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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/13/24 10:14
by bunniefuu
I met with the US Secretary of
State and he requested permission

to establish another
defence base on our soil.

That base would fall under
your Native Title lands.

So, this is why I'm here, is it?
To help you sell this to my mob.

You and I spoke about making
a real difference in Winton.

This is your opportunity to get
a lot more than a medical centre.

KEVIN: She really needs our support.

Her department have
commissioned some broader polling

and for the first time,
Laurie Martin is ahead

as preferred prime minister.

We're facing something
big, so we gotta think big.

BAUER: These negotiations pose
a threat to national security.

What is it about the
safety of this country

that the Prime Minister
doesn't understand?

It's not negotiable.

Gotta look after our
country and our culture.

I promise.

The young woman died as a
result of an asthma attack.

JESS: It isn't true what
he said about Marcie.

I was with her and I filmed it all.

Final signature. Done.

Well, out it goes into the asylum.

Given the bill's importance, we can
look forward to the full treatment.

First, the drones from
the PM's department

will convert the whole
wishlist into proper legalese.

That usually takes a few hundred years.

But this is different and they'll
put in all-nighters to get it done.

Then it's off to the other departments.

Foreign Affairs will query
everything before they sign off,

right down to fistfights
over punctuation.

And you've got some big hitters.

They don't come bigger than
the d*ck-swingers at Finance.

Aside from, of course, Defence,

who'll want to make their mark on it.

Cartwright will have his
say at Indigenous Affairs.

Every department has its agenda.

Meanwhile, you keep up with
the exhilarating business

of running the country.

MAN: ... nanny state...

And after all that,
everyone's had their say,

then it goes to Cabinet to
get sign-off from the PM.

And finally you're at the pointy end.

Great. Let's take it to the party room.

How do you think she's going to go?

Oh, I just hope she's
not too intimidated.

For your sake.

Of course she'll be intimidated, Peter.

She's the only black
woman in the parliament

of a nation founded by white men.

Do you know that a few
weeks after the arrival,

the 800 or so male convicts
and the fleet sailors

waited for the women to disembark?

Their screams are said to
have been heard till dawn.

When I go into the party
room I think of them.

That night made whores of us all

and we're still trying to
get some f*cking respect.

We might as well give up
the election right now.

Any specific objections, Damien?

Well, I just think it's a very sad day

when I need to remind a fellow
Queenslander and the room in general

that in order to win an election
you must win the Sunshine State.

Surely we've got enough battles going on

without starting a deliberate w*r

with our colleagues in
the Queensland Government.

Any specific objections, Damien?

Well, where do I start?

Well, how about the impossible
task of telling the electorate

that of all the people, white
and black in the entire region,

the Native Title holders

are the only ones that are
singled out for special treatment.

What special treatment?

This is a negotiation on the
fair use of Native Title lands.

When a small minority gets
the benefits of something

then that's special treatment

when everyone else has to wait in line.

This is complete and utter
bullshit, as usual, Damien.

The lands are already
under Native Title.

If we don't negotiate, we'll be
tied up in the courts for years.

And it is a lifeline
for the whole region.

When this legislation passes the Senate,

which the dickheads on
the other side of the aisle

will have to agree to and
we've delivered on defence,

you will still be looking for
your mythical hard-right base

- on Google Maps.
- Don't say I didn't warn you.

Which, if indeed you find it,

I can assure you stops very hard at
the Queensland border. Yes, Kevin.

Uh... It's reasonable to ask questions.

It's a very complex deal
the Senator has negotiated.

It's a hard sell, but a little
more bulletproofing wouldn't hurt.

In particular the financial split.

The US can make a larger contribution

But I do think the country
needs to be reassured

that any recompense isn't entirely
at the expense of the rest of them.

And hopefully that will help
bring down the temperature.

You signed off on this, Kevin.

In principle. But
there's room to manoeuvre.

No. Fair point. Good compromise.

Alex, I'd like you to liaise with Kevin

and we'll refine those amendments.

Next item of business.

Up next, Offshore Petroleum and
Greenhouse Gas Amendment Bill.

I know this is thrilling stuff, people,

but if you could just stay
off your phones for 10 minutes,

we'll drive right through it.

That was a nightmare.

He has got his sights on the leadership.

And Kevin Cartwright wants
more work on the financials.

- But he's already signed off.
- In principle, apparently.

I'd say he's trying to head
off a party room revolt.

Get me an appointment with him.

How did you go with the girl?

With respect, Senator, I'd be
focusing on the legislation now.

I'm focused.

I'm sleep deprived and
hormonal but I'm focused.

Now, with respect, can you
go get your arse on the phone?

OK. I think her name is Jess Clarke.

I checked out Marcie's social
media and there are plenty of photos

with her and this same girl.

Then I tracked down Jess's
mother and she confirmed

that Jess was arrested
the same night as Marcie.

She hasn't heard from her since.

There's no mention anywhere
of a detainee escaping.

Well, get on to it. Just find
anything you can about her.

This doesn't leave my office.

- OK.
- Sure.

Cartwright's booked up until Friday.

How am I supposed to bloody liaise?

- Uh...

Hey, Mum, what's happening?

Hello, darling.

Eddie couldn't find his old Cowboys
jersey. Do you know where it is?

I don't know. Last time it
was in the washing, I think.


Alex? Are you there?

What happened?


Where are you? Are you driving?

Oh, for God's sake.

- Oh, Mum...
- Well, I gotta get to the clinic

and there's no-one
else who can drive me.

You're suspended. What
if they pick you up?

- Yeah. Well, they'd want to try.
- Yeah, and what if you k*ll someone?

You know, it's a really warm day today.

I thought we was going to
get rain, but, you know...

... passed us over.

- You're a stubborn cow.
- Yeah. Well, bugger off, then.

- Sure.

Leave this to me.

OK. Thank you.

- Christopher Bingham.
- Jonathan Cosgrove.

- How can I help you?
- How indeed.

Senator Irving's here to
see Minister Cartwright.

I'm really sorry but
the Minister's asked

- to hold off all meetings.
- I know. I know he's busy until Friday.

But it's at the PM's insistence.


Haven't seen you at the public lately.

I haven't been drinking.

Oh, God. You're not
one of those, are you?

Up at 4:00am pumping iron

before we debauched have
even crawled into bed.

Well, I like to keep fit, so...

And I thank you for that.


- What's this about?
- Senator Irving's here to see the Minister.

Remind Mr Cosgrove the Minister
has no availability until Friday.

Which is precisely what
I told him this morning.

Come on, Chris, squeeze us in.

The truth is, the Minister
is not in all afternoon.

OK. You win. Put us in for Friday, then.

Actually, the Senate is up to
p*ssy's bow that day. Do you mind?

Oh, no. It's skipped forward a month.

God, I loathe the new software.

Just put us in next available.


- Spot you sometime?
- Sorry?

I make a great gym buddy.

So we get an appointment?

Come on. You can shout me lunch.

The PM's on board and
he won't even see us.

Why is he stalling?

I will have the duck pancakes, please.

You got any steak?

- How would you like it done?
- Cooked.

All the way through.

Cartwright's going in for seconds.

Maybe we should order dessert.

- Thanks again.
- Let me know. All right?

- Lovely to you see you again.

- Kevin.
- Alex. Jonathan.

You know, the PM's really
keen to get this deal done.

Do we have your support?

Well, you saw the party room, Alex.


Rachel is never going
to get that deal through.

And if by some miracle
she gets it past our side,

the Nats are not going to come onboard

this close to an election anyway.

Just be patient, Alex. It's
a process. It takes time.

Sorry, guys. I got a really busy day.

You sure Marcie McClain
died of an asthma attack?

Alex, a girl died. It's a tragedy.

But my department is satisfied
that no-one did anything wrong.

Well, maybe I'm not satisfied.

You and the PM are cut
from the same cloth.

Well, we both have vaginas.

PETER: So, the Australian is
leading with China's response.


The Financial Review says

that political insecurity
is a threat to the market.

- No shit.
- The Guardian likes you.

BOTH: Who cares?

What are the tabloids
saying about Bauer?

It's a love fest. He's given
three interviews today already.

- What's your read?
- He's been canvassing.

I want to know his numbers.

NEWSREADER: More unrest in
the government ranks tonight

with Immigration Minister Damien Bauer

increasingly critical of
the Prime Minister's support

for the controversial
Winton land rights deal.

The PM hit back at
criticisms about the deal

in an interview earlier today.

There's been an exhaustive consultative
process to reach this point.

And frankly, anyone who
attempts to derail this

I believe is acting in bad faith.

They are playing politics with
our Indigenous Australians.

This work takes time.

And I can assure the Australian public

that my government will take...

Excuse me.

- ALEX: Hello?
- Hi.

Where are you? Are you safe?

I'm OK.

I believe you. I really do.

But I can't help you
unless I see the video.

Where are you? I'll come to you.

I'm coming to Canberra. I'll call you.

Are you mad? No-one walks in this town.

So I've heard. I'm fine.
I don't want a lift.

You're working on a major
national security deal.

You need all the support you
can get. So you need a lift.

So, Alex, tell me, how certain are you

you're going to get your
deal through the party room?


Nah. I don't think so.

I don't think the old broad
church can extend quite that far.

Enlighten me.

You are going to come across to us

because you know we
are your natural home.

- And how do I know that?
- 'Cause you're smart.

And because at least half your
party doesn't believe in anything.

Well, not enough to
give it a reliable spine.

Are you going to back the
legislation in the Senate, or what?

We are going to support
the legislation either way

because our side can never win
an argument on national security.

But you know, Alex, the word is

at least half your rabble
are on the brink of revolt.

And I have to tell you that in a mutiny

all manner of people and things,
they just get tossed overboard.

The best...

... and the worst.

You're on the wrong side, Alex.


- Mum.
- You in bed?

- Mm-hm.
- Oh, it's so hot I can't breathe.

I couldn't sleep.

- I had a feeling you were still up.
- Are you psychic now?

Is everything going all right down there?

Are you telling those
pollies what's what?



Well, everyone here is
that impressed with you.

Anyway, you get some rest
and I'll call you tomorrow.

- See you, baby.
- Bye, Mum.

Hello. And welcome to RN
Breakfast. Fran Kelly with you.

And this morning, reports
of a leaked internal poll

showing the Government
is trailing the Opposition

on a two-party preferred basis

for the first time in
more than three years.

Also, a first, Laurie Martin overtakes

- Rachel Anderson as preferred prime minister.
- f*ck!

These numbers must be
a concern for the PM.

Could we have another
leadership spill on our hands?

Miranda Owens will be joining
us soon to discuss the fallout.

But this leaked online poll has
other disturbing implications

for the Government too.

And a strong language warning
here for all you listeners.

When asked to describe
the Prime Minister

the following phrases
appeared a number of times,

- "filthy slut", "disgusting cow"...

... and "ditch the witch".

- f*cking Bauer.
- PETER: He's denies leaking it.

Of course he did. Find
out how the f*ck he got it.

Understood. There's a
press pack waiting for you.

- Go the back way.
- Yeah. Right.


- Brother.
- You heard the news?

- It's just a bad poll.
- No, sis. It's not.

If it takes Anderson down,
you'll go down with her,

and Bauer will tear up any deal
with community first chance he gets.

Because I don't know that, Charlie?
Jesus. I'm taking it to the Senate.

Poll or no poll.

Just don't f*ck it up.

How many times do I have to
explain? It's called politics.

You wouldn't understand that
up there in your ivory tower

with the spa halfway up your arse.

- Morning.
- MAN: Morning.

Love you. Love you too, brother.

Pull up here, Jack.

- Are you sure?
- Stop the car.


- Prime Minister.
- Prime Minister.

- Prime Minister?
- Prime Minister?

- Let me out, Jack.
- We need to wait for security.

I can handle it.


One at a time. One at a time.

A leaked poll indicates that
Laurie Martin is now preferred PM.

What's your response?

Well, if the Australian public

want a leader who's
obsessed with the polls,

then they can vote for Laurie Martin.

But I think Australian voters
want decisive leadership,

strong national security

and a fair go for all those
historically hard done by.

I believe that I am the only leader

prepared to stand up for the
opportunities of all Australians

which tells me that I'm
the right leader for the job

and will continue to be.
I'm sorry. That's all I've got time for.

Do you think the continued
questioning of your leadership

has anything to do with the
fact that you're a woman?

- Prime Minister.
- Prime Minister.

MAN: Tickets, please.

Thank you.

Thank you.




[GRUNTS] Watch where you're going!


Gotcha. Come here. Come here.

Tell me if I've got this right.

No name. No address.

No nothing.

- Can I just have my phone back?
- Fine.

Do you want to order room service?

I just want my phone back, bitch.


[ON TV] Australian voters
want decisive leadership,

strong national security

and a fair go for all those
historically hard done by.

- I believe...
- Senator,

- I told you not to feed the trolls.

... which tells me that I'm
the right leader for the job

- and will continue to be. I'm sorry...
- You tell 'em, sister.

Senator. From Indigenous Affairs.

REPORTER: ... from the Federal Reserve

would give some breathing space.

Interest rates are historically low.

And for a party that campaigned
on it's economic credentials.

Cartwright came through.

Tracey, how soon can
you add another appendix

and get it to the clerk for printing?

- An hour, possibly less.
- OK.

Get on to the PMO, tell
them that we're ready to go.


If we don't change course now,

we might as well hand the keys
to The Lodge to Laurie Martin

and watch all our economic
achievements be destroyed.

Does Damien Bauer have the numbers
to challenge the Prime Minister?

His colleagues are concerned.

Including me.

If Bauer rolls Anderson...

We've got to move fast. I want the
bill tabled in the Senate today.

There's no way the PM
will see us. Not now.

Make it happen.

All the strangers from the backbench

are coming out of the
woodwork to sell their souls.

That's Klaus Dyssel.

He wants incentives for
industry in his electorate.

In the hideous dress is Dina Holding.

She wants the gambling age raised to 21.

Bauer won't touch it, but
the PM will dangle a carrot.

That's Darrell Keelan.

He'd skin his five-year-old's pet kitten

for a place on the front bench.

Isn't that Mortensen? He's
crossbench. Why is he here?

He's friends with the tabloids.

He'll use that as leverage
to try and weaken g*n control.

Bauer supporter, highest
bidder, loyal to the PM, swinger.

Don't know who she is.

And outright whore.

- We need to see the Prime Minister.
- One sec.


Senator Ashrey's just crossed to Bauer.

Right now he doesn't have the numbers.

Wait. No, Senator.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Sorry, Prime Minister.

We're ready to introduce the bill today.

- There's a queue.
- Thank them for their patience.

- They've already been...
- Peter, they can wait a minute longer.

Thank you, Prime Minister. Really.

Don't you ever pull a
stunt like that on me again.

- I'm sorry.
- About what?

That I might be about
to lose my f*cking job.


I know it's a difficult time.

You're under attack and I hate it.

But you asked me to do this.

And it was really f*cking hard to
get across the line. But I did it.

They're ready. And they're bulletproof.

If you are.

Prime Minister, given the
current mood in the party room...

Put them on the running sheet
for tabling this afternoon.

Thank you, Prime Minister.

You wanted an ally. You've got one.

I'm happy to kick Bauer's arse.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

I'm Sharon, the area youth worker.

Can you get me out of here?

You got anywhere to go?

So, you're not being charged, OK?

But the police aren't
going to release you

without a handover to
someone or somewhere.

Now, I can organise a
bed for a couple of nights

just to start with.

How about you tell me your name?

I'm here to help.

So you tell me how I can do that.

Make them give my stuff back.

Present the bill to the clerk
who'll read out the title.

Then I move for it to be read again.

- Not again.
- Second time.

Then you make your speech.

OK. Hand it over.

- What?
- My speech.

- Didn't you write one for me?
- No. I thought...

I'm f*cking with you.

Alex, on your way to the chamber
with your Christmas list are you?


Look, it's no secret I oppose
the deals you've cobbled together

in the dirt with your
aunties and uncles.

But, um, that doesn't mean that we
can't come up with an arrangement

that suits us both.

- Oh, yeah. You want my support.
- Well, yeah.

I'm happy to sit down and
discuss it with you, yeah.

In the dirt?

I don't sit down with dogs, Damien.

Off you go. Go and give
the people what they want.

Hey... you'll be great.

- Uh... your phone.

We now move to notice of motion 1510

also standing in the name
of Senator Alexandra Irving.

This bill represents
justice for a community

that has historically
been disenfranchised

and opportunity for regional Australia.

Fair remuneration for a deal

that doesn't only serve the
security of all Australians

but also allows the owners of the land

to be in control of their own future.

This isn't welfare, this is business,

a chance for economic
development of the whole region.

This is a fair deal, fair
for now and the future.

I urge the Senate to consider this bill

as a just and honourable way to proceed

with installing military bases

in partnership with our great allies

on anyone's land,
Indigenous or otherwise.

Mr President,

this legislation has the backing
of the traditional owners.

I commend this to the Senate.

PRESIDENT: Thank you, Senator Irving.

Let's move on to the
next order of business.

We have bill number...

- Peter.
- Yep.

I want to call this bill.

I'm not going to sit here

and give that little prick
anymore time to destroy me.

We shut him down now.

- He doesn't have the numbers yet.
- Then he's not ready. And I am.

- Yes.

Excuse me, Prime Minister.

Prime Minister.

This afternoon, I handed my
resignation from the Cabinet

to the Prime Minister.

I also declared my intention

to challenge for the
leadership of the Coalition.

I asked the Chief Whip to
convene a special party meeting

for 5:00pm this afternoon.

It's become clear that a
small minority of party members

have become focused on internal
matters and their own ambitions

rather than the needs of the nation.

The party has lost its way.

And the country has
lost its way with it.

This self-indulgence must
stop right here, today.

We must be strong again

and return to the common
sense, conservative values

upon which this nation was built.

I am confident that I will
win a resounding majority.

After the ballot I will
be insisting on unity.

Our party and the people who
depend on us deserve nothing less.

Thank you. We'll talk after the ballot.


There's bloody no-one in there.


It's on.

It's a youth refuge, so follow
the rules. You'll be fine.

Here you go.

- No worries.
- Thanks.

MAN: [ON TV] Calling a
spill is a risky strategy.

But the alternative was to sit and wait

for Damien Bauer to gather more support.

Taking down a prime minister
is almost a national sport.

Your mum called before, by the way.

- She's here.
- Your mum?

No, the girl, Jess. She's in Canberra.

- _
- MAN: [ON TV] What we do know

is that the electorate don't like...


Where is she?

Where are you?

This is Lake Burley Griffin.

Do you know Canberra? No?


Right. Can you get a
photo of Jess, please?

- What about the party meeting?
- I'll be back in time.

Hey. Hey! Where are you going?

- MAN: Come on! Move!


- I'll order a car.
- No, no, no. Not a COMCAR.

- Give me your car keys.
- No. The house is in lockdown.

- I've got time to vote.
- You can't risk it.

I'll lose my job if you go AWOL.

I'm telling you to give me your
car keys or I'll fire you myself.

Either way you're rooted.

You can have my keys.

But they're for a moped.


Hey, brother. Did you watch?


Good speech, sis.

Charlie, what's wrong?

They just rang.

- Mum's collapsed.
- What? When?

Eddie came home from school,
found her on the kitchen floor.

Look, I'm heading up there now.

- Where is she?
- Longreach.

They say it's something with her heart.

Don't worry. OK? I'll keep you posted.

Yeah. Thanks.

Is everything all right?

I need to go home. I
need to go to Winton.

You're gonna have to meet with Jess.

I'll text her. She'll expect
you. Get her some Maccas.

Come on. There's a spill on.

And can you ditch that
uptight staffer look?

Can you do it?

Breaking news, further
reports on the tide turning

against Prime Minister Anderson

with a statement from a key supporter

saying he was considering his...


Alex. I'm so sorry about your mother.

Do they know what it is?

- They think it's her heart.
- She's got family up there with her?

My sister and Eddie and
my brother's on the way.

Of course you're keen to get
up to her. She's your mother.

Peter, make sure Alex gets
on the first flight out

after the party meeting.

- No, I need to go now.
- No, it's not possible.

I need to see her.

Senator, the Prime
Minister has placed herself

in a very vulnerable position
with your appointment.

Your vote is critical.
That's why you're here.

Peter, just give us a minute.

Alex, we've worked
so hard for your deal.

And there are so many
people in your community

that are depending on you.

- My mum needs me.
- So do I.

If Bauer wins this spill,

everything that we want to
achieve will be impossible.

I only met your mum once. I
know she's very proud of you.

But I think you staying and
fighting will make her prouder still.

As soon as it's over we'll have
a car waiting for you in Winton

and take you straight to the hospital.

Winton doesn't have a hospital.

We'll get you wherever you need to be.

Sometimes this job is just
awful. It takes so much from you.

But so many people are relying on us.

Let's make them count.

- Yeah.
- She'll be OK.


- Good girl.

You call me if I can do anything.

- Peter.
- Yeah.

Make sure Jonathan stays with her.

REPORTER: In a little over an hour,

Prime Minister Anderson will
face a challenge in her party room

with loyalties shifting by the minute.

What happened to Keelan?
I thought we had him.

Bauer's offered him Defence.

Well, he can't have offered
everybody a seat on the front bench.

- He's played a superlative scare campaign.
- OK. Listen.

I need to personally speak
to everybody Bauer's gotten to

in the last 24 hours.
And find me some bodies.

- Is Keswick still f*cking that uni student?
- Yeah.

OK You tell him I will
show his wife the texts.

Thank God for your bloc, Kevin.


Oh, f*ck.

All right. What do you want?


ALEX: I'll be out on a plane tonight.

I'll be there as soon as I can, bub.

I love you.

Did you want me to duck to
the hotel and back for you?


And, Senator, I've got you on stand-by

for those Brisbane flights.

- OK?

- Jonathan.
- I saw her. She got scared off by the cops.


Well, I've looked, Senator. She's gone.

Just stay there. She might come back.

You've got her number.

OK. I'll keep calling her.

- Here's Bauer.


PM: ... some f*cking
vandal from the deep north.

They're not afraid of
me losing this election.

They're afraid of me winning it.

There will be no questions
at this time. Thank you.

This afternoon, the party
leadership was contested

by Damien Bauer and Rachel Anderson.

Rachel Anderson was successful
on 45 to Damien Bauer on 38.

She retains the leadership of the party.


That's all. Thank you.

Are you confident the Prime Minister
has the support of the party room?

She had the numbers.

She didn't even need my vote.

At least she won.

Take care.

NEWSREADER: ... in an
interview earlier today.

PM: The wreckers and the
saboteurs have been defeated.

Unity will now prevail.

My government will not be
distracted from the real task...


Long day, huh?

You don't know the half of it.

It must hurt. After all that work.

On what?

The deal.

It's been dropped from the bill.

And they're going to vote tonight.

Oh... f*ck. f*ck.




Senator, call me when you get this.

The bill's gone through to the Senate.

- f*ck!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Your attention, please.

All outbound passengers
departing Brisbane this evening

should report to your
airline information desk

for further updates
due to severe weather.

Where's the flight to Winton?

MAN: All remaining flights out
of Brisbane have been cancelled.

What? [TEARFULLY] You're kidding me.

I'm sorry. You're going to
have to see the service desk.


You have 12 new messages.

Message received 9:41pm.

JONATHAN: Senator, the bill's
gone through to the Senate.

They've ditched your deal
with the traditional owners.

They shafted us. I'm sorry.







Oh... [SOBS]



♪ But all, all, all of my life... ♪

PETER: Given the circumstances,

it won't come as a surprise
to the Prime Minister

if the senator resigns.

Is that what the party would prefer?

CHARLIE: These people backed
you, all your bloody promises,

and you broke them.

Now this mob got nothing, and
they feel like mugs again.

She'd say, "Alexandra, you got to
watch that temper of yours, girl.

It'll make big trouble one day".

They're building a hospital out there

while our mob left to die at home,

like Mum did.

So why don't you do
what needs to be done?