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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 02/13/24 10:03
by bunniefuu
- We've always said, if
we make this seat marginal,

we've performed a
miracle, and I'll be damned

if we don't give that bastard
Ramsay a run for his money.

I need you with me today, Eddie.

It's important.

- Always is.

- Have you seen Eddie?
- No, auntie.

- Well, if you see him,
tell him he's grounded.


- Here, here.

That! That came in yesterday.

- It's a very worrying
situation, and we're all praying

for the safe return
of Alex Irving's son.

- He's okay. He's not here.

He's not here. He's okay.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
the silent majority has spoken.

This victory is for them.

- It's now clear neither
of the major parties

will hold a majority
in the new Parliament,

potentially a fatal
blow for the leaderships

of both Damian Bauer
and Laurie Martin.

- What a day.

This is for us.

What are you going to
do with all that anger?

- Burn shit down.

That's what you do, right?



- If you drop that phone,
Eddie, I swear to God...


- That's really annoying.

- I can put it on silent.

- Why don't you just answer it?

- Because I'm here with you.

Now why don't you put the
phone away before you drop it?

- I'm not going to drop it.


When can we go home?

- When we're
relaxed and refreshed.

- You're never relaxed.
- Well, what about now?


- Attention all
guests, will the owner

of the white Toyota Highlander,

registration 252, please
return to your vehicle?

You've left your lights on.

- Jack.
- Alex.

How are we?

- Yeah, good. You?

- Fine.

I suppose congratulations
are in order.

- Thank you.

- Just so you know, I
secured millions of dollars'

worth of election
promises from my party,

so none of that'll
be honored now.

Good luck explaining
that to the voters.

- Oh, I think they're
smart enough to know

they've been taken for a ride.

- Don't get
self-righteous with me.

You pulled that
stunt at the town hall.

- And one of your staff has
made an anonymous complaint

to child services.

- No idea what
you're talking about.

Well, I won't keep you.

You and those other idiots,

you got a nation to
hold to ransom now.

- Thanks for the call.
- See you in 3 years, darling.

- We'll head home
tomorrow, okay?

We'll sort things out there,

and then me and uncle
will fly to Canberra.


- What do you want
me to say, mum?

Ever since you've
become a politician,

nothing but bad
shit has happened.

How is this any different?

- We have a duty
to our community.

- So we can't have a normal
life because we're Aboriginal?

That's not fair.

- You're right. It's not,

but they're the
cards we're dealt.

- What does that even mean?

- That's what mum used
to say when I complained.

- I don't want to leave Winton.

- Okay. No more bad
holidays, I promise.

- I don't want to
live anywhere else.

I don't want to move
again when you start work.

- Eddie.
- Winton is my home.

- Winton will always be
your home, but you're a minor.

You can't live alone.

Doc has put you on a
safety plan, remember?

- I can stay in Winton
if I have a parent

or legal guardian with me.

What if someone else takes
care of me, like Auntie Faye?

- Eddie.
- Just think about it for once,

mum, please.



- Alex, this is a surprise.
- Is it?

- Well, the last time we spoke,
you told me to go f*ck myself.

Wasn't sure exactly how
hard you wanted me to do that.

You deserved it.

- You're right about the
balance of power, though.

- I'm a political animal.

I can feel which way
the wind is blowing,

which is why we
donated to your campaign.

- Tell me you
just didn't say that.

- The think t*nk,
Future for Democracy,

Nick set it up. Don't panic.

It's all aboveboard,
aspirational staff

backing female
centrist candidates.

You are unbelievable.

You still think I owe you.

- Not at all, but I do think
it's time we called it even.

I assume this is just
a call to say congrats.


- I'll meet you in
Canberra with my team.

No one hears about that,
or we don't speak again.

- Understood.



- Do you like seeing
holes in my head?


Okay, you mob. Drinks on me!

- That is deadly.

- Leo, was that
your first deadly?

- Yes, it was.
- Oh, well done.

- Oh, he's a proper
Black fellow now.

- Thank you.
- I'm so proud of you.

- I appreciate it. I'm
feeling very unwell now.

I'm going to go and sit down.
- Hey, Leo, you deadly thing.


- You found him, Leo?

- We don't know if it's a him.
- He's a troll.

He threatened to r*pe
her. Of course it's a him.

Plus, you know,
statistically, whatever.


- He's being careful.

- But you said he'd slip up.

- Yeah, and I've got nothing
to go on until he does.


I need something concrete,
you know, something real.

I need you to keep
engaging him until we get it.


- ♪ Looking counter clockwise ♪

♪ Knowing what could happen ♪

- What are we going to
do if we find him, anyway?

- ♪ Maybe ♪

- I don't know.

- ♪ Steadfast collapse ♪

♪ Always certain any moment ♪

♪ Maybe you ♪

♪ Maybe even you ♪

♪ Recline complete ♪

♪ Dream too sweet ♪

♪ I can't do it, not with you ♪

♪ Not even with you ♪

♪ Maybe never with you ♪


♪ And I'd sell my soul ♪

♪ For total control ♪


♪ Yeah, I'd sell my soul ♪

♪ For total control ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yeah, I'd sell my soul ♪

♪ For total control ♪

- These are the
guardianship papers.

Once you sign
them, we'll have to do

an assessment of Eddie's
new place of residence.

- My home.

- In this case, your home.

- Can you do that today?
- I can.

- Well, go on,
then. Do your job.

- Faye, let her finish.

If I sign the papers today,
what happens to the care plan?

- You can sign over
guardianship to Faye,

provided we don't
have any conditions.

- Like what?
- Don't be Black, and we won't

take your kids away from you?
- Faye.

- The assessment I did on Alex
had nothing to do with her, you,

both of you, being
Black, Aboriginal.

Look, unless we
have any stipulations,

which I don't, yeah?

Then the new
guardianship arrangement

will make the care
plan redundant.

- Redundant?

- Unnecessary,
n-no longer in place.

- I know what redundant means.

So the plan just goes
away, just like that?

- Well, the care plan only
applies to you and Eddie.

- If I sign him over,
you'll leave him be?

- Of course, but Faye
will be his legal guardian.

- It's not forever.

You can change it back
whenever you want, remember?

- But we'll have to
resume the safety plan.


- Okay.


- SS, away.


- Thank you.


- I'm sorry.

- It's okay, mum.

- Okay. I need you
to be good, okay?

Go to school.

Do your homework.

Don't Google me.

Brush your teeth.

Floss, okay? It's
really important.

- It's not a big deal,
mum. I'll see you soon.

- I know. OK, give me a hug.


Please look after him.
- You know I will.

- All right. Come on.

This carney ain't
going to destroy itself.


- I love you.

It's okay. You don't
have to say it back.


- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ I'm on my way now ♪


♪ Everything's changing ♪

♪ The gauntlet has been laid ♪

♪ And this should
be a bloody game ♪


♪ Babe ♪

♪ I'm ready to play ♪

- Alex Irving's
office, this is Charlie.

- Alex Irving's
office, this is Joely.

- Oh, no, she's not
available this morning.

- I'll have to have a chat
with her about that one.

- But we're looking to do it
for about Tuesday in the AM.

♪ You built the ring,
but I make the rules ♪

♪ I ain't no fool ♪

- Shit, here we go.

Excuse me, powerful Black
women coming through.

No comment, thank you.


- "Black women coming
through," seriously?

- That's right. You wouldn't
know anything about

Black women coming, hey?

- Wow.


- Hello. Can I help you?

- We're in the
private dining room.

- Right this way, please.


- Mm-hmm.

- Hello, Rachel.
- Alex, it's lovely to see you.

Hey, congratulations.

Now, you must be Charlie.
I've been looking forward

to meeting you. Well done
running such a great campaign.

Charlie, this is my
advisor, Nick Pearce.

- You identified voter
cynicism as a problem

and leveraged it, very clever.

Thank you.

- This is...
- I'm Joely.

That win that you just
congratulated Charlie on,

I was a part of that.

- I've been enjoying
your socials, Joely...

Very fresh, surprisingly funny.

- So are we going to
stand around with our dicks

in our hands all day, or
should we start with a drink?

- A drink would be great,

but I would like a quiet
word with you if I may, Alex.

- Yeah, sure.

- Please get yourselves settled.

You must be tired.

Listen, we're going to
need to trust each other.

I don't see how we're
going to stay in control of this

if we don't.

- Do you trust me?

- I trust we want some
of the same things.

- And what are those things?
- Bauer gone.

The question is how and when.

We might have to play
the long game there.

- You can't back Laurie.

- I can't be seen to back
Laurie and keep my seat,

but neither can you,

unless you want the
scarlet-red Laurie sore

on your back to
shine even brighter.

- I won't be forced into
a decision about Laurie

because I'm afraid of
what people might think.

People fought hard
for me to be here,

and if I support Laurie,
that means a fast track

for Ramsay to
take his seat back.

- See, same side.

Now, we might not
be able to back Laurie,

but if we secure the bloc,

we can use him to
get what we need.

- If we do this together,
you need to keep me updated

on every conversation you have.

- Agreed.

Same goes for you.

All right.

Let's look at the
other independents.

- Shaun Keogh, the Green.

- Shaun the zombie.

Makes you think that
he's all white and woke,

but really, he's
just dead inside.

Shaun Keogh
re-elected to the seat of

inner city Melbourne.

Technically, he's
not an independent,

but he's only the
members of the Greens

to have a seat in
the lower house.

Could be a powerful ally.

- Much as I hate to admit
it because the soy-boy

drove me mad, I agree,

but he is a
self-righteous little prick

who'll piss on good
because it's not perfect.

- Next up, Justin
Yang, the new guy.

- What do you know?
- Justin Yang

is the first independent
to hold foster in WA.

He's positioned himself as
the poster boy for family values,

a religious conservative
but not a total nut job,

strong advocate for
migrant communities.

- Now, we should
assume that he'll align

with Damian and his party,

but their preference
deals with the lunatic fringe.

- Yeah, could
potentially be a turn-off.

- He's a committed

- Which is why he's got good
reasons to want to work with us.

- All right. Next
up, George Jeffries.

- Yuck.
- George!

- I see he needs
no introductions.

All right. George Jeffries,

veteran maverick
from northern WA,

independent of the bunch,

big focus on local issues
in regional rural Australia,

traditionally aligns
himself to the right but...

- But he absolutely hates Bauer.

- Well, he wasn't too
fond of Rachel either.

- Then it wouldn't be the first
frigid marriage of convenience.

- We kept the beds apart,
but the union was solid.

For someone as
unhinged as George,

he is surprisingly reliable.

Now, he'll come
with a shopping list.

- Finally, there's
Philippa Bailey,

also her first term.

She's an experienced solicitor,
swung a seat in South Australia,

fiscal centrist but
leans socially liberal.

Her passion project is
cyber abuse legislation.

Philippa talks across
the political spectrum.

Both sides have been
trying to recruit her for years.

- Yeah, and I liked
her when I met her.

She's fair, but she's tough.

- Well, we're going
to need tough.

Damian will play hardball.

- Bauer won't play nice.
He might do our work for us.

- Well, George won't
like being pushed around.

- Well, sometimes you need a
big prick to take on a little d*ck.

- You alright there?
You talk a lot about dicks.

- Well, let's assume
both parties will already

be making approaches.

I'd better get to work.

- How about I reach out
to Philippa and Justin,

and you touch base
with George and Shaun?

- Yeah, I can do that.



- Thanks for the
invitation, Alex.

Am I going to need my shotgun?

- Welcome.

- Sorry I'm late.
- No, you're not late, Justin.

- I'm still finding my
way around this city.

- George.

- I bet this isn't
your first rodeo.

- What?
- Rodeo, bull riding.

- Hey, I know what a rodeo
is, son. What's your question?

- Any advice?
- sh**t straight.

All you've got is your
word. Isn't that right, Rachel?

- That's right, George, and
I've got the scars to prove it.

Hello, Justin. Great win.

- So this is the room
where it happens.

Knew you'd show up, George.
- And they've invited you.

God help us all.

- John, well done.
- Oh, Philippa, welcome.

Um, do you know everyone?

You remember George,
of course, Shaun Keogh,

Justin Yang, Rachel Anderson.

- Hi, Philippa. Great
to see you again.

- You too, Rachel.

- Right. Well, thanks
for coming, everyone.

Shall we start?

We'll never have more
power than we do right now,

but we'll be under pressure to
form this government quickly.

- Actually, the constitution
gives us 21 days,

so I don't think we should
be rushing the process.

- I agree, but it
won't be comfortable.

The majors will
take any opportunity

to put the screws in us.

- You'd be the expert at
that, wouldn't you, Rachel?

- Are we going to
bicker all day, George?

- I've fielded dozens of
calls from both parties.

I'm sure you all have. So,
can we agree right now,

no one meets with the majors
without informing the group?

We have to negotiate as a bloc
or we lose our leverage, agreed?

- Agreed.
- Mm-hmm.

- So where do we start?

- We could start with issues
we have common ground on,

move out from there.

- What on Earth are you
and I going to agree on, mate?

- You might be
surprised, George.

It's true, Shaun doesn't
have crocodile control

at the top of his list, but
he does love wind farms

and medical marijuana.
- It's great for the arthritis.

- Uh-huh.
- Feeling your age, George?

- Okay, can we just pull
it back for a moment?

Okay, right now we just need
an idea of our general positions.

We can talk details later.

I'll start, if you like. Okay.

Political corruption is a
major issue in Freeman

and for all Australians.

I want a full investigation
into the deaths

of Marcie Maclean
and Jess Clarke.

- Tragic, Black Lives
Matter, strongly for.

- Is this going on the record?

- No one is taking
minutes, George.

- Well, I've already
said my bit on integrity.

You hold the crooks accountable.

I got nothing to hide.

- You don't have to put
your hand up, Philippa.

- Well, I'm sorry,
but I'm confident

negotiating on behalf
of my electorate.

I don't think I need a group
to dictate who I endorse.

- No one is questioning your
negotiating skills, Philippa.

- You don't want to be
alone on that crossbench.

We'll get more done
if we trust each other.

- Do you two trust each other?

I trust this.

If I was still PM,
and a coherent group

was holding the balance of
power, you'd have my attention.

- Shaun, do you want to talk
about environmental policy?

- Happy to.

How about a national strategy
to manage fires and droughts?

- I agree.
- Oh, you agree now,

and yet the federal
government you led

did sweet f*ck-all in
forest floor maintenance.

- I've got to challenge
that, George.

That isn't what
caused the fires.

- Isn't it? OK,
mate, what's that?

- What's what?

- Is that an assh*le
or an elbow?

Because I don't think
you know the difference,

but I'll tell you. It's
one. You're the other.

- f*ck off, George.
- I'm done.

- See?

You lot walk into
Parliament together,

and it's going to be
like one bad joke...

An Aboriginie, an Asian, and
three women all walk into a bar.


- Give me a moment.

- George, wait.

- Sorry, love, but
if I back down now,

that Greenie in there
will never let me forget it.

- That's what matters to you?

- Here.

- What's this?
- It's my shopping list.

- There are some people
you just can't negotiate with.

- Can we at least keep talking?

- I can't ditch Laurie to form an
alliance with Rachel Anderson.

She's a little further away
than just across the aisle,

if you know what I mean.

- What about me?

Would your party have a problem

if you aligned with an
independent Indigenous woman?

- I like you, Alex, and I
can't lie, the optics are good.

I'll put it to the group,
but no promises.

- What was that all about?

- I think in the animal kingdom,
they call it scent marking.

- Yeah.

You know where I stand.

- We'll let you debrief.

- Well, that went well.

- How are we
going to form a bloc

when we can't agree
on a single thing?

- I think it's me.

I think me being in the
room is triggering people.

I mean, Shaun, he's never going
to cede the high moral ground,

and George has enjoyed torturing
me for far too long to stop now.

- I mean, I don't disagree.
They don't seem to trust you.

- No.

They do trust you.

I think I should step
back, let you lead.

Nick can be my proxy.

- Hmm.

- What's that?

- George's shopping list.

- Told you.

- Well, counting continues
for the Senate this week,

and while numbers
are not yet finalized,

it appears the Greens
and the microparties

have made significant gains,

but all eyes are focused
on the lower house

with pressure mounting now
on the bloc of independents

to resolve the
political deadlock.

This uncertainty over
who will govern the country

for the next 3 years has
unsettled the stock market,

and with the Australian
dollar and the oil odds

heading downwards,
some analysts are warning

that further
political instability

will dent economic
growth and employment.


- Alex, look, I'm
not interested.

- I'm not here to...

- And I'm not going
to repeat myself.

I haven't repeated
myself since I told a yuppie

to f*ck off twice in 1988.

- I'm not here to change
your mind, George.

Everybody understands
your position.

- You've already
spoken to the others?

- Well, it's like you
said. It's a bad joke.

An Aboriginie, an Asian and
three women walk into a bar.

Add an old codger in,
and it's a really bad joke.

This was a courtesy call

because I know those
things are important to you,

but we're continuing the
negotiations without you.

Have a nice day.

- I'll hang back.

- Damian, Peter.
- Rachel.

- Oh, you both
know Nick, of course.

- Drink?

- Thank you.

- Peter?
- No, thanks.

- You look tired, Damian.

- I think we can dispense
with the pleasantries,

don't you?
- Oh, please.

- The way I see it, you
can't endorse Laurie

without f*cking yourself,
and let's not pretend...

You've got limited options.

- You came all the way
across town to tell her that?

- What Damian is saying
is that backing Laurie

probably won't win
you a second term.

- Maybe one term is all I want.

- I don't buy that any more
than I buy the new haircut

or the focus on
the feminist bullshit.

It's just not you, Rachel,
and neither is this clown.

- I'm rather enjoying
my new reality, Damian.

Even you'd have to admit that
Nick ran an incredible campaign.

- For a clown.

- The party want to give
you the chance to come back.

You give certain guarantees
about leadership and loyalty,

and in return,

Damian would invite you
back onto the front bench.

- And what are you offering?
- Minister for Women.

- Of course.

You need four seats.

What if I was to bring
someone with me?

- Alex Irving?

- No.


- We'd consider foreign affairs.

I think that would
suit everyone.

- Last time you offered
me London for breakfast,

he shafted me at lunch.

- I think you can see from
our offer that we're serious.


- Well?

- We'll think about it.


- George is confirmed
for the meeting.

- How'd you do that?
- I just told him not to come.

Better let Rachel know.

- Man, that Rachel, she's...

- A lot.
- She's a k*ller.

- I mean, it's easier
to understand now

why she was the prime minister.

- Are you smitten, Charlie?
- No, just impressed.

I wasn't expecting that.

- It must be lovely to
have such low expectations

of another gender, so then
you can always be surprised.

- Don't play the gender card.
- Don't play the patriarchy.


- It's him, isn't it?

- No.
- Don't lie to me, Alex.

Give me that.


- What the f...

- It's evidence.

- Evidence of what, that
there's terrible people out there?

You need that?

- Tell me you
don't read them all.

- I don't.

It's Paul.

Paul, hi.

Yep. Mm-kay.



- Real classy place
you picked here, mate.

- Figured if anyone said
they saw the only two

Aboriginal people in
Parliament in a bar,

we could call them r*cist.

- Strategic. Uh,
what are we drinking?

- Diet Coke.
- Diet Coke.

- With rum.
- Better.

Um, I'll have what
he's having, please.

- Of course.

- So, why'd you drag me here?

- I think we should talk about
what you're going to do next.

- I told you on the phone, Paul,

I'm not ready to
talk about that yet.

- I know. Relax.

Laurie doesn't
even know I'm here.

- Why not?
- Better if he doesn't.

Things are...

Well, the party didn't
expect to be in this position

after the election.
- A mutiny?

- Less mutiny and more people
losing sight of the big picture.

Which is why I need to ask,

you're not seriously
considering Bauer, are you?

- Here you are.


- I have to, Paul.

Your party hasn't held
the seat of Freeman

since we stopped using wagons.

- This is bigger than Freeman.

I thought you wanted
real change like justice

for those two young girls.

- I do.
- Do you think anyone

will take you seriously
if you consider Bauer?

I'm asking you, Black
fellow to Black fellow.

- Black fellow to Black fellow?
- Mm-hmm.

- I really don't
give a shit whether

anyone takes me seriously.

- Alex, I'm looking
to you for solidarity.

- Don't give me that solidarity
shit. You just want to win.

- We both win if
we work together.

- I'm not ready to make
a deal with anyone yet.

- Laurie.
- Hey.

- Ooh.
- Hey.

Hey, Alex, burning
the midnight oil?

Eh, that looks nice.
Can I have one of those,

please, quick as you can?
- Yeah.

- Now, mate, uh, we
were told by your assistant

that you were having a
meeting with a member of CPOL.

- Oh, yeah,
canceled last minute.

I'll meet him at the
gym tomorrow morning.

There you go. That's why
he's my right-hand man.

He always gets it done.

So has he, uh...

Has he got us your vote?

- Oh, we weren't
talking about that.

- What were you talking about?

- Who we'd vote
off the island first.

Well, that's something.


I know we had
a few false starts,

but it is incredibly important
that we trust each other.

I mean, look at the Green.
I mean, they don't like us,

and we hate them,
but we back each other.

We have trust.


So here's to trust.


Come on now, Alex. Come on.


Tell us, what... What
can we do for you?


- They've got someone.

- You sure?

- They wouldn't have offered
me foreign affairs if they didn't.

- Is it George?

- Well, he's the obvious
choice, but it's George, so...

- So he'll approach Philippa
and Justin, if he already hasn't.

- Yep. Did Paul
give anything away?

- No, it was just a
fishing expedition.

I get the impression
Laurie is under pressure.

- Now they're both
under pressure.

I can't lie, Alex. It's
giving me pleasure.

- Well, I think I might turn in.

- Me too. Good night.

- Good night, Alex.





Come on.






So who are you?



Yeah, right.



Is that all you got?



- Didn't think I was that late.


- I thought we agreed not
to meet with the majors.

In fact, you made us promise.

- And you do look pretty cozy.

- I can explain.

Paul Murphy
approached me last night.

- Oh, that makes
it alright, then.

- When Paul called me,
I saw it as an opportunity

to back channel,

to let him know that
we're all working as a bloc.

- Laurie is there in the photo.

- I didn't know he
was going to show up.

Neither did Paul.

I should have let you know.

- Paul is a straight sh**t.
Alex made the right call.

- Nick, I didn't know
you'd be joining us.

- Rachel asked Nick
to attend as her proxy.

- Her father has taken a turn.

- Oh, I'm not buying it,
but you keep going, mate.

You'll get there.

- Last meeting, I made a
mistake by canvassing ideas.

It was too soon.

So let's do a straw poll.

Where do we all stand on
the preferred PM right now?

- I might be new to politics,

but I don't want to be the
first to lay my cards out.

- Fair point.

- And some of us
have already got a plan.

Why do we castrate bulls?

Bulls love to fight each
other for dominance.

Even when the pecking
order has been established,

they will keep fighting
to reassert control.

Right now, we have both
parties' hairy testicles in our hands.

Now, if we can work
together, all of us,

we can bring those
parties under our control.

- What about in here?
Who are the steers,

and who are the bulls?

- Oh, mate, if
you've got to ask.

- Back to the original question.

I'll go first.

Laurie is a bully
and a misogynist.

Bauer, he's a
dog-whistling demagogue

who'd turn us all
against each other,

but at least we know his moves.

- And what's
Rachel's position, hm?

- Rachel thinks Bauer is a
backstabbing son of a bitch,

and she wouldn't be caught
dead in the same room as him,

but her electorate
leans center-right, so...

- So, I put my
cards on the table.

So has Rachel.

I want two things from you...
A list of what you'd fight for

and which way
you'd lean to get it.

- And what do we
tell people until then?

The press are on my
phone demanding an answer.

- Well, you tell them we
will take the full 21 days

just like the lady told us.

- We'll never have
this leverage again,

but we need to
present a united front.

So who's willing to keep
quiet until our next meeting?



- Hope you're not looking
at his search history.

- Alex.
- What?

- Leo found it.

- Hey, you know how I told you

that Bait15 would
mess up eventually?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, so he did, big-time.

He usually is really good
with covering his tracks,

encrypting his IP,

but last night,
you contacted him,

and, well, I think you must
have put him off his game

because, well,

I did a reverse image
search of his profile picture,

and this time, I got something.

This same image, it turned
up in a right-wing chat room

on an account that
was that was bragging

about trolling you.

- Dipshits.
- So this guy,

most of his followers are fake,

but there were
three real profiles.

I created a bunch
of fake accounts

and added them on
any platform I could.

Turns out they have
all one friend in common

whose real name and
e-mail happen to be public.

This guy has leaked his
e-mail to the Bait15 account

and a whole bunch of
other sock puppet accounts.

- Get to the point, Leo.

- Yeah, so sending
you a ZIP file,

but his real name
is Henry Whittacker.

He's 24.

He lives with his
parents in Downer.

His favorite food is nuggets.

- Hello, prime
minister's office.

- And he works in
the prime minister's

press office.


So still think I'm the tin man?


- He works for Bauer.

Do you think Bauer knows?

- Of course he knows.

- Well, not officially, though.

- "I was very upset to hear
about these allegations.

I assure you, I had no prior
knowledge," blah, blah, blah.

Alex, when did it start?

- When mum died.
- Rachel was PM then.

- f*ck me.

- He sent over the ZIP file.

- I want an address.

- Oh, no, you don't.
- Yeah, I do.

- He's a psychopath.

We have no idea what
he'll do. We tell the police.

- No, the police
haven't been able to...

- Charlie.
- It's true.

- Tell her she can't go to him.


Or we dox him, put his
personal details online

along with all his messages.

- You can't go there.

- You said you wanted to
hurt him, find him and hurt him.

- That's right.
- Then give me the address.

I just want to talk to him.






You vile piece of shit.

- Excuse me, who are you?
- You know who I am, assh*le.

- Okay, you need to leave.
You're on private property.

I'm going to call the...
- The cops?

- Yeah, the police.

"Senator arrested
for breaking in."

I mean, the papers
would love that.


- So you do know who I am.



You f*ck.

You f*cking piece of shit.


When my son went
missing, you taunted me.

You told me he was dead...


You laughed at the
thought of his body, my son.

- I know nothing about your son.

- Cut the bullshit.
- What bullshit?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

- I know you're Bait15.


- What?

- I've got the
proof... The threats,

harassment, stalking.

You're looking
at real jail time.

You ready for that?


- What do you expect me to say?


That I'm sorry, that
what I did was wrong?

I mean, that's what you people
want is just endless apologies.

- We're well beyond that.
- You're a politician,

and you can't
take a little flack.

I'm allowed to have an opinion,

and I have a right
to free speech.

- Free speech? You abused me.

- Abuse? That's a joke.

You are trespassing in my house.

Do you want to
hurt me? Is that it?

- You got some f*cking nerve.

- Then why are you here?


- I want you to read the
messages you sent to me out loud.

- I'm not going
to read anything.

- I want you to
look me in the eye

and say those things to my face.


Read them! Or so
f*cking help me God,

I will post your photo online

with everything
that you said to me.



- "You are a dirty whore
and a terrible mother."

"Your son is nothing but
the dead dog of a lazy slut.

He's lucky to be
out of his misery,

and... you should
k*ll yourself, too."

Look, you've made your point.

- Keep going.


- "I'm going to r*pe
you in front of your son."


Oh, God. That's my parents.


- We weren't expecting company.

- Mum, Dad, this is...
- Alex Irving.

Hi. It's nice to meet you,
- Nice to meet you, hi.

- Hello.
- I was just giving

some career advice for Henry.

He's very passionate
about racial equality.


Right, Henry?


- Right.




- I got your numbers from
the parliamentary lists,

where you were,
what you were doing.

- That's how you knew about me.

I could take this to your boss.

- You don't get it, do you?

This sort of thing is
standard in politics.

Senior staff all knew
what I was doing.

I'm not saying that
I didn't do it. I just...

It didn't seem like
it was personal.

- How could a Black
woman be a person, right?

- It was work.

- How can you do a job
where you're treating people

like they're nothing?
- You're a politician, Alex.

Surely you can answer that.

- I would never do what you did.

- Are you going to turn me in?

- No.



- Hi, you've reached
Charlie at Alex Irving's office.

I'm sorry to miss you.
Please leave me a message

or sh**t me a text,
and I'll get back to you.

- Charlie...

- You were right. I
shouldn't have gone.


He's just a bloody kid.


He's a bloody kid, Charlie.
