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02x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/13/24 10:01
by bunniefuu
- Why weren't you at school?

What were you doing?
Where were you?

- What's the point? f*ck's sake.

I'm right here. Come on.

- We're running a
positive campaign.

Anyone who works on the campaign

has to sign an agreement
not to go negative.

- I'm standing for all those

who feel the parties
have abandoned them

and no longer represent
their core values.

- That bitch won't die.

A friend of mine back
home just k*lled himself.

Apparently the bank was
gonna take his farm away.

- This is a good day
for ordinary Australians.

- Could you turn
that off, please?

- You lot don't get to tell
us what to do anymore.

- My lot?
- Any questions?

- Yeah, I have one.
Where's the incumbent?

Any one of us on stage tonight

can do more for you
than an empty chair.


- Halfway through
the election campaign,

with the polls still showing
no clear front-runner,

both leaders are resorting

to increasingly
negative campaigning

in an attempt to cut
through the noise.

- What's stirring up anger
amongst the locals here

in this crucial election of
Freeman in Queensland

is water management.

That single issue has cut
Jack Ramsay's lead in the polls,

and while he's still a firm
favorite, the gap is closing.

This federal election
will see a record number

of independent candidates

directly challenging
sitting MPs.

The election will be won or lost

on those all-important
preference deals that are

being fiercely negotiated
now behind closed doors.

- Longridge was
a mistake, Jason.

We should have been there.
- We weren't to know.

- I didn't say we
weren't to know.

I said it was a mistake.


Okay, so here we go.

- Hello.

- How are we?
- Good. That Alex Irving.

- Oh, she gets
about, doesn't she?

- She's a bloody moron.

- Now, now, never
underestimate your enemy.

She's no moron.

But, listen, thanks
for your support.

You studying hard?
- Yep.

- That's a girl. Horse kick you?

- Yeah, something like that.

- You got to look after that.
- Yeah.

- I reckon Jack
Ramsay is on the take.

- No, he's just lazy.

- You changed your tune.

And I heard the bank
is funding his campaign.

People talk.

Now people might think
you're mad, can't be trusted,

might go off like
a frog in a sock.

- Yeah, thanks for that.

- At least you're not corrupt.

- Then why do people
still vote for Ramsay?

- Who else is there?

- G'day, everyone,
great to see you all.

It really is.

Look, I'm really chuffed,
really chuffed you turned out.

Now I drive down the
main street coming in,

lost another pub, gone.

No, it's not easy
right now. I know that.

- Bloody awful.

- But hats off to all of
you, every last one of you

because you've stayed
here, and you've stuck it out.

And we like that
around here, don't we?

- I keep thinking how bad things
must have been for Stephen.

If only I'd
answered his calls...

- It wasn't you that
took his farm from him.

- He k*lled himself in public.

- Outside of the bank
that made his life hell.

Blame them!
- Yeah.

- Well, at least something
good might still come of it.

- Now, listen, I'm not going
to insult my opponents.

That's not what I'm about.

But all I want you to
do is just think about

who's been there for
you for the past 25 years.

- Faye.


- 25 years.

Makes me old enough
to be your dad, right?


What the f*ck?


- They're almost identical.
- Yeah, the racism is fresh.

- "Alex Irving: More
Welfare, More Cheating."

- Do they even know my politics?

- Well, apparently you're
going to k*ll the air base,

rip off taxpayers,

cry racism every time
you don't get your way.

- Jesus.

- And Eddie's dad
could be anyone.

- Alright. I'll call the
electoral commission.

One thing, though,
the electorate hates

being treated like this. So
whoever has done that...

- Oh, come on, it's
obviously Ramsay.

- Maybe, or the state
branch, but it's an own goal.

We don't let it
distract us, okay?

Alright. What do
we got on today?

- Voter registration
for remote communities

at Longreach Correctional.

- Alright. You got enough forms?

- Mm. Leo and I will get working

on some talking
points for town hall.

- Yeah, integrity,

community, I know.

- Tinman here will
audit all the donations.

- Why do you keep
calling me Tinman?

- In good news, another 25 grand

came in this
morning in donations.

- f*ck yeah!

- Yeah, it's from a think t*nk
called the Future for Democracy.

They're backing centrist women,

so it's entirely consistent
with the campaign.

- Yep, this is great for us. So
let's take maximum advantage.

- I reckon we could
boost our radio space.

- So old school. Digital-media
ads would be way...

- I'm gonna go.

- You better be at school.

- Well, I feel crap.

- Temperature?


Maths test?

- I want to come home.

- Well, that's not
bloody happening.

You've missed too
much school already.

- Is uncle with you?

- Yeah, no, he's here,
but he's flat out today.

Unless you're actually sick,

you're not taking
any more time off.



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- I don't get it.

- Haven't you seen the movie?
- Yeah, I get the reference.

I just don't really
understand how I'm Tinman.

- Figure it out.

- Are you saying I
don't have a heart?

- Hello?

Who is this?

Look, if you're not gonna
tell me who you are...

- I'm watching you
and your bastard son.


- Oi. Come on, we're waiting.


- You all good?
- No.


- He's promised them an
aquatic center and a car park.

I think you should be flattered.

I haven't seen pork
barreling this blatant

since Russ Hinder's
off-ramp. Damien's worried.

- Well, they're outspending us.

Maybe we should be worried.

- Nope, we let them
think that we're skint,

and then we just outspend
them in the final two weeks.

Seriously, where do these people

get their day call
from, a job lot?

- Well, he's a banker.
- A w*nk*r.

- What do you think?

- Maybe lose the pearls.

- They're my grandmother's.

- Well, you've already
got the nana vote.

People you need to reach
think you're a dinosaur.

- A dinosaur, really?
- Well, they're not wrong,

and they're your
constituents, you know?

- God, I hate these millennials.
They're so damn self-righteous,

and they've got no idea of
the shit we've put up with.

When did I miss the bus?

- Why don't you go
the full Angela Merkel?

- You know, if I'd said the
word feminist in the press,

my career would have
been dead in the water.

You only have to say the
F-word in the party room,

and all the boys start
circling the wagons,

terrified that I might
flip to the dark side

and propose a conscience
vote on gender quotas.

- You're not talking
to the party room now.

You're talking to the center.

- So feminism is centrist now?

- 20-to 45-year-olds

are no longer afraid to
admit that they are feminists.

- Yeah, well, I don't know
if I can be that woman.

- Look, you don't have to
say that you're a feminist.

You just have to show
them that you get it.

Otherwise, all
those young people

whose votes we
need will go green.

See that? I would vote for that.



- What?

- Jillian Morell has
made accusations

of bullying against you.

- For God's sake I
sacked her for disloyalty.

Jess died because of her.

It's starting to
feel orchestrated...

The fliers, the news articles.

- What, the national
press are involved now?

- I don't know, maybe.

- The electoral commission
will investigate the fliers,

and this, it's pretty
much what we expected.

It doesn't change anything.

So let's not waste
any more energy on it.


- Oh, f*ck!
- Joely!


- Uh, we have a
spare tire, right?

- Yes, yes, we've got a spare.


- You got that?
- Yep.

Thanks for checking.

- You ever change
a tire before or what?

- No.

- Oh, God.

Jesus Christ.

- They screw on, don't they?
- No.

- You thought I was serious?
- Well...

- ♪ Fried eggs and bacon ♪

♪ At the back of mind ♪

- Hey, there.

- Oh, Christ.

- Oh, this is hilarious.

Jack Ramsay.

You've been giving me
some grief lately, Alex.

Is this some kind
of divine justice?

All under control there?
- We're good.

- Well, it's the old
6-cylinder diesel, eh?

What, 460, 470 on the clock?

- 480 actually.
- 480?

You know, win or
lose this election, Alex,

I reckon about 10,000 K's,
you're gonna want a new bus.

But I'd keep the artwork.

Anyway, going for a cold one.

Jace, grab the Esky, will you?

Just water, I'm afraid.

- We're okay, thanks.

- Come on, Alex.

Hot day, hard work,
give the guys a break.

Can't tempt you?

So how you traveling,
flat tires excepting?

- Been doing all right.

- You're doing more
than that, aren't you?

- Yeah, we think so.

- It's a privilege, really,
that we can do all this.

- What, have my
character assassinated?

- I mean run for
Parliament, Alex.

And I stop people when I can,
when they say things about you,

but I'm at a go.

- Bit like John McCain

when he stopped his supporter
calling Obama an Arab?

- And you'd be Obama
in this scenario, right?

- Yeah, exactly.
- He was a good man, McCain.

I'd take him any day.

- What about the
fake election fliers?

- What fliers?

- The fake ones using my colors,

my photo, everything,
saying that all I care about

is giving jobs to my mob
and ripping off taxpayers.

- And you're wondering if I've
got anything to do with that?

Oh, come on, Alex.

That sort of nonsense
is beneath me.

Now, look, I know you've been
tearing around the electorate,

giving me a hard time,

but at least give
me some credit.

- Then who put them out there?

- Mate, all sorts of cowboys
out there on both sides.

You know that.

I've been in this
business, what, 25 years.

Do you have any idea

the amount of shit people
have said about me in that time?

- White bloke out
of Gatton College

with giant cowboy
hat gets lucky?

Hey! Hey, I like that.

Yeah, I do.

How did you know
I went to Gatton?

I only did a year.

- Knew an old girlfriend
of yours long time ago.


- Maureen?

Not Maureen Kelly?


Ooh, you've got
to be kidding me.

Listen, don't tell the missus,
but Maureen was a terrific girl.

How good is this country?


Nice to meet you, Alex Irving.

Hey, Jace, time to go!


- It's an aggressive move, Nick.

They're gonna hate me.

- You're the woman they
f*cked over and threw away,

but today you get back up again,

and every single
woman in the country

is gonna love you for it.

Remember, you're
inspired by the energy

and courage of young women.


- Right.



- develop a fund that will
ensure that this great club

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We're also announcing
a suite of initiatives,

a major upgrade to the change
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for the Cammeray
Tennis and Rowing Clubs.

We'll see you on election day.

Mima Scott, ladies
and gentlemen.


- Prime Minister,
very generous of you.

Hard not to be cynical
about the motives, though.

Mima, Rachel Anderson.
- Rachel.

- Just wanted to wish you
the best for your campaign.

Might be opponents
at the ballot box,

but there's no reason that women
shouldn't support each other,

and I have to say, I'm inspired
by your courage and your energy.

- Thank you, Rachel.

I wasn't expecting
an endorsement.

- So you'll be voting for Mima
at the election, then, Rachel?

- Well, I've always believed

in looking out for
young women, Damien.

Maybe you don't feel the same

or you might have selected
Ms. Scott for a sofa seat.

- Actually, Rachel, I'm
feeling pretty confident.

- Good for you.

The electorate will be
expecting those checks after I win.

- So good to see you.

Mima Scott, ladies
and gentlemen.

- Hi!
- Thank you, and I'd like

to thank the Prime
Minister, of course,

for his speech and for
introducing me, as well.

- "New-look Rachel
leaves party in the shade."

- Well, that's nice.

- You're the spurned
wife who's taking revenge,

the mistreated woman who's
told the boss to go and f*ck himself.

- That's hit the onlines. By
tonight, it'll be everywhere.

Well, was I right?

- Don't push it, Nick.


- Your house, ma'am.

- Hey, Joely, would
I have seemed petty

if I didn't drink
his water bottle?

- You were thirsty, right?

Yes, Ross?

What happened?

Don't know, don't
care, won't say?

- I don't know. I
didn't do anything.

- Yeah, we'll see about that.

- Glad you could make it, Alex.

Come in, please.

Cassie is here because
someone has made a complaint

to the Department
of Child Services.

- A complaint? About what?

- About Eddie's ongoing truancy.

- I walked you to school
myself. Why didn't you go in?

When did you plan to leave?
- I didn't.

- If I might just jump in here,
when Cassie set up this meeting,

I checked my records,

and Eddie has been coming
to school the past few weeks.

- Told you.

- So why are we here?

- Because when
we get a notification

of child abuse or neglect,
then we have to investigate it.

- Abuse?

- We're not saying that
that's what's going on here.

- It sounds like that's
exactly what you're saying.

- No, it's when someone
notifies us, we need to look into it.

- Who notified you?
- I can't say that.

It's confidential.
- Why is it bloody confidential?

I'm in the middle of a campaign.

Are you saying that
anyone can ring you up

and say anything that they like?

- We understand
it's a difficult time,

but we have to
investigate every case.

- And in fairness, there have
been issues with truancy and...

- In fairness?

- There are protocols
we need to follow,

and that involves
scheduling a safety check

on Eddie's living conditions.

I can't change the rules.

I'm sorry.


- Told you I didn't
do anything wrong.

- You've missed school
before. This is on you.

- Yeah, well, maybe
if you needed my vote,

you'd listen to me.


- Eddie.


What do you want?
- Hello to you, too.

You're copping a hammering.
How are you holding up?

- I think you've forgotten
I walked out on you.

Where the hell are
you calling from?

- The office.

Listen, the polls aren't great,
but they're not always right.

- That's a relief.

- Ramsay has never faced
a real campaign before.

He's lazy, and there are
question marks over his links

to big agro business.

- I know all that.
- Then I suppose you also know

he got a staffer
pregnant, then sacked her.

- You want me to
go all su1c1de bomber,

so your guy remains
clean. Is that it?

- You're held to an
impossible standard, Alex.

I just thought you
could use the heads-up.

Still there?

- You used to hold the shadow
portfolio for families, right?

- That's right.
- I have some questions about

an investigation
they're running.

I need a number,
someone high up.

- I'll get back to you.
- Thanks.

- Dude, we've got, like,
30 minutes available.

So you're gonna
have to make it work.

Okay, got to go. Bye.

- What dirt do we
have on Ramsay?

You heard me. What dirt?

- Why are we looking for dirt?

- Because everyone I talk
to has a story about him.

- Doesn't mean it's true.
- What are you doing?

- Trying to fight back.

What are his links to QBANK?

- He's declared his interest
on the financial registry.

- Could have done
that years ago.

- He updates it every year.

- He could still be lying.

What allocations?
- He's pushed

for secrecy provisions
for water allocation buyers.

- See?

- Along with the rest
of the government.

- I heard he got a staffer
pregnant, then sacked her.

- Jesus, Alex, just because

you've been
accused of bullying...

- Someone made an
anonymous complaint about Eddie.

Now Child Protection
are down on me.

I'm dying here!

Am I just meant to
be putting up with it?!

- No, I didn't say that.

- There's a campaign against
her. She should fight back.

- What campaign? It's politics.

- I'm being trolled, Leo,

and instead of eating
your Cocoa Puffs,

you're meant to
be finding the prick.

- Alright. Enough.

Look, if there's proof that
Ramsay did something illegal

or broke any code of conduct,
concrete proof, then we use it.

If not, we don't go there.

We made a promise to
this electorate not to do this.

We all signed it.

- And what, just let
them get away with it?

- No, we win this election,
and that's what matters.

Child Protection, seriously?

- There's an
inspection tomorrow.

- Here?
- Here.


I understand you've been
working with Nick Pearce.

Now, I have to tell you.
You need to be careful.

He keeps some pretty
questionable company.

- Oh, I'm quite
enjoying his company.

- He's never held a position
of trust within the party

and for good reason.

That little stunt he
had you pull today...

- Nobody makes me
pull anything, Peter,

and that little stunt is
gonna make damn sure

that Damien is held to
account by my constituents.

- Was that its only purpose?

- Let's cut to the
chase, shall we?

Damien is sandbagging.

He can't lose a single seat,

and he can feel
mine slipping away.

So why don't you tell
me what he wants?

- He's asked me to tell you
that he's prepared to negotiate

pending the result
of the election.

- Alright, okay.

Is that it?

- Well, one thing off
the record, of course.

- Of course.
- There is a path back

to the party if you want
it, but not with Nick.

- Is that from Damien, as well?
- No.

That's from me.

- Well, thank you, Peter.
That is nice to hear.

- You never see these people
do anything constructive.

They're out marching in the
streets and defacing property

and yelling about how
much they hate their country.

I just fail to see how any of
this is gonna improve society.

- Well, this toxic
culture of identity politics

is a cynical movement
aimed squarely

at dividing Australians,
splitting us up into groups

and then blaming one group
for the hardship of another.

I mean, Australia is
the most successful

nation in the world,

and we can see
this for what it is.

- The Prime Minister made
exactly this point today,

that these thoughts
and ideas go against

the reality of our history.

You've got to hand it to him.

At every opportunity, he calls
on Australians to come together.

- Look, I agree, and it's so
important for young people

to hear this message
from our leaders.


- Mom?



- Alex?


- We'll be back, you bitch!

- Come here and say it, you dog!


- What's going on?

- It's okay, bub.

It's okay.



- I'm calling the police.


- So white, yet no details?

- The lights weren't ours?

- No idea of names or plates?

You haven't had any
altercations with anyone recently?

- I'm in the middle
of a campaign.

- Look, she's been
getting a hammering online.

- Anyone specifically?
- There's a guy online.

He's been pretty relentless.

It's getting more
and more violent.

- Is there a name?
- He calls himself BAIT15.

He rang me yesterday.

- What? When?

- We were campaigning.
There was a lot going on.

- Is this the first time he's
made contact over the phone?

- I've already made
complaints to the AFP.

- And what have they said?
- An investigation is ongoing.


- No, I've explained this to him,
and I keep explaining it to him.

We need people
in all the booths.

We need the material
there the night...


- Yeah, sure, of course.
- I'll look.

Just can you make
it happen, please?

Just do me that...
- I saw those numbers, too.

I wondered about the
sample size, though.

Yeah, okay, call me back
when you've got that there.

- Hi, I'm Joely.

- Hi, Cassie.

So how... How many
people live here?

- Uh, myself, Eddie,
my brother, Charlie, uh,

sometimes Joely and Leo
crash here when it gets late.

- So the overcrowding
is only temporary then?

- Overcrowding?
I'd hardly call it that.

It's a 3-bedroom house.

- And you're regularly stocking
the cupboards, the fridge?

- I feed my kid, if that's
what you're asking.

- And apart from
the campaign staff,

does anybody else
stay here overnight?

- Eddie has the occasional
sleepover with his cousin.

Is that a problem?
- Not necessarily.

I can imagine the
campaign is a lot for anyone,

let alone a teenager.

- Well, it hasn't been easy on
any of us, but he's a good kid.

- Mm.

Does he have many friends?

- He does.
- And who...

Who looks after him
while you're away?

- I'm here most
nights, but my cousin,

Faye, and her husband.

A lot of parents
have demanding jobs.

- Yeah, I'm just trying
to get a full picture here.

Can I have a word with Eddie?


Look, I can't sign off
that everything is okay.

There's the overcrowding,
which I know is temporary.

There's the irregular hours.
- There's always someone here.

- I can't tick all the boxes
and say everything is okay.

I have a legal duty to Eddie.


I'm putting him
on a safety plan.

I understand you're under a lot
of pressure with the campaign,

but once we've been called
in, we can't just walk away.

- This complaint was vindictive.

- I'm sorry, but I have to make
a decision based on what I see,

and right now, a safety plan
is in Eddie's best interest.


- How did it go?

- She put him on a safety plan.

- Jesus Christ, really?

I'm a shit mother.

- Don't say that.
- What else does it mean?

- It means the system is
broken. That's what it means.

- I used to think if Child
Protection was involved,

something was wrong.

People will judge me
the way I judged them.

- Alex...
- No, I deserve it.

- You should let
the others know.

It's been a tough
couple of days.

We've had a lot thrown at us.

We've got a lot
of ground to cover.

The bad press has made it
tough, but we made a promise

to this electorate to conduct
this campaign with integrity,

and that's exactly
what we're gonna do.

Ramsay won't miss this town
hall, not after the last time.

But if you hold your own,
you can take it from him.

I know you can.

Ramsay is ahead on
two party preferred.

We're neck and
neck with McNally,

and the Christian right will
direct preferences to Ramsay.

It's gonna be tough, but
that's what we're here for.

So let's go out
there and show them

why Alex is their
candidate. We good?

- We're good.
- We're good.

- Alright. Let's do this.
- You take the shirts.

I'll go get the boxes.
- Done.

- Oh, don't forget the
forms and the sandwiches.

- Yep, I'm on it.

- Where are you going?

- Out.

- Hey.

Don't even think about it.

I told you Faye is coming
over to look after you.

You're not going anywhere.

I'm talking to you.

- Alright.

Make sure they're there just
with the shirts, as well, yeah?

- Yeah.
- Joely?

Can you drive me?

I need the quiet.

I love my brother.

Sometimes he can
be so self-righteous.

"Now, then, Alex. Oh, Alex."

- Has he always been like that?

- Always, total golden child.

Mum loved him.

- You know, I used to
think you were such a d*ck.

- Used to?

- Now I wonder how you
don't just go postal on everyone.

- Paul.
- Hey, Alex.

Why didn't you tell me
about Child Protection?

- It's none of your business.

- Good point, but I made
some inquiries anyway.

I gather they told
you that complaint

about your boy was anonymous?
- Yeah.

- It was called in by a
member of Jack Ramsay's staff.

- Ramsay made the complaint.
- A member of his staff.

Still want that number?

- No.

Thanks, Paul.


What's up now?

- Electoral commission
just called us.

- About the fliers?
- They've decided they'll count

the provisional
preference distribution

between Ramsay and
Scott McNally, not you.

- What does that mean?
- The electoral commission

nominates the top two
candidates in each electorate.

They assume other candidates
will give their preferences,

and that's how they count them.

They're calling Freeman a race
between Ramsay and McNally.

- Seriously?

So if you don't come first
or second, you're stuffed?

- That's a fairly
bleak way to look at it.

- It's true, though, isn't it?

- Now, listen to me, this
is still within your reach.

Just go in there, change
their minds and show them

why they should vote for you.

Let's get you set up.

- Do you know
anyone coming tonight?

- Probably.


All good.


- Scott.
- Alex.

Our mutual comrade Paul
Murphy sends his regards.

- Thanks. Good luck tonight.

- You, too.
- Gloria.

- God bless the Christian right.

See you out there.

- Alex. You're looking well.

- You, too, Jack.

Whoever holds government
holds the country in their hands.

They get to decide
how this place works.

They get to decide
how we live our lives.

Now, Jack Ramsay talks about

how out of touch
people in Canberra are

as though he's not our
member in Canberra.

It's a popular refrain
for politicians right now.

- And what have you done?

- What's decided in Parliament
has real-world consequence.

People get medical
help or they don't.

People get justice
or they don't.

People live or they don't.

And if your sitting member
is spending his time

pretending that he's not
there, then it's time to ditch him.

My friend Stephen spent
half his life in a wheelchair.

But it wasn't a rodeo
accident that took him.

The country's in drought.

The air base took the
town's remaining water.

The banks
foreclosed on his farm,

even though he was trying to
keep up with his repayments.

You know how he died.

What starts in
Canberra ends with us.

But I'm gonna stop talking now

because what I
really want to hear

is how Jack Ramsay is
going to explain himself to you.

- Good on you, Jack.

You're the man!
- G'day, everyone.

- G'day, Jack.
- Good on you.

Always good to see you.

I'd like to acknowledge
the other candidates...

Gloria, Scott, Alex.

You know

an election campaign
doesn't have to be a pub brawl.

I think it's a pretty good
sign that we can all be civil.

That was, uh, pretty
emotional stuff from Alex there,

and, yeah, sure, things are
hard out here right now, real hard.

We all know that.

So I'd like to talk
about the things

I'm gonna do for you
all should you decide

to vote for me.

Now, first up,

I've got an ironclad guarantee
from the Prime Minister

for a $10 million upgrade

to sporting facilities
across the electorate.

Now, I think this...

- QBANK get any
of this cash, Jack?

- Not unless they're
a sporting body.

Last time I checked,
I don't think they are.

- No, well, they're foreclosing
on my farm, too, mate.

- Well, I'm very
sorry to hear that.

That's a terrible situation.

- Yeah, you got mates on
the bank board, haven't you?

Yeah, why are they
getting rewarded for us

getting kicked out
of our bloody homes?

- Now, hang on a minute.

Yeah, yeah, wait, wait,
wait, just let me answer that.

Yeah, I do know...

I do know people
on the QBANK board,

but I wouldn't go so far
as to say they were mates,

and these rewards
you're talking about,

I'm not exactly
sure what you mean.

But I would like to
remind everyone here

just for a minute that QBANK

and the government,
they've partnered on lots,

lots of infrastructure programs.

I mean, that's how
we get things done.

- What about water
allocations on the Dimattina?

- Yeah.

- The air base is
taking everything.

- Hey, hey, hey,
now, listen, listen,

if you want to have
a serious discussion

about water allocation,
that's... that's fine with me.

We'll stay here
all night, will we?

- Why did you let
them redirect the river?

- I... I didn't let them
redirect the river.

A full assessment was made,

and the appropriate
committee made its decision.

- They're taking our water!

- That's got nothing
to do with me!

- Yeah, well, if it's got
nothing to do with you,

what do you do, Jack?
- Just sit down, why don't you?

- Why did you let
them take our water?

- They're not taking your water.

And can I just remind
you, that air base,

that provides a
lot of employment

and a hell of a lot of
investment to this region.

Now, I won't apologize for that.

So what are you telling me?

Are you telling me that
you don't want these jobs?

These jobs that are
crucial to this electorate...

- Did you get your staffer
pregnant and then sack her?


- Did I what?

- Did you get a
staffer pregnant,

and then did you sack her?

- Yeah, how many other
staffers have you had affairs with?

- Shut up about the staff!
- Nobody cares!

- What have we
got ourselves here,

a little protest meeting, is it?

Why don't you sit
down, sir? You sit down!

What do you want to turn
this into, a rabble in the gutter?

This is disappointing.

Listen, this stunt...
That's all it is.

This stunt is an insult to the
good people of this electorate.

Why don't you sit
down? Why don't you all...

Do you want to have a meeting
or do you want to have a rabble?

- Clear the floor!

- This is what you
want to do, is it?


You ought to be
ashamed of yourselves!

You don't want to
hear me talk, that's fine.

I'll leave you to it!


Far as I'm concerned,
the meeting is over!

- Get off, mate!


- Oi, you k*lled that.
That was awesome.

There's no way
the religious right

are gonna give
preferences after that.

- You signed the declaration
when you joined this campaign.

What did it say?
- Charlie.

- What did it say, Joely?

- That I would work to ensure a
safe and productive campaign.

- And ensure that the
highest standards of integrity

are maintained because
our electorate demand

and deserve it.

Get on the bus.

- I want to stay with Alex.
- I know. You work for me.

I run this campaign, and
if you don't get on that bus,

you're fired.

- Good run, boss man.

- Don't treat me
like an idiot, Alex.

I saw what happened in there.
- f*ck!

- I've never been
more ashamed of you.

- Ramsay's team reported
me to Child Services.

They're k*lling me, Charlie.
- It's not just about you, Alex.

Did you contact
those women, hmm?

Do you even know that
their stories are true?

Yeah, well,
congratulations, Alex,

because tomorrow morning,
those women are gonna be roadkill.

The media are
gonna turn on them.

Their photos are
gonna be everywhere.

It'll all come down to
them, and it'll be your fault.

We've given so much
for you to be here, okay,

and you keep acting as if
you're the only one that matters,

like you always do.

- That's not fair.
- Not fair?

Who the f*ck said
any of this is fair?

Make your own way home.

