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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 02/13/24 10:00
by bunniefuu
BAIRD: This afternoon,
I declared my intention

to challenge for the leadership
of the Coalition.

We've worked so hard for your deal.

ALEX: She didn't even need my vote.
TRACEY: At least she won.

CHRISTOPHER: That must hurt.

The deal. It's been dropped
from the bill.


PETER: This man has been identified
as Thomas Campbell Jr,

a close friend of
Senator Alex Irving.

I found Senator Irving to be
a fiercely determined...

Dog with a bone.

He's the kingmaker now.

I haven't exactly emerged
feeling great about myself.

That death in custody.
It's a cover-up.

MARTIN: Cartwright. You'll tell me
if and when you find out more?

She says the guards shot tear gas
into their cell.

What you're looking for is doubts
raised about the minister's account.

Bloody Cartwright. It's like
he's two steps ahead of us.

Or it's just a coincidence. Right?

The police are looking for her.
They know what she did.

She's found the girl.

This is what I wanted to show you.



Why were there so many police there
so quickly?

POLICEMAN: We had a tip-off.

We also know she had her phone.
Did you happen to see it at all?




FRAN KELLY: Tragedy at Sydney's
iconic Coogee Beach overnight

has been met with a public outcry.

Escaped detainee Jess Clarke was hit
by a car while fleeing from police.

Witnesses have confirmed
it was an accident,

however, the police...

REPORTER: The presence of
Senator Alex Irving at the scene

suggests she was in contact with
the 15-year-old girl, Jess Clarke.

Senator Irving was
unavailable for comment,

but a spokesperson from her office

that the senator was in Sydney
on family business.

PATRICIA KARVELAS: ..her heroic deeds
captured in Mount Isa

all those months ago.

With government approval ratings
at an all-time low,

one can only imagine

that the Prime Minister's poster
girl's time in office is numbered.

What the hell did you think
you were doing?

She asked for my protection.
She was an escaped detainee.

She was wanted for
putting a man in a coma.

She had priors for theft
and public nuisance.

She was a criminal, Alex.

You were in constant contact
with her and you never reported it.

The man was found with his pants
around his ankles and his cock out.

Oh, please.

There's footage of you
screaming at police.

Do you have any idea
how much the public hate that?

Jess Clarke was with Marcie Maclean
when she died.

The guards shot tear gas
into their cell.

Marcie Maclean suffocated.

And Kevin knew about it
right from the start!

He lied when he said it was asthma!

Alex, please stop being so naive.
The girl played you.

If Kevin lied to parliament,
he would be obligated to stand down,

so you've just made
a very serious accusation

against a senior member
of the government.

What proof do you have?

She told me.

So you have absolutely no evidence
to back up this claim?

I had Jess Clarke.

They k*lled her!
No, Alex.

She ran out onto the road and was
hit by a car. It was an accident.

Does this stuff
just follow you around?

Last time, it got me to the Senate.

OK, listen, I am gonna put this down
to the trauma

that you've been through.

I'd like you to cancel all your
appointments, go back to the hotel,

don't even think about
talking to the media, and...

...we'll sort out this mess.

Thank you, Prime Minister.

JILLIAN: Yes. I'll get her
to give you a call back. OK, bye.


Are you OK?

It was you.

The police knew we'd be there.

They even knew about the phone.
They knew.

Every time, Cartwright's been one
step ahead of us. Every bloody time.

We briefed that journalist,

then Cartwright got out in front
with that story.

Because you told him.

I know he offered you a job,

You already started working for him.

What do you take me for,
some dumb black from the country?

Hey, hey, wait a minute.

It could have been any one of us.

We all knew about the girl
and we were all here when you rang.

So, you can check my call logs,
emails, anything -

but do that with all of us,
not just Jonathan.



The police came... because of you?

She died because of this.

It's not my fault.
It's not my fault.

I wouldn't if I was you.

Both of you know
that she led that girl on!


If you had called the police
as soon as she contacted you,

she would still be alive.

Kevin is a good minister.
He doesn't deserve this witch-hunt!

OK, OK. Just... just...
You stop there.

Get the f*ck out of my office.


I didn't know she'd...


Senator Irving's office.

Uh... I'm sorry. The senator's not
taking calls right now.




(MUTTERS) Birthdays... addresses...


TRACEY: Senator. Are you OK?


I'm really sorry
about that young girl.

And Jillian.

Thank you.

If I wanted to unlock a phone
without using a PIN,

how do I do that?

When my daughter forgot her
password, she googled what to do,

and I think it was pretty easy.

But it did wipe everything
on the phone.



Senator Irving's office.

RACHEL: Do you think there could be
any truth in what she said?


Oh, well, thanks for not pointing out

it was against your advice
I brought her in.

We did gain a brief bounce from her
in the polls.

Alright. What are my options?

Cartwright's the one
keeping you in the chair.


Alright. Get onto Kevin.

Tell him we'll freeze her out
at the end of the sitting week.

We have to pass supply.

We're gonna need Mortensen.

He's keen to roll back g*n control.

Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen
after New Zealand,

so let's find
something else he'll take.




Did you have any idea?
No. Obviously.

Apparently her father's
good friends with Cartwright.

Well, what was she doing here?
Babysitting. Like the rest of us.

She's pretty ambitious. Maybe she
was unhappy I was offered the job.

And are you gonna take it?

Is there any point in me staying?

You can't blame me for asking.

I'm seeing someone
in Cartwright's office.

I like him and I haven't even
told him anything,

and you turn around
and accuse ME of being disloyal.

They tear-gassed Marcie Maclean.

I saw the video.

You need to decide where you stand.


Yeah, well,
that's not how the law works.

Just tell me what they say.

Well, if he's given a statement,
there's not much we can do.

I've got a call coming through...

You know how I'm crap at technology?

Can you unlock this
without wiping any of the stuff off?

Yeah, I know. I know.

Yeah... yeah, listen to me, now.

This is that girl's phone, eh?

Don't be like that. Look...

No. Jesus Christ.
Fay, this is serious.

Yeah, alright.
Just let me grab it for you.

They've charged Tom.

Malicious damage, arson,
riot and affray, inciting v*olence.

Yeah, I'm here.

Continuing to make headlines

is the controversial behaviour
of this senator.

So, let's go to the callers now.

Our first caller here is Susan.

Susan, go ahead.
SUSAN: That's just no way to behave.

And she's supposed to be
a politician.

MAN: I wouldn't trust her
to run a country.

And no-one voted for her, anyway...

WOMAN: Why was she even there?

JONATHAN: Shh! Jesus Christ!

Christopher! (CHUCKLES)

Ohh, you're a very bad man.

I know!

I shouldn't have had
that last bottle!


I need to be working.

No, no, no.


You are very, very bad.

And you are very, very drunk.

Why'd you let me drink
all those sh*ts?

And adorable.



Pretty late, don't you think?
Uh, yeah.

You got it?



Mm-hm. (TYPES)

Could you just, uh...



Hey! Bub, bub.

It's OK. Bub.


You're having a nightmare.

It's just a bad dream.


Ohh! There is not enough caffeine
in the world today.

What happened in the detention centre
the night Marcie Maclean died?


Come on. You heard me.

Why are you asking?

Well, why is there no mention
of tear gas being used?

I saw the correspondence
to Cartwright

on that night
from the detention centre.

I know tear gas was used,
but it's not in the official reports

or in any of the media statements.

How did you get into my computer?
Did Cartwright bury it?

What the f*ck, Jonathan?

Did Cartwright know?

Did he lie to parliament?

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I would lose my job!

Were there any initial reports
that mentioned tear gas?


Where are they?

(SOFTLY) f*ck.

What about paramedics or other people
that were there that night?

The guards didn't call the ambulance


I guess to give them time.

Yeah, OK.

What are you gonna do?


to commemorate dead teenager
Jess Clarke

will take place
across the country today.

Despite the protests,

the government maintains its defence
of police handling of the matter.

Opposition Leader Laurie Martin
raised the temperature

of his att*cks
on the Prime Minister.

MARTIN: This government needs
to explain to the nation

why relations with our Indigenous...

Can you turn that down, please?
..are at an all-time low.

Why are children dying
in the streets?

Why is our national security
being compromised and jeopardised

by their incompetence?

I'll tell you why -
because of the Prime Minister.

It's because she's hostage to
the Liberal right in her own party

and she'd too weak
and she's too scared

to properly represent the people
of this great nation.

So I say call an election now.

Hello, you.

How are you travelling? You've been
through hell lately. Are you OK?

Not really.

You said I belong on
the other side of the aisle.

I did, didn't I?

You know, Alex... recent years,
my colleagues have done their best

to overcome their fears
of, uh... stroppy women.

A development at least partly due

to the increasing numbers
of stroppy women among them.

But I speak for others,
not myself here,

when I ask you,
do we need one as stroppy as you?

At this crucial juncture,

with government and all that
lovely power within our grasp?

Do we risk it?

So you've had second thoughts?

Well, to be fair,
that was before your, um...

...association in the public's mind

with vandalism, rioting,

young girls dying
on the streets of Coogee.

I mean, punters see your face on the
TV and they switch over to Vikings

or Married At First Sight
or Vets With Big Chins - whatever -

just to get a bit of peace.

I'm prepared to jump ship.

But on my terms, not yours.

Well, you don't know my terms.

Third place on the Queensland Senate
ticket next election. That the offer?

Second, but close.

I don't want to stay in the Senate.

I want to move to the Reps.

And I want Indigenous Affairs
and Community Services.

Well, that one's not gonna be hard
to give you, 'cause no-one wants it.

But I'm warning you,
it's a career-k*ller.

Uh, and as for the first,
the House of Reps...

...mmm, Alex, that is
very, very difficult.

I'm prepared to leave
the government immediately.

You'll have the balance of power.

And you know
we'll be voting on supply.

You know what, Alex?
It's suddenly become less difficult.

I think we can do something for you.

In fact, I'll promise you.
Such is my admiration for you.

But you've got to promise me
to tell no-one.


That's our deal.

Morning, Damien. Must have that chat
if your door's still open.

Yeah, I understand, Keith.

You breach confidentiality,
you might lose your job.

But that didn't seem to bother you

when you started
f*cking your boss, did it?

Yep. Macauley Detention Centre.

The detainee was a teenager.
Marcie Maclean.

Apparently, paramedics attended.

You know everyone up there.
Just figure it out.


Thank you, Senator. You've given us
a lot to think about.

Oh, pass on my regards to Rosemary.
Will do. Thanks very much.

f*cking Mortensen.


Thanks, mate.
No problem.

He's making ambit claims. He knows
Senator Irving's on the way out.

There are several in the party

who will welcome
what he's just proposed.

If we could ignore
the neo-fascist fuckwittery.

Cartwright's ministry signed off
on $450 million of work

to tenders last financial year.

To Exebuild?

Not directly.
To a range of companies.

But when I dug a little deeper,

I found a lot of them were...
shell companies.

Effectively 70% of the tenders
went to Exebuild.

So, what's Cartwright's connection
to this?

I haven't found one. He hasn't
declared a conflict of interest.

His office has been stonewalling me.

And guaranteed?

Alright. I can live with that.

Well, that should give you

My bloc is going to support you.
There's no way Bauer can challenge.

I need to be sure of that.

As long as I'm here,
they're right behind you.


The PM wants to give you
a lift home.


How are you feeling today?
Better, thank you.

How's your boy?

I bet.

You accused Kevin of some pretty
serious misconduct yesterday.

Do you believe it?


But you've got no proof?
Not yet.

Now, I suppose you've heard about
this vigil for the dead girl...

He name was Jess.

You're not planning on going,
I hope?

No plans.

But you should go.

You being there shows heart.

You can be the prime minister
that actually cares.

I won't be going, Alex.
And neither will you.

This time, it's a tinderbox
of self-righteous rage.

It's the end of reason.
You must feel it.

This splintering of us all
into our own angry little tribes.

Don't take this the wrong way,

but the last thing
that this country needs right now

is a Black Lives Matter moment.

Here we are.

Thank you for the lift,
Prime Minister.


WOMAN: Hi. Miriam Baker
from the Gazette.

I'd like to ask if anyone here
knew Jess Clarke.

Does she have any family
here tonight...

This is a silent vigil.
Please show some respect.

Senator, does the Prime Minister
know that you're here tonight?

Do you have approval from
the Prime Minister to be here?

How do you feel about...?
Do you support calls for an inquiry?

What would you say to the family?
CHARLIE: There's no questions.

But will you support calls
for an inquiry?

It's not the time or place.
Just have some respect.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep her safe.

I said I would, but I couldn't.

I should have let you in.

When you come to see her.

Whoever's to blame, it's not you.

The police are here.

MAN: Why are they here?

Here. Take this.

She was just a kid.

People need to know.
OK, go.

Excuse me.
Excuse me, please. Excuse me.

MAN: Shame on you!

Senator Irving, Sergeant Peta
Randall, Australian Federal Police.

You need to come with me now.
What's this about, Sergeant?

Ma'am, we have received credible
threats against your person.

You're just trying to shut her up.

We need to go now.


Remember Kalgoorlie!
Yeah, remember Jess Clarke!

Thank you, ma'am.

We've received intelligence

that an organisation
called the Patriots Defence Union

are planning to disrupt the vigil.

Were there specific threats made?

Yes, ma'am.

Towards yourself...
and towards your son.


I have a friend who works
at the Katherine hospital.

He's mates with a bunch
of the local paramedics.

Jesus, Jonathan.

One of which is a woman
who's pretty sure

she detected tear gas on the clothes
of the detainee who died.

She's since been stood down.

The report's gone.

There's nothing I can do.

The girl was 15, Christopher.

I already feel shit enough as it is.
I know.

Jonathan. Please...


I'm really sorry I couldn't
get into that girl's phone.

That's alright, bub.
Don't worry about that.

It's OK. Come on. Sleep.


POLICEMAN: Yeah, sure.

Yeah, yeah, copy that. Yeah.

Do you have to stand
so close to the door?

Turn your radios down.
Oh. Sorry, Mr Irving.

I want you to take Eddie home.

To Winton?
He'll be safe there.

And what about you?
No, don't worry about me.

I'll stay here. I've got to.

I told Laurie Martin
that I'd cross the aisle.

What? Why? He's as bad as she is.

I know.

But I can't just let all this go.
Not now.

Not ever, knowing you.

Yeah. I'll keep him out of trouble.

PATRICIA KARVELAS: Today will prove
to be a critical one

in Prime Minister Rachel Anderson's
hopes for re-election.

The Coalition supply bill
is due to return to the Senate,

whilst the Prime Minister faces
another day of fireworks

in the House of Representatives.

These so-called champions of women
think that it's OK

to tell a woman to shut up
on the House floor!

That's it's OK to tell
the prime minister of our nation

to shut up!

Well, I won't shut up.

I will defend myself
and I will defend my government!

MEMBERS: Hear, hear!

At the centre of the storm
is Senator Alex Irving.

While on the outer with the party,

Irving remains a critical cog
in the balance of power.

GIRL: Go on, girl! Get amongst it!

Whoo-hoo! (LAUGHS)



TRACEY: Senator.


Morning. The PM's Office
has been calling you.

How'd you go?

Oh. OK. Look, not a lot.

Uh, I found home addresses,
charge sheets, date of birth...

Can you pull up a photo of Jess
from Marcie's Facebook page?

There she is.

I got this photo from her friend.

OK, see that?


That's new.
So, I'm looking for anything with 19.

OK. Well, Jess's date of birth
is 3 December 2004.

Uh, 16 November 2004.

None of these other numbers
have a 19 in them.

What date did Marcie die?

16 February 2019.

Whose is that?

And you had it all this time?

PETER: I'm urging you in the
strongest possible terms, Senator.

You need to keep this to yourself.

RACHEL: Alex, I asked you
not to go to that bloody vigil.

Are you even capable
of self-control?

This is the proof you wanted.

This is footage
from Jess Clarke's phone.

She took a video of her best friend
Marcie Maclean when she died.

Prime Minister, I...
No, Peter. It's... it's OK.

GUARD: Alright, Maclean.
Suck on this!




JESS: Are you OK?
MARCIE: I can't breathe!

Grab my puffer! (COUGHS)

Help! Somebody help!


Help! Somebody help!


Someone! She can't breathe!

Help us!

Somebody help! She can't breathe!



Come on!


Please, Marcie.



Oh, God. Those poor girls.

You know we can't use this.

It's terrible, I know,
but we can't use it. Not yet.

But this is proof.

Alex, wake up.

This won't just take down Kevin.
It'll take us all.

We need to stay focused on
winning this election,

then I promise you,
Kevin will be gone

and I will get justice
for your girls.

No. I can't accept that.

What do you want?

(SCOFFS) Is this what we're doing?


You know what I want.

It was in the deal with
the native title holders.

Alex, I don't have a chance in hell
of getting your deal through now,

so let's just pretend
that we live in the real world.

Just for five f*cking minutes.

What do you want?

I want you to announce your support
for the deal in the House of Reps.

You'll say that you'll
keep on working on it

until you get an agreement.

And you do it this afternoon.

I would have to use this
against Kevin.

Well, you can both make a nice
little speech about reconciliation.

And you guarantee
the footage won't be seen?


Yeah, alright.

We still alive?

What shall I tell Kevin?

Nothing yet.
Have we heard from Mortensen?



Get me the long form
on her Winton deal.

Just give me five minutes
and then bring in my nine o'clock.



Jonathan. A word?

(SIGHS) I'm sorry.

You didn't deserve
the way I treated you.

Thank you.

But you need to resign.

I know you're ambitious.

I know the party regards you.

But if you stay with me,
you can kiss all of that goodbye.

I can't go into details.

But if you stay with me, your career
in the party will be over.

So you either resign or I sack you.

For your own good.

This is gonna blow up. Today.

My friend in Cartwright's office...

...confirmed that initial reports
into Marcie Maclean's death

point to operational negligence
and individual cruelty.

You were right. Cartwright buried
the reports and lied to parliament.


Well, it comes down to Exebuild.

They built and manage
the Macauley Detention Centre.

They also secured the tender
to build the base in Winton,

which is surprising,

because the department
selected another company.

Now, Cartwright has never
officially declared

his financial interests
in the company,

but I gained access to his records,

and every time Exebuild
or one of its shell companies

is awarded a tender,

money gets paid into an entity
called KAPC Holdings

operating out of the Caymans.


The initials of his wife and kids.

So he blocked the deal

because the native title holders
had veto over the tender process

and if they didn't go with Exebuild,
he'd get nothing?


Do you think the PM knows?

There's no evidence she does,

but she needs him to keep her job
and to keep the wolves at bay.

You can prove all this?
I have the paper trail.

This could damage your friend
when it comes out.

I know that. And so does he.

Why are you backing me
and not the party?

Well, as you said...
I'm very ambitious.

How far do you want to go with this?

As far as I can.


The Prime Minister promised

to renew her support for
the Winton deal in parliament

in return for suppression
of the footage

that proves that Cartwright lied.

Do you believe her?

That's the Senate agenda.

I'm just finishing my notes
for the Winton deal.

The House sits in 10 minutes.

Have you seen Peter?
No, ma'am.


I need you outside
the House chamber.

Text me if she commits
to reopening the deal.

Do we expect her to?


Are you OK?

PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen
of the Senate,

regarding Supply Bill No. 3
for the current financial year.

Following the third
and final reading,

I believe Senator Mortensen
wishes to make a brief statement.

I've previously vowed to
block supply, as you all know.

Well, I'm reversing
that decision today.


But I will hold this government
to account.

I don't like this government.

However, I recognise
their mandate to govern,

and they're a damn sight better
than the rabble across the aisle.

So, yes, I will support this bill.


Lydia Morrison has been

an esteemed, conscientious member
of the parliamentary staff,

having performed numerous
vital and unheralded roles

over no less than six
successive parliaments.

Her sense of history and decorum
will be sorely missed.

We hope she enjoys
her well-earned retirement.

MEMBERS: Hear, hear!

Prime Minister,
any business to table?

RACHEL: No, Mr Speaker.
Nothing further.

Moving on, we have a number
of items before us today,

but before we...

The division requires the bells ring
for a period of one minute

and the house will vote
on Supply Bill No. 3.


Does Senator Irving
wish to make a statement?

I do, Mr President.

Senator Irving.

Mr President,
it has come to my attention

that the Prime Minister is
covering up a very serious crime

committed by
one of her own ministers.

MAN: Shut up, you idiot!
I can no longer support her.

Therefore, I'm withdrawing
my support for this bill...

Shame on you!

...and of the government
that she leads.


You're a disgrace!


The house WILL come to order!

Order! Order!

That's 36 for the ayes,
40 for the noes.

The noes have it.

Supply Bill No. 3 has been defeated.

SPEAKER: And when the public sees
members checking their phones,

like I'm seeing over there
and over here,

it diminishes faith
in the parliament as a whole,

and in particular,
the House of Representatives.

Sit down, Laurie.
You're showing up your comrades.

I call upon the Honourable
the Leader of the Opposition.

Thank you, Mr Speaker.

My question is addressed
to the Prime Minister,

and it comes in two parts.

Firstly, when will
the Prime Minister call an election?


When it doesn't look like
I'm beating up on old men, Laurie.


is the Prime Minister aware

that moments ago, her supply bill
was voted down in the Senate?


And, Mr Speaker,
that a senator from her own party

has accused this prime minister

of covering up corruption
by a cabinet minister?!

Sit down and die of shame, Laurie!

Mr Speaker, I ask that
the Leader of the Opposition

immediately withdraw
that unsubstantiated slur!

Mr Speaker, the same senator

has now withdrawn support
for this government.

The Prime Minister cannot govern.
She cannot even lead her own team.

Therefore, Mr Speaker, I am calling
for a motion of no confidence!

Oh, rubbish!

Jesus Christ!
What the hell happened?

RACHEL: Mr Speaker, I am appalled.

This is nothing but a dummy spit
by an entitled kid

who can't stop throwing his toys
out of the cot!

So I ask again, Mr Speaker...

...that this howling hypocrite
of mediocrity sitting opposite me

find just a skerrick of character,
withdraw his unsubstantiated comment

and apologise immediately.


But who voted with the senator?

Bauer's men?

I have the confidence of my party...
Oh, Jesus Christ.

...I have the confidence of the House

and I have the confidence
of the Australian people!

Mr Speaker, this is a disruption
of our parliamentary process.

It's nothing short of
a hostile takeover of our democracy!

Sit down! Sit down!

SPEAKER: The Prime Minister
will resume her seat.

Regarding the motion
of no confidence

tabled by the Honourable
Leader of the Opposition,

the chamber will divide.


Ayes to my left, noes to my right.

(MUTTERS) You f*cking c**t.


SPEAKER: Ayes, 76.

Noes, 74.

The ayes have it.


Sorry, Peter.

Me too.

Prime Minister, I am so sorry. I...

and embarrassing end

to the prime ministership
that promised so much

but in the end delivered little.

Rachel Anderson has presented
herself as a champion of the centre

in a party that was turning
progressively to the right,

and for a while, it seemed
that voters had embraced this.

Will another member of the party
seek the leadership

and attempt to win the support
of the House,

or will the now ex-prime minister
advise the Governor-General

to call an election?

Whatever happens from here,

it's clear that Rachel Anderson's
tenure as prime minister

has ended in shame and humiliation.


Senator Alex Irving.


Are you just gonna stand there?


Peter was right.
You really are a black bitch.

You know, Alex,
it's taken us 100 years

to get a party system that works.

All you see is shit and corruption.

Lies and compromise.


But you know what?
That is how democracy works.

It's not perfect,
but it's a thousand times better

than anything
we've ever come up with,

because it's contained.

It is contained
by precedent and procedures

and tiny, unbreakable threads
of goodwill

that just sort of make it work.

There's one thing
this system can't survive,

and it's people like you.

People who can't accept
that the world isn't with them

because they're afraid
of selling out.

Because you people don't actually
believe in democracy,

just your own miserable virtue and
the purity of some f*cking position.

And if we were all like that, Alex,

we would have fascism
by the weekend.

Are you finished?

You don't get to lecture me
anymore, Rachel.

So much for the sisterhood.

You're a sister when it suits you.


Enjoy my office, Alex.

I'm sure he's promised you
unicorns and rainbows,

but in the end,
when the dust settles, you'll see... was just f*cking revenge.


SONG: ♪ Oh, no, you didn't

♪ You didn't just go there

♪ Keep pulling at the thread

♪ Pretty sure you're gonna unleash
what's in here

♪ Oh, no, you didn't

♪ You didn't push me again

♪ I've got a memory like an elephant

♪ Honey, I never forget

♪ They call me the Collector

♪ I keep tabs on who's been bad

♪ Yeah, they call me the Collector

♪ And when the day comes
I need to collect blood money

♪ Better believe I'll be back. ♪