red ♪

♪ These are the colours... ♪

And a "hey". Cool. Let's go in.

♪ I associate in my head... ♪

Ready? Yeah!

- Go on, girl. Get amongst it.


Yeah, check it out.

Marcie. Marcie?

Wait for me?


When you get out, don't
go to Sydney without me.


Put the phone away and go to sleep.

Love you, JC.

Love you, Marcie.

♪ There's no black or white ♪

♪ But a whole lotta grey. ♪


Clever design, the old fountain.

Makes white noise, masks conversation.

- I know about the fountain.
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, yes.

Sorry, old habits die hard.

It's interesting.



With all you've been through,

most people would just lie down and die.

But you...

... you've come back.

I have.

Saw your interview last
night. Very insightful.

So, I'm guessing, Alex, that
you've got something on your mind.

That death in custody.

It's a cover-up.


And he lied in Parliament?

You'll tell me if and
when you find out more?



You know, Alex, the word
is that the Prime Minister

is in talks with the
crossbenchers of the Senate.

She's always talking
to the crossbenchers.

Well, this time, it's a
little bit different.

Methinks she's about to cut you loose.

She gets one of them on side,
then she doesn't need you.

And you're only just
telling me this now.

You could have been playing us.

Just had to make sure.

Now, time to make a wish.

Why did she come back?

Unfinished business.

I think she still believes
in the idea of service.

You know what I'm asking.

She's angry. She feels compromised.

As do I, by the way.

Jonathan, you didn't know that
we were ditching the amendments

'cause it would have put you
in an impossible position.

Same goes with your senator.
And we appreciate your loyalty.

I'm sure you're keen to
take up Kevin's offer,

but we feel it would be better

if you stayed with the senator for now.

We've got critical bills
going through both houses.

We need to know we can rely on her.

I'll make sure of it.

- Prime Minister, we should move on.

- It's her.
- You'd better take it, then.

- Prime Minister.
- Thank you, Jonathan.

Yes, Senator?

- WOMAN: Jade.
- Hey, man.

- How was Canberra?
- It was bloody cold.


- Maya, JC. JC, Maya.
- How are you going?

So, we've got the bathroom
just through here.

- Hey, man. How's it going?
- Yeah, good.

Kitchen's out the back.

And this is Michael.

- Michael, this is JC.
- Hello. How's it going?

Come put your gear down here.

Coffee? Beer?

Oh, coffee. That'd be great.

- Yeah. Coffee sounds good.
- Cool.

Jade, do we have any more coffee?

How do I know?

I'll just chuck on some music, hey?



Make yourself at home.

♪ Here comes the night ♪

♪ Heavy as she grows ♪

♪ Close, I miss it more ♪

♪ When I got too much time on my hands ♪

♪ To think about it all ♪

♪ I think about it all ♪

♪ Here comes the night, just
like all the ones before... ♪


JESS: Help! Somebody help!


- What are you doing?
- Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

- Give it to me.
- Yeah. That's what I was doing.

I found it on the floor.

Sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out.

Your coffee is getting cold, by the way.


Are you OK?

Yeah. I think I am.


- _
- ALEX: Bloody Cartwright.

It's like he's two steps ahead of us.

Or it's just a coincidence.


Senator, is there something
I should know about Winton?

That's what Cartwright was asking.

Yeah, so were a couple of his staff.

Are you deliberately stalling
on finding the address?

You know she's an escaped criminal.

- She's a 15-year-old kid.
- And you're a politician.

Everything you do is under scrutiny.

Everything can be used against you.

Last time I looked, you worked for me.

Do what I tell you. Go get
the address for that car.

I know I'm an arsehole

and the last person who
should be asking a favour.

But this is your chance to prove
you're a better person than I am.

It's a station wagon in a
sort of hideous yellow.

Yes. Of course it's mine.

It's... I've let myself
go since I last saw you.

Oh, amazing. Can you text that through?

Oh, and, Tony, next time, please
don't trust someone like me.

- Who was that?
- An ex. Why?

Just curious.

- Yes, hello, Jeffrey.
- Jonathan.

How's my new boss?

Worked up over this escaped detainee.

He's taking it very seriously.

Also wants to know when you're starting.

So do I.

Any day now.

Shall we?

I know that today was
really scary with Dad.

But he's gonna be fine.

He's gonna come home really soon. OK?

You're my big girl.

You've got school tomorrow.
You'd better go to sleep.

Sleep. OK?

'Cause Mum says.

REPORTER: In breaking news,

the shocking footage you're about to see

was taken moments
before rioters set fire

to Exebuild construction
offices in Winton.

The man speaking to the camera

is Aboriginal activist Thomas Campbell,

head of the land council.

- In the footage,

he declares independence from...

Alex Irving.

KELLY: Alex... [SIGHS]


Did you put him up to it?

No-one can make Tom do
anything. You know that.

Can you help?

I'll see what I can do.

I'm so sorry, Kel.

Just help me.

Help me, please.


I wondered when you'd call.

I'm trying to get some
information on Tom Campbell

but it's going nowhere.

Can you help?





Wondered where you'd got to.

You OK?


Uh, excuse me.


Are you coming?



- Charlie.
- Sis.

We're in trouble.

NEWSREADER: Further revelations
about the Winton riot today

as evidence emerges that Charles Irving,

brother of embattled government
senator Alex Irving,

was present on the
night of the v*olence.

He appears in the background

as Thomas Campbell incites
the crowd to v*olence

and burns down site offices.

Both siblings were in Winton to
attend their mother's funeral.

Senator Irving has been contacted
for comment but has yet to res...

This is not good.


You know they put your friend in jail?

I know that.

Is there any more footage?

No. They would have
shown it if they had it.

What was your brother doing there?

He said he just got
caught up in the crowd.

That doesn't look like caught up.

It doesn't show him
doing anything illegal.

And that's a very strange
way of putting it.


PM's Office requesting a meeting.

Not now, Tracey.

I got an address for the car.


She put a man in the hospital.

Are you sure you want to be going?

How's that digging
into Cartwright going?

- You found anything?
- Not yet.

- What?

They're getting insistent.

Tell them I'm out of the office, Tracey.


- Charlie.
- Where are you?

At the airport.

What's happening?

The cops are going through my stuff.

- Why?
- Why do you think?

OK. Listen, don't tell
them anything, right?

Yeah, I'm not stupid.

- Charlie!
- All right.

Look, I'm coming to Sydney.
I'll come to you.

But I've got some business first.

- Is Eddie OK?
- Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's good.

I need that phone.

Hey, I've just got to go.
They're taking my...


That's gonna annoy your mum, eh?

Getting hung up on.

JADE: That's good. Yeah.


BOTH: Yes!

High five.

Hello? Jess?


Hi. I'm Alex.

Can I talk with Jess, please?

Sorry, there's nobody here by that name.

Please. I need to speak with her.

Look, I think you've
got the wrong address.

It's about a friend.
Marcie. Marcie Maclean.

She died. Jess was with her.

I'm sorry, but I don't know
who any of those people are.

OK, look. Can you tell her?

I'm sorry that I wasn't there for
her, but she needs to talk to me.

The police are looking for her.
They know what she did.

And can you tell her,
I want those people to pay.

They can't get away with it, Jess!

Shit, Jess. The police?

I'm so sorry, sissy.

What are you gonna do now?

She's the one that stopped that gunman.

I reckon she's all right.

She was supposed to help me,
but she didn't show up.

Well, she's here now.



Hey, bub.

There were two cops.

And they took Uncle's
computer and his phone.

- I'll get you another one.
- Don't worry about it.

Can they do shit like that?

Hey, language! Go on. Put on the kettle.

Go on.

- What did they say?
- Investigations are ongoing.

They can't charge you with anything.

Is there anything on that
phone we need to worry about?

Of course there isn't.

I'm gonna have to settle things at work.

- I'll be back. You'll be here?
- Yeah.

- Are you hungry?
- Always.

- What do you want?
- Pizza?

- What'd you have last night?
- A salad.


Hello, Jess.

- Are you OK?
- JESS: I think so.

That stuff you said about
Marcie, do you mean it?

Yeah. I do.

What about the cops?

I won't let anything happen to you.

Are you at the house?

No. I don't want to get
Jade into trouble.

Meet me at Coogee.
South end of the beach.

I'll be there.

Come, bub. We're going.

- Where are we going?
- Grab my shoes.

Don't worry. We've just got to go.

- Well, who was on the phone?
- Just go. Come on.


- Senator.
- She called me.

- I'm gonna meet her.
- Where?

I'm here at Coogee Beach.

- Why Coogee?
- Not sure.

Does she still have that footage?

That's what I'm counting on.

I'll call you later.

She's found the girl.

I think it's a huge mistake.

Bloody stupid.

OK, wait here. I'm gonna
have a quick look, OK?

But I've got my eyes on you.

- How long?
- Look, I dunno.

- I'll be back soon, OK?
- You always say that.

OK. Be back soon. Take that.

There'll be paedos here for sure.

FRAN KELLY: While Queensland
Senator Alex Irving's

links to the Winton rioters
came after the polling period,

they are adding to the sense
of a government in disarray.

The Prime Minister must be
wondering what she can possibly do

to break the disastrous...

REPORTER: The Prime Minister has
continued to affirm her support

for her wayward senator.

But how long she can
maintain this position

as her approval rating continues
to fall remains to be seen.

REPORTER: ... "Senator Irving
continues to enjoy my support."

Not even "full support"
now, and certainly not...

MAN: No, no. This is madness.
No, the woman is a train wreck.

Everything she touches turns to rubbish.

And she's dragging the
Government down with her.

No, she has to go.


Hi. I'm Alex.

- Are you OK?
- Yeah.

What's going on?

Jess, don't.

This is my son. This is Eddie.

Who should have stayed on the
bloody bench when I told him.

I've got a brother.



We need to get you out of
here. I'll get us a cab, OK?

You didn't meet me like
you said you would.

I know. I'm sorry.

I came all this way.
You said you would be there.

You know her mum died?



The same day you got to Canberra.

Marcie was like my sister.

Not blood way, but... you know.

This is what I wanted to show you.

What are you going to do with it?

You said that it proves
that everyone's been lying?

Well, then I'll use it
to bring them down.

Marcie would have liked
that, you reckon?


[ON VIDEO] Somebody help! Please!

Help! Somebody help!


- MAN: Jess Clarke?
- Stay behind me.

I'm Alex Irving.

- This girl is with me.
- It's all right, ma'am.

- We know who you are.
- Then you know that I'm a senator.

Right now, we're concerned
for your safety.

My safety's not a concern.
The girl's with me.

- Please let the girl through.
- Are you listening?

She's wanted for questioning.

You're impeding on a
police investigation.

You will stand down.

We'll arrest you if you don't comply.

I will not comply.


Jess! Jess!

- No!

Oh, God, no!

Everybody, just stay back there.

Stay here. Stay here.

COP: Stay, please. Step back, ma'am.



extremely unfortunate situation.

Why didn't you listen to me?

I told you she was with me.

Why didn't you f*cking listen to me?!

You f*ckin' did this!

- Help is on the way, ma'am.
- You f*ckin' did this!

I told you she was with me!

The suspect was a known
violent offender,

and my constables were acting out
of the interests of your safety.

The fact that their actions
inadvertently led to a loss of life

is deeply regrettable.

Please accept our sincere apologies.

Why were there so many
police there so quickly?

We had a tip-off.

Jess Clarke's family are anxious
to retrieve her belongings.

We know she had her backpack,

but we also know she had her phone.

Did you happen to see it at all?


OK. Well, um...

... I'll, uh, sort this out.

What the hell did you
think you were doing?

They k*lled her!

Does this stuff just follow you around?

Every time, Cartwright's
been one step ahead of us.

What do you take me for, some
dumb black from the country?

Don't take this the wrong way,

but the last thing that this
country needs right now

is a Black Lives Matter moment.

Ma'am, we have received credible
threats against your person.

JONATHAN: How far do
you want to go with this?

As far as I can.

Does Senator Irving wish
to make a statement?

I do, Mr President.

Oh, Jesus Christ!

♪ My movement is slow ♪

♪ But it's all for show. ♪