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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/13/24 09:58
by bunniefuu
You must be
Alexandra Irving.

Prime Minister.
What you did was... incredible.

Is this what you wanted? Well?!

I want people like you,
WOMEN like you, on my team.

Honestly, sis, they just want a pet
Aborigine. Is that who you are?

That's Damien Bauer.

He's currently doing a wonderful job
of white-anting the PM.

Now, I've written a speech

that ensures you get to
stick around a bit longer.

I am sick and tired of pretending
that everything is OK.

A 16-year-old Indigenous woman
died in detention two weeks ago.

I can't breathe!

She had an asthma attack.
Her name was Marcie Maclean.

Now, when I talk about being under
threat, she's who I'm talking about.

If I can stand up in the Senate,
then anyone can.

Publicity stunt or not,
that's why I'm here.

The US
Secretary of State, Ryan George,

has unexpectedly
flown into Canberra tonight

to meet with
Prime Minister Rachel Anderson.

His last-minute visit
increases ongoing speculation

that America is keen
to shore up its presence

in the Asia-Pacific region.

As the Coalition continues
to strengthen its ties with China,

his arrival can only spell
more headaches for the embattled...

We had agreed we'd make the
announcement after the election.

Taiwan's push for independence
has changed everything.

Well, everything except China being
our biggest trading partner.

I have to tell you,
it's not a whole lot of fun

being on the other side
of your president's zero-sum game.

But I'm sure you'll appreciate
that we are trying

to balance out our regional
multilateral agreements.

You've always known

that you would have to make a choice
sooner or later.

Later is no longer an option.

I have a very slim majority.

This next election's
gonna be very tight.

We sympathise, but that's
your concern, not ours.

Australia has always supported
the United States.

Your bases are already
across the Top End,

your marines are in Darwin,
we gather your intelligence,

and we've supported every single
US-sponsored resolution

in the United Nations.

We even backed you on Jerusalem.

I just can't say
how this is gonna play out

for me domestically right now.

May I be frank?

The President simply doesn't care.

You've got a big country here.
Most of it is desert.

I don't know why
this has to be such a big deal.


Where's Alex Irving?

Yeah, get her back.


Thanks, Roger.

Alex. Sorry to bring you back
at such short notice.

No, that's fine.
How's your boy?

He's good.

Come on through. Take a seat.

Thank you for the shoes.

Oh! For those days
you can't be barefoot.

Angela Merkel put me onto them.

As you know, I met with
the US Secretary of State,

and, as expected,
he requested permission

to establish another defence base
on our soil.

I'd like to fill you in
on the background.

I can message you when
they're finished, if you like.

Uh... I'll wait.

They're keen to strengthen their
strike capabilities in this area.

They need to establish
an air force base

that doesn't intrude
on Indonesian airspace

that's also safe from attack by sea.

I don't need to tell you

that that base would fall under
your native title lands.

Ah. So this is why I'm here, is it?

To help you sell this to my mob.

We could declare the land prohibited

under the Defence
Special Undertakings Act.

That would pay your people

around 60% of the land value
in compensation.

That would be considered just terms.

This is a position that many
in the party would feel happy with.

But I don't want to do that.

What DO you want to do?
I want to win an election.

To do that, I need to bury
any political fallout

from this decision.

Both our governments are very keen
to get this done fast.

We don't want to be tied up
in a long legal process.

So there'll be a lot of sugar
on the table.

You and I spoke about making
a real difference in Winton.

This is your opportunity to get
a lot more than a medical centre.

That will be expensive.

And I would need to guarantee
you'll back me on this.

You'd have it.

And nothing would be off the table.

We'll be under close scrutiny.

How will you deal with
the conflict of interest?

Declare it up front.

And I would be exempt
from any compensation.

You know they may not listen to me?

Alex, you stared down a gunman
not long ago.

I brought you into the Senate
because you're a leader.

So go f*cking lead.

Wow. That's a big responsibility.

No shit.

OK, well, I'll need
a list of native title holders,

a venue, and a car hire service.

Tracey will organise the flight.


You're not a native title holder.
You don't need to be there.

Oh, I'll be coming.
No, you're not.

Have you organised
a stakeholder meeting before?

You'll need logistic support
and advice when...

Alex. Could I just have
a word, please?

Look, um... I...
I just wanted to let you know

that I'm expecting the findings into
Marcie Maclean's death, uh, any day,

and as soon as I receive them,
I'll announce them to parliament.

OK? And to the press.

OK? Does that address your concerns?

Thank you, Kevin. I appreciate that.
You're welcome.

Do you think you could wrangle
your senator, Mr Cosgrove?

Running straight to the media
about that girl

hasn't won her any fans
in our department.

Oh, I know. She's just so savage.

Oh... That wasn't what
I was implying. I was just...

Relax, Daphne.
I've already stopped listening.

And where are your manners?
Jonathan Cosgrove.

Christopher Bingham.

See, Daphne? That's how it's done.

We all play for the same team here.

Rachel's briefed me
on your Winton trip.

Alex, she really needs
our support.

Um, her department have commissioned
some broader polling

and it's showing that
overall support for her has softened

and that, uh, for the first time,

Laurie Martin's ahead
as preferred prime minister,

so, well... there's a lot riding on
you getting this deal over the line.

Um... so, good luck
with the negotiations

and, um, Indigenous Affairs
is right behind you.

Thank you, Kevin.

- No, I'm afraid she's not.
- We need to talk strategy.

Oh! She's just arrived, Minister.

No, I haven't.

If you're gonna be
running negotiations...

I told you, you are not coming!

I'm sorry, she seems to have
stepped out again. My apologies.

Will do.

I take it you've rung me by mistake?

I don't do anything by mistake, Tom.
You know that.

Well, what do you want, Alex?

I need you to bring
the families together.

And why would I want to do that?

You got the list
of native title holders?

So, it's just like Canberra,

only Aboriginal politics
is far more complicated.

Brumby Dibby...
Is that a real name?

She's the senior boss
of this country.

She knows all the Dreamings.
We have to see her first.

And if she agrees to come
to the meeting, we're halfway there.

Wait here.

Is she coming?

Ladies and gentlemen.
Sorry to, uh, keep you waiting.

Ooh, it's a bit brisk.
Nina. How are you going?

Very well, thank you.
Alright. We rolling?

After a thorough investigation
by my department,

the findings have confirmed
the initial reports -

uh, that the young woman died
as a result of a... an asthma attack.

I'm satisfied
that the detention centre staff

gave Ms Maclean every assistance,

uh, and acted entirely within
the scope of their responsibilities.

The biggest tragedy, uh,
is that Ms Maclean

had long been regarded
by welfare agencies as at risk.

Early intervention is crucial

when children suffer
from neglect and poverty.

And the phone credit.

Unfortunately for Ms Maclean,
any intervention came too late.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
There won't be any questions.

Good afternoon.
Senator Irving's office.


Hello? Is there anyone there?

You need a lift?

Which way are you going?

Hop in.

Hey, Len. How you going?

Hey, Patsy.

Ah! If it isn't the senator!

How are you doing?

I'm good. And you?
Yeah, good.

The usual?
Yeah. Thanks.

Uh, same.

That's the Campbells.

Stay here.

Hi, Tom.

Just paying my respects
before the meeting tomorrow,

and to thank you and all your mob
for agreeing to come.

Tom Jr.

Well, that went better than expected.

Thanks, Patsy.

Don't let old man Campbell
get to you.

This town needs jobs and new people.

Even if they are Yanks.

Who's with the Campbells?
Native title lawyers.

They'll take the high moral ground.

Deep down, they think it's grubby
for blackfellas to want money at all

and we should go back
to living like proper natives,

living pure on the land.

And what's with the attitude?

Some people say that only men
can talk for country.

Old Tom? He won't like
a woman leading the discussion.

See, my family, they haven't been
involved in native title stuff,

so they don't take us seriously.



You've come a long way
just to be told to f*ck off again.

The Campbells aren't
the only TOs in the town.

Oh, I'm not just talking
about the Toms.

Good luck tomorrow.

Well, see you tomorrow.

Uh, can you give me a lift
to the motel?

You're already here.

See Patsy.
She'll give you your room key.

Wow. Really?



That suits you.

Thanks for noticing.

Thanks for getting everyone
to the meeting.

Well, they'll come...
but they might not agree.

You gonna help me, or what?

You know I can't support you
on this, Alex.

Them Canberra mob,
any chance they get, they screw us.

But they sent me.

Yeah. But can we trust you?

You have to ask that?

You right, love?

I was getting sleepy,
so I pulled over for a cuppa.

You want one?

So, how long you been
on the road for?

A while.

Did I freak you out?

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to.

You OK now?

Hey, darling.

Hey, Mum.

Training tires him out,
poor little thing.

Bet old Tom was rapt to see you.
Oh, burst into song.

How's Canberra?
It's cold.

You coming to the meeting?

Won't make no difference
me being there.

It will to me.

You've as much right
to be there as anyone.

Tell that to the Campbells.

Yeah, well, about time
they listened for a change.


...they were here when I wasn't.

I guess they've earned
the right to speak.

Got something for you.

You know, I don't like
my kids fighting.

What brought that on?

Have you spoken to your brother?

Why are you picking on me?
He hasn't called me either.

For you.

From the Prime Minister.

Reckons they're the comfiest
in the world.

Says the Queen... put her onto them.

Might be good for court.

So, are you going to bed now?

I can't sleep.
I'm gonna go for a drive.


♪ You were from the north,
I was from the south

♪ We were from opposite places,
different towns

♪ But I knew it was good,
and you knew it was too

♪ And so we moved together
like a ball and chain

♪ Minds becoming
two halves of the same

♪ It was real,
but in the shadows it grew

♪ 'Cause you've got a secret

♪ Don't you, babe?

♪ I would have shouted loud
and broken through

♪ I would have given it all
to belong to you

♪ But there were different plans
and different rules

♪ You said, "Where I'm from,
there is a lock and key

♪ "If you'll be so kind
as to follow me

♪ "Well, I will show you the way
to the rest of my sins"

♪ Yeah, and I... ♪

You scared?


♪ Yeah, I

♪ Should know... ♪

Do you want to talk
about the meeting?


♪ For I'm your secret

♪ Aren't I, babe?

♪ Yeah, I'm your secret

♪ Aren't I, babe?

♪ Aren't I, babe?

♪ Aren't I, babe? ♪

I want to go to the meeting.

It'll be boring as.

Come on.

I'll drop you off at school
on the way to the meeting, eh?

What are you looking at?

You know, I'd wear those
new shoes you gave me,

but you know them mob -
they'll be real jealous.

You ready to go?

See you, darl.

This is how the day's gonna run.

There'll be the Jamesons,
led by Leanne and Norman.

They're Sunset mob.

They speak for the land
west of the gorge

all the way to the Diamantina.

Both from big families.
They're really important.

Then there's the Gibsons,
led by matriarch Pearl

and her two sons,
Jeremiah and Travis.

They're Sunrise - east of the gorge
to the flood plains up north.

And they're reigning champs
at the rodeo.

Then there's the Morgans.

Their mob speak for the area
between the two rivers,

led by Bill and Fran.

And they hate the Jamesons.
No-one really remembers why.

Throw into the mix
some random interest groups -

lawyers, hanger-onners -

all keen to have their say,

and you've got yourself
a land council meeting.

You ready?

Brumby's not here.

Well, we start anyway.

Right, thanks for all coming.
Let's get started, eh?

Before we begin, I'm Nathan Smith.

I represent Exebuild. We're hoping
to tender on this project.

Construction already?

This meeting is for
native title holders only.

Hey, um, this is a closed meeting,

so anyone who isn't mob,
you should leave.

Go on.

You too.


All yours.

I know there's a lot of hurt
and anger in this room.

I understand.

Good morning.
Senator Irving's office.



Oh, hi. How can I help you?

I need to speak
to that black senator.

Senator Irving?
Yeah. Can I get her number?

Uh, look, we... we don't
give out direct numbers.


OK, I'll check in with the senator

to see if it's OK
to give you her number.

So, if you call me back
this afternoon.

OK. Bye.

How are things progressing?

It's a bit early to tell.

Well, any specific details yet?

Well, the senator's
making great progress.

They're open to negotiating.

Jonathan, whereabouts are you?

I'm outside.

What the hell's going on?

I've left the meeting.


Well, Bauer's stirring up shit
about the negotiations.

So get the f*ck back in there.

Do I want to know?


There's nothing
to talk about!

We have a sacred responsibility

to protect the land
as it protects us.

The land owns us!

We fought hard for native title.

My father died before we won.

He never got to walk freely
on the land that was his.

I'm not handing it back
to some military base.

We're talking about a lease.
Not perpetuity.

And with all respect...

...we have the power this time around.

We never have the power.

Every day, I teach about how
governments break their promises.

Giving with one hand,
taking away with the other.

They make celebrities
of a few of us,

marginalise the rest.

I say we go to court.

I have the PM's word.

You've been brainwashed, girl!

We don't trust you.

We need to talk.

- You're one of them now.
- Mm-hm.

So you'd better go.

Is that what you all think?


I said no.

Now, I know I've been absent
for too many of these meetings.

But I didn't grow up on country.

They took me away
'cause my skin is too light.

But when I came back...

...I didn't feel like I belonged.

Not like the rest of you.

So, yeah, I don't usually
come to these meetings.

But the ones I have gone to - pfft!

Same old shit...

...same old feuds.

Now, we're facing something big.

So we gotta think big.

My daughter... not some faceless
government suit!

She belongs to this community!

And at the end of the day,

she's gotta look you all
in the eyes.

So why would she destroy that?

Why would she
deliberately betray us?

She deserves respect.

Not to be kicked out
like some stray mongrel dog!

So, you got something
to say, baby... say it.

Look, all I ask is that you listen
to what's being offered.

The government is ready
to negotiate with you over your land.

It's up to you
to figure out what it's worth.

The average hardworking Queenslander
has a right to be concerned.

Our alliance with the United States
is being held hostage

by local Indigenous stakeholders
risking our country's safety

ahead of their own
narrow vested interests.

Now, the Prime Minister
has chosen Senator Irving

to oversee these discussions.

She herself is a native title holder

and stands to profit very handsomely
from any compensation.

Now, I don't know about
these southerners,

but I can tell you quite...

Just hang on, mate.
Excuse me.

Christ. f*cking...

Think about what we need
when the base finally closes down,

because right now we have a chance
to set this place up for the future.

Sorry for interrupting, Tom, but
this whole thing is a waste of time!

The state government
just shut you down, Senator.

Now, whatever it is
that you decide here,

they just made it public
that they're not gonna back it.

This is federal government, Hew,
not state.

And this is an election year.

Your precious PM isn't gonna risk
losing Queensland.

Peter thinks Bauer's behind it.

Shit. Tom!

Sorry, Senator.

These negotiations
pose a threat to national security.

What is it about
the safety of this country

that the Prime Minister
doesn't understand?

Well, let me help her.

It's not negotiable.

Not with white people, not with
black people, not with anyone.

Are you going to challenge
for the leadership?

You people are obsessed!

I have zero intentions to challenge
for the leadership. Thank you.

It's just
pushback from the right.

But they really shouldn't
have gone public.

So, what's next?


No, seriously.
Yes, seriously.


How am I supposed to get them back
in the room after what's happened?

You must have some idea.

Well, you tell me,
'cause I've got no idea.

Oh, Christ. It's Bauer.

Wh... Uh, Senator, no...

Damien. It's Alex.

How dare you accuse me
of profiting from these negotiations

when everyone knows you lot
get kickbacks from your mining mates

and you're constantly rorting
travel allowances?

I know you fought my appointment,
you two-faced, slimy f*ck,

and you'd blow up the party
for a tilt at the PM's job,

but let me tell you, mate,
the average Australian

would rather a used condom
as prime minister than you,

so you can f*ck right off,
you f*ckin' hypocrite!

What was that?
The truth.

You never show your hand
in politics.

What did you say to Canberra?
Negotiations are ongoing.

Patsy, two more.

Shut up, dog!

Hey, there's these things
called cups, you know?

Yeah, and there's these things
called shitheads.

Want one?

Uh, yeah. Green tea, please.


You can't stand it, can you?
Don't start.

You can't stand me being up there
and not you.

Here we go.

No, you wrote me off.
Your redneck sister.

Are you angry with me because
I disagreed with you, Alex?

I mean, grow up!

You know, I'm pretty bloody used to
you grandstanding,

but you could have at least had
the guts to stick up for me.

They almost kicked me
out of the meeting

and you stood there
and you said nothing!


These people don't know
whether to trust you,

and that f*cking government
of yours - you call them 'allies'.

What are you?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

At least you didn't
walk out on me this time.

My maiden speech.

Alright, I couldn't sit there
and hear you say those words.

I'm trying to play
the long game, Charlie.

Or, at least, I'm trying to.

What are YOU doing?

Hello there.

Nothing like a swim after a hot day.

It's alright, love.

Those are mine.

Relax. It's alright.

I run the joint.

You, uh, here by yourself?

You know...

...I usually call the cops
on trespassers.

But, um, since it's such
a stinker of a day...

...I'll let it slide.

But since I'm being nice...'ve gotta be nice too.


So, what do you reckon?

It's alright.

It's alright. It's alright.

Hey, girl.

Come on.

Come on! Come on, you black bitch!


Don't look at me like that.

She wouldn't come
to the first meeting.

Why is she gonna change her mind?

Hello, Auntie.

I heard your mother spoke up
at the meeting yesterday

and it was good.

Yeah. First time ever.

I want to show you something.

Come on.

This is a very special place.

It's called Kirrendirri.

My mum taught me about this place.

I know how important it is.

Gotta look after our country
and our culture. Right?

I promise.

I'm not gonna beg
for your attention, Tom.

You know the state government doesn't
have a say in these negotiations.

You're just looking for
an excuse to walk away.

So why don't we live in
the real world for the moment, yeah?

The federal government
wants the land,

they're prepared to pay for it,

and we now have a Prime Minister
who's willing to honour her word.

Which is why I'm giving mine.

But you walk away...

...they'll take the land anyway.

And you'll be left with... what?

60% land value?

Forget about everything else.

So, what are you gonna
tell your grandkids

when they ask why there's
no blackfellas working on the site?

Why there's still no schools?

No health care clinics?

Why there's no investment?

No care for the Dreaming sites?

And why we're still playing
in the f*ckin' dirt

when you had a chance
to change all that?

There are others in the party
who'd take this from us,

so we need to do the deal now
or we lose it.

I promised Brumby
the sites would be protected.

But we need to have a meeting
to work it out.

I've booked the hall for tomorrow.
Brumby said she'd come if you do.

And so will the others.

♪ My heart

♪ Is ready for it

♪ My skin... ♪

Uh, Senator?

Think I'd better put the urn on.

♪ I'm braver

♪ When I know I've got you

♪ Beside me

♪ Ooooooh

♪ Ooooooh... ♪

Good morning, dear.

Thank you, everyone, for coming
again. I know how hard this is.

The government wants
a 100-year lease.

So my advice... to say no.

They want our land? They can have it
for 25 years on our terms.

And then we get
to renegotiate after that.

Yeah, sis.
I think you're right there.

We all do need jobs.

These young fellas, what are they
doing with themselves?

Roaming the streets, going nowhere.

Half of that base is going to be
on my traditional country?

Then we'll support it.

But we want certainly more
than just token.

It's gotta be far greater
than just...

This thing's
gonna be good for us.

I think we should all have...

Prime Minister,
we have an agreement.

This is what we're after.

Health services for our old people
and scholarships for our young.

A housing program for families
to purchase first homes.

A guarantee of 30% jobs
to Indigenous and local contractors.

Joint approval
of the construction company.

And in return, you get your base.

So, in summary,
a $5 billion future fund

to be administered by the community

on behalf of
the native title holders.

Yes, Prime Minister. I'll pass it on.

Well done, Senator.

Now we've just got to get it
through the House.

Looks like a storm's coming.

Look what you f*ckin' did!

Gotta say,
I don't miss the neighbours.

I'm proud of you, girl.

I'm proud of you, Mum.

- It's probably the PM.
- Yeah, wanting her shoes back.

- Hello?
- Hello?

Who's this?

I'm a friend of Marcie's.

Are you the girl
who's been calling my office?

It isn't true
what he said about Marcie.

She didn't just have
an asthma attack.

They shot tear gas at us.

And then they laughed.

They were laughing as she was dying.

You lied.

You're all liars.

How do I know
you're telling the truth?

Because I was with her.

And I filmed it all.

What's your name?

Where are you?


♪ Everybody wants to touch me... ♪

This afternoon,
I declared my intention

to challenge for the leadership
of the Coalition.

I'm happy to kick Bauer's arse.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

You and the PM are cut
from the same cloth.

Hmm. Well, we both have vaginas.

I can't help you
unless I see the video.

I'm coming to Canberra.

At least half your rabble
are on the brink of revolt.

What's wrong?

And in a mutiny,

all manner of people and things,
they just get tossed overboard.
