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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 02/13/24 10:04
by bunniefuu
- Philippa, welcome.

Um, do you know everyone?

Uh, you remember George,
of course, Shaun Keogh,

Justin Yang, and
Rachel Anderson.

Alright. Well, thanks
for coming, everyone.

Shall we start?

- But all eyes are
focused on the lower house

with pressure mounting now
on the bloc of independents

to resolve the
political deadlock.

- Now, if we can work together,

we can bring those
parties under our control.

- They're stacking the branch.
- What?

- They're trying to
pressure me out.

- Those bastards.

- City member Helena Rossi
has held the seat of Lennox.

The people of this
electorate have shown

that they're sick of bully
boys from the backroom

treating them with contempt.

- Your lot don't get to tell
us what to do anymore.

- My lot?
- Can't say that.

That's r*cist.

Can't say that.
That's... That's sexist.

- Does this mean you're
dropping the inquiry?

- No, it means we're
still working on it.

- Doesn't this k*ll you?

- Every f*cking day.

- He calls himself Bait15.

It's getting more
and more violent.

- Leo found him.

- Read them! Or so
f*cking help me God,

I will post your photo online

with everything that
you've said to me.

- "You are a dirty whore
and a terrible mother."

- You were right.

I shouldn't have gone.


- You okay?
- Yeah.

He was just a kid
in a nice house

with a mom who loves him,

and he still said
all those things.

- W-What do you want to do now?

- I'm tired, Joely.

Is someone going to get that?


- I've been calling.

- My phone is on silent.

Why are you here?

- Damien is confident
he's got the numbers.

- Damien's bluffing.

- Well, he's briefed
several journos.

He's notified the clerk
and the Governor General

to expect a vote in the House.

Are you backing Damien Bauer?

- We haven't made any decisions.

- Then who's going
behind your back?

Because someone is.

- We haven't made any decisions

'cause neither of the
parties have responded yet.

Damien needs four
seats and you need three.

I'd know if there were
that many of us wavering.

- Laurie's going spare.
- Laurie can wait.


- Maybe this will help.


Draft legislation
outlining the key demands

from the independents,

including provisions for a
federal anti-corruption body

with teeth so this
never happens again.


I've made copies for everyone.

We need to move, Alex, now.


- Well, it's a start.

- Who elected you?

- Oh, sorry.

That was me.

- Go on.

- Well, as you know, Paul
Murphy approached me,

and I think he's trying
to show good faith.

They've addressed
our key concerns.


regional health
and infrastructure,

virtual integrity.

Price on carbon remains
difficult for them as for us.

- Was it difficult for
Canada and New Zealand,

Germany, Denmark, India, Japan?

- Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Can everyone put their
phone in the middle?

Look, I know we have
journos ringing every minute.

I know everyone wants an
answer. I know people think

that we're holding
this country to ransom.

We have finally got
something concrete on the table.

We use Laurie's response
to put pressure on Bauer,

and no one makes a
deal with either party

until Bauer gives
his formal response.

- You seem to have a
close relationship with Paul.

- He's a useful back channel,
as is Peter Solomon with Rachel.

- How do we know that you're
not making a deal yourself?

- Why are you
saying that, Philippa?

- Because I'm
concerned that some of us

might be left behind once
we've outlived our usefulness.

- This is draft legislation.

- Have you even
looked through it?

I mean, I've barely skimmed it,
and I already have concerns...

- And they can be addressed.

- Alex, this is my area.
I campaigned on it.

Now, if we're going to
go into this kind of detail,

I want to have a say
in the discussions.

- You do seem tight with Paul.
- Yeah.

- Are you saying that
just because he's Black?

- Jesus Christ,
we're there already!

- Come on, Alex. Look at me.

You wanted us to
lay our cards out,

but you haven't been honest.

- I have always been
honest with you, Justin.

- So which way are
you leaning now?

Laurie made promises to
me when I was campaigning.

He honored none of them.

I don't trust him,
and I don't like him.

There were rumors that
we were having an affair,

the usual way we discredit
women around here.

Now you want to bring
that back at me as well?

Damien Bauer, he's a populist.

He thinks the best
way to get power

is to punch down the vulnerable.

I can't stand him either.

- So who are you supporting?

- I'm supporting anyone
who gives us the better deal.

That means for all of us.

- Thank you, that helps.

Does anyone want
to flag anything else?

- I'm good.
- I'm entertained.

- Philippa?


I thought we were going
to read and discuss.

- I'd just feel much more
comfortable reading this

in my hotel.



- Have you read the draft?
- I have, looks promising.

How's morale?

- I'm worried about Philippa,

and Paul thinks people are
making deals with Damien.

Have you heard anything?

- No.

- Do you know where
they stand on our positions?

- Yeah, look, they should have
a preliminary response tomorrow.

I could put a call in to Damien,
see if I can get an early read.

- Right then.

- Talk tomorrow?

- Talk then.


- How is she?

- She's worried.

I think she might be testing me.

- She's a fighter,
I'll give her that.

- Any thoughts on the draft?

- It's kind of like
a show bag...

It's filled with shiny toys
that are going to break

as soon as everyone gets home.

k*lled the price on carbon.

They've set emissions
targets and offered a rebate

on electric vehicles.
- Nice.

- They've agreed to
cyberbullying legislation,

but of course that's just
going to terrify free speechers.

- Oh, free speech
terrifies the free speechers.

What about the independent
commission against corruption

and the inquiry into the girls?

- That's not an inquiry,
that's a witch hunt,

and you'll end
up in front of it.

You can't agree to that.


- Alex will be furious.

Do we want to
bring this to a head?

- Not yet.

We'll tell her that
you'll accept an inquiry

into the girls only, with a
limit on the terms of reference,

and then you string her
along as much as you can.


- Sounds like a plan.


- Philippa.
- Is this an OK time to talk?

- Yeah, of course.
- I ran this by my team,

and I've got concerns
on a number of points.

I've made initial notes.

Now, we understand it's a
draft, but we have to make

absolutely sure
that we're consulted

on all aspects of the
process from now on.

- Of course.

Thank you. I was hoping
we could work like this.

Um, what are you having?


- I'll have a rosé.
- Any preference?

- House is fine.
- Yeah, sure.

- So how are you?


- I have to be honest,

I wasn't prepared for
this kind of pressure,

and my campaign office
has been vandalized.

I got journos outside the hotel,

phone calls and
texts all the time.

They even bailed up
my dad at the local bowls.

- You can never
be prepared for it.

Are you getting any sleep?

- No.
- Same.

I meant to ask...

- Rosé.
- Hmm?

- Why is this your issue?

- An online hate campaign
ripped through our local school.

It started with the
kids and then spread,

got more and more violent.

"k*ll yourself.
No one will care."

Eventually, it seemed like
everyone in the community

was caught up in it.

- Your family?


- We're okay.

My sister's kids aren't
cutting themselves anymore...


But no one trusts anyone now.

That's all gone.


- And this is the hill
that you'll die on?

- Yeah. It's like your
inquiry into those two girls.


I always admired that.

- I'll get it done, Philippa.

I promise.




Woman: Around the capitol...

Hey, bud.

- Mom?

- You okay?

- Why is there a photographer
outside our house?

He's in a car, got a massive
camera, and he's taking photos.

Can I go out there
and punch him?

- What do you reckon?
- Alright.

But the world is ending.

White capitalism is
k*lling us, but, sure,

take photos of kids, you pedo.

Those are the cards
you're talking about, right?

- That's right.
- Well, they're f*cked.

- Yeah, they are.

Does Faye and Rob know?

- I don't know.

- Well, bloody tell them.

- Gotta go.
- Alright. Love you.

- Hang on, George.

We've lost Justin.

Bauer is holding a
press conference.

Apparently they've
found mutual agreements.

- The race for the
prime ministership

has taken another turn,

with West Australian
MP Justin Yang...

- The first of the

- I'm gonna talk to the others.

- Yeah, we're watching it now.

Alright. Be in touch.

- A shared belief
in small business...


- No, I am not here!

- Nice try, George.


- Of course the majors have
been in touch with all of us.

Well, not through the
official channels of course,

but they get their point across.

- Phone messages, e-mails,
when they pass you in the corridor.

I had a chief of staff
reach out on Tinder.

- What are they offering?

- Price on carbon,
social housing,

loosening of personal
pronouns in official communiques.

- An upgrade in port facilities,
two solar farms, and a highway.

- I need you to
follow up on Damien.

Oh, Jesus, Charlie,
just... Just keep on to him.


Oh, come on, Philippa.


- Just Laurie's mob of course.

- His mob?
- Damien would rather waste away

on the backbench
than negotiate with us.

- What are you telling them?

- Oh, I tell them I'm taking
absolutely no meetings

outside the bloc, that
quite frankly what they're

offering at the moment
is a f*cking insult,

and when their
balls have dropped,

they can come back and
offer me something better.

- Whatever they're offering me,

it won't be what we
can get as a bloc.

But my mom can't risk
not making government.

- There's still time.

- Not everyone can play
your game of chicken, Alex.

George and I pretty much
cancel each other out,

which means it's going
to come down to you,

Rachel, and Philippa.

- Philippa, it's Alex.

I know we're under
a lot of pressure.

Rachel said that
we'd get a response

from Damien this morning.

Call me back, please,
as soon as you can.




- Ah, Alex,
unannounced as usual.

You bring any of
your country cousins

or marnies around this time?

- Not this time. Is he?

You've had our
list for some time.

Where's your response?

- Oh, I've read your ask, Alex,

and to be honest
it's a lot to take on.

- Laurie has responded.
Maybe he wants it more.

- And you're confident the
others will stick together, are you?

- You still need three seats.

- Ah, so we can both count.

Is there anything
else you want to say?

- Yeah, lose the attitude.

- I should inform you
that I've terminated

Henry Whittacker's
employment in the department.

- What?
- Well, it goes without saying

he was working entirely
of his own volition,

and neither I or
anyone else in the party

had any idea what he was doing.

It wasn't until the network
approached me for comment...

- The network?
- Yeah.

Oh, it's all over
the news, Alex.


He's in the hospital
now, apparently.


Couldn't you have docked him?


- media interest
after he was identified

as the online troll behind...

- Poor Henry.
- Campaign of abuse...

- His father will be devastated.

He's now recovering
from his injuries.

- So how's your boss?

- Oh, still feeling confident.

- Really? He should
be sh1tting himself.

- I wouldn't disagree.

- Listen, Peter, I said
some things that were unfair.

I wasn't my best self,

and I do hope that you
can accept my apology.

- Thank you.

- And for what it's worth,
I'm glad you kept your job.

- Hmm, well, if Damien doesn't
achieve government, he's done.

The coup against you
would have been for nothing.

Your old ministers are
not happy backbenchers.

- You think he's terminal?

- Well, his one
chance of survival

is peeling off the independents,

and he'll sell his
grandmother to get that done.

- Mm.
- But even then,

the knives are out.

He promised them a majority.

- Where do you think
that might leave me?

- Well, the right will
never openly back you,

but you do have
allies across the center.

But this, um... this dance
with Laurie has to stop.

It's starting to damage you.

Now, back Damien.

Let him form government
and take foreign affairs.

You jet around the
world for 12 months,

boosting your approval
ratings while I work the numbers.

- Razor-thin majority. Let's
say I make a move in a year.

How many would we lose?

- Damien would
go back to business,

so you'd be facing a
by-election in Queensland,

but it's a safe seat.
- Hmm.

- And others would
complain, but, uh,

they'd be open to persuasion.

- What about Alex?
Is there room for her?

- I... I have to
say, I'm surprised

that you would even
contemplate that.

That woman has done
us both significant damage.


- I know.

You did warn me.


- Distressing scenes
in Canberra today

as emergency services
responded to an incident

at a residential
address in Downer,

reported to be the home of

the young prime ministerial
staffer at the center of

the Alex Irving
cyber abuse scandal.

The incident occurred
shortly after the man's identity

was released online,

prompting unconfirmed
reports from some commentators

that Ms. Irving's office is
responsible for the leak.

The man is
recovering in hospital

and reported to be
in a stable condition.

A statement
released by the family

requested privacy
at this difficult time,

and a reminder...




- You released
Bait15's identity.

It was you.

The four of us had the details.

It wasn't me, and I know
it wasn't Leo or Joely.

You were the one who
talked about a clean campaign!

- Yeah, while you were
copping all the abuse,

this prick said that he would
r*pe you in front of Eddie.

- I know what he said.
I remember all of it!

I promised I wouldn't name him!
- Well, I didn't!

Look, I could resign,

but they'd take that as me
taking the hit for you, okay?

They'd say that you were
weak, and they'd tear you apart.

- Hang on. Why have we got
to tell anyone who doxed him?

- It'll come out eventually.
I'm surprised it hasn't already.

- It wasn't your call!
- I'm your brother.

- Oh, what the f*ck has
that got to do with anything?

- You should sack me.
- This is not your decision!

You think I'd look
strong if I go out there

and said that I had no idea
that you were going to name him?

It makes me look powerful?

- You wouldn't let
us go with you, okay?

You couldn't be stopped.

He could've k*lled
you out there, Ally.

- And doxxing him was
going to make any difference?

- What the hell else
was I going to do?


Tell me, what?

- It wasn't your
f*cking call, Charlie!


I'm taking the responsibility
for the naming of that boy.

- Can you be more specific?

- No.

- Did you dox him, Alex?

Did you release his data, Alex?

- The buck stops
with me, Philippa.

- That's not what I'm asking.


Why didn't you reach out to me?

I'm all over this issue.

- I know.
- I could have helped.

I know.


- You don't leave
me any choice, Alex.

- Philippa, please.

- No, I can't be a
hypocrite on this.

A young man whose personal
data is released online.

- He's not the victim.

- Well, according to
the media he is now.


I'm sorry, Alex.

I'm backing Damien.


- Have you got
anything to drink?

Yeah, bourbon.

That's what I call it when I
go cruising in the suburbs.

I know you think you
f*cked everything up,

but I kind of wish
I'd done it myself.

How are we supposed to fight
when they can do what they want?

- It's all structural.

- It's over-f*cking-whelming
is what it is.

How does she keep going?

- She's always
had the fight in her.

That's just who she is.

I was never as brave as she was.

I always had to
think things through,

wait for things to be perfect.

Nah, she never does.

- Well, doxxing that dickhead

was a pretty Alex
move, don't you reckon?

- Tell her that.

- Pretty shit way to
run the country, isn't it?

Charlie, you know,
when I first did this,

I did it just to spite Alex,

but I just freaking
love her now.

She is brave, eh?

You're all right, brus.

You know you look
like Black Clark Kent,

Black Superman?


Don't tell anyone
I was being sweet.



- Yvonne used to say
I looked like the queen,

and I've got better
legs than Old Liz.

I'm just cranky I didn't
get to score us entry.

Got me a telegram
from me old girl.


You've always had a fire in
you, ever since you was little.


You better make
sure you don't burn out.


Tell me what you can do.




- Ma'am? Are you all right?



Hey, bud.

- Mom?

You okay?



- Yeah?
- You sent me an empty text.

- You having trouble
breathing again?

- Yeah.

Can you... Can
you just stay there?

I'll be okay, I just...

- Of course. I'll
be here. Alright?



- You still there?

- Of course I am.

- I'm sorry, I didn't
want you to hear that.

- Mom, it's all right.


- Thank you.

I'm sorry I woke you.

- I was awake anyways.

- Eddie, what were you doing?

- Snapchatting Carly.

Her mom and dad is
going to be pissed off.

- They've got no idea.


You okay?


- Yeah, I'm okay.


Thank you.

Go to bed, alright?

- Alright.

Love you.





- Alex.

- I lost Philippa.

George and Shaun
are yet to declare,

but we both know
where they'll go.

I'm pretty sure you've made
up your mind, am I right?

- I heard about Henry.

- He was working in the
Prime Minister's press office.

- He's to son of my
old branch secretary.

I had no idea what he was doing.

- He said he was
going to r*pe me.

- Oh, Christ.

What the f*ck is
wrong with these men?


I get threats like that. Most
of the female members do,

but nothing like
what you've copped.

- Have you made up your mind?

- Milk?

You know, I was always
told it was a mistake

to have friends in politics,

better off thinking of people
as enemies and allies.

- Sounds bleak.
- Well, you've been

in Parliament. Not a
lot of rational actors,

and the ratfuckery
is off the charts.

I did have a good friend though.

- Not me, I'm guessing.

- Helena Rossi,
Howard Clyde's daughter.

Did you get to know her?

- Yeah. Yeah, she backed...

- Yeah, great
girl, one of the few

that didn't fold in the coup,

and that put her
in the crosshairs.

She lost her ministry. They
threatened a preselection,

and now that she's won a
seat, they're backgrounding

that she's had a
nervous breakdown.

I mean, this is her own party.

- It was your party.

Why are you telling me this?

- Because it's a
crime how this country

takes smart, competent
women and tries to destroy them.


I wish we could have
been friends, Alex.

It just wouldn't
have been worth it.

- For you.

- For either of us.


- Dinner will be ready at 5!

- Faye?
- He's still here.

- What'd the police say?

- That he's not
breaking any laws.

- How are the kids?

- I won't let them go outside.

- Jesus, Faye, I'm so sorry.

- Look, don't apologize.

You just kick their
f*cking asses, okay?


- Mrs. Irving, have
the independents

come to a decision yet?
- Do you take responsibility

for the attempted su1c1de
of Henry Whittacker?

- Ms. Irving! Ms. Irving!

He's described you as
holding the country for ransom.

Do you have any response?

- Do you feel responsible
for the attempted su1c1de

of Henry Whittacker?


- Where's Boy Wonder?

- Nick couldn't make it.
- And no Rachel either?

Has she bailed?

- Rachel finds that she's
unable to back my key provisions.

- I should let you know Damien
has offered me an airport.

- And Laurie has firmed
on a price for carbon.

- There will never be
a carbon price, huh?

- I'll take my chances.

- So will I.

- And those are your decisions?


- This has been memorable.



- This has been an
uncertain and dangerous time,

but I have good news.

George Jeffries, the
member for Illingworth,

approached me earlier
today indicating his support

for our policies of
jobs and opportunity,

and the member for North
Sydney, Rachel Anderson,

has backed me as the man
most qualified to lead this country.

And I thank the former
prime minister for her support.

It's good to have friends
across the Parliament.


My team is unified and ready,

and I'll be contacting the
Governor General to ask

that he convene Parliament
at the earliest opportunity

to test my majority on
the floor of the House.

Being the prime
minister of this country

is the greatest
honor I could think of,

and I will be a prime
minister for all...


- Joely?

- What?

- I need a phone number.

- Who?

- Helena Rossi.


I know how tough things
are for you right now.

- Why do you say that?
What have you heard?

- Nothing I believe.

It's no secret how
they've treated you.

- I know the stories
about you too.

- Then I'm not the only
woman they're trying

to run out of the place.

- I heard about what
that boy did to you.

It's terrible.

- Thank you.

What do you want to
achieve in the next 3 years?

- I have to say...

I'm thinking of walking away.

I just... can't do it anymore.

The girls...

and it's cost me my marriage.


- The way I see it,
you've got three choices.

One, step down now,
trigger a by-election.

Two, hang on the
backbench for the next 3 years

while they gaslight you.


Or three, sit on the
crossbench with me.


Do something worthwhile
with that vote of yours,

and we make our kids proud.


Whatever you do, I
swear I will have your back.


- Rachel said
you'd be persuasive.




- But...

Oh, Jesus. What do you want?

- I wanted to talk about
how we go forward.

- What? You're going to do that

by just barging on in here?

- Yeah.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.

Alex, I don't think anyone
has alluded you to the fact

that your little book club of
independents has ditched you.

- It's still close, Laurie.

- Hats off to you for trying to
play in the big kids' sandpit,

but you f*cked it royally.

No one will ever
listen to you again.

No one will care.

- You still have to deal
with the crossbench.

- That would be who, uh,

you and that f*cking
cross-eyed kumbaya kid?

- Yeah, Laurie...
- Nah, look around.

There's nobody else.

I'll tell you what's
going to happen.

When Parliament resumes,
you can talk to the whips.

You can even have a
chance with Paul here

if he can be bothered
talking to you,

but I am not going to waste
any more of my time on a...

An amateur.

Now, mate, I'm sorry about
this, but you see her out, please?

- Sure.

- When I was going to
stand for you in Sydney,

there were rumors in the party

that you and I were
f*cking, and that's why

you offered me the seat.

Did you know?

- Alex...

f*ck off.

- Are you coming?

- You know about
our policy positions.

You already have
legislation drafted.

- It's over, Alex. You
don't have a bloc anymore.

- Helena Rossi is prepared
to join the crossbench.

That means Damien
Bauer no longer has majority.

Her vote along with
mine and Shaun's

means you'll carry the
floor, but only on our terms.

- I'll get Laurie back.
- No.


you'll agree to those terms.

You'll persuade your
colleagues that being in power

means compromise,
and if you don't f*ck it up,

you might just be
the most useful PM

this country has ever had.
- Oh, no way.

- So you'd rather stick to
that 10-year plan of yours?

- Oh, it's an insane risk, Alex.

What happens if you screw it up?

- There's no way your
party will ever elect

a Black man as leader.


This is your only chance.


Take it now, Paul.

Otherwise, it won't happen.

The crossbench
won't support Laurie.


- We'll retender the air
base, but we can't renegotiate

the agreement... Too
many stakeholders.


- What about the rest of it?

- Yeah.


- The fallout from the election
continues for the opposition

as rumors grow of a
leadership challenge

against Laurie Martin.

Knives are out for the
inbound leader in the wake

of a disappointing performance
in the federal election

and Martin's inability

to negotiate a deal
with the crossbench

is being seen as the
final nail in the coffin.

Martin has said he'll
fight all challengers,

but as his party
counts the numbers,

his position would seem to
be increasingly untenable.



- Hang on. I'll call you back.


- Following the
federal election,

the party announced a
spill of all leadership roles.

That spill has now
been conducted.

The new leader of the
party is Paul Murphy.


- I am humbled and honored

to assume the
leadership of my party

and the opportunity to
lead this great nation,

and I will do
everything in my power

to maintain the party support
of the rights of workers,

of women,

and of all the cultures
that make up our society.

In addition, we will honor
the commitments made

to the independents on
carbon-emissions reduction,

on cyberbullying, and rural
and regional infrastructure,

and I will establish an
inquiry into the deaths

of those two young
indigenous girls,

Marcie Maclean and Jess Clarke.

Here are those names again...
Marcie Maclean and Jess Clarke.

Those two girls
will not die in vain.

- You lost the election.

How are you
going to do all that?


- Thanks for being here,
each and every one of you.

The three of us entered politics

because we wanted
to do things differently.

We wanted to
hold our politicians

to a higher standard...

The standard
Australians deserve.

For this reason, in the
face of sustained bullying,

Helena Rossi is announcing
her intention to leave the party

and sit on the crossbench.

This means Damien Bauer
loses his one-seat majority

in the House.

This is a historic moment.

I became a senator because
I wanted the small town

in which I lived to have better
access to medical services.

That seemed like a big goal,

but we need to be
more ambitious than that.

The brutal roots of
our colonial history

has always divided us,

but we can work
together as a country

to create a new shared story.

We have to ask, "What
kind of country would we be

if we could be the best
versions of ourselves

and then fight for that?"

- That's your mom.

- which is why we are backing
the man who will become

the first Indigenous
prime minister of Australia.


- You alright, bud?



- Rachel.
- Alex, congratulations.

You were the one who
told me about Helena.

- Did I? I don't recall that.

- Plausible
deniability in all things.

- I have to say, I did not see
the Paul Murphy move coming.

- So when are you
going to roll Bauer?

That's your plan, isn't it?

He fails to meet governor,

bloodshed erupts
on the backbench,

and you wait in the wings for
them to beg you to come back.

- I don't know, Alex.

I'm not sure I want to
put my pearls back on.

As you keep telling me, there's
a better way of doing things.

- You're splitting the party.

- Oh, I think the two-party
system has run its course.

You thought I was
burning you again.

- Yeah, I did.

- Not this time.

Good luck, Alex.

- You, too.





- Hey, what up, brus?

- I'm surprised you
answered. It was a big night.

- Mm.

Did I actually break
a coffee table?

- You did.

- Hmm, I thought I
made that one up.

What time is it?

- Eight o'clock. Not planning
on missing the sitting, are you?


- ♪ Everything comes down ♪


♪ To what I have, and now ♪


♪ Hold me as I wait ♪


♪ Three lifetimes in a day ♪


♪ Fear... ♪


♪ Carry me like I know you can ♪


♪ 'Cause this can't wait ♪

♪ Today I'm playing
where the big kids play ♪


♪ I'm playing where
the big kids play ♪


- Alex, hope I didn't wake you.

- God, Paul, I'm sorry.

- No hurry, I'm about to
become Prime Minister,

and I thought you
might like to be there.

- Yeah, no, 10 minutes, I swear.


- Greg?
- Alex Irving's office is...

- It's okay, mate.

She's just engineered
the appointment

of this country's
first Black fellow PM.

- No, no, what
I... What I said...

What I said before was there'd
be a statement after the vote.

- You reckon she might
be a bit pissed off the way

that your paper
handled that whole

"voice to Parliament" shitstorm?

- Yes, well, your deadlines
are not our deadlines.

- Yeah, I'll cut you off there
because we know that there's

a vote first thing in the House

before anything can happen.
- I understand that.

- Paul still has to test
the numbers in the House.

- You'll be the first to know.
- Yes, yes.

You know, if the person doesn't
answer after the fourth, I go,

"That person doesn't
want to talk to me."

Guess what? This fellow
doesn't want to talk to you!


No, Alex Irving
is not available.

No, she won't be available then.
She won't be available tomorrow.

She's never available.
You should stop calling.

I don't care. You're
not talking to her.


- Are you ready?

- Yep.


- If you'll follow me
this way, we'll head over

to the eastern wall garden,
and keep your eye out

for a pair of carved mountain
lions guarding the entrance.



- After the vote, he'll head to
Governor House to be sworn in.

They've sent
through briefing notes

for the first bills up tomorrow,

but there's no guarantee
going to keep doing that, so...

- Yeah, well, it's
in the agreement,

so if anybody's playing silly,

well I guess then
Alex can pull support.

- Well, I think she
just needs to be...

- Alex Irving.

It's all right to be white.


- You...
- It's all right to be white!




- It's all right to be white!
- f*cking get him!

Stay back! Stay back!

Reps entrance, Reps
entrance, we've got a Code Blue.

- Question is, will the
following motion be agreed to?

This house expresses
confidence in Paul Murphy

to deliver him
office prime minister.

The House will now vote.


Ring of the bell
is in 12 minutes.


- Stay down. Stay down.
- We need an ambulance

at the Reps entrance, I
repeat, the Reps entrance,



- Bells are ringing.



- Justin.
- Glad you made it.

- Never miss days
like today, friend.


- Lock the doors!


- Excuse me, sir.
Alex has been stabbed.

- What?

- Oh. Oh, God, Alex.


- Something has happened
to Alex outside, look.

- Go and tell them.
- Alex Irving

has just been stabbed
outside the House of Reps.

- Shit!
- Ring Charlie.

Get them to Charlie Irving.

- That's confirmed?

- Charlie.

- Ah.

This happens today. You go.


- Alex has been stabbed,
and she's not coming in,

so we're going to use this
to our f*cking advantage,

and we're going
to force the vote,

but I need to know that
these guys are completely

on our f*cking side,
and they're rock-solid.

If she's not going to make
it, we'll force the vote now.

- Yeah.
- Go, go, go, go, go!

- Damien is forcing the vote.
- What?!


- Don't you dare, Bauer!

You have no shame, Bauer.

- History will judge you!

- Order! Order!

- Bauer, stand down!
- Order!


- Open the doors!

Open the bloody doors!

- Look at me!
- Yes.

- You look at me!

- Order!


- Don't you f*cking
dare change sides now!

- Use this.



- Alex, are you okay?

- You know why we're here?

This is our turn now.






♪ I got one thing, honey, you ♪

♪ One thing, honey, you ♪

♪ One thing on my mind ♪

♪ Two young bodies, yeah ♪

♪ Two warm bodies and
the fingers entwined ♪

♪ With you next to me ♪

♪ We could set
this world alight ♪

♪ Here comes destiny ♪

♪ She gonna set
this night on fire ♪

♪ I got one thing, honey, you ♪

♪ One thing, honey, you ♪

♪ One thing on my mind ♪

♪ You, me, and destiny ♪

♪ We going to set
this night on fire ♪